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/BWG/ - Bodyweight General

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Thread replies: 186
Thread images: 31

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>Why bodyweight?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q69nII2xTXk [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2EpAeXXhhE [Embed]

>List of body weight progressions

>Beginner Routine

>Intro to rings training series
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaKgh2zwFfQ&index=1&list=PLTRvgIev8CN4Q4w_AUTmdZEB4qx2xpGhI [Embed]

>Youtube Channels

Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/4hdf1uaP
GST Foundation - http://pastebin.com/rk1vVJve
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Thanks for the new thread mate

Got pull day today.

Front lever
Pull ups
What are you training today/tomorrow

what are you up to

did you eat anything good today

how are you holding up
Yea, spent half a day without /BWG yesterday, didn't have the OP text copied.

this week is deload week, feeling a bit under the weather though, hopefully will be better by the end of the week
/legday/ here
Right shoulder wss hurting today so not gonna do any upper body.
Desperatly trying to cut so ate a can of chicken today(43 protonz) and a few snacks. I was 160 when i wrestled and wanna go back to that. Ive put on some muscle as well so I should look very good.
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>What are you training today/tomorrow
Gonna work on my handstand hold tomorrow.
>what are you up to
Staying up shitposting.
>did you eat anything good today
Ate some chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans.
>how are you holding up
Quite well.
post routines
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I dont personally use this but here
I use Foundation, replacing pull up bar routines with barbell stuff
My current routine.

10-20 min warm up
Handstands everyday
30 mins stretching everyday

Barbell Squats 5x5
Pistol Squats 3x8
Barbell Hip Thrusts 3x8
Box Jumps 3x8
Broad Jumps 3x8
Bulgarian Split Squats 3xF

Handstand Push Ups Progression 3x8
Planche Progression 12x10 seconds
Weighted Dips 3x8
Straight Arm Ring Chest Flies 3x8
Push ups 3xF

Deadlift 3x3
OAC Progression 3x8
Front lever Progression 12x10 seconds
Weighted Pull ups 3x8
Rows 3x8
Pelicans 3xF
Today I will do tabata.

Fullbody calisthenics then stretching.

I fully plan on being too exhausted to do much of anything Friday.
I do startbodyweight, but some of the green routine progressions are better.

Also I'd like to implement some rings skills and exercises but I don't know how to without adding too much volume
i did hiit about 25 hours ago, is it fine if i do legs in the upcoming hour
>perform at least 3 times a week
so more is okay, too?
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you can do it as often as you want, if you can recover
Last guy that tried this ended up losing an arm and a leg.

But if you feel like you can do it go ahead. I dont see why a bit of cardio should stop you.
Unless you're doing 1 hour of HIIT everyday and 1 hour of legs than you're far from over training.
Most people can handle a lot more frequency than they think they can.

I use to do Taekwondo training from 2-3 hours 5 days a week which would have HIIT, Legs training, bodyweight and intense Taekwondo training.

I would go home sore exhausted and covered in sweat. I had DOMS at first but as I kept doing it that went away and that was the fittest i've ever been.
>one arm handstand pushup

is this image bait?
is this reply bait?

it says 'pushup' doe
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im struggling with planks because my legs start to shake and ache about 15 secs in so i cant get a burn in my abs before i fail. What am i doing wrong?
just post a person doing actual one arm handstand pushup
which part of your legs is giving out? try to relax your legs or do hanging leg raises if you can

there are non with perfect form, couldn't find any at least, best I found:

-5x10 10 kg weighted pull ups
-5x15 parallel dips
-5x10 10 kg curls
-4x15 diamond push ups
-5x15 bench dips
-4x25 sit ups
-4x15 bodyweight squats

3 times a week with cardio in between

give me some criticism please and how this could be improved/what else should I incorporate
where's the progress?
you also do 3 exercises for triceps
I'm extremely skinny with some belly fat but overall skinny super small wrist 5'6 133lb with no access to a gym or rings or any sort of equipment, can i still get /fit/?

If so what kind of a routine should i have in order to put on some muscle weight?
you need to eat first
I do Foundation and it works for me, link in OP
If my goal is aesthetics should i skip bodyweight and do a barbell split?
Theres no point in doing bodyweight for pure aesthetics unless you have no access to a gym. With a gym you can isolte whatever muscles you have and progressive overload much easier.
I mainly do bodyweight for the athleticism and strength that comes with it but i still look pretty good at low bf.
Do you have autism?
Like, seriously. Do you have autism?
Why the fuck would you even want to prove that somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, someone, a nobody, can do a one-hand handstands push up, while 99,(9)% of the planet's population won't be even able to approach doing it, let alone do it for fuckin reps?

