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New thread
reposting from last thread because of no responses.

/fit/, I'm kinda worried about my back. I fucked it up Wednesday doing some housework (specifically hacksawing stuff), now a spot on my back has been really uncomfortable the last few days. Even when I'm just standing up for a few hours it doesn't feel good.

Do I need to lay off back exercises until it feels better? It seems like it's not healing.
Yes. Do workouts that don't bother it.
I have a potent massager and a massage chair. Are these better for me than a foam roller or are those really that magical?
>Yes. Do workouts that don't bother it.

That's what I was afraid of. I guess I'll just focus on exercises that don't use my back.

A Day

B Day
>Power clean

Does anybody have any pictures of somebody who started roiding very early, like only after 3 months or 6 months of going to the gym? I don't plan on doing that or sth but I'd be interested in seeing how big you can actually get that early on with roids.
if I'm taking mk 0677 and lgd 4033 am I no longer natty? just wondering for semantics
Do any of you know of any youtube or other 'internet famous' lifters who DON''T have manly voices?
How can I cure my anxiety to get social gains?
You can get as big as you want, really. It's just a matter of how many chemicals you're prepared to inject. Although if you're somewhat untrained, the sudden huge increase in strength greatly increases injury risk. So there's that to keep in mind in addition to all the other risks.

Damn right you aren't natty.

Gradual expose, and cognitive behavioural therapy.
Okay my dumb bitch sister believes microwaving probiotic yogurt will have enhanced benefits.
Am I right thinking it will kill the good bacteria?
How to get out of your head when speaking with women?
Heating does indeed kill the bacteria.
I'm a bit confused about rep ranges. While numbers shouldn't be though as exact paramenters, 1-6 are employed to train strength, 12+ to train endurance and 6-12 to build muscle.

Isn't muscle in direct relation to how strong someone is? For example, if you do sets of 3 you build much more strength than muscle, and if you do sets of 12 you build much more muscle than strength. How can this be? Is the later mostly useless muscle?
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SSbros, how religiously do you follow the warmup recommendations?

Strength is basically about three things: How much muscle mass you have, how effective you are at using it on heavy lifts (this the vaunted 'cns training', more or less) and how efficient your technique on those lifts is.

If you've only ever developed one of those three qualities, you're probably going to be worse than the guy who worked on developing two of them. And both of you will be worse than the guy who brought all three to the table.
Does anyone have that webm of the /fit/izen that's dancing while doing reload animations?
I usually do three quick warmup sets before my first working set, I start out with just the bar, then about 1/3 of my work set followed by about 2/3, doing about 5 reps at a time
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Can I just work out every single day? It kills me to actually rest, that I went from ABxCAxBC to ABCxABCx to ABCABCx and today is finally x AND my day off from work..
I have other hobbies, sure, but I catch myself wanting so bad to go to the gym that I often fidget and act standoffish towards people until I get to lift some heavy weights.
An I just autistic?
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I live about 2 miles from a gym. Is riding a bicycle for 2 miles enough of a warm up before lifting?
I have been training with a full body dumbbell only program for 4 months now and have had some decent beginner gains. I want to switch to a barbell programm, preferably full body and easy for beginners, since I'd have to buy all the equipment from scratch (no gym in the area) my main goal is to look nice, should I do Stronglifts 5x5? it seems like the thing I want, but I'm not sure since it would be a huge financial strain.
If you're roiding, yeah
So I wanna meet this qt again next week, but I'm not sure what to invite her to. Think it's acceptable to just ask her if she's free on that day even if I got nothing planned yet?
Chin ups or Pull ups for general lat development or no difference? Chins feel way more natural to me

Makes barely any difference. Chins are a little easier to progress on but some people have trouble with the bottom position irritating their shoulders.
i want to work out at a public gym for the possible social gains (instead of working out at home)

but the faces i make when lifting heavy, my sweating and breathing during my work out, the possibility of farting at the gym worry me. i don't think i'll be able to make social gains with these things

what do?
How should I work my abs? Goal is aesthetics. Suggestions?
I'm skinny-fat, 6'3, 200lb.

My goal is to look at least decent in 6 months time before a vacation.

Do I get strong first, and cut at the end? Or cut the fat first, then put on the muscle? Bearing in mind my goal is appearance and not functionality right now.
I'd say cut first, then start gaining. dirty bulk with cut at the end will leave you in a vicious cycle.
I've been stuck at the same weight on bench for 2 months now...today I deloaded and failed my last set with the lower weight...was this just a bad day or should I just kill myself?
I somehow hurt my wrist and now i cant perform barbell curls or any exercise which involves supination what could it be?

Did you hurt your wrist curling with the straight bar?
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I think that the damage just gradually became worse overtime because of bad form
Pic related not me but the pain is there
I bike 5 miles to my gym, and I still spend 2/3 mins stretching and 5 mins warming up with lighter weights, especially shoulder exercises. PT at my gym advised his and he's built like a brick shit house, so probably knows what he's on about
How the fuck do I get thicker wrists? Mine are bony as fuck, 5'10 160lbs so I don't think it's just down to me being skinny

I can touch my index finger and thumb when grasping my wrist with my hand and I'm pretty sure that's much thinner than average
If I want to work out the nutritional info for a recipe, is it generally as simple as adding up the values for the ingredients?
New to using the squat bar and my left arm falls asleep really quickly when squating (like by the 4th or 5th rep). I'm sure it's like a blood vessel or a nerve being pinched by the bar but it makes me nervous. Is there anyway to stop it? Is it normal or okay? Am I holding the bar wrong? Should I use the bar pad?
What should a home gym consist of?

I found a pretty decent deal on craigslist for a bench/squat rack, bar and weights.

I already have a treadmill.
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Can I run on my rest days on SS? Is my progress going to suffer because I'm not actually resting?
I couldn't find the answer from the sticky so is it true that you should work your legs one and your arms one day etc.?

Also is this type of a workout called a body-part training method?
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So I have a muscle imbalance with one of my legs being stronger/bigger than the other, so I've added some single leg work into my routine to try and fix it. Unfortunately I apparently have the balance of a drunk when I try to do anything like bulgarian split squats. I'm currently doing lunges, but I feel like it's less optimal for the goal and for some reason they're really challenging when it comes to my breathing (I have a breathing condition).

How can I work up to doing something like the split squats? Or should I hop on the leg press and do some one legged work on there?
what's better, long bar rows or conventional rows?
12 weeks post-op shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum and can finally start lifting. What exercises can I start doing that don't stress my shoulder's too much?

