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/plg/ - powerlifting general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 366
Thread images: 61

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be nice to each other
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1st for licking trappy's feet
any sneak peek into what the sabre method philosophy will be based around ?

Please tell me what an autistic skinny black person prancing around has to do with powerlifting, you aspie faggot.
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>this natty lifts more than most roiders
>b...but muuh untested feds do not count
holy fuck he has upped the dose, niggas bigger than ever
low quality bait
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Just finished this week's last training, WEW lads, it's harder than I thought, but so worth it.
I don't have to hype myself up because most sets are quite easy and it lets you really focus on proper technique which will help a ton, I'm sure of it. The problem is that I train around 150-170 minutes with short rest periods and without wasting time, it really kicks your ass
he is natty
Just remember whenever things get hard you can always inject your way out of the difficulties
bloody hell, who is that girl?
>tfw no /fit/ chocolate gf
pretty sure I've seen her on the victoria's secret instagram page, try checking there
sure thing, bud
Bodyweight ATM?
not lifetime natty
ahahahahah :^), but I need it to live, wut do
around 95kg, will compete in -93 in mid june, I'll do a short cut in a few weeks
I want this to be my cum containr
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Reminder i havent even had this wahlander for 2 months
>150-170 minutes with short rest periods and without wasting time
wew lad
my rest times are long as fuck, would take me a day to get through
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>those manfeet
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>non lever belt
it is a man
Jazzma Kendrick
>i_heart_jazzma on IG
Is that a double prong or QR?
Wtf did you do to it? I have mine for over a year now and it is still in mint condition.
Squat 3-4x a week. Diddly 2x a week.
was a leather outer the only option?
What's even the point in trying anymore?
His nipples look puffy?
Must have forgot to take his AI
I don't know? Used it?
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Failed a 175kg deadlift lads. Might take up rock collecting.
just live through gibbs
he was close to getting 330kg, will probably get it at world Tbh
no they don't

the guy I posted went from 74 yo 93kg in 1.5 year btw kek

>just live through gibbs
No I'm 5'6 and I'm gonna end up in the 74kg class because I don't want to be chubby
no ass tho
>the guy I posted went from 74 yo 93kg in 1.5 year btw kek
says he is an 83kg Tbh

>No I'm 5'6 and I'm gonna end up in the 74kg class
same and im almost scared to leave it lol but i believe we can make it to the 83s one day lad
>says he is an 83kg Tbh

>but i believe we can make it to the 83s one day lad
this guy is one inch shorter and 161 in his latest pic and is xbox huge
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formcheck please
Does anyone know what could be causing slight pain/uncomform in my right glute after squatting?
sit back (lean torso forwards), get wrist wraps. pain can come from the little hyperextension you do when you ascend. btw I got malware from that link
It's just cosmetic wear anyways, and you might be pulling it too tight.
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>webm for retards
>please get it
No thanks, I dont want that malware on my computer.
wtf this site fucked my computer up
Anyone seen rasputin lately?
When I started lifting I swear I had long arms. (Started at 16)
Now I'm older my arms are short???
Stronger back keeping them back? Finished growing?

Deadlifting has gone from a walk in the park to maschossim.

What do I do? My squat is 20kg stronger than my deadlift,
I got malware wt
What the fuck this installed a virus on my moms computer
How do i fix this? She needs it for work.
Doing some weird ass squat routine where I warm up with a plate for 8 reps then I go 8x1 2 plates, its my max and I know im weak, then front squats for a plate and a half 3x5. Felt some new found strength in me so I pushed my 8x1 to 8x1 with 3x1 235 lb back squats. listening to Natasha Bedingfield the entire time mustve been the reason why I was able to squat so much for me!
Wew lads, done with freshman year. That went by fast. Now for the cut and 5/3/1 to start.
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Found him posting outside of plg again lads

Yes your arms shrunk. Can't do anything about it you're basically just fucked.

Rip. Are you American? How much did that cost in burgers?
How do I lengthen arms when deadlifting. I feel like tensing lats bring them back.
Should be pushing shoulders down and abducting your scapulae. Think of pushing them away from your ears

free version is good enough for 99% of cases
download, install, click "scan now", go grab a drink or something.
wanted to get rid of the virus not add another one
thanks a lot dickhead
sleeping with a black chick has opened the floodgates

starting to find more minorities more attractive


This has just made it worse. Now I have TWO viruses
Wtf now my moms laptop had 2 viruses, asshole

>taking the obvious b8
norsie, how do i meet girls if i only lift and work? teach me senpai
I've found myself looking at cholas and being like "yeah I could see how you could be into that" keeping pulling at that thread and suddenly it's not a sweatshirt anymore

>tfw this ginger, fat piece of shit is getting laid and you're not
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>one of the few Norwegians not getting shitfaced tonight
Who here /achiever/?

