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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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welcome to /plg/ - Powerlifting General

for the purpose of being a better athlete on the platform

>Superb Owl edition
>You will never fuck a girl so good she takes you to Red Lobster
in for missing marcel

I like to think he's still around.... There's a little Marcel in all of us.
Reposting this in case anyone else wants to chime in

Which bench program have you had the most success with? Currently benching 125kg, weighing 100kg, 5'10, orangutan arms so slow/no progress. Technique I've got down by getting input from good powerlifters (arch, shoulders back and down, wide grip)
sheiko has been the best thing for my bench so far, but c6w also treated me pretty well while it lasted
Seriously wtf happened to him?
he left because Joffrey pissed him off
apparently he still chills in the super secret facebook group though
What is C6W? Which sheiko program did you run for bench?
I made a lot of progress with Greg Cuckols 3x week bench Intermediate program. One of his 28 free programs

5/3/1 used to be pretty meh for bench, but lately it's been blowing the fuck up and I've been cutting.

Kinda tempted to try a smolov jr one of these days.
candito 6 week
3 day, over 80kg sheiko
What was your before/after? I tried one of his programs for squat and it went nowhere after 3 months.
Went from 235 to 250 after my first cycle. I'm on my second.
Do you just keep running the Sheiko program over and over with higher weights? Or do you move to another program?
I'm planning on repeating it until I don't progress on it anymore, which will hopefully be a while. Same as I did with c6w. then probably move to the 4 day sheiko
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ayyy gj peypey
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I'm slightly beyond 1/2/3/4, been lifting for two and a half years now, but for the next few months I'm barely going to have time to lift as I'd wish. I guess I'll be able to spend half an hour per day or less, and have access to a barbell and weights, and I've been thinking on focusing on one exercise each day, if I get some more time maybe add some accesory or whatever. Please keep in mind that my main goal is not to keep gaining strength or muscle, more like maintaining as much as I can and keeping a balanced body as well as geting some good healthy exercise daily. Also I won't be able to eat as much or as good as I'd wish, so some muscle loss would be expected anyways.

How bad would this be? If I wanted to add some farmer's walk, what would be a better option?

Pendlay rows
Over Head Press
Chin Ups
Bench Press
tfw my provinces university record for my weight class is my lifetime goals
>Also I won't be able to eat as much or as good as I'd wish, so some muscle loss would be expected anyways.

What? Why? There is literally no reason for this, ever.

Just do 5/3/1 "I ain't doing Jack"
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Hey plg what accessories would you add to madcow for bodybuilding without compromising recovery?

I would ask the rest of /fit/ but i feel dumbfuckery is less rampant here, even if this is a powerlifting general
desu I just added probably about 10 sets of dips and pull ups over the week. Recovery was fine until I got 100lbs over my starting squat max. Also went from 205-215

I'd eat more.

Srsly though, accessories should be tailored to the lifts your working firstly, your weaknesses secondly, and biceps thirdly, cause working bis won't hinder any compound lift.

Rows and Chins are a must
Curls and ab stuff are a maybe.
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>have to grind first squat of 3x3
>decide to fuck it and do high bar for the next hour

>day 5
>still feelin brutal DOMS
>afraid to rolling again for fear of passing out
Im super shitfaced and just banged 2 girls in my homegym

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have you checked his archive? iirc he left a ton of material, maybe there's something there to answer your question specifically
are you happy with how the owl went

why are you on 4chan after having just banged 2 girls (I assume at once)

>most career wins
>most career MVPs
>Most career TDs
is Peyton the GOAT?

have you seen the sheiko expert around? I have questions for him too
Im not sean. One of the girls lieterally valled it a bodybuilding dungeon. She wAs black too

Was it a state of the art bodybuilding dungeon tho?
Idc about owl. Im from europ. Im on 4 chan because i waanna share my accomplishmemt and am too hyped to sleep. Sent those girls home right after lulz
Nope. Just a bench, some barbells and a power rack
IIRC skullcrushers, curls, rows and pullups are already recommended

What else do you need? Maybe some pec deck or some face pulls idk
>Im from europ
>She wAs black too

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ohhhh my gooooood i ate so much fucking foooooooooooooood and it was just to watch the buncos win. living 6 hours from denver blows, its all i'm going to hear about for the next month

>vikings superb owl when

I was 124.7 this morning, who wants to take bets on what I weigh tomorrow morning? I'm banking on 127.2

Good lad. I didn't watch the Owl this year. Cutting takes the joy out of it.

