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>sub 10% body fat how does it feel to drown in pussy?

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>sub 10% body fat

how does it feel to drown in pussy?

no one on /fit/ does it for the pussy

boypussy maybe
boipucci* you retard
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>Be < 10% body fat
>Still have no cheakbones
I'm not going anorexic I'm small enough as it is
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I'm getting anxious just thinking how much work maintaining that would take.
this dude probably takes some roids to stay that lean
>tfw when even at not all that low level of BF% my face looks unaesthetic and gaunt

I'll trade bro
I'm 6%, still as socially retarded as ever :/ why do you think I'm hear senpai?
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>no cheakbones
> < 10% body fat
pick one
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/fit/ says you can't get sub 10bf% if you're bigger than an ottermode
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Not a pic of me but it happens
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for modelling, yes
for getting girls, not entirely
Compare his wife to a sports star's gf (obviously money helps)
I unironically have more facial definition than him at over 20% bf, poor bastard
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After 4 years of lifting I came into a conclusion. if you are autistic with no game, you wont get any pussy no matter how good you look.

To all those who hope that lifting will get them grills, work your way out of your autism also, lifting is just a tool that will make girls notice you more. But they wont come straight up to you and ask you to fuck them.

pic totally related
>But they wont come straight up to you and ask you to fuck them.

if you're not retarded on tinder and not DYEL they will.
Honestly, all you have to do is hit that level and get your tinder pics taken. Unless you're regularly going to the beach, when is that level of definition going to be necessary?

Gold diggers are basically whores broski
Rather fuck a 10/10 gold digger than 5/10 peasant
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>On tren
>Go to club
>Just stand there and girls keep approaching asking to dance
>9.75/10 comes and ask's to dance
>say "no thanks, I was about to go home"
>she says she wants to come
>take cab together and clab dem cheeks hard
>tell her to leave the next morning because I have a workout to do

they really should market tren as Alpha in a bottle.

I used to be a kissless virgin before steroids and now I actually have to reject girls I would have gave anything to be with before.
I just finished my 4 week dbol kickstart of a 16 week test-E cycle and I'm about to add tren a for 6 weeks. I'm a hugless virgin at the moment. Hopefully I'll make it ;3

that looks like a body you can achieve natty, altho you got lucky with that jaw and scruff. nice

Are you assuming a handsome face will only attract ugly girls?

Money will land you a cuckold relationship or a one night stand with a hole in the condom
bruh it makes you smell weird. not good or bad just weird. but it makes chicks instantly wet. all i have to do is brush past them and there hooked. one thing i'll recommend is work up just a tiny sweat before you go out. whether u drive with the heat on 90 or do some pushups before you go out. whatever works. you'll notice a difference.
thats not me. im way more cut and the tren burned all the fat off my jaw/face so my jawline is about the same. people say its all face but idk the first thing they do is grab my arms when they meet me.
chill there senpai, we dont need to advertise everyone being alpha, then there would be no room to be alpha
yea no one should take tren lightly by the way its a hell of a fuckin ride and some people just straight up cant handle it.

You expect them to grab your face?
whats your dosage?
>thinking this is <10%
idk every once in a while ill be in the college bar part of my town and girls will come stumbling out and grab my face and start making out with me. happened the other night actually to me and my buddy.
I've been on Tren-E for some time now and it's glorious. Like I said in the first response to this thread, it makes you release some strange ass pheromones. When it happened to me the first time I started using tren, I thought I was just sweaty or some shit and took a shower. Just a minute or so later, I smelled like it again. I was like, "wtf this is gross." It's not that it's a bad smell, it's just strange.

But apparently it has some crazy effect on women. Seriously. They smell you and they crave you like you can't even imagine. Once it happens, you realize why Zyzz had it so easy. You realize all that shit about "hurr only ugly girls approach" is just bullshit. Sure, if you were a normal dude, hot girls wouldn't approach. But not even hot girls can resist the smell. All you gotta do is get them to walk by you, maybe brush past them as you head to the bar in a club, they will follow you. It hooks them in, they will crave your penis.

Tren truly is the nectar of the gods.

Alcohol brah
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Damn shit, is this you?
im 6'5 and around 220. have a super defined jaw thanks to tren. zero face fat so i have that indented look. and my body is j skywalkler ish.
post pic of you?
lets say i have 25% bf, how hard would it be to lose that %15 with a daily hour of swimming a mile?

not asking how long, just how difficult
Man, that's perfect. I was hoping Tren would help me with the fat on my face. I'm currently 200 13% bf 6'2".
i think its the only steroid that will actually burn fat directly. i thought jumping on 500 test-e would help and it did. strengthened the hell out of the jaw and made it look good. tren absolutely blew me away though.
>destroying those arms with shithouse tattoos

Fuck the 90's mang, Everything I see from that era of history makes me sad.

