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/plg/- Powerlifting general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 37

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welcome to /plg/ - powerlifting general

Gather around gents, grab your rye or bourbon, and start rolling

for the purpose of being a better athlete on the platform


so who is plgs favourite power lifters right now?

mine would have to be, in order

pete rubish
tom martin

and special love to the manly klokov
Even when hes as fat as norse, his arms still looks like 2 toothpicks
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In for bands are GOAT
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only if you roll a 4 champ
check em
Can you post the side webm of your squat? The max one in a red singlet.
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close enough i say
I seriously think i could outsquat you if i learn how to lowbar squat.
No you may have only an isleys gf nude

having a wank
well to bed you are being noble and only doing high bar atg with no belt and knee sleeves
Bodorio I have a present for you
do eeet! It's not that hard to grasp, just a little uncomfortable at first desu. How much do you highbar?
anon pls
How do I keep my shoulders and elbows safe? I've been having some pain recently benching 2-3x a week.....

Really stupid question also:
Should I stop benching in a hoodie? It keeps my joints warm but I'm afraid it's doing something like reducing ROM and when I come to comp I'll fail with the extra cm ROM idk
Training blog:
Squatted 7 reps at 4pl8. Two singles, a double and a triple. Easy work. Doing hamstring curls between squat sets feels awesome. Try it lads.

Seated cable rows, curls, hit tire with sledge hammer.

Eddie hall, Pete rubish, mark bell & silent Mike for entertainment purposes.

Why not. Rolling.
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Dubs get and you don't post nudes
Actually i do highbar because it doesnt fuck my wrists up like lowbar

Im hoping to get a paused 248x5 next week. Sorry for being an ass, quite depressed because im stalling hard on bench.
I presumed Kirill Sarychev was a big dude, but holy fuck honest to god that man is a beast
Never had elbow issue, but I have shoulder pain quite often. What helped me the most has been increasing the amount of back work I'm doing. Nothing crazy, I really like focusing on scapular movement and feel dat dere contraction, there's no need to go ham if your primary focus is PL. For your elbows I'd try doing some light isolation movements before benching, just to warm'n lube the joint up


I probably do too much pressing and not enough back work admittedly. I've just added face pulls to my program and maybe I should see if that helps before complaining
please stop posting
I'm pretty sure you could outsquat me already. Also wtf, are you literally Clarence Kennedy?
>who are your favorite powerlifters?
>answers with people who are not powerlifters
For fuck's sake lads. Not even IPF memeing. Just because someone is strong does not mean they are a powerlifter.
Shit, i wish. Hes squatting 300kgs for reps now. Probably done 310 paused. Also this is the second time i add weight on my 5 paused rpm this year.

>tfw you have good proportions for weightlifting but hate the movements
Whoever is responsible for this shit is a disgusting, repugnant, wretched human being who deserves all the misery their life heaps upon them in the future.

Posting rares and personals is absolutely disgusting and shitty and I hope you get what's coming to you.
Get the fuck outta here

Get the fuck outta here

Ray Williams for being humble af about everything he's done
>Ray Williams for being humble af about everything he's done
godfag though desu
yea he just thanks the floating man in the sky
fuck i failed...

gonnna try ONE MORE TIME




/plg/ sucks and you suck
do yourself a favor and leave this south taiwanese button-knitting discussion board
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and he was never heard from again

i fucking failed agai n
You'll get it next time champ. I beleeb in you
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Not even buda. You're a sad shell of a person and I'm glad your alcoholism and depression are going to ruin what's left of you.
I think I know whos gonna be on 3.0 :^)
Why would you assume it's Buda?
classic buda post desu
If I get triples I actually will
Ew reroll
nothing even like a buda post
i see why you took the profiler trip off Tbh
Oh god it's even worse

shes the hottest on their you homosexual
>430x2x2 squat in amerifat weight today

500 soon laddos I'm so excited
now you get everyone desu you fucking stole it from me
Welp isley post that boi pussy
I'm glad
rolling for jms prostitute
You better be jerking it to everyone right now
roll 4 sparrow noods
4 pls get
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for the anon who asked for it.

joe that sucks about the meet being moved to USPA. Hopefully we can find another one to do sometime

I'll be on insta later, I just started another new Skyrim character and I've got my hands full with that. I'll be checking /plg/ on my phone though every so often.
Isley, everyone of those powerlifters are significantly better than you ever will be in your entire life no matter what

