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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 276
Thread images: 55

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heres a video of liths GF lifting

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OVJigSMj48 [Embed]

also lith has a lot of hilarious (cause hes so weak) videos of himself lifting on that channel as well
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Now that the dust has settled.. between isleys ex and current, was it an improvement? Or a step backwards.. i cant really decide
>fucking bazinga chat has no search
>i didnt bookmark any of the hidden videos either
well, fuck. i kinda wanted to laugh a bit now
Isley's a downgrade for both of them. Relentless loneliness is preferable to being with that autist.
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>>>39626873 #
Isley's a downgrade for both of them. Relentless loneliness is preferable to being with that autist.
Isley's a downgrade for both of them. Relentless loneliness is preferable to being with that autist.
I thought plg was supposed to be about powerlifting. It should be /autism drama general/
thats an early one
i just noticed, that vid was addresses to trappy, seeking advice
not only is lith a fucking weasel, but he has also resorted to backstabbing...
hit the reset button lith, end the suffering once and for all
Bout to go do some heavy benching, some harrowing squats, then weighted chins and a shitton of broing out afterwards. Should be fun except for squats.
Got prescribed an antihistamine and antidepressant from the dermatologist for chronic hives.

Should I avoid it? Don't want to fuck with antidepressants even if they made me happier, I don't fuck with that. Advice pls
will working out my legs make my xyy hips not as apparent?

>i just noticed, that vid was addresses to trappy, seeking advice
>not only is lith a fucking weasel, but he has also resorted to backstabbing...

Not just advice on form, trappy fixed his gf lower back pain.

Lith the backstabbing weasel.

Listen to the doctor
why did you get an antidepressant for a skin condition
Cuz it just werks apparently

While he was smart and Jewish enough to have my trust I don't want to lose my gym performance

Thoughts? Got prescribed "Doxepin"
Not natty

>tfw you don't talk to anyone at the xfit gym because they don't know how to lift.
Okay but I'm worried it'll make me a worse athlete
doxepin isnt an antidepressant you stupid fuck
Which anti depressant?
I dunno
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more rehab work
trying to start benching again in a little over a week
Finally somebody else who uses notepad
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bulking now

two spaghetties and three garlic banana

found outthat if you put garlic salt on garlic banana it has a better flavor

finally going to leave skelly mode
diddlies up to 430x5 and a couple back off fahves
pin press 6s
front squats 6s
How is it backstabbing? It was a private video meant for trappy as a form check. She leaked it because she's a spiteful bitch acting like a child
it's p convenient. I like to use it for accessory days because i'm a retard and if it's not squat bench or dead chances are I'll forget to do it.
Is there a better snack than an Auntie Anne's pretzel???
Killl yourrrselllfff litthhhhhh
A man cannot be a bitch, you faggot moron

Also, pretty sure that trappy might as well be Sean
what the actual fuck is that. is this real
He is Sean. Who else is fucked up enough to get doxxed and have their life ruined by it and then try to do it to others?

Trappy. You're a man. No, actually at this point you're an it. Kys
Tbh lith does not have the authority to say what is or is not a man
how to fix weak mentality

t. Remove trappy/Sean from the gene pool, quality improved physically and mentally
Thanks once again plg
>whiteknighting for your gf this hard
>worrying about being doxxed instead of just doxxing yourself isley style
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Googled a definition to prove that it's not whiteknighting if it's your gf but kek i found this gold instead
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I though Sean was forever bulking. You never stopped
Watch all of Eric Bugenhagen's videos on YouTube. I'm being 100% srs.

Squat heavier.
but i have an equal squat and deadlift
this sounds like a good idea
Didlifts, block pulls, shoulder rehab/bodybuilding
>some nip used chopsticks to carefully make a dog's anus out of nori
what a time to be alive
May I recommend some high rep dumbbell presses as well.
Just don't think of it as an option to give up. Commit yourself to what you need to do, and work at it till it's done.

Simple, maybe not easy.
I've been getting into pressing again and it seems good.
i'll keep it in mind.
I'm the didlift/blocks guy, I too have a hurt shoulder. It's a little stiff at first when I try to do anything overhead but supersetting 4-5 high rep sets of DB press and facepulls make it feel great.
I heard there was a secret program, that Filip ran to please the lord
But, you don't really care for volume, do ya?
Now it goes like this...
The squat, the bench, giving it all for the final lift
The natty king composed a winning total
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>The natty king
you called?
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Lost a friend to cocaine
Couple friends to smack
Troubled hearts map deserts
And they rarely do come back
Lost a friend to oceans
Lost a friend to hills
Lost a friend to suicide
Lost a friend to pills
Lost a friend to monsters
Lost a friend to shame
Lost a friend to marriage
Lost a friend to blame
Lost a friend to worry
And lost a friend to wealth
Lost a friend to stubborn pride
And then I lost myself
Squats, OHP, pause deadlifts, and pause bench.
Rough day.
I was sick yesterday, so I had to do a double session and drop the accessories.
trust me i feel like the man
trust me i feel like the wop, rock
you can depend on the stock, watch
b*tch i got ten in the pot, drop
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>one chance at life
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Deadlifting feels so awkward to me. Literally has never felt good. Here's my starting position. It just looks weird as fuck. All I want is to be able to deadlift 600 lbs
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should I swipe left or right on my boss (29, female)

