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who /ingrowntoenails/ here? had this shit for like 10 years,

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who /ingrowntoenails/ here? had this shit for like 10 years, visited a shitton of docs, some of 'em kept on removing my shit and it would still grow back badly. at this point I can't run without my nails hurting me and my socks turn red. it's actually fucking with my gains. I'm currently trynna let the nails get long and lift it from below with cotton, but I have not seen much difference yet. how did you get over it /fit/?
Had them for a few years, kept at clipping them every now and then, eventually it turned into a habit and at some point I managed to remove most of them myself.
Probably isnt the most effective method out there, but it worked, havent had a problem with them for years after that.
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thing is, my brother had the same exact problem with me, yet he "just let 'em grow long" and it went away. fml bros
I clipped the skin at an angle following the nail up and outward in the corner of my toe. Pulled the wound apart every day to make sure it didn't heal closed. Eventually the skin healed normally so that my nails weren't trying to grow through skin.
can you, like, draw a shitty ms paint picture of this?
I used to get ingrown toenails. Then it turned out that I have really wide feet. Now I order 5e shoes off of the internet, and no more ingrown toenails. Perhaps OP needs wider shoes.
I always believed my shoes were comfy tho. maybe i'll try stop wearing socks inside the house, but it's getting cold af senpai...
You could try going to a shoe store and measuring your feet. When I was a child they always had me sitting down while measuring. This is incorrect. you need to be standing, and you need to lean forward slightly and wiggle you toes a bit. Decompress the foot from being inside of the shoe. This will allow you to get a true measuring. If you still measure a normal width then you know it isn't related to your shoes.
I've only measured the length of them to find out what my shoe number is. and that's it, doesn't seem like getting a size up would help cuz there would be too much space in there imo
did you try putting a tissue stripe between toenail and toenail bed overnight?

i did this 2 weeks and the nail was forced to grow properly. never had any problems since then. also always cut the toenails rather straight than rounded.
i do cut the nails straight. about the tissue stripe, you mean between meat and toenail right?
yes in the corner where it grows in. you must feel that the nail is lifted a bit. but not painful. trying to find a pic but its hard with all the toenailgore it also finds.
safe search maybe?
did it really do work for you tho? my problem is kinda big, don't really feel like posting a pic cause its gross, but its been going on since i was a kid
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> 2016
> Having toenails
> Making it
Choose two
I got cellulitis/trench foot/frostbite/ingrown and my feet were basically dying. Body rejected antibiotics and couldn't clean with anything non-invasive. They ripped the nails off and put acid under the cuticle where the nail originates. Shit will never grow back.
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yes it did.

i dont know how severe it is in your case. mine was about like pic related. reddish with real sharp pain when walking sometimes.

but post your pic. so i know if it makes sense to give tips
brace yourself, just got home and i didnt have time to clean my shit so it's gonna be gore af

>being a disgusting sub human
OP i've got toenail fungus....and i don't want to lose my foot, shit's all yellow and stuff. Fuck
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fun fact: the one side that looks cool somehow magically healed haha
[spoiler]somebody end my misery[/spoiler]
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Your doctors sucked. I had my ingrown type nail removed three times, same operation every time. First they removed the entire nail down to the root then applied a poison to the corner of the nail that was causing problems. The first two times I had some young doctors that only applied the poison to the surface of the skin when there nail starts or just under the surface. The third time I had some old doctor who knew what he was doing and when it came time to apply the poison he shoved the tube containing the poison as hard as he could into the corner of the toe. When my nail grew back it was clearly different shaped than before and the poison had actually worked this time.
what funny looking toes. pubic hair on them and everything.
can we be adults about it, please? i didn't come here to feel like shit, i already hated myself for it...
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You got some funky toes fampai
Yup >>35679387
Here, my toe looked like that until it was fixed. No home remedy is going to fix that.
Man fuck is this what is gonna hapoen with me...
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What in the fuck
Shoes come in 10 different widths. a,b,c,d,e,ee,eee,eeee,eeeee,eeeeee

Most brands sell A and B as narrow, C and D as regular, E and EE as wide. Sometimes you can find an EE marketed as extra wide. For the wider shoes you generally have to order them or go to a specialty show.