I'm already doing PT for my shoulder and I've been advised to not bring my elbow behind my back (for bench press, rows, etc.)
I'm thinking about starting yohimbine soon. Will it matter if I only do it on week days but not weekends?
Can anybody link me to the pdf of "anabolic cooking"?
Some exercise I think you could do:

bodyweight squat
Buy it faggot, it's worth it
What do rowing machines do for you? Is it just cardio or do they build muscle too? If they build muscle, which ones are most affected?
hello /fit/

it is my first time going to the gym today and it is a community centre fitness room that only has machines

i asked my /fit/ friend to give me a routine and this is what he gave me:

Lat Pull Down x2
Leg Press x2
Tricep Extension x2
Chest Press x2
Leg Extension x2

I have watched many videos on how to do all of these, can i change my skinnyfat body if i do this routine 3-4 times a week along with cardio?

Practice till its normal
Try geocaching
Chill the fuck out and don't let stuff like that hold you back. If you're not grunting waay too loudly it's all good.
Been skinny fat. Cutting didn't help. I ate at my tdee and lifted heavy and started walking about 10k steps a day. Look sorta decent now. Forget about the abs and just lift heavy and eat right for an year atleast.
Bad days happen to all of us. Keep at it bruh.
Would second warming up with lighter weights cause it allows you to remember how to do the lift if you're a beginner. Also you get to stretch through the exact movements you're going to do. Usually I go 40,50&60% of the top work set.
Add a pull-up bar and you're golden
20 minutes a day won't hurt. Don't go runny marathons. Do remember to eat enough good quality food if you want to gain muscle.
You're probably holding it wrong. Maybe try low bar.
It's called a body part split. Beginners are more suited to to full body workouts imo. Starting strength or stronglifts with accessories and cardio are great.
Mostly cardio but they work your legs, back and biceps as well. You won't get the same hypertrophy results as intentional weight lifting for growth, but picture the legs of cyclists who cycle hundreds of kilometres per week for a year or more. Your back will grow, your legs will probably grow and your biceps will grow. You'll see some shoulder development too.
This, of course, assumes at least two or three rowing sessions of 30-45 minutes or more a week with serious effort to improve for several months. Hopping on for 10-15 minutes twice a week at a leisurely (or even moderate) effort level won't do anything for you.
What's a good TDEE calculator? been awhile since I recalculated

also do you guys track carbs, fats and what not?
I basically just track calories and protein, the rest is whatever
What is PPL?

i constantly see people mention they're doing PPL. as far as i know, it means Push Pull Legs.
however some people are doing 4 days a week, some 5, some 6.
Is PPL just a general name for a program you make yourself that splits exercises into those groups? how do you know how many days a week you should go?
are there general PPL programs?
i always use this one:

it won't let me post the link, no matter how i format it, sorry.
That's all you really need. Barbell, squat rack and a bench.
it doesn't really matter what TDEE calculator you use because there's no such thing as an accurate TDEE calculator. they give ballpark estimates that serve well as initial guesses, but after a couple of weeks you'll make adjustments based on what actually happens.
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How fucked is my posture? What kind of fucked is my posture?

I stopped lifting recently after getting some worrying lower back aches

Does it feel like your muscles are hurting or rather a nerve?

When its muscle, dont worry about it.

If its a nerve or even tendons/bones than yes you should rest for a few days
I plan on doing stretching 3 times a week. Should I do this after my basic 10-15 minute TKD practice outside of classes, or is it better to stretch after lifting.
Which would warm my muscles more?
Can I still do squats when my hip flexor hurts?
>think knee cracking/popping is a meme for old people
>lanky skele at 170lb
>barely squat 2.5plate
>get out of bed this morning
>notice slight popping sounds
ah shit is this dangerous? it's not painful but i don't wanna fuck up my joints 10 years down the road. do i stop squatting? see a doc? deload?
Where can I check some good physioteraphy for my knee?

had motorcycle accident, hit a car at 50km/h with my right knee, no broken bones nor ligaments just a nasty bruise and pain.
checked 2 orthopedists, one said I shouldnt do exercise and take this pills and also use ap omade
then I went to another one, reccomend by my hairdresser and the guy was pretty awesome and told me I could begin exercising my legs in 2-3 weeks and for now just to stretch the knee and to get off the medsd and pomade because its useless, but since it was a brutal hit I will still have pain for 5 months average.

Tried squatting with a 10kg bar and I couldnt since it hurt
Tried those legs sitting machine to train quads, like you push the cilinder shapped thing upwards and it also hurt me a bit even with 0 weight

> I stopped lifting

Are you sure you have ever lifted once in your life? You dont look like it.

Also you prolly have forward head posture + mouth breathing.

Build some back muscle faggot.
>MRI of lower back in 2012 shows I have bulging discs/degenerative disc disease
>MRI in lat 2015 shows everything is completely normal
Is this possible? What are the chances one MRI was interpreted wrong? The 2015 MRI "apparently" used the 2012 one for comparison/reference.
I haven't been lifting for long at all, thanks for your input
Is using creatine considered natty or not?

2.5 plate is too much. Do 1 or 1.5 plate squats.

You will fuck up your knees with that much weight.

Same with those


These kinda people will have fucked joints. I dont care if you' been safe since years. At one point in your life all these heavy deadlifts and squats will get back you, in a negative way
thanks, too bad my office expired
really need to download some pirate version for w8

I know but I want to have an idea
Thank you for that very useful and constructive advice, you fucking moron.
Leave the answering to people that don't spout memes please
where's your source for your claims

squatting 1 or 1.5pl8 is fucking ridiculous, it's exactly what I warm up with and can most likely squat 100x in a row
is 135kg almost 3pl8?
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My wrists hurt after doing pic related. What I'm a doing wrong in the exercise?
2.5 is barely 300lb man, people do that for years. It can't be the weights.
Is doing this routine 3x a week going to fix my skinnyfat body?

Lat Pull Down
Leg Press
Tricep Extension
Chest Press
Leg Extension

Use DB's. When you use a barbell, your hands/wrists are in a locked position ( and most likely in a uncomfortable position). When you curl, you put pressure to your wrists, but your wrists cant evade that pressure because as i said, they are locked to the barbell.

I had pain to, switched to DB's, no more pain.
What's the best exercise for forearms? Wrist curls? Farmer's walks?
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I started running again. I used to be able to run 7k in 30 minutes but quit for a year. Now I can only run 2km. I need to run 3.2km under 13 minutes for my mandatory army test.

Is this achievable in 8 weeks?
If I'm 170 lbs and I get 130g protein daily while cutting at -500 cal, and I lift heavy and none of my lifts go down, that should indicate that I'm in the clear for protein intake right?
Wait so is it 1 gram of protein for how much you weigh in Kilos or Pounds?
1g per 1.3kg

.82 grams per pound


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give me your weight, height and birthdate and i'll post a screen of the output.

What are some high protein low caloric foods that you recommend?
oh and activity level
>I used to be able to run 7k in 30 minutes but quit for a year. Now I can only run 2km.
So you're "running" at a speed of 4 km/h now?
You know that 5 km/h is considered walking fast?

I think it's achievable, but I'm not a runner so I don't actually have a clue
Rice, oats, chicken, salmon
1 gram per pound of lean body mass, closer to 0.8 grams per total pound.

