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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 324
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This is a thread for things related to powerlifting.

Please keep the general banter to a minimum. Our standards of strength are the highest within the forum and we'd like to continue to keep it that way.

Also you must be >200lbs to post here.

Any other concerns, please speak to the general manager.

Have a nice day. Also here is your complementary cookie. I ate half.
What if i'm a 5ft manlet?
>Also you must be >200lbs to post here.
Took my trip off to ask this:
When are Bryce, Bui and that other lad competing?
but you didn't tho
200lbs regardless of height! NO EXCEPTIONS.

Also new rippetoe video:
This Saturday I think

Bruce is pretty confident hell btfo bui
5:20 ish is great
Thanks boardie!
Very funny, C",)

Can anyone explain to me why the fuck that pic is in our OP?
anyone else ever took cialis as a pre workout?? holy fuk pump is unreal, why shouldnt i take this every time before gym plg?
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>groceries purchased
>chicken stew cooking
>surfaces cleaned
>laundry folded
>bed made
>unopened organic chemistry textbook/notes in front of me

Because when you inevitably have a cardiac event from abusing different classes of drugs you have no business taking (before intense exercise), EMS will have a hell of a time trying to intervene.
give me one study that shows cialis is dangerous before intense exercise and I'll consider your statement
>tfw once I'm done with all that shit I can just sit back with a joint and watch a movie or shitpost or something equally unimportant

lmaoing at youngins still in school
Can I do weighted bench dips instead of real dips on sheiko if I'm too fat and weak?

Also when would be a good time to expect to be able to do real ones? I can only do like 3-4 reps at best currently.

I've recently started doing cardio to hopefully become less fat at some point.
Shit also forgot to ask, Z-presses alright for tricep exercise or should I be doing something more specific like overhead extensions?
>Too weak for dips
> Doing sheiko
> the tranny told me to

Fukken keeeek
Doing Sheiko beginner (#29?) was doing TM but was feeling way too beat up and was constantly failing and even regressing.

I can do some dips, but I don't think I can hit the prescribed reps unfortunately. Mainly due to being fat and not really being good at the movement.
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WAWL(istening to)T
84kg coming through
Do pushups instead. And get better at dips.
Am I going to squat 400 pounds today?
add 5 more on top of that
you can do it
rest day. Tomorrow is day 2 of sheiko 3day. looking forward to double deadlifts.
lots of whey, lots of chicken salad, lots of unhealthy carbs
Mellon COllie and the infinite sadness
Lots of feelings. Buddy of mine is leaving school. We have connected really well recently.

Also I am realizing I shouldnt have majored in CS just because
>muh stem
but I should have done classics instead.

Oh well.
Tbh probably not
you rush too much
What's the reasoning behind that?

Maybe I should just do what amount of dips I can and ignore the fact that I probably won't hit exactly what the program says I should.
Pulls and high rep benching. Supposed to do 5s on the pulls but I hate anything more than a triple so I'm gonna increase weight and do triples and maybe work up to a heavy single.

Ate fruity pebbles for breakfast and leftover chicken casserole and mashed potatoes for lunch.


Bored because Tuesdays are my slow days at work.
Deadlift up to x4 @8 and some repeats
3ct bench
Abs + rows + curls
I think this is a deload week.

Eating some bananas and drinking coffee, about to lift.

Listening to Metric.

Feeling the winter chill in the air.
Post the most up to date version of salty balls aka the chadlex program pls
Pushups are closer to doing what dips do than bench dips are. You get the same free scapular movement and you hit the pecs, delts, and tris. Bench dips are only really working your triceps and your shoulders, but are also putting your shoulders in a pretty extreme position. I'd say do as many dips as you can, and when you can't do any more, bang out some pushups.
Gonna do it senpai

Believe it
This should be the final version.