But if you have been getting regulars, and you need a wide, you should be able to find one. As a note though not all brands mark their shoes the same, so one brands narrow might be an A, another a B, others perhaps even C. etc

>There are people lifing people with disgusting body parts like this on this planet right now

protip: your feet tell me you havent had sex, ever.

also, coming up with another shot now that i cleaned my shit up, bare with me guys, trust me, the pain is all mine...
Let them grow, cut a V shape into them. Worked for me.
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Magic savior of toe's here

My toe's are fully recovered atm and have been doing fine for the last year. I've battled with the pain and puss for about 3 years until I was sick of it. I did the following which helped a ton:

First of, keep your fucking wounds clean. Buy cleaningsoda and make a bucket with hot water and some of that white crystal powder wonder stuff to keep your wounds clean by resting your feet for about 10min in them every two days. (Immediately do this whenever you feel they're starting to get irritated again)

Secondly, wear clean socks every day and try to walk on slippers inhouse/at home. Sweaty feet hinder the recovery of the wounds/prevent it totally.

Third, AND THIS ONE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, get some fucking toenail braces like PIC RELATED. This shit is magical. I've had them for a while and my toes became flatter (less U shaped) within 3 months. They sometimes popped off because of the tension that builds up but just get new one's. It's not cheap but totally worth it.

Idk if you can combine braces with the soda water, ask your pedicure bitch about that.

Keep clean with cleaning soda baths -> keep it dry so it can recovery (wear slippers at home) -> get some fucking toebraces

Good luck to you faggots
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my clean toes edition. sorry.
Also, forgot to mention. Keep your toenails quite long but not too long. Don't cut them too short. Always keep them 1/4cm longer than when your toefleshagainstthenailsquishwindow stops like in the picture I posted.
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do the notch
All of these home remedies are shit and they won't do shit for someone with as serious condition as you. Go to the doctor and explain to them that this is a chronic condition and all of your past doctors have failed you and what he plans to do different

I did the same thing as this anon get the entire toenail excised and cauterize the base. I still get shards ingrown sometimes but is nuch better than getting ingrown toenails removed every 4 months. It's really the only way family
I've visited like 8 doctors in the past 10 years bruh. all of them were

i've gotten 3 surgeries until i started doing the notch >>35679582
and stopped wasting my money
i'm quite tired of all this shit man. if it's healable by me then k, otherwise fuck it, ima fuckin cauterize this motherfucker just in hope of ending it forever...
Your shit has gone from ingrown to infected. Eventually it will get in the nail bed and possibly to the bone if not treated. Watch for skin to go from reddish Nd inflamed to pale yellow, then black (dead)
I look forward to you joining the >>35679307 crew
how can you even walk or enjoy life with this?
They are still better and better resourced than random idiots on the Internet. The root in that corner need to be destroyed, all of your doctors have failed so far but that's still what needshe to happen and no home remedy is going to fix that

i bet 100 burgercuck dollars that you are from the US.

how the fuck does it feel to have worse feet than some afrian 3rd worlder who has no access to doctors at all?!

Freedom fries are treating you guys good i see.

Your feet are rotting, lmao kill yourself, i allmost puked when i saw those pictures...i bet they smell like shit to.

And dont try to tell me you fucked a girl above 5/10 with those feet, because those feet also tell me that you are some disgusting cunt whos not able to keep his body in good condition.

i don't quite understand what >>35679582 is trynna say, can you give me a better description?

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It's healable by you getting toebraces, keeping it clean and letting it recovery. It's not that fucking hard.

An operation might solve it but if it doesn't, it's because your toenailshape is fugged. By letting the wounds recovery first, it won't hurt anymore and the next step is forcing your nails to grow in the right shape. Which will take about 3~6months with those braces.

