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What's the #1 mistake you made as a novice?

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Thread replies: 319
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What's the #1 mistake you made as a novice?
Thinking ss was a meme, and i was clever for avoiding it.
being born
follow by
continuing to breath
I made the mistake of doing ss. Should have never listened to fit
>Anabolic Window meme
>Just east protein
>Workouts consisting of only isolation exercises

Being intimidated by compound lifts and wasting time with machines and isolation a with no plan.
Nice troll
Thinking carbs were the devil and going into drastic caloric deficits.
i started properly with SL 5x5 great gains, my mistake was not eating big and therefore not getting big
Doing SS
Should have sheiko.....
I started lifting to repress my tranny feelings
Dirty bulking
Doing 8 hour arms workout
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hello me
Not eating enough
Thinking training was enough to make gains without focusing on diet whatsoever. I actually made decent gains the first year starting from Auschwitz mode without changing my shitty low cal starved nigger diet before I hit a limit.
After losing 50lbs I got lazy and gained 40 of it back
This. I did PPL and plateau'd hard this last month after 10 months, so now I'm doing SS to get some noib gains that I have been missing.
sorry to derail thread, who is this artist? A deviantart page maybe?

> mistake 1) one scoop instead of two scoops
> mistake 2) going to the gym with friends
Neglecting flexibility
>caring about flexibility
Do you even mobility?
Dirty bulking, thinking anything that had protein in it was good, not cutting carbs.
Not paying any attention to form, because obviously compound lifts are too simple to fuck up
This. I don't think my back will ever be the same.
>Tried squatting the recommended way, knees pointed straight and not going past toes
>snapped some shit up
>started squatting "improperly" based on advice regarding my body type
>feet pointed slightly outward, lower the weight by breaking at the knees first
>suddenly able to do faster and heavier squats without pain

Why didn't anyone tell me?!
Not enough respect for legday.

Now I regularly squat. Fronts from clean rack, rear high bar, overhead, leg press, full rom extensions and curls, calves seated and standing.

Having a dedicated legday gives your upper body time to heal.
Or you could just not go to the gym
>Dirty bulking, thinking anything that had protein in it was good, not cutting carbs.
60g protein
120 carbs
some fats
Don't be ridiculous
not reacting to whats threatening my health is really the thing. part of me hates what i did to myself but its a blessing knowing i can progress from here
This was me for so long

Not asking somebody to teach me how to properly DL/squat. Ended up going straight to snap city a few years back.
asking the same

fingers crossed he draws hentai aswell
This is me right now. Started out doing PPL and I never wanna change. Fuck SS and Rippletits
stats and current body?
At least do a novice program like gslp

T. You fro, the future, trying to help you make gains
why not SL?
I fell for the "exercise helps with depression" meme
>started out PPL
>doing weekly progression as a novice

Lmao why do you tards always do intermediate routines literally designed for people who make 1/3rds the gains as a novice?

You could be making gains 3x a week, instead of 1x
You realize SL is worse than ss right?

The only novice routine worse than SL is ICF
I paid too much attention to lifting weights and diet while neglecting things that actually matter in life
1. Too much volume - 5x5 is more than you need to make gains as a noob and as you get to heavier weight it's actually an impediment as you can't recover from it quickly enough.
2. Exercise selection is nonsensical. SS has the exercises it has in the order it has them (and in the order it ADDS them, crucially) for very specific reasons. SL has the exercises it has because it's copying SS and Reg Park without any thought for WHY it uses those exercises. ICF is literally SL with a bunch of 'accessories' added for literally every body part that probably don't contribute anything.
3. SS was created by a guy with over 4 decades experience teaching complete novices of every conceivable age level how to lift, and tracking their results. SL was created by a marketing professional by copying SS without any understanding of why it is the way it is. ICF was created by the saddest sack of shit in the universe (look him up.)
1. you could switch to 3x5 easily if the weight gets too heavy
2. so i shouldnt squat 3x a week or what
3. that guy is fat
Biggest mistake was being too much of a Jew to stump up the cash for a copy of SS, even though it had been recommended to me by multiple sources. Probably set me back more than a few months.

I don't understand this meme of "More exercises + More gym sessions per week = Less Gains"

I go to the gym 6 times per week on my routine. I do compound lifts and a lot of isolations. Am I weak as fuck still? Of course, I've only been at it 4 (almost 5) months. But to me the progress has been really good.

