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Hey fags What's it like knowing that a 5'6" manlet

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Hey fags

What's it like knowing that a 5'6" manlet who has done kickboxing for 3 months can knock your ass out with a few well-placed punches while you struggled 2 years to get a 4pl8 diddly?
But I can reach the cookie jar on top of the fridge

Checkmate, manlets
such a very good post!
you rekt him man tallfags will think twice before ever trying to be funny on /fit/ again
Muay thai guy here, you'd be fucked if I clinched you.
great post more such posts! great
clinch is a meme
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But can he open a pickle jar?
guys please more such more good posts! love
>muay thai
Boxing, kickboxing, MMA, Muay Thai, wrestling and street fighting fag here. How would you like to die?
more post please! like this one so much
mcgregor is 5'9"
Haha, it's so true. I am 5'8" 160lbs but all the dudes who outlift me and are much bigger than me are all afraid of me.

I was at the gym and this huge quiet 220lb guy was working out and I didn't want to wait so I went over to him and said I want to use the rack or I'll see you in the parking lot. He hung his head in shame and gave me the spot.

Haha, all this because I am known at the local MMA gym and I have been doing it for a few years.

Yeah, bodybuilders LOOK good, but they all back down when I tell them that I do MMA while making their girls' panties wet. Women LOVE a small man who gets the respect of bigger, more fit guys.
great posts guys keep this i like! keep this
McGregor also has done kickboxing for more than 3 months.

Why would you not point this out? Maybe it's because you realized that the post wasn't about McGregor, you fucking autist?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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who cares, he's fucking 5'6

Here's a real man you should respect, not that Mcgregor faggot
great post friend! great one
a breeze could knock overeem out

mcgregor would knock him out with banter alone
Great line up of arts man. Respect.
great post friend so great! such happy post makes me happy
pretty sure I don't give any fucks
nice great posts, very wonderful! good good posts
Could CM Punk beat McGregor?

Keep in mind that Punk has never fought anyone competitively yet, but he's also 6'2 218
mcgregor won the sport against diaz 2. but diaz won the fight. if there was no time limit diaz wouldve killed him.
No, lol. CM is an old man who will die soon.
He's 37 and straight edge

idk I never really liked him much as a wrestler, other than his pipebomb
CM won't last too long imo.
so if we hugged he could rest his head on my neck and I could kiss the top of his head?
Feels pretty good
nice one guy! great post. wonderful
even the pipebomb was fake tho. right down to the mic being cut.

"youre almost done punk, go out and say your peace and if it gets too hectic ill cut the mic."
That's because you're an asshole, anon. It's probably one of the few reasons you still lurk here. You probably have no friends and forced yourself to jack off to people being afraid of you.
>3 months
not really, people that do kickboxing for 3 months haven't had enough time to be conditioned to fight well at that point. They'd be better than the average DYEL on the street, but if someone's hitting 1/2/3/4 and isn't a manlet, 3 months of kickboxing isn't going to be substantial to overcome someone that big.

3 months in a good gym and they won't even let you fight for another 3 at least, sometimes even a year. Also you forget that the average male is skinnyfat as fuck and even if they did kickboxing for 3 months they wouldn't be fast enough to land a "few well-placed punches" and likely wouldn't have any real fighting experience.

>implying nobody on /fit/ is strong and does a martial art
>implying OP isn't 5'6
idk about mcgregors training all that much but i know his conditioning was a major factor in his latest fight. he blew up before the end of the 2nd round. the dude won, but hes never been tested like that before and it showed. he went a full five rounds and looked like a total amateur halfway through the 4th
True, it was a work. Though there was a bunch of truth to what he was saying

Those are the best wrestling moments
Katana owner here. How would you like to die?

