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/fraud/ general

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Thread replies: 332
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Generally conversing frauds.

Natty grills edition

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Anyone know of any good low stim pre workouts? I know about Dr Jekyll.
You should put the word roid or steroid in the OP otherwise people start making other threads to ask questions about steroids. New friends don't know that fraud=steroids
Hi welcome to fraud. If you've never been here before you're probably here to ask a really dumb question. Thats ok. Go ahead and google it. Now that you've ignored me and not gone ahead and googled your question, let me answer it for you.
1) No, an oral only cycle is not a good idea. Go ahead and google it and you'll find out why.
2) If you're looking for a steroid source, then you'll need to refer all your Steroid Source Talk to reddit. Go ahead and google that too.
3) Yes, sarms do shut you down. The only one worth using is LGD. You're gonna wanna google that.
4) Will you lose all your gains off cycle? Only if you don't google that question bud.
5) Yeah, you do need pct. Thats a google away.
At this point you're probably thinking well hey, I didn't google anything at all so I'll probably just ask it here because I wasn't spoon fed the information. Thats great. But before you do, go right over to google and punch in your question.
New friends can fucking leav
>Satan trips
At least he got fraud in there. It could have been worse.
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I figured the pic would kinda infer the topic too.
how long can I 'blast' 500mg Test/wk before i stroke out?
Just try it and have your coroner post the results for us senpai
Enjoy your osteoporosis, LOL
Potentially indefinitely. Course you could grow bitch tits and get hit by a train on 250.
iight ty familiar
There are people that cruise on 500 mg so forever if you can?

ive been on 500mg for 21 weeks with no sides. Only dosing AI once a week. I've got 8 vials of test 250mg/ml. lets go.
anyone prefer to date asians over other races? 80% of my dates/fugs last 6 months or so has been asian only, and im actually really into them, and i dont kknow why. my asian male friend called me racist the other day because of this. am a fuckin racist fraud?
I'm lost, is there a subreddit for steroid sourcing? /steroids/ does not allow source talk.
no your friend is just a jealous cuck who's mad that you're desecrating all the asian girls.
Your asian friend is the racist, and a jelly faggot. Lose him.
We can't have source talk here. Got to sst sub reddit for that
Asians are great and there are a number of people who agree here
what kind of AI and how much?
Let us know how if goes for you. If you've been doing fine for 21 weeks, you'll probably be fine indefinitely.

Sounds like he's jelly.
It's been like a week and a half
I remember some stories lol.

Women are fucking weird man.
God damn

Can you stop posting this shit disclaimer every thread?
Look at what happens!

>discussing dating of different races instead of steroids

What is the point of making a thread at all if all you say is "Google it."
What's the point of starting a thread???

Fuck me
weird thing is he picks up asians frequently as well. guess hes just fucking racist then, annoying the shit out of me
aromasin. 12.5mg once a week.
>suicidal inhibitor master race
>implying that doesn't happen every thread anyway
>implying the disclaimer doesn't lead to less un answered questions which leads to less moaning and crying from the people who have un answered questions
Opinions on DML niggas????
23 too young to start taking Test E?
Sorry m8. Don't know shit about date management languages.
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what happened to him omg
No but it can be argued that 25 is safer. how long have you been lifting for?
the tren hurt his ability to do crossfit
About 5 years. I fell off for about a year and started back about 8 months ago. Strength is back to normal Bf is probably around 19 to 22 though. 6'4 255
That's 5 years not counting the year off..
I'd probably do a natty cut before jumping on. Lower body fat means less estro sides. That and the gains while bulking on your first cycle are great.
>Lower body fat means less estro sides
I did a 500mg test e cycle @ 23% fat and had 0 sides
there are absolutely no individual differences
Asians gross me out. I don't understand why everybody lives them so much.
>blurred porn
>smell terrible
>teeth worse than england.
>smell bad
>stinky Vagoo (this has to be true)
>Wierd obsession with cartoons
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only white girls tbH
since tren is basically modified deca, are dosages similar? Or should I respect how chemistry works and treat it differently?
If true then it means the Internet has surpassed 'the pros' in tren knowledge

More likely he's eating whatever and training whenever.
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His Test U seems overpriced.
Tren is a monster.
tren is a whole different beast from deca friend. prepare yourself for the harshest steroid.
Make yours 15 bucks
But just think how few sides you would have had it you cut first.

I've yet to run any ai, other people grow bitch tits at 200mg/wk. Erry body's different.
0 sides that you noticed

Don't forget about shit like water retention and moodiness breh
Lel, I think 18's good enough m8.

Just order 17 if you want that price.
fug, my heart
Don't go by derivatives.

Just because they're both 19nors means nothing.

In alot of ways tren behaves like a dht

Read up more on the science of tren
this. also, you can bulk on cycle without worrying about getting too fat.
Is Jessica alba white?
3weeks of dnp 200mg day or 2weeks as 4days 200 10days 400mg? Running 1k deficit.

Jesus christ, is 900 happening this week. Back to the washer and dryer cycle it seems lmaoo.
>0 sides that you noticed
The "sides" I had was PIP, horny, minor confidence boost, and worrying about getting gyno.
no she is a latina
wait, do "white" people in america have brown eyes?
Some yes. A light brown/hazel is more common i guess
Can't say I look in to many peoples eyes so this is from friends, family and work colleagues
I already called 2 weeks

Who wouldve thought that kid in his basement wouldve ever gotten his deadlift close to 900
I certainly prefer asians, but im not white so idk how well thats gonna go for me
Why are my nips sore on 600mg tren e and 250 test e?!
Is it possible to aspirate during a delt inject?
Do you do it?
I do it.
how many ml do u pin?
I feel like you should know this already
Google gyno while on tren and read up
Juicin J is being accused of exiting on SST.
Delts I can handle up to 2-2.5
I'm running caber. I'm hitting it with letro now to kill it with fire and adding mast to the cycle.
For what purpose
who is that?
What's a good test booster?
He isn't. He said he emailed everyone in the last thread
fucking retard
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this is an old one from my first cycle
There is no such thing. If it is legal and claims to boost test either
-it doesn't do shit
-it will soon be illegal so buy tons of it

If you want to increase your test inject it
to help ensure I'm not in a vein
> its outdated
On what basis? It can help ensure you're not in a vein, and doesn't do much if any harm at all.

humans have evolved since the 1960s to accommodate for injections. Our veins have been re-mapped to avoid ever being hit by a needle. aspirating is outdated and obsolete.
I'd pretty much tell you to do the same thing you're already doing.

