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Cooking oil chemists general.

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PSMF question.
When it says refeed 5hrs once/week and 1 free meal, what exactly does that mean? I can eat a lot in 5 hrs or 1 meal.
am i big enough to cut? Am i lean enough to bulk? Or am i a big fat pile of shit who needs to cut but needs muscle. Why did i ever get into this fitness thing, i never used to care
If you're above 13-15% (aka have zero definition on your chest/abs, then you need to cut. Any love handles, you need to cut.
i am above 15% but im making good gainzzzzzz everyones saying how swole i am atm and its going to my head, making me want to get more and MORE. But you are right i should start cutting. I have tren, eph and dnp though, so i can dramatically cut quite quickly if need be.

It means once a week you get a free meal - where you just eat like a normal person.

The refeed is a different beast. After your last workout of the week you have a 5 hour window to eat 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of lean body mass. This isn't like your standard CKD refeed where you can go crazy and eat whatever you want. You're supposed to limit your carbs to glucose and avoid fats in this time period.

If you go hog wild, you run the risk of setting your PSMF back a couple days.
tfw promo whoring
How bout you say fuck all but dnp and do PSMF and almost die while losing weight so rapidly that you don't have to endure the cutting pains for long and don't look like a fat piece of shit anymore. You realize more than half your size is probably fat and water weight? Let that settle in for ya.
That's almost 500g of carbs in 5 hours (2.5g/lean lb). Jeebus. Besides pasta/rice, what would be good? Skim milk/cereal?
>tfw I don't even know how a normal person eats anymore
Even on just a -500 Cal cut I'd still eat 1k Cal meals.
If I have puffy nipples (no gyno though), will taking Nolva fix it?

I am natty
tren is pretty good with water weight, so i dont think that so much is an issue, fat however you are right. So you are happy for people using tren, but when they bring dnp into the mix suddenly they've gone too far? It's not as bad of a substance as people make out as long as you know what youre doing
Got my tren today. Can't wait until next wednesday. Please tren make my summer.
BOYS I messed up. I have the mental power of a 12 year old so I got a lil cavity in a tooth. Is local anesthesia fine while on test-e and oral winny? I can't find much on google but it sounds okay so far.
probably need to lose some weight
I was actually recommending dnp with PSMF. If you do low carb with tren you feel like dogshit even more (to quote Brick). If you're cutting regularly, go ahead and use tren.
Do you guys increase AI on cuts
What steron to increase appetite?

I'm struggling like fuck to eat more. 105lbs at 5'11 right now.
i blast and cruise, so you suggesting drop the tren and keep cruising with 500/d dnp. I feel like shit on tren anyway, i literally despise myself and everything around me, but it is only temporary, possibly
Only if you need it. I'm cutting & cruising with ralox for pubertal gyno, so if I take AI too I crash my estro.


I'm 5'10 158 and feel small as fuck. Post a pic.
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Yeah, do dnp and PSMF, which is like bw=g protein, 15-20 fats, 15-20 carbs a day. Refeed once a week with 2-3g * lean bw in carbs, still low fats. Dnp works better low carbs.
I would dnp but it's already too hot here.
Save your tren til you are doing normal cutting or bulking. That's what I'm doing.
Please respond I dont wanna die to lithocaine and my babby cycle
what the fuck would i eat to get 100g of protein, 20g of fat and 20g of carb... my maintenance is like 3k by the way. After you've finished up on dnp do you then slowly raise it back up over the next few weeks?
Had to get 2 cavities filled while on my first baby cycle. Anesthetic didn't work, worst pain of my life, complete and absolute agony.
also did you not take eph on your dnp cycle? I took dnp once before and my appetite was unreal
>13% bf
>zero definition on your chest/abs
lol no
he said above 13-15, aka not in that range, aka 16 onward
that doesnt make sense
above 13-15% would just be above 15%
meaning that it could be above 13% but still below 15% for some people or whatever the fuck he meant
and if you dont have at least somewhat visible abs at 15% youre skinny as hell so it doesnt even matter, hes still wrong
You only have 100lb of lean bw? Jesus. Actually it's 1.25xlb lean bw. Mines 194 and the calculator says to eat 242. My maintenance is 3200 and I'm 240 lbs, 20%bf. No way yours is 3000 with 100lb lean bw.
I'm not sure if you should use eph with dnp. I'm using eph with PSMF right now though.
you just said bw not lean bw, im 16.5 stone around 20% bf, so should be in a similar situation to you
I didn't say somewhat visible abs, I said definition. Unless you're stacked, you're not going to have defined abs above 15%.
I also said 13-15% because some people have different genetic fat distribution and can manage to have ab definition at higher bf%.
what the fuck does "zero definition" mean if not completely invisible?
So that would still be much more than 100g. You would have been at 230g. Anyways, you can Google a psmf calculator and someone has one on a bb dot com thread that's good.
Exactly. I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
Typically (besides those with a high lean bw for their height) people will not have defined abs above 13-15%bf. How is this hard to understand?
I was saying to cut if you're above that bf range and/or you don't have insertions.
Fuck, it's like talking to a retarded 5th grader.
im trying to say that your perception of bf% is shit
either that or your definition of the word "defined" is shit
but whatever, your skewed perception of reality doesnt really affect me
I hate pinning my glutes, there was a little bit of oil in the syringe that got left behind :(