Yep. The protein is to maintain gains, which you're clearly handling.

I usually do one set with just the bar, then increase by as much as 1 pl8 until I'm at work sets. If this causes me to have less than 3 warmup sets total, I repeat the last warmup set, ie, for benching work sets of 150, I do 45-135-135-150.
Nigger I dont run 2k in 30 minutes. I didnt even take time but that's all I could run

I was doing boxing too but I fucked my knee so I only lift 3x week
There's literally nothing wrong with going 1.8g/kg

Quark - 18g of protons/100g and ~110kcal
Greek yogurt w 0% fat - 10g of protons/100g and ~60kcal
For example.

Please stop replying like this. It makes it difficult to see individual replies.
Mind uploading that excel file? The bulk/cut part looks useful.
Pls respond
Thanks, I was thinking about doing that, but how should I adapt the weight? I'm currently on a 50 lb barbell.
Bumping this have the same problem
anterior pelvic tilt, at least it looks like that to me
What do you people think of ICF 5x5? How long should I do it?
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Yeah, sure.
it's the picture in this post: >>36630289

the link got picked up as spam, that's why.
be aware it doesn't include a 20% bulk, but you can easily calculate that yourself as it's just the difference between maintenance and the 10% bulk it does give and that X2.
Thanks anon, I'll try to correct it before I start squatting/DLing again
thanks a lot

guess the online calculator was almost the same too, the bf% seems a bit too high considering I have the two upper abs visible but my fat goes to lovehandles so theres that

I was doing 1800-1900kcals per day and 100-120g protein, not too far i guess
hope i'm lean by summer
calculators are nice, but in the end it's not as precise as counting individuals calories and grams of protein. as long as you got the discipline to stick to cutting and get enough protein, you'll be slaying by summer.
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Hope it helps
strengthening my forearms with a wrist roller totally allievated any wrist pain I had had
Wait, so I'm not supposed to lift with my legs? Fuck
your friend doesn't know jack shit and that is a terrible routine

find a proper gym and do some ss variation
let go of the barbell veeery slowly after you're done
Any good 4-day program where I do multiple compounds every session? Intermediate level.

I don't like just doing one compound and 40 isolation.
nemyslím si že sa niekoho ruky dokážu takto zohnúť

nie si had?
do a generic Push/Pull
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I mean, your forearm and palm should be straight and you shouldn't try to "help" yourself with your wrists.


5/3/1 with compound exercises as asssistance
to what extent is stronglifts 5x5 good for aesthetics? looking for a beginners barbell program that isnt SS
Will my muscles melt away if I don't eat enough for a time?
I just donated my O- god-tier blood to the Red Cross, will this affect my gains?
Alot better than SS that's for sure. Remember though, you need the strength base before you can venture into "bodybuilding". But the base alone will make normies mire. Do SL till you stop progressing on your lifts.
Do you get better at running just by doing it?
Can't squat or deadlift for an unknown amount of t8me due to sciatic pain in glute and foot.

Any recommendations for lower back work ? Would rows and back extensions be sufficient for until I get it rehabbed to where I can comfortably squat again?
pretty much. the same for most things i guess. except suicide
My current numbers

Squat - 135kg
Deadlifts 120kg(had hard time to properly do it while squatting just clicked and when I did I was cutting and still am so shitty number I know)
Bench - 85kg
OHP - 55kg

what do I do now? I'm doing SS still but I took off squatting fromday A and obviously i'm doing pull ups, weighted dips and some acessories
thanks m8, strength will really help me in my work too, so it's a win win. SL it is then, cheers.
That's cool. Thanks.
aesthetics is just having a decent amount of muscle and low bf and as >>36631375
wrote you build enough muscle doing SL but the most important thing most people fail is getting to a low bf, when you are at a higher bf you dont look aesthetic at al; you just look like a bigger version of yourself
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How's my routine? tips? would glady appreciate and sorry if its too long

I do A and B alternating 3x wekk(the rest is boxing and then I rest at sundays)


Bench 2x5 max and 2x20 lighter
Deadlift 1x5
Weighted Dips 2x8(15kg) and then 2x20 bodyweight
Incline DBB Bench 3x8/12
Ez curls 3x12
Decline Bench 3x8/12

Squats 2x5 max(135kg) and then 2x20 1pl8 or 2pl8 depending on how tired I am
OHP 2x5 max then 2x20 lighter(thiskillstheshoulders.png)
Pull ups 3x8
barbell row 2x5 max and then 2x12/20 lighter weight
cable triceps 3x8/12
lat pulldown machine 3x8/12
So is this good enough to build mass and strength? I'm doing the lighter and more reps especially for box since it requires endurance and I guess it's also more bodybuilding-esque?

Some guy at the gym told me the compounds is all you really need and of course low bf% and that accessories is just to help out parts of the body you think are lacking

also I had a crash so I had to stop lifting what required leg strength(my right knee is almost ok, had motorcycle crash 2 months ago) so no squats deadlifts ohp rows(I do seated dbb shoulders and row machine though)
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I'm planning to bike 25-50 miles per week (2-4hrs). How can I minimize muscle loss? Right now I'm eating clif bars during my rides, and reduced my deficit from 20% to 10%. Should I be doing anything else, like supplements? Are BCAAs a meme?
how do I keep the bar on a slight diagonal path when I'm benching? The videos I've watched for form say to have the bar go from your chest to over your head but I can't get it down
have you recorded yourself? if not it might just be in your head.

also its not a concern as long as you're keeping some external rotation (elbows 45 degree from torso) and elbows are below wrists the whole time.

just eat enough protein/calories to minimise muscle loss, whilst obviously weight training. BCAAs are a meme.

generally fine, but you may be better off dividing the workload a bit more evenly. i.e. there is a lot of pressing work on A and a lot of pulling on B, where it may serve you better to do equal pulling/pressing on A/B. an example would be swapping dips and pull ups to get some work on each day.