*teleports behind you*
heh..it was rhetorical
*stabs you through the heart*
no love where you'll be going..
*Backflips away and activates explosion magic*

nothing personal kid
i got back into it for about two years but that ended over a year ago. its hard man, its so lame a lot of the time and way too much content. you seriously have to dedicate your life to it if you really want to be a fan. idk whats even happening anymore, and desu i tried watching it a week ago, SS actually, with a buddy who still worships it and i just couldnt get into it at all. idk what happened but something clicked in my head that told me i was watching something that wasnt meant for me.
good one friends i lovethese ones alot
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The reason guys like McGregor and Mayweather aren't respected or seen as intimidating "tough guys" is simply because they aren't. They are small skinny men. We are all dumb primates still smart enough to figure out they wouldn't last long in the grand scheme of things.

Think about it; 2 or 3 police officers all over 200 pounds and over 6 feet tall bull rush McGregor or Mayweather. For shits sake lets say 3 police officers all 6'2 220lbs.

If they all rush in at the same time odds are that McGregor or Mayweather is getting taken to the ground and it's over.

Now imagine some gigga nigga like Mike Tyson in his prime. You can be damn fucking sure that those 3 cops are going to feel a lot less confident about just rushing in on a prime, pissed off Tyson. They'd probably all get dropped and Tyson could wrestle and scrap them off with his size.

McGregor or Mayweather mike get 1 or 2 down and get some good shots in, but at the end of the day they are still small men who will get strong-armed to the ground.

Honestly being 220 isn't even that big either.
its not a /fit/ related thread to start with so we are using it like the toilet it is. to spew all the shit we cant put in other threads.
Yeah, there isn't much of a point in actually watching both shows every single week, plus the PPVs, plus NXT, etc... like the spergs on /asp/ do

Honestly, the best wrestling on TV is probably Lucha Underground. One hour a week, no PPVs, ridiculously exciting matches. The only problem is having El Rey Network or finding a stream online somehow, though they post a lot of match highlights on YouTube
amazing post! makes me cry. so much cry. i like this one so good. excellent excellent post friend
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i am not being sarcastic i like these posts! i like alot very much thanks for posts friends
who cares? its a sport. its not about applying it to the street like a lot of retards do.
you should probably take a break from 4chan.
i like this post i like a lot

lol 2/10 bait

OP's post is literally addressing a street fight scenario and how McGregor is somehow a tough guy even though you could theoretically lift more than him, even though he could beat you...in a fight

Like I said 2/10

There is no fucking chance this guy has lost his virginity yet.
bad post makes me cry sad not happy
first time i see bad post
eww that is the flattest ass I've ever seen
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Fuck you. Fucking piece of shit. All I did was try to compliment people's posts. Fuck you and fuck your shitpost you God damn useless cunt.

Drink bleach asshole. Fuck off.
>The reason guys like McGregor and Mayweather aren't respected or seen as intimidating "tough guys"

says fucking who? some anonymous dyel? id pay to see literally anyone on /fit/ get into the ring or octagon with either of the people you mentioned.
nobody would care if you died :)
You are a retarded cunt. Your parents should be ashamed for having such a pathetic faggot of a child. Do you enjoy fantasizing about your sister and mother getting gang-raped? Maybe Sanders will win after all and you can get some free meds.
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Aw c'mon man that's a bit uncalled for
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I hope your parents are died some time ago so they don't have to see what you've become.
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>jack of all trades, master of none
When will they ever learn?
are you by any chance indian, newfriend?
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Its funny you think you can say anything to bother me. I would ignore but I enjoy reading what you try to bother me with. It fills my heart with joy knowing there is someone out there with such a miserable life that they take the time to make me feel miserable too.

It makes me happy, and anytime I feel down I just read what you send me and think to myself, "things might be rough, but at least they are not as bad as the problems that guy has." and instantly I feel better. So thank you. :)

Don't know how the fuck you got so mad just because I told people I liked their fucking posts. Jesus Christ m8 your parents didn't love you at all huh
None of this happened.
no i am from america. thank you for asking though friend :^)
When is the whole beard/tats/hitler hair thing gonna die? When these guys age into dads?
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You know what I fucking hate? How super athletes like McGregor don't give you fuckholes something to aspire to, you just use them as a lense to magnify your insecurities and then try to tear each other down in response.