Does anyone notice animals acting different towards you on tren? The neighbours cat who usually just wants belly rubs was following me everywhere last night. Came inside the house, any time I sat or laid down she just jumped ontop of me nuzzling me or licking me or rolling around. Was actualy having a hard time keepig this cat off me.
I'm not talking about some slight outer insertions noting where the abs would be. I'm talking about actual blocked abs. Or at a high lean bw for frame, resulting in pic related.
>Does anyone notice animals acting different towards you on tren? The neighbours cat who usually just wants belly rubs was following me everywhere last night. Came inside the house, any time I sat or laid down she just jumped ontop of me nuzzling me or licking me or rolling around. Was actualy having a hard time keepig this cat off me.
As I've said before I am like 100% certain that animals can smell that you are more androgenic
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Wrong pic
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>slight outer insertions
i dont think you know what "insertions" means, whatever

look at this chart for a decent representation of bodyfat, the middle pic is around 15% bodyfat, in better lighting and posing his abs would be p decently defined
pay no mind to the 16-19% pic as its too dyel to be representative but you get my point
youre underestimating bf% and/or misusing the word "defined"
Is oral tren any good?
What's a good dosage for a first cycle?
oral...tren? is that a dank meme or something?
Oral tren is even stronger than normal tren. Way too harsh for your body, and only for very experienced users. Should always take liver support when using it.
They come in 1 mg tabs, 30 in a box.
Is one a day enough?
lol enjoy your broken liver m8
Can't be much harsher than anadrol and patients are prescribed high doses for several months.
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>Can't be much harsher than anadrol
the most powerful steroid of them all cant be much stronger than one of the weakest? Okay mate have fun with that one
Dude, oral tren usually comes in 250mcg tabs, the most id do is 500mcg a day. Come back in a month and let us know how expensive that liver transplant came to be.
The average 220lb bodybuilder would be prescribed with 100-500mg/day of oral steroid for three to six months with 100-200mg as usual effective dose.

The recommended daily dose in children and adults is 1-5 mg/kg of body weight per day. The usual effective dose is 1-2 mg/kg/day but higher doses may be required, and the dose should be individualized. Response is not often immediate, and a minimum trial of three to six months should be given. Following remission, some patients may be maintained without the drug; others may be maintained on an established lower daily dosage. A continued maintenance dose is usually necessary in patients with congenital aplastic anemia.

and this is supposed to disprove that mtren is a shitton worse than anadrol, how exactly?
“Methyltrienolone… which is orally active as an anabolic agent in a dose less than 1.0 mg per day in normal adults,has been tested with regard to its influence on liver function. As measured by multiple parameters (BSP retention; total bilirubin; activities of transaminases, alkaline phosphates and cholinesterase in serum; activity of proaccelerin in plasma) methyltrienolone turned out to be very active as to causing biochemical symptoms of intrahepatic cholestasis. …thus methyltrienolone at present being the most ‘hepatotoxic’ steroid.”
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Day 5 75mg tren 50mgdbol

Lighting kinda sucks here, up 5lbs so far.
damn your fucking traps
Is it true that after you lift while on gear, it is near impossible to go back o being natty?
Ιt's not impossible but you won't want to go back. 12 weeks cycle that turned to b&c here.
>im trying to say that your perception of bf% is shit
almost everyones perception of bf is shit. You can't tell from a picture

most accurate way to meassure is probably the dexa scan

3-4% is probaby the lowest you can go. helmut strebl has 4%

munzer was probably the most shredded, but at what cost?

what is your diet?
how safe is that? could you conceivably run test for the rest of your life?
Please stand normal, pulling your shoulders up so far makes your chest look flat, it bunches your traps all up, and it makes your shoulder looks narrow
Yes of coure. It's called trt and it's prescribed by doctors on many cases. Drugs became dangerous only if you seriously abuse them.
Wake up 20g carbs

Breakfast 60-100g carbs, 30g protein, 5-10g fat
Either miniwheats or oatmeal and an apple, chocolate whey

Pre workout 20g carbs, 5g creatine

Workout shake 120-150g carbs, 35g protein, 5g creatine
Gatorade, tang, whey

Post workout meal 120-150g carbs, 5-10g fat, 35g protein
Sugary cereal, skim milk, chicken turkey or whey

Dinner 120-150g carbs, 25g fat, 35g protein
Either brown rice/sweet potatoes/whole grain pasta and chicken or beef, broccoli or spinach or steak tacos and rice (if Im at work)

2nd dinner 90-120g carbs, 30g fat, 35g protein
Usually oatmeal and some tasty chicken with fried veggies

Before bed 50g protein, 45-60g fat, 20g carbs
Casein, peanut butter, milk, animal pak vitamins, 3 fish oil and 3 cod liver oil pills
I might have hot wings and an avocado and a few glasses of milk instead, but usually casein and peanut butter

Halfway through sleep 20g carbs
Oh yeah, the lower carb amounts are for upper body days, higher carbs are for leg days.
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I dont know how to pose or flex.. lel
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Not really bad, but what's up with the Gatorade?

and yeah, whey is again controversial i rather eat real food.
A trip last thread recommended Rad-140 10mg and Nolva 20mg pct.