Please go now
Finally fucking bench more than sparrow
Fucking tell me about it
>Setting up squats for volume day
>Increase weight by 5kg because last week felt ezpz
>Do my 5x5
>Get annoyed because there was slight form break down, felt a little unbalanced etc.
>"Whatever, still got each rep"
>Go to unrack the weights and realise the right side had shifted because the clip was loose and didn't keep the weights in place
>Get fucking angry that my whole workout, my form etc. was fucked because of faulty equipment

I know i should've spotted it sooner but fucking hell i was fuming
>fucking hell i was fuming
beginner lifter detected
Good for you sean
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I used to think this was impressive???
How does that indicate in any way that i'm a beginner lifter?
>it was the equipments fault I was unbalanced and shifting side to side too much
>slightly shifted plates means whole workout was ruined
I barely use clips, and when I do it's more for peace of mind.

maybe learn to unrack and squat more evenly and not freak out about things that barely effected you m80
because when you've lifted for a long time you realize how unimportant a couple of sets of squats are in the grand scheme of things and would laugh about it
I just wanted to hit my squat pr with perfect form :(
Yes but i've found that if i allow form break down on VD, it also affects me being able to PR on ID. Every bit counts m8.
so you're a beginner just like I said
>Not intermediate
>proving his point
possibly missing 1 ID isn't gonna end your career or be the make/break of you breaking a WR

chill lil buddy

once you've been lifting 4-5 years you realise stumbling on some LP didn't fuck up your progress.
>able to make weekly PRs
pick one mate. forget about everything /fit/ says also
I fucking hate the term 'intermediate' it's a word beginners made up to feel less shit about themselves.

You're either a beginner or you aren't. And fuck up, strength standards mean jack shit.
Well i mean, isn't that the standard for intermediate, even on plg? Or at least fortnightly PRs.

I guess so, thanks breh
read this >>36037462
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why do we even use these terms so much
they literally mean nothing

and then it just stops after intermediate
no one that wants to be taken seriously starts calling themselves advanced lifters after they stall on TM for example

intermediate seems like its reached in months and ten you just stay an intermediate for years
yea they're dumb as fuck, serve no purpose and should be forgotten about no doubt
It's the same reason why HAES exists, because idiots can't deal with the fact that they're shit, so they need to create terms to validate their mediocrity.

Hell, if it wasn't so commonly used there wouldn't be a fucking list of 'intermediate' programs out there. The fitness industry is literally catering to these fuckwits furthering the stupidity of any terms other than beginner.
Well intermediate is a good way to describe someone that's not a beginner, nor is advanced?

A 200kg deadlift is not really impressive for powerlifting standards but it's definitely not something a beginner can do right off the bat, or even in their first year of lifting.
I think the term 'advanced' is fucking stupid as well. Again, you're either a beginner or you aren't.
Well these terms are still relevant. You're not going to place a beginner on sheikos now are you? Likewise someone that's been lifting for a few years isn't going to benefit that much from SS.
There is LITERALLY a beginner Sheiko program on the internet, written by Boris.
>raging so blindly over something so insignificant
the way it's used by Ripp (as we're talking about TM) is just to signify weekly progression as opposed to daily progression.

day to day training cycles are beginners
week to week training cycles are intermediate
and month to month cycles are advanced
there are 'early' and 'late' stages of each. the reason it gets iffier as the progression goes on is because there are much less people at/will reach those later stages and also training is highly individual and labels are not longer needed

its literally just a way to simply identify your 'level of progression' - because if you can make gains session to session, you're a beginner, even if you're training on weekly cycles - which can help guide your training.

saying you're either beginner or advanced is stupid af and has no basis in anything other than
>either you're strong according to my arbitrary standards or you're not
and that's not useful for anything and therefore not a useful distinction. the above has useful and practical distinctions.
You know what i mean.
>not a beginner, nor is advanced?
thats kind of the point
no one is really calling themselves advanced lifters
i squat 200kg and im not going to be saying im an advanced lifter
An intermediate cannot make strength gains at novice progression. It's not based on numbers, it's defined by rate of progress.