I don't even want to drink.
Big paper/ project due? I'll be buried through next week, got an exam on Monday, paper Tuesday, project and exam Wednesday
I wanna puke thinking about it
hobbies my mang.

but if you don't have time, idk :(

yeah, thats kinda where i'm at looking at >>36986439

>piece of shit
>getting laid

Lmao yeah thats pretty pathetic :D
In for sabre test results
Tbf she's pretty cute even if you're not into that. I've gotten to the point where I have been attracted to some pretty beat tattoos on knuckles caked on makeup Mexican chicks. I just love Mexicans man, as long as they're not harry.

If I put on 200 pounds will the wimminz flock to me, like they do to you?
bombed lad
And poutine
poutine not tommorow?
no, and most likely will be a detriment

i think we've been over this, most women are actually very unattracted to me. I'm just un-ugly enough that for a select group of females that find
>dad bod
>traditional manliness

attractive, that i fill a super niche thing for them and thats why they like me as much as they do.


mexicans are the next minority on the list i suppose. still relatively not into them
sabre you better have gotten PRs on all 3 lifts or I'm gonna kick your ass
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Big paper due the 6th (have >3k words (probably too much and too bad), need 5k with airline quantitative analysis and discussion), exam the 2nd. Didn't start reading until six hours ago because of working on the paper and procrastination.
Exam the 9th and the relevant literature is.. vast, to put it mildly.

Let's puke together brother.

>not into them
I'm giving you a side-eye rn m8.
I love kinder
The chocolate, r-right?
how extremely obnoxious
all boardie wanted was a quiet coffee and gets harassed
not even verbally that would only last a second but now he has to carry the harassment around with him
yeah. googled it but didn't find anything, assume it has to do something with kids?
It's deutsch for children, yes.

You're not the brightest kid in the classroom now, are you?
Hey I'm a norwegian not getting shitfaced today

my penis is all itchy tingly
I was feeling good about myself today so i took a picture of myself shirtless.

LOL nope, still fat
Why is Stannis in GoT so bad at war? I thought hes talented
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Is he the one who fucks the fire lady or the one with the son who cuts people's dicks off
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fare lady
I don't know what this means
fire lady
meant to type fire lady

its been a long week
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>still relatively not into them
You think she turned all old cause she gave her life to Jon snow
You should kill yourself
>dfn jeg skadet meg i dag
>dfn forste mote neste uke

GÃ¥r helt sikkert over om noen dager, men fortsatt
This post gave me malware
post them here dickweed
What's even the point anymore?
What'd you do tho?
this ain't /int/ commie
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haven't seen newest season yet
norris still got it Tbh
Ya. I didn't do anything, it happened in my car on the way to the gym to do deadlifts lol. My upper back started hurting when I turned my head. I think it's caused by my back being really tight, so hopefully a week of rest and foam rolling will make it go away.
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thats cute.gif
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>theon holding a hot dog
did you watch it?
Hey guys since i have been working in a manual labor job i have changed mt gym days to be once a day on the weekend were i squat bench and dead lift all the same day.
Anyone else had any experience with power lifting and doing manual labor jobs?
were you watching it through your neighbours window while trying not be be seen?
No why do you ask? I was watching a copy I torrented ;)
Welp. Good luck tho.
>Tundra start as Korea
You should've rerolled.
There is software called webm for retards which allows you to create webms which you can then post to 4chan (an image board) rather than posting a link like some reddit fag
It symbolizes his penis that got cut off
Then how is he supposed to inject malware into it
thx. I'll attend either way though, I think. I did heavy deads today regardless and i didn't feel anything during / after
I trust you guys (lol) more than rest of fit. when it comes to protein, how much do i actually need and is it true that if i consume extra protein, it will carry over into the next day or is that not true
Yes you idiot cucklord
1500 proteins
i would never have guessed that
you are so smart lad
wow that's less than 1 gram of protein per pound of my body weight, they were wrong!!
So what about fire lady turning old did I get wrong
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You need 3.5-5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.
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yeah, i've since such learned.

i'm sort of a scrub

I go with about 0.8-0.9 * (lean mass body weight in pounds


grams protein = 0.85 * (1-BF%) * body weight in lbs


grams protein = 2.0 * (1-BF%) * body weight in kg
4chan has a 4mb limit or something like that you goof.
Sorry I got it wrong, I meant 3 thousand proteins

rewatch it and comeback afterwards
I did and I think I was write
fire lady turned old because she gave her life to Mr. Snow
ummmm (1-BF%) means 1 minus my body fat percent? i must be interpreting that wrong
why is your webm of a single set of squats more than 4mb you willy
get webm for retards, set it to 3mb
rewatch it
Why would I get webm for retards when I'm not a retard?
I use virtualdub since im not a pleb.
High quality
thats lean mass
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No, thats correct.