Is it a reasonable cycle for a fresh fraud? How long should it be run?
Carbs on rising blunts the cortisol that builds up in your sleep, and I have it in the middle of the night cause the tren makes me wake up after 4 hours hungry. Takes two seconds to stir and chug a glass.

Preworkout is mostly just cause I hate drinking creatine by itself

I prefer whole food too but with breakfast I can spend a half hour cooking or chug a shake right away and workout sooner. I work a lot so time is a big factor
You'll be fine. They care more about painkillers and shit.
How the fuck do I into roids?

I want to get as aesthetic as I can within a year, and obviously being natty won't get me anywhere, so how exactly do I get my hands on this stuff? Also, I'd prefer to have edible roids rather than having to inject myself if it's an option.

Are all the memes they say in the media true? Does it make your balls shrink and make you angry all the time?
you get it online. you inject them, oral only is shit. Yes they temporarily shrink your balls. They will make you more irritable but wont make you angry all the time
sup bros
sup m8e
>you inject them,

where are you supposed to inject them? into the vein above where your elbow is?
yeah do it right into the vein filled with air. No course not you bellend, its into a muscle. just come off this site and start researching these are basic things you should know.
got a good weeke nd job today.
also got awared of a p good local source just now too.
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does it hurt?
Are Tabata sprints the fastest way to burn fat? It's my rest day but I want to do something real quick anyways
sort of, if you wanna be a big boy im sure youll survive a little pin
less painful than being small
Just wondering if anyone has a peer reviewed source that shows permanent test decrease from androgen use. I got into an argument with someone else and they said that it drops your natural test by 20% for life from a single cycle. I am skeptical of that but just wondering what the sources say.
>tfw you do 5 cycles and no longer produce test
Lol I'm sure it doesn't work that way and even though I'm only in my first cycle I'm pretty sure I want to blast and cruise for life, so this won't even be a consideration for me until much later.
I was joking. Doing one cycle wont drop your test by 20% for life, thats a huge drop.
where is MG ?
>doing cycles
lmao bro just blast forever and you'll have that sweet 80% left
First time running tren after 3 cycles. What do you think on:
300 Test E
450 Tren A
Obviously got Adex & Nolva/Clomid for PCT

Was planning to run 700ish Test 300 Tren but heard good things about High Tren/Low Test

Should I bump the tren to 500?

Prev cycles:
550 Test 40 DBol
600 Test 400 Mast
650 Test 50 Drol
The dermatologist

if you see him tell him its almost time to enitiate the dnp pact
high test high tren is fine
low test high tren meme seems like bunch of faggots who cant keep thier estro in check
anyone used [email protected] ?

Their tren and var prices are a little steep but everything else looks good. I put in an order yesterday so I guess I should have asked before. but yolo
Anyone else here get diarrhoea using dbol?
Dunning 30mg/ed as a PWO
Also running test e 750/w
But the symptoms didn't arise until literally day 1 of dbol (week 8 of my cycle)
Thanks mate. I'll give a hunt on pubmed and see if I can find anything, but good to know there isn't any proof already known here.
Anyone ever used powersupps. org?

Thinking of ordering some rad-140
How big of a cut is okay while on tren? Its supposed to be the king of nutrient partritioning and feed efficiency, but how big of a surplus can I run without losing muscle mass?
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Just started 0.25mg Finasteride ED. Any of you fellas use it?

Very well may do nothing. Considering I cruise on 200mg test weekly, year round.
No source talk.

And my God, nothing feels better than Tren. Nothing. I literally feel like Zeus himself on this shit. Nothing phases me. My head is held high. I want to fuck everything that passes, and I have the confidence and don't give a fuck attitude to make a pass at everything too.

I'm guessing the 180 is very noticeable. Couple of friends have expressed concern over my behavior, and I have a couple of professors (small college) that want to meet with me to discuss my sudden personality change.

What a crock of shit. I've never felt better. Everyone should take this.
Ehh, I know you feel awesome and all, but this isn't the Dark Ages. Your over-the-top alpha personality stuff may turn a lot of influential (in your life) people off. Keep it toned down. I had to get off Tren because the sex drive literally interfered with my ability to focus and get stuff done. And I snapped a few times at work. I never did that before. Definitely not placebo either.
>snapped a few times at work
If you can't control your emotions on any steroid, you're as weak as a woman.
Yes I've done tren before.
>the sex drive literally interfered with my ability to focus and get stuff done
Feeling this now.

As for the personality change, I love it. And I'm pretty much set with a job, so I'm not worried about pissing off professors too much at this point. One's just really angry I pointed out he's giving out assignments to reinforce his political views, not to actually teach us anything.