I'd say a 3 to a 6 is an improvement.
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Boardie, serious question. What did everything in your one cycle cost, needles/test/ai/pct/etc?
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>Eating the peel

Put progressively heavier weights on your head.
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nn /plg/

Sheiko deadlift day tomorrow

>also for a friend
sup Jodel bros
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I didn't even think of that, good idea lad.
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Dunno dude maybe $250?
why did everyone stop tripfagging and start avatarfagging
try sumo, my conventional was and still is dog shit but i pull 100lbs more sumo and it looks 1000 times better
i got fat boys and it worked. now time to cut to the leanest that ive been in years
also hopefully getting leaner will some how magically make my deadlift better cause leverages n shit. my bench and squat skyrocketed but not my deadlift.
Prepare for some serious stalking
Unless you lift at MF, then I'll just post what I'm wearing on a given day
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hey. so. time for TM. is this exactly the TM program? I'm still yet to read the book as my training is starting to outpace my knowledge.

does he really say to rotate 1RM for bench and press?
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What are you talking about?
that jerk holy shit
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that jerk holy shit
This squatlet finally got 4 plate at 83kg

Feels bloody good lads
Congrats, man. That's awesome.
Yeah only 1rm

My squat has always been my shit lift though
nice work man. That's pretty impressive for that bodyweight! onto 200kg now!
>only in canada
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>tfw have impressive squat
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So guys new lifter here.

How long did it take you to bench 100kg?
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Thanks lads.

240 diddy us next stop on this train though

Shame about the diddy
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guys I've finally exhausted SS. pls judge me on my LP and tell me what to do next.

squat 130kg 3x5
bench 87.5kg 3x5
press 55kg 3x5
dead 140kg 1x5
powerclean 60kg 5x3
chins 95kg bw +20kg 3x5
>130kg squats
>150kg dead
>exhausted SS

you must be handicapped
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you did well friend, find an intermediate program that looks appealing to you
Take two weeks off deadlifting and forget how the fuck to do it

Help me pls. What am i doing wrong
Squats were exhausted for me at 275 for SS, but I was good until 365 for sumo.
Leg press has really been helping my squat

Does that mean I was missing quad strength or just general leg volume?
>giv me help
>fuck you, afterwards
i knew you werent very smart, but this low and with your head so far up your ass... its depressing...
calling you a weasel is insulting to the animal, i bet those furry creatures have a deeper sense of empathy than you
>No, actually at this point you're an it. Kys
thanks for confirming my early suspicions, now i wont feel so bad when your gf leaves you, after she notices that if you are unable to take care of yourself let alone her
its just a matter of time now
>returning the bar to different spots each rep
>not letting the weight settle before initiating the next rep
>hips shooting up due to incorrect setup
>no bracing with your breathing
what are you even on about

I didnt do shit to trappy
>feelings hurt
>bobby pls remove
get. fucked.

oh its gonna be a fun ride, hope you enjoy it
lmao what

I just wanted her to stop posting porn in the non porn channel and she got so butthurt about that she left. wtf are you on about lmaoooo
Should my hips just start higher u think?
Left is correct, your setup is on the right. Don't think of it as changing your hip position, you're moving your shoulder position and the hips will set themselves. Bar should start under the shoulder blades.
Thank you
holy shit, both are fine you retard.
>thinks i didnt read the whole thing
>trying to dodge/weasel out again
low... even by your standards...
'no', Trappy was so assblasted she left of her own accord
I'll post the whole transcript I dont give a fuck

She was non stop posting loli anal porn in the general chat and I told her to fuck off and stop. She left because she's a child and couldnt handle people disagreeing with her

Trappy quote: "I make the rules" "He won't disagree with me"

She's a child who doesn't understand that sometimes people disagree with you and left because of that. Stop spreading misinformation, cuck.
you mean yourself
what a faggot. maybe redit is up your alley?

>i dont like thing
>no, i wont stop looking at thing
>gag yourself so i wont have to listen to you

>making bazinga chat sfw
>the channel title, which is always on screen, includes "Fuck Wilks"
>issue new rule after 6 months of operation

holy fuck... how dense are you?
Pretty sure fuck is not the same as loli trap porn mate

Not everyone is a faggot neet like yourself who stays inside all day
why are the new trips on plg this terrible? Its like 12 year olds from canada
There is no reason to tolerate Lith.