Crashing prolactin helps big time
>can't even into green text
>calling someone retarded

Knowing how to locate where to pin is far far better and easier than aspirating also this >>35934028
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>humans have evolved since the 1960s to accommodate for injections. Our veins have been re-mapped to avoid ever being hit by a needle. aspirating is outdated and obsolete.
Nurses don't even aspirate any more and it's not taught to new nurses anymore too iirc
>>>3593>3977>>> (You)>
>>can>'t even in>to g>reen text
>>cal>ling> som>>>eo>ne reta>rded

Doesn't change the fact that your a retarded.
Really? There's not a single nurse on earth that aspirates any more?
Would you bet 10000000000$ on that?

fuck it if we're gonna get down and dirty let's make it USA's entire GDP
Wow m8, no need to exaggerate, noone has that amount of money
This is hilariously untrue
No because I would put myself into retarded levels of debt
Of current nursing staff in developed countries that share in the same protocols as my country, yes from what I remember it is no longer done or taught. Old school nurses might still do it because it is hard set into their methods but they are not supposed to any more
Why the fuck are we discussing this?

Aspirating is harmless, and it may show you've injected wrong, which helps you.
Don't do it if you don't want to.

I asked a nurse and she does it.
>Take home: aspiration is NOT needed for IM injections if proper technique and location is used EXCEPT for the dorsogluteal site where it should be used.
thats not truthful
>Take home: aspiration is NOT needed for IM injections if proper technique and location is used EXCEPT for the dorsogluteal site where it should be used.
>if proper technique and location is used

hate to break it to you, but none of us have received training in IM self-injections
>it should be here
>oh no blood, guess it's safe to inject this underground chemical I bought in an ally then
whats a dosage you think I should up to? I was just doing .5 ed
I do it because when injecting tren, its nice to try to avoid tren cough... even test cough. So yes I think aspiration is still needed.

I think most people just hate having needles in them so they don't want to spend extra time aspirating.

I aspirate every time I pin quads but probably once i move to delts I won't just because it's a bit more of an awkward angle.
meh once its in its in. But yeah aspirating the delt is very odd because you have to do it one handed. But i getrdone

Holy shit what are you doing

.5 e3d is a perfect dose

Caber is strong stuff
Is roidsmall a reliable source?
Didn't realize you're doing ed. Jesus.

You sure your caber is legit?
It's def underdosed, it's from an rc. My supplier that's in my state doesn't have pharma in stock. Having to suffer with this shit. It's more like eod. Doesn't hit me like it did last time. It used to make me feel all fuzzy and kind of light headed, lul me into a sleep almost but now this crap isn't doing anything. I think my digestion is fucked from the t3 tho also. Ugh fucking this cycle up.
I just finished 21 days of DNP
5 @ 250mg
13 @ 500mg
3 @750mg

So worth it.

what's your cycle currently?
600mg tren e, 50mcg-100mcg t3 ed, 250 test e, was also using mtren pwo but my digestion is fucking up so I stopped. Gonna switch to dbol which arrives today and add 300mg mast per week unless I can stomach adding more, I might do 450.

i'm sure your joints are loving you right now.

i'm on 400 tren e 200 test e. How are your tren sides from 600? I'm throwing in 50mg tren A (finaplix :) ) in the last 20 days. Not getting any gnarly sides unlike my first tren cycle and it's actually bumming me out a little bit.
I'm taking some Lgd 4033. Thing is I just got the raw powder, I have a milligramscale so measuring is fine but should I be putting in some kind of liquid/oil before ingesting or will capping do the trick just fine ?
what kind of AI helps if you get gyno on Tren?

>getting gyno on something that doesnt aromatize.

take aromasin or arimidex.
joints were really killing me for a bit but then all of a sudden here comes bloat and here comes nips hurting... no more joint pain.
But I have animal flex i can load up on if I need to lol. My sides have been hit and miss with 600, not many sides at all.. insomnia like a mofo, went to sleep at like 5am last night, I take zzquil every night and it doesnt do shit.
It doesnt hit like ace thats for sure. I dont get sweats, instead ill just get heat flashes where im hot as fuck all of a sudden or ill be really cold. Weird cycle.
if your scale is accurate then its fine to just cap it. Capping that small of powder is a bitch tho.
Smh NEVER buy this crap for important drugs.

Pharma is easy enough to get and you won't have any of these issues.

I'm almost certain now that your issues are stemming from bunk drugs
Thanks, I weigh it on top of a small paper then fold it and scratch the cap over it, to get everything inside, makes it pretty easy.
not him, unrelated, seeing as how you're probably one of the more knowledgeable people here

would it be advisable to run tren on my first cycle ever?

Something like 300mg/week test e 400mg/week tren 12.5mg ED aromasin?
jesus christ man..
holy fucking shit. i was just watching this video about body transformations


the first guy in the video. WHAT THE FUCK?

like who the FUCK would do that to themselves? Why would ANYONE get synthol? it is fucking disgusting

I know exactly what you mean man. My first tren cycle I had crazy night sweats every night and an absurd libido. I would jack off at least 5 times a day and it'd get to the point where i'd come but nothing comes out.

This time it's mainly just the insomnia as you mentioned. I go to bed at 2 and wake up at 5 to start my day. I don't really mind it as long as I can continue to progress in the gym. I partially enjoy it because it makes me feel a bit machine-like in the sense that I can function so well while not having the most healthy lifestyle apart from diet and exercise.

hope the mast works well, i think we already talked about that and a status report after a few days ago.
well, that reply doesn't exactly instill me with faith in it, but still wondering if this is something anyone has tried or would suggest to do. Unsure yet if I would need the full 12.5mg aromasin ED or not, but will adjust that accordingly.
Nobody will tell you to run tren on your first cycle.

It's a recipe for disaster.
Mind explaining the reasoning?

Is it just because the mental sides are so harsh for someone new to *any* compounds?