And I've always had a give-no-fucks attitude. Tren is just amplifying it.
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Damn women's razors are awesome for shaving your shaft and balls.
>If you can't control your emotions on any steroid, you're as weak as a woman.
That's your perspective. I respect that. I also have seen way more horror stories about Tren than wonderful "it fixed my personality" stories. idk, if people are expressing concern and whatnot, maybe he should heed that as a warning.
Err defecit not surplus**
I'm inclined to agree
Tren def helped my personality and didn't make me a worse person, I will say fapping got a little out of hand but that's about it
Dude if your professors want to talk about your personality you have gone way out of control. That's a big fucking deal. You need to tone it the fuck down or accept that you aren't in control enough to be on tren.
Run it for 8-12 weeks.
Only couple of things I've done so far that can be seen as "offensive" are:

>E-mail group, and cc'd the professor, asking them to actually do their share and stop expecting me to do everything ("Am I going to do everything while we all share the credit again? Because I'll sooner take a 0 than devote my time to completing a 5 man project by myself.")
>Ask hugely liberal professor why he's asking us to evaluate the tax proposals of all candidates and choose the one we like best when he's said in class "Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that knows economics" so there's an obviously right (at least to him) answer
>Sporadically show up to one class because the professor takes it too damn slow and classmates don't read the book and expect everything to be spoonfed to them. 30 minutes of questions that would easily be avoided if the professor had the nerve to say "read the book."

The problem, as I see it, is that it is so far out of the norm from what people expect from me. I don't usually stand up for myself or call people on bullshit. I usually just didn't respond to things or kept my head down and worked through shit on my own (like doing all the work in a group project and never complaining).
Sounds like people complained about you. Be smart; tone it down. If you are pissing people off, you're going to get yourself in trouble.
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Pls gib advice.
My chest absolutely refuses to grow since breaking my hand at least I'm finally seeing a bit of growth in my tris.

How many times a week is too many to really hit chest? Just finishing loading up test/tren/mast 250/500/500 so I wanna hit as much volume as possible.

Quads blew up for no reason and I don't want them any bigger so thinking of swapping out some quad work to bring up chest/tris and hamstrings.

Gimme your best chest workout
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Phone quality is shit sorry
Wow you dont even lift why are you using drugs? I was bigger than you in a year of natty lifting as a teen. m8 pls
>tfw roids made me less tolerant to gfs bullshit
>tfw broke up with her after she tried looking through my texts
>tfw caught between tfwnogf and happiness because I don't have a neurotic bitch in my life anymore
>tfw don't want any girls I just want to get fucking shredded

These crazy chemicals...
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>omg tren affects my personality ~soooo~ much I can't handle it!

man the fuck up, find your atrophied balls, and take some personal responsibility for your failure to control your own fucking emotions

the only thing tren does is amplify the shit you're already feeling, and you should sure well fucking know what it does before you run it, so it's childishly easy to identify and clamp down on those magnified emotions so you don't act like a fucking psycho and give the rest of us a bad name


what were you doing for quads?

I've got a decent set of chesticles from just 3 working sets of flat bench a week, 3 of weighted chest dips, then 3 for incline bench, and to a lesser extent with thumbless close grip when I'm doing tri assistance on another day

for what it's worth, I bench with my ring fingers on the gaps in the knurling and a moderate arch so I've got a whole lot more pec activation than someone just laying down on the bench and cranking out reps


welcome to being a fucking man
For those of you on finasteride, where did you get it? If you're on a prescription, how did you a doc to prescribe it if you're not showing any signs of baldness?
Haven't lifted with a routine in about a month or so... Now I sporadically hit the gym whenever.

Should I take steroids?

I'll take it seriously because I wouldn't have a choice and wouldn't want to fuck up a cycle.

Worked for me with DNP, I didn't have a choice.
got it from an indian pharmacy because my doc wouldn't give it
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Is this worth taking? It's not overly expensive which is good, anyone here have any direct experience with it?
DUDE i posted this a week ago. Yeah my aunts cat was making out with my shoes and leaving spit on them and humoing my leg and it was neutered apparently...cat wanted my gains
Pretty sure you get all of that from pmp. I got some samples from a gat rep. Nitra flex mixed with pmp was actually a decent preworkout.
>tfw don't want any girls
>These crazy chemicals...

>welcome to being a fucking man

heroin does that too, jus sayin
Tren can make shit a struggle but that's why DHTs, pizza, pussy and tobacco exist. Damn.
im around 18% BF and i have very clear definition on my shoulders and chest, and can see the beginnings of the top/side part of my upper abs. and then when i was on LGD and MK i was retaining water and basically had a pump all the time and was builtfat for a month.
Is it still relatively safe to order from naps in the US? Or is it better to order from a domestic source?

Hope you got good insurance for a new liver transplant. You have no idea what you're talking about here, stop arguing and listen to the experienced users before you do something you'll regret the rest of your life. There's other orals if you're afraid of pinning, but don't do oral tren.
what compounds do you primarily use for bulking, triangle man?
Wet shit. High test, mid npp, dbol, drol. Peptides.
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Should have mentioned nice comments only please and thank you

All I do for quads is front squats. Occasionally hack squats afterward so burn out.

