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Im fat. But I don't want to put in loads of time. I study

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Im fat. But I don't want to put in loads of time. I study and work. I either need a /fit/ bloke to call me a fat cunt every day to motivate me or I need someone to genuinely help. I'm too socially inept for personal trainers irl. Stats

Weigh 190lbs
5ft3" shortie
Lot of fat in the middle apple shape. Pics for anyone who agrees to halp
>But I don't want to put in loads of time
Congratulations you just played yourself

All you need to do is not eat like a pig all day and walk for an hour or two to look good

Also post pics
You're fat.
What the fuck kind of help do you want from us? Read the fucking sticky and follow its advice. Delete this fucking thread you attentionwhoring bitch.
I don't have the time rather than don't want to put in the time. My mistake.
Eat less you fucking shitcunt. Use myfitnesspal and track what you eat. It takes literally 0 extra time.
Typical fatty who wants the results without putting in the work. Enjoy your diabetes.
One of the main things I was wondering is that I've already got stretchmarks and I'm already fat. Is there any point in becoming fit or skinnier when it will just result in grosser looking stretchmarks and saggy skin, tits that look like baseballs in a long sock?
>Is there any point in becoming fit or skinnier

To have better health
To look better
To feel better
Easier finding clothes
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This >>38793548.
Forget about the thread because you aren't getting better advice.

>Implying we want to see your fat ass

If you stop being a fat waste of space i'll show you MUH DIK
This is your answer. Myfitnesspal
>But I don't want to put in loads of time
I have some bad news for you sweetheart.
Calm the fuck down home alone.

OP track calories and eat less. Lifting is good too but you don't even have to.
I'm shorter than you and weigh 90lb less. That is so sad.
Eat less. Thinner people are judging you.
>But I don't want to put in loads of time. I study and work.

Literally only takes 3-4 hours a week for a basic exercise routine. Assuming you sleep 9 hours a day, you have 105 waking hours a week which means exercise would be taking up just under 4% of your time every week. The "I just don't have time" meme doesn't fly at all, it's just an excuse for lazy people. Besides losing weight mainly diet. If you want a change then work for it.
You dont havr to exercise at all to just get down to ok bmi, its much easier to restrict diet than to work it off, 1 hr on the treadmill only works off a chocolate bar
i dont understand why fat people make it so hard to loose weight. u dont have to have to go running or any of that cardio shit. Just eat less and go for long walks. seriously walking is one the most underrated methods of loosing weight, it requires barely any effort at all
>step 1
read the sticky
>step 2
mcfucking kill yourself
>step 3
figure out your daily maintenance calories and eat less than that. I wouldn't eat any less than 75% maintenance. Metabolisms like to slow when you don't give them enough food to keep functioning properly.
Dude, you could just stand up and be burning more calories.
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