Or is it more of the physical aspect of too much strength gain too quickly is detrimental for joints / tendons?
If you want to run tren first cycle heres how I'd do it

Test p only first 4 weeks
Introduce tren a after 4 weeks of only test

Keep doses as follows 50mg ed test p 50mg ed tren ace

Keep asin caber and nolva/ralox on hand

After tren my only regret was not running it sooner. Listening to hype and fear mongering is a huge mistake.
Mostly the first and it just throws more for a noob to have to worry about.

You'll make plenty of gains off test alone and not have to worry about controlling both progesterone and estro.

I love tren but I would save it for later if I was you. It's kind of the end of the line since it's so strong. 500:500 vs test which is already strong 100:100

you can but you don't know how you react to your gear and if your source is even worth investing that much in. What if you're running tren for a bulk and realize a year later it would've been wiser to run EQ or deca? what if you realize 3 weeks in school/work is getting overwhelming and you won't have time to go to the gym for more than twice a week?

it's safer to just run test for 10 weeks. See how you work with it and how it works with you. After that you can look towards tren and decide if you want to do it. Tren is great and all but it's better for recomp and most people doing their first cycle don't have recomp in mind.
It's not hype or fear mongering. I'm glad it works for you. I'm a lucky person who can handle up to 700mg of ace a week myself.

I also have friends who have many cycles under the belts and still can't handle tren.

It's not for everyone.
The same can be said about any hormone. Singling out tren is fucking silly.

The double standard is real.

How many people here recommend dbol in a first cycle?

Yet some people can't touch dbol without getting gyno.

So in short yes it is fear mongering.
This too. I know my first cycle I just wanted to get as big as I possibly could. With 12 weeks of test e and 4 week kickstarter of dbol I put on 30lbs. After pct I kept 20.

A noobs body responds so well to less harsh compounds that it really isn't justified to run something as harsh as tren.
how many kcals above TDEE did you eat?
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Best thing about being on gear is how easy progression is and how quickly everything changes.
Plus it helps being stronger than 90% of the gym most days.
Doing chest yesterday, couldn't get flat bench as high as I wanted, eventually went to incline Dumbbells.
Every mother fucker doing incline, all with less than 20Kgs
I grab the 30s and start going for reps.
The looks on their faces was the best motivation.


This is assuming a 15 week total cycle I assume? so

Test p - 15 weeks but ONLY this for first 4
tren a - final 11 weeks, or less time?

Also what's the reasoning behind test p rather than test e? Simply because i'll be pinning ED anyway running tren?

Thanks for the help, if I decide to go this route I'll stick to it.

Also one final thing, if running a test / dbol babby cycle, is aromasin alone as an AI enough or should I keep nolva on hand too, but only if I need it?
Oy vay I don't even know where to start with this.

It's almost too retarded to merit a response.
I was eating 700+ and keeping it clean. Definitely gained a bit of fat but was lean when I started so I wasn't bothered.

>tfw being anon allows me to make posts over time which you agree with and disagree with

that's the first post i've made you've disagreed with kek.
how can you be stronger than 90% of the gym if everyone is on gear?
>I grab the 30s and start going for reps.
I'm sorry.. is this an achievement? what?
I was training 10 reps 35 kg natty several years ago..
It can be however long you like
The whole reason for starting on short esters is being able to drop compounds immediately.

In those 4 weeks of test prop you'll know exactly what you're in for at the dose you're running. Prop won't give you any surprises. You can decide if you want to keep running test or add compounds if you're adventurous. If you have a good handle on test and decide to add tren ace in within a few days you'll feel it. Again you're using short esters so you have the ability to drop compounds immediately and start up pct immediately. Dont feel intimidated by any compound.

This route you get compound experience by introducing compounds one at a time and you don't have to waste your fucking time by breaking it up into multiple cycles.

You're playing with too many hypotheticals there and I strongly disagree with the whole idea of a recomp.

I also don't think cycles should ever include deca or u ester. Bnc is a different story.
what kind of pussy ass gym do you go to?

they're hypotheticals that i think should be entertained when someone's suggesting running tren for their first cycle. Personally I feel if someone is going to ask that question with intentions of doing it, then it hints that they may have much more to read on compounds and their purposes.

Also how can you not like deca? are you a test/tren/mast only kind of person?
The length of the ester is what he's referring to, Decanoate, Undecylenate and Undecanoate esters aren't as suitable for cycling, as they take longer to clear your system and complicate PCT a bit, whereas that all isn't as much of a concern if you blast and cruise instead of PCT.
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I'm the only person on gear
Very obviously the only one on gear

reading comprehension
Nobody else was able to do over 20
So doing 30s with ease made them all stare

An incredibly casual one it turns out
I've so far counter 3 dudes who are as big or bigger than me, 1 of them is actually a friend.
We are the only ones who do deadlifts and high weights on any lifts without swinging wildly and fucking ourselves.

Fucking great ego boost though
There's qt3.14 squat bunnys everywhere and all the other dudes are so lanky the might snap in a light breeze
Performix ion is p good

Fraud hasn't been about steroids in years
At what weight is your working set during incline db press?
>you can but you don't know how you react to your gear and if your source is even worth investing that much in.
This can be said about any hormone and any source fortunately there are reviews and bloodworks

>What if you're running tren for a bulk and realize a year later it would've been wiser to run EQ or deca?
What if a year from now I realize I shouldn't have broken up with my ex? This is a silly hypothetical nobody knows how the future will turn out.

>what if you realize 3 weeks in school/work is getting overwhelming and you won't have time to go to the gym for more than twice a week?
What if tomorrow I get into a car accident? This is life. Nobody knows the future.

That makes sense. Thanks for all the info.

Would it be fine to switch from test p to test e mid cycle to reduce pinning if I find that it works fine?

Probably only if I decide to drop the tren, considering if I'm pinning ED anyway then pinning test p ED wouldn't be a big inconvenience.

If so what would the protocol be for that? Test P then next day load the first half of my weekly test e?

e.g. 50mg test p monday 250 test e tuesday then continue with normal E3D test e pins? Or would a longer wait time be required?
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Actually this week I was supposed to do 27.5 and next week was 30
But I decided to be a bit of a prick yesterday.