Yes, because of the frequency and isolations maybe I can't go as hard on the bench as I could, but at the same time I think doing stuff like flys and dumbell press has been really great for my chest development. I hit every muscle group twice per week. I take a rest day in the middle.

So what's the issue? How is this slowing my progress down?

I'm bulking btw.
doing SS

once i started doing legs only once a week, i began enjoying going to the gym
Not going consistently enough. I still have that problem.
>I'm bulking btw.
why would you tell us that?
why are you going 6 times a week? with 1 rest day?
1. Then you aren't doing SL anymore.
2. No.
3. More than that.

after 2 weeks i went on thursday
might just go tomorrow on sunday for the first time ever
That's what an effective Push/Pull/Legs routine is to my understanding. Here's what my routine looks like.

Sun- Push
Monday- Legs
Tuesday- Pull
Wednesday- Rest
Thursday- Push
Friday- Legs
Saturday- Pull

On leg days and Wednesday I also do core work (planks, leglifts etc.)

And I mentioned bulking to clearly state what my goals are, which is building muscle, not so much lifting weight. I can't get proper feedback if I don't tell you what I'm trying to accomplish right?
1. so?
2. why not?
3. if he'd cut would he look good too?
I guaruntee you 4 months progress on ss and you would have seen 3x the gains.

You really should not be weak as fuck after 6 months lifting. By then you should ohp 1pl8 for AT LEAST 3 reps.

First understand muscles dont grow when you train. They grow when they recover from training.

If you train so frequently as to accumulate muscle fatigue, you will be too weak to lift enough weight enough times to progressively overload the muscle. Not progressively oberloading the muscle means not stimulating muscle growth (no matter how hard you feel like you train).

Doing 3x8 babbyweight isolations will not progressively overload the muscle at nearly the rate going from a 1pl8 to a 2pl8 bench will.
Not eating enough and not worrying enough about proper form and stretching. At one point my pecs were so tight I couldn't lift my arms over my head.
I don't know why I punished myself for so long before doing this as well.
>Doing 3x8 babbyweight isolations will not progressively overload the muscle at nearly the rate going from a 1pl8 to a 2pl8 bench will.

all those fags going
>i can curl 20kg dumbbells
can't ohp 30kg for reps at all
getting way more protein inside me than i need

went from 150g
to 60g

and i could actually enjoy shitting again
Also, 6 days a week, but only hitting the muscle groups 2x a week.

If you did fullbody 3x a week you would
-have more recovery days, and thus more strength and growth
-train all muscle groups 3x a week. Stimulating more weekly growth

Trust me, your progressive overload will be near maximized if you are adding 5lb to all your lifts every training session.
20kg curls is pretty fucking solid kek
i sometimes do 14kg hammer db curls and my arms are okay
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Just some follow up info.

Also, remember rep ranges are a meme
Making my own routine while having zero knowledge about training or anatomy.
I literally never isolate arms, and do 225lb chin ups (@170lb bw) for 5 and my arms are more than ok
i started out doing
>lateral raises
at home
had some pretty nice pump gains for a month
but not many strength gains

I thought the advantage of PPL was that on "pull days" you're resting muscles used on "push days" and on Leg Days you're resting both Push and Pull?

ending my cut too soon

you should cut till 10% then bulk
>tfw I never do leg day even 3 years after starting gym
You cant really build muscle without building strength without roids

E.g. The fastest way to a big chest is benching 2pl8x10

The fastest way to get there is train for strength to get 2pl8x5, then do volume training for a while as your chest explodes with muscle
This is very useful for INTERMEDIATE lifters who need WEEKLY progression.

It is not designed for novice lifters.

Greyskull is.
So where do I go from here?
No harm done though ?

no harm, but I didnt reach my goal (getting shredded)

on the bright side, bulking is never a bad idea if you get stronger, but ultimately I want to be strong but cut, not strongfat.
by "gains," these retards just mean how much you lift. and yes, you would increase how much you lift significantly more on an LP

there's a 100% chance of you looking better in 5 months than the average SS retard in a year though.
this is patently wrong

stop feeding this misinformation to newbies you fucking idiots
hopped on a brosplit immidietly and trained like i was on roids

Feels bad man. For your back though honestly try a chiropractor
not eating healthy
not eating enough healthy food
not training hard enough
not lifting with proper form
not sleeping enough
>progressiely overloading the muscle with high weight is not objectively the best way to grow muscle as a natural lifter

Hi there DYEL who has lifted for a month or less
Yeah, that's what's confusing me. Like my physique is improving and I feel stronger almost every week I hit the gym. Maybe I should modify my program to include more rest?

