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Welcome to /plg/- Powerlifting General. Primarily for the di

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 43

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Welcome to /plg/- Powerlifting General.
Primarily for the discussion of general strength.


Helpful info: http://pastebin.com/99cMvaQh
If you're new to the thread, please stay and bully Bodorio.
Im OK with this.

Dress up.
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this thread is gibing me cancer, srs
NOPE. Call me when he gets boobs
Sup sexy?
Should speed up the pain

One does but who???
I had a muscle spasm in my back. Now im In the bath smoking a doob.

How's it hanging?
Reported to the coppers m8
Bout 7 inches
Well I'm not getting out of the bath.
Drugs are bad.

>Seeing Isley on the streets of London late at night
They are. You will die young.
It's a rare treat that has happened more often recently.

So since you're a girl I'm gonna assume you use bath bombs

They basically just make the bath smell nice and add crazy colors right? Is that nicer than just a regular bath?
I've never done any drugs or drank alcohol in my life. Should I start off with cocaine?
Is it normal to start out dead lifting weights at 405. Never touched a weight before last night desu.
Anything can be a treat but still is bad for you. marijuana rots your mind.
They have stuff that is good for your skin in them.

But basically.... Yeah.
Absolutely not. Lel
Why not? :(
I'm aware of that. Don't worry
Because it's addictive and makes you have huge moodiness leading to depression or obsessive/paranoid behaviour.
I drew ur brain on maryjuwana
What muscle is weak if I get stuck in a bench at a bottom.
Was maxing yesterday and the bar literally stopped when I was trying to go over 90 degrees for my arms. But shot up once I got over that. Usually I get stuck when I get halfway and crawl to the very top but this was a crawl at the start and quickly to the top.
It also felt like I was going to fail after I passed the 90 degree part on the descent. I honestly didnt feel like I was going to get it up and was going to just call it but I went ahead and dropped it to my chest and to my surprise I actually got it back up. Seems like whatever muscle was weak I did the exact limit of it.
Also post bath shot. I'd fap to that.
That made me feel
How's your back? Pinching a pencil?
You when you turn ur back on mary u wanna
>pinching a pencil?
Pinch the pencil u slut
shes repeating meme cues without understanding them : ^ )
So she's trappy-chan?
>meme cues
Can I speak to an adult in the future?
Pull shoulders back and down and imagine holding a pencil between your shoulders to keep them tight.

While you eat my ass you bitch nigger
>While you eat my ass you bitch nigger
This has me so confused. I'd describe it as "Hnnghwat".
Final autistic drawing in the esmeralda collection
Druggo gypsie pls leave.

You are not right for this general. You don't want to compete in powerlifting, you just want to lift a bit in the gym, look good and have fun (with drugs and boys and whatever).

You objectively don't belong.
I smoke like once a month if that.
Post pictures of your ass babe
hey Esmeralda ?
can you make a vocaroo saying:

"Oi Sean, you little bloody wanker, the things I'd do to you and that beautiful body of yours
Bend down and let that cock hang down from under you
Now spread them cheeks
I'm gonna stick my tongue in your dirty tight little asshole
Wiggle all you want but in not gonna stop till I get what I want "

Do that in your most British accent pls
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>inb4 tumblr
>don't have many files on my phone.
For some, I pulled 495 the first time. Deadlift is the easiest lift to be good at without training at it.
Can you just please do it and then you can delete it 5 mins after and only me and you will know About it
I don't believe that for a second. Tut.
Do it because I told you to ;)
Hnnnngggh. No.
how about one like;

Don't cum, don't cum until I tell you to

(While moaning) No.. No not yet

Don't cum



What the hell

You came everywhere! I told you not to cum you bloody wanker

Look at the mess you made

Now lick it up
This seems more realistic.
Thanks for doing this
It's chilling plus it's better than being all high after my day long bath and shower.

Like 2 hours.
I have no idea what youre saying but make the vocaroo now please
Funniest plg ever
female tripfags ruin /plg/
Can't decide what Greg nuckols deadlift program to run. Thinking about a 2 day because my squat is 10kg stronger than my deadlift. And only squatting 1 day. The only issues are
>I fatigue deadlifts easily
>I can't do chins as frequently as I want
just finished SS with roughly 1/2/3/4 for 1RM. what routine should i do now? 5-6 workout days per week would be nice
>5/6 days
...still totally unnecessary to drive progress
Punches you
Say do you remember.
> ...still totally unnecessary to drive progress
but i love to work out :( it helps me to stay on track with my other stuff
>go to /out/ for the first time, looking for info on hiking shoes
>first thread I see is some Chad normie thread full of boardshorts pictures

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GZCL UHF 5 week perhaps?