Also many of us deadlifted more than 200kg within their first year lifting
How the fuck did you deadlift 200kg in your first year? Most people spend their first year of lifting fumbling with form, meme exercises and bro splits.
dont let you get demoralised by this roided lanket
I did 225 at the one year mark. Norse and wank are the same way I think
you should note that you roided

>inb4 you claim you lose the gains
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bench a shit

its a good thing I have so much over head on my squat and deadlift I think because its going to take some balls to get this shit up much above 360 in three weeks. I took 350 for a cruze and almost ate shit. I think it'll come around a bit as i've just taken almost 2 months of not handling any heavy weights, but its good to know my squat and deadlift have me covered in case this doesn't go as planned

some people are just like that.

first time I ever deadlifted I pulled 225.

I ran my own bastardized version of SS and rode it all they way to a 272.5 pull in competition
one year of powerlifting or literally one year after the first day you ever stepped into a gym?

Norse is a big boy so at least him i can understand

Oh i see
>a few 6"+ big guys hit 200 in first year
>a lot of us
it definitely happens, and given good routine and lifestyle its probably not that hard for a lots of people.

but it definitely doesn't happen to 'a lot of' people.
phil did 200kg after 6 months
>first time I ever deadlifted I pulled 225.
I didn't roid in my first year

One year at the gym. I thought deadlift was manly so I trained that from the start.

I should also note that I started at 140 when I started
>implying it would even be mentioned if it was lbs
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what the fuck
>tfw lifting for 2 years and just hit 235 in comp
and your max is 316? How long between that first deadlift and your max?
3 years lifting and 210kg deadlift. beat that :^)
3pl8 bench tho tbf
>Start 140kg
>Do 200kg after 1 year

Oh yeah, that's me too. But that's one year of serious strength training, beforehand i did a few years of brosplitting so I already had all the technicalities down.

How the fuck you do it whilst still learning form?
m8 ive been lifting longer than i even know and only hit 215
Because strength and form are mutually inclusive
I deadlifted 200 kegs within my first year, but it was hitched to all hell with straps. That being said I'm a fucking 5'5 manlet.
what ever happened to dreamer?
You didn't hear? ;_;
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When it comes to deadlifting yes. Surprised you didn't snap some shit with that mentality.
The statement he made was 'begginer or you're not', not beginner or advanced.
i told him just to stick to benching... but he just wanted it all
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you couldn't have addressed a smaller component of the actual argument than that - and that distinction doesn't change the sentiment in the slightest.

>I-I was just saying
stop being a nit-picky faggit and look at the big picture.
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I remember when I called him a faggot once
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What happened to him

Stop being a dink
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Sorry for late response. you prompted me to make this since I've been putting it off for so long.

>just look at that summer of bulking
>just fucking look at it

jesus christ I miss those days
I remember when you were a faggot right now
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>tfw lifted with int. elite lifter a weight class under me
>running smovlov for DL
>after his Deads he went and benched 355
>he's 160lbs

Love/Hate lifting with him desu.

Just learn to hold the bar correctly
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Mike Tuchscherer
Dan Roids
That featherweight asian guy with a massive bench
Mark Bell because he's gay as fuck and doesn't afraid of anything


The terms are useful breh. Even Sheiko uses them, so it's not just Rip being a memer.
I hope you're joking. Trappy Chen is a degenerate
Still no nudes.
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In no particular order:
Layne Norton
Mike T
Ben Rice
They don't exist you ungrateful cunt
kill yourself
I hope you're as useless as I think you are
it justifies my claim that you should end your life
Who cares about the dirty cunt.

Talk lifting please.
Not the guy who you responded to, but this isn't true, i have 5 myself
I wish you had a life to end sean you bitch.
Cover any nudity and post it you lying cunt

Trappy chan is mentally ill
Checking myself
No because you called me a cunt

Call me "your honour" and I will
your honour
Your honour lol
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>unironically calling others degenerate and mentally ill
>on 4chins
did I just watch a polar bear have a stroke?
full vers of sparrow pic in op????
come onnnnn
ayy thanks nice bulk

>literally no progress in dl in the first 3 years
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and these are just the ones i scavenged in the downloads folder, i know i missed at least 5
The ones I've never seen aren't even her. Bottom left as an example
I didn't deadlift then.
trust me its her bra
bruh post them on imgur or something
No lol you nuts?
I know you're bullshitting lmao. The shower one was a joke by supermang months ago.
Some of those are just tinychat screenshots and I know she's never posed nude on tinychat
The only other 2 I haven't seen are just literally google image search tits
wut why would i be nuts for asking that?
cause someone said i was lying when im clearly not
shower one is suspect, the tits ones are literally timestamped with her so I know you're just jelly
>cause someone said i was lying when im clearly not