I mean it kinda cancels out right? I could probably bench way more if all I did was bench, but I'm doing three chest exercises a week so it all takes a toll, in addition to my other isolations.

It seems to me it's like going from 3x10 to 5x5 and claiming your bench went up. Well no shit, you're doing less reps, so you're putting less stress on your muscles.

Also I'm 5'8" so I'm fairly skeptical of a program that insists I need to eat 4,000-6,000 calories in order to build mass. I eat 3,000 a day and I walk 20 miles a week and I'm still making gains.
Post body, DYEL

You arent going to achieve progressive overload doing 3x8 babbyweight
wasted time stretching and foam rolling when the problem was bad form, not vice versa.


didnt count macros - ate too much fat and not enough carbs or protein. didnt spread the macros in a reasonable way throughout the day
I should clarify I'm doing three chest exercises TWICE a week.
Bro splits for the first year and a half or so
You made the first claim, shouldn't you post your body first?
For sure ignore mark's nutritional advice.

It is targeted ad underweight skellies who claim to eat 3,000 kcal, but in reality are eating 1,700
Not retracting my motherfucking scapula. I was benching like a motherfucking noob. Tore my fucking rotator cuff in the process.
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not realizing nutrition is as important as training

I used to lift but not pay attention to calories/macros, big mistake
it's all about volume, which a PPL or an UL split has way more than a shit 3x5, compounds only routine.

HOW MUCH you lift has no impact on your physique, as long as the weight you're doing is a lot to your body in its current state.

bodybuilders are universally weak and have always been. stop feeding people misinformation you fucking idiot.
Only after the invention of steroids, have bbers been weak.

Natural bbers are still strong, from eric helms to omar isuf to kinobody

I'm pretty sure he's on roids but who am I to say?
>6 months
>By then you should ohp 1pl8 for AT LEAST 3 reps.
Here you go. 6 months of noob gains from greyskull. I am still fat (18%bf) but skinniest I have ever been in my entire life.

Formerly obese. was 190 when I started liftin am 170 currently

Your turn dyel
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(You)r turn

>Only after the invention of steroids
>tries to prove greyskull by listing weightloss
>Doesn't list starting lift v. Current lifts.

Mate are you retarded?
You're either a roider or a moron. I suppose you COULD be a roiding moron, which would probably explain why you're so fucking weak.
>6 months
and here we go

you're a FUCKING IDIOT beginner handing out advice and calling other people beginners because you can't stop projecting

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That's decent. I'm not the dude you were arguing with though, I just think the guy to make the first claim has to prove it.

Honestly you would have looked the same had you done ppl though likely.
reminder that this is who you're taking advice from when you're told to go on SS as a beginner

protip: this is a thread for intermediate/veteran lifters to talk about their novice mistakes. YOU ARE A NOVICE. STOP OFFERING ADVICE.
Ohp 95x5 > 135x4
Bench 125x5 > 200x6
Hip thrust 200x5 > 325x8

Stopped training dl
Not enough volume. As a noob, your body will adapt after a few weeks and you can lift+cardio 5 days a week. Granted, this is hard to do, but with a decent diet and noob gains, youll make quick progress.
Post body
Not understanding that diet is 75% of gains
SAME. I'm starting psmf from Lyle McDonald's book on monday
how much is enoug hthough
Well I'm still confused. Should I keep doing PPL but include more rest days?

I honestly hate the idea of just doing three compound lifts three days a week. I like being in the gym. I like doing my accessories. The frequency is a great help mentally. It keeps me focused. It helps with my depression. I just love working out.