You're approaching crossfit-tier faggotry.
It's easier to get big on weights.
Do both
yeah. bodyweight training is hard and it takes a long time to get aesthetic from.

take a lesson from gymnasts etc for aesthtics - low body fat, highly developed abs and big delts make for very aesthetic physiques. if gymnasts had better legs i'd call them the most aesthetic athletes in the world.
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>be me
>doing a set of handstand push ups
>loses balance
>smashes head into ground
>be me
>lifting REAL weights like a REAL men
>too many gains
>smash bitches year round
Bodyweightfags btfo
>be you
>lifting REAL weights like a REAL man
>too many gains
>drop 300kg on your foot breaking it
Lifting fags when will they learn
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I've posted this progress pic here on fit and /bwg/ but i want a couple more opinions. Being 5'11
what would my optimal weight be for the purpose of efficient bodyweight training since generally
you dont want to be too heavy. Right now I'm like 169 lbs and skinnyfat essentially and currently working on my posture and strength

Should I stay around 170 lbs and just eat my tdee or am I better off cutting maybe another 5-10 lbs just to get a bit more fat off me. My current routine is going to be doing both
bodyweight with mobility and plyometrics 3 days a week

my ultimate goal is to do a handstand and shit. Basically all the stuff I've wanted to do since I was a kid
Im 168 and im doing just fine but im 5'8".
Theres really no ideal weight for this stuff.
just google for some athletes with your heigh, what I did anyway, maintaining 200lbs but I'm 6'3"

you could just maintain your weight until you get rid of the fat, then slowly put on more mass
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sure fucboi

thanks for the feels, senpai
Been doing mostly the startbodyweight.com routine.

For the first time ever, my rep numbers went down instead of up.

Couldn't do 11/11/11 pike pushups, had to settle with 10/12/10 even though I did 11/11/10 two days ago.

Felt pretty bad desu
this is my worst nightmare.

a world where everyone is fit, so your hard work doesn't set you apart from anyone else
Go outside. 99% of people are either fat or skinnyfat.
yeaa I can see that happening in the future, if you want to be fit not for yourself but some retarded reason
I dont see it desu senpai. If anything the opposite is happening.
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ugh I mean when nanotechnology is affordable to everyone and you can just have that shit burn fat and stimulate muscles while sleeping, also cyber implants, talking deus ex level here

but yea, near future looks bleak, women are hardly trying either, good thing I'm from europoor, bitches can't afford to stuff shit in their mouth all day
But then you can just surpass all the lazy fucks with athletic performance.
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are we talking about deus ex future here? because if you played that game, he has implants and pretty much left humanity behind with them
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Supposedly Mike Patton did his first muscle up when he was 14... Is there any truth to this?
No just generally people who somehow get muscles while sleeping wont have the skills or strength as actual lifters.
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eh, if we are talking future science fiction, yes they can have strength and skills, remember we are talking about nanotechnology here, you can have implants in brain assist you with skill and your body is physically more fit than any 'natty' person.
But they still wont have the mental strength actual athletes get from pushing themselves daily. It is impossible.
Basically working out would just be for fun and mental gains.
I don't argue there senpai, but they would be physically able to do shit and look like pic related if not bigger
this is a sad mentality to have anon
Just nut up and get fit
Worry about yourself, there's not need to actively set yourself apart from others.
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Got 3 muscle ups today at 200lbs BW.

currently cutting so the number, and form, should increase nicely.
Nice man now you just need to work on reducing the kip
I hate pistol squats so fucking much. I absolutely hate that exercise. Fuck pistol squats
Then don't do them. Plent of other good leg exercises you can do.
Lunges, glute ham raise, hip thrusts, sprints, jumping
I should just stop being autistic and go to the gym
Yeah you really can't beat barbell squats for training legs.
Got my first muscle up ever today anons! First time trying them again in almost a year. There was a lot of kip though.
nice job mate

it's gonna get easier every time you try
Thanks anon. Is it easy to progress on them if I only attempt them once or twice a week? Hoping to one day be able to do 3x3 strict form, then 3x5, then in the far future, 3x10.
Like manlets?
first time posting in /bwg/
what's the consensus on DareBee? I found it a while ago, and to me the programs looks perfectly fine...
( i'm referring to these http://darebee.com/pick-a-program.html , not the individual workouts )

what are /bwg/ feelings about this?

thanks for the opinions. I'm going to go for a slow cut to minimize fat loss. Cut to 155-160 and see where my strength is at
Im trying out the reddit meme workout since it looks legit and all, but to be honest the progressions seem a bit ambiguous, specially the skill training part.

