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Inspo thread? Not motivational thread, no "you can do it"

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Inspo thread? Not motivational thread, no "you can do it" pictures, post things you for yourself and from yourself and your body.
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My ex

This one is just personal

Remembering a different time, where she still loved me
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>post things you for yourself and from yourself and your body

I know that feel.
What the fuck does that even mean
This post inspired me to better my grammar
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Right in the motherfucking feels man Literally my pet name for high school gf Fuck man
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this is really oddly motivating to me, have a folder of txts like these from silly sloots i smashed from my uni.
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Haven't looked at any of the old texts between me and my ex-fiance since we broke up two years ago, I'm almost certain that if I do I'll get so depressed that I'll strongly consider gargling shotgun mouthwash afterwards, I'm not deleting them tho, I'm gonna hold onto them until the day when I'm finally pretty happy with my life(good job, loving gf, finished university ect) then I'll look at them again and really contemplate just how far I've come since then

I meant "post things you -WANT- for yourself, from yourself, and for your body."

I omitted a word in editing.
My fiance and I decided to call it off and break up a few weeks ago due to a loss of passion in the relationship (felt more like roommates), at this point I kind of believe long lasting love is a lie, feels badman
It's completely normal for feelings of love to fluctuate during a long term relationship, too many people freak out and break up/divorce because they think they've lost that lovin feeling when in reality it would have come back if they'd been patient and stayed together for a little while longer
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>post things you for yourself and from yourself and your body
We had been having the problem for 6 months, more her than me, and tried therapy/read books and everything but nothing worked. Part of me still hopes she changes her mind but at this point it doesn't look like it'll happen. Being alone for the first time in 3 years is rough, at least my dogbro is always excited to see me though.
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Also here's my motivation
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>seriously I'm not gay I only sucked him off for gains and post on /fit/ ironically
>Being alone for the first time in 3 years is rough
Bit of an understatement bro, once it kicks that you've really split up permanently it's going to hurt just as bad as if your parents died
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10/10 gave me a hearty kek

here's another, different grill

Just deleted over 300 photos of my ex(feelsAlrightIGuess.jpg), you need to do the same. Let the memories evoke rage within you that push you to your goals. The photos are you simply holding onto ghosts and phantoms of the past.

Remembering some of the last things of my ex said that fuck me up and enrage me:

> If you work you can get the things you wanted (I was NEET, but I just wanted her)
> we need to take a break... I need time to think
> me: cmon, let's work shit out and stay together... we love each other and we can even take it slow
> her: I can't do that I won't be able to know if I want the relationship if we're together

Ended up convincing her to be friends with benefits, fucked her that night, then when I dropped her off I said "I don't do breaks, c ya"
She called me like 4 times crying, mother called my house pissed off as fuck, blah blah. I was too betrayed and hurt by her recommending the break (probs just wanted to fug other guys) I use this as rage and purpose in my life.
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u did the right thing
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i'm glad you're over her but i think you need to realize that no girl is worth thinking about this much.

You can't live your life through rage, despite what people tell you, what you tell yourself, you need to exude love, if you want to truly be content in yourself.

this means you really need to not harbor shitty thoughts, even if it's a means of motivation.

this probably sounds like some hippy bullshit, but honestly try just mull it over in your mind a bit, realize you're better off now, and maybe you had some good times but it wasn't meant to be.

I just want people to realize happiness/content doesn't come from these feelings of rage stored deep inside. It will kind of fuck you up long term, sorry for the wall of text. I just want you to be truly happy anons
Tbqh anon I think something broke inside of me a couple of years ago, since then the feelings of rage stored deep inside have been the only thing that has kept me alive, I'm not even sure if it's possible for me to be truly happy any more
you need to work on it man.

i know what it's like, but like everything in life, you need to work to get back there.
this so much
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Thank you brah. I think I did too.
Yeah I know the rage isn't positive, but I'd be lying if I said it isn't an effective motivator. It's the natural rotation of love: you like a girl, have a falling out, then the angst and rage sets in. This isn't my first rodeo. I'll get over her in time, then maybe even forgive her for what I thought was betrayal (probs won't ever hear or see her again so whatever). This vicious circle might even repeat itself in the future who knows. I agree with your overall message man, you gotta stay present and focus on tasks. Looking up self hypnosis so I can be focused and enraged during workouts without having to use my ex as leverage. Thanks for your wisdom.
Anybody want me to dump some pics of her?
A character from China IL is texting you. It's time to respond.
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Call me a fucking faggot but Dante is my inspo
He's husbando mode and I ain't even gay
You know what she wants and she isn't on the same page with you.