I think the RPE progression is kind of wonky reflecting back on it but whatevs
When I'm stuck not lifting for five days in a row in the middle of Sheiko, which, given my upcoming exam and travel schedule, is inibitible, how should I come back? Rewind it a week?
What do you do for work where you get to use 4chan?
how about I just use Mike T's rpe chart to calculate a new max from the test single
>have squats to do tonight
>Will be heavier than I've ever done
>Just lying on my bed, afraid
Good luck Sean. Proud of you. Get that 4 plate squat finally!
I'm not Sean :(
Exercise rehab
There's just a lot of down time in between patients and the documentation isn't really difficult so I usually shitpost while I pretend to work on my long-term projects and then I'll take a day here and there to just breeze through them.
I can't control how many patients I see or I'd be working consistently all day but since I don't I might as well shitpost in my free time.
Probably a good idea. You thinking of running it?

Video of my last deadlift on saturday. Broke my deadlift PR by 15kg, after being stuck for months. Took me to a 610kg total.

Pretty stoked.
Must be nice getting to manage your own work and having that kind of privacy
Lmao loved the little crab walk at the end! Cool name too!
red lights
kicked from fed

good job lad Tbh
That's what I'll do then.
Eh, the fact that I get paid based on how many people I see and yet have no control over that is nerve-wracking enough that it makes the job more of a stressor even with having so much freedom and privacy.
Sabre-sempai, check out my deadlift >>39684400
Nice. Good job friend. Proud of u.
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squats getting marginally better ladderinos
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Okay how about instead of marignally better, exactly the same (this is 7 weeks ago)
I'm going to call you Lithsley now
Fucking stop posting George, nobody cares and nobody likes you.
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No :)
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Because you lift the same weight months apart
That's just sheiko. I pull 7pl8 and he doesn't pull 4pl8
desu these dont even look that bad. Have you ever tried placing the bar a little higher on your back though? It would allow you to squat a bit more upright. Dont get me wrong, I dont think that forward lean is always a bad thing. It just seems to me that its a bit excessive in your case and may harm you more than do you good.
>desu these dont even look that bad
Nicest thing anyone's said about my squattos.

Yeah I've tried it. Back folds at lower weights.
Ok Lithsley.
Have you tried mid bar, tightening the fuck out of your core and just sitting down and back up?

You've got to really not give a shit about squats for it to work. Squat just flew up and this is all I do.
Virtus recommended tightening the shit out of my core, using a slightly narrower stance and squatting like his italian friends.

I'm trying to do that.
kys moo
God speed. I don't actually squat very often, so I get lazy. I just found tightening the shit out of my core is "good enough" for a half decent squat.
I recently tried this as well and it instantly felt a lot better than real low bar. But I am still very shit at squatting so I might change my opinion again.
Have you filmed your squats? Because a lot of times if squats suddenly feel very fast youre not hitting depth in my experience.
I take my god speed back

Yeah waz to depth n sheet
thats unfortunate. But I still dont feel like your current squat form is the best possible one for you, because even if you consider all the gde memes and such you should have progressed at least a bit more in your squat than you have.
I run a %maxes based program (sheiko) and I just found out my bench is a whole lot stronger with a much wider grip than my current vertical forearms.

To adjust for this, I'm planning to move out a finger a week and add to my training max as needed, keeping my final set near but before form breakdown, is this correct?
thats good. I really hope something similar works out for me too because I have literally not progressed my squat in terms of weight on the bar in months whereas all my other lifts feel decent to a point where I am confident even with high intensity.
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>you should have progressed at least a bit more in your squat than you have
Try things out man, see what works best for you. I really started seeing consistent progress when I sorted out my confidence. As soon as I became confident with the idea of pushing for small PRs every session (Bulgarian) I began being able to PR every session.

Doesn't come over night. There will be failure. There will be doubt.
But just add weight anyway.

God speed,
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It's called highbar
Where the hell did this midbar meme come from?


Hey, good job senpai!


I don't think your squats look bad either.

I think the stance width looks a bit awkward but it's just cause I personally prefer narrower stances rather than these mid-width stances like yours and hubbard's.