I'll continue using it since i always wanted to do handstands and muscle ups, dont really care about aesthetics for now.
I skip everything except for the strength training.
same. can't bother with skill work, so boring
>second from left
those tit-genes, LOL!
Nice job familia
Trust me there will be a point where pistol squats will be as easy as bodyweight squats.
Can someone explain greasing the groove to me
I never heard of it but this video explains it pretty well.
ty for link
I'm practicing for OAP/OAC.

When I use two finger on the assisting hand, what am I working? My grip strength or my single arm strength?

I can only do about 3 reps right now, I'll try to get more before I do 1 finger.
Your grip strength will be lacking with the assisting hand resulting in less assistance. So a bit of both.
don't know if this is the right thread but here it goes. how long will it take me to learn a handstand and how strong do I have to be for it or is it all just coordination and balance ?
I think it depends. I would say im intermediate in calisthenics but my handstand is weak as fuck. I can barely hold it for a couple seconds without assistance.
That said i barely train it so that explains why im bad.
to the people that can do a muscle up, how are your stats for a strict pullup, how many reps or which weight can you guys do ?
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I'm looking to get into calisthenics after a long break from going to gym but I have 0 equipment available to me apart from the floor and my body. Can anyone recommend a good routine to start with? Can I still do the Reddit one with no equipment?
The absolute madman. This is some good inspo

I can do about 4 on rings and maybe 1-2 on bar.
My weighted pull up is 41lbs×5
I do set of 15, 12 and 10 without weight so id say my max would be 17ish.

I'm the guy who posted the gif of 3 (not strict) MUs above.

Last I checked, well rested, I can do 12 strict pull-ups. I weigh 200lbs though.
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>dedicated to the greatest kitty that ever lived... Pufi R.I.P. 11.1.2016
Ideally you want somewhere to do pullups and rows or else you'd be completely lacking any pull movements. Reddit's routine is really good for beginners imo
I do shrimp squats and jump lunges instead. Anyone else?
thx, seems like I might be getting close to the needed strength. maybe I should just try it next time I am in the gym.
where can you do rows around the house?
Find a sturdy table, then slide underneath and grab on to the edge of said table with legs straight our to do some rows.
At my best could do 9 strict muscle ups, never really done more than 15 pull-ups at a time but I'm sure I could do more. Achieved a +45kg pull up.
Love my some dominik sky, always fantastic technique too
this >>38376959
or you can put a broom or equivalent across chairs
anything timed in my workout is a total of 60s, I can't do any of it for a total of 60s so I break it down into as few sets as possible.
>Push Mon/Thu
Handstand practice
Ring turned out L-sit 60s
Tuck Planche 60s
Ring turned out dip 3x8
Straight arm ring fly 3x8

>Pull Tue/Fri
Handstand practice
Advanced tuck front lever 60s
Uneven chinups 3x8
Tuck front lever rows 3x8
Rear delt fly 3x8

Fuck straight arm ring flyes. I don't feel it at all in my chest but I need to condition my elbows to handle planche and iron cross stress down the road.
Also, fuck handstands. I want wider shoulders so I need to do handstand pressups but I just can't learn the balance, its been 1.5 months now and my longest hold is 15s.
I don't want to let myself do wall assisted handstand pushups because if I do I'll never train my handstand.
rings cost 25 euro, go to the woods and hang them from a tree you little puff
Any leg work?
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Hey fellas this is a pic of me in clothing completely relaxed. Ive noticed im starting to fill out shirts more(im wearing medium in pic) since when i first started calisthenics.
Mainly do calisthenics but also add weights to my pull ups and dips to get stronger for a OAC.
Just did 3 today.
I can do between 15-20 reps unweighted. I'm currently at 5x5 with 30kg.
I ride around Amsterdam with my gf on the back of my bike, fuck training legs
nice you can definitely tell you workout
gj, lowkey one of the best feelings ever lol
Thanks senpaitachi
Has anyone checked out Dominik's new training program yet?
$22 too expensive for me
It's too fucking embarassing to train outside, fucking teens laughing at me, I'm not even fat.
Kids these days show no respect.
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Stop giving a shit.
In a year from now when you've made some sweet gains, doing muscle ups, front levers and handstand push ups like they nutting but a peanut they be mirin
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>be me
>going for a run
>pass this 5 year old kid walking wth what seems to be his older sister
>decide to turn back and say hi
>kid says something back(i didnt hear him but it was in a mocking tone)
>they both laugh at me
>sprint away
You just cant win