>Captcha: select all images of salad
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>>vikings superb owl when
maybe after you realize your qb is a meme RB baby
She was great you have no idea how good it feels to fuck a girl while she is holding on to a powercage. Dream come true lads

Did you chalk up?
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Daily maxing with a lot of backoffs has been great recently
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Does anyone have supermang's defeat speech and the video of Isley outrepping him to the audio of his vocaroo?
>new windows notification
>we've made an album of your best images!
>screen becomes pic related
Is this what my life has become
u a /fraud/ bruh?

Whoooooole buncha PAWG up in there.
That's not really what PAWG refers to senpai
That's what I was thinking. He's a demon

So I'm being literal; fuckin shoot me.
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Opinions on 5/3/1 for intermediate powerlifts?

>still waiting for Peyton to dab on podium
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Not strictly optimal. Low volume, low frequency, meh specificity.

I find it super enjoyable, BBB is fantastic, and it can be easily customized to be better for PL.

Give it a shot. The best program is the one that keeps you coming to training.
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slow progression, low frequency. You can see faster results doing something else, if that's your goal.
what would you recommend? texas?
if you can progress on it, yeah TM is probably the fastest. maybe add RDLs of VD to get a bit more pulling volume in, and drop OHP
--this is if your goals are purely to bench, squat, and deadlift the most.
do something with four times a week lift frequency you pansy
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Boku no Pico
You can run TM on a 4day split lad
What fucking shoes are those?

I want to buy some. This advertisement has successfully shilled.

I've been running home brew PPL
And liked it, but figured progression would be better on a tried-and-true program. Made the PL team and they have me starting on 5/3/1 I'm just not sure how quick progression is and if it's possible to make it any better with added accessories.

Lifts (lbs) 1rm
B: 275
S: 315
D: 405

I know my squat and dead are lagging. Had to rework technique because my hamstrings weren't being used in either. Led to disc issues, so I started from the bottom (now we here.)

Sick /a/ meme senpai
probably best to stick with people who know what they're doing, i.e. the pl team, than go off on your own. benefits outweigh losses imo. i just wouldn't follow 5/3/1's progression, i would test a new 1rm attempt every 4-6 weeks and i would increase the relative intensities for each rep range, on top of adding some useful accessories like paused dls and paused squats.
>useful accessories
>paused dls
paused dls have probably added more weight to my total than regular dls tBh.
wait, whats this about?
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lmao joff you asshole
I have proof, I finally have proof.

I always knew you were Brazilian.
Active recovery yes or no
and if yes what kind.
Yes. Sleep.
Do you have to be gay and/or autistic to post in this thread? I just want to get feedback and make my lifts go up.
Just autistic
U ok lad?
too bad, I'm posting here anyway. What are the minimum lifts to not get laughed at in this general?
3pl8 squat BARE MINIMUM
Nobody cares about anything else
400 wilks :^)
>the nuclear remains of carolina
3 pl8 squat
2 pl8 bench
4 pl8 deads

i'll sure as hell miss squatting. God dammit shit gym, just buy a power rack already
400wilks at 5"5 is like a fat girl having big tits.
Ah, cool.

415 squat
255 bench (lanklet arms)
475 DL

My wilks is shit. I'm 260 lbs. :(
wilks formula intrinsically accounts for height, lad.
enjoy being ridiculed, friend.
just kidding. how long have you been lifting?
>just kidding. how long have you been lifting?
2 years, but desu my lifts haven't changed in almost a year because I don't sleep enough and work has been keeping me out of the gym as often.
No it does not. All that's taken into consideration is weight and total, not leverage.
>lanklet arms
Pretty sure Sarychev annihilated this as an excuse once and for all.

Of course, so did Kazmaier back in the early 80s.
R u joking? They both have giants wrists so they can pack on more muscle with steroids
>packing all these memes into such a short post
Good job lad.
But weight and height are correlated....
Being 5'5 doesn't offer you any advantages if the average height in your weightclass is 5'5
I never felt my glutes working nor did I ever actively brace them in the squat - I can't keep tension in them, as soon as I just go down a out 1/4 I lose it.

Is that just not possible for some builds? Or is it stance related? Mine is quite wide and I push my knees way out in the whole. I could not imagine I should use my glutes in that position?
Just had a long talk with my mate at the gym today.