Percentages are based off training maxes, which are basically defined as a weight you can do for 2 reps any day of the week. The 2RMs in pic related are

Squat - 275
Bench - 190
Deadlift - 295
Front sq - 165
Incline bench - 135

There's more detail about it all in the spreadsheet if you're interested
Front Squat 180 for 7 reps = 218lbs (1RM)

Did 3x10 @ 60% of 1RM (130lbs)

Was dying.

Did the samething with Bench .... was completely fine. Wtf. Why are front squats so hard
upper back strength
doing 5reps+ with front squats seems odd to me, whenever I do so I have to stop the set not because my leg strength is failing me but just because I'm about to fold over or am just gassed
>upper back strength
ya for sure this

Obviously i need to get stronger cause im still a novice but its like goddamn, fucking 130lbs for 3x10 is kicking my ass.
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Everyone knows lats are used in the bench press...

You need big lats for stability and scapula retraction. Something I'm missing in my bench...
>whenever I do so I have to stop the set not because my leg strength is failing me but just because I'm about to fold over or am just gassed
Fucking this

Front squats are such a pain in the dick. If I go higher than 5 reps my form collapses due to lack of core strength. I still remember the ab doms when I first started doing front squats
You have Autism lad
my doctor said no
Hey lads how can I make TM better?
My stats:
55kg bench
240lbs deadlift
35kg overhead press
Do facepulls.

Let shoulders come forward on eccentric and squeeze back gud on concentric.

Don't focus on pulling as much as pretending pushing yourself off the ground using your elbows.

>mixing kg and pounds

Go do some LP program instead of TM. You don't need weekly periodization hey.
Answer my question
Elbows are kill again lads.
Always make sure to get plenty of sleep.
Bench more
Don't worry senpai I'm doing overload work and ez singles today.
I don't think I wanna add more benching than what I already have.
Give me your best sumo tricks and cues that made your sumo better please
Opening your mouth before receiving the cock helps.
>don't try to take a stance too wide
>shins vertical
>don't be afraid to "sit back" even if it means your hips are farther away from the bar (which seems counter intuitive but if I don't do this my hips rise before the bar leaves the floor anyways)
>initiate with almost like a leg press, keeping your external rotation

I found my sumo form became a lot more solid by watching Bryce Lewis pull. Don't try to be like the russians or chris duffin with their near vertical torso.
Do you cue chest up or something to that extent?
Really really forcing myself to abduct and screwing my feet into the ground instead of forcing myself onto the blades of my feet
This tbqh
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who /joegramming/ today?
fucking dont put your hips too low just because it looks like belyaev does it
You mean basically everyone that pulls sumo on an international level besides Americans?
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>Mиний зaм нь гapч twink shits
thats a load of shit
>W-we're totally not gay guys
What are you running after CLutz?

How do you rate CLutz?

Do you have any meets planned ever?
He said LOOKS like
In fact they have their hips really high when the bar leaves the ground but remain upright because of external rotation and long arms and also being a manlet makes the bar proportionally higher from the ground
That's why they're the best sumo pullers
Their knee angle is almost as open as conventional whilst having a really upright torso
then you'll get an average length armed lanklet with no mobility trying to get as upright as possible and wondering why he can't pull shit
Think before you open your mouth

>le manlet sumo maymay
You seem pretty irritated anon
why does he only have 1 wrist wrap on
You're a joke
I haven't decided yet. Options are:
My own programming
12 week Sheiko
C6W lower only + CLutz upper only (2 cycles successively)
My own lower programming + CLutz upper (2 cycles)

I'd rate it 10/10 for bench best bench programming I've ever done. I'm not sure for squat and pull yet. Hopefully it ends up going well but the outlook isn't awesome right now.

