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/plg/- Powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 391
Thread images: 49

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welcome to /plg/ - powerlifting general

>fap game edition

for the purpose of being a better athlete on the platform
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would be okay with everyone except isleys tranny gf
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rolling for trips
also thinking about doing a bench only meet in a shirt, how much would i have to bench at 242 for that to be considered respectful
Trips pls git
All those bitches are ugly as fuck

Reminds me why I'll never want to be a fat power lifter
>how much would i have to bench
doesnt matter its equipped, just start shouting at people
>you dont know how it works, you dont just put it on and magically add weight

or a favorite of isleys
>it doesnt even add any weight
242 isn't a weightclass so you'd be competing against lads that weigh 265lbs. Pretty tough, you might wanna cut to 231 or start bulking.
Rolling for trips

lolfed at least 200kgs, for reps, amrap, with a slingshot because it looks cool
>pulling sumo in socks
looks good though. think you can do it from the floor? blocks are pretty low.
post sparrow
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>decided to use knee wraps because aching knees
>finish working sets without breaking a sweat

Equipped lifting is great lads
Nice bar. It barely bends
If trips get you must print out a picture of Norsefat and cum on it
i need to get a 665kg total if i want to go to my countries nats meanwhile "men" in the US in my class only need to total like 450kg
Where you from
>knee wraps to help aching knees
yet another fucking retarded thing you can add to the list of retarded things you do
why are you so retarded?
probably sweden

everytime someone writes "my country" its sweden

swedes are like 40% of plg
Not like 0.1cm of cloth can stop 300kg of steel lel.
No way I could pull it from the floor, I think my max is around 270-275. Actually, I grinded the shit out of 270 in a mock meet 1 month ago, should be good for a bit more now
>list of retarded things

>seen's life
>seen's lifting accomplishments: (nothing)
>seen's daily routine
>seen's feet
Kek i feel you, my country's benchpress record for my weightclass is over 300kgs, i think its 320
Tendinitis senpai, not injury related.
lmao not to protect your feet but for stability. i push outwards when i pull so if i don't wear shoes i end up on the blades of my feet for some reason. very uncomfortable.
Fucking ihpone doesnt charge no matter what the fuck i do.

Ill have to spend the next days without a phone, how gay is that
and you think knee wraps fucking help tendinitis?
THE FUCK is wrong with you
do you just do things because they sound cool?
I get scared of my feet slipping to the sides and doing a split while the weights crush my legs If I pull sumo in socks.
its probably me all the time actually
i get bullied for being a swecuck so i just say my country
its only like 4 swedes here

what the fuck
how relevant

are you sure that's not equipped?
Going for mang's mom, dayum.
>ihpone doesnt charge no matter what the fuck i do.
I thought it was objectively the best phone?
Helping it? No.
Helping me finish my session, yes.
wait its only plgers commenting on that video
whats it a reference to?
I dont think so, i saw it a while ago.
Knee wraps helped loads with my tendonitis.
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>Helping me finish my session, yes.
that's not how you cure tendinitis though
>I get bullied for being a Swecuck so I just say my country

Absolutely pathetic. Real ashamed of you, my countryman. Also, this isn't /pol/. Who says swecuck outside of /pol/ and maybe /int/?
it's one of the old insta memes, back from the rolo19 days I think
I just don't wanna take time off, been making a lot of progress recently. I know it's retarded, but my knees don't hurt now.
I dont care about phone ratings, this shit doesnt charge and it sucks.

2016 and we cant build functioning phones, what a world.
Have you tried using sleeves instead? I've heard people say that helps, but I've never heard of anyone wrapping up for safety.
>I've never heard of anyone wrapping up for safety.
im not actually swedish im born in finland and my parents are ukranian/uzbek so im not so patriotic
Evens I sleep now
Odds I sleep i do what I want
Why are sumo block pulls so fucking awesome lads?
knee wraps are objectively dangerous and you're a dumbass if you think otherwise
Ah well, then it's fine.
>knee wraps are objectively dangerous
So is a dildo if used improperly. But you don't see me warning your mom.
Breaking-muscle is the reliable source you used to prove a point?