I up the weight on ever single lift every week, even if it's by just 1Kg
So a bunch of stuff I'm lifting a lot lighter than I could.
Cable pull downs I'm doing like 15Kg and could easily do double that plus some
Trying to avoid them injuries
If you wanted to switch from p to e then just switch. Simple as that. 175mg twice a week.
You're weak as fuck bro.
What the actual fuck?

Nobody else seeing this?
I train with 50s NATURAL and I'm going to start my second cycle soon with Tren A
It's fun as fuck to show up people who think they're hot shit. Truly one of life's greatest pleasures
I'm doing 300mg test E3D for 16 weeks. What kind of gains can I expect? I train for 2.5 hours 6x a week and eat +300 above maintenance. I'm getting my bodyweight in protein plus a little more.

Please include lean body mass, total mass, and mass kept after PCT.

My PCT is 90/60/60/30 Torem. Followup question, should I stack that with some Nolva? i have it. fuck clomid.
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I can handle tren while on cycle but when I come off (i bnc, so cruise 150mg test) I feel depressed, paranoid and down for a few weeks. Doesnt happen with test. I dont fuck with tren anymore due to that
Bruh that's more than a bit shit
WhAt's ur bb bench at
I've got like a page and a half of retarded shit to rant about at least, thinking I'll start with that and then we can parse it into an actual proper format


check the last couple threads if you want some more quality keks at the cost of what little there is left of harvey's dignity
Who is harvey?

What retarded shit are you ranting about
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Met up with someone I've known since high school. He played football so he started lifting before me.

He's the definition of genetically gifted. About 7% year round and has some respectable size. He looks like he probably cycled now. I destroyed him in terms of strength. He was rack pulling just under 4 plates meanwhile I'm rack pulling 7 plates.

It felt amazing that I was able to out work him and close the gap that great genetics created. With that being said if he worked as hard as I have he'd make me look like shit.

Lol ikr. BTW I'm going to email you an idea I had.
>7% year round
Damn breh. I consider myself gifted but I stayed ~10% @170lbs all through HS (didn't lift tho kek)

It feels fucking good to pass people that used to be way stronger than you. It tastes like victory

that's true i actually neglected that since i'm so accustomed to blasting/cruising.


I just think he'll be more confident going about tren on a second cycle after having experienced his first cycle. He'll learn some do's and dont's that's best had at the expense of just test and dbol.

but of course they are purely hypotheticals and he could take tren and have nothing but great benefits from it.
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harvey dent-head, duh

jesus dude try to keep up, I'm not exactly trying to be subtle here


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>focusing on steady progression

You picked the wrong one anon

Most of them are fine
They lift, they watch other people do lifts, they keep to themselves.
But there's a few gymbro's who act like they're hot shit, walk around in singlets and curl 10s

Max bench is 120 right now
Can't go higher without risking my shoulder, it's basically my biggest fear.
It always fails under too much weight and I don't wanna break it what with the accutane and Tren dryness

Probably helps if I make it clear when I started at this gym I made all my weights bitch weight.
All that talk about trying to avoid injury and all. I've been slowly increasing each week. Trying to get keep steady progression, regardless of whether I can lift way more or not.

Shit like deadlift I never trained before, so I'm only 3 plate on that. But I'll get there eventually
No one fucking knows how you will respond, and no one knows how much gains you can expect cause everyone is different, some people can get 10, others cant.
>focusing on steady progression
>You picked the wrong one anon

Sure, I guess I'll just go down to 10kg db and add 1 kg every week.
>steady progression


What a fucking shit excuse
>steady progression

lol fucking retard

how long is a piece of string

what is the sound of one hand clapping

why do people ask such fucking retarded subjective questions with absolutely zero context, it's not like there's actually an answer but jesus

also torem solo is fine
Yeah if I didn't know him as long as I have I would've accused him of riding the juice caboose in high school. We see frauds all the time we sometimes forget people like this actually exist.

See >>35934898 >>35935309

exactly, thank you, these questions are so retarded sometimes. How about you actually do it and find out yourself?
Why do I feel insanely sleepy and lethargic after killing it in the gym for a few hours?

I literally dozed off in my chair for 20 mins and almost burnt my food.

Even after a clean meal afterwards I still feel so sleepy for the next 4 hours, almost dozing off while playing wow.
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>talking shit about progression
Wanna know how I know you lift like shit

>how long is a piece of string
Yesssss my rhetorical is catching on
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Jesus fuck. My client took a vacation. Came back to the gym and added 50 lbs on his cg bench. Not only that it was for 6 sets and 6 rep.

I'm staring at my spreadsheet in disbelief....

Gonna email you rn brick.
Not enough carbs? If you're cutting this could be the cause as well.
how does /fraud/ dose their accutane? 10mg daily? 20mg daily?
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what the fuck, jesus

I'll check it after I get back from lifting
I am not a man of much subtlety

I know how you feel breh. Bunch of chill dudes at my gym but some think they must be king shit of fuck mountain

>juice caboose
That shit's cracking me up kek
>Genetically gifted
>Rack pulling under 4 plates

I'm on 100g or so carbs a day but eh, even after eating carbs post work out it doesn't change shit.

I'm not really sure if I'm cutting or not before when I was a bum, eating about 3k calories clean with 2grams of gear @ 5'8 187lbs.

Now that I work as a shelf stacker and do low intensity cardio 7.5 hrs a day I am probably at a good deficit now, looking leaner than before as long as water retention isn't an issue.
On 80mg ed now to end it once and for all.

Yeah I had him on a cut so workouts had a strength focus. I told him to enjoy himself on vacations. I knew he'd probably get stronger but 50 lbs is insane.

I suspect he doesn't train as hard as he should. But if you saw how shredded and large he was you'd probably be mad you weren't born with his genes.
the girls with stinkiest pussies i've encountered have been indian and white girls

japanese girls at least keep their hygiene in check. maybe half are shaved and half trim, and it's never really smelled all that bad.

