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Welcome to /PLG/ - Powerlifting General, a thread dedicated

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Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 39

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Welcome to /PLG/ - Powerlifting General, a thread dedicated to powerlifting and friendship!

For cool stuff, see www.powerliftinggeneral.com. If you are new to the thread (or powerlifting), please see this website --> Dropbox --> Pastebin before asking any questions.

We have only one rule (well, among others), let's follow it.

Play clean, play fair, play true (IPL).
Be nice (all others).
I'm a trap.
Faggiest OP ever.
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first for norse is a Q T
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>no degenerates
>boardshorts is the OP
My bench went up from 130kg to 180kg in 3 months. I used my new program, instead of increasing % load or reps you increase the rom. So overload the bar with like 50kg, use the biggest rom you can do and do 3 sets of these 2 times a week. Each time you try to increase the rom untill you can do a full rep. May the gains be with you.
x-th for life sucks
u r. last time I saw you was like 3 years ago tho.
wanna be my bf?
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Joe isn't a friend :(
Yesterday's training went fucking horribly. Felt completely devoid of energy so I just did a couple sets of bench and rows and got out.

Yeah that's fine just don't post traps like that one shittee that incessantly posts them at around 5 PST.

Deal with it, nerd
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stop feeding his ego
seems kinda dangerous, did you use a box or something?
seconding this

also he is a turd (see >>36579628 )
Why do you say this?
CSCS cert exam in an hour bruhs
In for Trappys boipussy.
Good luck.
Hand-in due in seven hours, have no idea what work remains.
He said nasty things to me
Thanks senpai
GL urself

>tfw I still don't understand how the heart works very well and levers kinda confuse me a bit as well

Let's hope there's only a few questions on them
My abs are incredibly sore. I take two weeks off of ab rolling and they're sore like I've never done them before

Did he have his banteroz trip on? Because if he did then it's just banter, I'm told.

>implying IPL isn't the only drugaroo option for a fed that calls depth and actually waits for the bar to pause on chest
Why does ab rolling make you so sore? I don't feel shit when I do them, but I'm sore for days after.

Smesh it lad

>Ab wheel
Good lad
Srs I don't know

I do them every lower day in my non peaking blocks
>play clean
>>drugaroo fed

>mfw only got doms in my right-side abs last time I abwheeled
I don't even
>ab work
I'm doing it for 1x9 and 2x8 today. I hope my core won't get too fried, and I do them only on days I deadlift.
I've been having a hell of a time falling asleep since getting on this cut lads. Any ideas why this may be?
>anything but ipf
you feel guilty about cutting, and it's keeping you up at night

If this is the Indian Premier League, then do we get a designated /plg/ shitting street?
I always have a hard time sleeping when I'm hungry. When I'm cutting I always make sure to have a snack before bed. Greek yogurt or something usually.
How much do you use electronics before bed? And do you have f.lux or some sort of light filter on them?
IIRC carbs (and proteins too tho) can help induce sleep, so if you're restricting any of them close to bedtime...
Don't quote me on that ever in your entire life tho.
Can someone form check my squat on w5 of c6w?
This disappoints me George

Friendship is strength

These seem plausible


I cut out an hour before, used to have a problem with it so I figured that shit out. Laptop goes off an hour before and then I read.


Oh, this is it for sure.
>that was 97.5% of your starting max
holy shit lad, that looks like some great progress.
I started doing it thinking my abs were keeping me from keeping a straight back.

I still do them so I have something to show for my next cut before Hawaii but after I get my 500lb squat
Even if you cut it off an hour before, getting f.lux would still help. Seems like you've found the cause of your problem though

Do you still plan to use Candito's programming to reach that?
>at this rate my bench will catch up with my squat
squat gains are hard desu
I'm on week 4 and my last cycle ended at 485 with some in the tank, so, yeah
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>riding c6w to 500 squat
good aaron :)

next week you get to start the actual fun workouts
>shoulder acting up cus 8 hour desk job
Every workout after week 2 Is fun for me Tbh
>hit a rep PR last week of 285x7 on bench
> might be able to get 10-12 of that same weight on squat

Wew lad
You gonna record it and make some webms of it/put it on YouTube?
Dude God damn your bench blew up
>he doesn't bring a band to work to do shoulder prehab
>I still do them so I have something to show for my next cut

This is the main reason I bother with any ab work . Should be about ohhh, eight months?
same ;(
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>2 anons skills testing today
>SSB bro lolzy singles in 2 weeks
>birdshits squatting 500+ in 2 weeks
>chrisqt competing in 3 days
>underscore competing in 3 days
>friendorio competing soon
>joff collegiate nats in 3 weeks