Research shows about 0.8 * (total body mass in lbs)

I personally find thats a bit over kill, at least for me.

I usually end up at about 0.9 * (Lean body mass)

Lean body mass = (1 - BF%) * Total body mass in lbs)

for example, I usually shoot for 17-200 grams of aprotein a day

2.0 * (1 - 0.25) * 122 = 182 grams of protein per day
(this is the kg formula)

If you think you need more, go for it and up the number, I was just telling you my personal rule of thumb.
>17 grams of protein
>I use virtualdub since im not a pleb.
>when I'm not a retard?
yet you cant work out how to post on 4chan
you are a retard, get the wemb for it, there is no shame

>trusting /plg/ on food intake

Just fucking eat 200g of protein bro.
Just make them smaller, adjust the bit rate, holy shit you are dumb
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170-200 kek

sorry typo
How many episodes of s6 are out? 2? 1?
There's not big difference between the word pleb and retard.
and there is only 6 this season

1, second is tomorrow
I did, turns out i was right

what do you think happened
Uh, wut.

Well, on movie4k there's only 1 anyways, i have to be patient, i guess.
>what do you think happened
that what you think is wrong
I want some kinder eggs right now desu
Yum yum children eggs
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basically going to be the first day in the gym this entire week

god what a shit week

thinking some binch, front skwots, maybeh some beck skwots and maybe some drop cleans

wish me luck fem
Rick and morty is literally .reddit: the show
you care too much about shit that doesnt matter
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thats pretty cool i guess
Well im not lol, i just phoned one of the producer of game of thrones (my uncle) and he told me i was right
Wow nice assumption based off an 8 word comment
what did she do when she turned?
john wasnt about
not wrong tho am i
she turned into an old lady and went to her death bed and resurrected mr snow
You are wrong, retard.
not sure what there is to kek about but okay

You'll know tomorrow

Again, I repeat, my uncle works for HBO

Everyone knows that's what's gonna happen eventually, but that's not what she did in that moment.
Um yes she fucking did you moron, what else do you possibly think she did there that contradicts what my uncle told me

sean pls
>you care too much about shit that doesnt matter
by still responding you are confirming im right
>can't explain what actually happened because he's an idiot and cant think for himself
>get told what happened

>uh n-no t-that didnt.. S-sean p-p-p]

let me stop you right there stuttering Stanley, dont respond to me again
rewatch it and come back
I already have bucko, with confirmation from the producers themselves Kek

Who told you otherwise? Your moms expert testimony from Dairy Queen? Lol
wew lad no need to get rude now
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It feels good to be an equipped kek tbqh
Very painful looking tbH.

I thought you squatted in glad though.
This bitches dragon would have died vs those few serpent guy in the arena lol.

Why are her dragon so weak?
they are only baby dragons
rewatch it and come back
Daily reminder that GoT (the fanfiction TV show) is dogshit
Are you me :(

The camera not only adds ten pounds, it also removes gains.
Daily reminder literally no one likes you and you shouldnt trip because you are fat, stupid, weak, new and give bad advice

Does the opposite to me. Camera makes me look like even more of a twink. I look about 15 pounds skinnier.
Because they're natties. Balerion was on all kinds of magical roids.
So I'm going to give something similar to daily maxing a go, what I'm thinking of trying is


A: Heavy squat single or triple plus some volume. Deadlift variation.

B: Heavy bench single or triple plus some volume and other upper body work

C: Squat/bench

D: Deadlift/bench

I haven't decided on what C/D would look like exactly but the idea is to work up to a reasonably tough weight for one lift on the day followed by a bunch of volume, probably 5x5 or maybe more. I'll keep track of the weight lifted but will regulate the weight each day to how I'm feeling. Does this have any chance or working?
https://www.facebook com/lauraphelpssweatt/posts/10152698686505182
>the comments
Nah man, talking about s5e9, they are grown there!
yes they may look big, but they are still babies
IIRC the black dragon is only 10% of his potential size
>daily maxing
>that frequency

pick one
I said something similar to it

I'm not a drugaroo and don't have the time to lift everyday anyway
How is that at all like daily maxing? That just looks like the Texas Method.
its not even close to similar, you are literally just doing an upper lower split the way you described it.

syaing that that is something similar to daily maxing is the same as saying that sheiko is similar to westside because it uses chains
I just got the idea of hitting at least one heavy single every training day and then just made shit up
Third or fourth session trying sumo, broke my paused PR despite being down 15ish pounds.