>weird obsession with cartoons
more like weird obsession with anything cute but yeah

you learn to like it

>smell bad
this racism isn't even veiled kek
Are you actually japanese or nah?
white american.

ancestry is german
Are you transjap
i have no idea what you're trying to say.

i'm just working in japan for a couple years.
fuck that sounds awesome man!
Are you a jap born in a whiteboy's body?
it has its ups and downs.

japan is still pretty racist. but its cool being big white guy on gear when all the other white guys are dirty, smelly anime nerds
I'm very glad im not japanese.
Someone link the site that shows how much test will be in your bloodstream on a graph when you input how much youll be taking per week please

cheers brah
At the end of a cycle of test E. Was thinking of doing 500mg/w of dnp for 2 weeks as the test goes out of my system so i dont lose much muscle while using it. Anyone ever ended their cycle with a couple of weeks of dnp? If so how did it go?
fingered a girl at the bar last night while we were ordering a drink. the bitch came up to me and grabbed my arms as soon as she saw me. she couldn't stop running her hands on my body. bartender was a chick and totally knew. kept giving me the eyes.

thanks fraud
60mg daily
that's how the doc prescribed it

Thing is, the most chill dudes are literally be biggest ones
There is a half Samoan dude who's pretty damn big and he spends heaps of time talking to the guys who are there almost every day trying to make progress. Always spotting them and helping out where he can.

Only asian girl I've ever slept with was Eurasian
Half Jap half Pom
She had the biggest bush I have ever seen in my life.
She kept herself clean though, was incredibly tight too, even for a virgin

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Why not just extend the cycle by 8-10 weeks and add tren A and go for a recomp? You will gain muscle while losing fat; tren is some serious magical shit. And you don't have to deal with dangerous nasty DNP.
i have always been advised to limit a cycle to 12-14 weeks as it takes a lot longer to recover and risks shutting down natural test and so on? also i think my body fat is too high for tren, i dont wanna get tittys, dnp doesnt risk getting tittys
How much would you recommend doing?
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cancer. You can run 20 week blasts and still have a very high chance of recovering.

Just have a good PCT plan. Pick either nolva+clomid or nolva+torem or just torem.

Also lol you're fat. Tren won't give you titties just have caber on hand because 19-nors can increase your prolactin.
How are your joints? I remember you said accutane was fucking with them
60-80 mg per day, depending on how much of a bitch you are. Diet and do 30 minutes of cardio a week, split into two sessions. Aim for a heartrate of 160. Eat at a defecit.
wheres my daki
This isn't a blast though its a cycle. Got nolva already will need to get some clomid.
Probably a pretty big bitch, how much test prop you use?
Crazy idea. Don't cycle and fuck your hormones all over the shop.
Just cruise and blast.
I mean, TRT is a medically sound thing that doctors prescribe to people.
Just do really low test injections, you'll be fine.

Also DNP really isn't scary.
Honestly the sides from tren are nastier than DNP most of the time.

Actually a bit better. Been munching 9g of fish oil a day, so everything stopped clicking and aching now.
However I still feel that pain on certain lifts or in particular positions that pretty much tells me I'm gonna break
Yeah, it's a cycle and you're doing a test blast. Blast doesn't always imply you cruise afterwards.

desu mate, do 50mg of tren A a day. You won't need that much if you're cutting. As for prop, do between 50-80.
if you blast and cruise how long do you have to wait between blasts? I am tempted, other than the fact I have to keep injecting myself every week for an indefinite period of time...what do you do if you go on holiday for a couple of weeks? I cant take vials of test to an airport they wouldnt let me through with it
Im really hoping youll tell me that blasting and cruising means you dont have to wait as long to blast again as you would with cycling
for the other Tren E bro here, I just injected the mast p
Doing a slight frontload, 2.5ml so 250mg of mast p right now. WIll keep posted on how it helps with the tren lethargicness.
Word on the street is the same length of time you blasted for. I don't think there is any science behind that or any other recommended wait time but it sounds good
You're TEMPTED? You were just bitching about how you didn't want to shut down your natty test. Blasting and cruising significantly increases that since youll be shut down for a year, even longer. If you are sick of the pinning, imagine doing it for the rest of your life. Granted you'll have a doctor's prescription by then but if you really don't mind being on TRT for life then yeah go ahead and blast and cruise because it's a real possibility.
I'll get used to it I suppose, seems more logical than to keep yoyoing my hormones
What's a good formula for caliper bodyfat percent readings? I keep using different ones but they are giving me values that are way too lean because i am a fag and store a shitload of fat on my ass and hips.
>what do you do if you go on holiday for a couple of weeks?
Orals, a fat shot of test, eq or test u

All the above work fine
>what is the sound of one hand clapping?
I can do this, its a kind of fapfapfap sound

mirin the frontload. gonna look juicy in a few weeks mate
Just wait the same length of time you blasted for
Or be super smart and get blood tests done and wait for your body to return to normal

Seriously nigger, you think permanent shut down is a thing?
Have you ever read a single thing about steroids besides what some retarded dudebro posted on bodybuilding dot com
Or are you just trying to encourage someone to fuck up their homrone levels over and over again
Im not that smart, ok so its the same wait as cycling then, was hoping you would say a shorter amount of time!
Makes sense just do a massive inject beforehand, fair dos.
Well you could go ahead and make the time between blasts shorter, but that is just silly from a health perspective.
Part of why cycling is fucking absurd is because you're replacing your bodys testosterone with exogenous hormones, then eventually you stop injecting them, then you use other medication to try and stop your body from suddenly being flooded with a crazy hormonal roller coster.
Then FINALLY when everything is back to normal, you start fucking injecting exogenous hormones again!

Where is the sense in that?

If you're scared of messing with your balls just inject and incredibly low dose of test
>250mg or lower
And you'll be fine.
Keeps hormone levels stable as a rock and it does NOT do any of that scary bullshit the fear mongers try to tell you steroids do.
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Yeahhhhh because it was the steroids kek
I cringe every time I see this pic. They both ran 20-25 week 'cycles'
what test E do you do per week on your cruise?
I use 250 test
Just pin e3d and it's nice and simple
Anyone use musclebond? If so what packaging does it come in? Is it subtle, or is it some 'pharma' shit on the front?
Permanent shut down is indeed a thing. It can happen and it's more likely when you blast and cruise.

Also have fun with that 4 month long PCT that you will need when you come off.
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I was in that thread about shaving pubic hair for like 2 hours before I realized it wasn't /fraud/.
Jesus you're stupid
You actually think PCT takes longer just because you've been B&C?