You've already wasted too much time and emotion with someone who doesn't share the same goals as you do.

Keep on movin' and you'll find that person but don't ever waste your time with someone who doesn't feel the same way about you.
>I bet I can throw this football over those mountains
Huge arms, shoulders, a whatever torso. How the fug?
Went through the same thing recently with my exgf of 4.5 years. Broke it off beginning of summer. Felt like roommates more than anything.

Miss her sometimes but for sure enjoying having my own time back. I took up playing ice hockey which had always been an interest of mine but I never had time.

Consider taking the time to do something you never had time to do before. Good luck.
fucking uncle rico!!1!!11

>chad genetics
Don't forget the "GNC supplements" you gullible goy you.
That show is trash
man, how naive you are my friend.
The only thing that keeps me going is the idea that I'm working towards becoming a vigilante of sorts. My studies, both academic and personal, my lifting, my developing discipline in as many facets of life as I can. All of it is for that goal, and it's the only thing that gives me a sense of purpose anymore.
This. Deleting photos of my ex was the best thing for my current relationship I ever did.

My motivation is Bulgarian weightlifting under coach Abadjiev.

These guys trained 4x a day 6 days a week and once on sunday. Taking max weights every time (except sunday). They train through pain. They completely dedicate themselves and give it everything. This kind of mindset is what makes a champion.
>This kind of mindset is what makes a champion.

That's funny - I don't see the Bulgarians dominating at the Olympics.
I deleted every message exchanged between me and my ex. It took me over 5 years to realize how much she treated me like shit.

I feel this. As soon as I know shit is over with a girl, I cleanse my phone/computer/social media of everything to do with them. Helps me move on a lot. Means I can't linger.
Ayyy, my man. I lowkey also aspire to be like Dante. I know I'm no sexy albino Devil Child who can cut on pizza because lolspardagenetics. Still, I wanna be all chill and laid back like him, cracking jokes all the time and not worrying 'bout nothing.
My inspiration is to just suceed at one thing in my life. The past 4 years it's felt lke absolutely everything has gone to shit: my family, my friends, my relationship, my work. I just got laid off for the 3rd time in 2.5 years.

I just want to make it, in *something*.
Fuck this is happening between me and my gf. we go to diff school so I just wanna fuck other girls on the side. I feel no remorse, and this is getting so monotonous. is this normal?
God the feels, going through this right now.

I could use some no bullshit /fit/ advice and sounds like there are guys in here that went through some of the same shit with cunts.

My ex of 2 years ago, who I lived with for 6 months, turned into (was always?) a pyschopath.
Mental, physical, and emotional abused the fuck out of me and yet, I still loved her unconditionally, having a troubled childhood and so did she, being her rock and being in love with her was therapy to me.

Well nasty as break up 2 years ago, no closure, I have her shit and she owes me money.
We went back and forth and didn't go anywhere, she aint paying, I aint getting her shit.

She is now in my city and I want to meet to talk and get answers so I can sleep at night from her abuse. Why and how mostly.
How do I start that conversation? She already said she didn't want to see me even though she said she would if it was to get her shit.
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Anon who's girl this>>38621519 is
Can't really say much, on mobile because got banned on IP because mods = fags

Give me some more details about what exactly is going on between you and your ex and I'll give you some advice tomorrow

Sleep tight anon, I'll love you even if nobody else will
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If this doesnt inspire you than WHOOOOOOO will?
I'll look for you in a motivational thread.
Good night babe. Get those gains.
there is no closure to be gained through seeing or speaking to her again. it's over, move on.

it just takes time; eventually you'll get over her. the only choice you really have is if you'll have some god damn dignity about it.

dump her stuff, shake off the monetary loss.
700 dollars to write off?
that's not much money in the grand scheme of things. you won't get it back without getting sucked back into that whirlpool.

trust me anon, just walk away.
Are you 12?
When does it get easier?