He's eating at a deficit but he managed to bench 5x5 140kg/309lb today, which is a 5kg personal best from last week. The week before he had a 10kg pb.

So my question is, how the fuck is he making strength gains while on a deficit? (He knows he's at a deficit because he's 10kg lighter in body weight since he started his cut).
>So my question is, how the fuck is he making strength gains while on a deficit?
Because "you must lose gains on a cut" is a internet meme
What were you discussing in this long talk? Roid accusations or wut?

If be is slow cutting then prs are definitely possible, especially when he eats big volume and itensity day.
Building work at my house means i have to train at a commercial gym today.

I would travel to a PL gym but 30-40mins for slingshot bench and accessories seems pointless
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This post seems pointless.
Interesting, never knew that.

Just life, training and diet really. He's a big boy, all natty and total bear mode. But yeah he is doing a slow cut.
If he's a big dude he carries enough mass that he could easily lose weight and still gain strength. When you are already lean and then cut that is when you lose strength/can't make PRs. If you are carrying a lot of mass to begin with you can get stronger while cutting because even on a cut he is probably eating more than his body actually needs. As he leans out and his daily intake continues to decrease the gains will eventually stop.

Just my $0.02
I see, that makes a lot of sense, thanks. If you had to make a very rough estimate, around what bf percentage do you think the gains stop?
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Reminder this is Sean
>Dat hourglass figure and upper to lower body ratio
So when is his transition to a trap going to start?
Oh. My. Keks
>tfw look even worse than that
>tfw that is your build but you have more muscle
Lads im looking into a belt, I was a fanboy for inzer from all the YouTube shilling but ordering the forever 13mm lever will set me another 100$ for shipping (residing in Israel)
Are there any good belts that offer free shipping or maybe European belt vendors?
why are there only lolfedders on plebbit
if your knees are tracking out and your hips are extending, then you're using your glutes m8

there's no "mind muscle connection" needed. you do not need to 'feel' your pecs when you bench, you do not need to feel your 'glutes' when you squat.
Bodorio caused a shitshow again lads
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Post bod. no homo
Because it's an echo chamber hugbox. Any attempt at fed bullying is just karmic suicide.
I think I've heard people talking about Wahlander being a good brand from Sweden. I'm not sure how easy shipping will be from them, though.
Because most of the lolfedders aren't autistic enough for 4chan.
>literally dearest belt around
>literally dearest belt around
What? I don't understand these words in this order.
Could be that hes trying to say most expensive in swenglish lol
There's a shitload of IPF diehards though

im british, the only swedish words i know are kom igen thanks to you lad
There are some languages where 'dear', 'valuable', and 'expensive' are the same word
Ah, ok. Yeah, they're expensive.
That's why I have an Inzer. :^)

If I ever have to replace my current belt, I might get one of the ones you can get labeled (like Pioneer belts or similar). It'd be pretty sweet to have something on the back of the belt... Maybe "ekkert mál".
>like Pioneer belts or similar
>ipf approval
That other thread is incredible rn
>implying I give a shit about the IPF
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then why are you here?
fair enough
it's just /plg/ memeing each other
desu ive been suspecting that its just plg trolling plg but ive beeen clinging onto the hope that its actually happening
>he's jokingly suggesting that your lifts are what normies think of as strong

Some of you are alright. If you live in Sweden, don't go to the gym tomorrow.
when is next meet?
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how do i fix my appalling squats lads
paused squats are GOAT. and remember, your hips only shoot up because you let them.
nothing apparently awful from that angle. you're just weak

git strong
yeah i know, i just seem to get like 10kg of squat progress in a month then nothing for 3

my bench is catching up and my deadlift 1rm is 40kg higher than squat approximately

how do i not let them ;_;
When you want to collapse forward and let your hips/back take the load, just... don't. Stay upright, grind it with your quads.
it wasn't a squat morning though - his hips just moved into a better positioning after hitting depth.
a) did we watch the same video? b) hips moving to a better position isn't (supposed to be) a thing for squats, it's more for deadlifts
Wow rich before he took the juice
a) yes. look at the angle of his hips in relation to his knees. torso angle isn't 1 size fits all for squat morning - let alone the fact that his torso wasn't even that leaned over

b) it wasn't a problem of squat morning though, and making him "stay on the quads" would lead into too many unnecessary problems rather than fixing the root problem. the problem is he's fishing for depth trying to maintain an upright position, then going back to a perfectly solid, typical lowbar position.
fishing for depth trying to maintain an upright position, then going back to a perfectly solid, typical lowbar position.

