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What's the secret to retard gains? >I fear my 14-year-old

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What's the secret to retard gains?

>I fear my 14-year-old [autistic] son will kill me one day

>I’m small and very slight and Robbie is now nearly 6 feet tall and quite solid so he can inflict a lot of damage on me if my husband David isn’t there to stop it.

>[...] then he beat me up. He punched me over and over in the face, coming after me when I tried to get away and constantly hitting me as I tried to defend myself. Then he just stopped, sat down on the couch and started leafing through a store catalogue. I was scared to move in case he started again and just lay huddled on the floor till David and Joe came in. My lip was so badly burst I needed stitches and again my face was a mess.

How is it some vegetable who lies around all day playing with coloring books and watching teletubbies while eating nothing but animal cookies is a 6 foot tall alpha that is built like a brickhouse but /fit/izens struggle just to get 15 inch arms despite taking 8 different supplements, 200g of protein daily, and lifting for 3 years?
>what is retard strength
A man of any size could beat a woman of slight build to a pulp with minimal effort.

Dont worry Im sure the OP knows all about being retarded
Secret to retard gains is being too stupid to care about your own pain.
He's got autism, not an extra chromosome
is that what your parents tell you to stop your autism attacks?
They're other thing.
>functional strength
>with one of the men shouting at David that Robbie needed a good hard smack and David shouting back “You stupid bastard, he’s autistic!”

W.... Well... Has it been researched as a treatment option?
My parents do tend to tell me medically correct definitions, yes.
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This makes alot of sense really.
The reason we lose flexibility and strengths over the years is due to stresses put on the body. The natural response to stress is to isolate it but for too long without fixing it, it eventually becomes weak.
When you are severely mentally retarded the brain doesn't respond to these stresses so it doesn't prevent the muscle from stretching and flexing with maximum ability. Therefore they can put all available strength when they need to, and be as flexible to escape if the need to, all without injury because the muscles are so relaxed and allows full range of motion.

Knowing this can help you learn to have "retard" strength, its actually more of a natural relaxed strength. We all have underestimate our abilities because we feel limited by our bodies when you haven't used it at full potential.
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mfw 7 of those characteristics are mine.
underrated post
>tfw I like to spin around really fast or roll down long steep hills to get dat head rush feeling . FML
autistic, 14 and 6'0" tall?
How come retards like that get blessed with good height genetics
describes my ex to a T.
But she says it's "social anxiety" (and yes, she's got a tumblr)
There's no reason autists who are prone to random violent outbursts and will require a life time of care shouldn't be put down.

They offer nothing to society, they detract and ruin the lives of their families.
Retards can learn fear and that's why they should be hit when they lash out. We had a tiptoe autismo in my high school who would randomly grab people's hair and not let go while he freaked out. He got his face beat in when he did it to the wrong guys girlfriend and his minders, being fat women, couldn't protect him that time. Fuck retard never did that shit again.
you dont have to be hercules to be able to beat up some poor housewife who's likely probably skinnyfat/skinny and doesn't do much of anything to particularly build muscle. the average 6 foot tall guy could beat the average 5'4 female. this isn't a generalization to all males and females, but usually males are built to be able to inflict more physical damage
maybe you can find a giant retard to ride around on and give orders to. His tard strength and your smarts, what a team
this scares me
lol man for real. i used to see this one tard running around when i was back in highschool. motherfucker had a jaw like a gorilla and dude was a solid 6'2

he had this little old lady walking him around and "looking over him" but damn if that animal got pissed itd probably take a few dudes to take him down
fuck famalama, same here. well who knew i was autistic
Higher protein bonding rate and HGH according to this study.
Their bodies are missing the portion that is self regulating, often why some retards die extremely early in life.
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They probably don't have anything in their brain that stops them from going "use all your strength now or you're gonna fucking die"

This too. This is why bare knuckle fighting is safer than boxed glove fighting (most of the time). You're not gonna punch more than you have to, because you don't want to wreck your hand.
RIP brains
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I literally laughed so hard while reading this.