And yet, here we are stuck with shitty, useless, weak, unfunny, weaseling, underage faggot Lith instead of useful, knowledgable Trappy.
>user has removed the video

LMAO whats that kids issue
There was literally another channel for her to post porn in, and she refused to use it. I didn't kick her senpai. She wanted everyone else to accommodate her desire to spam porn. It was a completely reasonable request to make of her, and she had a tantrum about it. Channel title isn't viewable on mobile either, unless you specifically click channel options.

>Issue new rule 6 months after operation
1. Pretty sure it hadn't been nearly that long.
2. Trappy's porn spamming had been getting increasingly worse and more frequent.
>Pretty sure i could just block a single users content, if i was unhappy with it, instead of being so assblasted like i am mate, but i took the long approach to it

more like sydney, aus
moot was right all along with the iprange ban
>trappy going insane when she doesnt get her way

typical tranny shit, no offense

dumb millenials...
Have you changed the username change option yet?
stop being a rule fag for once, holy shit you're not only fat but autistic too
>receives spam on the email inbox
>issues gag order to origin instead of blocking said origin
ayy, this cannot be happening...
No, but you can ask a moderator to give you the rank of "Not Sean or Panzer" and you will get username permissions

Diverting traffic != Gag order
if you squat lowbar, probably quads.
fucking childish drama

No wonder everyone good left
>single users content


it's just porn in general, keep it out of the fucking general chat. Trappy was just the one who posted 99% of it

lith and fat fucktard are pure pussy numale generation cancer
Tru dat
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>lith takes 2 years to bench 100kg and here I am. Can't even get a GF
>global rule: messages > /dev/null
>diverting traffic
really? how is that so?
>i refuse to use the block function on the offending posters
good for you, do you also need help going to the bathroom?

These are lies.
I was there, I read the chat from the whole day.

Lith and Fat Retard are lying through their teeth.

Fun facts:
Trappy helped fix Lith's gf back pain and fixed her squat
Trappy talked Sean out of doxxing Fat Retard on 4chan

They both know they are guilty as fuck, so they keep lying about what happened.
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I didn't ask her to stop posting porn, I simply asked her to post it in the porn channel and not the main one
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>didnt ask
>enforced rule
its amazing that you can write a somewhat readable reply
stop telling everyone what to do
how does it feel that a tranny is more alpha than you.
>Stop telling everyone what to do

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wow you sound like a massive vagina
beta bitch detected

Pictures clearly show that there's more to the story than you and Lith are letting out.
Trappy mentions how it all started with Lith bullying her.

In the same day she was forced to leave, Lith and his GF bullied Trappy all morning.

Before Trappy left, Lith and Jeff got together and spammed Trappy with bait and shitposting in a way she could not respond.

During this period where Trappy wasn't able to talk, Fat Retard had a power trip and said stuff like 'I make the rules' 'I have the power here'.

Even though Trappy had talked about alternatives with Fat Retard through PM, and Fat Retard decided to make a strawpoll about the issue. But during his power trip and while Trappy was vulnerable and unable to respond or defend herself because of Lith and Jeff, Fat Retard talked Trappy down, confirmed himself as the ultimate authority and ignored the poll or the conversation he had with Trappy and made it official that he's gonna adhere to what Lith wants regardless of reason.

This action from those three people bullying Trappy and leaving her out of ways to respond forced her to leave.

And should ask for forgiveness instead of lying to /plg/ when we can read the entire shit or ask Trappy about it.

Also, the porn posting had died down a lot. In that day, Esmeralda asked Trappy to post something for her. This is what spiralled down into Lith later coming back in a rage and insult Trappy for the whole morning.
>Bullying is ok
>Bullying is part of plg culture!
>if you cant handle the bully, leave

but as soon as your princessa is under fire, all the beta orbiters kick into 5th gear to whiteknight her

lmao fuck off.

I'll post the transcript if discord isn't a shit
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>Not pictured, when I told everyone to use the porn channel to post porn when I created it

>Stop trying to keep order in the channel you're admin of

Powerlifting is a pretty autistic sport
you must feel high and mighty with those big admin arms of yours
the thought of you bullying anyone is hilarious
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you do understand the irony of assigning moderation rights to a person that is breaking rules, right? rules that perhaps were set in place on that very same hour?
how are you even arguing about this? just admit defeat and leave with some glory to your little snowflake chat

You have a POWER TRIP because Trappy AS THE ONLY MOD ONLINE told Lith to fuck off

that you had a POWER TRIP like a teenage kid being admin of something stupid for the first time.