Can you send me a bottle of your sweat? I'll pay for it.
>confirmed virgin
>Fuck the 90's
Fuck you. best decade for music, anime and videogames.
Shit tribal tattoos are also less shit than shit sleeves.
What if I care about living past 35 and aving a working dick?
Before you say I am a clueless natty I am on a small dose of test
the longer you stay on the longer your gonna need to give your PCT to kick in.
Its your choice man. The benefits don't outweight the risks imo.
you can be bigger than 95% of people drug free
Bigger than 99% of people on a small dose of test
I genuinely think tren makes you too big and I'm on a light dose of steroids because natural is too small for me

Still drown in pussy because I'm 6'3 215 pounds
Feels good man. Bitches mire and men respect me and are friendly with me
>being this deluded

at 6'3" you'd be knee deep with the amount you get

(just kidding senpai)
>anime and video games
I will give you that.
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>mfw I'm at a party and a 6.5/10 hits on me

God damn you guys make me want to roid so bad but I'm scared it will fuck my hormones up since I'm only 19
Unless you take your shirt off you are at a major disadvantage
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Just remember where you are
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and you still live with your parents

Just keep lifting naturally and keep researching then, and when you feel ready then yay for you. No need to think negatively.
Tren would be a miracle drug if it wasn't for the sides. Really. Your sleep becomes SHIT. Your sex drive becomes debilitating. No joke. And your personality becomes snappy and unempathetic. I can't recommend it to anyone who isn't a pro bodybuilder.
those lower ab veins make me think pic is like 6-7%? that 3% difference is a lot. What does 10% actually look like?
Ik this situation, happened at a concert recently. Instead of engaging with them I just act autistic and go th..thanks

This. I am 20 and just lifting hard and eating big. Waiting to be old enough and have enough money to support it.
You're 19. You're pretty much still a child, no offence. Your body is still growing and you can make crazy gains without roids, utilize it, eat a lot and train hard. Roid in a few years, you have plenty of time.
>at 9-10% bodyfat
>still 100% autistic

Low bf doesnt cure autism, so no pussy for me.

Not for sustained periods of time unless you inject your "supplements"
>how does it feel to look like you don't lift in clothes?

fixed it
>get tons of mires at uni anyway
>can't do shit bc of senior high school gf
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>tfw good body, and people tell me I should model because of my face.
>Still spill spaghetti around girls.
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Bear mode is the new sub 10% bf.

Pic related, me and my body get lots of pussy
What age should I permabulk up to?

If you are truly an autist like me you are incapable of even figuring out when any human being likes you, let alone girls.

So this is correct. We are doomed my friends.
>tfw hanging out with a friend, and he sees a girl he used to have class with.
>5mins later she messages him on facebook trying to ask if I was single.
My brain just wouldn't let me go through with it.
you're about 11-12% you fucking moron
Because you are betreten ottermode and dyel bruh, there are countless guys looking like you and its nothing special like OPs pic


Pure shit compared to OP tho

Bruh... have you tried going to a club. Let me give you a tip, stay until about 1AM... most chicks will get there around 11-12... drink for an hour and by 1AM they are "tipsy" find a group of girls and just walk by with your shirt off and I promise you, they will literally ask to go home with you. Perhaps not in those exact words "take me home and fuck me" but legit it'll be something like "what are you doing later"
Nah, he's around 15%. It gets harder to tell with things like visceral fat when you have a lot more muscle mass.
My brother has full visible abs like that at 6'0 220lb.
What are the negative side effects of tren?

Is there anything I can go on that isn't going to fuck with my dick and balls?

What is the point in getting big if you can't get hard srs


fuccboipucci* FTFY frendirino
Insane dreams. I woke up once and threw my covers off me because I thought an alien was abducting me.
Increased aggression. Snappy attitude. If you're already bad in this regard, it gets much worse. If you're docile, you'll get an edge.
Sex drive that's out of control. Fapping 5 times a day is common.
Hair loss (if you're predisposed).
Progesterone gyno (rare but happens).
Tren dick (raised prolactin makes your dick not work). Doesn't go well with an insatiable sex drive.
Heightened (see: unwarranted) confidence.
That level of body fat won't get rid of the gyno.

Only money will.
If you get far enough to where a girl will see you shirtless, and you look half decent, it won't scare the girls away unless you have it real bad.

Erm sorry to disappoint but lifting is a tool to get you bigger and stronger.
I'd rather not have it at all.

Supposedly some medication helps but I really doubt there's anything that will make it smaller.
Nolvadex keeps estrogen from binding to breast tissue, and then there's letro which will nuke your estrogen levels. Try a month of some kind of nolvadex protocol, and save letro as a last resort.
It might not get rid of it, but it can at least make it smaller.

>implying girls want anything bigger than ottermode
>in a music fest
>drunk dancing and fucking around
>german qt3.14 around 6' big boobs and no bra approaches and starts talking
>autism intensifies but not /fit/ autism
>hitting on me hard
>5 min later we're making out and she obviously wants to go to a tent
>say "I'll see you after the gig"
>not even look for her
>mfw I don't even lift
>mfw I'm 6'4"
> mfw you only need not to be a manlet and not too autist
I rejected her because I have a gf and I'm a man of my word
>when will they learn
>meet a girl
>5 min later we're making out
>I have a gf and I'm a man of my word
Yeah, right.
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>Man of my word
>Making out with festislut

Oh boy


I'll pass then. I dont need any help being a complete cunt.
Yes I am Miran
Is that a JUDGE tattoo?

is this chest natty achievable?
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>everyone falling for this
Reddit really infested this place, sadly.
Look at the filename, he has downloaded this picture from 4chan if he actually took it it would be named something else DSC_0012 or something similar.
Also noticed that as well.

Bringin it down!
I have cheekbones at 18 and hollow cheeks starting at 20. Mad?
Jesus fuck.

Where I live in Brazil, if you look like that and don't go to a fight gym, you would literally be a waste. Every MMA kid trying to make it would drag you there to fight you.
>tfw sub 10% because skelly
Should I just fuck around with an ab routine, get visible abs and get grils? All I read on this board is how lifting won't fix your life/face/autism bullshit. Not very appealing.
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I thought that was a meme with humans.
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