So? Why would that be a reason to not post them?
also the tinychat was a snap of an accident nude on her part, bitch nigga
half of a vagina is visible in it
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Can anyone give me some "more advanced" cues for deadlift?
I deadlifted 5 plate, but due to shoulder injury I couldn't lift for 2 months, basically I am starting again from 4 plate, but my deadlifts don't feel tight nor right.
Basically,I want to get it back up to where it was but I forgot all parts of my technique, except the basics.
to prove im not a liar
That's still not a reason.
Which ones the middle left? If I post that one will you admit I'm right and never talk to me again? and redact the coward statement?
I don't like you

So this is what /plg/ has come to.

All the cuck memes have come true. This general is nothing but the same canadian cunt asking for his own flapjacky-ass cuck bitch nudes and arguing with himself.
The middle row far left, if that's not censored I'll retract my statement.
I know it's pre censored
Why can't you crop put the time stamp? Oh cause you're lying.
Nobody is forcing you to be here
literally the reason I only come here once a month or so
Ass of a chubby 12 year old wtf
I said middle row far left
The one with the pink bird face. You posted a filthy common.

Please crop out the time stamp
newfag here, who the fuck is Sparrow and why does plg wanna see her nudes?
You're just making up reasons to not post them because they're either not her or you're some literal autistic fuck with a special snowflace syndrome.
Nobody wants to see her nudes, we want to prove Sean is a liar and coward.
>newfag here

>who the fuck is Sparrow
A chubby, autistic cunt that gets cucked out by Sean.

>why does plg wanna see her nudes?
They mostly don't. It's Sean asking himself to see them, to generate interest because he gets off on leaking them to anons.

This is what we do now.
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What am I doing in this thread
God phils changed, he's turned into such a mess
Unless it has the red theen its filtered by her

that black bar she did
he turned into a beautifuller version of a beautiful person
Fuck off douchebag.
lol keep telling yourself that
its her in a bra theres no nipple in that one
Knew you were unnecessary censoring

I'm going to sleep now you lying faggot
Babby upset he got no nuds today/ kek!
welp its legit :/ I can tell by the pixels

looks like anon was telling the truth and I'm a gigantic faggot for not believing him in the first

he sure told me
When i thought you were pathetic enough because the most valuable thing in your life are some literal whos nudes, you go ahead and make it even worse by samefagging.
You caught me :^)
you got exposed buddy, go to sleep now babby boy, jerking off to IMAGINARY tits cause you aint gonna see the real deal boy
>tfw looking at all the pretty women in porn just makes you feel lonely
Time to go outside, I guess.

Any experiences with recomping by calorie cycling based on on/off days? i.e. eating at or above maintenance on lifting days and at a deficit on non-lifting days.
Keep taking pride in your patheticness :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
get fucking owned loser,
I posted the timestamp
I posted the unfiltered newd
stop making excuses and go to bed NOW !
Virgin kek
Can I use Smolov JR. for squat?
And will the gains be same?
Any adjustments I need to do for it?
No. You should go jerk off to her since those pictures are all you have in your life.
I dont find asians attractive so I probably wont do that
I'll hold them over your head though, that gets me hard
Whatever helps you sleep at night, crying must be old by now.
This general is cancer.
Mods please start deleting these again. They were good for like a week after those purges.
The only one here is crying is YOU

You the one begging me for photos of some asian girl and now you're throwing a TEMPER TANTRUM cause I'm not giving them to you
I can only imagine the virgin tears pouring from your face as we speak
Follow up, who's Sean?
Considering Smolov is designed for squat and Smolov Jr. is just a portion of the whole program, yes, you can. No experience with it myself, but I heard people get the most out of the first couple weeks anyway, the gains are mostly the same, IIRC.
I asked because i didn't know i was dealing with a manchild. Sure it would be nice if you posted them, but it's not the end of the world, unlike it would be for you if you were not the only one who has them.
Omg I am literally talking to a virgin who masturbates to photographs instead of having sex with women
welp, you're extremely pathetic, I suggest you sleep now before you make the rest of plg depressed about your shit pathetic life
>projecting this hard

I'm not the one hoarding the nudes. I'm tired of this ~le epic trolle now.
Bryce ran Jr. for squat recently.
Dude I literally made you stay up 30+ minutes from when you said you were going to sleep, in hopes you'd get a newd
>who's Sean?