But the depth looked good, your back looked strong. Some valgus but it's not really the end of the world.
Please stay a GDE, so when I bench 140 at 80 whatever after less than 2 years I can rub it in.
Hell, maybe one day I'll train you if you ask nicely.
You ever experience knee soreness or pain from that caving action?
I'd go a bit slower than a finger a week. I personally adjusted a finger every 1-2 months. No need to rush it, and it gives your body more time to adapt.
Yeah but not for three years when I was doing bulgarian training
Isleys been here too long for bait, I see.
That fits perfectly because I do believe you really try hard. Thats why I think there has to be something else wrong with it.
Genetic limit? Perhaps he's been training so long he needs insane amounts of volume to progress?
It's likely something to do with how long he has been lifting and adaption.

At least, that would be my guess?
Yeah I'm the longest serving trip alongside norsie. I am basically unhurtable

t. sean has been trying for years.
about to do day one of sheiko
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God damn you're ugly
What's your bench Wilks?
And what eve became of that chubby girl you were supposedly dating?
how to stop grip slipping on high rep bench sets? my hands keep sliding wider if I try do 6 or more
Your bar knurling is poor, opt for a better bar or use chalk. If that doesn't work them do some grip training and just try and squeeze the bar harder.
Like 90 or so? Maybe 85.

Nothing. We just remained friends and we catch up now and then.

I do try hard. Everyone at my gym mentions it. And in the same breath the mention how little I get for all my hard work. It's nearly soul breaking but I embody the Myth of Sisyphus.

Have fun senpai!


and get a better bar if possible
wtf? I cant imagine that happening. Is there any knurling left on your bar? How much can you doh dl?
What is a good bench wilks?
Also what's your theory for your slow progression?
And do you get coaching anymore?
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does this seem unreasonable to anybody else?
100 is a good bench wilks

I am a genetic dead end

I do not get coaching. I run myself into the ground with inflateko
maybe you should start trying hard in a diffrent way. Of course I dont know what you already tried form wise or so, but I do get the impression that you mostly try hard in the sense of doing very high intensity. However I dont think you try as hard with your form/efficiency/technique as fil does.
It is. Wilks isn't good for single lifts. It's fitted to the total.
Where do I find a Powerlifting team in my city?

I live in [spoiler]São Paulo, Brazil[/spoiler]
>I am a genetic dead end
This is a sad fact that most of these faggots will never learn.

Right around 400 Wilks is a god-damned brick wall. You only punched through it if you are a talent Chad or if you can do enough volume to reach your natural potential. Which most people are not willing to recover from.

I'm not even joking that I think it would be a good idea for you to start steroids eventually.
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>However I dont think you try as hard with your form/efficiency/technique as fil does.

That's what he says. What if I told you that my squat looks the same at 170kg as 210kg? Like the valgus happens at 70kg.
how is 400 wilks that impressive
>I'm not even joking that I think it would be a good idea for you to start steroids eventually.
I'm content with my mediocrity

Remember: sisyphus.
>tfw 97 bench wilks
Almost there
Did you even read his post?
It's not but if you look at norses survey results you'd see that 400 is pretty much the cut off for people that have their shit together
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It's not.


Have you tried screwing your feet out during the ascent?
I've found that this is one of the things that makes the most difference when it comes to fixing valgus.
Have you got your shit together career\personal finance wise or are you still on the dole?
>Have you tried screwing your feet out during the ascent?
I've tried it during the descent and it's literally impossible.

I shal however try this
I'm getting there now. I didn't know what I wanted for a long time but now I do.
I actually want to kill all under 18 posters of PLG
What are your plans
thats not very nice
Isley, please post your squat 1rm from year to year from the last 3-4 years. no homo
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Remember to screw out, not in. The point here is to help keep your lower leg in external rotation.

Let me know if you feel any difference.
>It's not.
>tfw 240 wilks
>tfw 700 wilks but too shy to compete
that would be very intresting indeed.
btw, is alex here? I do his max every day program and wanted to ask him for his opinion on a few things.
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2011 or 2010
>tfw 88 bench wilks
literally worse than isley LMAO
low effort meme, might have potential though.
2010 then, might as well see what kind of progress you have made
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Don't ask what I was doing in 2012
programming to reach this? diet?