I have a meet planned in July. The one that like 4-5 other dudes from plg are doing.
It's the /plg/ friendship bracelet.
Because he hurt that wrist
>not having double friendship

yeah but why not wear both
You got yourself a slingshot? How would you say it affects the movement? I'm running GZCL's UHF atm and doing reverse bands bench rather than slingshot bench atm seeing as no one sells slingshots in Sweden, all the set-up is almost annoying enough for me to order it from abroad however..
I have a Super Ram not a slingshot
Feels mostly like a regular bench desu
IIRC, he usually doesn't wear them to begin with. I did the same when I hurt my wrists, only wrapped one wrist. I didn't need to wrap the other one. I would assume that the same applies to him.
What's the lift hardest to progress and why is it the squat?
Squat is a stupid piece of shit meme lift
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would you fug a boipussy Filip?
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I know TM says to base your volume day off intensity but I kinda messed up. What 5RM squat should I go for on intensity if I did 5x5 240lb?
>tfw no tiny meme femurs
(squats 1:45 and onward)
all of those squats would have been redlighted

and the reason he is stronger than you is because of a) world class coaching and b) he wants it more than you
rippetitis can you post SSBs heaviest deadlift from the other night
you're doing it wrong

I'm not gonna explain everything all over again because I must've typed this all out in detail at least a dozen times...
You're not supposed to base ID off VD, you're supposed to increase ID with the lowest possible increases on VD (minimum necessary stimulus to drive progression), if you keep VD on the low end and keep upping ID, when you fail ID you will know the reason to be near 100% that your VD is no longer enough of a stimulus to drive progression at which point you increase VD by a tiny amount

week 1: VD 120x5x5 / ID 140x5
week 2: VD 120x5x5 / ID 142.5x5
week 3: VD 120x5x5 / ID 145xFAIL
week 4: VD 122.5x5x5 / ID 145x5
week 5: VD 122.5x5x5 / ID 147.5x5

numbers pulled out of my ass, just to illustrate the concept
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He only posted one, IIRC
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thanks bud

have a qt
Why would someone this fat roid?
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>that hitch
It looked like he was strong enough to get it cleanly. Did he misgroove or something?
All these salty teenage little twinks

With the exception of our strong safety squat friend this General it's getting awfully weak naive and stupid
Looked like he was 2slo off the floor.
Oh fuck okay. I should probably grab that book on TM you mentioned earlier.
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posting so I can link elsewhere
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>I'd rate it 10/10 for bench best bench programming I've ever done. I'm not sure for squat and pull yet

Toooollld yooouu
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>not gripping and ripping like king haack

explain yourself
Someone benched with a squat safety bar??
you dont even do it yourself alex
His name is Spotoshot bro, abbreviated to SSB
Anyone else has a way better time benching when someone does the unracking for you?

I really don't feel like I lose much of my set up during unracking, so I don't know why this is the case for me.
>dat hitching
Where do I get one of these racks with a million holes in it?
yup have that prob
Kek, okay, I thought the retardation has reached new levels.
Makes a huge difference for me
Do you have the pins set too low? I've noticed if the pins are way too low, then it's easier to bench when someone unracks it for me. Otherwise, I still only unrack it myself.

Ask him. He's a late night east coast anon
Jap unrack nigga

>tfw you managed to create a meaningful three word sentence using two racial slurs
>week of only 87.5% AMRAP's coming up
this'll be interesting
But why :/
They are set quite high actually :/

Do you unrack with hips in the air or with your full set up?
My setup isn't conducive to unracking it myself at all. At least not on non-competition benches.
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how are you supposed to breath during the squat? do you inhale and hold it in and then descend, and then exhale during ascent?
I do full set up, but considering I'm like 210 benching 240 for my working sets on SS, its not super difficult for me to unrack it yet. When I was thinner I occasionally did ass in the air unracks for my max/near max. If it's too high then that would also probably cause it, just like Sabertooth's probably.

I've been meaning to ask you, why don't you have the bar on the lower pins, so that way you don't have to re-set up after you unrack?
As in you are also set up quite low on the bench?

Currently have no spotter and I think it takes around 2.5kg off my 3 RM.

Debating now whether or not I want to go for that 125 triple of bail out at 122.5 and do that for a few more sets

No safties here :/
hold it from start to finish
The lower pins are way, way too low.

Just my whole setup with the wide grip and shoulder position and everything doesn't work on my gym's benches.
I see.

I just got myself some random guy to help me. Was a little scared that a 50kg guy might be in a little trouble spotting that, but then I remembered its only 125kg after all and got off my horse.

Set went very well.

Now trying 127.5 actually, wish me luck.
Any reason you only want to continue with the Clutz upper? No good for DL/SQ? I've been running Sheiko for a long ass time now and was thinking about switching to something else for a while. Granted I did the modded sheiko for hypertrophy and also dieted down a bit, so I could go back to the main programs soon again, I guess.