Every post in this general.
Gibbs just put up a video of a 272,5 keg squat. Absolutely dumb how easy it looks.
take some notes young one, learn from the best
if you dare insult my ability again I will murder you and everything you love
Your ability needs a lot of work son
It will come in time
In the mean time sit back and take notes

You're like my garoppolo
Solid starter with lots of potential, but is seated behind the GOAT to learn and study
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>I will murder you and everything you love
Child please.

Quit shitting up these generals.
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mods pls
So much for dealing with our little friend, eh?
Why are you even talking you retarded new fag
You have no say in this
Yup, hit 220kg Deadlift after 3 months lifting like a retard, hit 285kg after a year of continuing to lift like a retard

Good lad. Did you retard it up or was form halfway decent?
I catbacked everything because I literally saw the omar isuf video on "Advanced deadlift tips, Pulling with a rounded back!" and I also spouted
>muh KK
Everytime someone commented about my rainbow deadlift form kek

Only started cleaning my form up recently, and things are looking smooth
Kek. At least your speed off the floor was good. Glad to hear you didn't fuck your shit up.
Same lol, was suprised I never felt discomfort at all pulling with it

Here's how my pulls looked like about a week before my 285 pull

Makes me cringe so fucking hard t b h
Tbh those actually weren't too bad. Your lumbar spine didn't seem like it was rounded, which is good. It seemed like you were just rounding your thoracic spine, which if that's the case, it certainly isn't the worst thing in the world. The rib cage supports the thoracic spine, so a fucked disc would be less likely there than in the cervical or lumbar spine. However, a disc bulge at the thoracic spine, if it's bad enough to require surgery, is unbelievable to fix, due to surgical complications from dealing with your ribs being in the way, etc.
Nah this is a shit angle, my lumbar rounds also, obviously not as severe as my thoracic spine or else I'd probably be in a wheelchair kek
At least you braced, that definitely kept you from really fucking yourself up. But yeah, if your lumbar was rounded too, you got very lucky
>powerlifting gore
Yeah lol, I guess my spine is more resilient than most

Shit hurts to watch fampai
Anyone tweaked there back and had the pain/inability to squat and dl last a while?

wtf do i do?
this is making me crazy
Rip says to not let it heal and keep moving, ie not to avoid pain. not sure what he means by that, my takeway is squat and dl but not so heavy that you hurt yourself more.
idk senpaitachi
Where did you tweak it? I never tweaked mine, but I did get a bulging disc at L5S1.
ehhh, where's it at senpai?
I've got to miss my thursday workout on week 2 C6W, should I do it on Wednesday with less rest and do the upper days as normal or do it on fri and ditch the last upper of the week?

Can't decide lads
Out of curiosity, can anyone here do a full splits? I've been creepin' on a few fitness chicks on IG and it's pretty sick to see them be decently strong whilst also pulling off yoga shit.
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Alright senpai

Worked up to 405, couldn't get 450 up, decided to call it there. I'm having difficulty off the floor.

What am I doing wrong lads: let's get this learning curve moving
when i was getting back pain it was actually a pinched nerve and i managed to deal with it myself using a lacrosse ball in my hammy/glute after a few weeks.
why don't you just push the entire program back a day or whatever? the "weeks" don't actually have to be weeks, you could just end the program 2 days later or whatever.

Fuckin eh Joe
Unless you've got a comp, pushing it back doesn't affect anything.
Not super familiar with sumo, but possibly knees too far forward, from trying to go wider than your mobility allows? Joff-lad pls help.
right lower back, pain radiates to my quad/hip sometimes.from what i read this sounds like pinched nerve/sciatica.

I've tweaked this area before and pain lasts a few days and i can move normally within a week as if it never happened.
Basically, from dealing with what I had, don't do anything that causes discomfort, but try to at least do something that your body can handle. Don't overdo it, but don't avoid working those muscles entirely.
mmm i ordered a lacrosse/cricket ball online its yet to come. >>36040051
fairly sure its a pinched nerve as pain radiates to other areas.
I have a heavy duty foam roller but feel like im not getting the most out of it as i havent owned it for long.