my squat fucking sucks and nothing makes it go up
pls respond
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>isley got a medal at worlds
what were you doing in 2012?
why no 2013?
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>2.5kg in a YEAR
all I see is somebody doing a movement their body is not built to do at all whatsoever

it's impressive that you've gotten this far
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wasnt that the year when he did focus on rowing?
Hey do you wanna be my coach? I have arms as short as yours.
you aussie
i thought you were murican
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This is what I did in 2012
thats why I suggested a higher bar position to compensate at least a little bit for it.
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That booty LMAO
You got thick
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how would this fix it? let him squat more upright?

my femurs are long as all fuck and when i move the bar up it just folds me over easier
Why flats here?
Is it better with the WL shoes? Your depth seems better in them at least.
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Isley is actually English, that's him wearing an Australian singlet at British Nationals.
if he british whye he wear aussie outfits and train in murica
double overhand gives up at like, 140/145? the bar is pretty damn smooth though. I might just have to be the autist who uses chalk on bench I guess.
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Isley 280kg Deadlift.webm
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He lived and trained in Australia for a while.

The guy on this vid is Wilks himself, who coached him here.
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Wilks insisted

I'm actually British

Okay THIS is 2010
It's because I never ever gave up and one day, I'll be a mediocrity with a 250kg squat in a world where the top ten 105s at nationals squat 300+
thats the idea. But Isley said it folds him over as well. I dont get it though. It should allow for a more upright back and a lesser back angle should make it easier to not get folded over. Unless you lose balance and lean forward too much, then of course its harder to fight the way back with the higher bar position. Can some of you kinesiology experts comment on that?
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Inb4 trappy googles an answer then avatars with child cartoon porn
I'm 197lbs what are you going to do about it?
how much is this?
right, but when you move the bar up it also increases the moment arm between the bar and your low back

the only thing you can possibly do to un-GDE yourself as a long femured squatter is to make your hip angle gigantic, but this only works for certain hip anatomies iirc

i know i can't do that at all
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I was gonna answer but seems like Anon wants to do it instead.
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Youngsley had mad aesthetics.

This is 245kg. I've always been a deadlift chad.
What was Wilks reasoning?

It's so scary bc I wake up early and try to put off going to the gym. I fucking failed and got 3,3,3 on what was supposed to be 3x5
He's kyphotic in addition to having long femurs.
I'm curious, do you know what your front squat is?
please post vid of said 675lb deadlift
The brazillian powerlifting site is shit and i can't find shit there
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looking really good back then but holy kek that technique
even your knees were awkwardly positioned kek



Powerlifting is measured in kg m8
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>please post vid of said 675lb deadlift
Sod off

I never said it was raw

No but my best is 155kg back in 2013

"Weightlifting shoes tip you forward"
thats unfortunate. I am interested in your opinion about this subject because I dont understand it.
hmm, that might be it.
>dat cox

what the fuck

isn't he supposed to be above the waterline? what happens if the boat capsizes?
were you checking yourself in the mirror mid grind?
Tbh if I eat orthorexically like I did then I'd be even more aesthetic.

But I'd probably be similarly weak. CBA. Thiccsley is where it's at.

Because trappy would still eat my bum and I can deadlift 7pl8
Wanted to see how rounded my back was

I was hilariously inept back then

>mfw I did westside unironically

He has a life jacket and fours don't capsize.
And this is my favourite video of all time ever.

I think what you meant is that you deadlift 7pl8 (((when your clothes lift 25kg for you)))
The beta orbiters are back
>likes roidaroos
>hates on equipped

I really don't get you alex. At least when I take my suit off I'm natty. Nothing pete can do can bring him up to real athlete anymore.
i'd fuck her ass
but her face is shit
It was only a little orbit. Just one rotation.
>Tfw a square hole
I see, never been in a four
If I could bench 250x9, pausing the first rep and tng for the rest, would it be reasonable to test a paused max around 315?