Retard strength is easily explained, our brains have a kind of safety mechanism that prevents us from using even close to our maximum strength potential to avoid injury and reserves it for life or death situations. Most retards on the other hand do not have this safety mechanism in place and when triggered, unleash a fury of strength and aggression equivalent to 1000 suns.
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heres original webm anon,

Pretty much everyone in power lifting general

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weaponized retards
the end is nigh
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>a potato deadlifts more than me

"Guys, I have a great idea. Lets take a violent person with no self control or empathy and make them super strong"
Potatoes do have empathy, though. They tend to have overactive empathy in most cases.
He isn't big, she's just a woman. Women are hilariously weak.
Take boxing or jiu jitsu. A slug to his jaw from a trained fighter no matter what gender will put him down. Don't do bullshit women's self defense classes either, take some real ass boxing. You'll have fun and the coaches will love it! :)
Unless your trained. A girl that's been boxing for 5-6 months will make you her bitch
Ffs like 3 of these symptoms are strictly due to autism. You could have a number of things with these symptoms. Fuck the Internet

No, if you're significantly bigger it doesn't matter unless she's a damn pro

there's a reason why competitors only 15 lbs. above another's weight class can wipe the floor with them
Unless your trained to push past even that :^)

I mean, its dependent on the person but ive personally seen someone with down syndrome kill the class hamster by intentionally squeezing it to death. That same potato would regularly beat the shit out younger students and the tard wrangler that accompanied him everywhere couldnt stop him.

He was literally savage.
Probably had more than just Downs then.
>jiu jitsu
>slug to the jaw

I dont know why there isnt an underground tard fighting ring, would be considerably better than ufc
This reminds me of a retarded kid in my neighborhood when I was 10, I saw him shit his pants and 6 hours later I saw him, still covered in shit, playing in the park.
Because we haven't found someone as retarded as you to match with.
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What, like even more chromosomes?

Empathy is a learned behavior. Downies sometimes pick it up super quick and sometimes never, shit's complicated, just like with actual people.
There probably is, but it's probably underground.
>empathy is a learned behavior

No it fucking isn't.
Probably most people that know you
Well a rear naked choke would put a potato to sleep easy enough
Yes it is, dingus.
No it's not.
Was never formally diagnosed autistic, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me to be diagnosed mild aspie. It would explain a lot, actually.

I'm old enough, though, that it wasn't really a thing when I was a kid. Back then it was just called "Hey, kid, you're weird, stop being weird." And it wouldn't really change anything for me now, either way.
someone post the edit
Oh god he's in my state ;-;
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>when the bitch forgets the tendies
good for him. Someone get this man riot armor and a billy club.
I used to be a piece of shit in elementary school and made fun of retards, as punishment i had to spend the rest of the year helping out in the retard class on my lunch breaks.

Most of them would were non verbal and didn't do much other than the occasional grunt or grab at you when you walked by.

There was one tard that i was warned about on the first day of being there, he was prone to abrupt, violent outbursts and was the size of a full grown man at the age of 12. He could talk but only a few words which were "no" "help" "mine". He spent most of his days rotating the same toys in specific stops and the teachers really emphasized not to touch his toys or else he would go full rage mode. I could see the look of fear in her eyes while she explained this to me like she was having flash backs from the Vietnam war.

A few days in to being at this prison-like classroom i was told to help clean up before returning to my regular classes. Everything was as usual, squealing, grunting etc. I was picking up lego blocks when i noticed this dolphin toy on the ground. I picked it up and put it on the shelf when all of a sudden I heard "NO" and turned around to see the look of horror on the teachers face.

This is where shit when down hill, the teachers scrambled to bring the other tards into the hallway like there a mass shooting about to happen in the classroom. The massive tard stood from his seat while repeating "NO" over and over again. It was too late, i had triggered and unstoppable rage that i will never forget. The tard began flailing and attacking the remaining tards in the classroom with vicious punches and scratches, they were helpless and when the teachers tried to intervene he turned his aggressive onslaught to them. He quickly over powered them and violently ravaged them. After a what seemed like an eternity, he locked eyes with me and began to charge. My first instinct was to defend myself so i punch him when he came within range.
Retard strength is easy to explain.