You didn't notice that there weren't a million trips?
I thought you stopped taking drugs, fl :^)
why wouldnt you have to do it for longer?
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I started my dbol a week ago (30mg a day) (+500mg test-e/week 2 wks ago), I took 0.5mg of arimidex the first day I took dbol and since been taking 0.25mg EOD. I've already gained a bit strength from the dbol but I honestly look slightly leaner (face also) but maybe a few % bigger.

Should I lower my arimidex dosage for better gains and maybe actually see some water retention and wait until any worse signs of estrogen happen (oily skin acne itchy nips)? I've had absolutely zero high estrogen sides for now. Will I have the time to start the arimidex again if my nipples start getting itchy or should I keep going 0.25mg E3D or so with the arimidex just in case?

I feel like my sexdrive is slightly on the lower side since starting dbol which is kinda weird.
Between this post and your last one the autism is overwhelming
I b&c but stop being so pushy and cringey about it
Not even going to bother because it's clear you haven't even bothered reading
do lanklets really need the juice? 6'5 170.
He's stupid but you're just as fucking bad. Don't try to coerce people just trying to dip their toes in the anabolic ocean to go full throttle and yolotard B&C till theyre a 120kg monster

Fat bitch with a stupid little yippy dog who pees on a pad.

Get out.
You are very far away from the point you need gear. Eat more and lift more
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there is precisely zero credible evidence from actual legitimate sources* that long term exogenous hormone use directly causes permanent suppression in men

literally all of the supposed evidence that points to permanent suppression is based on fucking horrifyingly bad statistical principles involving voluntary or convenience sampling and at WORST gives some tenuous correlative hints to that conclusion

*controlled double blind longitudinal studies done with populations selected by simple random sampling as opposed to random bullshit hearsay

I fucking double dog dare any of you cocksmugglers to find a study that would stand up to any kind of real scientific rigor
Yes you'll have to juice to look big but you have a lot of room for growth. You should be much bigger before hopping on

not that it matters, there's a cure for low test, its called test
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Work on bible. I got a draft in my drafts. I'm getting started on compound info.

At least you found an idea for FAQs
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just because a study doesn't exist to support a statement, doesn't mean the statement is false. Or has every study that can possibly be performed already been done?
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please, put more words in my mouth

let me use small words for you

Mates I'm addicted to oatmeal with ON! peanut butter choco whey.

300calories of oats and 2.5 scoops(300cal) of this shit turns the most amazing peanut buttery chocolatey bowl of gains I've ever tasted.

75g~ protein and 600 calories per serving and I just can't stop eating this shit.

at 3000+ calories recomp I sure hope I'm able to absorb all this brotein.
>tax return coming soon

I think it's finally time to leave humanity behind. How much can I generally expect to pay for a first cycle? Test only like 16 weeks

depends, you better be using 1.5g a week at least.
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and let me use small words for you my retarded dyel friend


do you know how little human clinical research has actually been done on anabolics you fucking mongoloid? oh but I see, you just finished your first year at uni, you are an expert
Fuck off criminal scum
Test is like $30 USD a vial, aromasin is like $55usd a box, get some of that shit
All your classic guys like arnie etc that juiced year round and never used pct having kids seems like anecdotal proof.
Get up to 220 spoopy skeleton man
sperm count has nothing to do with suppression, doofus

how do those faggots take only bloating drugs(test/dbol maybe nandrolone) and still remained tight and dry? I think AIs weren't that popular at the time.

Is it just good genetics and low carbs?
And there is no anecdotal evidence that permanent shutdown is a thing. On a long enough time frame everyone returns close to normal levels
6 month cycles are goat
Diet mang.

You can cut or bulk on any compound. Some just make more sense than others for goals. I don't think AIs were used either. I'm guessing they used mad diuretics before shoots though.

my quality of aesthetic life definitely improved a lot when I started taking aldactone.

Yeah I guess eating only clean really cuts down on the bloat, eating chinese food or carb+salty shit even on a deficit gives me the moonies.
JJ is making good on everything. glad to see it.
I posted this in another thread earlier but didnt really get a response:

My buddy gave me a half cycle (about 4 weeks worth) of oral Anavar. He decided he would rather keep partying and drinking and didnt want to do damage to his liver, so he stopped taking it.

>Im starting a cut soon, is it even worth taking 4 weeks worth?

>do you think ill see any results?

>Is it ok to slowly ween myself off and not do any PCT since its such a short period of time?

it's probably winstrol xD !!!

save it for when you run an actual cycle.
I don't get why anyone doubted him, he never completely disappeared
You missed this big thing here that answers your question >>35932677
Anavar doesn't really do much. Just save it for when you run an actual cycle and throw it in there because why the hell not. Anavar is really tame; doesn't do much damage to your liver either. It's not even worth the money, but you got it for free...
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What is your opinion on self absorbed people?
I have 2 friends who are like this, all they ever talk about is themselves and they don't shed a thought on anyone else.
Normally I can handle it, ignore it.
I don't have a lot of friends so I keep the ones I can get. But fuck... every time I go on a cycle I have to call them out on their BS.
I just get so fed up with the constant self glorification and self obsession.

Do any of you have friends like this? What should I do about it?
I don't usually agree with this statement.... but if your buddy can't drink on var he probably doesn't have var.

i'm not 15 anymore so i don't really have this issue.

ditch them. they're faggots
I make them not friends anymore. ANYONE who waits to talk instead of listens needs to be phased out of your life. Its soul sucking and you'll never feel accepted by them.
Yes let me google it when I can just as easily ask it in a thread dedicated to frauds. Just to make it a little harder on myself

Yeah exactly. In all honesty, I dont know that I ever will run an actual cycle. Mainly because I dont know where to get it. The guy I got the var from had a guy but he moved away.

Considering I got it for free, I figured maybe it would do SOMETHING for me when I run a deficit and cut down...but you guys know more than me, maybe it wont really do anything?

Im 5'11 175lbs and probably around 18% bf
Yeah, and these are adult people.. I don't understand why they are like that.
If they talk about other people, it's only to degrade them in some way.
So fucking annoying

Gonna start keeping track now. I won't let my views on running tren for a first cycle hinder our partisanship <3
Good record so far
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are you fucking retarded

I'm literally saying there is no evidence to substantiate any claim that permanent suppression exists, which you somehow spin into me stating that permanent suppression is a myth

here I'll actually fucking say it


there is no evidence to support any hypothesis of aas causing permanent gonadal suppression

have I said it in enough fucking ways that one of them got past your extra chromosomes and actually got your two brain cells to start plodding along?
>I make them not friends anymore. ANYONE who waits to talk instead of listens needs to be phased out of your life. Its soul sucking and you'll never feel accepted by them.
Thanks, I feel like this is solid advice.
If I can be serious for a minute.