>Tfw your back will never look as good as Isley's
Eights only?
Who cares about back when you got a gorilla chest?
I'd let you suffocate me with your fat tits
I'm interested to see PLGs proportions



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did the manlet come with the boat
Thats good advice if you want to go through life ruining peoples opinion of you with your terrible posture
How tall are you anyway?
Why can't I have both ;-;
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I appreciate strength, not just seeing how much you can get out of some clothes. rubish is an undeniably strong person and I admire how hard he tries. as long as they are not competing in drug tested federations, I don't see why you would hold anything against them.
>How tall are you anyway?
Who is this
You've shrunk?
Should humerus be internally rotated during bench press? I just realized i might be gripping bar wrong desu lads...If its internally rotated your palms will look like those jap benchers with pinky's up, right?
what's the logic behind the mirror so you can see yourself while you squat but only at the top?
Anyone know if scoliosis will affect me alot? Got diagnosed with scoliosis, and i've noticed i'm weaker in my left side while doing bench and shoulder exercises.
Any experience with lifting while having scoliosis?
Hey, I currently do your 3 day max every day approach with good results. But Id like your opinion on a few things.
My squat technique isnt good enough to really push it without me hurting myself, Ive tried it. Because of this Im currently going as heavy as I can without tech breakdown on the single and instead of the 5x5 @ rpe9 I do like 6-8 sets of 5 at lower rpe to get my form down. Is this a good idea?

Also like most beginnerish lifters I lack upperbody mass. Do you think some light bb work on saturday would hinder my regeneration to much for bench on wednesday?

Also I ran out of weight for my dl single because I simply do not have any weight left to add in my home gym. Until I get more plates, should I do a deficit variation for the max like deficit or snatch grip?

Thanks. Others are welcome to answer as well.
No experience, but I've not heard anything good about it. Please see a doctor, physio, chiro, whatever.
just follow a proven program
Squats = death trap

Deadlifts = herniated disc

Bench = true strength and athleticism
I wanted to but there are no intermediate autoregulated programs suited to my strength level besides maybe TSA Beginner 9 Weeks. And alex said that this program is shit. Since no one else gave feedback, I decided to try his stuff.
aye, not the answer i wanted, but it's the truth i guess.
Feels bad, used to be decently strong (in the eyes of the non-lifters that is). noticed my right shoulder was lower than my left a while ago, and have shrunk from 6 feet to 5¨11.i knew i was at risk, as my some in my family have it, but didn't think i'd get it myself. not at the age of 22 atleast.
Best of luck. I honestly, with all sincerity, wish you the best.
I know what feelings you may go through, and I really hope you find a solution.

Good luck lad.
desu at this point I don't have time to do anything consistent like that unless I'm getting paid for it
what is your strength level
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>I wanted to but there are no intermediate autoregulated programs suited to my strength level

Have a look at the BLEST Free Programs.


I'm sure more people die during the bench press than squats
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>Hey, I currently do your 3 day max every day approach with good results
neat, happy for you anon. glad you like it.
>Im currently going as heavy as I can without tech breakdown on the single and instead of the 5x5 @ rpe9 I do like 6-8 sets of 5 at lower rpe to get my form down. Is this a good idea?
I would say yes as long as you're not cruising through it without feeling like it was a challenge at all.
>Do you think some light bb work on saturday would hinder my regeneration to much for bench on wednesday?
not at all. I don't think fatigue is nearly as big of an issue as people like to make it out to be. and especially if you are going to put 3 full days between it, you've got nothing to worry about.
>Also I ran out of weight for my dl single because I simply do not have any weight left to add in my home gym
>Until I get more plates, should I do a deficit variation for the max like deficit or snatch grip
my meme answer would be just don't deadlift and make the deadlift day a second squat day. but yeah srs what you suggested is probably fine. I would change it up though; don't do the same variation every time.
Im sure more people are maimed squatting
Stupid shit I did
I can pay you in kind words of encouragement?
What are some big mistakes you've made that I can avoid?
Not using max bench turned out to be one.
feels extremely shitty yeh. Kind of want to just give all the training up and go live in a chair or something, but i think that'd be even worse. Going to ask my doctor about the chances of suergery, as that can straighten me up again. It will leave me less mobile in my back though, as they will have to put metal "Plates" in to correct my spine, so it has a downside too.
If you wanna mix it up do some sets across of DL, do another compoud or exercise, then come back and do DLs to knees/DLs from boxes. Extra volume at your now max and working on your form at each part of the movement could be beneficial.
Bodybuilding is a safer option to powerlifting, you can get pretty strong and honestly it's a lot more fun than you may realise. Great benefits to body and health too.