Don't wrap the patella tight, just use it to support the ligaments on the top and bottom.
seconding this!
it was the wrong article woops
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wish i had bought olympic equipment from day 1
have you tried initiating with hips though
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So my brotein powder and BroCAA expire this February and March, how long do you reckon they will still be good? Don't want to poop and puke my intestines out or sumthn.
"As a result of the reduction in horizontal movement, the researchers suspect that friction in the knee joint increases, leading to more wear and tear. "
>researchers suspect that
>researchers suspect

How much can you squat btw dude?
they're saying that less forward knee travel causes more wear and tear? isn't that the opposite of convention?
I read an article that cited a study on injury rate of squatters who use knee wraps on a regular basis and those who don't, the injury rate was much higher for those who used knee wraps
I can't find it now though
Hey facelad what do you think about singles program for deadlifts? I've got a novice DL, 160kg at 90kg, and I just started cuckols' 3x/week program. 15 heavy singles monday, 10 wednesday, 5 friday. Gradually going heavier then maxing on week3 friday.
thats not because of the knee wraps, its because people who use knee wraps are iron lyfe retard mongoloids
Be sure to pull all singles Haack style
it's from a documentary about powerlifting in prison
Where are the NUDES
what does that mean
Who is this? If you identify yourself I'll post them.
I'm anon.
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no matter how heavy it is
Bought BCAA on a whim in Sweden, regretted it while punching my card code...
Protein powder can be handy (a scoop in greek yoghurt, milkshake, oats, or just a quick shake as meal replacement when I don't have anything else), but this container was bought approx two years ago, so yeah,
What programs are you running that DL program with?
Imho, singles are good if you're trying to dial in setup and technique, but outside of that and high frequency programs I don't see any particular reason not to do reps.
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you pick it up like it's just groceries
Which anon? I need to make sure you've never bullied me before, then I'll post them.
sparrow pls. no bully. post her ig
I'm the one who always complimented you
You are so strong and handsome. Now pls post them.
How is he not in a wheelchair?
Chad genes
I have an entire folder of her nudes. I'm only gonna post them if you post a picture of yourself.
because he is not a beta male with inferior genetics
Tbf every one of these reps looked better than the other meet
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Sparrows nudes here you go boys
That's the mentally ill man who thinks his advice is good.
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don't bully
>What programs are you running that DL program with?
Squat and bench 3x/week
mon: 3x8
wed: 3x6
fri: 3x4
last set AMRAP

i did my 15 reps on monday, and i really felt that I was setting my technique and setup in stone, really nice feeling at the end reps. Think I should consider something different?
Who is this? Where can I find more of her?
Anyone here cut down from ~20% to ~10%? Just curious to hear how people's overall totals reacted to dropping weight.
rolling for sparrow/her ig again
I'm running the exact 3 programs. I'm going to stick with it for 3 weeks before trying to change something. Do it with me brah.
You could definitely do worse if you're pretty sure you want to get into powerlifting.
Super high rep RDLs lads.
I would fuck supermangs sister.
Would you be allowed to take an orange monster onto the IPF platform, drink it and throw the can to a lucky fan in the audience?
I could do with some triples
Rollin for trips
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Damn bros i caved in today. After 2 months off from pwos i bought 2 tubs today.

>gnc bogo sale 50% off
>hyde 60 scoop 56$
>second tub 28$
>manager bro discount -10%
>20$ if i spend 60 coupon
>$56 for 2 tubs
Oh Damn.... Isleys ex trap
110kg is a weight class?
i bench 190kg without a shirt i think i will go up more then 10kg without
i mean you cant just put one on and bench 300kg but yeah they do magically add weight
hello friend
what are your current lifts?

right now im around 120/90/160 at 90kg
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>it's an everything feels like dogshit episode
I did that for sq/bp, it was really fun.
110/113/150 at 86kg. Just started squatting and deadlifting a month ago.
>buying anything besides caffeine, fish oil, a multi, possibly creatine and MAYBE protein powder
eh, I'd fuck a hole in the ground at this point
>buying any supplement
>getting to bang norse

Preach, bruv
lucky bastard

also i buy citraline malate, beta aline in bulk. they do wonders
>Not wanting to get your sexy ass self
You were so close to trips too.