I'm thinking my chest problem is mind-muscle connection related. Especially since before the broken hand I had a monster chest and tiny tris and now they're inverting. Why can't I just hit tris an chest 50/50 fuck.
What's a good AI I can buy legally over the Internet? Is arimistane good? What websites should I check out?
Go with a legit AI source. It really is important.
Hell yeah.

And 5htp.

Stable blood sugar and gut health is also super important for feeling good on tren.
When is your next chest day? List what you do for chest.
I just had another guy tell me I look great and then ask me for a spot.

Brah, if you wanted a spot, just say so.
I've never really gotten fukt digestion on tren
on test cycle 250mg e3d...

running arimidex 0.5 e2d, taking zinc, dhea plus, dim, multi, showering 2x a day, sulfur soap, overall healthy and yet my shoulders/back/chest are getting FUCKED by acne. am on TRT to cruise, 200mg e10d, this is my second blast. hardly had any acne issues during first cycle.

wat do? accutane seems to be the only remaining option, but I'm not even on that much gear.
So I'm on hrt through my doc. I'm prescribed test c 150mg a week and 1500 ius of hcg a week.

I'm confused tho. They give me a hcg vial with 11,000 ius worth. So that should last me about 7 weeks. I've always heard hcg goes bad in a month. What do I do?
Probably because your diet is good
or he doesn't know what good digestion is yet
>tfw it only took you 21 years to realize that farting and bloating after meals wasn't normal
The only real valid complaint of yours was the first once, and that should've been handled discreetly, instead of CC'ing the professor.

You could've just done the tax proposal homework and reason it out instead of bitching in class about it because you don't agree with their supposed preconceptions are, instead you moan like a child because the professor is assigning work based on something they know and can evaluate, it's not your place to make assumptions about how your work will be graded based on their political views.

On the third point, other people don't necessarily learn best from reading the textbooks, least of all many modern textbooks that get so fucking jumbled and unclear from them switching around paragraphs and slightly rewording this this explanation and that question in the name of releasing the 11th edition of that text. Having a professor explain or demonstrate concepts is often the easiest way for some people to learn the work. If you feel you 'get' everything from merely reading the textbook and don't need to attend the lectures, good for you, just don't expect full points if they grade partially based on attendance. I doubt the professor really has a problem with that arrangement either, assuming you haven't had some attitude about that situation too.
I don't fart or bloat much ever. Maybe 1-2x a months do I get post meal cramping.

I just have a powerhouse digestive system.
>it's not your place to make assumptions about how your work will be graded based on their political views

Someone hasn't been to university.
Hey mang, I had a 3.9 in cuhmewnuhtee callidge before droogs and frands...
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Damn son I'm constantly dropping protein or broccoli farts. I get bubble but easily too which sucks.
>I get bubble-gut easily
same breh

I have a very intense love-hate relationship with this dbol right now because dbol + easily prone to bloat = feck
Why do you recommend 5htp? I'm not really sure how it works but my friend always gives me a few pills to take after we take MDMA to replace serotonin levels. Don't really notice anything from them the post-mdma depression goes away quicker when I take them.
Dint get me wrong, I hold water from carbs all day and bloat in that regard but bloating from gas? Nah.
Why do you hate glutes? They're so painless and easy. And just push the plunger all the way down before you withdraw the needle... I never have even a drop left in the barrel.
What does estrogen bloat feel like and where do you find it? Is it visually noticeable? How much weight can it be? I'm curious in general but I'm also in week 5 of a test 500 cycle and just wondering about my use of ai.
Tren screws with serotonin.

5htp increases and balances it out.

I also do high carbs low fat low protein with tren to keep serotonin up and stable. And tren partitions carbs crazy good.
>Tren screws with serotonin.
news to me, going to do some reading sounds interesting

I'm at 20% and ripped. 13% bf is literally Auschwitz tier. I swear this board is full of liars.
You'll only find weak tenuous actual science on the subject afaik.

Since tren is so potent and effective at binding to androgen receptor and since it doesn't aromatize into estrogen it tanks E. There's some science suggesting estrogen greatly helps to regulate serotonin within the body.

Fuck your estrogen, you fuck serotonin regulation. Maybe.
> 4 free test in 3-38 range
>"it's perfectly normal at the age 18 (eighteen), don't worry about it goyim"
The actual point I'm making is that science is actually a thing. We can never understand something, let alone "hormones" or "tren", but we can understand each other.

Stop lifting weights. Start lifting spirits. Instead of reaching for drugs, reach for Jesus.
new appointment, new endo today, is there anything I can tell him/her/xer/xir/it to fix me?
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In my experience there isn't really much you can say to convince an endo if you're in range.
So crash your T levels and retest.
Alright brehs. Trading in my natty card soon with a 12 week test e cycle. Starting at 250mg E3D. Got Nolva for PCT and Adex as an AI to keep on hand. I know some of you will say something like "add dbol fag" or that running test alone is worthless. What is your reasoning on this? I still have a chance to try adding another compound.
One more question. If I did a 4-5 week dbol cycle along with this, taking .25mg Adex EOD, when would I take my Nolva pct? Would I take it 2 weeks after my last test pin? Would I continue my AI through the rest of my test cycle after I got off dbol??
dbol is to kickstart test, because it doesn't reach max concentrations for two weeks.