I'm not a big fan of the week 3 workouts, but the 3 triples on W4D1 were always fun af tho
I'm learning that I respond really well to stupid amounts of volume and high frequency for bench
My elbows don't like it much tho

Connor really know how to program for bench it seems.
>Connor really know how to program for bench it seems.
Post link to program I wanna try it
Looking forward to doing 450 1-4. Pretty confident about getting 3 at least
Anyone have any experience with their elbow cracking at the bottom of pressing movements? Hurts too, like almost a nerve pain. It's absolutely ruining my training at the moment.
>implying you're not gonna get 8
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In for CWS says just have fun
It was just three days of memes desu
Fish oil, lots of strict high rep curls, back off pressing a little and be careful about your squat grip.
Yep. Might post stream too, if they put one up
how do you get a plg bf if you don't wanna be swole yourself?
Quite easily. I dated a HTAM for a few weeks.

The difficulty is in finding them. The only places they go are the gym and then their bedroom to play vidya
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>tfw first day of smolov
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press F to pay respects
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A big girl.
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His other girl is a lot qter

my heart
That is unapproved banter.
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I dunno this one is pretty hnng.
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>bodorio is literally TWICE HER WEIGHT

oh god
You're doing lots of shitposting friend, what's up?
Just google it, la.
I'm doing high volume and high frequency bench and my right elbow doesn't like it.

Are elbow sleeves my only option or are they palcebo?
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Reposting this because.

It's not uncommon for a man (being over 100kg) to weigh twice their woman, htam obviously aside.

I weigh my gfx2 plus a dead dog

Just having fun mayne let me have my day
my elbow twinges went away from arching more and widening grip.
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i cant do this and my squat sucks, i have pretty long femurs but can get into a deep squat no issue

is this worth doing or is it another T-Nation clickbait shit
Not necessary
why that old, disgustingly fat man seems to sit in a gym? Is he waiting for a heart attack or something, so he dressed himself for his funeral?
He's waiting for your mom so he can coach her squatting on his dick
My squat progresses so slowly though, and I never feel like I'm using my quads properly.

Max Aita did a video with Mark Bell recently and his comments about people with long legs squatting with mostly back, and their squat not increasing no matter how much they squat really resonated with me. I've tried his cues but it still doesn't feel right.

At the moment I'm doing a lot of highbar deep beltless squats, but I might start throwing in hack squats or leg press and try out belt squats in order to hit my legs more directly.
>average underinformed anon right here

Go back to the rest of this shitty board little guy
>Replying to the S-man
That's not him. Sean has a boner for Sheiko if anything.

That's probably just a random anon
people at phils gym seem to take photos with everyone except phil and put it on instagram
>replying to yet another tripfag affected with USI
lrn2quote ffs
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-52kg world record holder, I approve
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Nobody wants a disgusting slob on their instagram. I respect that
trip on intra-sheiko norse
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Lad, this was a shoop, _this is not the real you_.
>Shopping Phil into a twink
You need to treat your friends better
>you're a twink!
>hurr, no you're a twink!
>hurrdurr, no, you're a twink, silly!
>hurrdurrhurr aww honeysilly, we're both twinks! hooraay! now let's call someone else a twink!
>yaay! okay!
/plg/ 2016
t. a twink
its funny how /plg/ manages to get worse every year
Sorry chadweasel
trip on joff
Butthurt twink detected
Hey friend no time long see
Tell me something that will improve my training forever
Trying harder
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>Be me
>in tintchat with islet
>islet says "brb"
>he forgets to mute his mic
>hear him screaming over the phone

Needless to say I spent the next two hours searching for my sides
who is the most Senpai trip in /plg/?
Eating more

Have you considered if you have thoracic spine mobility issues?

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If you meant senpai, benchbro

If you meant fAm, captian poutine is pretty cool.
Aha wtf that's so pathetic


>>36581545 + actually doing prehab
Oh my, poor (in every sense of the word) Isley...
I meant fAm
Why doesn't the first capitalized F work anymore?
prehab is a meme
Wew lad
What's that.
It's like people who are held hostage in a bank or something

They can't recall every detail precisely and may insert things they thought were true to fill in the gaps
>recommending a WADA banned substance
>might as well have told him to hop on steroids
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Clearly he meant Aussie dollars
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Having one of those rare unmotivated sessions lads. Wew. Time to show passion.
maybe you need to freshen things up
maybe . . . M
New islet photoshop idea
Picture this
Islets head on Oliver Twist
"Please see can i have some more"
Smesh it friend
>"Please see can I bench some more?"
>knees randomly feel uncountable today

What to do lads?