Seriously, I'm going mad over this.
kekked so hard at that image, its pretty much my life
I hope that's actually legit, because that shit is epic.
Went through a harsh breakup, not as bad as you're describing but it was bad in creatively destructive ways.

You're not going to get the money from her without suffering a lot more for it. You might get closure at some point but it sounds like that probably wouldn't be enough.
Mostly it sounds like she's not going to give you anything you want and what she will give will only be on her terms.

As long as you hold onto her stuff she'll control a part of your life. Like others said, write it off as a loss. Whether you give it back and just be the bigger person (hindsight usually marks this as the most respectable option) or just take it to a goodwill and cut all ties, do something that won't keep you tethered to her psychic deadweight. If dumping the stuff will result in more drama and she has means to harass you, just give it back and block every means of communication and start trying to live your own life again.
just broke up with my ex of two years last may and man its intimdating hearing you guys talk about it, most of you having relationships longer than mine even. Shes back at college, i know shes whoring it up and im trying to talk to this cutie i met, keep comparing her to my ex however and i know its counter productive to being happy. Things seem to pop up that remind me of her at the worst times e.g nirvana playing on my last date with the aforementioned qt. Feelings now switch between me being angry and me missing the shit out of her. Anyone have advice to stop checking up on her social media? Cant seem to stop myself, really bums me out.
Are you retarded?
Block her for your own sake so her shit doesn't show up in your feeds at all. Its only been a couple months but you'll make it in time.

You can identify your self-destructive behavior that's keeping you from being happy, you have to learn to recognize as you're committing those thoughts and squash the emotions that are causing it.
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I wouldn't be surprised if this happens with my gf of 5 years and I. I like her and all but if we split up I'd be ambivalent even though I know I won't find someone like her again. That's life I guess
Sure why not

If this happened 2 years ago she has already had time to firmly rationalize everything and will have no guilt or remorse. She will wholeheartedly believe she did nothing wrong and probably even make the case that everything was your fault.

Meeting with her will only fuck you over big time.

If you need closure that badly write off the money and burn her shit. Cut 100% of contact with her. Make a big ceremony of it, play music, do it at night, stare at the fire and concentrate it on it hard. Next time you feel weak or think of talking to her, think hard about the fire.

You may forget how bad things were with her. You will always remember the fire.
I already have, i dont have a twitter but if you google her name hers pops up, i usually do this once a week. Slowly stopping but its a temptation to do so for some reason and i dont know why? I have some people added from the college shes at and I recently unfollowed them to avoid the possibility of seeing her in a tagged photo or whatever. Feeling like a battered housewife man, the girl was physically abusive and nobody really takes that seriously because shes a small girl and im a big guy, talk about double standard. Ill listen to your advice i really appreciate the response, just a little frightening hearing people say they never really get over there first love and im already in a whirlwind of negative emotion

You're gonna be alright, anon.
fuck man are you me?
I feel like this ever single fucking day.
No real happiness, only sadness or anger.
can hardly even make friends now. I don't know what to fucking do
thanks anon i love ya
The only thing that is important is that it will
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> hearing people say they never really get over there first love

29 year old brah here. Do not despair my man, you'll be just fine. Fuck, when my high school sweetie dumped me I thought it was the end of the world. Now I barely even remember she exists.

You'll wake up and she'll be the first thing you think about for a while, but then one day you'll wake up and she'll be the second, and then the third.

Cut all ties, there is no need to torture yourself. She's the one who lost in all of this. You lost someone who hurt you, but she lost someone who loved her.

Take advice from an older dude, the bridges you burn help light your way.