I'd honestly hate to strip my routine down now. It'd feel like I'm missing something.
are you both me?
Bet he looks better than you did after 6 months
Not starting sooner

I was born.
Thinking I really need 4000 calories as a heavy training 188cm 100kg 29 year old, and putting on a lot of muscle and fat, resulting in stretch marks in particular on my hips an thighs.
Now I'm gonna cut to make some space for the rest of the newb gains.
I agree with you that hes a newbie that shouldnt be offering advice. But you should post pics so that we can judge yoy
I already did though
Oh shit my bad. I didnt go high enough in the reply chain. Mirin
You did the PPL routine right?
who says knees/toes straight? go look at anyone with a moderately good squat, low or high. nobody does that.
U/L as a beginner actually, moved on to a PPL later.

but yes, not an LP. I'm pretty weak and I don't give a shit.
Mixed grip under 4pl8
>benching with impingement
>not making it

Hope you recover bro
What are your lifts if you don't mind me asking?

And you posted the pic without the head in the frame? Sorry its fucking hard to keep track of the conversation sometimes.
Falling for the "500 calorie surplus brooo" meme. There is no reason to go above a %10 surplus unless you're competing for strength. Even %10 may be unnecessary.
do you even lift
yes, I posted >>37777313

I'm below 1/2/3/(not even close to) 4.
You gotta eat big to get big.
I mean I'm sure 1/2/3/4 is way harder to achieve that fit claims haha.
Getting memed by SS.
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Fuck you
include me in the screencap

retard, commit suicide
The 7s have spoken from these day on ss will be considered an eternal meme
Hexa get
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Not really, man....
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That settles it, I'm staying on my PPL routine. Fuck SS.
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Congrats from [s4s]!
Tried getting big on a vegan diet.
I really hate when people say 5x5 is too much. Just goes to show nobody actually read the damn program.
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>mfw 2 months into SS
Actually you are doing SL because it tells you to go to 3x5 after 2 reloads.
me screencap pls
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What do you guys mean by cutting too soon?
I'm guessing i don't really know what cutting(i thought i did), in that case what is cutting?
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That it was actually wasn't "no homo"
Cutting is losing weight/bodyfat.

He stopped and his bodyfat% was still too high. He should have waited and gotten it lower before going on another bulk.
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Screenshot me.
>muh SS is a meme!

even though you're supposed to do it for like three months, not a fucking year you dumb fucks.
Seven septs

SS is now officially a meme
Not going out and getting my food to actually make my gains.

Not asking for a spotter because I was afraid people would think I'm a pussy with my bench weight.

Not spending longer making sure my form was top notch.

Not working for even balance
nope, you do it until you've deloaded your squat twice/exhausted LP gains.

m e m e
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Eventually You will realize that high volume is better for you.

Strength is fun to do but comes with a lot more risk and has more significant long term effects on your body.

For me it's that it took about a decade of strength lifting with constant plateaus and insanely fast loss of any strength gains when u took a month off to realize that to pull women and look good you just need a simple volume workout with frequent cardio while eating a small surplus when wanting to get larger and a small surplus wen you want to get more defined

>simple as
Women don't care if you're strong if you look strong
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oh laawd
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Nice post.
>strength training and volume are different things

Bruh just.... you're wrong.
Confirmed SS is a meme
Hey anons, I'm pretty new at fitness and 4chan btw. What ss means? lol

and some tips to get not ripped but healty?

18/M really skinny, I'm actually 115 pounds.
1. You only 5x5 for a brief period then go to 3x5 after some failures. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about
2.The selection is nonsensical then you claim it's just copying SS. That makes sense.
3. You claim it's worse because it was made by a marketing professional but previously admit it just copies SS. That makes sense, again.

Why don't you fucking understand what you are talking about if you're going to critique the routine instead of regurgitating shit you read from someone else, like that retarded trap who can't even squat body weight.

Once again, you don't know what you are talking about.

SL isn't perfect and there is valid criticism. Fucking parroting faggot.
The one complaint I had about SL last time I looked at it compared to SS was that medev thought you could replace chins/pullups with fucking pendlay rows.

Protip: you can't

The easiest way to Boulder shoulders is higher reps with lower weight. While Powerlifting with low reps and high weight has an anabolic effect too, anyone who thinks the outcome is the same as those of someone who does starting aesthetics is stupid
Newfag here

Does SS means starting strength

What the fuck is wrong with it
>ay just gotta add 2kg to your BW each month.
I ended up getting fat

>ay you dont need to stretch
I couldn't hit squat depth

>ay SS is fine for mass
I looked like shit and still do. But I got reasonably strong
here you go friend, enjoy your stay on /fitler/
The fact that no one actually reads the program so they complain about a lack of accessories and arm work and don't realize that there is more programming to it than just dead squat bench 5x5.
winner winner
There isn´t anything inherently wrong with it.