I am noticing forward knees now
Also, right lower back. Where exactly? How far from the spine is it? Picture for reference? Sorry for being very inquisitive, but when people bring up lower back pain, I get very worried.

bingo. thats lucky, thats really easily fixed. its painful, but it can be fixed easy

Nerve flossing. shit is reaaaallllly painful and you gotta take it slow, but it will bring it around quickly.

I pinched my sciatic nerve once ona shitty deadlift and was out of commision for over a month. leraned about nerve flossing (here on plg actually) and it was gone in like 2 weeks.
your legs from this angle should be perpendicular to the ground, so shift everything back a little bit.
Try to lock out your legs a bit earlier i think.
Don't shrug the weight up at the top (on any DL tBh friendo).
It actually looks pretty decent as far as first real attempts go.
Obviously work on hip mobility over time.
lockout is a little funky actually, you lockout with your shoulders or something, focus on just pushing your hips through.
when i said legs i meant shins. sorry about that.
Yeah, also noticing you're rolling your shoulders up and back when locking out. You're gonna fuck your shit up friendo.
Its weird as hell man.
I was able to squat 180 for one painfree with a belt. then I tried to do 140 5x5 beltless and pussed out on 1st rep because it felt very squirrelly.

I ordered romaleos just before the injury. butthurt i cant use them in my situation, benching/pressing in them feels good tho. squatting in romaleos seems almost tweak my back again, I dont want to say its buttwink but thats what it feels like. squatting in flats feels alright.
daily me lads. paused deadlift and easy bench
workouts are getting harder though. also i hate barbell rows.
The human body is bizarre. Don't know what to tell you with that friendo, maybe Bulgarian it if the singles aren't bothering you? But could I get a picture of where it hurts on your back?
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no worries man. better than being told to fuck off and handle it myself in other threads lol.
its in the circled area, im not sure about what disk etc its called.

Mine sounds a lot like yours. first time tweaking it recently was squatting, then badly recently deadlifting too heavy too soon.

aware me on nerve flossing? what are some resources i can look into.

Thanks, mate. Think I'm trying to get my hips too low and it's pushing my hips forward. I think the shoulder thing is just a trick of the camera
That's very similar to where I got my bulging disc lad. I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor about it. Of course, my discomfort was closer to my spine, I actually thought it was my SI joint, but it was actually the disc right above that area.
If it's in the red circle, could just be a QL strain, which just requires RICE
lel that guy watching you record that bench like "wtf is dis nigga srs"

no no no no no don't spook me like this stop that is exactly where my injury hurts
Quadratus lumborum, a muscle in your lower back pretty much

quadratus lumborum

honestly dude go see a real doctor who is well versed in sports medicine. Don't trust a bunch of anon's and tripfags with what sounds like sciatica to me (2nd year med student)
This tbqh
a made a poopy in my diaper
This is pretty much where I fucked my shit up lad. If it really hurts there I would recommend seeing a doctor lad. Worst case scenario, you have it and can begin rehab immediately. Best case, you don't have it and its cleared from your suspicions forever.
Lol didn't read above where he said that it radiates to his hip/quad, my bad.

I'm seeing a sports physio soon.
Any rehab/exercises you'd reccomend or avoid for sciatica?
After some time and when I stretch lower body and foam roll it the leg pain tends to go away, I read that is tell tale of sciatica.
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Holy fuck. Rest days are amazing. Tomorrow's benching's gonna get wrecked.

On an unrelated note, my quads are randomly cramping when I straighten my legs. Thanks SSB.
what should I watch on netflix

I got my hot water and popcorn but can't decide on a movie
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Being in denial helps no one, least of all you. The good news is, if you aren't feeling anything run down your legs, and its completely restricted to that area, its most likely very mild.