You're gonna fucking make it man, we all are.
well fucking said man, had to screen shot this so i can reread when needed, i really fucking appreciate the words guys, its cheering me up surprisingly well
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wtf i love manlets now
>tfw you'll never look like this
kill me please
Look who's talking
I'm in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, and we're both working out to be the best we can be when I see eaxh other again. He's the best person I've ever encountered in my life and I want to make him proud.
what line of work? I have been rehired to my part-time position 2 times in 3 years after leaving the job during uni holidays.
check your work attitude man
Post pics?
N-no homo tho
this, I was really close to kill myself because I felt like my whole world had been shut down. it didn't help with my ADHD meds that caused my blood pressure to be at 110 beats/min

I had to stop taking my meds due to this, now I'm just mildly depressed, feeling lonely like hell even though I have banged 4 chicks the 3 months I've been single.

I miss that fucking cunt, she broke my heart and trust for women.
It's also oddly motivating for me to read those, even though they weren't sent to me. I think I like to imagine they were.
picture is 1000% true, she was attention posting as usual. I took the hint from fit and cut off all contact so I cant lurk her shit
1-2 months after no contact, eventually the tendency to recall memories... become less and less

then what?
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>All this talk about exes

Anons, there is no human on this planet worth your time and your pain like this. Not one. It doesn't matter if they're family, friends, lovers, partners, nothing is worth tearing yourself apart like this over.

It seems that so many of you have substituted love for yourself for love of the other. This is obviously something pretty common on /fit/ with so many of you lifting through depression or other shit, and the idea of loving yourself when you can never see yourself as complete is hard. However, if you never love yourself, any relationship you have will eventually fall apart, and if you invest so much in the other person, it's just going to break you.

Stop thinking about your exes, stop thinking about
>tfw kissless virgin
and start thinking about how you can learn to improve and have confidence in the person you are now.

Pic related is my /fit/spo
what about first love +3 year relationship combo? I sometimes feel the me from that past is still crying somewhere in the back of the mind
try buddhism, empty the mind and shit etc, realise that you dont need to be a slave to your thoughts and emotions
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Holy shit are you me?
This ... I cannot accept. Rage is my motivator, my teacher, my friend, my tool, my life. It's the only thing that drives me out of a cathatonic state of being.
I bet you never had a 5 year long relationship end. Fuck off with your big talk. It's just so easy to spew idealistic shit about what you've never been through.
>meanwhile, 5 years from now
I've had 10 year relationships end. Of course it's fucking hard, but you put yourself through hardship everyday don't you? Why are the physical hardships easier for you than the emotional hardships? They're not separate, they all belong to the same human being. Learn to control them.
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Inspo that women will never understand
I honestly can't tell you because this is what's happened in both of my longèr relationships, some obviously work out but shit it makes me feel like it won't happen
Design. It's got nothing to do with my attitude. I work just fine, just not for the right kind of places. And it's not only the 3 layoffs, but 10 years of bullshit jobs I've worked in the field.

Taking time off to get /fit/ and really decide if I'm going to change careers or not.
Brb training back now
How does it feel to let go of someone you loved for 10 years?

I got dupped by my crush some weeks ago, said she wanted to take things slower hence she recently broke up with her ex for 2 years and we fucked on the first date.

We only dated for a couple of weeks..

It left me really sad, can´t imagine what a fucking 10 year relationship feels like..
It was hard, and it felt like I had lost a part of myself, like someone had just come along and taken my leg away and said "this can never be yours again".

And it was like that for a little while, but to get through it I came up with a new daily routine that didn't involve her. I quickly realised that if I didn't want to be crushed by the weight of everything, I had to set myself new life goals that she wasn't a part of, that were mine and only mine. There really isn't any difference between emotional pain and physical pain, it's just that we become more accustomed to one than we do the other and find it hard to deal with. Just deal with it in the same way, rest, let yourself recover, then get back out there.

based phants
How is it inspirational to get to cuddle with some skinny DYEL bro
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Trying to post the ones that aren't just BS inspiration and can actually mean something to someone
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Aspire to find a better woman anonbros
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We all deserve better than the ones who have left us
Your life is what you create
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idk i want to but im afraid you all would find her or shed find out im posting pictures of her on a cambodian goat trading forum
nigga im back, explain to me whats goin on
No. Just don't feel like I have much to live for, and I'd much prefer to go out doing something I believed in rather than trying to take my own life again.