Is never foam rolling and never working hams actually a problem for them?
Or maybe I fucked up squats, but when I did them yesterday everything felt just fine.
>Do the Bulgarian meme
>Couldn't work out for 3 days cause work and holidays
>Feel like a crippled old man
Squats felt pretty bad too ;/
Some guy posted about increasing his maxes on sheiko because he wasnt getting the intensity he wanted

in this video here:

sheiko explains how that will lead to over training.

Sheiko also goes on to explain that while working with your real maxes, you are allowed to go to 90% for some lifts. For example, squat 85% 2x5, you can go to 90% for a double if you feel able, just like if you feel terrible that day, you are permitted to do 80%.

just looking out for you anonbro
you cant count them?
even when my knees hurt I still only have two
Do you have long femurs? I can't do wall squats because of my long femurs. But I can still progress on my squat
pls make a trip
You've probably still only got two so see a neurologist
Overtraining is a myth
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Fresh rare lads

>Sean will defend this
>tfw too many knees
Yes you can do wall squats, you may not have the mobility for it, but even with long femurs you can do wall squats
Ive been in /plg/ before isley back when threads would last several months and more than often fell off on page 10.

Ive been here for 10 years.

Trips make you rely on credability of your name, I rely on empirical sources.

I also run a business and if my name got doxxed that wouldn't be that good

I'm the hero plg deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Kek, how did that happen


Now give some input pls lads
>plg before Isley
Wow, you have more credability than boris sheiko?

I think I'll take Boris's word on it.
Sounds like an awful experience. Surely you must lift more than Isley?
circa 2003
you were what, 13? 16?

You could have been here but I dont remember you.

Non of this is relevant or important and instead highlights the fact that trips make threads like these worse.
One, two. Then foam roll your adductors and maybe IT bands. Did you have any inward collapse that you noticed?

You have milipedosis. I'm sorry #RIPinpeas

Sean's screwed
I don't know his lifts

I weigh 175-185 and my best gym lifts were 465/330/505

my best comp lifts were 455 305 and 485

comp in 1 month, trying to make it to 475? tree fiddy and 525

I just aim to be the strongest I can be.
isley was here b4 plg even existed lad
>circa 2003
>plg discussion for 10 years
>465 squat
l m a o
I've been lifting for 5 years and just hit 3pl8 squat @ 94kg
It wasn't plg by name but that came around later. I don't keep a history book of this shit.


Life is suffering

I dont remember him at all
I think Marcel took 2 or 3 years

Not 5
>I've been here for ten years

No you haven't because this board hasn't been around for 10 years you fucking newfag lying piece of shit

Get the fuck off my board newfag
Wait, you can't do a x2 BW squat
and he's nearly doing a x3

l m a o
Hmmmm, maybe a little bit.

I am not sure how far I really want my knees out ...
I can push them out real far so I can feel my aductors stretch really hard in the bottom - but that makes me weaker out of the whole, a lot.

And then I can cue them out and still sit between them, but not as far out as I can.

Not sure what to go for
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where have i met u

and people fucking make fun of me for this

enjoy life nerds
singlet down, doesn't count
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>3pl8 squat
>Marcel took 2 or 3 years
>there might be hope for me yet
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fit didn't exist until 2008 you idiots
> I don't remember

That's funny because I'm pretty sure someone from 2003 would realize that well there wasn't even a fitness board
So you therefore are full of shit and at best have been here for oh say 6 months
Never respond to me again and go
>critizising singlet down before depth
pretty nice 5 plate squat Tbh
But that is depth... M
>Not sure what to go for
Stability. They don't need to go way out, but keeping them out is important. Stand wide enough so that your depth and knee-outness are consistent.
socks touching sleeves
three reds
I was here at the beginning of /fit/ lad

1st for /fraud/ not only looks better but is also stronger than /plg/ benching 3pl8 for reps
>But that is depth... M
Maybe in USPL or whatever Boardie competes in
ive been here since 1996 you newfags
haven't met you, just been a really long time since I've been on fit tbfam.
Reminder that it's fraud and literally nobody gives two shits about a bunch of doped up roid monkeys cheating their way through ego lifts
What if they a centimer or two inwards as I push out of the whole?
Is that already killing them?