I'm starting to think it is actually cheating.
Well CLutz works for bench at least

no you just have short arms and a mega arch so bench progression will come easily
Probably just due to your short little babby bitch arms
I think i pulled my left glute on sheiko squats

i still have 6 sets to do

what do
sheiko sucks fuck sheiko
it only works if you eat like a pig
your momma gurggled my cock like a pig and then i make her squeal like a pig, reeeeeeee, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <- thats her pig squeealing sounds
youre getting it all wrong and the childs not even here
Ok. My retarded description aside, would hitting a reasonably heavy single/triple followed but by a bunch of volume on a lift everyday work and be sustainable?
so rest of the shquats after this pulled glute suprisngly is going well kids
>get home from nach
>drunk AF
>bench already loaded 145kg in the hallway
>misgroove it like crazy
>easy AF
go upstairs

God, I love having a homegym.
>drunk 3 plates with no warm up
pls stay safe friend
It was all fun tho. 3pl8 is right around 80%, so it's like I'm in any immediate danger.
you're in danger of being an ugly piece of shit due to your ugly piece of shit face, bitch
Joke's on you, I'm already an ugly piece of shit.
a jump from 0 cold to 80 is still quite a bit Tbh and that without adding the drunk part lol
I think every single person in this general could do the same thing. I have like 1000+ bench reps in my system.
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It's really disheartening at times to think just how shitty life will be for the most part

I spent like 3 months working on mobility and lots of technique shit for the big 3, as well as c&j and snatch, and man - one week of being really fucking stressed out, only getting to the gym once (for an active recovery day), and like 70% of all the effects built of from those 3 months of work were basically gone.

super tight, hips in pretty bad shape mobility wise, c&j started falling apart badly, barbell flying out all over the place

and of course diets been shit, so there's that

I mean, I think life is mostly enjoyable and i look forward to the things i'm going to do, but I have this awesome hobby that i really love, and I basically have to accept that I can't actually put in the amount of effort that I'd like, especially not for extended periods of time.

any who, thats enough sad cunt shit for one day, just wanted to poke others thoughts on it. I'm probably just being dramatic any who lel

gunna post some webms from tonights session that should provide some keks
Just went n and did a triple with the same weight. Or 4 reps. Can't Really remember. Misgrooved the shit out of it. Still easy AF.

Siam is just ridiculous.

Buy a homegym.

Bro, you're a monster, seriously. It feels like you're over analyzing things, looking too deeply for that darkness, y'know? If you love it keep doing it - the love is worth it.
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>I mean, I think life is mostly enjoyable and i look forward to the things i'm going to do, but I have this awesome hobby that i really love, and I basically have to accept that I can't actually put in the amount of effort that I'd like, especially not for extended periods of time.
I feel the same way, except without the general optimism towards the rest of life. It's killing me to know that I'm going into a field where I'll have to sacrifice the thing I love to make a living doing something I only like.
Who here /bored out of their mind on Saturday night/?
Buy a homegym.
>Just went n and did a triple with the same weight. Or 4 reps. Can't Really remember.
lad pls stop
All you do is whine and bitch

im sick of seeing your wall of text personal blogs

literally fuck off forever you fat loser
I did. pls no bully.
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> It feels like you're over analyzing things, looking too deeply for that darkness

I think you're right. I think i'm pre-disposed to this kind of thinking, who knows why. My dad is very similar. might be genetic? might be engrained in my from him raising me? both?

Meh. Can't be a sad cunt about it though, can only be introspective and try to optimize your own life.

I definitely agree with you about just keepin' on doing it, and thats my full intent, as >>36989597
is my intent :D

>It's killing me to know that I'm going into a field where I'll have to sacrifice the thing I love to make a living doing something I only like.


this is what i was really trying to convey underneath it all I think.

As for the optimism, Its simply because I understand this, have sort of accepted it, but for some reason I'm just not content with it and I keep thinking about it. Like, after my session tonight, i was daydreaming on the way home about winning the lottery, going through with starting my business idea, getting it off the ground quickly and having my business partner run most of it with me more so providing financials and the actual technical support, and sort of just living my life how I want - starting a super small gym in the city i'm currently in, invite only type of thing, and just spending my days putting my efforts into my own business and lifting and running strength sports events in my state, and eventually getting into politics in my home state, because lord fucking knows this backwards ass state needs some one with an actual technical background in large scale decision making

Sorry senpai. Just filter me

Also, trip on Avon :^)
You are a fucking cancer to this thread



I swear, homegym is the best thing ever.
I was going to link that post and say "Took my trip off to post this." lel
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some day

i'm SUPER excited about the new rogue calibrated steel plates being so fucking cheap!

seriously its like a sign or something

please filter me, I don't like your replies

fucking kek
>please filter me, I don't like your replies

Please stop posting (ideally KYS), I dont like your posts
You just graduated right? You got a job lined up or what?
>I dont like your posts
you can literally do something about it tho, so i dont believe you
Christ, that was an ugly lift.
>tfw European so the shipping would kill me anyways

You should definitely invest though. It's more than worth it in the long run. Though, IMO, you should just invest in some cheaper ebay plates or something. It's such a relief knowing that you don't have to go anywhere just to do some deads or something. On the other, you don't get to train with other people, which is a pretty big factor.
No i cant because all the retarded little anonymous drones reply to the fat bastard
Woke up feeling really gassed, then got pissed off at myself for feeling gassed and now I feel ready to train today. problem solved I guess
should we all just trip then for you m8?
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>when you have a good squat day
What did you lads train today?
id prefer if we all just messaged norsefat to kill himself
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Graduating May 6th.