it is also a good anabolic in general
in range by 0.5, if this one says it is perfectly normal level too I think I might finally snap, I am thinking about cutting to skeleton levels, no sleep, high carb no fats diet and running a few hours before the next testosterone test, maybe listen to some bernie speeches too
thoughts on putting a natty on a 20mg sdrol kickstart for his first babbys first test cycle? would go with the tried and true dbol but he has some pubertal gyno which id rather not aggravate
>listen to bernie speeches too

Bernie supporter here and I kekked pretty hard desu
drink some alchohol too senpai
200mg e10d there is your arcne Problem
Do at least e5d
Is it true that test can fuck your shit up worse if you're under 25 like the r steroids wiki says? I'm 20 and been considering doing 250mg test e3d.
Late, but yeah, accutane. You may be like me, just predisposed to getting acne on gear. Dialed in AI or not
Just started a second nolvadex after feeling low test.

It seems to be making me depressed and less hungry. Anyone else have these feels? Should I stop my second pct?
What do you mean started second nolvadex? Like a second source?

Stick with pct if it's legit stuff

I've been off for 4 months, but the deca I believe is lingering and causing issues since it stays so long in your body. I'm feeling like something is off, slight ED.

My first pct sort of failed. Kept up with it three weeks but was feeling so off and depressed I stopped.

Now in hopes of fixing my possible low test issue I was advised to try a second pct then get bloods done. But it's only day two and I'm feeling sad and low appetite because of it I think.
Pin test.

Don't think I'm meant for pct bros. it might also be because today I'm thinking a lot about my cheating whore of an ex girlfriend. Still haunts me today. She is the reason my first pct failed. Fucking bitch.
Get cialis from an online source.

Run PCT to completion again. All will be well again. It's prob the deca.

You could pin test until the deca leaves your system

Pin test? Why would I keep myself shut down. I'm considering blasting and cruising

I'll try m8, the depression just whoops my ass. I've been through a rough past few months
But what about my other questions?
you dont need to run an oral if you dont want to.. you'll still grow like a weed on 500mg test
yes take nolva for pct, yes start it two weeks after your last pin, yes use AI throughout the whole cycle if needed
google it

Guess I'll continue and try to fight the depression and keep going. I'm never doing Deca again, this shit is a nightmare. 4 months later experiencing sides from it. Fuck it.
Thank. Would it be beneficial at all to up the dosage weekly near the end of the cycle? Or should I just stay at the 500/week
Will do. I don't expect to be spoon fed
Shitting like a trooper pls answer
Is my liver dying? I'm gonna drop the dbol tomorrow and see if I feel a change

Feeling bloated AF, pissing out of my ass within an hour of eating, cramps for days

And yes in using AI, armidex 1mg/ed
5x6 incline barbell bench
4x10 dumbbell bench
4x10 incline dumbbell bench
4x12 weighted dips
5x15 cable flies light af
3x10 close grip light af usually superset with skullcrushers till failure

Before breaking my hand this worked wonders for me, chest was massive and I was inclining 295 5x6 and making linear progress.Idk if the broken metacarpal healed in a strange way that's fucked my grip and made my pressing tricep dominant. I've tried deloading significantly to tighten up form but nothing seems to recruit my chest like it used to. I really ought to record a couple sets and take a look at where I'm fucking up.
get tudca
Ive never had that problem on dbol. On 50mg a day right now.

Only bad sides Ive gotten from dbol are nosebleeds, insane lower back pumps and high bood pressure.
On 50 mg ED dbol atm and don't have these sides. On top of that I have IBS so I figure if it would affect anyone It would be me.

(week 3 of 50 mg dbol ED, 275 test e E3D.
Hey fraudsters,

What sites did you guys use to research?

I'm thinking of looking into what I'd want from a cycle but don't know where to start
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Reading your guys' stories makes me want to get on gear real bad, but I've heard it's risky to get on it young, and I'm only 19.

Is the wait till 25 thing a meme? Or maybe it should be wait till 21 or something?
Just read everything, so much misinformation out there.

I generally favour non aromarizing compounds like tren and mast.

Considering trying some winny in my next cycle instead of dbol and really tightening things up
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Should I front load tren? Like 150mg instead of 100 for the first 4 times? Not me in the pic btw.
pls respond
You guys seem to know your stuff, good place to ask. I'm completely ignorant to all things /fraud/ as I just started lifting.

Seems like a good place to ask about my bloods:

S TESTO - 15.8 nmol/L (Ref range 12.0-31.9)
S SHGB 30 nmol/L (17-56)
cFreeTesto - 333 pmol/L (260-740)

It's lowish on the range, but still within. Doctor didn't really care about it. Would this be considered low for a 24 year old, and something that should be treated?
Seems pretty low bro. If you're experiencing symptoms of low test you better go to another doctor and get trt.

Damn, I would be pissed if was taking one of the most potent steroids out there and still had a dyel chest.
hey man maybe I can help...