>what do you do now
keep it up

anything that doesn't aggravate your condition will be good to include - the lower back is a hard thing to work around. though.


you shouldnt see any significant decrease if you're working out, and if you're not working out and not eating right you wont see much decrease until a couple weeks
What do you mean elbows below the wrists?
>generally fine, but you may be better off dividing the workload a bit more evenly. i.e. there is a lot of pressing work on A and a lot of pulling on B, where it may serve you better to do equal pulling/pressing on A/B. an example would be swapping dips and pull ups to get some work on each day.

yeah that's something I quite don't understand

trading the pull ups and dips will be enough?
Clif bars fucking suck
as in perpendicular to the floor, there should be a straight line from elbows to wrists to knuckles (i hope that makes sense)

it would suffice - its just to distribute the weekly load a bit better considering the amount of exercises you want to include, which is better from a muscle building and strength building standpoint. you can play around with them as you go, its not exactly down to a science

what, just everything
Can anyone explain to a retard liner progression?
Like, if I'm doing bench press 2 days a week, do I add 2.5kg on each time I press? And do I add more each session to all movements like curls or just the compound ones?
What are some /fit/ foods that need little to no preparation, I live with my parents still and everything in our house is junk food, I'm looking to revamp our fridge so i can actually attempt to eat healthy
Exactly what does she think will happen?
Stay hungry but lose any desperation. Put yourself in the mindset of somebody who has options and has the luxury of picking and choosing. Practice by talking to fatties.
Shameless bump
It's not gospel. I do one set with the bar then work up in one plate increments. Fuck working out exact percentage values.
Yeah, more than enough.
I'm guessing you're either a relative noob or else your regular workouts are too light. Rest days aren't optional, you should feel too fatigued to work out.
you should as what you can to which exercises you can, without severely compromising form. big exercises like deadlifts can progress fast, upwards of 10-15kg a session when you start, eventually slowing down to 2.5-5kg a session, whereas small lifts will require smaller jumps and stall quicker, such as curls.

precooked meat in a sandwhich or rice. add whatever spice and sauce
lots of milk

pretty crap. obviously written by someone whos not gone through a typical 3-5x5 novice progression as a novice. stick to a typical one, adding 1-2 accessories after a couple weeks, preferably for back and then a vanity lift if you'd like such as curls.
Is a macro split of 20% carbs, 20% protein, 60% fats going to be good for me?

Or is low carb high fat useless if I don't commit to achieving ketogenesis?

Should the carbs I do have be reserved for post workout?
Regardless of which routine you do, your going to have to buy at the very least a bar, bench and squat stands (ideally a rack or cage). It is a financial investment, yeah. You have to decide what route you want to take. Go to a commercial gym, buy used equipment on craigslist, splash out on new stuff, or go full ghetto and make a wooden rack with concrete barbells. Where there's a will there's a way.
Go for it. You'll think of something. Worst case you rent a DVD and order pizza.
If they feel different than that's a good indication they're working different muscles, wouldn't you say? Pullups are better for lats. Harder, but better (that's what she said)
I'm just constantly shitting and farting, I'm trying to bulk so i know its relativley normal.

At what point is it IBS?
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Used to think these guys had decent bodies, now I think they look small and soft. How do I get rid of my body dysmorphia and embrace my mutual asymmetry and fridgemode abdomen?
Abs are mostly low body fat. If you're doing a full body routine with heavy compounds your and should be getting plenty of work already. If you want to supplement you can do crunches,;ab wheel, and cable work. It's mostly a case of cutting though.
6 months is probably the bare minimum. I'd say: gentle cut, lift for hypertrophy focussing on the ego muscles (chest, arms, shoulders) and maybe do a bit of fasting just before you go. This is from an aesthetic viewpoint; it's garbage if strength is your goal. Really you should have started working out last year.
It doesn't "hurt" per-say, it just gets REALLY uncomfortable, like someone is poking me really hard with a blunt object; It feels tight.

No sharp pains or anything, but stretching doesn't seem to help. The fuck is wrong with my back?
A 2 month plateau needs a serious deload and change to your routine. do you change the bench angle? Accessories? Tried eating more?
Lost a ton of weight and then I was doing planks and looked down and saw my belly was dropping down. It was disgusting. How do I tighten this up better? I still have fat I can lose, but what workout would be good to get like a wider waist to help?
I had the same thing, think I pulled my tendons using lever-hands while squatting and possibly bench/OHP. It hurts like fuck but will go away if you let them rest. I just cut out arm exercises for a month or so and used proper form on barbell lifts and it got better.
Preddy much. Don't forget to include oil, sasoning etc

One way to check if its a nerve is to look for the muscles around that pain. See if they are very "hard" as if you are constantly contracting these muscles. Maybe ask a family member to touch these muscles so you can feel if they are soft or hard.

Sometimes it happens that your muscles get "stressed" out and start contracting perma like a cramp. If they do that, nerves get pinched or clinched, giving you pain.

If that is the case, you have to calm your muscles. Shower with warm water and generally keep your back warm if its cold where you live.

Ask someone to massage the "hard" muscles very intensively.
But if you dont find any of your back muscles being rock hard or anything, then you might have fucked up your joint/tendons/bones whatever.
tested out lifting weights for the first time today

had my brother with me, did practice squats, bench press, deadlifts and overhead press

when I do stuff like squatting the bar goes diagonal and lifts up to the left. is that natural for a new lifter, to have the bar not be completely straight?

aim to have it str8 m8
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Did weighted dips in the past two workouts for the first time (did dips before as a kind of relax in the work out between going hard at free weights).

My sternum now hurts. Is this good?
>My sternum now hurts. Is this good?
no. pain is essentially never a good thing.

try not to do such heavy weight or go too deep that it causes pain at your sternum.

you wont really be able to fill out your core to a significant degree. especially without roids the muscles there dont hypertrophy much. build overall muscle to tighten up as best you can, but only surgery can get rid of severe excess skin

stop watching and admiring bodybuilding motivation/mentality. look at what actual atheletes look like. focus on your own progress cause who cares if you think guy A is small or guy B is huge - it doesnt effect what you can do with what you're given.

when theres not substance/form to your poops, theres regular blood etc.

you will need more carbs as an endurance athelete. if your lifestyle doesnt include of alot of long-endurance type work, then the type of diet doesn't matter as much as long as you have enough protein/calories.
I'm going to go with back extensions and static holds for it just to keep my erectors somewhat strong while I stretch put and work on my sciatic
I do a split routine with benchpress, squat and deadlift (all 4x10) should I do less reps on every set?
I want to start doing OHP, should I do it together with chest or shoulders?
>losing weight (cutting) and still gaining strength and increasing muscle definition

What. I thought this was impossible. And I don't think I just look bigger because I'm shaving the fat off my muscles... they genuinely look bigger.
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Went hiking today and developed pic related. What do I do with them?
Wtf m8
idk what part of you that is, but i assume its blisters around your foot/ankle. leave em, try not to irritate/rub them, and dont pop them.

its possible, mainly for beginner lifters and those who have a lot of fat to lose. also, "looking bigger" isn't exactly a solid measure, but its good either way if you feel better about yourself.

if you can add weight then there's no need to drop reps yet, but you can slowly drop reps as the weight increases in order to build some solid strength.

>should I do it together with chest or shoulders
you mean on a body split? typically shoulder day would have it, if thats what you're asking?

sounds good m8, gl
What exercises/weights can I do to strengthen my core?
Okay, I am working out 6-7 times a week and want to add jogging as a help in fatloss and stamina gain.

