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Which is the harder starting point to "make it" from,

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Which is the harder starting point to "make it" from, 115 lbs auschwitz mode or 280 lbs walrus mode? Both at a height of 6' even.

pic semirelated
Being that fat would really fucking blow. You'd have to lose all the fat, then gain muscle. The skeleton only has to eat a fuckton and gain muscle
Idk which is harder, but I'd rather be a skelly first because it's socially acceptable, whereas being fat is not
probably at least 5x harder for the fatty.

Much harder to not eat when you're hungry than to eat when you aren't hungry. Don't care what a fucking skeleton says, this is coming from someone who started skinny. Also as a fatty your skin is likely fucked and you may have joint issues. Plus they have to spend years losing the fat and will likely never get ripped due to the obesity-induced adipocyte proliferation and leptin/insulin resistance.
Aushwitz for sure

You just have to bulk and lift. Starting as fat you need to cut then bulk to gain muscle mass
Being a fatty and making it is probably more hard work, but you'd also be dropping weight quicker than a skelle could put it on so you'd be seeing results getting more positive reinforcement which would help.
lol I'm sorry but this is absolute bullshit

as a fatty you slowly morph into a deflated, saggy version of your former self. Any gains you make are masked by remnants of fat and loose skin and it will take years to look good if it ever happens. Skeletons start out lean and can clearly see their muscles grow beneath the skin at a reasonably fast rate in the beginning. Again, this comes from someone who started skinny.
if your goal is to just not look like a hamplanet or lose the gut then your statement is true. if the goal is to actually look good then the fatty has it a lot harder. mostly because the skelly starts out where the fatty has already worked for months and years
I'm a fat fuck, currently at 107 kg (235 lbs). Started back in August at 126 kg (277 lbs). I'm focusing mostly on the losing weight aspect, while still getting decent amount of exercise due to my work as carpenter. It's honestly a lot easier than I expected, first 2 weeks of changing my diet were harsh, after that I was used to it and had no more cravings.

Planning to keep this up to ~80kg (~175 lbs) and then focus on building up muscle.

So yeah, overall, if you're already at the low weight point, you don't need to spend a year on losing weight first.
Find me one person who's made it from fat fuck mode, and I can find you 50 others who made it from skeleton mode.
Being a fat ass. You will never look aesthetic if you were once 280 lbs. There will always be stretch marks, excess skin and overall bad health.
Well 2 years ago I was 119lb at 6ft and got to 140lb after 1 and a half year. I am back down to 132lb because this semester fucked my shit up. Fat people have to lose a lot of bf then put on lean mass. Id say its probably easier for skeletons
I would add to this but everyone seems to agree.
115lbs isn't Auschwitz mode, try 90lbs mayte
>implying you can't get gains on a cut
stupidest meme ever
completely untrue.
Just work more then you diet and lose it with proper levels of nutrients.
I went from 280lbs to 168lbs at 5'11'' and the stretch marks are barely noticeable, and lose skin is non existent.
As a recently enlarged big guy, currently 6'3 300 lbs, previously 6'3 220 lbs. It's way easier getting ripped if you're skinny. And before anyone has something to say about my weight, I'm trying to figure out how to lose it without exceeding medical restrictions of no lifting and no extended walking
>6 foot 115 lbs isn't Auschwitz mode

u wot m8
fork put-downs 5x5 big guy
Going from fatty to reasonably fit is obviously multiple times as hard as going from skinny to the same point. It's not even comparable, really.
Well, I do not think that one is harder than the other. The results and emotional journey though are different.

I used to be a fatty (246lbs to 160lbs).
Even though I am at the lowest bf% and weight of my life at the moment, I still see scars/loose skin from my past as fatty.

If you would start as someone that wasn't fat at all, you will look and feel better from the start
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