what do you mean by this? i feel i can hit depth too easily in a way (can squat atg with heels together no problem) and this can lead to it actually feeling harder when i try to cut reps to parallel

should i start with a less vertical back angle?
>should i start with a less vertical back angle?
you should allow yourself to be less upright on the descent, ending in a similar angle to which you ascend with. that would be the ideal situation.

that being said I don't think it's a horrendous problem you need to worry about too much. some coaches actually advocate it because it "uses up" the quads before deferring back to the hamstrings.

just keep working on getting stonger (my original sentiment) because your squat is perfectly fine
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>have tried foam rolling and lacrosse ball many times to no avail
>knees feeling a little sore after session this morning
>work has one of these things at the desk, just dig it the fuck into my quads
>actually works and knee feels better

Fuckin A I need one of these
So there is nothing to respect in that matter?
Just squat?
How much of a crush do you have on rey rey?
>done pause squats twice in my life
>first time my hip was kill for 3 months
>second time i noticed similar symptoms of the first injury but at the other side
>have pause squats today
>if your knees are tracking out and your hips are extending, then you're using your glutes m8
if he's loose in the bottom (lel) he may not be using them very well, but thats not really something you fix with "uh engage glutes i guess"
Rip elbows
Traps have gotten smaller lads ;-;
I'm quite new to /plg/. I've heard the YA NEHVEH LEARN vid/audio but what's the context?
raging superautist said he'd outtotal isley, he never did
if you're fufilling those two conditionals, in the context of glute activation, then yes

by loose at the bottom I assume you mean allows lower back rounding - then he's not fulfilling proper hip extension, so glutes are not fully utilised/capable.
The vid with his audio overlaid was actually bodorio repping Mong's max for like 10-12
yeah not disagreeing with you, just think people may see "hip extension" and think "uh yeah of course im doing that properly" despite not doing it
someone post this
Eh, not sure.

I brace, sit back and try to sit between my legs, that's it.
that's their problem and not mine :^)

can't give a form check with cues, gotta have a vid m8

Here is one, not that recent but I still squat like that.
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*pukes internally*
The bulk is real.
Has he pulled 300 yet?
he regressed due to life changes/less lifting/more stress etc
holy fuck did marcel get fat?
Meant to ask what everybody is training today
solid hips, no complaints

overall good squat, definitely don't worry about glute activation
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This is the life you choose
Cool, thanks for your input lad!
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more or less a deload session

but im probably going to do 2 sets of pin squats and some back extensions i didnt have time for yesterday too, because im too autistic to let go
Is this it? https://youtu.be/n9AbFLC0YoY
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Tbh thats less than my 150kg xRM

It was right after a competition, was rekt as fuck
Only just makes it even more hilarious tbH lad
Mixing Candito's 6 week routine's lower days with the advanced bench program?
Hey Im kinda new here but did isley honour his bet that he lost yet?
Yes sir. Seems like it would make sense.

Things are starting to get hard though for bench

I love me some sumo block pulls but it seems like they stopped working for me

Sup Alex
Holy fuck your program actually separates the deadlift into 2 exercises. I cant believe it
this is like not that uncommon at all, even fucking rippetard does it
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>Sup Alex
nm, gonna go get some lunch then I have diffeq and I have to get a circuit design I made checked off.
how is your day friendo

How new are you?
I just find it weird the fact that hes using exercises that helps conventional more than sumo
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I heard that shit was hard
I'm in class, about to start. Cross cultural marketing, what a joke of a class.

After that I have consumer behavior.