Can someone give me a pointer on how often I should take a jog a week?
The computer said thrice a week, but surely it also depends on the intensity....
I feel you, theyre small BUT bigger than the average joe since theyre either skelly or fat but they have a tiny amount of muscle

pic related is what i think that the perfect physique is
Is there anything I can do to make hair gains through diet and exercise? My dad's side has a history of balding early so I want to do anything possible to prevent this.
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if you had to chose between creatine or whey because of budget reasons, which one would you choose?
Poor fuck looking for a measurement on heart rate.
MAybe a monitor, since I got from my gf a used smartphone with a map tracker.
I didn't have any meat today and no milk.
Whey helped me in that regard desune.
Just get a fitbit they're not that expensive.
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Go to clubs, pick up chicks, and guaranteed if you even lift they'll be miring so hard. Even if you're 6 months on SS they'll still be miring, feeling up arms and chest. To them you're jacked, massive, a fucking olympian. And if you even have some semblance of abs, bitches gonna be wet as FUCK.

>not lifting for girls
not even once
I'm using the Rippetoe's Starting Strength workout from the sticky. Will I make progress in terms of looks (getting bigger, not just stronger) if I'm doing three sets of five reps? Also, I started eating a lot more. Will I be able to get bigger without gaining a lot of fat by doing this routine, as in maintaining my current bf?

It's very easy to put your index and middle finger on your neck for fifteen seconds, count the beats then multiply by four. Search up how to take your own heart rate.
Whey. Creatine only helps you do your workout while whey helps you make gains from it.
Is this natty or not? Serious question
You have anterior pelvic tilt, and judging by the way your hands on you probably have rolled shoulders too

Your hip alignment/pelvis is pretty fucked but just do planks/side planks/back planks/supermans every morning starting from 30 seconds until you can hold each of them at 60 secs and then just keep doing em
Foam rolling your abdomen helps with the back tightness and do glute bridges so you learn how to use your ass and get used to bringing your hips more forward

butterfly stretch really seems to help me with fixing my shit
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Where do I find soy protein withut trypsin inhibitors?
>fridgemode abdomen
What does this mean?
Why focus on abs? Isn't it the lower back that needs fixing for anterior pelvic tilt? That's what I've been doing and it helped a lot.
hello /fit/

it is my first time going to the gym today and it is a community centre fitness room that only has machines

i asked my /fit/ friend to give me a routine and this is what he gave me:

Lat Pull Down x2
Leg Press x2
Tricep Extension x2
Chest Press x2
Leg Extension x2

can i change my skinnyfat body if i do this routine 3-4 times a week along with cardio?

how do I deal with puffy nipples, i cant fucking wear clothes in the summer
it's not fully gyno but puffy nips and has something underneath it

I'm not even high bf%, im average bf and cutting to 10
Only machines wont take you anywhere, compounds are EVERYTHING you need.

that isnt even a routine too, find a gym with free weights please

I was skinny fat too, here's your options
either cut to skelekton
bulk and you become even fatter than you are now

I did the latter and it took me ages to shred down fat so if I had to do it again i'd just cut BUT while I did get "fat" I gained insane strength
I got no clue but I checked his instagram and while it could be achievable natty depending on your genetics it seems he could be doing a cycle
I dunno, I've just found that by working on bracing myself properly and getting good abdominal/torso posture it's gone away and I had less back pain as a whole.

It's not even "working on them", doing plank variations just imprints good postural cues

wear a wifebeater???
I'm about 5'9 or 5'10 at 170lbs, and I still look and feel really skinny. I honestly look like I'm about 20 pounds lighter than I actually am. What gives? I'm not sure if I should be bulking or cutting
what's the best macro split to have while cutting?
Ketofags need not reply
Also, how do you bulk without feeling absolutely miserable? About 500-600 calories even eating relatively clean I begin to feel dreadful
>you mean on a body split? typically shoulder day would have it, if thats what you're asking?
Exactly. Thanks for answer.
If you get enough protein from food, there's no need for whey, but whey (unflavoured) is usually cheaper source of protein than food.
So I would go with whey, creatine is not a neccessity.
eat higher calorie foods/liquids.

or quit being a pussy

lots of fat/protein, enough carbs to fulfil activity requirements

but calories and sufficient protein is all that really matters really

170 at 5"9-10' isn't exactly heavy.

why would you want to cut if you
>look and feel really skinny

could definitely be natty, its a good angle/light. if you saw him in person it would look largely different - you dont need to be that big to get good photos like that

>has something underneath it
sounds gyno-esque. get it checked out. other than that all you can do is build muscle and lose weight.

i dont understand that routine. lat pull down x 2 reps? 2 sets until failure?

either way do a more typical rep scheme, i.e. 3x5 for compounds, 3-5x8-12 for isolations/accessories.

you can definitely transform your body with that (given adequate diet and rest)

>Will I make progress in terms of looks

>Will I be able to get bigger without gaining a lot of fat
it depends how large your surplus is.

creatine. makes quite a notable improvement, dirt cheap, doesnt taste like ass, and its not that hard to get enough protein through your diet

working out 6-7 times a week + wanting to jog on top of that is a lot. it sounds like a dysmorphia issue unless youre a well monitored oly lifter.

any compounds, rkc planks, wood choppers
>wear a wifebeater???

doesnt work, I was thinking about compression tanktops but I read theyre bad for you if you wear it for a long period of time
and I'd need to wear them like what, 8-10 hours per day? so yeah im fucked

i checked twice a year-two ago, basically i have a small lump and it grew the second time I went there

I'm just trying to get the holy grail of 10%bf to see if I can go through without surgery
How do I know how many carbs to fulfill daily activities
So my friend from High school I wrestled with wants to get back into lifting. Problem is when he was in the PA championships he broke his wrist and hid it so the bones fused together so he basically can't move the one hand. Now we worked around this for most lifts but obviously we can't on power cleans. We always did power cleans together back in HS and now he just looks sad when I go do them and he can't. What would be a good substitute for power cleans.
Is getting a fitbit worth it for cardio stuff?
I'm cutting. Does it matter if I only eat one meal a day vs 3 or 4? Assuming I hit my macros and calories either way. Aesthetics is goal.
Is that possible that some people are naturally more prone to injuries than others? I've been basically experiencing pains in all parts of body for my entire life throught several different sports.
Running? Got horrible shin splints. Tennis? Got tennis elbow. Lifting? Wrists and shoulder. And these are just most typical examples that I remember.
I'm definitely not the "Fuck that, let's check my 1RM after 3 days in the gym" type, most people actually think that I'm too cautious in sports. I always warmup well and stretch. Shit makes me want to kill myself. Every time that I start training something and reach more or less intermediate level, some kind of injury fucks everything up. Also, my bones are rather small, if that matters.
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Did SL during 6 months. After a month-and-half trip I am ready to go back to the gym. I want to start Ice Cream Fitness to train arms/abs. My two little questions are:

* How do I choose a good starting weight in the new exercises of ICF?
* After almost a month without training, how much should I lower my lifts?


Redpill me on water intake.
Is it really better to drink room temperature water?
Would drinking ice water burn calories?
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Best way to deadlift for beginners? Also how do you tell between actual back pain and DOMs ?
Gastric sleeve or DNP for a month?
Some people are more of a frail little pussy than others, yes.