Experiment and see what works best for you. But don't give up.
Seek other people in your situation and see what they've done.
I know how you're feeling too. Damn. Well. It gets better, I promise you.
I'm sorry senpai, between working mostly 10 hour days and having 2 jobs I just can't do anything long-term like that without some concrete incentive.
I could maybe write you a program and help you out here and there when I'm around here but that'd be about the extent of it.
And considering I've barely made headway on faceguy's program it'd probably be a while before I got a program written.
I appreciate that you want my help though.
What happened to you, if i might ask?
It's alright friend, you don't owe me anything, I was being cheeky. I appreciate that you care though. <3
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You know that one of the greats, Lamar Gant, had scoliosis right? Pretty bad one as well, it doesn't have to mean end of lifting for you...
Fucked my lower back. BAD. It's good now though thanks to McGills big 3.
thanks for the support. Theres really nothing to be mired though. I was very weak when I bought the weight and only had a vague Idea about strength training so I didnt buy very much.>>39685990
Never heard of them, will look em up, thanks.>>39685986
Im pretty weak but progressing fast. I weigh around 83 kg, best bench is 105 kg (I almost got 108 last time) tng, dl is 172,5 (but that was no true max since I ran out of weight, Id say I have like 4plates in me). Squat is something like 115, but only because I have troubles finding a way to squat without hurting myself and not so much because of lacking muscle since I try to compensate with volume.
>mcgill's big 3

which big 3?
>fell for mid bar meme for so long
I tried full low bar and the weight feels like nothing
Side bridges
Curl ups
Bird dog
(And cat camel warm up)

I just did these twice a day at first, once a day when they started getting exhausting to do.
Took about 1.5 months to fix my shit.

Back hasn't felt bad ever since. Nor has it felt "good" though, honestly.
>Lamar Gant
Didn't know that, he must've had some more problems than others though, atleast i've noticed more weakness on the left side, making it hard to progress further properly. Squats and deadlifts are fine though, for now atleast.
Backproblems suck, glad you're good again though, and thanks for the encouragement!
well yeah probably because the weight that you squat is nothing
how so I can avoid the same fate
I squat 500 at 74 young
I strained my abs and didn't brace my abs when deadlifting as a result of them being strained.

Radiating pain for months until I found McGills shit.

Only advice is
1. Do a shit ton of spinal erector work - snatch grip deadlifts being my favourite (these make my back feel good)
2. Wear a belt if you're not that good at bracing / wear a belt more often

These are my opinions before some retard starts crying over me recommending you belt up more.
>almost 7x bw squat
Mirin' desu
how is that impressive?
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>a lot
Well it is Under the ipf WR by .5lb at my age and weight
why dont u squat more narrow? Too leaned over?
Alex I kind of want to go your route and say fuck deadlifting because I am a masochist and love squatting.

The only problem is I don't have access to an SSB.

wat do
Gonna eat some more painkillers, go to bed and deadlift tomorrow anyway. See you all in hell
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you could front squat or do highbar.
your words lad

>at my age
fucking sub juniors i swear
>runs away from what he doesnt like
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no I just post memes
Which Sheiko program should I do if I'm an 82kg intermediate lifter?
I am literally the same age as frog does lifting and I could literally kill him in one punch

Damn I'm so big

Can't even fit through doors my muscles are so big

>faceguy's program
Don't put """too""" much effort into it.
Fuck off sean/trappy/haino character
Nice try kiddo
with your hip mobility you could probably do dan green bar and still go to deep.
Time stamp, or you're a character

A fake

Just like trappy
I can hit depth with my feet touching my the ends of my rack
So, even as a girl I need to be more than 200 pounds?
we're all gonna make it
No. Just pretend to be a manlet
that doesnt even make sense
Holy shit isn't it like 00:32:39 in bongland? Get some sleep.
You are too wide bro
Try front squating
Or high bar for a wile
You dont get any abductor pain for squating like that?