Sheiko feels fun and strong during the prep cycles, but I never seem to hit too good numbers during the peak. My problem is probably rarely maxing anymore (skipping peaking cycles), since I dont have spotters or safe equipment, shit benches that won't let me use prefered grip etc.

C6W seems to be (a lot?) heavier, which might be what I need. But the program looks a bit strange to me. Might try TSA or Clutz if it's good for bench since it's something I really need to bring up. Sheiko bench works quite well though, since I dont need spotters due to low %.
A lot of people that aren't Filip tier strong need to hit some heavier lifts during sheiko cycles to get the most out of it.

ie isley doing quite a bit of joegramming for bench and inflating his sq/dl and making great gains.
The bicep tear video that's been floating around on /fit/ has me pretty spooped.
Is there anything wrong with doing mixed grip diddlys? Is mixed grip more dangerous? Should I alternate the over/under hands each set?
I may be totally wrong and I'll end up stronger on mock meet day, it just seems like the bench keeps feeling better and better as I go and all the sets feel really solid while the lower body sets feel really rough with higher RPEs at lower percentages and less fatigue because there's less volume than the benching.

I think it may just be overcomplicated for my shitty squat and DL while it's exactly appropriate for my bench. I also don't like 2X/week squatting instead of 3.
Ask elsewhere please.
if i were to do some linear 3x5 sets on bench/squats and want to progress on them biweekly, at what % of 1rm should i start? (135kg bp/200kg Sq 1rm)
Yes it is more dangerous to the underhand biceps
No you shouldn't see any real imbalances for sticking to one consistent underhand
is the danger significant or am I just overthinking this?
Not particularly as long as you're mindful to have your underhand at full motherfuckin extension
No one wished me luck but I got it anyways.

Pauses might have been a little short though.

Watched an IPF bench classic of 2012 recently and their pause was almost 2 seconds on average.

Really hoped the pause would be more like 1 second, but I guess I'll have to train with longer pauses, even on my max days.
I'll probably need to do this, although I already am for DL, where I do more of my own thing. I'm very used to the volume and recently cut 7kg while doing Sheiko without too much issue, but when I suddenly get to big weights during the peak I seem to fall apart, or at least only hit 100%.
I think rather than inflating maxes, ramping some of your sets is probably a smarter/safer approach. e.g., on a 4x2@85 day, start with an 85 double, then add five or ten for the next, or ramp singles for the same number of total reps.
Sabertooth, you still here? I have a programming question.
Good luck lad.

Also I think right around one second is pretty standard imo and ime.
what language
Whose this Esmerelda bitch...

Not actual programming, lifting programming kek
bet its not even object oriented you fucking faggot
The only languages I know are basic and java, so you're half right.
Triceps push downs any good for tris?

>The only languages I know are basic and java
What a sad life you must live.
no if you do them your tris will shrink and tear open
Nope, they'll make them eÑ…plode

I should learn more, but I barely have any time. I'll be learning assembly and c/c++ in the fall, I think.
>being a computer nerd
Took my trip off to say this, but I agree.

Weak little beta males play runescape and learn to program. Meanwhile I played sports, served in the military and thus have an alpha mindset... Fucking twinks in mind and body....
It's what I do best mang, besides being a complete and utter dumbass, of course
Good, good... C is my favorite. It's good to learn lower-level languages. It builds character.
>being completely uneducated on the things you use on a daily basis
Considering they're required for my major, I don't really have much of a choice in the matter, but I agree.
>being defensive about being a computer nerd
>bench feels stronger with a narrow grip

is this normal?
C is good, C++ is better - make the step bro.

Unless you literally work on something that actually requires C, if so, keep going.
>being completely uneducated on the things you use on a daily basis

You mean the tight, young blonde scandi IG sluts you fap to every day? I'm extremely well educated in them if you catch my drift ;))))
>there's no such thing as too much external rotation
"yes" but not really. It might feel more stable because it's easier to keep your back wider, but in general wider/pec dominant is better.
How do I get a gf? Helpful responses only please.
You tall? A lot of taller/lankier people seem to do better, anecdotally, with a narrower grip. Although, it's up to personal preference. Most people aren't going to bench more as soon as they switch to max legal grip.