But it is a strength routine, you should expect increased strength.

Won´t add much mass, usually you will stall and need to add more volume.
>My program is 3x/week barbell training until the strength gains produced by linear progression are exhausted. That's it, the whole program. Adding a bunch of other stuff in, or even adding a little other stuff in makes it NOT MY PROGRAM, because it fundamentally alters your response to the stress. Do what you want, of course, but it won't be my program if you do it your way.
If you dicked around on a chest/legs/shoulders/back split for two years and your buddy ran Sheiko, he would be bigger and stronger than you due to the sheer shitpile of volume. There is no sustainable 'bodybuilding' program where you are likely to avoid a stall, periodization and pushing strength are where it's at.
>didnt spread the macros in a reasonable way throughout the day
What do you mean? I tend to get to much protein and to low carbs and fat
there is evidence that if you eat 200g of protein in one meal you will end up shitting out like 100g+ of undigested protein.
oh dear fucking christ, i just came on for a pleasant look through /fit/ and i witness a murder of epic proportions
They go hand in hand
Squat/DL/OHP with poor form then keep working out despite having injuries.

Prob. stunted my growth... maybe. Then again, I didn't get any permanent pains or pains lasting more than 2 days so probably not.
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>Doing ss
I weigh 152 and do weighted chin ups for 80lbs for 5 and my arms are not okay. All the growth is on my lats. I'm 5'10 so I don't ever expect my arms to be big at my weight
startling strong
"SS is a meme" is a meme
a whole chapter in SS is dedicated to assistance exercises, faggot

What are your stats and lifts? You look better than most of /fit.
Also, did you do Greyskull or ppl?
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fucking shit

this thread was going so good, it actually felt like a productive thread on /fit/

then some faggot had to fuck it all up

this place is a fucking cesspool, I hope you all get fucking cancer and have to deal with the stress of slowing dying you fucking faggot
not eating enough
God damnit
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How long did it take you without being fat?
That dude has been lifting for 6 months and looks pretty good
because the book isn't entirely about the program.

the post you quoted is a quote from rippetoe. all of his wichita falls victims do it that way.
>the human body will waste a shit ton of a vital macronutrient because it isn't immediately needed.

Shut the fuck up
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> I hope you all get fucking cancer and have to deal with the stress of slowing dying you fucking faggot

We're all slowly dying anyway anon.
Get out of 4chan. Also do Greyskull LP for 3 months then Upper/Lower routine for life. Eat at a small surplus to gain weight but no fat
Trying to permacut, when you have no muscle to cut down to, endlessly cutting as a skinnyfat leaves you emaciated and weak
good point
dayummmmmmmn my man!

SS is officially a meme now
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SS + accessory lifts is better than 90% of routines
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I am never coming back to /fit/ for advice these fuckers are in worse shape than me and I am beginner mode big time.

I gave up vegetarianism and cardio for low rep lifting and bulking.

Predictably, I went from skinny and weak to fat and strong.

I should've just added high volume lifting to what I already did. Would've been shredded goal body years ago now.
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And once again the "SS is actually good" reddit meme has been BTFO
Coming to /fit/
pfffffff haha, yeah, real math wiz over here
>You get more rest doing SS than PPLPPLx

Let's look at chest. Applies to any muscle group though. On SS, you work out 3 days a week, full body. Assuming you work out roughly every other day, that means your chest rests 1-2 days better workouts (CxCxCxx).

On PPLPPLx, you're chest rests 2-3 days between workouts (CxxCxxx).

You get twice as much rest doing PPL as you do on SS, but with smart programming you can match or exceed the volume of SS. SS is a fucking meme and anyone shitting on PPL over concerns about needing to rest should kill themselves.
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he got MEMED
As a novice, my friend has a home gym I can use but only three days a week. Is there a program I can do that has 3 day cycle? Should I do free body workouts on the days I miss?
this isnt him this was posted like 40 years ago, ur a retard bro lol
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Only taking 3 scoops
Can someone explain to me why you would ever choose bigger lifts and looking like this over weaker lifts but looking good?