Oh well, hope I get trips
Nah, that is good. Had to ask to check that you're not combining a three-week cycle with a four-week cycle.

Considering the novice programs have you adding weight according to your number of reps, doing an unload after a stall won't do much.
Because of this and the cycle lengths, imho: if your bench stalls, move bench and deadlift to intermediate progressions. If your squat stalls, move squat and deadlift to intermediate progressions. If deadlifts stall, move deadlift to intermediate progression. In this last case, if you're in a deadlift cycle when squat or bench stall, you either a) deload squat/bench and wait to start the intermediate progression until you're done with your current deadlift cycle; b) restart deadlift cycle and start squat/bench cycle.

It won't hurt if you add some dips/pushups/OHP, pullups, cable/seal/machine/DB rows, and planks/leg raises/whatever core work to what you're doing, by the way. Nuckols hasn't listed any backwork or accessories in the programs you're doing, so you'll have to add it yourself. Three sets of about 10 reps per exercise is enough, two exercises per muscle group is maximum. Bench is one, then maximum one pushing exercise more. One back exercise may be sufficient but if you feel you recover from session to session you can try doing one more. If you do one back exercise per session, vary between vertical (pullups/pulldowns) and horizontal (rows) from session to session. If you do two back exercises per session, do one vertical and one horizontal.

Hope this helps. I have to go to bed now, but if you have any questions, just holla at me when you see me around.

Not enough volume.
Norse has Steatopygia but everywhere
>Not enough volume.

I prefer programming my sex life for specificity
actually just on my front stomach and sides. my ass is relatively lean

fuck volume

: ^ )
Rolling for 4 desu.

This desu.
not him but the program he described for s/b doesn't have a cycle, it's literally just 3x week LP adding weight based on AMRAP
roll 4 sparrow
Come oooon 4!
>Pitchfork the album is a 30 out of 10
Yes, but the intermediate programs are four weeks.
Who highbar offseason here?

well not really. after march 5th ayylmao
Just stretched my hip flexors for the first time in months, felt amazing
Is supermang still around? I haven't seen any of his shitposts in a while
such a miserable fucking thing


How useful is filming your work?
ay you got quads, that means you have to fap to everyone lmao

also can you post pics of your current gf with the son pls?
I film every warmup and work set of every session. I lift alone and have no proprioception, how am I supposed to check my back angle and depth on squat without it? Same for bench and dead. I'm a pathetic novice who will never be able to fix his form though.
>also can you post pics of your current gf
obviously there would be no malicious intent behind that
i don't even have a girlfriend any more desu

Super, super useful for self assessment.
So can we see pics of what she DID look like pls
No, FUCK OFF, we only want Sparrow nudes in this thread!
just link sparrows ig and nobody gets hurt
Well, I'm going to be dropping lowbar entirely from now on, so I guess I'm pretty close to that.
>tfw cutting
>tfw deadlift day
i forgot my gym bag AND i had to use the shitty giganticly wide, non-standard bar that has a microscopic smooth part w/o knurling and i was wearing shorts. so i had to choose between standing like dorothy with my heels together or scraping gashes into my legs. what should've been a relative easy top set of 5 was a 90%+ difficulty set of 2.
Why lad? Imo its so comfy.
The motor pattern is pretty comfy, but it fucks up one of my knees for some reason. My highbar max is only ten pounds less and doesn't cause pain.
Does it hurt? Feel weird? At what point does it get fucked up?