You're all fucking horrible people, and this place is poisonous. Try not to die alone.
no worriez mate
dont care about assholes here
you cool
be cool

Fuq-boi lines like this are going to get you killed one day.
Why would anyone aspire to be a flavor-of-the-month gladiator? He's just entertainment, not a hero.
Conor McGregor
Height 5 ft 9 in
Reach 74.0 in

Mike Tyson
Height 5 ft 10
Reach 71 in

Mike Tyson is one inch taller and his reach is three inches less than McGregor's.

ITT: Babies who never grew up trying to defend their pathetic sense of self worth by crying about how they could kick the shit out of virtually anybody because size and strength.

Protip: Proper men who are emotional stable, properly balanced and true to themselves and their loved ones do not entertain these thoughts. Should the situation ever come up they act in the moment, but they sure as fuck don't discuss it on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.
because being able to beat the everliving shit out of other human beings is literally the purest form of sport there is

there's more to life than lifting heavy objects
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>didn't happen
>you're an asshole
Ok, what about the big guys (6ft and above) who also do mma. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be afraid of you.

Just like I'm sure while McGregor is great for his stature . You put him against Jon Jones and he would get wrecked.

Skill is important but when you have 2 similarly skilled combatants , the bigger guy tends to win.
I'm 6'3 I'd love to see you actually be able to get into striking range of me. If some how you got into that zone you would be knocked the fuck out with a few well placed elbows and if you didn't get into striking distance of me my superior reach would still fuck your shit up.

Keep dreaming little boy

im not mad. i would be if you were my kid though.
Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 rugby player, have abs at 6'1" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncer, Did army ROTC in college turning it down for 70k finance job, and I bench somewhere around 420 lbs. I grew up on base and boxed since I was 8. I've got the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non professional fighter, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk chit I'll let her do it to a point before pulling her away. If some guy gets in her face? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up and slam his phucking neck into the concrete.

What do you weigh… 190 lbs? Bench maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as big and as strong as someone like me. First of all, 95% of men walk in fear of you, and 95% of the other 5% of men are just retarded.

Literally the last 3 altercations I've been in with other males ended with me giving them one back hand slap and knocking them to the ground (I'm terrified of hitting most men and either killing them or putting them into a coma)
Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls I know or guys I know just mildly amuse me as I know I can step in and regulate the situation in a split second if things get serious.

Take your tiny, wanna be, hard pretend phaggot ass elsewhere pussy.
>eating cookies
>wanting to make it
choose 1 fagola
Bro.... I'm a former D-1 rugby player, have abs at 6'2" 250 pounds, worked as a bouncer, have 300 confirmed kills. Had a job making 800k as a male porn star. I bech somewhere between 440 pounds. I grew up in shaolin since I was 7 and learned every martial arts style ever. My hands are quicker than anyones in the world ever, especially at my weight (which you arent in BTW) I dont even have a girlfriend i just slam them into the concrete and have sex with them.

What do you weigh? 240 pounds? Bench maybe 420? You have no idea what its like being a complete fucking animal freak. first of all 96% of all men walk in fear in front of me. and the other 4% are gay and try to suck me off.

with any male on male altercation, literally i can thrust my abs at any male opponent and they flee from me because im so intimidating.

I know how big I am, so I'm pretty much a alpha male nd youre just another beta cuck on 4chan shitposting.

Take your tiny clitoris elsewhere bigboy.
Watch his ab training video and look at the conditioning he does every day
i actually have a smiliar body as McGregor. I just didn't do anything with it like fight in the UFC or play baseball or something. Should have, but instead I became a shit posting autist.
I do MMA. This one time I slapped the biggest juicer at the gym because I wanted to know if there's any substance behind big guys. He just grabbed his face in disbelief like a woman would.

All bodybuilders are bitches in my eyes.
They are pretty much the same thing. You think they dont teach people to knee and elbow in kickboxing?
We have this thread every day
nigga he's a trained mma fighter who beats the shit out of other equally skilled fighters. you would have a better chance curing cancer
Enjoy getting boxed up trying to close the distance. You're no buakaw
70k pft I remember when I was a kid get a real job shitstain, and bouncers are the most brain dead fucks going.

