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to the people who have achieved god-tier body status, how much

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to the people who have achieved god-tier body status, how much time do you spend on maintenance? I will be there in a few months so I need to know. I spend about 2 hours in the gym at the moment - how much will I need to work out just to maintain the gains I've gotten?
You never stop. There is no difference between maintenance and "getting there". You don't make it and then suddenly stop. That's not how it works.
>suddenly stop

I clearly said how much time for maintenance, aka not stopping. And clearly there IS a time difference between the amount of work-out to stay the same compared to get gains.
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If you think it ends ever your wrong and have already not made it

I never said it ended you fucking illiterate faggot. I just asked how much you actually still need to work out once you've achieved it. Keeping your gains obviously doesn't require the same amount of work-out compared to getting more gains
When you reach your goal you set a new goal, always put the bar higher.
I maintain at 1 workout per muscle group every 1.5 weeks. Less frequent than that, and the muscle starts to feel like it's weakening.
It really depends on the level you achieved. A normal fit person will need just a couple days a week to keep the form. A roided imbecile will start to deflate after 1 day.

So there's no proper answer here. You just made a thread that will get full of

Age has also a great deal in it. A 60yo man that skips his 60x2 minutes cardio in a week will notice the loss imediately the week after

>A roided imbecile will start to deflate after one day.

But yet the deflated look of a roided imbecile will still look way better than a dyel natty fuck.
Post body or you're a faggot
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jesus wept.jpg
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You'll never be happy with your body, you will always strive to be bigger, or more cut, or more vascular. Once you reach a goal body, you move on to the next one. It's a vicious and eternal cycle.
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autistic natty fucks will never achieve greatness, due to the natural natty laws.

1. You will always look soft, as you will hold more estrogen compared to the enhanced athlete.

2. You will always have to choose between mass or lean, as you can never have both

3. You will have to accept the fact even when you go full on autism mode of "cocoon" the most you will gain in a year is mediocre at best.

Enjoy these facts natty fucks, as we all know why you don't roid. Mommy might find the needles under your bed, and you are too much of a dumb fuck to actually find a good source.

Pic related: The best natty fucks can ever look.
Once you've achieved a state of being that's acceptable to you it takes very little to maintain it. If you spend two hours in the gym per day you are most definitely wasting your time unless you're training for a high endurance sport competition.

4x90 minute workouts per week is more than sufficient to maintain a GG body natty. Obviously you won't look as good as a roidfag.
Awwww, trying to justify the time and money you sped to look good for strangers? Try working on your life half as much as you work on getting mires. Not everyone has body necrophilia.
Kid #2 is hellashthetic
>doesn't realize that making it is a just metaphor
>will never make it
The jailbait is strong with this one
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>that fucking turbo manlet on the far right
Jailbait? They look 16+.
>Trying to justify the time and money

LOL do you hear your logic on this.

It takes more time and money to bring a natty fuck physique to even look mediocre at best. 3 months of the right protocol and you can look like a god.

back to your 13" arms dyel natty fuck.
Cute how the natural facts hit close to home for you. Don't cry too much, you might start to atrophy.
Depends on genetics. If youre working out muscle groups twice a week, cut back to once a week. If you notice youre losing gains, amp it back up a little, maybe work 3/4 what you were doing twice a week etc. Just gotta find what works for you

If I saw this, I don't think I would be able to contain myself. My test would spike so high...

Funny thing is he probably isn't natty
Has that roid fullness going on

Those kids are like 15 years old, second from the right looks like he's in jr high for christ's sake
This is why we need feminism desu senpai
Toxic masculinity rapist boy alert
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