I still have
>1 poster presentation on EtOH - H2O absoption column operation
>Physical Chemistry final
>Sustainable & Renewable energy final (Solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, biomass, fuel cell tech & hydrogen production
>Senior design (cryogenic distillation of Wyoming Madison formation natural gas + sulfuric acid production) final report

its alot of shit but I think I can handle it now that I have time.

I do have a job lined up, I got an entry level process eng position with the largest ethanol production company in the US. I'm going to be doing shitty shift work at their brand new cellulosic ethanol plant, which other than the hours, will be pretty interesting

this is why I'm waiting.

I'd like to save up to purchase the equipment that I like / want, and most ideally I would like to start a private gym with just a bunch of other buddies that all like to lift.

That would be ideal.

personally I think you should kill yourself, seems to be the better option out of the two of us.

or you could, ya know filter me.
beltless high bar squats
1 board press
standing DB press
powell press
lat pulldown
It'll come back very quick lad, I noticed something similar the past couple weeks. You'll be back to normal and smeshing PRs before you know it

How much do you binch and did?

Nothing, but I'm starting my cut and 5/3/1 tomorrow. Kinda excited tbd


The way things are going I'll finally be over this flu enough to train tomorrow. Lost a whole god damn week to this bullshit.
Don't tempt me to start tripping.
I was supposed to do DE squats, but life is shit and I couldn't get to the gym.
>poster presentation
What is this, middle school?
I'm done everything and passed everything just need to find a job now. Working construction in the mean time and moved back to my parents place for a little while. Life is gonna be shit until I find a job I hate my hometown.
you just get a little jelly when someone else gets (you)s so ill tide you over
>personally I think you should kill yourself, seems to be the better option out of the two of us.
>or you could, ya know filter me.

Just stop shitposting

you agree that it contributes to the general degradation of /plg/ so why the fuck do you do it you loser fuck
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kek, I wonder who this is.

Oh no, I know. thats absolutely true, but i'm talking about life over all, like in the future, I'm aware that this is going to happen frequently, and for more extended periods of time.

With that in mind, it makes it pretty obvious that any actual long term sustained training won't be sustainable.

>What is this, middle school?

Its a bit more difficult than you think. The poster is mostly a guideline, and then we're grilled by faculty, peers and other departments on the technical, economic, environmental & political/ethical implications.

Its actually pretty brutal.

Civil, right?

are you open to applying to the US?

How long are you willing to wait?

the North Dakota oil fields are going to pick back up pretty soon and there will be a pretty good sized demand for civil, mech, chem and elec eng in ND.

You'll be garaunteed to work ass-fucking-shit hours (60-80 a week) but you can make pants on head retarded levels of money.

filter me
>that image

Could you be anymore jealous of me? I'm everything you arent

here's a breakdown

I am rich
>you are poor
I am handsome
>you are ugly
I love life
>you hate life
I am of a healthy bodyfat
>you are of an unhealthy bodyfat
If I get desperate enough I'll expand my search outside of Ontario, then outside of Canada. But yeah civil. Right now I'm focusing on getting a job in southern ontario.
>I love life
keked Tbh






In all honesty how in the FUCK does someone be so stupid they ironically think it was a good idea to take civil engineering at mcmasters

literally everyone out of waterloo and toronto lands a job literally before graduation, and here you are, leaving MY province

fucking kek, at least Trudea did one thing right
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>I love life
Why are you so into Eleiko/Ivanko/Rogue plates? It's not like calibrated plates are worth their weight in gold. Though, I'd kill for some York plates based on aesthetics alone, so I probably shouldn't judge lel. Going for something super fancy probably isn't a bad idea if you're going to invest some buddies through.