If you got such quick hands why not go fight and be the big hero you think you are? And rugby is the gayest of gay sports next to soccer. Group hug in the showers, no h-homo right?
Wasn't Ali like 6ft3?
Honestly it doesn't bother me, it's not like getting into fights is a matter of daily routine. I lift because it makes me feel and look good, and makes me more physically effective. Whether it makes me a better fighter is irrelevant.
brandon you popped a boner training one time, nobodies scared of you
kek i love that guy
i enjoyed your posts anon, keep going please!
I'll direct you to mark hunt 5'10 knocking out 7ft stefan struve
Yeah pros it's what they do for a living they wanna be good at it, and kiwis like aussies are good fighters
Probably cause they don't want to end up killing you in a fight.
Conor pls go and and stay go
>last 3 altercations

Come on, man.
this should become copypasta
Let me tell you about the stages of training boxing/martial arts

stage 1. You realize you suck

stage 2. After a few months you start to get better at doing your chosen shit. You start to feel full of confidence like you're a badass because you're no longer on stage 1. (This is you)

stage 3. You get a reality check and realize you're not as good as you think you are. You get humbled and true growth happens
I've trained with black belt karate faggots who think they're the shit and they're absolutely terrible, and I've trained with loud mouth guys who step into a boxing gym and it turns out they're nothing but talk.

There are guys down my gym that I spar with regularly who have an amateur title but they still suck; there are guys down my gym who have under a year experience but they're big bastards and they hit hard so they overpower everyone else.

Weight makes a huge difference. Once you realize this you'll be on your way to making an improvement. It's only by being real and facing your weaknesses that you can start to improve. I've been through all of those stages and now I'm at the point where I've been boxing for 7 years and I'm fighting and I don't ever see a future where I'm not boxing at at least into fitness. Be humble or be humbled

Displaced italian fencer from the 17th century here.

Better check in those gains at the airport because this flights headed to killville.
you are cruel. and it does not make you worth anything

Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 rugby, abs at 6" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncy ball, Did army YMCA turning it down for 70cc finance job, and I bench somewhere around 420g. I grew up based and boxed since I was the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non person, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk to chit I'll let her point her away. If some guy gets in her? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up into the concrete.

What do you 190 lbs? Maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as someone. First of all, first, 95% of men walk in 95% and 95% of the other 95% of men are just.

Literally the last 3 other males ended with me giving them one back, one hand, knocking them. (I'm terrified of most men either putting them into a coma)
Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls, guys I know, I know I can step in and step in the situation in a split second if things.

Take your tiny, wanna be, tiny pretend tiny ass elsewhere
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he trained a lot before learning kickboxing. also his reach is that of people who are over six feet. there are other factors, but the point is you are leaving a lot out just in this first post.
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>mfw I'm 6'0, have a 1400 total and also did kickboxing.

come at me fighterlets
>tfw at the end of the day I measure 5'7.5"
>tfw I just want 1.5" of height to be 5'9"

I hear that they're developing stem cell techniques to make bones elongate. Maybe they're hope.
Who cares, I'm not trying to pick a fight with him, nor does he really want to fight me. Life isn't about how much you lift, get out of your basement for once.

do other hobbies have this issue?

>Hey fags
>What's it like knowing that a 5'6" manlet who has done kickboxing for 3 months can knock your ass out with a few well-placed punches while you struggled 2 years to play violin at an intermediate level?
He trained for years lmao
>implying 3 months of kickboxing can save you in a street fight
did he learn to dodge rocks and bottles tho?
shut the fucc up u massive cuck

its becauce all u reddit browsing meatheads think going to the gym makes u good fighters lmao
Jeff pls go
you know how I know you're 16? osing your virginity is something people are only concerned about in high school. underage b&
I don't give a fuck
I have aesthetics
aesthetics are for retards it's not even a functional strength
>muay thai
Pencak Silat here, how many ribs should I leave intact for you?
How about mad manlet association
Well first off im a girl and secondly I'm also Irish and trained in fighting- so I actually find him attractive. I'm 5'7 so its not like he's uber shirt compared me. I'd hit it
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