They are still out, but I did notice that sometimes they do move in a little.

Is isley natural?
No, he uses both a belt and wrist wraps
It's not quite a 5pl8 squat. Even if I claim muh metric, then I'd have to count the clips. Technically if I want 4 reds on the bar I need to squat 230 in my fed.
Thanks tho

That's depth

That's a real reason for reds here but I had to deadlift after that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Many of us bench 3pl8 for reps

Jury is still out
He's secretly a chad. What do you think? (Hint: boardshorts is a chad)

Isn't it frustating that someone who trains exclusively to look good is stronger than someone like you who trains for strength?
Not a big deal.
Not when they use substances banned in competition.
>someone who takes performance enhancing drugs is as strong as me
Feels pretty good desu
Not really.
implying anyone there has a wilks of 300
fuck off you acne ridden fag
Bench press with chains was feeling kinda wonky today. Did an extra set with the prescribed weight, and 3 other sets with 10kg less with emphasis on speed. Foot placement is also improving, THUS leg drive. The second speed set felt really crispy.

Think I'm gonna add some speed sets once or twice a week desu.

Snatch deads in a couple of hours. Maybe using chains.
>20 sets of bench including warm up

Fuck you boris
>my whole workout isn't even 20 sets
Topkek, how do you ever think you'll win the bulk race?
>including warm up

20 sets is ezpz. Admittedly, it's boring as fuck though.
And so bs time consuming

My knees are hurting me from set up and. arching ffs.
why 20 when you only need 10?
Why are you so fragile?
>tfw bench set up is more tiring to do than benching
You are competing this weekend. That's why.
packing my duffel atm, I've got

>plain t-shirt (2)
>legless underwear
>knee high socks
>ankle socks
>wrist wraps
>knee sleeves
>squat shoes
>deadlift shoes
>usapl card
>orange monster (3)

what kind of food should I bring?

also, I'm in the fourth flight out of four total flights, each flight has 12 people. When should I start warming up?
What would happen if I maxed out without warming up at all? Say I just put my max on the bar and tried it.
More food. Warm ups half an hour before you start or when the flight before you starts lifting. Only do (at most!) five sets of warm ups. And space them equally throughout the 30mins /flight. Try to workout where you are in your flight (start middle or end) based on openers and factor that in
It honestly is, those first few warmup sets are fucking hard sometimes. And the truth is, setup is like 85% of the lift.
Alright, thanks for your input lad
Passed it friends.
Heart is still beating like a race horse
Exam is supposed to take 4 hours and I did it in 1.5 lol

In about 6 weeks I'll get my certificate and officially be a certified strength and conditioning coach. Feels good.
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One or two lean meat sandwiches. And I prefer caffeine pills but #takewhatsyours with #teamorange lad. Start warming up ~20+ minutes from your opener. Have fun, talk to people.
so plg is getting some free coaching?
really we would be doing you a favour
CWS born-again natty USAPL champ when?
>My knees are hurting me from set up and. arching ffs.
how is this even possible
desu lads i've accidentally developed a minor foot fetish
when did they change tee bee aich to desu?
Whoa proof? Pics of penis?
When moot sold 4chan to Japan

I'll show you a vid of my set up. It involves limboing down to the bench.
Why don't you show me a video of you not being a poor fucking loser weasel

Or better yet
Show me that video you promised you'd make after you lost the bet weasleeeeeeeyyyyy
Lads is there a good way to fail a box jump without slamming the fuck out of your shins and subsequently your wrists and face?
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sean um where??
when was that i've been away for a long time
ok lads so i've had my first skill test on sheiko and i performed the 100% rep with ok form and decent speed but failed the 105% rep miserably both on squat and bench.

I rly dont know wtf im supposed to make out of this? is this normal?
>is this normal?
norsie do u play any sports?
You could have gone to 102 or 103 lad.
We all know how I feel about CWS but he'd get rekt by Ray.
Sorry, who are you and what are we talking about?

Not sure. Six months ago mebbe?

Yeah it happens. Should have made more conservative jumps. Next time.
You with the cute face

where is shhhun?
ah sound didn't have a clue about any of this yano
seriously though that video of CWS made me feel some serious feels.

god i fucking love chad, such an awesome dude.


so you squat 20 pounds more than me and weigh 62 lbs more than me...
also why do you mock people here?
implying there werent lifting threads on /b/

watching these people struggle to think is adorable
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I dont think I ever had a greater fit of anger than just fucking now
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>you fucking newfag lying piece of shit

I am sooooo depressed
Better make >one more
90% of my opener is a good last warmup, or should it be lighter?

