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hey fit i will be travelling Europe on a budget soon. how will

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hey fit
i will be travelling Europe on a budget soon. how will i keep my gains. what can i do to keep my strength and stay in shape?
Bro u see whats going on in europe right now, I wouldn't touch europe with a 10 lightyear long pole

Eat, drink, and fuck your face off

The gym will be here when you get back.
have fun in the Middle East anon!
Amazing.. you guys are so full of fear..
What places are you planning on visiting?
Welcome to the New Middle East!

SJW faggot, its terrible there.
You fucking don't.

And that's ok I guess. You get to see some stuff. But I'll be here. Lifting 6 times a week. Eating right, sleeping right, and doing steroids. When you're done, I'll be better. And you'll come back to the gym weaker and smaller an lose motivation cuz you won't be able to lift what you used to.

But hey, memories, right?
When did "backpacking Europe" become such a cliché?
Portugal - Spain - France - Belgium - Netherlands - Germany - Italy - Greece
in that order.. ill be gone for 2 months
i need some body weight workouts thats more than just pushups
ROFL nice life philosophy brah
I went this summer, lost all my gains. But muscle memory is legit, in the 3 months I've been back my squats up over 200 pounds and my deadlifts up over 240 pounds.

literally flooded with """""refugees"""""

at least come when it's summer
this desu the plague may as well be back in europe
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>Eating right, sleeping right
>doing steroids
You were so close anon...

Let me know if you've got any questions on those spots OP, been to all of them
Wow a euro trip, you're so different and unique from every other 19-23 middle class white kid in the world. Why dont you go somewhere interesting you sheep pleb
I went over the summer for a whole month. Italy, Switzerland Spain Portugal. I lost some gains but I just ate a shit ton of great food and was able to cut back to my old mass really easily within less than a month afterwards. Dont worry bro I didnt even lift just hiking swimming and ball sports.

while we're on the hate wagon, it grinds my gears seein all these hipsters thinkin they sophisticarted travelling through asia and being all spiritual on their parents' money.

am i jelly? ya. but the egotism floors me
its compact so you can experience a lot of different cultures in one go and travel around there for fairly cheap. So suck a dick hater xD
Euro trip makes sense because you can travel among soo many different countries/cultures in a short area on a reasonable budget. And unlike south america, you probably won't get mugged/rapped along the way
i just want to know the best places to visit and the best things to see... any insider information you can give me would be sweet <3
OP here... its all on my own dime ive been saving for a long time
not sure why you wouldn't want to travel

Just enjoy it mate. These lads just hating cause they're jelly.
>Not visiting Russia

It's like you don't want to bang all the Katias, Svetlanas and Nastyas you want
I'll be doing Europe in July family, I hope the whole immigrant shit has settled by then.

Anyone want to provide suggestions both tourist and fitness for what I should do?

hope ur aware that there are gyms all over europe

more than refugees actually

so if your a tourist fag they probably let u lift there if you really want to for free

theres no reason to lose your gains in europe anon

>I'm visiting the continent where all of the non-American World's Strongest Man competitors are from besides maybe some Canadian faggot nobody has ever heard of
>I'm worried about losing my gains
I hope this is true

In true weeb fashion I'll be doing Japan after I graduate, which I hear is not quite the same

yes its true im yuropoor and ive been to all over europe
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why wouldn't there be gyms in urop?

it doesn't matter if you're going to tourist areas, they're unaffected

I've heard good things about Porto, but Lisbon is legit. It was sweltering while I was there, but this time of year it should be great. If you're staying in hostels, I'll throw a huge shout out to Home Hostel in Lisbon. They'll make you feel like family there.

Are you going to Barca while in Spain? If so make sure to check out Sagrada Familia. I'm not religious but it knocked my socks off. Do a little research on Gaudi and his contributions to the city. Shout out to Hostel One Paralel if you want to party every night of the week.

Don't listen to the fear mongering in this thread, the media, etc. I would bet money that Paris is one of the safest places on the planet to be right now, they'll have that city on lock down after the attacks.

Lastly, seriously don't worry too much about working out bro, it's not that big of a deal. You're spending your own money on this experience, so make every waking moment count. And the losses won't be as bad as you think. I had been away from the gym almost 2 months and lost a lot of size, but I met this Argentinian girl in Rome..we were making out and she took my shirt off and goes "how did you get like this??" called me Hercules the rest of the night haha

Cheers bro
wow dude, thank you <3
i screen caped the comment so i wont forget the name of the hostel
i am flying into Lisbon mid march for my trip
... i spending 2 months and i am planning on a budget of 100$ a day 30 for lodging 40 for food and 30 for touring, does that sound reasonable?
i am also traveling alone
Of course there would be, but if they are flexible with tourists then that'd be good

no worries man, happy to help.