Best binch is 180CG with plenty to spare. Did is laughable, so I won't even go into numbers.
invest with some buddies*

Fuck me.
You guys have literally no idea how much enjoyment i get from laughing at losers like you while i sip out of my golden chalice

its literally better than sex
>Did is laughable, so I won't even go into numbers.
spoil sport Tbh

>You guys have literally no idea how much enjoyment i get from laughing at losers on 4chan all day everyday
>i love life
keked Tbh
How shit is Cecil, that was fucking painful to watch. You must be really salty about that Brady suspension too. We have so much to talk about seen.
>How shit is Ceci
is that some college player drafted cause i wouldnt know i dont watch amateur children football (ncaa)
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on a better note though, I am SERIOUSLY fucking stoked for the vikes and Moritz Böhringer

I really hope he isn't a flop, because I seriously want to see American football go international and this is a pretty big step honestly.
>because I seriously want to see American football go international and this is a pretty big step honestly.

thats fucking dumb and you dont want that trust me i
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tfw fermurs are cancer.webm
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You still trying WLing? I dont know if I told you I hired a coach.
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oh god what.webm
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fuuuuuuuuuuuck yes, you hired a WL coach?

I want an actual coach so bad it hurts.

I STILL can't fucking find one even thoguh i'm moving to the biggest city in my state.

god, fucking south dakota is garbage. Literally, we have about a 10-15 year delay in everything - social change, technology, trends, etc etc.

its so shitty.
>WLing coach

No a PLing coach you dumbfuck.
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s-sorry senpai
>hiring a powerlifting coach

you must be dumber than you look, and you look like this
in person?
anyone known?
he hired marcel IRL
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more like millennial hipster trash
If fucking only

We have the "how would strongmen do in powerlifting" discussion a lot, apparently the answer is "well"
dont see why thered be a discussion about that

Strongmen compete in PL all the time.

Considering how many top strongmen were pretty good powerlifters even before they got to a high level in strongman, I'd have thought that was a pretty obvious answer.

Albeit one likely slanted towards deadlift prowess, since its the only consistent shared comp lift between the two.
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eddy vs benni.webm
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Something tells me they'd be good a bench too.

I do think the squat is a discrepancy just because of consistent training depth thoguh.
Benny no strap
Fun fact: Jon Pall Sigmarsson moved from powerlifting to strongman because his left shoulder wasn't 100%, so he couldn't extend it all the way when benching.
Other than that, though, I'd expect high benches and OHP alongside deadlift.
Is eddy wearing a belt there?
Powerlift 2's showed up boys. Broomstick squats (>) felt natty as fuck, very excited to give them a try tomorrow.
post yfw it gets significantly harder

I expect they'd be good benchers and squatters (both lifts are fairly common training movements in strongman) but there'd be more discrepancy to start with since, unlike the deadlift, they haven't been trained as much as main max-out lifts.

Kind of like how a lot of powerlifters are strong overhead because they use it as a supplementary lift for their bench, but aren't as good as dedicated overhead guys because its about reps and carryover rather than 1RMs.
theres a vid of eddie hall casually repping 5pl8 on incline lel
Yeah, you can see it in the first second. Check his side.
Wew, we're just chock full of memes today, aren't we?
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cycling off roids.webm
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All memes all the time
My man.
hes not wearing a belt
he has a suit on with the top rolled down
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That would explain embracing te neet meme
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>I mean, I think life is mostly enjoyable and i look forward to the things i'm going to do, but I have this awesome hobby that i really love, and I basically have to accept that I can't actually put in the amount of effort that I'd like, especially not for extended periods of time.

modern western lifestyle is LITERALLY a meme and a shitty meme at that

>put upwards of half of your life into making other people more money than you will ever dream of (inb4"butilovemyjobandit'sfulfilling" no it isn't and FUCK off)
>did I mention the someone is getting rich off you part? aka being cucked
>most people are fucking stupid
>politics are stupid
>lots of society is stupid


guys like ted kacynzski HONESTLY had the right idea minus being the unabomber, modern society is fucked and the best thing to do is rebel against it in a not hipster faggot way

like mailbombing people...
>did I mention the someone is getting rich off you part?

This has been true since civilization started comrade. And life now is absolutely better than it has ever been in the past. Tell me you honestly wish you could have been born in an earlier era.

Also you still can just go be a farmer, you'll just be a massive poorfag forever. We had two (2) literal communists tripping here at one point. And me, I'm also a communist, but the shoot the rich kind, not the grow sorghum kind.
>I just want to live in the woods and have a gym to be fucking honest, fuck school and the whole 9-5 fucking AMERICAN DREAM FUCK ALL OF IT
I feels you, man.
It'd be sweet to have a nice homegym out in the woods, living near the mountains and either the sea or a lake. Fishing, hunting, growing potatoes and shit.
I just want to live. I don't want to be locked in this awful cycle.
>This has been true since civilization started comrade.

I know, I'm just angsting tbH.

>And life now is absolutely better than it has ever been in the past. Tell me you honestly wish you could have been born in an earlier era.
well, considering I wouldn't know the amenities of today, there are a few eras and societies I wouldn't have mind to been born in.