Hey I'm not telling you what do or anything but you got a lot of unnecessary movements.

If you are trying to progress things like front lever, planche, and one arm chin it would be best to cut out the rows and crap and just up the sets of the main goals.

But to each their own if you dont end up taking my advice.
Atm not trying to progress very fast more just conditioning my joints, tendons, etc

Plus I like the hypertrophy and balance of those exercises.
Why bother with weighted dips, they are terrible for your shoulder joint.
Nogains general
ty for bump broski

Alright was just saying because I had a routine just like yours at first and made progress very slowly and once I upped the sets of my main moves and dropped the others the progress just exploded in weeks.

Thats why I thought I'd comment.
Why bother? Because they make you stronger.
In what way are weighted dips terrible for your shoulder joint that regular dips aren't...?

If I weigh 80kg and do dips is it fine?
If I weigh 80kg +10kg of weight and do dips it's bad for me?
What about if I weight 90kg and do dips?
At what body weight does it become bad for your shoulders?

It's a great exercise and you can safety add weight to them as long as you keep good form and don't rush into too heavy of weights
I might buy it.

I really like his attitude and philosophy on body weight training

Muscle Up
The site was pretty easy to navigate.

Here you go guys. Everything from his site
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>a world where everyone is fit

>Been training front lever for a couple months
>Was on straddle
>Say this video
>Inspiration kicks in
>Full front lever for 5 seconds

Yeah baby!
I do chin ups and swim with my legs for a while 5-6 days a week.
Fucking ring dips giving me sternum pain
Can anyone answer this guy please
How old are you and can you do dips on bars without pain?
-5x10 10 kg weighted pull ups
-3x3 20 kg weghted pull ups
-5x15 parallel dips
-5x10 10 kg curls
-4x15 diamond push ups
-5x15 bench dips
-4x25 sit ups
-4x15 bodyweight squats

how should I organize these into a program and what else should I incorporate ?
post body
to prove calimemics is a joke
whats the point of stretching for 30 minutes if you arent above 40 ?
You should post your body to prove what ever the fuck you're doing is a meme
1. It makes you feel good
2. It makes skills easier
3. Increase performance
4. Reduces chance of injury
5. Improve recovery rates and blood flow
>can a literally who make a muscle up at the age of 14
i don't see why not
Start off with ring support holds and ring push ups
Sounds like you have poor pectoral flexibility or weak connective tissue.

Stretching, form rolling and massaging can help. Make sure you're well warmed up before doing exercise.
Total newfag on bw routines, can someone point me a good starter routine?
It's in the OP
>Beginner Routine

I'm retarded, thanks
I have my holiday in a week and I won't have access to any bars. What can I do in that week? Do I lose it?
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pistol squats
push ups
dips between chairs
dragon flags
table rows
table front lever to muscle up to planche

have fun anon. One of the great things about bodyweight is you don't need a lot of equipment to get a good workout and can do it anywhere. Bars aren't hard to find either. Plenty of parks around and such.
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Its enjoyable/relaxing for some people
what are some good bodyweight exercises for shoulder strength?

Im this guy >>38365671 and have scrawny as fuck shoulders
Planche and pretty much any vertical pushing/HSPU progression
According to that leddit link:
>This routine will cover the following goals:
>Hypertrophy (provided your diet is in check)
>Fat Loss (provided your diet is in check)
They never explain anything about diet though, should I just apply what's written in /fit/´s sticky?
Nutrients and calories do not somehow change when your bodyweight is tge resistance.
damn, i look exactly the same. what's your routine?
I dont have one
If i'm a complete beginner what would i need to work on in order to do a frontlever?
The front lever itself. Just easier progressions.
Perhaps assistance stuff for core atabilizatiom as well.
What exercises develop better the chest? I can do 3x12 decline diamond push ups and my pecs aren't joocy at all
tfw recently moved and have 0 places in the house to support the rings.

tfw too poor to build a place to put a pull-up bar/rings
Without dips you will never have a good chest with bodyweight exercises
I always see people on fit talk about weighted dips like they're a meme. Are they?
Defs not a meme.