lol this guy
What is mobility
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What am I witnessing
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pepe has been kill for a long time already.
memed into presidency
Ayyyyyy one of my PL clubs lifts out of that stadium :)
Looking swole
>all those dyel at swinny
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It used to be worse. They're under strict instruction to gain weight now. Most people there have been going bretty gud.
how did you get into organising a club?
post rare Jesuses I need them

you'll find out why later I promise
is it a plg christmas card?
I never organized one. They only brought me on to coach.
Potato quality rare 4 u
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disregard this post
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this post is dedicated to my favorite australian in plg

thank you for always being a friend, pls never change ily
trip on Blueshoes
that is the face of a guy who gets alot of pus at his year 12 prom.
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Thank you, friend. I love it

>that is the face of a guy who gets alot of pus at his year 12 prom

Nothing could be further from the truth
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awwww that's so cuteeeeee
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All these people pulling 4-5plates that hardly squat 3 plates.
Here I am front squatting 3.5plates and I can hardly pull 4 plates without my back blowing out. I guess I am doomed to be a squat specialist

>pic kinda related
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>I'm not ashamed by my labia
Or something like that, she said.
Skip to 3:48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyi1P4y78zQ&t=235s
well done with day one of sheiko

You Russian or just a fan of the music?
fathers side is russian and moms side is a mix of german and russian, never bothered to learn russian (may soon). So i guess im just a fan from growing up around it desu.
mirin' ur talentchad af
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Nice, your squat looks really good.
Bench looks a bit erratic, not very consistent when it comes to technique. Some reps you do a good job, some reps you just seem to not really care much.
You did some very long pauses though, pretty strong.

How did you feel about the first day of training?
These few initial days won't go to very high %s. It's mostly to get you used to the volume at first.
Russian is a very fun language to learn. Based on your talent chaddery, I doubt you'll have much of a problem.
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Also, you might wanna try the jap grip (pic related). It may seem weird at first, but it takes the load off your wrists in a major way.

That, or getting some wrist wraps.
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Yusuke Suzuki 212kg Bench.webm
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Here you can see a vid of the grip.
training felt pretty easy until the last set of squats, I was just really tired

and yea I never have done real low bar so my wrists are dead from today.

also i haven't benched in 3 months i wouldn't expect it to look good
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Might want to give thumbs over grip a try for low bar, really takes a lot of stress off your wrists and elbows.
So I failed my 400 squat, but I might retry Saturday

Took 375, felt fast, so went to 400. I failed the rep cause my upper back started to round over. How do I fix this? Rows? Front squats?
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Mike Tuchscherer 347,5kg Squat.webm
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Most people who grip it close like that on lowbar wear wrist wraps. It's just really easy for fuck up the wrists or biceps otherwise.

The way you can grip the bar for lowbar, that doesn't require wrist wraps, is this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2tyOLvArw0
(you can see it at work on vid related)

Basically you do a thumbless grip in a wider position (still as close as you can without discomfort), and keep your elbows up. It feels less like holding the bar, and more like fitting it into position. If that makes sense.
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I just finished the highest volume squat sheiko day for the whole cycle and my squats actually felt comfy. Is this real life?
yea i own wrist wraps so ill try that, and if it doesnt work ill change it to what you suggest
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do u like lolis
Lads what's one weird trick to get my deadlift to not feel like absolute shit north of 80%?
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did i just watch a 70kg 17 year old smash 400 for doubles

fuck it

i quit lifting for strength

i'm bodybuilding now
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im about 78 rn if that makes you feel better
kys you twinkshit frog
Do I just repeat prep period 1 and 2 or do all 3 and reset?
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>meme close grip bp is super comfy, zero shoulder discomfort


I'm too intelligent to not dogmaticly grip max width and hurt myself
>lith on maximum damage control
ok weasel
i didnt post those but ok
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U are mean
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These are high quality pictures.
thanks lori
Staying injury free is more important to your total than the theoretical 10kg max grip might add.
thats quite a compilation you got there, you might have to "pay a toll further down the line"
also, take the pills

U wot m8?
im not your m8, friend
>tfw when weaklings have to explain memes to you
how does that feel?
Fresh bread



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