Sweating my ass off though, it's 72° rn. Was not prepared for this
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>the entrepreneur might compete at 93kg some day

>spends his jrs limiting himself to a weightclass
>expects it to be easy to gain muscle when hes older
Maybe he just doesnt want to be a fat piece of shit? ever considered that? He still has world records, while looking good
You have nothing while looking fat

>limiting himself to a weightclass

yes its called powerlifting for everyone who isnt SHW
he has plenty of time tho
Yeah, thats my point....
Jrs making a Jr career without caring about open is retarded
Only other jrs care about Jr medals
And not even all of the jrs care
nice opinions
Why not do strongman instead? Is it because you hate fun?
Yes yes kindly do shed some like on how hancott is "wasting" his juniours while he shatters world records and is in good health, while you, Mr. weight-classes-aren't-gonna-hold-me-back, can't even fucking outlift people in your own country, let alone get into worlds

shut the fuck up and daily reminder there is no excuse to be fat and powerlift
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I do :D
legitimate question desu
Thats not even hard though.
Why do you even talk when you have no idea what you're talking about? Josh hancott has said numerous times he doesn't care about juniour records

Now kindly look up who has the open squat world record for the 74kg class

I'll give you a hint

His first name is Josh
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It's not that bad tBh, but I'm pretty good with math and sciences so I suppose that helps. I would probably be absolute shit at what you're doing.
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Is lifting synonymous with injuries and worn tendons?

Can I be a long term lifter and not get injured?

Is lifting a trap
how far into it are you? It get tough in the end. I should know, I took it 3 times.

This is pretty much true. My Provincial affiliate resets it's juniour records all the time cause no-one gives a fuck.
lifting strengthen tendons
The truth about lifting is that all roads lead to Snap City. People who lift weights choose to look good for a few years before dying at age 50.
>Is lifting synonymous with injuries and worn tendons?


Competing? Yes. Powerlifting is the thing we do between injuries.
there;s a difference between world juniour records and your shitty little chinese infested city
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going back to sheiko

first week of RPE based training left me absolutely #rekt to pieces, I don't think I'm responsible enough to be basing my training off of that kind of stuff yet.

so for now I'll just keep track of RPEs during sheiko and maybe revisit it some day in the future. had to lower my bench max because of my wrist bothering me into a narrower grip
This is the first day of my 4th week of it.
I'd rather be a broken man at 60+ having lifted than being a broken man at 70+ and spend my whole life not knowing what I could have done with it regarding physicality

I loved calculus, I took it even though I didn't need to. Marketing it's really fucking easy, there are very few specific things you need to remember like equations, more just concepts. Quite a bit of writing, which I'm completely okay with because I seem to get shit done in half the time or less than my classmates
then no shit it's easy. Let me guess, you're up to linear, time-invariant, first-order equations? Hang onto your ass.
Pretty much the way I see it if you lift just to bullshit around and do whatever, it's pretty easy to avoid serious injuries or tendinitis.

If you train as though you're going to compete, you'll almost certainly develop some sort of tendinitis/irritation somewhere and some acute injuries as well.

But this is only while you're training that way. In the long run you'll likely have stronger joints and have fewer musculoskeletal issues as you age so long as you aren't powerlifting seriously when you're 50.
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>so long as you aren't powerlifting seriously when you're 50.
who /shitgrip/ here

this is 440kg ffs
Best answer I got desu
I'll likely be training for powerlifting for as long as I can, but I do understand that I'll probably have constant nagging injuries, even after I hop on dat dere Vitamin T.

Glad I could help senpai
last thing we did was solving homogeneous first order stuff. but yeah, one of my roommates took it last semester and he said it wasn't bad, but he's also way smarter than me. the homeworks are already taking like 4+ hours, so that's a bummer.

I hated calc, but I was at least decent at it. tBh half the reason that I chose engineering was to limit the amount of essays I would have to write lel. and you get to play with some cool shit, which is fun.

I hope to be competing at worlds in the Masters division.
>4+ hours for one class
Jesus dude. Homework for me rarely takes more than 20 minutes. Most of the learning we do is instruction, reading for most of my classmates takes about an hour because they can't kill their subvocalization. I typically don't study for tests until the day of, also.

Easy non STEM life
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>non STEM
I like strongman better desu but /smg/ doesn't have much of a community
>20 minutes of homework
Do you remember equally much with/without subvocalization?
its so hard for some places to have strongman equipment.

its a shitload of investment, and it takes up soo much square footage... consequently that sort of thing isn't around much.
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>homework for me rarely takes more than 20 min
some of you are alright, don't go to California tomorrow
Just had a bath then put pajamas and slippers on. I've never done any of this before. Might be more enjoyable than lifting desu.
I'm taking 18 units so it's pretty tolerable. Might take 6 this summer so my last two semesters will be piss easy