Do them with perfect form, and you will reap the benefits m8, trust me.

I can dip 50kg (71kg BW) for reps and I'd say my chest is pretty fucking joocy.

See how easy that is?
I've been doing pullups 5 days a week. Is it bad that my elbows are sore? I don't go hardcore with them. Just grease the groove sets of 4-5.
Is there any real benefit to doing muscle ups for sets or is it more efficient to stick to various pull up and dip routines, and just doing some muscle ups once every week just to keep my form in check?
I do ring muscle ups for sets because its a good forearms, tricep and chest exercise but i rarely do bar muscle ups.
Up to you.
Do it 3 times a week and either make the other 2 days into rest days or target other muscle groups on those days, like legs or lower back.
Doing pull ups too regularly can fuck with your gains.
Thanks m8, seems like ring muscle ups are more effective due to balancing and the different movement pattern compared to the bar muscle up.
so I am learning to do a handstand and can get into position and hold it for like 1-2 seconds atm. I noticed that my lower back is sore after practicing them for a while. is this normal or a muscular imbalance / bad technique ?
I imagine hollowbodies and archerholds would help
You are most likely arching your back. A good handstand stacks the joints in a line. Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, hands should all be in a straight line idealy to put load through the skeleton and off of the muscles. Practise hollow body holds, wall handstands facing the wall trying to get your arms close to the wall. Push up through the shoulders to open them up and flex everything, point your toes. Hold these for 30-60secs
Watch out for tendonitis
Can you actually build muscle and get swolle (obviously not as much as with a gym, but something) with these exercises or do they just get you toned and all that?
Yes you can. No reason you shouldnt.
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Gymnasts yo >>38353290, >>38353522, >>38355281, >>38355944, >>38356136
Are you implying gymnasts don't use the gym?
Im implying their main focus is gymnastic skills
Its called GYMnastics for a reason. They workout in a gym.
Some lift weights, some don't.

You have to remember that gymnast don't train to get big. They train to be better at the 6 events they compete in.

You'd also be surprised at how big you can get without weights. Once I started working rope climbs, my biceps exploded.
I don't know why but that video is really inspiring
It should be inspiring. He's a no bullshit skillful motherfucker
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What's a hybrid lifting/bwg routine? Some kind of transitional routine I can maintain for a couple months before I start training purely calisthenics because my future is bleak and I won't have the time/money to gym all the time. My plan is to keep barbell squatting and diddlylifting until I reach decent numbers, while the other exercises gradually shift to bodyweight equivalents, and then when the end comes the squats and diddlies will be gone also.

I've dabbled with bodyweight for a while before taking up lifting, and I was able to maintain those skills. I can already do intermediate stuff like one arm pushups, pistols, hanging windshield wipers, etc., so I don't have to start at zero. I also have gymnastic rings and a horizontal bar at home.

And maybe I'll start lifting again when this gamble pays off. I'm doing SL right now if it matters.
work on it for a couple of years
I'm having trouble with one legged squat. When I extend one leg forward I get cramps in that leg. Other, standing leg, is forced on the toes.

That is why I'm doing squats up on a stump and do a pretty normal squat but one leg is in the air. Does this still count as one legged squat?
The reason you get cramps is probably because your quads arent strong enough and you go on your toes due to lack of balance and flexibility.
Yeah that still counts as a squat but you should still work your way up to a full pistol squat.
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Very nice anon.

Slight arching of the back/not keeping completely hollow but that's not a big deal
sick mate
I didn't know Rich Piana was in Deux Ex.
gymnasts not only use the gym, but they also roid and train all day everyday
1.5 days of rest later and they feel fine. I will keep at this schedule for now. I need to stay consistent else I will fall into another lazy pit for the 20th time.

Get some bars so you can start working on full ROM !!! Mirin
>Assisted 1-arm pullup. (5x5)
>Deadhangs on small edge.
>1 leg tucked front lever (6 x held for maximum time).

>Bouldering circuits.

>1-arm lower. 6x2
>Straddled Front Lever pulls 5x5
>More deadhangs on small architrave.
Thread posts: 186
Thread images: 31

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