Honestly you should be ashamed of hurting someone who helped save you from doxxing and never even bragged about it in public or to you. Someone who considered you a FRIEND. Who never asked anything in return.

Everyone- exception being Trappy before all this happened, wants Lith to fuck off from /plg/


Holy kek what're you autists up to

Just came back from hours of watching Eric Bugenhagen videos, a bench PR, and still feeling anxiety over my bad weed trip yesterday
Transcript of one of the main parts where trappy left

there's definitely more before this but I cant be bothered to find the only relevant sections desu


Trannies get assblasted because some people dont worship them, beta orbiters who do worship them are now assblasted too

Post the transcripts from all the harassment you and your girlfriend did to trappy because she posted a lewd picture when esmeralda asked.

Post them.

I fucking dare you you little bitch beta boy.
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>bad weed trip
>tripping on weed

are you 12!??!?!
hey man, you obviously were there, you can do the work for me
Oh. I mean trappy is a nice lady but she shouldn't post dicks I guess

Glad I never joined plg discord kek.
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Lith got pissed off at her and insulted her, sure, but I was asking her to stop spamming porn during the day and in the main channel before that happened

The other channel was created a day or two before this happened.

>I had the power trip
>Literally completely ignoring the contents of >>39630561

I considered her a friend too, but a friend wouldnt tell me to shut the fuck up when I ask someone that wasn't even her to post porn in the porn channel.

Since you seem to have such an intimate knowledge of the situation, and have access to things that only either Sean or Trappy would know, you must be her, since Sean is never up this late. If you want to unblock me Trappy and pm me about it, you're free to do so.
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>there's more to this but I only wanna post the parts where I look good and trappy looks bad

>wouldn't want to prove >>39630546 right, haha
No. I'm pretty new to weed and I brought 2gs into the woods with me to smoke. Except it was raining super hard and I was wearing shorts. I was on a small rock beach near a river and as I was getting high the water level started rising. I freaked and thought I was dying of hypothermia and ran thru the woods but felt nothing in my body but tingling. I ran to a car for help but she wouldn't let me in so I ran to the nearest subway and tried to re-enter my body. Scary shit
>Trannies get assblasted because some people dont worship them, beta orbiters who do worship them are now assblasted too
no "buddy", what you need to understand is that some people hate hypocrisy, it has nothing to do with who got shafted in this but more with the sense of moral superiority of the persons involved. but im probably wrong if i think you could understand it
see >>39630154
I'm not denying shit. I insulted her a lot because I got mad that she was being a stubborn power abusing fucktard.

>>39628136 this is easily the worst thing I said to/about her though
Hey fat retard can you unblock me/add me back on discord I miss talking to you. You can block me if I get too annoying or whatever. I just miss you a lot, but if you don't wanna talk it's ok
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you sound like a loser. never reply to me again.

There was no porn spam, Trappy posted one picture.

>Literally completely ignoring the contents of

Contents of what? Trappy telling Lith to stop trying to tell her what to do? I can't blame her for being rude to Lith after his week-long bullying mission on the /plg/ chat.

>but a friend wouldnt tell me to shut the fuck up when I ask

You didn't ask.
YOU COMMANDED HER TO OBEY. That's why she told you to fuck off.

YOU are the one who killed the friendship. You're the one who never did anything besides hurting the other person.

>and have access to things that only either Sean or Trappy would know, you must be her

You think Trappy has no friends? You think no one cares?

You should grow up and apologize to Trappy.

And Lith should hang himself and be banned from posting anywhere.


So you're not gonna post it?


>There was no porn spam, Trappy posted one picture.

I see you've never been on the plg discord, would you like an invite link?

>stubborn power abusing fucktard

You insulted her before she kicked you.

You were kicked because you were spamming insults like the stupid australian shitposter you are.
>The other channel was created a day or two before this happened.
wrong, it is older than that, and you as "commander and chief"/"ruler" should have known that
also, there was no rules set in place for it, it was just enforced after the results of that strawpoll
oh and before i forget, are you still arguing that demanding people to adhere to a defined ruleset on what is a private discord (no one gets in without invite) is still better than simply blocking that user if you dont like the contents posted? wtf...

We are talking about this day in specific. There was no porn spam, it was posted a single manga picture at the request of Esmeralda.
Yeah I did but it turned into her kicking me when I said literally anything

>there was no porn spam
After we had the first argument trappy LITERALLY said "I'm going to start spamming porn, if you dont like it, get out." and she did.

What the fuck are you samefags talking about like you were there when you clearly weren't
Lith is probably the worst trip in all of fit history. Hes not even funny with his shitposts. His girlfriend also looks like a hag
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So trappy-chan saves you from sean and is a long-time friend of yours.

And this is how you repay?