But you can ignore my advice and enjoy painful fugly toes for the rest of your life. I did enjoy the fact that I can make out with a chick and don't immediately get a flaccid benis from the pain when she lightly hits my toe in the wrong angle.

PS. my toes looked exactly like the toes posted in this thread.
I don't know about the rest of it, but only American 'healthcare' would result in this.

I live in Australia and went to the doctor the other day because I cut my slightly. Just making sure I don't have tetanus, you know. He said 'I'm glad you came in -- better to be safe than sorry' and charged me $0 (zero) for it.


Cut your toenails exactly like the pic. I've been cutting mine like that to avoid getting ingrown toenails and its actually worked. Nigger please see another doctor, you have an issue if you keep getting them back. See another doctor. I honestly have no idea how you walk.
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fokin hell m8

same thing here
had the same problem, doctor removed the whole fucking nail and cut fucking pieces of meat out of my toe when the nail was removed. saw everything since it was with a local a.
>no more pain, but toe looks like it's from tschernobyl now
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im going throug hthe same shit
any way that i can start with pills?
i dont want to get the whole thing cut off
It depends on how bad it is. I had both nails affected. For my op they just trimmed away the sides and used iodine to stop the nail growing back. I had to do a course of antibiotics a month before however.
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Bitches got nothing on my fungal infected toenail. Finally getting this bad boy off next week, hopefully they let me keep it.
cool collection bro, im fuckin' jelly
looks like a large cockroach is crawling into your toenail bed
yeah it's pretty damn thick, that's what happens when you sit back and don't deal with shit for years

t-thanks, hopefully it makes you feel better about your own hideous toes
You're growing armor man...
That's clearly half a prawn
seconding this. Also soaking them in epsom salts works. If you have mild inflamation, paint the edges of your nails with betadine. Keep your toes open to the air as much as possible and wear clean white socks when you wear shoes.
bruv you are past the point of DIY and you need to get to an urgent care before you wind up with a blood infection.

my toe isn't nearly as gross as that but SHIT
i need to get to the doc asap so it doesn't end up looking like THAT
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Posting in hopes of getting help
>Pic is my toe
The skin is going off.
I had when I was younger. I Was Cutting My Nails As A Spot Shape Which Fucked e. A doctor cut a quater my toe nail off
wuts your problem toe looks healteh
it's yellow in the front and back look at it anon
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the other toe nails are white as...well white
I can taste them...
Keep an eye on it just, if it's not getting worse you have nothing to worry about and there really isn't anything you can do to treat it. However if you notice the nail becoming thicker and a more greenish color then go to your doctor and he will give you something like curanail, a liquid you have to apply on your nail everyday, and make sure you fucking do that shit. Btw to prevent this from happening you need to make sure your toes are getting air often and aren't damp or anything.
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Anyone toenail fungus?
I've had this shit for like 2 months and I've been putting ketoconazole which is prescription strength antifungal but it's not improving that much
The toenail fell off at one point but it doesn't wanna grow back without a bunch of white shit growing under the nail
No pain really
i might just go to the doc
yeah, been having sweaty feet for the last days, the colour is pretty noticeable , the other toes are white, this one and the other big one is yellow..
i'm >>35683156
and FUCK i'm going to the doc, i don't want to end like you
They're gonna give you lamisil which is gonna kill your liver or they're gonna give you something like what i got and just HOPE it works
The shit i'm on isn't meant for under the nail fungus, i just try my damnedest to shove that cream under my nail
Does it work?
Lamisil kills your liver? Heard it's for foot fungus but not for nail stuff
It manages it I guess
The doctor told me he has the same thing and it's just something I gotta deal with off/on for a while
No matter what don't cut the corners, just cut the nail across the top in a straight-ish line
Had the same problem back in high school. Just have the doc chemically cauterize the base when he cuts the ingrown edges off next time and you should be good. Been fine ever since
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