Stop giving a fuck about them, don't give them too much attention. Seriously.
Be somewhat charming and funny, be confident in knowing what you want, look good and be flirty with a girl or girls

Stop with this max legal grip meme.
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leave plg
there is nothing here that will help you, only things that will hurt you.
memes won't get you a gf
a good total won't get you a gf
I'm not advocating for or against it, just saying that not everyone is going to be stronger after immediately switching, or ever, if they do decide to.
>a good total won't get you a gf
no lad dont say this, we have to keep believing
the qt loaders cant be just doing it for nothing
Hi Boardshorts,

I was wondering if you could post / link spotoshot program and also your opinion of it? Sorry, you have probably been asked this a lot.

Also wanted to let you know I did my top set of diddlies the other day and when I was done strapped up. Got a lot more out of my workout. Glad I took your "advise".

thanks m8
>tweak my shoulder doing memedito's 80% AMRAP bench
>knees and hips feel like death after 4x8 sq and 2x8 sumo dl yesterday
>drop a 10lb plate on my foot, huge nasty bruise forming

Thanks lad!

I guess I'll keep it at a clean 1 second pause.

So, next week I'll get a 130kg triple ... starting to wonder what my 1 RM probably is ... I am thinking around 135kg.

I won't test it, but it might be usual to readjust the volume weights a little.
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Can anyone upload the Sheiko android APK? Thanks much

also requesting this
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>a good total won't get you a gf

Yes it will.

All the trips over 400 wilks here are chads.

Step up nigga.
finally squatted 4plates lad, am i average now?
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trying to get tickets to see red green live tonight

bretty excited
good lad, bw?
In what part of the bench do you use delts the most? Is it just before lockout?
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Muh syrup nigga
happy for ya lad

>tfw no gf hits
litlle over 92 atm
How tall are you?
yeeeeaaah niqqaaa

if not for mattie rogers this wouldve topped my "funny wl webms" list
hows your pl going? no bully genuinely curious if its working out
*"fapping wl webm" list
kek, i got a long ways to go to be as kawaii and funny as her breaking the window video

PL? whats that
roflmao epic joke
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Norsie can you have a look at my squat and tell me things I should fix?

>PL? whats that
b-but you were doing slow squats and shit no?
187 cm

thats like 6'1 or 6'2 i think
way too much knee travel
>staring daily at excel sheet of my peak for my (first) meet
>just one month to go
i hope this excitement stays for future meets, it's like being a kid waiting for christmas
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Feels good, mang
I was looking for this pic all morning

so, here's three things about your squat

>lots of knee travel
this isn't inherently wrong, just noteworthy

>bar creeps forward towards the bottom, doesn't go up and down in a straight line

>torso and hips don't change from going down to going up at the same time (torso leaning forwards)

the knee travel is fine if thats how you want to squat , not going to hurt you.

However the other two things can be alleviated by doing some technique work

i fucking LOVED pause squats. love love love. start with them.

Pause at the bottom of the squat, don't divebomb into the hole like you're doing rn (control the descent), and then pause AGAIN at the sticking point, about halfway up.do this for at least 3 seconds. You should feel imbalanced af and realize "oh fuck, my hips / knees / torso can't be in that position" and fix it. I would start out with something like 20-40 % and work up as you feel fit. I did working sets of 4 of this movement at 70%

after you have fun with those, move on to total slow squats. faceguy recommended me these and they're fucking incredible. shoot for 15-25 second Time Under Tension (TUT). do about the same % progression as the pause squats. I've done single slow squats, 20s TUT for around 75%

mostly joking senpai.

yesterday i went in and had planned on squatting. But i didn't want to squat.

so i thought to myself "wtf am i doing, I don't have to fucking squat"

so i hit a c&j PR instead
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>a good total won't get you a gf

plz delete this post ty
you're still winning the 120s at natty nats, right?
oh come the fuck on that's too much knee travel for him, they shouldn't go much further than what he shoots back to
Anyone watching the men's 83kg right now? The varsity teams are up.
that wasn't a joke, faggot. Valsalva all the way through.
>implying i'm even going
>let alone winning against Le Toosheirer, Le Sohmer, Le Cornelius etc etc

lmao dude get out

too much knee travel is like 90% a joke

yes there are extremes that are too much, but i seriously just don't buy it in most cases.