So trappy-chan helped your girlfriend to get rid of a back pain that was going on for months for free, saving you the need for physio or doctors.

And this is how you repay?
This was the exact moment she left. I really do need to go to bed, no need to waste anymore time arguing about this instead of sleeping.

No tbf, I agree with her kicking you and stuff because that really wasn't ok to talk to someone like that. Regardless of how much you disagree with someone, calling them names is just pointless.

>Contents of what
Contents of her saying that she makes the rules and is in control.

>You commanded her to obey
Did you not read what I wrote? I wasn't even talking to her when she told me to shut the fuck up. And not only this, I was basically on my knees asking her when I pmed her. I didn't call her names, and I asked many times prior, as nicely as was possible.

>Has no friends
Of course not, but if she didn't tell me, or the person she came back for, Paul, then why the heck would she tell someone else.


>after I attacked trappy with my girlfriend for the whole morning trappy posted a couple of people having sex to spite me

You're honestly pathetic Lith.


The strawpoll wasn't even over. Fat Retard scrapped it during his power trip.
Goodnight friend

Sleep well
>all this negativity directed towards my senpai Fat Retard
Cmon guiz. Remember the power of friendship?
>And this is how you repay?

You don't honestly think I set out with the intention of getting her to leave do you? How the fuck would I possibly plan that out with the original intention of "we need a sfw channel so people in public don't think I'm a perv".

Trappy was a good poster and I wish she stayed. She attentioned whored A LOT but she was still a quality poster. It's just a shame she acted like a child when someone told her she couldn't do whatever she wanted.


this strawman is getting out of control desu, you fucks aren't even being honest. Although you weren't really in the first place.

>strawpoll wasn't even over
Literally one person voted yes which was trappy
you're bad boyo desu

Don't come back you sack of shit.

>Contents of her saying that she makes the rules and is in control.

OH NO She triggered your stupid power tripping inner child!

You made her a mod you stupid fuck of course she was in control.

Stop defending the VERMIN that Lith is and apologize to someone who's actually a good person and a friend that cares.

> I wasn't even talking to her when she told me to shut the fuck up

She was involved in the conversation that you jumped in. Of course she's gonna respond to you.

>I was basically on my knees asking her when I pmed her

You weren't we can see in the screenshots. You were already in the early stages of your power trip and didn't give a flying fuck about Trappy explaining why she doesn't want the porn rule or listening to the alternatives she presented.

>or the person she came back for, Paul, then why the heck would she tell someone else

I guarantee you she talked about this story to at least 5 people this night alone.
>Stop defending the VERMIN that Lith is and apologize to someone who's actually a good person and a friend that cares.

Fun fact, I actually apologized to him and he flat out ignored me

>I guarantee you she talked about this story to at least 5 people this night alone.
What is "attention whore"

Yeah, look what Fat Retard does to his friends.


I'm not lith. I just want fat retard to have a nice rest because he's one of my favorite posters on /Plg/
>like you were there when you clearly weren't
i shouldnt laugh but i kinda giggled
>off by one hour
well, colour me me wrong then, for recalling 1 am of the next day was still the day before
>I really do need to go to bed, no need to waste anymore time arguing about this instead of sleeping.
weaseling too? oh come on fatmong...
wait! change the chat title to one of the following
before you fall asleep, that way people wont join that chat with the idea of talking about pl
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Thanks WL, I might add you back soon, depends on how backed up I am with stuff

Here was the beginning of the PM's, really need to go to bed now.

>Fun fact, I actually apologized to him and he flat out ignored me

You didn't. Trappy is too good to ignore someone apologizing.

Go fuck yourself with a barbed stick and die of internal bleeding you lying vermin.

>What is "attention whore"

Talking to her friends is now being an attention whore?

Or is it spamming this private issue here on /plg/ like you and fat sack of shit are doing?
>tfw people actually care more about rules than friends
>Trappy was a good poster
Understatement of the season.
4chan ads add qualitative better content than you, but maybe that's the point.
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You'd think that. Trappy is the only person in this situation acting like a child

Ironic how Trappy is the worst offender of this. literally left all her 'friends' because she didn't wanna follow a simple fucking rule
>flat out ignored me
you see that? that is how "Block User" works! isnt it an amazing feature instead of lashing out on people?
I'm only the one who said goodnight friend, that other anon wasn't me lol

But thank you :) im going to bed too right now
what the fuck! the drama is real!

>Here was the beginning of the PM's

Shows fucking nothing. Right after this screen trappy will mention that she's not gonna post on the second channel because this shit started as a targeted bullying from lith towards her.

So you shift your gear from pretending to be a good and calm leader to power tripping general of the universe.

Honestly if I ever did what you did to a friend I wouldn't even be able to sleep. I can't even imagine how putrid you are on the inside that you can write so many lies on /plg/ about someone who never did you harm, only treated you nicely, and helped you when you were helpless.

