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I want to have a super skinny low muscle mass body, and theoretically,

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I want to have a super skinny low muscle mass body, and theoretically, I'm very close to getting there.
My one concern is that I used to be morbidly obese and my stomach shape has a very defined hanging belly or muffin top front. It keeps getting smaller and smaller, but it's not really receding or changing shape.
Has anyone managed to get rid of that shape?
jesus christ how is it even possible to get such physique in OP picture? even the jews in auschwitz looked better
He's probably pretty tall too I'm guessing so it must spread out a lot better.
Tfw I looked the same when I started lifting
are you a girl?

I'm like him, if not even worse just with a wider frame.
Same boat as you OP and I finally decided it's not going away without more muscle. Doing SS now at maintenance calories until I hit a wall, then seeing how I look from there. 5'11 138ish for the record.
How much did you used to weigh?
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280. Sorry for shitty quality.
You getting that loose skin surgery or what?
I'm saving it as a last resort. I want to see how I look after maxing out my lifts at maintenance and taking my cardio more seriously. I'm getting a dance pad for Stepmania soon, so I'll see if that extra cardio+lifts will help with recomp.
Condolences on the skin, congrats on the weight loss. It don't look great but at least you can fucking run around and enjoy life and stuff now. 280 must have felt miserable. Gl on the gains making. Keep that chin up sweetness. Looking a thousand times better than you did.
Thanks, I really do appreciate the support. I hope I've provided some insight for OP as well.
What the fuck is this thread? Am I on /fa/?
Fuck off you anorexic gains goblin.
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Going full Styx mode?

Anyone have the screenshot where he shows his stomach?
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Just so you know that I am not full of shit when I tell you this. I went from 375 lbs down to 200 lbs then bulked up to 220 lbs at 6'4''

Surgery is not going to be your last resort, it is your only resort. There is nothing you can do (every cream, workout, diet or whatever is a scam) outside of surgery.

Start saving up, it will be worth it simply for the quality of life.
Unlike what this fucking moron said (>>39434948) its simply undereating.

I was the same, started eating properly, boom, problem solved.
How much was it and how long was the recovery?
I live in Germany so my health insurance covers most of it (belly and thighs). The chest I will have to pay by myself (approx. 6.000-8.000 €).

The recovery takes about 1 week of hospital, then 2 weeks of not being able to work followed by 3 weeks of still wearing a sort of body suit to keep pressure on the wounds. In total about 6 weeks until you are more or less back to normal. Feeling some tightness for up to 10 weeks after the operation is normal.

I forgot to mention that all this is not done in one sitting. It is three separate operations (thighs, stomach and chest). Each operation has the same 6-8 weeks of recovery.

2017 is going to be pretty shit i guess :/
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The picture on the left wasn't even my highest weight (around 375 lbs) I don't usually go round showing this stuff off, but mark my words people. Never EVER get fat in your life... you will regret it! Climbing out of that hellhole filled with nothing but inferiority complexes, self hatred, depression and hopelessness is hard, really really hard.

This. He's most likely a lanklet.
yeah, their on her head that's attached to that fat fucking ugly body.
You weigh 138 at 5'11? What the fuck? I'm skinnier than you, and weigh 178. Sure, I have some muscle on me, but god damn, i didn't think someone of our height could weigh that little.
try ibutamoren
What's that?
The worst part is that as long as I have this saggy gut I'll always feel guilty about eating. I had about 4-5k calories today for a company Thanksgiving but I ate around 600 calories a day this week leading up to it, will be fasting tomorrow, and will probably not break 2k Saturday and Sunday combined. Have to repeat next week for family Thanksgiving. Being able to try literally everything at events like these is nice but the lead up and guilt is overwhelming. I think it's safe to say I have a very unhealthy relationship with food, but I view my calories in a weekly basis more than daily,which probably isn't good for lifting.
How do you look now? How long did it take?
I'm in the same boat and need some inspiration.
it induces your body to produce more HGH and IGF-1. Not as strong as injecting straight-up HGH, but more convenient since you can take it orally, legally acquirable via the internet and probably safer. The increased HGH & IGF-1 will improve your skin and make stretchmarks fade etc

Also, Winstrol

Also, dermaneedling/dermarolling
How long until you can lift afterwards? Was it worth it? Do you have scars?
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yup i look the same
post ur boypucci
8 weeks after operation you can start doing light lifting, 10 weeks after surgery you should be good to go back to regular lifting.

I haven't had the operation yet but you will be left with plenty of scars after it. In my case I will have 3 operations next year, all spread 10 weeks apart. That means I will be unable to lift for almost 7,5 months.

But I quite sure that it is going to be worth it, now my goal is to have a very low BF% to make sure they can give me the max. skin tightness and by the end of 2017 I will able to start bulking up for real.

This is all very long term, but I seeing what is behind me, I will never turn back.
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