He could robably stand to bring it back a little, but I think if he focuses on the other things it'll happen naturally from the positions.
>lmao dude get out
ill rek u faggot meet me not online
>He could robably stand to bring it back a little
yes, that's what i said
>I think if he focuses on the other things it'll happen naturally from the positions.
or he could just not let them go forward with that little control, issue is probably just general loss of tightness and trying to control knees is part of that
For bench volume day TM, what should my RPE be for 5x5? on my last set last rep, should i aim for that to be close to 10? or is that too heavy
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>implying i'm even going

>issue is probably just general loss of tightness and trying to control knees is part of that


>yes, that's what i said
yeah, but he could also do just fine without bringing them back.
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learning to control your position in the hole is pretty important for a good squat
>yeah, but he could also do just fine without bringing them back.
yes but he's probably not striving for "fine" but for "efficient". i'll bring out an argument from authority and say sheiko knows his shit, suck it
Maybe you'd be a better lifter if you actually followed a program instead of doing your own thing and subsequently make no gains since your noob gains stopped years ago

Lelmao kek
>Maybe you'd be a better lifter if you actually followed a program instead of doing your own thing and subsequently make no gains since your noob gains stopped years ago

you misspelled "move to california and become CWS's disciple"
>learning to control your position in the hole is pretty important for a good squat

and what was my entire post about?

as for the other part, fine. you can have the last word. I still don't buy the knee travel meme, and most likely never will.

"knee travel is bad" is a queue used by coaches to get beginners to properly use their posterior chain as opposed to just leg pressing
it's much easier to say "don't let knees travel over toes" than to explain biomechanics, the lever arms between bar and knee/ between bar and hips etc
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Thanks a bunch Norsie

But everything I said is a fact
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suggesting that the knees coming back is indicative of correct firing, this is basically what i was saying then

My whole point is that the knees are the least of his worries. he needs to feel the right spots in the squat, and his knees will adjust accordingly. They might come back alot, or heck, they might stay right where they are, but they'll adjust to fit the rest of the big picture.

This is what I was saying.

its easier than explaining things more in depth, but as a rule of thumb it leaves little bits of information occluded and that can fuck people when you just tell them to do something and not why

IME any ways

no problem bud.

see >>36805654

though me and CWS are on the same page right now, doing WL and other fun stuff : ^)
>and what was my entire post about?
i never disagreed with the rest of your post, he'd just learn faster by just cueing a bit less knee travel because its literally not hard
>can fuck people when you just tell them to do something and not why

Absolutely. Whenever a friend of mine asks me to show them what's what when it comes to training, I make it a condition that they have to sit through whatever explaining I want to do and I refuse to simply tell them what to do and they follow orders without knowing why. This applies to technique, programming, mobility, whatever.

WL is even harder to git gud at tho
Please respond
this can actually be very counter productive
I'm not gonna spoon feed you.
Just think: what is(are) the function(s) of the shoulder? Which of these are used in the bench press, at which phases of the movement? Should lead you to the answer.
>maintaining/cutting by just eating a little bit less than usual
>had to eat a lot more than i actually wanted before
>expected this diet reduction to be ezpz
so that was not at all the case, end up fucking starving way too much for my liking
He means fcking around with the lifts and progressing until his noob gains runs out and then cry when he can't make gains because he doesn't want to put actual work in
Fair enough. didn't mean to be a cunt tbqh, I just really have a strong distaste for "knee travel" as a cue, as there are too many good outliers (at least in my mind) to justifying saying" you are never allowed to let your knees come forward"

its always just too concrete, some people i think just need to squat like that (myself included)

yep. I'm the exact same way. people will ask for advice and then they get pissed when I give them a short lesson, but its imperative to them being able to use the information correctly.

>impying "git gud" is what fun consists of

nigga i failed an 84 kg power snatch. thats next level embarrassing shit, and I was having way more fun in about a 3 hour span than I had during an entire month of sheiko

it can. I've had it happen, but what can you do?
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lmao dude go fuck yourself :^ )
Can anyone even post good raw (preferably IPF) squats that fit the zero knee travel meme?

