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>Le new lifting fatass on a cut >Squatting 160 3x5 >Some

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>Le new lifting fatass on a cut
>Squatting 160 3x5
>Some meathead roider comes over and pushes me when i'm struggling on my last rep
>Fall over, hit my head, wasn't using clips so weights slide off and I hurt my shoulder
>Pretty sure I tore something in my shoulder
>Literally everyone staring at me like I did something wrong
>No one helps
>Eyes swelling up, can barely hold back tears
>Roiding faggot just puffs out his chest and walks around like it's impressive to hurt someone who's in the middle of a squat

What the fuck? You guys never told me this shit happens at the gym, what the fuck i just wanted to get fit
You gotta start on him senpai
That or not look like it bothered you

Gotta fight senpai
Use the barbell like a bat

does wherever you're from not have a police entity?

>not putting the guy in prison for attempted murder
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Oh geez.jpg
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Kys tripfag loser
Drop a plate on him when he's benching
Throw a 25 plate like a frisbee into the back of his head just as he's pushing up on overhead press, when his neck is forward and his dome is underneath the bar. Actually, get a whole stack just in case.
>Calls someone out on "Le"
>trips like a fuckwit

Good job. Now fuck off.
>this surely happened
ok op
?????? If this is real obviously tell the owner of the gym, if you were killed and your family asked for it to be investigated they would've shut that shit down and he would be in jail.

If they don't perma ban that faggot, get a lawyer, demand a copy of the video tape, and press charges. Super easy to argue that as premeditated assault
Here OP, take this (you). I have lots of (you). Next time just ask me for some so you don't have to waste everyone's time like this.
Nothing going to happen to him in this fucking country
>heading to the local gym for my lifts
>oh baby, time for squats
>some fatass is squatting 50lbs
>goes down above parallel
>starts to wobble and struggle coming up
>face is all red
>I walk over and help spot him up
>guy fuckin explodes forward and face plants
>starts to cry
>go to the other squat rack nearby for my lifts

Oh well, gotta start somewhere I guess.
Which country?
Goddamn I love 4chan
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