30 US for lodging would be about right for the high tourist spots, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam. Portugal, Spain, East Europe etc. will be MUCH cheaper. I think the two hostels I mentioned I payed less than 15 US per night.

As for food, it can be easy to overshoot it if you're eating out for every meal. I'd suggest buying some groceries and doing some of your own cooking from time to time to save money, but also because it's an easy way to meet other people staying at the hostel.
im relatively good looking but im still not the most outgoing guy... any tips on meeting people
is it common to make day plans with people form hostels
i dont want to do everything alone
Yes, lots of people travel alone like you and hostels are a great way to meet people so be friendly and you can get to make plans with some cute girl/guy. Tinder and four square are awesome tools
I'm heading to South America for 6 weeks in January brehs, any tips? Heading there with 4 other guys I've known for years.

American in Germany here.

I would say to do this:

>Look up local gyms or chain gyms (ie. McFit) in the places you are going to
>Go in with gym clothes, towel, etc.
>Say you just moved here, don't speak the language yet etc. etc.
>ask to do the free trials day or two
>rinse and repeat in each city
>McFit is where I go. Nice quality equipment, a little crowded at peak hours, but otherwise pretty dope, some serious lifters there
>they give 2 free trial days

It's the only way to access equipment. Otherwise, cardio and bodyweight exercises (push-ups, etc).
I travelled for 2 weeks before moving to Germany, lost gains quick and didn't get them back until I had a bank account and could join a gym.
Sorry man. Traveling Europe and keeping gains don't mix.
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>going to greece
It's not really the traveling part, it's the backpacking Europe part that literally every hipster is now doing or has done. It's just sad.
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Can any Eurofags help me?

I'm brown and I'm planning on Travelling to most of the countries OP is heading to (and maybe more) in a few months. Will I get stabbed by any crazy fuck if I do considering the situation in Europe?

My girlfriends safe cos she's Finnish and shit, but I'm kinda worried about myself right now desu.
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Depends where you go really. Just don't be an idiot, use common sense and you'll be fine. Each country is different and each region within each country is different.

I'd say stick to the cities, avoid rural areas, avoid biker bars. But for the most part you'll be fine.
Don't know for all of Europe, but for here (Scandinavia)

>Student gyms are very cheap, and let non-students join
>The food in restaurants is expensive as fuck, try to rent a place with your own kitchen
>There's a ton of great hiking locales

No man, Eurofags fucking love browns. So much so that they are committing cultural suicide to accommodate them.

You will be welcomed with open arms in almost all places you go.
Prepare to get robbed, raped and molested by immigrants. They are all over the place. Im from germany and I have 15 girls in my class, 9 of them have been raped by immigrants. Last year I read about a tourist from US who was beaten to death by immigrants for no reason, they just attacked and jumped on his head until it split. Since they came from a refugee camp, no one was arrested.
when in the netherlands, please don't OD or do anything stupid while on drugs, you'll ruin it for the rest of us. Also; stay the fuck of bicycles because you can't ride them even if you think you can.
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>Traveling Europe and keeping gains don't mix.
It seems like it would be okay if you went to a gym doing the trial method every second day or so. I'm going for a month soon and planning to do this
I'm in Munich which is, according to the media, over flooded with "refugees" and I've never even seen one. But, granted, I live in a good area and don't really go outside of the greater city centre.
aren't you from US of recent San Bernandino shooting?
>how to keep gains
avoid muslims infested areas
everybody ITT: derp EU immigrants

the most recent deadly terror attack happened in your California, morons
theyre very flexible as long as you pay

free try out days are ment to get them subscribers not tourist freeloaders. theyll expect you to pay for a week or month
> cultural suicide

That's cool. Tbh idgaf about Europe and I think it's awesome that they let millions of refugee's in.

I love seeing /pol/ tears everyday.
Take a glock faggot
what is Paris
>european governments keked beyond your wildest beliefs, syrian refugees get a free pass to do everything they want in europe.
>letting in millions of backward muslims, loads of them potential islam extremists
>"haha, chill man, no reason to be afraid"
thats a whole lot of bullshit..
Dude I'm Belgian and I suggest you skip this cancercountry. Do quick citytrip and gtfo. We're literally going downhill. Also our capital ain't worth a visit. It's shittier compared to real cities and filled with refugees and mudslimes.
This would work desu. Every gym has a try-out, just keep moving
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