According to USP 797:
If a multi-dose has been opened or accessed (e.g., needle-punctured) the vial should be dated and discarded within 28 days unless the manufacturer specifies a different (shorter or longer) date for that opened vial.
If a multi-dose vial has not been opened or accessed (e.g., needle-punctured), it should be discarded according to the manufacturer’s expiration date.

So technically all of these preps are sterile multi dose vials...even your test vials. According to pharmaceutical safety guidelines, after they are punctured they are no longer sterile and have a Beyond Use Date of 28 days.

7 weeks is a bit of a stretch and you are risking bacterial infection. Be sure to practice sanitary pinning techniques.

If you tell your pharmacist, they should provide you with a new vial of injections every 28 days, and can probably contact your doctor to arrange for it to prescribed accordingly. Talk to your pharmacist in the morning and they're more likely to get it done for you.
th-thanks man. Definitely got symptoms.

>hair thinning, I have less hair on my body and face than I did when I was 16
>depression, mood swings, anxiety, lethargy
>random ass stomach bulge
>barely want to fuck anything
>underdeveloped upper body

Do I just shop around until one takes me seriously? You drop the 'depression' bomb and any form of physiological diagnosis goes right out the fucking window.
Chest is one of the most difficult part to put size on most guys.
Definitely sound like low t. Had the same symptoms and going on b&c has improved my quality of life a lot. On the next doctor you'll see insist that you have very low libido, and very low energy.
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tfw poverty fast till monday :D
What would you guys recommend as a pct for 10 weeks 300mg test e? Would 4 weeks of 25mg clomid be enough?
(with 2 weeks in between cycle and pct)
Do you wanna get on and stay on?
Im 25 y/o, my hair is thinning slightly around the crown. I still want to cycle but I wanna keep my hair

I'm thinking of 1mg finasteride, minoxodil as directed, and a ketoconazole shampoo. I'm going to start it a month before cycle and continue for 3 months after cycle. Will this be enough to preserve my hairs?

just do the standard pct protocol
So guys, I read that anavar is great for cutting which is want I want to do and not lose so much muscles. What would be a good dosage for cutting purposes? I am between 13-18% bf.
What is the standard PCT?
150/150/100/100 clomid?
Because this seems really high.

r/steroids wiki

scroll to bottom (quick links), click appropriate links and read.
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So I think I found the future Olympia winner for classic physique
too heavy
I'm currently on my 2nd cycle of 500 test-e pw.

Bloaty face and shrunken nuts are apparent already and I'm only in the later end of week 2.
Is this normal? In my first cycle it took almost 7 or 8 weeks til I noticed nut shrinkage.
Was my first cycle underdosed maybe?
Started taking my Asin today anyway.

I'm gonna stay on b+c after this cycle because PCT gave me fuckin horrendous shoulder acne last time.
Does anyone else seem to get better skin on cycle then the acne comes afterward/during PCT?

Last question. Is tbol worth buying? In regards to effect and chance of being bunk?
I kinda want to try an oral at some point soon, but not dbol. Between tbol, winny and anavar, it seems like winny is the only thing you can be sure is legit.

thanks faggots.
This isnt mtren or cheque drops is it?
What led you to this conclusion?
its mtren aka methyl tren.
if we are talking about the same thing.

cheque drops are a totally diff compound
FUCKING KIKE, SHE THINKS I NEED A fucking psychologist not testosterone..
wtf is this called the health central and asked if I could get and x-ray. Nurse told me that she would call me back when I knew the exact height of my mother and father. She calls me back and gives me an formula then says that they don't do x-rays, like wtf does she mean with that? Live in a pretty small town in sweden so next private hospital is probably 2+ hours with train away
dont you love trying to get test as a low test
its so demonized

self medicate man
skip the doc
1 vial will easily last you 10-20 weeks on trt
found your problem
fucking shit that they don't even offer the service for some payment, like it is not like it take long time to do an x-ray the queue can't be that long. Mailed the closest private "hospital" and it is 1,5 hours away.
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gl man
>I'm gonna stay on b+c after this cycle because PCT gave me fuckin horrendous shoulder acne last time.
me too, and i did the same, and fucking love it
NPP > Deca for joint recovery?

12 week Test P & NPP EOD aka the human pincushion overoptimistic to cut for second cycle?
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Never tried npp but I have run deca at 150mg for long periods of time for my joints. I think it worked well and even on this low of a dose I feel like I would recover from workouts really fast/not be sore.
>This is socialized healthcare
Burgerland does some things right at least.
lmao used the formula
>soon 20 and 168cm
>haven't grown anything in the last year or more
>((164+181)/2)+11 = 183,5cm
fucking lmao feel like I lost the genetic lottery pretty hard
not bad tho

Im 185cm
Unless you get cancer and have to pull an Heisenberg to finance the Rest of your life.
But yeah if you want something non lifethreathening done you are fucked.
Take my money and do what I want God damit
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yeah I'm only 15,5cm shorter than that and haven't grown a single cm in little over a year.
Feels finally going away
Im worried my clomid is bunk. Ran it at 150/100 and still have 50/50 is still left. I got no sides except maybe feels and minor acne? Anyone?
my gf is taller than you,,,
Tall Girls are gorgeous.
Especially with high heels.. Legs for days
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at least I'm taller than most girls. This is from 2011 and people between 20-74, now most guys over the age of 15 are taller than me and my little sister who is 15 is like 3cm shorter than me, she will probably grow taller than me though
Short girls are hghh if you're tall though.
I fucking hate pinning my glutes. Cant hold the syringe well, needle came part way out, and Im not a fucking contortionist.

