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Is he natty? This nigga could swallow Rich Piano https://ww

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Is he natty? This nigga could swallow Rich Piano

He's obese, rich Piana at least has visible veins and abs

you didnt answer my question. do you think hes natty? look at his fucking fists. they are monstrous.
Rich piana is obese too.

You can be obese with muscle.

You think it is healthy to weigh over 300lb regardless of body composition?
>pick up the soap faggot

Aren steroids legal in Iran? Not saying he isn't a mutant freak with wacky genetics. But thought they were legal there.. Maybe confusing them with Iraq though.

Yeah you can buy roids in any gym in iran but there are also many cases of people dying from fake roids
Does it matter. Girls won't be attracted to that.
>inb7 lifting for girls
Qtma + 2(t) want definition and good proportions. Not big strongmen. They want Athletic
He is not only roided, but shopped to hell
you are braindead
Take your obesity elsewhere
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How the fuck are we gonna save Europe from cunts like this

>le eurocuck meme

nice try amerifat
No. He's also fat as fuck. Even fucking Andy Bolton isn't that fat. He's 'only' 155 kg as well, he looks freakishly big next to Iranian manlets but if you put him next to Brian Shaw or Terry Hollands he'd look tiny.
He looks like the goddamn Michelin Man.
Pic related
whats he gonna do? smell like shit in public because he can't wipe his ass?plus, iranians aren't arabs. iranians are based.
run at a middling pace for two minutes until his heart gives up?
either that or guns
>implying he can manage to chase me if i run
i've yet to see a video or even just a photo of him working out. i'm pretty sure that guy has a "mutation". something's not right with him, and he turns it into "i'm hulk lol".

>he has pic next to piano and brock lesnar
>they are both manlets comared to him

look at his fucking fists . you cant get big fists with roid
A gun will suffice
Neither of them are powerlifters/strongmen though. This fella is 155kg, dunno how tall he is but presumably low-mid 6'. If you put him in a WSM lineup he'd be not only one of the fattest but also one of the smallest. Terry is 6'6 and sitting a good 40-50kg heavier, and Brian is 6'8 and well over 200kg.
Im pretty sure this is not roid. Look at his fists you cant get big fists with roid.
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>those shoops
Looks like he was born with a defect more than anything. He'll probably be dead before he's 30
And the fact that he has big hands means he isn't roiding?

>welcome to /fit/

also nice trips

they both look like skinny fags compared to this guy

his bone structure is massive it means the chances that hes roiding is very low
>Looks like he was born with a defect more than anything
Yeah, I'd agree with that (a lot of his pics are shopped as well). He doesn't look like someone his size and bf% should look.
>believes in somatotypes
Am I being taken on ruse cruise here? If so, 7/10. Can't you people tell it's shopped?
>they both look like skinny fags
Neck yourself. You're saying someone who weighs 450lbs+, has won WSM three times and holds the Atlas Stone WR looks like a skinny fag next to some fat paki?
>that bf%

he's a manlet

stay mad eurocuck
you can't save us anymore. We are in for a race war, and I will be prepared!
it's shopped

and hgh abuse can do that.

show me a roider with fists like that faggot
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Sorry to break it for you, found his unshopped pics online. This nigga barely out of ottermode lmao
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I think he's a little lost about how big strongmen actually are. Even the 'normal' guy in this pic is more swole than 00% of this board
What the fuck is your problem, Ahmed?
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rich clearly has a bigger fist in any given picture, inbred

you lost bitch
Rich is on hgh idiot
here you go you fucking sand nigger

kek . by the size of the fist and wrist you can tell if someone is roidind. pussy wrists are a sign of roid because you cant get bigger wrists and fists by roids.
hgh can make your hands bigger, dumbasses. stop posting immediately if you don't know shit.

that picture is shopped stupid nigger here this is the original now shut the fuck up
lmfao his hands look even bigger there. you're not doing a great job in defending yourself muhammed

>dat pussy wrist

lol you got BTFO
you do realize wrists are not part of your hand, right abdi?
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>wipe ass
>middle east
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Yall guys don't know how growth hormone works right? If you abuse the fuck outta it, your bones and organs grow too.
Look @ hit fucking traps and capped fat delts. Dude is on tons of gh and a wet gainz gear and eats a fuck ton.
Yep, he's dreamer bulking on boatloads of Cell Tech.

>dirty americans never wash their asshole
>its always crusty and smells like pungent stench
>they somehow call iranians who wash their asshole everytime they shit dirty

top fucking kek
> ameriburgers
> washing ass

pick one
your obese musclefreak can't run for shit, he'll lose all his gains.

you've already lost the race war.
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How long has this meme been going on, if a racewar ever happens half of your population will literally side with the sandniggers

>that pic

Do you think the western world gives a fuck what they are?
>iranians aren't arabs
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Its only after you lost everything that you are free to do anything
those are some ogre-tier genetics
Can you imagine if this guy went as Shrek on halloween?
I'm Iranian Persian and am whiter than most """"""whites"""""" in America. That guy op posted is an Arab for sure though. Most of Iran has become Arab after the invasion of islam hundreds of years ago. Which is funny because Iran translates to land of the aryans.
this is shopped as hell, look at his lower arm/elbow. Very clearly the liquify tool was applied here to increase size.
doesn't show him lift anything. he's prolly just big and has the best fat distribution ever. Or injected Synthol.
So? Your peopl are Arab now. Who give a fuck about what happened centuries ago. Deal with it sandnigger.
Start running and 5 minutes into the chase turn around and punch his gut, the next day he gets rhabdo and pisses 45 liters of liquid muscle
Of course he's using AAS, but I'd rather be Martyn Ford or Rich since the guy is 20 something % bodyfat and probably won't live another 20 years.
I also assume this. A lifter of this size who doesn't show off his lifts/numbers? According to his size he should be able to bench 6plates at least.
Every pic of him is heavily photoshopped. lmfao.
This. Stupid weenies don't understand that even other whites hate them so much they'd rather side with Arabs than them.
looks like "the bulldozer of fallujah - the isis executioner
If he was natty he would have significantly lower BF%

I think this middle easterner won the genetic lottery on strength.
I think he lost the genetic lottery on how to turn fat in muscle.

Why is this man not competing in World's Strongest Man?

So many errors in that post
I would decimate that fool. Stubby, neckbeard mofo
>left, top to bottom: astartes, astartes chaplain
>right: various chaos scum
>those fucking nails
lol that nigga isn't catching me
Fuck your BMI foolery.
t. Muhammad
No it means he eats growth hormone for breakfast.

If anything those giant hands PROVE he has been taking some shit
You think your heart is healthy supporting an extra 100 lbs of lean body mass?

You think an enlarged steroid heart is healthy?

Healthy bodyfat% =\= health
Guys with hands that big can't hold needles or pills.
i heard you dont convert to islam kafhir
I hate Muslims so fucking much.

>implying mobility
>implying cardio
>not cutting your fucking finger nails
How is this so fucking hard for people. I'm also talking about you Filthy Frank! Clip those fuckers!
post pic to prove that you're white
- Lui Marco
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