It may be genetics, but it could also just be a case of you needing to man the fuck up.

Pic related, someone else who was frail in his youth
how about closing that gaping mouth and eating less you filthy fat fuck?
> Best way to deadlift for beginners?

just regular fucking deadlift, it's not rocket science.

> Also how do you tell between actual back pain and DOMs ?

you'll feel actual injury immediately. DOMS not until next day usually. also, you'll feel the difference between soreness and injury.
>Clif bars fucking suck
I find them pretty tasty, and its basically just oats, whey, and some simple sugars. Care to elaborate on why they suck, or recommend something I should replace them with? Should I just bike for 4hrs without eating then? I'm guessing you're just afraid of simple sugar? In my opinion 4hrs of cardio offsets the negative health effects of the sugar, don't you need simple carbs to prevent cannibalizing muscle glycogen?
Regarding the question...
what you say reminds me of me when i was a skeletor at 58kg.i grew to 74kg and now im fine.
also,you will always get shin splints if stop running for a few weeks to a month,depending on your prior experience.
a handful of carbs before and after a workout is generally 'enough', but should you feel chronically lethargic you evidently need some more. the more endurance work you do the more carbs you require.

any light pull, such as RDL, snatch grip/deficit pulls etc.

depends on how much money you have and how serious about your cardio training are. if you're middle class and only do cardio for general health benefits i would say no.

one meal a day is pretty extreme and not ideal. you'd get by but you'd be better served timing your meals with more thought if you have the luxury

some people are for sure, however all the injuries you listed are over use injuries, where you do too much too fast, or over a long period of time without much thought put into recovery.

try starting much slower than you would like, and progress much slower.

work up in 5's until you hit a challenging set. use that weight for your next sessions working weight

theres no standard number given to how much you may/may not have lost

if you can use the specific brand, that can be more accurate in situations. some generic stuff like rice and 'medium eggs' can be generalised however.

calories burned is negligible. as long as the temperature isn't too extreme either direction then i dont see the problem.
Calories are calories. Keep carbs limited to 30% of intake and try not to go more than 50 calories outside of your daily goal. The key is consistency.

3 meals vs 4 meals won't change anything, but just for your sake I'd recommend three meals and something to eat outside of them to keep yourself from feeling hungry.
Are you implying that I'm making it all up? I'm not.
I know the difference between some slight muscle strains and more serious shit.
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> I want to start Ice Cream Fitness to train arms/abs
jason blaha doesn't have good arms or good abs.
other than that,you'll have to do accessories and keep the reps high if you want gains and not just strength.12-15 reps is the norm for arms,and higher rep ranges for abs.
I tend to just get my minimum protein and far intake and then fill the rest with carbs. Is this ok? Never really went by percentages..
I heard somewhere on this board that Vegan Gays can't bench his bodyweight, is this true? Is there a video?
Just speaking from my perspective, I usually have trouble losing weight, but limited carb intake to 30% really helped. I've been dropping weight like crazy.
Are the routines on the sticky good? I'm going back from 5 months of no training and I don't want to fuck up anything.
Okay, then let me elaborate on that:
IMY routine is he following:
And since I found out, that I suck at cardio, i want to get better at it as well.

I am assuming I am giving myself enough time to recover.

I just do not know, how to program my cardio without fucking up my knee.
Today was my first jogging for 1.34 miles.
>Are the routines on the sticky good?
> I'm going back from 5 months of no training and I don't want to fuck up anything.
just go on a medium weight medium reps brosplit or PPL to get aesthetic gains and minimize risk of injury.
SS will only turn you like a fat trex like 90% of this board.
>Today was my first jogging for 1.34 miles.
most normal people can easily jog 3.5miles in their first week,how overweight are you? if not,do you have asthma?
>Are you implying that I'm making it all up? I'm not.

No, I was implying you're a pussy.
I just got put on vyvanse for my ADD and my weight is dropping like a rock. What I want to know is if it's primarily fat, or am I losing a lot of muscle mass?
Could I replace bench press with weighted dips? What would be the pros and cons?
Does anybody feel like lifting completely saps you of energy? I get 7-9 hours of sleep a night and still pass out in classes and feel completely beat for probably half of the day.
>Does anybody feel like lifting completely saps you of energy?
i've gone later night lifting without sleeping for 30 hours and i was ok.
are you sure you dont lack any vitamins/nutrients in your diet? do you drink enough water?
>Could I replace bench press with weighted dips? What would be the pros and cons?

>massive triceps
>massive shoulder gains

>nobody gives a shit about how much you can dip
>high risk for shoulder injuries
Is there anything wrong with drinking 3 scoops of whey protein to get half my protein intake every day while cutting?
its ok only as long as you're not missing out on nutrients.whey powder wont give you vitamins and other essential nutrients.

I take a multivitamin and use the rest of the calories to get another ~70g protein ~65g fat ~40g fiber and the rest is carbs
>lift for girls
>after 1.5 years of lifting still only 184cm 72 kg (6'1 160lbs)
>can only see the outline of my abs
>yesterday someone told me to cut because girls really love abs
>common sense tells me to leanbulk because I'd be too skelly if I cut

where do I go from here?
does that come from nutritious food like meat,fish and vegetables?
if you feel fine and you dont feel dizzy,your teeth are fine and you dont notice any weird symptoms you're probably ok
I had asthma in the past.
My body has also about 25%bf.
But, I didn't jog till I was out of breath.
Rather I am following a beginner program.

Sweet, thank you.
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Is this a trap to get mugged?
cut till you reach 18% else your joints are doomed
I am cutting.
How much can I jog a week and/or a session before I need to be careful?
What is the best routine for a post-SS cut? Looking at Candito's linear atm since I think I could use the control work anyway.
2 times a week should be fine.3 when you lose more weight.try monday-friday and then monday-wednesday-friday or an equivalent.
always stretch after running and always warm up with a fast walk.
At the moment I'm stuck at home with just a bench and some dumbbells and I'm trying to do the stronglifts workout.

I've already replace barbell rows with dumbbell rows for no other reason than I hate barbell rows. Is that good enough or should I be doing some other lifts in addition?

I've also replaced the traditional squats with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBCo_NgO8rk

I don't know for certain yet but it looks like I won't be able to perform an OHP either. What can I replace that with?
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Is incline bench safer/better than flat bench?
>I don't know for certain yet but it looks like I won't be able to perform an OHP either. What can I replace that with?
dumbbell press and trap shrugs
safer for who? most people have physiological differences and whats a hazard for one can be a complete danger for somebody else and vice versa.just look at behind the neck presses.completely harmless for some,shoulder destroyers for others.
leanbulk for 6 kg then cut for 2kg.
That sucks.
Oh well, 18% here i come.
do both

first 3 excercises of my push day:
Dumbbell flat bench
Dumbbell sitting OHP
Dumbbell incline bench
I'm on a beginner program and cutting so I'll do that when I see my lifts stall, thanks!
why dont you swim or cycle though?they're low impact and won't hurt your joints if you do them properly.
Does the couch to 5k in 9 weeks program actually work?
serious question: I think I started lifting because I thought it would help with depression - it's 3 years in and I amaze myself everyday by feeling emptier than I did the day before. I can't concentrate on anything and my memory has gotten progressively worse over the years. I feel so lethargic that even posting this is making me feel like I'm doing something wrong.

should I seek psychiatric help or am I fucked with no other way out
Height: 175 cm (5'9")
Weight: 118 KG (260LB)
BF possibly in the mid 30s.