I hope you choke on your own pig greed while you sleep.
Well if he blocked me that's not my fault. I still apologized

>this shit started as a targeted bullying from lith towards her.

Can this meme stop? why the fuck would i start out trying to bully her? What does that even mean? I literally just wanted to open discord in public without seeing dicks everywhere




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>pic related
>poor lithuania thinks half this convo is you

> I literally just wanted to open discord in public without seeing dicks everywhere

I remember that in the exact same day you started to complain about porn to Trappy and command to her that no porn should be allowed, you spammed porn yourself later on when Trappy wasn't online.

This was noticed by everyone in the discord, so don't try to lie your way out of this one.
what part of that was a lie lel

baka people who join the plg discord but are too beta to even talk in it
Yeah I did because it wasn't a rule

at that point it was just an idea that actually i thought of because out of everyone, i probably posted the most porn
He did

She was the one that left the discord, blocked me, and asked Paul to remove me and someone else from his discord. I never threatened to kick her, demod her, etc. I never insulted her either.


Don't ever respond to me ever again you rat. Vermin.

You're filtered. Thanks for the laugh. Hope you die being hit by a car like the stupid vermin you are.
>if he blocked me that's not my fault
are you really starting to understand how blocking works?
now turn things around and image if you had blocked trappy instead, if non-porn/"important message" got posted and you didnt read it, whos fault would it be?
>I still apologized
so everything is magically better after you posted some words that no one read?
if you would cut someones arm off and payed for the medical bills and some severance would that make it ok?

>t. hates hypocrites
> if you had blocked trappy instead

Are you trappy? because this is the same argument she posed. Just because I don't want to see some parts of what you post doesn't mean I want to stop seeing everything you post. Trappy wanted me to disable ALL images just so she could post porn. Trappy was a quality poster, the only people I block are shitty posters who don't contribute anything like hanke and sean.

>so everything is magically better after you posted some words that no one read?

Never said this but apologizing is definitely a start to fixing things and finding a solution. Who knows? if she didnt' flat out ignore me, maybe she'd still be here.

>He did

He was clearly blocked because trappy got tired of being harassed by our australian friend.

Just because he apologized once does not mean he can proceed to harass and attack trappy again a few hours later.

>She was the one that left the discord

You Lith and Jefferson bullied her out.
Don't act the fool here, you know what happened.

>blocked me

Like any sane person would do.

>and asked Paul to remove me and someone else from his discord

Why would she want you in her private discord when you actually literally BULLIED HER OUT from your discord with Lith?

Are you serious?

>I never threatened to kick her, demod her, etc. I never insulted her either.

'Yeah I killed him but I never called him names or flayed his skin off'

Die in your sleep you disgusting inhuman piece of shit.
My objective bystander not-in-the-discord opinion:

fat retard and lith are autistic manchildren numales

trappy is a weird tranny pedophile hentai poster

you are all in the wrong
>He was clearly blocked because trappy got tired of being harassed by our australian friend.

I don't think so because she was replying to everything I said afterwards.

>bullied her out

TIL disagreeing with someone is bullying

Most discords have a "no porn in general chat" rule. Even porn ones I'm connected too have that rule

Images aren't disable, you can still see them.

I use this feature on my cellphone since discord was launched.

Instead of being a retard you should've tried it yourself.

>if she didnt' flat out ignore me

She didn't ignore you, she was unable to see it because she had to block you to stop you from harassing and insulting her.
>people who join the plg discord but are too beta to even talk in it
>are too beta to even talk in it
>too beta
>talk in it
why should i contribute to the "wonderful" pl talk in there when all i see posted is
lol i wish tbqh but I just can't be mean to anyone :/ in the end i end up feeling worst that the other ppl.
i just hope the whole drama ends soon, i don't like seeing friendos go apart

>she was replying to everything I said afterwards

She wasn't. Look at the logs.

>TIL disagreeing with someone is bullying

You can pretend you were just disagreeing. We can read the truth.
>Tfw I have Lith blocked just because he sux and dont give a shit about the Trappy situation
as much as these anons would like to disagree, I'm with you. I don't want this shitty fucking drama. All I wanted was a sfw channel where I could talk to people in public. It didn't even have to be the main one but since there were two channels, the porn one and the non-porn one, I said the general channel should be the non-nsfw one.

I honestly cant believe it's escalated to this level just because someone said that someone else should stop posting porn where it doesnt' belong. if I had the hindsight to see the outcome, I probably would've not even bothered desu

>look at the logs
how cause scrolling up for 10 minutes is hard
She said she would leave if there was a rule that porn couldn't be posted in the main channel, shown right here. I most certainly didn't bully her, all I did was disagree. The only people that did insult her in some way were Lith and Jeremy, but the other people in the discussion did no such thing. She didn't choose to leave until I told her that no porn was allowed in the main channel. >>39630467

I hope so too Manta. Hope all is well with you. Going to bed for real senpai, have to be up in a few hours.