Caffeine pills alone make me nauseous:
Highbar is miles comfier
Low bar rack position is maximum comfy. High bar just doesn't feel all that great imo.
initiate with hips lad
I've got my first meet in 2 months, what program should I do lads?
Candito says to initiate the lift by breaking the knees.
Beginner, intermediate, advanced?

enjoy your knee cancer
Been making a half-assed effort to do it daily, been doing this most days
I think you should do what feels comfiest to you. I prefer to initiate with hips if its low bar and I initiate with knees for front squats.
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he lurks only from his phone and only when he is in an area with free wifi. his mother banned him from using internet because someone sent his mom some of his more energetic sperg outs where he's enflaming a bunch of anons. one of the screenshots sent was him telling some anon that he would rape his mom with his

>think veiny cock

while making him avert his gaze.

Mongs mum was not impressed
>A common movement fault when squatting (and the most common cause of knee pain) is initiating the descent by bending the knees. This creates a mechanical disadvantage, putting too much tension on the quads and thus the patella tendon (right below the kneecap). Instead, the squat descent should be properly initiated with the hips flexing and moving back, as if your were sitting in a chair. This loads tension on the hamstrings and glutes and allows the knee (a hinge joint) to move more freely.

they give me stress incontinence
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what about his half sister?
It causes pain and sensitivity in my right patellar tendon, along with a clicking when I extend my knee. Like I said, I'm not going to bother with it if highbar is nearly as strong and doesn't cause the pain.
I do (or at least I think I do).

I think the issue might stem from an inbalance/rotation somewhere. My right foot tends to point outwards a bit more than my left, and the ankle is angled a little differently.
kinda beginner/intermediate
Poor lad. I'm glad you at least have a good alternative.
It should 'properly' be initiated with both at the same time desu
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They look a little chunkier here but big tits and a cute face plus being able to say I fucked that degenerates sister.....
>source: some black guy in a garage
Sounds dumb. Spending an unnecessary amount of time bent over loading your erectors.
completely shit cues for a lowbar squat
Good thing I do hybrid squat.
>ryan doris
>some black guy

get out
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>when she pulls up her tights and it squishes her ass up and shows the outline of her underwear

fucking WEW
>ryan doris
>someone any of us has ever heard of before
>listening to some black bodybuilder

242 is a USPA weight class.
if you are squatting high bar masterrace break at the knees and just focus on pushing them forward desu
You mean focus on opening the hips.
i see you are new to ipf memeing
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Have any of you lads ever been told by some idiot at the gym that you're touching your chest too low on the bench press? I've gotten told that I need to squat high and bench with my back flat and always squat high bar, but the touch higher in bench is a new one to me.
so I just bought the sheiko app, it sorted me out and put me on intermediate large load.

the first workout has five triples on bench, a 5x5 of squats and then another four sets of six on bench, not even mentioning accessories... wtf

scroll forward a couple of weeks and there is a session with five triples on squat and bench, accessories AND THEN ANOTHER SQUAT 5x5. not to mention that very same weak has a deadlift session with two separate bouts of 4x4 at 75%-80%

please tell me this isn't a meme...
It's not a meme, it's Sheiko :)!
Single BEST first meet tip you can give me, ONLY top tier advice allowed
>he had no fucking idea
Yeah, I've heard that one.
"Stop belly-benching. It's illegal in most feds."
Fuck you, I'm fat and have long arms.

dont shit ur singlet, its expensive 2 wash
believe in urself
>190+ posts
>still no sparrow nudes
I really need to do this desu
sparrows IG pls, guys I want to quit shitting up your thread and I REALLY REALLY need a break from Trappy
I would recommend you to step down a notch and do intermediate medium load if you are new to this kind of volume
had a body fat check at the gym today. FFMI is only 20.7, why live lads.