During some of my teenage years, like 13-16 I was incredibly scrawny. 6'3" 135 pounds was my lowest. Pretty unhealthy. The auschwitz was real.

I always had a bad ego, but it just wasn't able to manifest itself since I had nothing to sustain it. I'd look in the mirror and be disgusted, wear perma hoodie.

Anyway I started lifting and made some pretty sick gains as a natural. I was staring at myself in my mirror for ~10 minutes a day because I was finally happy with who I was.

Eventually I started using gear which is when my ego REALLY started to kick in.

Subconciously I am always trying to be le tough guy. At my height and current weight (210 8%) I get lots of people calling me the swole giant etc. It inflates my ego even more. I am not really afraid of anyone because I haven't met many people who are smaller than me.

Basically the point of this post is to just let you know that steroids really do affect you mentally, just not directly. I always had an ego, it just wasnt around until I had something to back it up.


I agree
You Aussie?
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meh, he did it with another one of our friends, the kid ran a full cycle of it and got shredded AF.

And he says he still drank on it, but he and I went to a big state uni and the amount of alcoholic intake is pretty absurd. I can see why he would be concerned.

newp. states
This line
>1) No, an oral only cycle is not a good idea. Go ahead and google it and you'll find out why.
What I gathered from this is that you had a very poor self-image and you rely on the confirmation from others that you are good enough.
And now you're fueling this detrimental and temporary well-being by acting tough and cool.

It doesn't seem like that is a recipe for success.
What happens when you lose your body? or if some bigger tougher guy comes along and makes you his bitch?
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The irony of that reply is astonishing.

>me me me
Of course I had a poor self image. 6'3" 135 pounds, let that sink in.
I don't have dysmorphia or any of the other crap that typical roid users have. In fact I think I look really goooood. If I see some hot bitch in front of me at the gym doing stiff-legged deadlifts I'd rather look in the mirror.
So yeah, these days I DEFINITELY don't have a poor self-image. I don't rely on other peoples confirmation but it definitely feels good when people tell me how lean and muscular I look.

When I lose my body I will be old and not give a fuck. Y'know, hopefully married and with kids by then. And as for the bigger guy, fuck him.
Lowest amount of test you'd recommend while blasting tren?
>When I lose my body I will be old and not give a fuck. Y'know, hopefully married and with kids by then. And as for the bigger guy, fuck him.

>finds girl that's attracted to tough guys
>gets injured
>loses body
>no more compliments
>people see through your shallow exterior attitude
>wife was attracted to a tough, respected guy
>cheats on you
>loss of child custody due to whore wife telling them all about your drug use
>turn to more drug use to feel good again
Have you done tren before? How much tren you using? How do you respond to test?
175 test minimum

What is a good test/tren ratio? is 350/350 good?
My first ever cycle was tren and test. I ran 350mg tren and 175mg test. Pretty much no sides except sleep and mood issues. Then I cruised on 300mg of test and had problems. Acne, bloat, etc.
yeah its a good starting point

Tren is a weird one. Generally speaking equal tren and test and low test high tren are the most tolerated.

Sounds about right.
what happens if you do high test, low tren?

I know I handle high test pretty good
Depends on how low. 200 tren sides will be negligible, 400 a definite increase
Long shot, but any type 1 diabetics here fraudding it up? I wanna look good quickly but I'm a diabetic so I donno if I'll die if I try roids
Roids+slin is GOAT anabolic
Even better if you can get a couple IUs of growth in
anecdotally, people report more sides with high test/low tren. no idea why that is.

What's the lowest you can dose tren and still reap the benefits? 200mg a week?
Srsly wtf is going on

>hookup with grill
>seemed very into me/the sex
>text her few days after to hang out
>no response
>after not talking to her for ~2 weeks she sends me a nude
>send back a shirtless pic
>she wants to hang out again
>few days later just texted her to come over
>read but no response

Wtf is wrong with girls

<spoiler>or is it me?</spoiler>
You're being played to make her feel better about herself. Block her number and move on.

girls do this thing where they use guys for sex too.

It's like when you're focused on one girl in particular but when she's not responding and you want to put you're wee-wee in someone you go to girl #2.
Fuckin hope not
She loved the sex and kept saying she wanted to come back, but now Im being played?

I mean I want nothing more from her than sex so idk what the issue is. She has a bangin body so she's the first priority
yeah but will it kill me if I'm diabetic?
Roids? No, they won't make you go hypo if you're already using your insulin properly
i'd say you need juice to look significantly big, my buddy is 6' 5", has a great natty physique, and slays bitches, you also have a loooooot of room left to grow being only at 170. You'll make it.
We don't say "you'll make it" around these parts.
Words like those are for weak willed children.

'Permanent suppression' is called damage, nigger.

There is sufficient evidence to claim that steroids most likely do not cause damage to HPTA when proper measures are taken. To say otherwise is like saying...

> you can't prove that caffeine doesn't cause genital warts!
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> take nazi gf to Chinatown for birthday, spend all day there, then driving to IKEA
> "hey you wanna make out when we get to IKEA"
> "..yeah"
> get to IKEA, park where there's no people
> make out
> come back to reality
> literally surrounded by mexicans, women, children, and old people
> no fucks given, go in IKEA, come out, go at it again

Is sex in public still a crime? I bet ya'll uncultured fucks didn't celebrate Chinese New Year.
Is it normal for a first time pin in the glute to become inflammed?

Like a bump where it hurts?
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Probably went subq or just inflammation from virgin site.
what proper measures do you speak of mighty mossad?
I started my first run at 350mg a week.