It seems like most good, raw squatters have between "some" and "a lot" of knee travel, which kind of makes sense considering the quads are easily the strongest leg muscle
this is my thought behind "there are enough outliers...."

don't get me wrong, there are some out there, but I would agrue the same thing. most of the really good ones either have their knees just at, or just barely past their toes, out to as far as shit like john haack
pls respond XD
I have been squatting for a long time trying to sit back a lot of minimize knee travel because I thought that was the best way to engage the glutes and strong muscles n shit
few days ago I tried sitting straight down (way more knee travel) and I felt a LOT stronger
just another anecdote
lel no bother, knew you had some history with that particular cue
zero knee travel is rare as fuck, most in the ipf have (i hate this term but bear with me) more of 'hybrid squat', if we call "low bar" the ridiculously exaggerated sitting back squat
What's wrong friend? Have you been without sex for literally hours?
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Friend, may I inquire as to what sort of meme you'll be running next?

More Sheiko?
yeah, i'm in the exact same boat as you. I hesistate to just say this as a reason, as you also noted its just anecdote but still. I think its pominent enough of a factor to be mentioned like

"hey, not EVERY ONE should have their knee travel as minimized as possible"

what seems to be the problem knut
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Look at the op
I'm pretty sure it's because you have long femurs and relatively short torso.
Limiting knee travel just means your torso gets near parallel to the ground just to hit depth. I'm in the same boat, I'm trying to see if modeling my squat more after CWS can be to my benefit.
thats not ok :(

yeah. long femurs r gr8 amirite
How do I bodybuild? I'm %99 certain I'm weak because I'm lacking MUSCLE.
no idea how to build muscle though.
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at least you have long arms so you can be great at deadlifting
short torso/long femurs/short arms means even with sumo, my back is still very far from vertical

and yeah it is nice for didlies

fucking BLOWS DICKS for bench though
>problem: need more quads
>currently leg pressing
should I switch to front squats?
why not both, ya dingus
front squats are fucking GOAT for quad stuff

>thats not ok :(
i know
>Primarily for the discussion of general strength.
like what the fuck
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Do a cycle of highbar

hey lol so i guess you didnt get my last message haha. umm like so what do you think? it's ok i know that u must just be busy, im busy too ;)
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is it OK to buy a mid-low tier belt off Amazon for 20-30 bucks? I'm in a bit of a bind financially and cant afford to drop ~100 for a high end Inzer or some such

am I just wasting my money?
id prefer not to arbitrarily just add more, i have a working programme
merlin, but are they more effective than leg presses? im thinking they are
actually been toying with this idea
>switch to front squats?
Either add FSQ as a bodybuilding accessory, or do a regular PL cycle with high bar.
>wearing pyjamas in the gym
>mystery squatter
i dont think so tim

suppose he has to do something to stand out since his lifts arent going to be what sets him apart ;^)
My knees, shoulders and wrists would literally implode if I squatted like that...

Why do all IPF champions just "happen" to have indestructible frames?
Do your main lifts, pick two or three muscle groups, about five high rep sets per. Pick a movement where you get a good stretch and contraction.
Get a "training belt" from elite or titan or lifting large, etc

They go for 40-50 bucks and will be way less shit than what you'll find on amazon.
High bar or SSB for back of sets playa
>just "happen" to have indestructible frames?

Genetics, background in sports. Less history of anime and video games.
seems to be a consensus
ill swithc LP to FS next cycle
man id love access to a ssb
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who is the qt in the webm?
just a runner up
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Just do your fucking rows and pullups, you lazy cunt
Is this quality artwork intended to show the role of the lats in bringing the humerus toward the coronal plane?
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I think you are misinterpreting my posting
Your post >>36806380
is an indecipherable pile of ms paint diarrhea autism
>new neighbors moving in
>first time I see them it's an older lady and her daughter, daughter is THICC as oats
>week later, they come back to do more stuff, daughter is wearing a shirt from the local middleshool volleyball team

mayb she just still wears it cause it fits her. you gotta believe
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volley ball.

seriously. if there is one type of girl that makes me go fucking bonkers, it is THICC volley ball girls
ask her for fuk
I'm 27 and I occasionally wear a tshirt from the ol' high school vball days. At forty pounds heavier.
I wear my cutoff gym tshirt form my old high school because the fucking faggot coach would only give me the extra large tshirts when i was 120lbs twink
I made a neu jaun for you guys :3

>the fucking faggot coach would only give me the extra large tshirts when i was 120lbs twink

Lol. I do that to my athletes too. Mostly the non-commital edgy worthless ones.

I save the good sizes for the Chads.
I mean im pretty sure they only had extra larges left, and i shouldnt have said coach, just a loser gym teacher lol
Doesn't bodorio have quite short legs? Looks so weird.

Maybe that's why he can just sit right down in the squat?
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