Normal people have good enough brains to constantly know how to save energy. In cave man days with scarce food it made sense and worked. But retards are constantly wasting energy being retarded.

Every day they burn more calories just being retarded then the average joe. They're also too stupid to make their own food so they can't eat poorly unless fed poorly.
>violently ravaged them
didn't occur to me that tard rape was a significant danger of wrangling.
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Thanks, /fit/!
>My first instinct was to defend myself so i punch him when he came within range.

Did they punish you by making you spend another year helping the tards?
>Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another being (a human or non-human animal) is experiencing from within the other being's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position.
It's not a behavior.


The punch did nothing, he started flailing on me and i couldnt over power him. I resorted to grabbing a chair and striking him with it. It seemed to slow him down but after repeating chair strikes he turned his attention back at the students who were trying to retreat into the hall way, he relentlessly attacked him, it was like something from a horror movie.

While he was distracted i ran out of the classroom to seek help. I dont know how that situation played out as i never returned to that classroom again but I will always remember the great tard rage of 2005.

These are not people.
This. It's literally the ability to mentally place yourself in someone else's situation. Oh can't learn that.
well, what happened after? did you defeat him?
>a chair

You should gave got the tables!

I had fled the classroom, never to return. Sometimes i wonder how many others have succumb to his rage in the following years.
Retards should be put down at birth or shortly after as soon as diagnosed. Everybody knows they have no value and will be a financial and a mental burden to their family for the next 30-40 years until they die and leave broken and sad parents. Muh humane is such a bullshit excuse, nobody fucking needs them and they cause nothing but pain and misery
Yeah it always boggles my mind that people wouldn't abort if they know their kid will have down syndrome.

fucking normies, When will they learn?

It's both to some degree, most people have natural empathy towards those that are close to then on a primitive lifestyle, which means, if you lived in some primitive tribe, you would have empathy only towards your own family and close friends who were somehow, helpful towards your survival.

But with the expansion of literacy and linguistics, we started being able to feel empathy toward larger circles of people, for instance, a german can feel empathy towards a Japanese, while reading a book about his life, even through the Jap doesn't bring any benefit or survival advantage towards the German, who would otherwise, feel empathy only towards other fellow Germans, who are necessary to maintain his lifestyle, linguistics and our learning capacities make it possible, that we expand our empathy, which we naturally would only have towards those close to us, to bigger cirlces.

Some theorists believe the reason the muslim countries are primitive towards humanitarian rights, compared to europeans and americans, is that during the 19th century, literature was banned from being imported to muslim countries, which made they only being able to buy "technical books", limiting their ability to feel empathy towards outsiders, and thus making most of those countries, more backwards on those factors, today we can see the result of this, with the big clash of cultures that internet provided, and muslims with ideals that most ocidentals would consider really primitive if they really looked onto it.

Possible Autism with Down's. Those kids are like animals.
what do you think a spoiled brat is? ...
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I will fucking bail to another state and change my name if I found out a girl I knocked up is carrying an autistic child and wants to keep it.
lol why aren't these freaks euthanized

He's probably fat not "solid"
A completely separate issue than empathy.
Jesus christ why is this thing kept alive?
I have literally zero problem with eugenics. Nature's been doing it since the dawn of life. Now that we have brains we can efficiently breed a stronger race and re-purpose the undesirables into something more useful to us.

door slaps 1x10

Head punches 1x5

mother face slaps 1x10

chest slaps 1x10

mother/father struggle 1x1

Do this every day until your parents die young.
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at least post the whole thing
>may not want cuddling
fuck off, i don't want people touching me

Empathy is a human physiological feature to anyone who isn't a psychopath.
It's not a learned behaviour, even though culture (widely considered) can shape it a lot.