This is good advice
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i want to have canditos babies

b a s e d

don't cut weight

pick your openers conservatively

bring some junk food to force yourself to eat

don't be amped up during the whole meet. There's a lot of down time. Go find a place to lay down, relax, and chill.

have fun, meet new people
Snort a shit load of ammonia before every lift. It did it for me. Prd clean and jerk by 5kg and clean by 8kg after losing 2kg of bodyweight in 1 week.
25.5 here
That can't be right

Food. Bring food, lots of good food.
>clean and jerk by 5kg
you are vastly underestimating your bodyfat
you also used steroids
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>junk food

no, bring bananas, powdered or liquid sports drink (ie gatorade) and some light food you know doesn't upset your stomach

and most importantly, bring a friend!
91kg at 6', with 22% body fat.

should probably just give up powerlifting and collect rocks or something.
Get the fuck outta here pretty boy
17% seems right

8. is clearly a man
Isley is clearly gay
You're at least 19%
R u stronger than me?
I got my body fat tested not very long ago at 15% and I wasn't significantly leaner

I don't get top abs above 16
487.5kg @ 66kg

whats your wilks, twink?
My Inzer belt finally showed up lads! It only took 8 weeks. It's gonna be a bitch to break in though.
tfw outurtled by a manlet twink.
You're at least 18%
put up or shut up

trip on durka durkz
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>Single BEST first meet tip you can give me


Seriously, make some real lifting friends to keep in touch with.

Leave this hell-hole of DYEL Sean and Panzers. Nothing good comes from here anymore.

Get out.
shut up you fucking insecure loser
Compressive force on a tendon helps it to recover according to a Physio I know, it helped my pec tendonitis a ton by wrapping it real tight with a voodoo floss band, so I imagine knee wraps can help with other tendons
>shut up you fucking insecure loser
See >>36025772
>hell-hole of DYEL Sean and Panzers
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>200lbx3 bench press
My bench was 152.5kg at 85kg
My highbar squat is 220kg at 94kg
And my deadlift was 235kg at 85kg
Also I don't train for powerlifting.

>calling anyone else a twink
See: insecure loser
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See: insecure pathetic loser!!
USPA? Is that some federation outside of the USA? Not familiar with all the foreign feds.
if you aren't over-tucking and don't have orangutan arms you shouldn't be touching THAT low, imo. might have some merit desu.
literally who
>over tucking

Get a load of this retard
enjoy your rom and lack of chest involvement
Wew lads it's retard hour rn
where's poutine?
>STILL no sparrow nudes
you... what? do you really believe its impossible to overtuck?
>over tuck

You're retarded lmao
i don't know what to say to this. do your elbows touch your rib cage when you bench? Please provide video would love to see how much you tuck with a competiton grip
You can't over tuck with a competition grip
please show a video of your bench friend.
That wasn't me
I'm simply saying overtucking isn't really possible
ok well you're wrong and you also aren't providing a video of your bench.

workout vlog-thing.
everything felt pretty easy today. i fucking hate front squats though and my right shoulder was killing me doing bench

I also miss rowing a little bit so i did a 500m erg piece
warning: pretty boring tBh
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squats continue to feel ezpz, considering raising my input max by like 5lbs or so

bench felt ezpz for the first time since my meet, which was nice

osgood-schlatters in my left knee started hurting a bit though towards the end. hopefully that dies down by wednesday (pic rlated)

oh shit that's where my knees always hurt/feel tender. what do i do?
I've had it literally since I was like 10 or so and I've always just ignored it until it goes away, and my knees still function fine.

I asked a doctor during a physical once and he pretty much told my that it's not a huge deal unless it starts hurting reaaaallllyy bad
No you're wrong
Your thoracic mobility is not good enough for a clean grip, just do crossgrip buddy.
yeah typically i just use straps but i was in a rush today.
well greg nuckols and bryce lewis say i'm right. so no you're wrong.
hmm ok i was always worried i was doing like irreversible tendon damage or something but it feels like the bone so i was confused.
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>200 word paper due tomorrow
>still haven't started
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Oh look a mentally ill faggot
>Greg cuckols

Now I KNOW I'm right
that's literally like a page or so, isn't it?

yeah, the way it was described to me was that your shinbone gets pulled slightly up or some shit, and it's really not going to have any long-term issues unless either it never goes away or starts hurting like a motherfucker. if either of those things happen, contact a doctor.
>posting blatant cultural appropriation
You're triggering me you shitlord. Think twice before posting that shit.
>10 words on what I learned due tomorrow
>still lurking /plg/
I'll never finish
>not knowing memes
>posting unfunny caps from /b/
Could you be any more reddit if you tried?
>tfw hypercritical of my form
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It is a weight class in pretty much every American federation other than the USAPL.
>It is a weight class in pretty much every American federation other than the USAPL