Thank you for reminding me to pack my caffeine pills!
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I would be too if high test and balding.
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"

I'll respect you once you start talking like someone out of primary school

I never claimed I was on /fit/ for ten years, I never even said anything around that

I was apart of the people who made lifting threads on /b/ and requested a goddamn fitness board you dingus
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I will end you

Im not wasting a whole nother stick of butter

I already angrily ate my shitty overpoached eggs that I let go too long after the screaming rage fit when my sauce curdled and seperated

fuck this gay earth all I wanted was eggs benedict
>makes fun of anon who was genuinely trying to help another anon for squatting 20 lbs less than him when he weighs 60 lbs more than him

the craving for attention is so strong he can't stand someone actually giving good advice and surpassing his lifts.
you need to do a lot of growing up boardie

also didnt you do a cycle of test lmao?
powerllitfing dont count
No that's exactly right
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What are you making the hollandaise for, lad? A little eggs benedict?
It's probably because your back rounds and knees cave on every squat

Ive done sheiko for years and my knees feel great
Is benchbro here?
Guess it's another day of cucks bull-dick for u
no. I need to desu

I literally want to do what CWS is doing right now, and desu I have been. I want to get back into sprints really badly, highland games sounds fun, might do another strongman in august, and tbqh I'd like to play rugby
Just about right, maybe a little bit heavier
>I want to kill my deadlift harder than sheiko did
Also usapl approved underwear lmao

Is from bench tho
tsa approved warmups plus more
if your interested
Is there a way to warm up arms properly for benching?

I am dealing with triceps pain from benching every now and then - there might be something quick and effective to do before benching other than doing warm up sets?
Panzer, I got a question. Do you have your political shitposting saved? Or do you type it up from scratch every time? I feel that your posts have been so similar that you'd be able to store them as a template and get away with some minor editing.
I said I was on 4chan posting threads for 10 years

I still don't remember you because I don't pay attention to trip coding faggots who do this for e-attention and am actually here for learning and giving advice to people who need it, which was the reason why these threads exist
I seriously don't know where this meme is coming from, my deadlift is going to go up lol

I don't see any grounds for this basis
nope, its scratch made I just have consistent non hypocritical views so they stay the same
You said /plg/ la. If thatz a typo I'll understand tho. It is confusing when you don't write what you mean.
>people actually give him a (You)
sounds good bb
fun and fulfilling life experiences > increasing your total by 50 pounds
you'd probably be good at rugby and also throwing
Foam rolling them helps, I use the actual bar.

same technique as normal foam rolling, but I definetly recommending doing the
1. flex arm with palm up like bicep curl with bar on tricep
2. extend arm and relax and move back and forth once in full extension
you're switching from pl focus to doing fucking everything, how would it not be affected

cmon Isley i know you love me but don't go talkin like yer scouse
Curls, Bryce Lewis warmup takes all of five minutes
Singlish lor
dude i was so shit at both discus and shotput in high school. fucking garbage.

I put up like 36 feet on shotput and 120 feet on discus lol.

I would like to get kinda good at shotput though, maybe hit like 50 feet or something, that'd be cool

>its obvious, can't you see

no, I can't see and still don't see any logical reasoning
oh lol how embarrassing for me
"Ive been in /plg/ before isley back when threads would last several months and more than often fell off on page 10."

"Ive been here for 10 years."

Notice those are two separate statements,easily confused

to be more specific, about some bullshit that doesn't matter,

I was here on 4chan posting about lifting* for 10 years

Now simmer down with the autism that is chaffing your e-celebrity fame and start helping people

or you know, move out of your parent's home.
Thanks lads, I'll incorporate both into my usual bench warm up - sounds like it's both down fairly quick.
>no, I can't see and still don't see any logical reasoning
think you do though
Also, aren't you like 19?
if its so obvious then why can't you point it out kek
>person A does PL
>person B does PL, sprints, practices for highland games, preps for strongman and starts to play rugby
one of these is able to spend more time and energy on PL

It's Person B, right? He'll have higher general fitness levels and be able to rouse more energy for the task at hand, yeah?
>move out of your parebts home

Interesting choice of insult la. I live in London and pay my own rent.
were you a small guy in high school?
youre definitely strong enough to throw at least 50 ft, after a baseline level of strength shot is mostly technique
if u take it as autistically as u do powerlifting 50 ft would be ez
Whoever made this assignment is braindead
dude, none of us are fucking CWS teir athletes.

athletes in general should be capable of functioning on all leves and should have a wide base of ability.

fucking powerlifting is cancer because they're the only sport that preaches this backwards.