According to modern literature children affected with Down Syndrome are mildly psychopath (not due to a "interrupted empathy switch" in their brain but due to their kind of mental retardation)
Sometimes they try to understand the feelings of the one in front of them - with some difficulties - sometimes they don't.

Malformed children and children with extra chromosomes should be prevented to come to life in any decent civilized country.
>empathy is a human physiological feature


20:50 for teacher fighting gainz.
Eugenics is the future. Once religion is abolished.
Lol no. Are you retarded?
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I miss batsinthebarbell
The best she could do is dodge/parry and get away, Maybe she could hold down a skelefag, but any guy that isn't severely malnourished or overweight could overpower her through pure strength.

The heaviest deadlift by a woman is 640lbs. For men, it's 1180lbs.
t. rousey w/e the fuck her name is
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>the guy at 1 minute in who speaks mangled Japanese
>You feel anxious? Would you like a hug?
>autistic guy goes into full on disgust mode
>"I'M NOT G-"

The sad part about this is that he's probably been deprived of emotion from anyone other than his mom for so long that this was the first thing he could come up with at the idea of it.

Yeah he's autistic but even autists can understand platonic care.

the neurotypicals should fear the autist

thats correct, though.
empathy has to do with neural architecture in the brain- in retards and psychopaths those pathways are heavily damaged or missing completely.
He's limber as fuck. I wonder what his stretching program is.

>Having a legitimately autistic retard kid

Annoying Assburgers kids in school suck, but severe autism is literally the worst

My biggest fear is having a kid that turns out autistic
master blaster
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checked more boxes then i liked
Of course, but that is pretty rare. Also, tards might not have normal human limiters so they might just take the punches and keep going.
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Not to be a dick or nothing, but tards and the deformed should be gotten rid off. Functional autism is OK.
Not his fault his mom let the chosen people inject him with poison when he was an infant and damage his nervous system terribly

>get taught to put myself in other people's shoes
>later learn that apparently that's not empathy, but "sympathy" which is apparently evil and immoral
>empathy is apparently the magic ability to actually become that person, not think what would it be like if you were them, because that's the evil sympathy, but the ability to make your mind their mind and become them for an instant
>sounds like sci-fi nutjobbery and/or mystical mumjo jumbo to me
>tfw I'm apparently a sociopath incapable of empathy, only capable of "sympathy" because I can't magically actually become another person by thinking about it, only imagine what it it would be like for me to be them

I'm certain the people behind this type of thing are just making shit up as they go along.
>>later learn that apparently that's not empathy, but "sympathy" which is apparently evil and immoral
wtf? No, sympathy is feeling what the other person feels, empathy is understanding what the other person feels.

A genuine psychopath or a narc can't do sympathy, but can do cold empathy, which is understanding without the emotional component.


You can learn it, and it actually has to be learned. Functional brain does have mirror neurons and stuff, so you can kind of feel other people's feelings, but empathy needs to be learned. People from shit families often don't learn it so they are socially underdeveloped.
Jesus fucking christ, is the risk of sapience?

Do wolves not get it this bad or do the full autist ones just get killed?
Animals and people in natural environments are generally a lot more healthy than people in industrial societies. In primate society tard apes are often taken care of and left alone, even when they challenge dominant males.

But wolves can't afford that, so they probably get left behind or killed
What a sick, cruel person forces people to support a retard that NEVER will be cured?
when I was quite young, I had to pull back my punches on women whilst boxing and I toyed around with them because it was otherwise completely boring

keep in mind, this was like 10 years ago when I was 13
>sympathy is feeling what the other person feels
no, that's empathy. sympathy is caring/feeling sorry for someone.
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Tell me /fit/ if I pretend to be autistic and have a freak out, can I get a grill to lay on top of me like that?
I bet bitch learns to make him tendies for his tummy after a couple more whoopin's.
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>the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

>To sum up the differences between the most commonly used meanings of these two terms: sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters, while empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another.

Empathy can be done without any feelings. That's cold empathy. Empathy normally has both an emotional and thinking aspect.
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