...uh, you mean like the feds for canada or central/south america?

i really don't follow you on this.
You blew it by not putting in inb4 Tbh
nah i'm pretty sure GBPF, PA, and every other fed have to follow the same weight classes so that records are uniform and stuff. Certain you're wrong here lad.
is bar to sternum too low
isn't the sternum a long bone that runs up your entire chest? That isn't really a good marker for height lad.
What about bar to belly button?
i mean the bottom of the sternum
Don't worry lad, joffrey is our residential moron
You cant unintentionally go to low "tuck too much"

And bar to position depends on how much you're arch is
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Well boys, I'm going to do it.

Managed a pretty easy 545 lb squat with great depth tonight, even with my wahlander belt thats too big.

pretty big weight off my shoulders, no pun intended.

>tfw squat 60kg after 1 year lifting because lumbar moving from slight extension to neutral in hole is unacceptable to me
>tfw not Clarence
Good for you Norse, you're a sikkunt and an inspiration to all of us.
what engraving did you get on your belt?
Hey /plg/, can I get a deadlift formcheck? (I know it's from the front but whatever you can see)

Did my last OHP for a long time today lads.
lmao ok.
i typically touch just below my nips but that will change depending on arch, grip width, and arm length.
G-guys.... is Duffin a neo nazi?

Hurt yourself or what?

Hey man I like ohp still

Only glaring issue is that your legs are inside your hands. Typical beginner problem
You ever see any minorities on his channel?
>Hurt yourself or what?

No, I'm just sick of the movement, and I needed to free up a slot for CGBP which I've really been enjoying.


>Typical beginner problem
i mean you can like it all you want it doesn't make it useful for powerlifting :^). I think its an unfair bias on my part honestly. my shoulders are pretty shitty and i always end up getting nerve or lumbar pain when i do it, so it definitely isn't worth the marginal results for me.
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I'm counting it. I think it might be a PR but I could be wrong. I lost my PR book ):

can u post a pic of ur nipples for a refernce
Thanks fat ass
wanna tell us how much weight it is now?
Is that 455? Nice.
>fat ass
can't you count?

I wish m8 I wish.
Don't tell the bully above.
You're saying I should pull sumo?
ahhahahhahah is this your first month at the gym? my sides
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>NAD is catchin up to me
Hurry up and git gudder. Me and Avon are gonna party at nats 2017 with or without you m8. It's in quebec city.
how close are you to turtling the mong?
Sigh, rolling

Fuck, I love QC. Don't think I could possibly qualy for nats in my first year tho.

>Qualifying total for Men's open 93kg at nats is 605kg
that's how i feel about both of you tBh
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>highbar memers
>fed memers
>specificity memers
>sumo memers
All this memetastic shitposting and no love for the superior sithlord bar? Am I gonna have to zap a bitch?
how would you go to nationals? you're dyel
right below my nipples is on the same line as the bottom of my sternum desu
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Technically I failed in my boast. Also depends on what we consider his total. But as of right now my deadlift is 0, so I have a long road ahead.


nice. Get at her tiger.
Was that Webm pulled from AvE? God I love his videos.

y-you can do it.

what's your total again?

cause you can be DYEL and still qual for nats as a Jr.
I was qualed to go this year desu.

I totaled 510 while injured. I took three weeks off deads and I'm moving onto Sumo, so let's all pray that I can sort my shit out.

And I would feel awful going to nats having JUST qualified, know what I mean? I don't want to take an actual strong lifter's spot. Maybe 2017.
>I don't want to take an actual strong lifter's spot. Maybe 2017.
M8 there is no cap for nats. you're not taking anyone's spot. and 2017 is what i'm talking about. 2016 nats is literally going on right now in regina.