Same... :(

>I don't want this shitty fucking drama



Another bystander not-in-the-discord question:

Why would someone post loli porn in a powerlifting discord?

What drives someone to do something so fucking disgusting?
It was just locker room talk mate

> I most certainly didn't bully her

Yeah you during your power trip stomping down on her while Lith and Jeff spammed her with insults was not bullying, you were just disagreeing!

>She didn't choose to leave until I told her that no porn was allowed in the main channel

You were so into your power trip that you ignored every thing that was discussed, even the poll you created, and just decided to kick her out because you felt threatened.

Reminder that trappy protected you when you needed.

I wish trappy was like you, so you would be doxxed and I could ruin your personal life.
>Just because I don't want to see some parts of what you post doesn't mean I want to stop seeing everything you post.
hahahahaha, omg you cant be serious, how do you function in society? better yet, how are you still alive in todays day and age?
>I block are shitty posters who don't contribute anything like hanke and sean.
again with that same argument, i dont know if anyone has informed you yet but sean has contributed more to the chat than you do (jesus christ did i really write this? sMh)
>Are you trappy?
so gullible...

this is starting to look like /fit discord
really, its almost like what they did to you there (yours was even worse, for no reason whatsoever, but the other disc is pure cancer so no loss, iMo)
Fuck you you bunch of autists I don't want to hear about who posted porn in a chatroom talk about literally anywhere else.


Will Jezza be able to compete toe-to-toe with Ray at next worlds? Or is his deadlift to low for him to able to make up the difference in the squat and binch?

It was not loli porn, stop listening to anything Lith says.
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>come to /plg/ for first time out of curiosity and because i had an on-topic question.
Yeah sorry you're right. They had dicks so it's not loli but underage trap hentai

You can thank our incredible trips Lith and Fat Retard.
Don't lie. You like this fucking drama you stupid attention seeking kid.
Your lithposting is the digital equivalent of my kid going "look how fast I can run daddy" the whole day. Is this your problem?

>inb4 bullying lith
This place went one step closer to the shitter with this, cut out your fucking drama and your fucking reasons, take that to another place.
What is that beautiful music? Also what do Jezza and Rat squat/bench? Isn't Ray's around 550 bench and 850 deadlift or something?
>Don't lie. You like this fucking drama you stupid attention seeking kid.

I don't like the effects of it but wew arguing with idiots like you is pretty fun tbqh

>underage trap hentai

Highschool age which is your age and the age of your girlfriend, remember
if not older.
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>powerlifting discord
right... see pic related
>What is that beautiful music?

>Also what do Jezza and Rat squat/bench? Isn't Ray's around 550 bench and 850 deadlift or something?
Ray bench like 240-245, deadlift 383. Jezza benched like 260 at worlds, don't know what he's good for now. He's kind of bad at deadlifts, only like 320.
Age number literally means nothing with art

You can't just draw a middle aged man and say he's 4 years old. Vice versa

you literally just scrolled back hours pages and pages to find something with nothing related
yee but it was froggo's ass burguer mostly, He was like "oh I'm the admin so i do what i want" even tho ppl were trying to calm his spergs down. he even made up stuff to justify it because he knew he really didn't have any real reasons but his spergs.

The characters are highschool age and look like highschool age.

Do you even know what loli is?


YOU NEVER post anything useful. The only time you're 'related' is when you talk about your shitty weak lifts.

Everyone in this thread wants you to leave, no exceptions.
Half of it wants you to die.

So do everyone a favor and never come back here ever again.
For one I am happy trappy is gone

Now keep bullying Lith and maybe he leaves too

> "oh I'm the admin so i do what i want"

Wait are you talking about fat retard or did froggo just pulled a fat retard himself?
kek i love it when anons run out of things to say.

Full ad hominen blast
Jezza's probably good for beating Ray at bench, and squat's gonna be a tough matchup. Ray is progressing quickly and 1005 looked easy as hell for him. We're gonna have a 500 kilo raw squat by 2020.
You don't argue with me. But if you want to here are my points:

This shit has nothing to do with /plg/, go make your own lithposting/drama/autism general, there are people interested in more than petty shittalk.

Trappy added more value than you ever will here, thus nobody will ever care about your little autistic discord disadventures, are you really surprised people are on her side?
>>powerlifting discord
>nothing related
thanks for proving my point
>you literally just scrolled back hours pages and pages
correct, two hours ago, to be precise. scrolled maybe what 5 or 6 screens, its not that much "powerlifting content"
>a-ad hominem!


