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Seriously, why aren't you vegan yet? >lean all year

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Seriously, why aren't you vegan yet?

>lean all year round
>scientifically proven to be the most healthy when planned well
>Stop contributing to the suffering and death of animals

>inb4 muh protein
Literally there are tons of vegan alternatives to your favorite protein powders. You have no excuse
Nice source on that chart retard
Find it yourself retard. Vegans have the lowest average bmis and that's a fact.
>implying CICO is hard
Fatty detected
>implying CICO isn't a meme to keep fatties starving

They could lose weight and live longer if they just took the dead animal corpses out of their diet
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Found a chart describing the relationship between being a vegan and being a foggot.
Did the chart anger you little carnist? Afraid of the truth that your diet is literally killing you?
i heard this statistic that 100% of vegans actually end up dying eventually

sounds pretty unhealthy desu senpai
It's as valid as yours. I click on every one of these threads hoping doe one pubmed article for vegan (not vegetarian) lifestyles superiority and it never comes
Because I don't have the time nor funds to deal with the bullshit of eating an all vegan diet.
Why do you have to create a thread asking this? Can't you be a vegan in fucking piece and quiet?
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1 or 2???
Just trying to spread the gift man. Veganism saved my life.


2 you monkey
>I'm lean year round anyways
> All the health I need is enough protein, a multivitamin, and water
>yfw haven't realized the food chain yet + the world is 2cruel4u
>also, spend more effort to make less gains (same amount at best)

Nice trips
Nice trips, 2
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The autism is real
Im not going to fall for that veggietard logic lad.


oh boy... the kelp brain is using the big guns

Not OP. I've posted this several times.
Don't respond to trolls, anon.

sell your shit somewhere else cunt!
Im allready constipated as fuck from all the meat I been eating
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thank you fellow vegan

although i'm bad in that i still like to eat fish, so to be optimal in that i eat wild alaskan salmon so i get less muh mercury and poison
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