The real magic happens in the 500-700mg range.
Any of you guys have that chart that shows different protein intakes while subjects were on test or something and their different rates of gains?

ooo i'm interested in this
3nd request here
I want to say it's from llewyns anabolic but I could be wrong, it's posted relatively often, I'm thinking of giving really high protein like 1.5-2g per lb a shot this cycle and seeing if there's really truth to the idea that I'll make more gains that way than with 1g
>this weak ass manlet roids AND lifts at planet fitness to go along with his meme posts
why do I even come to this site?
you learn to like it

Fucking what?
Just opened up a PO box. I shouldn't have to worry about domestic orders right? Should I ship some other stuff to it too as well? Or does that even really matter if I'm just getting very small domestic orders? Maybe 1 every couple of months.
This is why I stopped responding
It's literally the same argument saying there IS a god

>No evidence of god exists
>Oh so you're saying god DOES exist because you can't prove he doesn't
>No there is literally no evidence for it and it's likely to not exist given the total lack of data
>Knew it. God exists

It's just that misinformation that exists thanks to the constant fear mongering about roids.
He tried to say you have to PCT for longer after B&C as well. Because you know, there's so much evidence that, that is a thing.
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Anyone have a protocol for switching from test e to test u? Or has anyone made the switch? The chief is tempting me.
>inb4 steroidcalc
I don't trust robots
Im running LGD only cycle right now (inb4 not worth it), and Im on week two...my balls are aching, and I am lethargic most of the day. Did I actually just get prohormones?
just ordered my test e (more), tren e and mast for my summer cut.

looks like this
test e 250mg/wk
tren e 400mg/wk
mast e havent figure out what i want to do
Cardarine - 20mg/day
t3 - 150mcg/day

might throw in some superdrol to start off this glorious stack
Not worth it.

Mast higher than everything if your hairline can take it. And add the sdrol fggt.
okay yeah I get that...why do my fucking balls hurt?
I have no experience but I've heard keep pinning e for two weeks after starting u
I would say after 2.5 test u half-lifes stop test e because it takes 3 half-lifes to reach close enough to peak levels right?
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yeah it can take it ;]

This is a picture i took two months ago. im a little bit bigger now. i was 250mg/week test e in this picture, about 1.5 months in. I know i look week for being on gear, but whatever, first time using steroids.

im going to get after pictures for the stack, see what has happened
did you do 3 months? what size did you get?
Probably shedding your uterine lining, considering you're running an oral only cycle.

General anecdotal consensus is to do anywhere between 4-6 pins of test e while the u builds.
>120 bitch ass bench
>is this full of himself
get real you fucking idiot. you're not a special snowflake who happens to respond to gear
You look p good man. Once that tummy is gone you're gonna look great. My abs are bullshit I'm on deca now trying to put some mass on them.
6 and size number 3
thanks homes.
iv never done deca. Not very motivated to do such a wet steroid. what is it like on deca?
I love it. I get zero bloat even without watching sodium. Puts on size fast and cushions joints. My personal favorite hormone. Tren is good too though. Favorite stack I ever ran was high test high deca high mast.
nice, i tend to bloat pretty quick. constantly taking aromasin to fix it. shits expensive.

personally im fine with orals and test, however im excited to adventure into the world of mast and tren.
How does this look for a 12 week cycle?
Anavar 50mg ED 1-4
Test C 600mg Weekly 1-14
Deca Durabolin 400mg weekly 1-14
Arimidex .5mg ED 1-14
HCG 250iu E4D 1-14
TUDCA (Ursofalk) 500mg ED 1-4

PCT 4 weeks
Adex .5 EOD
Tamoxifen 20mg ED

I'm using var for the first 4 weeks, because I want to lose about 3-5% fat, and after that, I'm gonna bulk till the end of the PCT, once I finish PCT, I'll do some maintenance.

I'm planning on using Prami for the prolactin issues, I'll start with .125, and I hope to increase the dose upt to 1mg by week 3.
Prami will be used while on cycle, and after week 14 I'll start tapering it down to counteract the remaining Deca, and also avoid withdrawal issues.

TUDCA is obviously against liver damage by Anavar.

Also I wanna take dutasteride/avodart, because on my past cycle I'm almost certainly sure, that my hair thinned a little bit, and I'm worried about going bald, I know that eventually, If i have the genetic trait, I'll lose it anyways, but I'd rather lose it until I'm 40, and not at 23yo. But the thing with avodart is that idk exactly how much dosing should I take while on cycle.
What do you think guys?
i feel as if running deca and anavar together is a waste of anavar. Then again, iv never done deca.

second note: why not just cruise on some test e after this cycle? fuck stopping cold turkey, insta-gains loss.
Why would you think it's a prohormone because it made you lethargic? Man I hate people who give sarms bad names. Sarms can shut you down, they aren't perfected yet, you're getting shut down so you're feeling lethargic...
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I'll answer since you've obviously done some research.
Switch adex for asin. Trust me on this, I was acne free all cycle but estro rebound from coming off adex gave me months of cystic acne.
Switch deca for NPP. Deca isn't worth it for a cycle under 20 weeks imo. NPP will give you same benefits faster and it won't linger.
Hcg isn't necessary for this cycle but won't hurt.
I'd also switch prami for caber if you have the money.
Last thing I'd say is switch out var for a better oral. Var recks lipids and sucks compared to every other oral. If I could go back in time my first cycle would be;

Adrol or dbol 40mg ed; wk 1-6
TUDCA 500mg ed; 1-6
Test c 600; 1-20
NPP 400: 3-20
Asin 12.5 e3d
Caber 0.25mg e3d

Pct: Nolva 40/40/20/20 wks 22-26

Fuck your you're welcome I never type that much ever


Thanks bro
I'll see if I can get NPP, I'm reading about it and sounds really good.
Adex or asin, I still get horrible acne on chest, shoulders and back, not on my face luckily, I don't know what to do about it.
I'm too afraid about leaky heart valve, so I'm really avoiding caber.

I was thinking of var because of the small cut I wanted to do, but well, I guess I can drop some fat before I get everything to start the cycle, so maybe I'll take Drol.
Thanks again.
lifting for three years, plateauing hard:

190, 6' 205 OHP, 315 bench, 355x5 Squat, 445 DL

catch is I'm 19. I've heard from practically everyone not to cycle until I'm 22. Is there anything I could do to give myself an edge without fucking myself over?

Currently only appeasing the powdered jew: creatine monohydrate and whey.
25 is the recommended age. I started at 17 and my post bloods has never been the same. Test is always at the lower range now. I'm currently 23. Don't bother anon.
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