You've literally got 1 year to get your shit straight.
couldn't use the sithbar this week :(. Hopefully next week. had to replace it with super shitty front squats

Fuck, I knew nats were on right now, I am derping hard. My eyes are on Provs first, and sorting out my injury before that.
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>I have a long road ahead
we all do lad, keep at it
>Was that Webm pulled from AvE? God I love his videos.
>not doing SSB front squats
Shh bby, is k. I crucified my sets today, plg gets credit for SSB squats this week.

That canuckistani is asking to get zapped though, quitting pressing and deadlifting.
You need to compete at western's this year in order to qualify for nats 2017. And then you can just total 605 in any local meet to hit the qual standard. Westerns is in Kelowna I think. It's usually in Alberta or BC, so this year is the best year for both of us. I need to go as well.

goood, good.
thanks for having my back friendo. OHP is still a meme though.

Bitch try zapping me I'll just get my dad to kill you and then I'll train his grandson and he'll kill like my bestfriend but that's neither here nor there.


Fuck, I love Kelowna, any reason to get into the interior is always a jam.
what fed?
I did a 3x3 at 90% of my 1RM for bench press today. I could only get 2 sets, the last set I got 2 reps. Am I being a little bitch?

Is there anything you don't love?

but yeah, would seriously consider hitting up westerns this year, even if you don't make nats 2017. You just need to go because it's a "semi formal" meet and they want you to go to a "semi formal" meet before nats, so nats isn't a shit show with athletes not knowing what the shit they're supposed to be doing on the platform.
>Is there anything you don't love?


I fuckin hate Jello.
you nazi.

get out
Just memeing

But yeah if you haven't given it a try in earnest you should
I've literally only gone back to barbell pressing the last two workouts. Not even OHP, Z presses. But the press's sheer cool factor dwarfs any possible lack of usefulness.

>implying I'm Sidious
>implying I'm not Maul
>implying I'm not just going to look cool, put an end to Taken 22: Naboo Boogaloo, and get cut in half to become the ultimate bench specialist
>implying Vader would back you up in the first place after you gave up on deadlifts
You know what I meant. The United States of America is the only country that has "America" in it's name. What else am I supposed to say? United Statesian?
>I've literally only gone back to barbell pressing the last two workouts. Not even OHP, Z presses

What? OHP and presses are the same thing.
did you not read the letter Z there, lad?
there's only one fed per country.
for example: USAPL, CPU, PA, GBPF

>implying my injury isn't exactly like my hand being cut off
>Implying when I pull sumo tomorrow it won't be like my training on Dagobah
Someone pls reply, I'm so lonely
Z presses aren't normal OHPs, brochacho. They're performed differently, approximately seventeen times harder, and imbue you with the strength of long forgotten lithuanian pagan gods.

>implying you're not just going to end up standing around on a shitty island on an ocean planet looking senile as fuck

They should make Luke a bad guy in the next one.

Benching is silly. Just do spoto presses and use the slingamajig like the cool kids.
you should probably be able to do 3 triples at 90% if you took long enough breaks.
Dude he featured Leroy Walker pretty extensively on his channel like 4 weeks ago, check his instagram. Also I remember he had a pic with a black friend at the Highland Games or something. We all have our prejudices, but I don't think he's a Neo Nazi lol
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saddest episode, lads. His narrative voice is beautiful.

Nn lads.
>can't watch in your country
>muh land of freedom
>approximately seventeen times harder
Top kek m7

3 reps at 90% should be around rpe10 so no, you are decidedly not a bitch

In that respect at least
>implying you're not just going to end up standing around on a shitty island on an ocean planet looking senile as fuck

Motherfucker, this is me irl
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Big Z's Dynasty.jpg
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Tbh they wouldn't be named after the patron saint of pressing if they were only sixteen times harder.

And now I'm wondering what my normal press is these days.