>Also you still can just go be a farmer, you'll just be a massive poorfag forever. We had two (2) literal communists tripping here at one point. And me, I'm also a communist, but the shoot the rich kind, not the grow sorghum kind.

I don't wanna be a farmer nigger, I want to live in a barrel and lift and philosophize
>embracing the neet meme
Lad I finished exams a week ago and am starting a shitty temporary job this tuesday. I dont think thats NEET.
How long is the duration of your contract and how much is it paying
Yeah but you would have died of rubella or something. Dank Diogenes reference btw.
he doesnt know what NEET is
he calls people in uni NEET all the time
Not a contract just working construction at the same company I've worked for before.
Oh shit thats even more pathetic than I thought
Sorry bud
Hopefully an unsecured load crushes and kills you LOL
just kidding
not really LLOLL
Please answer >>36990193 if you would be so kind.
While i agree with the overall sentiment, I do think you're taking a bit far.

the other things you have to understand is that we [humanity] couldn't eb anywhere near we are in terms of standard of living or technological innovation if it weren't for "the system" we currently have.

I also wouldn't say it's "fucked", but it can always use improvement
Online coach, he's a canadian coach.



>tfw someone really wants your question answered
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Oh, oh oh, i forgot to tell you.

Jona Leo just set the IPF equipped bench only record at worlds in denmark

He just happens to live in the city I'm moving to. added him on facebook, going to try and figure out where he trains.

fucking kek
>$200-300 a month

yeah nah
>testing out new tights


um ok
cant tell if thats your blue collar working salary or the amazing, inexpensive price of gold signature coaching
Are you actually from norseland?
Yes but who, is he a famous internet meme dude like Branton, Clutz or Bryce Krysckwkxkksksks 105?
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No :(

>tfw not master race
>tfw only partially scandi
>tfw large chunk of polish
>tfw large chunk of celtic

>Bryce Krysckwkxkksksks

fucking kek
Which means going back to PLing?
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>going back
he never left, he just wants it all Tbh
how big are your arms lad measure them already ffs, also do you hit them specifically
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Oh shit. I didn't realise you were internet famous.
>tfw you'll never get to bully big Aaron irl for his wl
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what are the chances that bodorio with one year of strongman or wl training under his belt would demolish his weightclass

this desu

but seriously, what i was crying about earlier was this problem.

the jobi'm going to work, in addition to possibly trying to start my own business remotely & simultaneously (long story) is going to all but entirely consume my life.

I'll be lucky if I get to lift 2 or 3 times a week.

I'll be even luckier if i'm not so stressed out that I can actually get something out of those 2-3 sessions a week.

still makes me laff

too lazy


i usually do it almost every day, but the daily volume is SUUUPPPER low. Like, if i go to the gym 7 days in a week, probably around 4 or 5 of those days I'll hit biceps and triceps (other than primary movements), but i usually just hit a single set or two of like 8-20.

literally thats it.

>done with fuck tons of squats, bretty tired
>fuck it i'ma crank out a set of 10 pullups/ 20 curls with 60 lb DB's / 30 tricep push downs on cable machine etc

you trigger me enough online, on facebook and probably soon enough on snapchat

fucking chad of weightlifting desu
Erle Engmark is somethin' else eh.
I'm starting to feel a little strong. Gonna hit 4 plate squat this week, maybe next. But I feel slow, and in-athletic as ever.

Guys, got any tips to change that? Maybe some goals to work towards? I'm willing to potentially sacrifice the speed of the gains train a little, but ultimately my total is more important.
God damn sheep shaggers. Literally worse than Jews.



really tho, just find some place you can jump (not box jumps those are fucking dumb), throw things and sprint and do those things reasonably often, maybe 1-2x weekly
pointless post
when ever you make stupid comments like this just remember your personality doesn't shine through in a black and white comment on the internet. you just look like a tool.
>(not box jumps those are fucking dumb)
most people do them as a test of hip flexibility rather than doing them to build jumping ability

if you do them, focus on maximizing the distance your hip travels vertically, it literally does not matter if you tuck your knees up to your chest for an extra foot of "ROM"
Do a sport?
I think there was a section in Wendler's 5/3/1 book about this. Lemme take a look, I have it saved.
This is such a bullshit excuse. I know so many people that are crazy busy that find time to train. Shit I know a girl whos a doctor, mom and is going to worlds in texas. My buddy last summer worked 50+ hours every week and drove an hour one way to train with his WLing team. You have 16 hours in your day besides sleep. You're telling me you're going to work 16 hours a day? Bullshit.
So, I should take my kettle bell down to the park and throw it at little children? Actually sounds really fun.

seriously though, I might give throwing a try. Hopefully the technique isn't so hard that I'll hurt myself without a coach. But fuck it.