Top kek

As long as I'm paying attention, yes. It's also easier to zone out so you take the good with the bad
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How would deadlifting say 200kg on a 6ft standard bar, with 1 big 25kg plate + loads of smaller plates (thus only one plate touching the ground on each side), compare with lifting it on a 7ft olympic bar with bumper plates filling the bar out? Assume the bar height is the same
If this doesn't get 6000 words with accompanying sketches, STEMfags ITT are a joke tbqh.
>18 credits
>pick one and only one
How much does Bodorio weigh, and how tall is he? I'm 'mirin hard.
184cm.competes in 105kg but weighs around 110kg offseason
5'4 240lbs.
What? I'm taking 20 credit hours right now and it's not bad at all.
I'm 5'3 too!!!!! That must mean you weigh exactly 100lbs more than I do lmao! LOL
>What? I'm taking 20 credit hours right now and it's not bad at all.

20 hours of finger painting and macaroni art isn't very stressful, no
Must not be very difficult classes then, because I haven't heard of many people ever going over 18 credits ever. I'm currently taking 16 and I barely have time to lift 3 times a week desu. It's fucking insane.
>tfw the closest strongman gym is literally an hour away
I just want to do Atlas stones ;_;
My friend from Paraguay doing an engineering degree is taking 21.
I think different unis much classify them differently.
My brother did an econ degree at a very prestigious school and did 18 hours every year and did just fine so idk lad.
Daily reminder bagboyshorts goes to a community college for philosophy, is employed at a chinese grocer, and live in his GF's parents house, sharing a room with 5 of her cousins, sleeping in the middle portion of two, 3 story bunkbeds offered in this 10x10 crawl room he calls a bedroom
I'm on that non-stem life too but 18 units and 20 mins of homework?
that doesnt add up.
what's 18 credits mean anyway?
Theoretically 1 hour of class per credit. In terms of actual time I'm spending, with some classes, like labs, no matter the time, at least at my school, they can be anywhere from 3 to 4 hours. In terms of actual hours spent, I'm closer to 19 hours than I am 16.
That's kinda hot
Labs can be 1 credit and be 3-4 hours long*
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>at work
>have to move hydrolic pump + motor
>spread feet out ~4ft
>grab supports with a hookgrip
>pick it with as vertical a torso as possible and a foreward gaze
>place it on the work bench
>my boss's face when
what the actual fuck?
I have 23 hours of classes per week and I have time to lift 4 times a week easily.
Shut up coward
lifting in my freezing cold garage gym
Make a bulk order of dildos on his address.
So you only got 4 hours of sleep last night bit it's a lifting day. Do you:

>not lift
>lift anyway
>nap then lift
Def nap then lift if you have the time
Id lift without any sleep desu
That's why you are gay
That's why you are gay
I mean I'm on SS so its not necessary for me to lift more yet, but I can barely squeeze it in with my work load during the school week for Monday and Wednesday. Could definitely do Saturday when I need to. 5 hours of Russian, 5 hours of calc, 3.5 hours of discrete math, 3.5 hours of bio, 3 hours of bio lab, not including homework every week.
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>american programming
Lift or gtfo coward.
Stop being a moron and a hypocrite, fucking retarded mongrel
It's worked to get my squat up, my bench was relatively ok for how long I've been seriously lifting, and desu its actually helped bring that up a decent bit too. My deadlift is absolute garbage unfortunately, but somehow my grip is caught up, rarely, if ever, need to switch from double overhanding.
Because you can't sleep?
If nap, keep it short.
what happened to supermang? I've been away for a bit I don't think I've seen him post.

Did Isley shag his sister or something?
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reminder that pete is 24 and unable to train squat properly ever again
Isley doesnt do anything productive, only makes bets he cant keep his word on
yea bro gotta add weight every season and progress as fast as possible the most important thing is that you can lift as much weight as possible next month disregard the next years
That just looks and feels painful.

I can feel my knees and spine snapping.