You brought it on yourself by giving up on two of the coolest lifts. There's a way out though, friend.

k I only took a break from deads tho cause I fucked my back up good and proper.
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gnight lads.
This is like the 6th thread I've seen this in, please stop jerking yourself off
I think he's meming you because you're switching to sumo

sumo doesn't count in strongman
Expiration dates on food products are literally only regulated on baby formula. Everything else is just a best guess or trying to get you to chuck out early and buy more
>breads still good when its blue
holy fuck

havin a wank
>thinks visual/olfactory cues are the same thing as arbitrary printed labels
Anon pls
Am I the only one put off by the thought of some gigantically overweight ginger beating his tiny dick naked, sweaty looking like image related in the OP?
and what I mean by this is when Im fucking TOLD he's doing it here
those labels are pretty darn accurate, always within a day or on the day the bread will have signs of mold
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my dick is huge tho
No. Tbh I find it comforting.
I've never seen a fat person with a big dick before
honestly it just doesnt happen
How big lad? I gotta know, purely for research purposes, of course. :^)
>i've never seen a million dollars

not on your life m80
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>my dick is huge tho

gonna have to give us the specs if you say that
Damn, foiled again!
are you bi or gay, lad
Bisexual. Prefer women though, and have a gf. Also super picky with guys.
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proprietary, soz senpai
Bet it'd look bigger at 105 :^)
20cm length x 15cm girth
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I think dick size will be on the next /plg/ survey.
>what is confirmation bias?
My point is that there's no actual regulation on those dates. Whether the dates printed on your bread are accurate as best as you remember, there is no agency in charge of verifying the accuracy or validity of them.

And I've had bread a week after those dates without a single discolored or fuzzy spot, and I've had milk go bad before opening a fresh jug a week before the printed date. Your mileage may very.

As for BCAAs, there's no point buying them when you already take a whey supplement. And whey keeps pretty much until it smells funky. Sometimes up to 6 months after the printed date.
Good thing it's anonymous desu
Link to this survey?
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>flats : 40%+

who tf squats in flats in /plg/? was this survey done before isley learned?
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thats not usage, thats ownage.

this is usage.
what was the average turtle,
>179cm and 89kg

we really need to start eating and growing
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turtle is pic related
>800kg total

russian drug lord iirc, might've said he was a single ply lifter tho
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what am I looking at.png
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there wasnt one. i accidentally made a bin for ity when making the histograms.

i think that got left out. sheet says max was 774?
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>years lift : <1
>wilks : 400+
will be happy if i hit 350 wilks within 3 years. Some people are crazy.
>9 300kg pullers
Wow, what? How many of those are anon from /fit/ who used pounds?
mmmm i think thats 250 - 300 senpai.

there are 14 that can lift >up to 250, and 9 that can lift >up to 300
sorry wrong wording. can lift between 250 - 300
It clearly says 'time powerlifting'.

I loltrained my way to a 400 wilks in 2.5 years with ~2 months of powerlifting. But it would be stupid to ignore the lifting prior to competing in the sport.
But this is Norway, man.
Tfw at work and can't /haveawank/
>tfw roommates
Shit senpai I remember that.

Worst feel.

Like the time he was drunk and invited three roasties back when I was playing vidya on my laptop


He actually said sorry the next day
I own adipowers but Im trying a cycle of C6W in flats and feel super comfy. Dont know what to think
Am I retarded for thinking a program I made for myself based off linear periodization, prilepins chart, block periodization, etc will work for me? It seems everybody is doing someone elses program or template.
Nah, but if you're pretty new you're likely better off on something premade imho.
Been lifting for a few years, yolo'd to intermediate and made a few gains on Texas Method but it wasn't for me. Been researching for a couple months and finally threw something together. I'm not new but I'm in no way advanced or super experienced. Just wanted to try my hand at programming because I feel like it's better to learn how to build an effective training cycle earlier rather than later
I like it when my female roommates bring over chicks, free mires everytime :^)
Then I think you'll be fine.
It just seems that everybody suggests DUP as opposed to a traditional Linear model, but I don't think using programming that advanced at this early of a training age will benefit me in the long term. I also don't understand how to peak using DUP or how the progression week to week even works, but that's a different discussion entirely
so... is patrick kill?
>people on this forum take lifting advice from this man
holy fuck he pisses me off.
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