I don't want to tell you it is a sciatica and have you do stretches and exercises for it because I'm only a second year and I don't know shit. I could be totally wrong

Just rest, no lifting until you see the doc. If stretching and foam rolling helps you then do that
>applied for transfer at two schools
>one on the beach is party school
>one right by super training gym in nice wooded area

Sitting in mid 180s rn if I get into the first I'm cutting down to 165s if I go to the second, bulking up to 198s, now it's up for fate to decide.
>tfw some mornings my left knee gets sharp pains when completely straightening it.

knee cancer pls
kek, kind of a cool situation to be in. jealous
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Lieutenant Dan, ice cream!.jpg
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I've got just the thing.
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are you feeling better yet, friend?
Yes I am, actually. Thanks for your concern. I'm pretty much done with my cold now, so I will be going to the gym tomorrow. Very fucking excited!
Lets assume it is.
Given the stretches for lower back pain and sciatica are very similar. It seems to be lots of quad, hip and hammie stretching
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Especially since dad was hurt early in year so his pay dropped by 45% since he couldn't work

>tfw estimated grant is $19k with $9k in subsidized loans and work study
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very happy to hear that, I know how shitty it is to be sick like that

what are you going to do at the gym tomorrow?

Yeah, no radiating pain, and I'm almost positive it's muscular in nature due to the weird crunchy bits that now exist.


Hope you get the comfy wooded area lad. PNW is in my blood.
>giving someone that got his legs amputated ice cream

ffs Forrest, diabetes just took his legs, the last thing he needs is ice cream
10% deload on pretty much everything, but squats, bench, barbell rows, face pulls, and some curls. Gonna finish up SS finally and then cut til I get abs on 3/5/1 BBB. Pretty damn hype desu.

Still would recommend getting an MRI if possible lad. It would only help.
>It would only help.

Because I'm in Canuckistan, the waitlist for a non priority MRI can be upwards of 18 months.


Just gonna train anyway.
It's ranked as 2nd best bicycle school in the states, comfy af, but santa barbra is nice, and has a great accounting program

I'll be happy with either one desu, plus I'm gonna be doing my study abroad stint in korea regardless.
Yep, that's the unfortunate downside to socialized healthcare. But as long as you aren't aggravating it you should be completely fine.
finally broke my losing streak on roll up the rim
new to /plg/ is c6w candito 6 week?

5'10 215

My current maxes are 300 bench, 400 squat, 500 deadlift. Im sure they would not count in a meet but for normies in the gym it counts, but I have just been doing PPL for about a year. (fuckaround itis for a couple years before that, I am not saying I got these lifts from 1 year of training)

would like to try an actual powerlifting routine for some time and see what my maxes are with some actual proper strength training.
>population lower than california
>wait list that long
fuck, I can't imagine how bad it would be in the states.

C6W goes hard at the squat and you might need to add some bench volume if it's not feeling like enough. Other than that I like it.
Very thankful medicine isn't completely socialized in the US yet, otherwise I would have been very fucked.
Its cause victoria is filled with a bunch of old fucks
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fuck lads, why does salt taste so good

nice nice mane, what is your rationale for switching to 5/3/1 after SS though?
not saying that anything is necessarily wrong with it, just I think it's fair to say that a lot more people go to TM or candito linear or something.

>new to /plg/ is c6w candito 6 week
yes, and in my experience, it has worked very well for me, as you can see.

what has your training been like in the last up until now?
>would like to try an actual powerlifting routine for some time and see what my maxes are with some actual proper strength training.

First thing to fix is this then:

>Im sure they would not count in a meet but for normies in the gym it counts


Ehhh, It's a double edged sword. People who actually need MRI's have almost a zero wait time, but I'm just some backyard weekend warrior, so I'm low priority.
ok, I would like to get my squat higher mostly, it is where I feel I have the most to grow, I have done 400, but I know I can do way more, the weight isnt the problem. like it doesnt feel heavy like
my deadlift and bench felt, like I have never failed a squat so I dont know my actual max, its just my form goes to shit so I dont want to hurt myself. Its easier for me to squat 225 then it is to do just be bar, like i need the weight to "crunch" me down, if that makes sense.

I was an all american d2 lacrosse player, so we did "weight training" in college but nothing like d1 guys do. But this is where I began to understand progressive overload.

I also had fuckarounditis in highschool with no idea what I was doing. but I was lifting, just not tracking anything so I would bench 155 the one day for 12, then forget how much I did and do like 135 for 12 the next workout, like this for all my lifts. Smith machine squats and deadlifts, the whole 9 yards.

Since graduating tho I have been pretty much doing PPL once a week, when ever I get a chance to go I just do the next workout, sometimes its 6 days in a row, sometimes its only 2 days in the week. trying to atleast do the previous time I did the same days weight.
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