I've been progressively losing weight, cutting down from 200 KG down to 118, but I need some nutritional advice on what I can do to better improve my eating habits.

I currently eat 3 meals a day.

Meal 1:
>3 Boiled Eggs. (310 KCal)
>Protein+Almond Milk (280KCal)

Meal 2:
>Green Salad + Tuna (311 Kcal)
>Fruit Smoothie (200 Kcal)

Meal 3:
>Chicken + Russet Potatoes (815 kcal)
>Crystal Lite + Water (0cal?)

I measure my calories using the Myfitnesspal app, so it might be off here or there, but overall seems to be legit.

Anything I should change? I'm mostly making this post because a friend warned me that potatoes are a bad choice due to the fact that they cause your body to absorb too much water, but I don't know how much an effect it'll have at my level of obesity.
No momey for gym. Have no skills to get a part time job and have to study.
i also have no bike.
Or else I would ride it daily.
No 'enhancement,' that's stupid. If it warms up a bit, no worries. If it gets hot, you're killing the live culture.
i see.good luck anon
How am I supposed to work out when I have a 9-6 job with an hour and a half commute going back? I don't get home until nearly 7:30 and by then dinner's on the table.
>been going to gym for ~7 months now
>bench, deadlift, and ohp a few times a week
>didn't squat because I have bad mobility and can't get past parallel without hip pain
>2 weeks again, start squatting because squatting is cool
>still occasional pain, but 5lb plates under heels helps with depth
>Friday, squatting lmao2pl8
>lose balance cause pushing off with ball of foot
>tip over forward, bar hits safeties but still knocks me down
>feel more embarrassment than pain
>want lifting shoes now so I have proper stability
I can't really afford Adipowers, but Reebok Lifter 2s are on sale for $99. I know Reebok isn't nearly as good, but they should be fine right?
join a martial art
Wat do for sick forearms gains?
either find a gym near your work place or just go right after work
reverse curls, pausing at the top of heavy dead lifts, and lots of weighted chin/pull ups
thx bro, I think I'll do that

how long would leanbulking the 6kg take?
work out at home @ 10pm,do pullups,pushups,dips and squats,go for a jog a few times a week to keep your cardio up.
towel pullups and farmer's walks. if you're too weak for towel pullups you should just do farmer's walks and wrist curls (both sides) as well as hammer grip curls.
4-5 months
I did that before I started lifting, all it did was make me realize that I'm a violent individual.
Nigga if you aren't a fat fuck who's never walked through a park in his life, you can already run a 5k in a week with some willpower.
ty senpie
Would low T and ectomorph genetics (6" wrists, 8" ankles, <120lbs LBM) make gains a lot harder?
this desu senpai but dont get surprised if your heartrate hits 195-200BPM
only if the low T is actually tested and confirmed in a lab.and then it would only take longer to achieve a good physique.ectomorph genetics will help you stay leaner,if anything.girls dig it anyway.
Tbh I am coming off of being a fat fuck and I suck at running, can only do a few minutes without having to stop and walk instead.
what kind of studies are there that talk about compound lifts and a growing teenage body? is it safe to squat if i am still growing?
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A trainer at my gym has been giving me mixed messages, some days he ignores me others he's very chatty, kinda flirty and even asks me personal questions and shares personal stuff.
>ffw Friday
Asks about my bf, tell him we broke up recently; he continues to ask me about it and then throws in a comment about going to the movies by himself later tonight.
Ask if he wants company, he says yes. Then, he tells me to look for him after Im done with my workout.
2hrs later, he's gone.
It's going to be awkward tomorrow, what should I say or shouldn't I say/do?
i can do 3*8 pull ups. i can only do 5 push ups. whats wrong with me? am skinny not strong.
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Is the recommendation I got on Scooby's website good? I'm an ectomorph who's been lifting for about 3 months now, so I don't know if I should cut to lose some body fat (I'm kind of flabby) or eat at a maintenance level.

>pic related, it's me
What's good for stretch marks?

I know they're there for ever, but I want them to fade. Recently have new ones on my arms
Can someone recommend me a peaking program for my first meet that's coming in 3 months?
you're probably cheating on the pullups and not using proper form (dead hang,slow motion,pause on top,etc)
other than that you probably have underdeveloped triceps.
lots of water,collagen intake from vegetables,coconut oil on them for a few weeks when they're fresh,thank me later
what did you train
T is confirmed, I'm more than two standard deviations below the mean.
do whatever you can to increase it naturally (vigorous exercise,at least 8 hours of sleep everyday,light cardio a few times a week,avoid estrogen in food,reach a normal weight that is not overweight or underweight)
if you do this for a year and nothing improves maybe its time to hope on TRT if your doctor suggests it

Cheers lad
Is your chin getting above the bar?
What is 1.5+ grams per lb. bodyweight?
it was a kyokushin place, I really only went because you didn't have to wear protective gear (only for your hands and knee padding) and could (for the most part) hit as hard as you wanted to. It didn't make me feel any better.
depends on your routine/level of progression. you can peak any routine, and following a 'pre packaged peaking routine' probably isn't essential/optimal anyway.


its fine, you may need to fine tune with trial and error. do a cut if you're insecure about your fat and want to lose weight. eat around maintenance if you dont care too much and want to eat more to improve performance and muscle mass.

your pulling muscles are stronger than your pushing muscles. mystery solved

the fuck you working out for 2 hours for he probably thought you were avoiding him

and if you like him go "whered you go i was looking for you." it'll be awkward if you make it awkward

its good for you. work out. consider not going past a 5RM until your past your critical growing stage (14-16 for females, 16-18 for males i think? look it up) if you want to be prudent, however there's not really any evidence suggesting growth plate damage is a consideration.

theyre fine. theres no real need to go to the top of the line stuff, unless you're elite tier and should consider high quality shit. any generic brand will do.