Box jumps look fun. Gave it a try on Friday actually. Could easily jump it after deadlifts, so gonna need to find something high or make it harder somehow.
That's my other option, but there's only afl and rugby, neither of which excite me terribly.

Maybe I'll just think of a way to turn running in the bush, jumping over shit, and chasing kangaroos into a sport.
poodle puncher you retarded child learn to not be a shit k thx
>get bernie pamphlet in the mail
>"sanders has vowed to start a moratorium on renewing nuclear power plant licenses and instead wants to fund solar, blahblahblah"

when will the fucking "nuclear energy is bad" meme end?
When the world realises than democracy as we know it is a complete failure.
Why do people recommend 5/3/1 for a cut but not a bulk? Shouldn't a program that works well for cutting also work well for bulking?
Let's assume we're talking about a tweaked 5/3/1 with higher frequency and whatever intensity modifications allow for more frequent heavy work (joker sets or something), so we don't have to argue about that.
I don't buy that.

Not even a little lol

Every one is different. I don't handle stress well. Additionally, you seem to think i'm going to just "stop lifting" which is quite the contrary.

I just am trying to mentally prepare myself for lmaonogains for the next 2-5 years.

Its not a big deal, thats just sort of how life goes.

Of course there are those people that can do it, and more power to them, I'm glad.

I'm not one of them. Hell, I can barely fucking do it while being a student!

as for the 16 horus a day, I am - no bullshit - telling you that there will, in fact, be 16 hour days. They're rare, but they aren't unheard of. especially when you're a young engineer (shit rolls downhill, you know)

All my colleagues have had more than one 15+ hour day within their first year of work.

fucking right.... I mean, it's by no means the "answer" but its definitely part of the answer. DOE is looking into using deep (13km+) shale formations in the dakota's to store nuclear waste.

Of course the entire state is up in arms about it, freaking out about the MM $35 research project.

i'm also not saying its a good idea, but all i see is shit on facebook from people who don't even know what a nuclear reactor is, spewing garbage left and right about how "the feds" are out to use us and fuck us over
>muh tinfoil hats

its disgustingly painful.

dude, i wanna play rugby and get into either freestyle or grecco-roman wrestling.

would be awesome cardio and fun

>complete failure
come on, lets not be retarded

>could use some serious adjustments
i could agree with this.
>rugby wrestling
Yeah, wrestling would be great. Rugby not so much for me.

Sortition is the only truely fair form of democracy. What we have now is a farce beyond belief. People will vote for who they find to be the most likeable, or they will vote selfishly.

The politicians are constantly battling with public opinion, election promises and lobbyists.

Those things are greatly lessened by true democracy. Currently, how most of the worlds democracy is, is really just oligarchy.
>16 hour days

This entirely depends on the job and even in cases where they're possible like you said they will almost never happen. I still dont get why you think you cant make gains for the forseeable future. I found going to the gym 4-5 times a week as a student easy af but then again my grades sucked. Whatever feel free to convince yourself you're not going to make gains for next 2-5 years.
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Found it.
How would fit these in without fucking recovery up?
>without fucking recovery up

try harder
Just don't go HAM on it and/or eat more.
If you can't do some conditioning work without destroying your recovery, you really need to do some conditioning work.
Where are poutine's meet results
>he doesn't know
He took the water cut too far and died of dehydration.
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more big guy things 2.webm
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night senpai
You're back from the party early. Did you have a good time?
Not much/basically zero/ a little bit
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The horror, the horror.
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That's the standard American wedding.
Can't wait untill it's my turn to dump Fanta on amber <3
insta fgt
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It's bed time though
You missed some good marble racing earlier.
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sad pupper.jpg
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>You watched marble racing without me
oh, ok. I had legitimately the best ribs and brats I've ever had in my life tonight though. shit was incredible.
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If you're going to be a normie and abandon us that's your own fault. But he's uploading more so I think we'll have a stream of them.
We also watched the world Cup of marbles which was pretty great.
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alex goes to a party.webm
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>introduce your friends to marble racing
>they watch the world cup without you
yeah I'm gonna start holding your ass accountable for going again. and Sabre PRed all 3 lifts so now I have to (get to) hold up my end of the deal.
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It was just the Germans and I. You and the rest of the crew can still enjoy it.
And ye I really wanna make Sabres program work.
it won't be the same :(

and yeah, it will. I'm sure of that.
Bennies lift>
a) you lose 50kg from your total.
B) you have to insert norsefats used, and abused, workout underwear into your mouth for 30 mins. Gain +20kg to total.
I'm new from spee. Obv B
Second obviously

Even without the second addendum
What're yer lifts these days?
>muh leddit
Why do you give a shit what people think

Fucking pussy
>being this much of an internet powerlifting incel
Thread posts: 366
Thread images: 61

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