>Full ad hominen blast

You're supposed to talk about the anon, not about yourself.
>This shit has nothing to do with /plg/

You're right. It's why I don't even bring it up.

>Trappy added more value than you ever will here, thus nobody will ever care about your little autistic discord disadventures

She did desu, although imo she added more than 99.9% of posters so that's not exactly fair. By your logic, plg should become trappy general with the only person allowed to post being trappy

>are you really surprised people are on her side?

Not really tBh, this is 4chan. Beta orbiters are retards are abound

ad hominen is objective, projecting is not.
no, that happened in the /fit/ discord, not the /plg/ one
a little warning, nothing of value is posted there, its basically /b/ without rules and a couple of authoritarians
Im talking about froggo he actually said that after people were telling him he was being irrational.
and he got that episode after I mentioned there should be anctual fit disc. because had turned the one into racoon disc.

>You're right. It's why I don't even bring it up.

You're the one who brought it up...

>She did desu

Yeah remember when she fixed your weakass skeleton underage girlfriend?

I wonder what you Australians do after an appointment with a doctor. Do you throw feces at them? Do you bring the feces in a bag to throw at the doctors after they fix you? Or do you just poop in the floor of their office?
Unless Ray pulls some crazy shit like a 500 kg squat or a 400+ kg deadlift next worlds is probably gonna be extremely close but slightly in Ray's favor, could even be decided by a depth call.
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This shit is what happens when Isley stops gatekeeping /plg/ from retarded and weak trips.
desu it's getting boring when there's no actual sustenance in your argument. Pretty hypocritical how you orbiters get so assblasted that I bullied trappy but you're """bullying""" me now

might just head out tbqh
>inb4 but you deserve it!
I think Ray will beat Jezza on squats, and a 20 kilo bench difference isn't gonna make up for a 63 kilo deadlift difference. The only shot Jezza has is beating rays squat by a wide margin and getting his deadlift to a reasonable number. But yeah will be close and interesting

Can't wait for the battle of the SHWs
Maybe you don't bring it up but you don't stfu about it. Let it settle and maybe we can go back to routine and lithposting.

>By your logic, plg should become trappy general with the only person allowed to post being trappy
No, by my logic I explained to you in simple words why people think trappy > lith

>Not really tBh, this is 4chan. Beta orbiters are retards are abound
What a presumptuous thing to say. As above, file under reasons why people like trappy. Or reasons why people dislike lith. I don't care, I want my topic back.
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>Let it settle and maybe we can go back to routine
>b-but i need to have the last word!
nobody does
i regret that things went the way the did but hopefully the drama ends soon, it'll just keep dividing ppl
>I wonder what you Australians do after an appointment with a doctor.

>complain to the hospital head about doctor having lewd/pornographic pictures/drawing of humans on the walls
>try to get doctor to remove and stop using such content in the hospital office he uses
>have doctor removed from hospital if he refuses to adhere to the new rules

oh come on, that has one huge "b8" sign written all over it
kek I love how you tried to use an analogy to prove a point but it just ended up supporting mine

If you worked a job with your own office, do you honestly think they'd let you have porn on your wall?

Yes my doctor has paintings and statuettes displaying naked humans and even sex.
>ended up supporting mine
omg my sides are about to erupt
have you ever been to a doctors office? what kind of posters do they have there? ever been to a urologist or gynecologist? how explicit were the posters there?
i cant believe this hahahaha
do they even have healthcare in aus? or is it just a bunch of shamans in the middle of the kangoroos?

You're getting bullied because you deserve though.

You're literally scum and should be driven away.


>nobody does

I'd agree with you in the past but then I met Lith.
Guise can I save this image of the rice? <3
Stfu already. You can't read and you keep arguing like a 10y old, see >>39631019 and
>But you are all beta orbiters and retards
Agreed, I only joined to watch this shit show not be involved in it
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lewd/pornographic pictures = anatomy diagrams?

stay mad that i killed your princessa
real talk here. was the trappy that came back the same as the first trappy? or was it some imposter?
Go back to weakpots Hayden. No one likes you.
>penis on the wall
>at work
not the same as
>cartoon picture
>with penis
you are right, the ones on the doctors wall are much more detailed and are in an place that has to serve both adults and children, not some special snowflakes chat, in the dark side of the internets, where you can only get in by invite and can block said content from view

>tfw fr is in damage control now
is it true that unless I have a 400 wilks I'm probably handicapped?
fugg :DD
This one's a shitshow. Fresh start here >>39631177
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Hope they sort out the discord drama.

This thread just proves the need for containment.

You don't know what "qualitative" means
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This is the correct opinion. If you are involved in this or care about any of this, take a nice long walk and think hard about your life.
Thread posts: 276
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