>potatoes are a bad choice due to the fact that they cause your body to absorb too much water
the fuck. no. you're fine, potatoes are dope, he's an idiot.

seek help. its not like a cold where you can just wait for it to pass.


candito's is fine. the programme doesn't make the cut, the diet does.
this is bullshit.its actually 1.2g per KG of bodyweight.a bodybuilder at the gym yesterday (the roided huge kind of bodybuilder) at 113kg bodyweight told his workout buddy he consumes 190 grams of protein a day.he obviously knew his shit cause he was 113kg at 12% bf and has a competition next month
Are there any specifics to seeking help, though? Anti-depressants have a pretty bad reputation, as far as I understand.
Yea but what does it mean?
do mma
it means that if a dude that has over 3 times your muscle mass can maintain it with 190 grams of protein a day all these faggots on fit who consume 300g of protein a day (while having much less muscle mass than the huge roider) are obviously idiots who risk their kidney health for nothing.
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Would you recommend using ephedrine or even an EC stack for cardio / running? I can't jog for even a minute without getting winded. I was wondering if ephedrine would help with my breathing.
I'm >>36635085, thanks for the suggestion. I'll try not to make it awkward, 2 hours is how long I take every day.
just take ventolin/aerolin 10 minutes before jogging.
its legal,safe and any doctor can prescribe it for you.it costs like 2 euros in greece and it works.
had a couple friends go through it. we were in uni so there is a campus psychiatrist and you tell them about how you are and any problems you may or may not have, and they tell you what the best course of action is. depending on where you are you can just go to your GP and get referred to the right person if you dont have a specific therapist to go to.

either its mild and you just need some therapy/encouraging to do some helpful stuff like joining clubs and going out, or its a bit more severe and on-going, where they refer you to a GP and they can give you a dose of something to help you out a bit. as long as you follow the doses and dont stop suddenly you shouldnt see any problems.

best thing is to just be vocal, if you need help ask for help. talk about anything and everything with your therapist/GP. gl and stay strong m8
No. Just enjoy your cardio noob gains.
Thanks, I hope it'll work out.
οr just,you know,man the fuck up and stop being a little bitch
wew lad how edgy of you
I have ventolin but I don't really get anything from it. I know the heart heart with Ephedrine is a bitch but is it that bad?
the ephedrine + caffeine will increase it even more and if u cant even run for a couple of mins that means you're in risk for a heart/asthma attack.
whats your current weight/bf?
from what im seeing you're probably overweight or very sedentary.
try to walk at least 5-10k every day and when you jog do it at a really really slow pace and try to cover distance/time.a lot of newbies dont realise they are trying to run too fast to sustain for any reasonable distance.
What are some great shoes to sprint in a park?
5'5 / 154 / 25% (Estimate)
Would it be better to do my jogging on a treadmill?
mizuno ultima/wave paradox
asics kayano/nimbus
nike free 5.0
reebok zquick as well as some saucony/new balance / ON shoes
basically find a shoe that fits your running style.
every person has different biomechanics and running style.
swim or cycle to avoid damaging your joints.
start jogging when you drop your bodyfat in a few months.
Can somone live with a 4.5 inch dick? It has a 4.5 inch circumference
Speaking of shoes, what are some shoes for moderate lifting + running?
I like to cardio and all my lifts are under 350 so I don't need like platform shoes yet but normal runners get flattened after a few days of lifting in them.
sure,if you're into very short asian girls.
buy a seperate pair for lifting and keep your good one for running to avoid knee damage.
a cheap pair of trainers should be fine for lifting if it has adequate heel support.
Don't do an EC stack, especially with summer around the corner.
What's a good video to help me get down the form for running?
Any recommendations? I live in a small town, and i don't want to order shoes online. The only sport department stores are sports authority, dicks sporting goods and Big 5.
I forgot sport chalet to.
PT here,the most important things to remember are 3:
keep your chest out and your shoulders hanging,elbows at 90 degrees with your fists closed but only touching slightly.look forward,not down.
Your arms should be providing momentum forward,not sideways,so dont swing sideways too much.
have a steady breathing pattern.if you're inhaling too shallow or too deep you might get side stitches.
stay calm and focused.
3)feet landing
every person runs in a different way depending on their biomechanics.whats safe for one is not safe for others.if you're not sure how to run with your natural gait try mid-strike or ask a physiotherapist.your fingers should pretty much point forward and not too much outwards.A slight deviation can be natural for some.

as for the video part,just go to your local track and field and watch how most people run.what you'll understand is that everyone runs differently.
Just follow the general guidelines and you'll be fine.
PT signing out,good luck to all the anons ITT
Holy fuck


Just do some barefoot running for the next two weeks. That will solidify proper form.
any standard ones will do. choose any decent brand and choose one that looks nice. usually they can tell you if theyre made for running or basketball or whatever if you dont know the difference.

that being said i have the nike air zoom pegasus 32 and theyre dope as hell
>how do i run
nigga it's not exactly rocket science here
I was thinking of getting the nike free 5.0; also, is the reebok everchill any good? They're on sale thats why i'm asking.
Also, the nike zoom speed trainer are on sale to.
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You likely have sprained an extensor tendon and will need to get a cheap wrap for recovery. I recommend stretching it by grabbing your hand (supinated pos as in your pic) and gently pushing back on it for about a minute or two. Do this every hour or every time you feel intense pain. Apply ice, anti inflams, lower pressing w8s for a while, study form, and give it time bud. Shit sucks and my left wrist isn't at 100 yet but it's a process. We're all gonna make it brah.
Creatine is uh, upsetting my stomach. I want to get on board but it's kind of bad. Tips?
Thanks m8
dont use it
But I want to?
use it
I want to rephrase this question: If I eat properly while doing this routine, will I get bigger while still maintaining my bf? I want to get bigger but I don't want to have to sacrifice my bf for it at any point. The only reason I started weights again is because I'm happy with my body but I want a bigger version of it.

Also, what back exercise can I do other than pendlay rows? Those aren't doing enough. My back doesn't get sore at all.

Scroll down to the pictures, I see a bunch of freeweight benches and I guess that's a power rack?

So that's everything I need to do SL?
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How far into a bulk should I wait until I start doing cardio?

I'm 137lbs, 6'1" hungry skeleton starting my diet. Shooting for 160-180 lbs (not sure exactly where I want to settle at yet).

I keep hearing that doing cardio can kill your gains. I'm extremely ectomorphic and have a really tough time gaining weight as is. But I want to improve my cardiovascular health since I have shit tier endurance.

Being able to run and swim for long periods without being tired sounds appealing, on top of lifting and gaining weight.

Should I hold off on cardio for a couple of months so that I can get those noob gains easier or should I just up my calorie intake and do them both from the beginning?
Do both, eat a lot. There's no 'I have trouble gaining weight'. There is 'I don't eat for shit'. A 15-20 min run might burn 300 calories. So eat a burger if you're in a rush afterwards.
My left clavicle area hurted like a bitch whenever I bench or do OHP.

I've read up that it's my AC joint and rested for a month or so. Did 90° interior/exterior cable curls to strengthen the joint. Tried dumbbell benching again and felt soreness in the same area. Did variations (not going perpendicular), still felt the same soreness/pain.

How the hell do I fix it up? What can I replace dumbbell/barbell bench press with? My pec gains are nearly gone :^(((
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