>tfw no loli prostitute to motivate me
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This kid is gonna end up shooting a school kek
Will wait for the greentext
Thanks dude.

I struggle with the ex stuff alot and this really helps. It was typical High school romance, cept we stretched it out for 4 miserable years. God. She cheated on me twice, left me the second time. I don't particularly blame her, my life was in shambles and she's a catch. It gave me a catalyst to get my shit sorted. Unfortunately, she got attracted to that and soon we started sleeping together as FWB. It's always been on and off, but it always ends on the same note, she asks me "Do you have feelings for me?". And the worst part is I do for some fucked up reason.

It gets easier guys, and you do think about her less. Just remember to keep that connection severed. Don't stay attached
Nah. I hate guns and am more disillusioned with my own life rather than the world. My school is safe from me
You still think of her everyday , dont you?
Not anymore you dont, but at the time this video was made they were dominating thoroughly. And when the bulgarians destroyed the russians in Moscow, the USSR couldn't allow that to happen anymore and that was the beginning of the end. World champions caught with doping and what not. It was a slow decline from there.

While that's true, it's also the mindset of a weightlifting champion. You can't train like that unless you're on the juice. Not because you might lack willpower or whatever, but if you go full out more than once a day, six times a week, when you get to a level where you've largely achieved your potential and you still go full out you'll also soon burn out. And you'll end up waking up feeling sore/fucked up/lethargic
This. I used to not care about physique... used to not care about sexiness... I didn't even like dark skinned girls (well, I could admire, but I never found myself interested in asking one out). All I wanted was a steady girl, maybe blonde, I could have conversations with, and go to the movies with.

Then I met my ex. At first I wasn't super into her, but I fell in love with her gradually. She was so sexy it was ridiculous. I live for the day that I will meet someone like her, except for the fact that I hope she'll be faithful, not a cheating slut. But I am almost convinced no such thing exists...

I thought her body was the bomb and she gave me the jungle fever (she's latina, not african american, but still). She can orgasm multiple times, gave some excellent head, would let me do anal and give her rimjobs, had a tight vag... sex with her was sublime. I thought she liked to dress up "sexy" just cause she was comfortable with her body, but turns out she was also a slut, like literally... I think she might have started sleeping with guys for money.
My body inspo
My mindset inspo
very cool anon, you drew that?

Even that, it's going to pass.


Maybe I'll think about her a few times a year, but it's usually just how she couldn't give a decent bj to save her life.
Body inspo for my skeleton self.
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> post things you for yourself and from yourself and your body.

Okay. I'm an ectomorph that was super tiny, I was a college swimmer and was sedentary for 6 months.

Now I'm less tiny. That's my motivation.
Be less tiny.
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What motivates me to go to the gym is that I have an average (at best) face and there is nothing I can do to change that. I can however change how my physique looks. The endorphine rush from working out is also one of the few things that makes me feel good, everything else sucks. I bet you will never see this in helvetica over a epic background image.
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> post things you for yourself and from yourself and your body.
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>I bet you will never see this in helvetica over a epic background image.
>What motivates me to go to the gym is that I have an average (at best) face and there is nothing I can do to change that. I can however change how my physique looks. The endorphine rush from working out is also one of the few things that makes me feel good, everything else sucks. I bet you will never see this in helvetica over a epic background image.
You know it
le absolute madman
I'd kill someone to lick those legs and feet.
guys stop crying, youre doing just fine.

30 and never had a real job
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>post things you for yourself and from yourself and your body.
>couple years back
>drinking at NYE party and having a laff
>made a halfhearted NYR with my best friend to lose weight and get /fit/
>forget about it
>couple of weeks later he kills himself
>we had been friends since we were toddlers
>feel like absolute shit
>mope about for two weeks while drinking, smoking and eating shit food
>one night I remembered the NYR
>on that spot I stopped smoking, threw everything shit out
>next morning sign up for gym
>hit gym hard
>haven't stopped since

At least one of us is going to make, brah.
*make it
Who the fuck is gonna see this thread and show her? Nobody. Nobody even knows who she is. Post pics and crop out the face if you want
Thread posts: 135
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