Only thing I hate about pinning ED is glutes. Maybe I should start pinning my chest or bi's or something
How are you doing it? I pin right glute with my right hand and use it to plunge. I use my left hand behind my back to hold the needle steady. While leaning against a counter or something.
Not gonna argue about that. If she is hot she is hot no matter why.
im only a few cm taller than her.

>at least I'm taller than most girls
then you have np bro

I prefer short girls desu.
Im doing it with one hand. Today was left hand left glute. Doesnt hurt or anything and not too much pip, but Im only using 1" pins so dont want it to slip out at all..

I mostly have trouble pushing down the plunger without torqing on the needle
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>then you have np bro
still hard for me but at least I don't live in US, girls seems to be obsessed with height there
>not asking your parents to send you a few buck
girls here also p much want guys to be taller than them

my allowance is allready substantially more than my sister's

+ asking for more would raise suspition as to where all my money is going (like druggas)
Yeah I usually hold the other hand around my back and put the barrel between two fingers to steady it. I plunge with my hand while holding the tabs with my pointer and middle finger.

>Not having enough moolah.
Still sounds tricky, but might be easier..

Ive only got 2 more glute injections left this time around anyway.
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> researching hair loss obsessively for a month now
> reached a new level of understanding

I'll have to compile all this data but some quick points... JuicinJ and that GH15 guy are partially incorrect; arachidonic acid ie. 'meat fat' does not cause hair loss if you lift heavy weights. Arachidonic Acid is a precursor to PGD2 that causes hair loss but it's also the precursor to PGE2 that grows hair. Activity of enzyme PTGDS essentially means more PGD2. In other words; saying inflammation causing hair loss is like saying oxygen kills you.

It also seems that 17beta-Estradiol is a main culprit of hair loss and acts as a sort of anti-Estrogen despite being the 'main estrogen'.
What we really learned is that you'd rather spend a month compulsively researching how to beat nature, when you could've shaved your head and had the last laugh.
>>complaining about "beating nature" in a fraud thread.
Fucking trip fags i swear
Quiet fag.
Says the faggot who likes when men play with his nipple rings
Men? You mean me and my girl? Lmao you're upset because you can't grow hair nerd.

No Im not even the same guy, full head of blonde aryan hair.

You only the other hand get ragers from dudes touching your nipples
probably a dumb question, but does tren also add size or just shred you up?
steroid dot com steroid profiles trenbolone
Tren is great. Except I'm 4 weeks in and have veins in my temples on each side popping out 24/7
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week one of the tren and mast at 50mg EOD. no cardio this morning so definitely holding subq water and feeling rather flat but it's coming together. actuallt upped my carbs a tiny bit, 3 of my meals are now 5oz yam 2oz rice and the other three carb meals just 1/2 cup rice, also added in another 6oz chicken breast before bed. added in cardio just 30/45 4-5 times a week. nothing major just running round the hood

nothinf crazy yet but it's coming together
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almost half a decade of semi-casual research between the proportionally enormous amount of anecdotal evidence and what little valid clinical research exists


lay down on your side, twist your upper body while keeping your hips flat, you should be able to see the upper outer dorsogluteal quadrant

I'm inflexible as a motherfucker and I can manage fine


like yeah my hair's awesome, but jfc I'll buzz my hair off before I go down a month-long rabbit hole obsessively researching whatever fringe shit might have a causative effect on hair loss


control your bp, you window licker


50mg of tren and mast EOD? Why such a miniscule dose?

Id run them both at 75mg ED
never had an issue with eod. If your talking about the low dose EOD, im a Jew and start my cycles low as fuck dose and build my way up. literally got no gear tolerance doing it this way.

if sides were bad Id rethink EOD but if it works why pin every single day.
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overwhelming near-fetishistic obsession with blood level stability?
Finally unb&
Let the shitposting commence
Where do you gays buy bitcoins?
Circle. Fuckin degenerate.
>forgetting leg day
I have a 100g of rusks to eat ed till ~wednesdsay
shit money management skizzles
nope soz
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looks very much like my cousin
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your cousin is a goddess. post feet
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please leave and never come back again you fucking foot fag you creeps are the worst
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not actually a footfag. just a joke

pls no hate
Portman really is letting her jew side show through in this one.
ok, good. You are forgiven
>not actually a footfag. just a joke
disaster averted.

/fraud/ cant cater to everyones fetishes.

Got a sharp pain in both my forearms after training today. I did train to the point where my forearms were so pumped that I couldn't even clench my fists, but what the fuck?

Is it possible to tear some shit in there? inb4 my cycle is over now

new thread homos
Where are you getting the idea that I let dudes touch my nips? If you want to touch nips man go ahead, but touch yours.
Hghh her nude is cash. One of the best looking girls I've ever seen.
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