Though it is still impressive to an extent. 3/10 mirin
I mean considering how weak I was I certainly didn't mind. Besides, I'm doing the polar opposite of it once I'm finished anyway, so I'll certainly have more than enough time to recover
Nah he got kicked out of a powerlifting club for being an arrogant unreliable crack head (srs, drugs) and quit the whole scene.
Has he learned to bench yet?
Does a 3plate paused bench with calls count?
Squatting with safeties for the first time is really throwing me off my groove lads
>shoulder press
Then set them lower
I dont know, it just feels like I'm going to hit them so I'm descending really slowly but then I drop into the hole fast by accident
But then they'd be useless
Then ask someone to spot you?
Last time that went horribly wrong
Then use safeties instead?
But they fuck with my groove
Sumo literally is more functional than conventional and anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong. If you're picking up a real-life object off the ground, you're almost definitely straddling it.
just learn to bail out without safeties.
what the fuck do you even mean if theyd be lower theyd be useless
>everything feels like fuck
>camera shows it flying up
The only practical things I've ever had to do in real life that resemble deadlifts are moving a trailer onto a hitch or moving boulders around for landscaping. The latter uses more of a sumo stance but the former can use either, and is a more common activity anyway.
>hitting a full house
If I put them lower, the bar wouldn't reach them even if I went as atg as I could so I'd still have to dump the bar like I would without safeties
Mfw some crossfit cockloving faggot got lost on the way to his box and somehow ended up in my competitive powerlifting gym

How to bully him out?
So you collapse forward a few inches and it's fine. Or just work with loads you know you're unlikely to fail.
I am unlikely to fail the weights I'm working with but the safeties are throwing me out of my groove so Idk
Is that why the kings of functional strength, strongmen, all pull conventional without exception?

Maybe it's because only pussies and cheaters pull sumo lol
It's because they have to you fucking guy. Love to see you conventional pull a 55 gallon drum off the ground.
Or maybe it's because conventional is superior in every way. Ever wonder why world records are set with conventional?

Sumo only sets record numbers of dicks in asses
My 1RM squat used to be 140kg, but I'm attempting a new pr tomorrow with knee wraps - how much weight do they add alone?
>how much weight do they add alone?

Wraps can't squat.
Sheiko feels?
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Sounds p interesting lads
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"Don't just survive your training, thrive in it."-Based mike t
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Oh look who it is
The GFless pozz
It depends on the wraps. I have a pair that doesn't seem to add any weight, but I've heard that some types can add 40-50 pounds.
It's probably best to just treat them as a knee safety device.
Who /out of routine/ here?
>skipping meals
>going to bed late
>waking up late
>eating fast food b/c out of time to cook

Feels bad man
Best tricep work for strength and size?
Me a little, and I have meet at the end of the month

CGBP, dips, push press
Depends entirely on the wrap. If you are wrapping them yourself you probably won't get them all that tight. If someone else is handling you, depending on the brand you could maybe squat around 160kg with a good wrap and a stiff pair of wraps.
They don't even provide safety for your knees
Gonna do 5x5 for the first time today, my max bench is 280. Is 245 too heavy of a weight to use?
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What about pic related?
RPE 9-9-10 tricep extensions with triangular attachment, 3 sets with respective ^ RPEs
Wow. That's actually kinda sad. He was a prick but clearly had issues that I hope he can deal with.
proud of you senpai :)
K pussy.
For what actual purpose? Just linear progression? I'd drop it a little, 87.5% doesn't leave you a lot of room to go upward.
But they do, though. Wraps minimize movement of the patella and keep the knee's tendons from stretching too far outwards.
Compression is a wonderful thing.
Can you expand on what you mean when you say "a lot of room to go upward"? Thanks
JM press
Adds nothing but comfy.
tfw only the shw deadlift record beats the 93kg record.
Rehbands add nothing but comfy. Anything you gain from them is likely confidence. If you were to get SBDs that are tight and crank them on I wager you'd add a few pounds. In my personal experience they helped a lot.
Depends how good you are at wrapping and squatting in them.

You should not be using them
it's going to be very hard for you to add weight to that and do 5x5 if you are trying to progress them lineary
Have not gone to the gym for 1 or 1 and a half weeks. Mostly because i cant use my car and it would take me 1 hour to get there using the bus. Already lost 2kg bw
For size just do light cable thing 2x20 before CGBP or Dips, Shit works wonders for me
Why not?
Looks like your problem could be sleepybutt. Try warming up with banded crab walks and standing on one leg and opening and closing your hips leaning forward a bit by pointing your hips at the wall and then the ground a few times. Gotta wake up your glute med and min to get better abduction so you don't get dat valgus
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>not sure which thread is more shit
Oh I see. Wouldn't I eventually reach a limit anyways?
You're too weak.
Bench press with competition style pause
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