SL has five work sets across. That is a fuck ton of volume for a beginner.
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Who says you can't do both?
Despite what Ronnie Coleman says, not everyone wants to be a bodybuilder.
How many people go to the gym initially to get stronger instead of to look better. Can't be more than 1 in 100.
me and all of PLG which is the most active thread on this board
it has been foretold
That was honestly your initial motivation? You were sitting at home one day and decided to go to the gym to get strong, not to look good?
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The prophecy was true
a lot of people start off for looks but then you pretty much reach your natty potential for looking good after a year so its either start roiding or lift heavy

What. I look way better than I did a year ago and last year I looked better than the year before.
What is ss
i think its Mark Rippetoes starting strength
I started browsing /fit/ on march, dummy. And I've been on this site for a fairly long time.,
Now pls tell.
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Thanks bro, I've been stretching and getting flexibility.
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It means Schutzstaffel. A Nazi workout program for huge gains.
Not doing cardio.

Do your fucking cardio, kids.

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Tell me more, guys, I'm having this same problem and doing it kinda like you say makes it way easier. What body type do you have?

For me, I have kinda crooked legs too so straight-ahead knees cannot be done.
Retarded people, typically broscience PT's and doctors.
Oh lawd have mercy
OK so I'm a total noob (3rd week of Greyskull), and I need some advice from more experienced lifters: where do I go from there? Like in 6 months or so when I'm done being a complete noob. Can I continue with Greyskull? My goal is hypertrophy primarily but also some strenght would be nice.

Also has any one of you done Intermitted Fasting?
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>squatting with the bar resting on my neck/traps instead of further back towards my shoulder muscles

I feel like such a fucking idiot having pussied out of doing squats for so long because it hurt my neck when all I had to do was move the bar slightly further back
Not starting sooner.
Didn't buy whey immediately
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anon goes to valhalla.gif
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>Can't skip on sleep
It is hard to make enough time for sleep, I know! It is needed though. Make sure to schedule it. :)
>What's the #1 mistake you made as a novice?

Consuming Creating.

It is no coincidence that the same month I started taking it I saw a growth appear in my ball sack.

It was testicular cancer.

that shit should be banned from the market
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I can now die a peaceful death
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Based on the fact that your doorknob is about three inches above your navel, it's safe to say you're a manlet.

Try looking that way at a real height without proper training.
Too much cardio
Not enough calories
Basically looking dyel as fuck
Pic related
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what is ss pls
Starting strength
You're a god among mortals
Memed for life!
Should I do Pendlay Rows or Power Cleans?
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Both. Power cleans are more important for a beginner though.
On the real not meme ss, chinos ate included instead of rows. Tbh power cleans and rows are not comparable
Chinup lol auto-correct
>ego lifting
>not bulking hard as a skele
>deadlift form not being good and lifting past that
Chin ups are already in the routine independent of rows vs cleans. The meme SS has rows interchangeable for cleans. Which is more beneficial for s beginner?
starting strength
google faggot
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>50% of fit says SS is a meme
>50% of fit says SS is great
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West protein is also a meme
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>trapfag found dead, apparent suicide by noose
what is SS

pls respond thanks

lol fuck right off m8

heres ur (you)

> 7x7 confirmed for god tier programming
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What a stupid reason
Im 400 pounds now and have left humanity behind.
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>Doing SS
Enjoy your no gains and a dad bod
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Been waiting for this
Include me in the screenshot pls.
I thought I could bulk just on chocolate milk and plain white bread.
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An elite Nazi special forces unit.
I am starting SS now, it says to add a lot more than 5 lbs in the beginning. Is that correct?
divide your daily protein intake evenly for every meal.

little carbs (sugary carbs preferred to replenish glycogen storages) in the breakfast, some carbs before workout depending on how they make you feel, most carbs after workout and some carbs (like 50g) in your last meal to help you sleep.
i personally do my 400 grams of carbs in 4 meals like this: breakfast 50, lunch, 200 (post workout), dinner 100, evening 50. swap the dinner and lunch if i have to workout later

take most of your fats in the morning and evening. fat will slow down absorption so especially after workouts you want to have little fat (like >15 grams) in your meal. fats in the morning will give you long-lasting energy since you wont take too much carbs in the morning.
I've seen one old Jew swearing for life SS was definitely not a meme.
If you're skelly, TDEE +500
If you're lardass, TDEE, unless you want aesthetics, then TDEE -500
nice mim
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time to change to a bro-split I guess
>moving goalposts, the post
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SS is a meme?
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