Sport specificity is the tip of the pyramid, its the last thing you add, not the first.
Do you want to address anything else he said or just cherry pick one thing

you just moved out and get money from yer pa, youve said it here before
Your writing is confusing, "here" is ambiguous because of the context and literally everyone misunderstood you so the burden is on you, I've been posting on 4chan for nearly 9 years, which is basically the same as 10.

And the pair of you are faggots.
No. I was a fatti

145 kg, lmao no muscle

cut to 100 kg, been bulking / cutting ever since
guys how do you cut?how much deficit ?
No powerlifting does not have it backwards. Athletes should be specialised and the wide base of ability concerns training children. Many sports programs start trying to be wide at the beginning of the competitive season and invariably taper that off to entirely specific. Powerlifting does not have a season because it's fully indoors. Our cycles, analogous to a full year for other sports, are 2-5 months long. This translates to 0-4 weeks of gpp if that's your jam.

And since our sport is so simple, we benefit from a narrower base. But by all means bandwagon yourself. Like a dog chasing fads.
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295th for SMASHING

this is completely false, athletes should be good at their sport not necessarily at others
theres some evidence that very light gpp work can be beneficial for recovery, but thats literally walking on an incline for 10 min light
that's it

not in 'merica breh.

its still cancerous and is a huge reason why the powerlifting scene in my state is so fucking garbage. I had a lengthy discussion about this with one of the better training facilities in the town i'm currently in this morning.

You're right, most people training PL get that and don't have an issue with it, but we're also talking about the CWS video (idk if you've watched it) and enjoying training and being capable of doing multiple different things.
do your 2nd attempt squat for me
It depends whether you value the ability to an l-sit to handstand and a full snatch over 10-5kg on your bench.

For me that's a pretty easy trade off.

Like I said, do other stuff if that's your jam, but don't expect to be making gains as well as you otherwise could.

That said, louise Murray. She just can do three sports to national standard. Partly because >woman, partly because national means >Scotland and largely because dat talent.
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Fuck. This argument is making me even more regretful for dropping power cleans and overhead press.
fair enough

my deadlift bench and squat are going to go up tho, so there's that i suppose
>power cleans
>overhead press
great as bench accessory do your ohp lad
I hate ohp. Power cleans were fun and never hurt anybody. Overheard press hurts me deeply.
That's abnormal right? That new tripshit orangutangman squatted 3pl8s in less than 6 months
Normal is about 1 year.

Orangutan shit is lying about his training history
Yeah, you know that they also might not.

The rugby and the sprints will be tiring. Tbh your first game of rugby will end for you in 15 minutes with an injury when someone who knows how to bend the rules hits you. So there'll be that. Actually sprints will be fine I take that back. Strongman, well you've done that before that'll be okay. Just a few weeks of training for the comp time really.
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Is this fast lock system any good in lifting belts?
Single prong for life
yeah its good
The only reason that people make other kinds of locks is because they're stupid.
>makes fun of anon who was genuinely trying to help another anon
I was pointing out that he claimed to be in plg for 10 years, condescended George, and has whatever stats after 10 years (inferred) or more of training
>for squatting 20 lbs less than him when he weighs 60 lbs more than him
Are we comparing less than 3 years training to more than 10 (ten)?
>the craving for attention is so strong he can't stand someone actually giving good advice and surpassing his lifts.
Not the point, kek.
>you need to do a lot of growing up boardie
no u
>also didnt you do a cycle of test lmao?
How new are you?
took me 6 months from 1-3 plate squat with no athletic background. SS then memeov jr at 180 lbs. i'd say below avg genetics
i'm not mixing these directly senpai

i'm not pants on head retarded

How powerful is muscle memory actually?
all the pros and none of the cons
>I'm not pants on head retarded
A quick check in the archive will show you saying the opposite
literally just memes

i don't know what you're even talking about
Hey Tits, I'm not one of the anons with a hate-chub for you, but please stop encouraging and responding to panzer. Go to /pol/ or make your own thread exclusively for shitposting, don't shit up plg. It's not bants, it's cancer.
Well thanks mates.
Meanwhile every trip calling everyone twinks are just fat asses and look terrible
You post this as if it's even remotely impressive. You're so arrogant it makes me cringe
started up sprint training at the track again lads maybe my athletics career isn't totally dead
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