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Anyone here successfully was able to carve a scar onto your face

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Anyone here successfully was able to carve a scar onto your face for aesthetic/fitness purposes?
Real life scars almost never look aesthetic
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I know you're shitposting but scarification can be amazing.
>Why do you have that scar on your cheek?
Oh, I did it myself with a razor to look good.
Wanna know how i got these scars?


youve had too mcuh vidya
Or you could tell them you were in hand to hand combat with Vietnamese soldiers during the Vietnam war.
except that scar tissue is soft and disgusting
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fuck you say to me?
gross as fuck

you get facial scars by doing shit. i got one from falling off my scooter and another from being hit in the head with a golf club. you can't give yourself natural looking scars.
they're attained by accident not at will you faggot.

i got one from running into a shelf and another from getting jumped by dindus at age 4
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This is pretty much what mensur is for. So go to Heidelberg and join a frat, I guess.
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>they're attained by accident not at will you faggot.
>i got one from running into a shelf

kek. Please explain how that was an 'accident' unless you're a legit retard.
What are you, retarded?
or else what?
You got into a gay off with Seifer?
>running into a shelf on purpose would be less retarded
Life isn't an anime dumbfuck
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>running into a shelf is not due to retardation.

since you asked

>playing tag with bro
>i tag him
>hes it
>turn head right if hes chasing me
>blood everywhere
>get rushed to ER
>fade to black
>get better and have cool scar on left brow

It was with your mum m8!
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>going to the ER after playing a game of tag

uhhh.... yes it is
Squall wouldn't say that
jesus, /fit/. your body dysmorphia has hit critical mass.
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I want Geralt of Rivia mode so bad.
Forget those other fags, you got beaten up at 4? Whats the story there?
Noice dubz!

I usto be made fun of because i was slightly feminine growing up.
>believing in his story

it's every 4chan kuckold fantasy to be dominated and be hurt by black people
just lift weights
> yesterday
> let's try some push press because why not
> do self uppercut with barbell
Post butt
Got lucky and got a pretty awesome scar right underneath my left-chest, that was before working out and now it looks pretty good
something similar happen to me
>be 13
>playing tag with a friend in school corridors
>put a bench in his way to slow him down
>run back and the bench is in my way now
>decide to jump over it
>it was positioned right in front of a door frame
>hit the top of it with my head mid jump
>matrix style fall on my back
>a kurva
>blood everywhere
>get rushed to ER
>5 stitches above my forehead (now covered by hair) and one between eyebrows
That's fucking disgusting and no girl would ever want to touch that.
I had a friend when I was in high school end up with, I think, 104 stitches in his arse. Internal and external.
tag gets dangerous m8.

Oakland happened.

>walking home from the baseball field
>went a little far ahead from my brother
>large group of morenos stopped me by the fence
>get pushed hard to the ground on my back
>kicked and stomped hard in the ribs and midsection
>5 or more pairs of legs stomping the hell out of me
>brother comes
>nigs leave
>go home hurting in alot of places
power bottom?
He thought it'd be hilarious to moon tge occupants of the ladies bathroom during the interval of a school play and pressed too hard on the glass
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Highest form of autism.
I've got a scar that goes from the left corner of my lip to the middle of my cheek. my mouth is in a constant frown because of it. my normal resting bitch face doesn't help either, so it pushes people away. you may think it's cool at first but after a year of living with it you get over that and wish you didn't always see people looking at it. so no don't do it for aesthetics.
>headbutt the door to the fridge because im stupid as fuck
>leaves a cool scar over my left eye
feels good
That's not scarification but a white ink tattoo that has yet to fully heal. The first pic is the outline, the second is the completed tattoo which hasn't faded down yet. The end result looks like pic related.

I'll post a pic of an actual scar carving in a second.
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This is what a scar carving looks like. Note the keloid scar tissue. When it fades, which takes years, it does look kind of cool. Or at least, it could look cool on a guy if it were on his shoulder or something. This girl is fucking retarded for doing this to herself.
that looks like an asshole
do it while i'm watching
Example 2: this fag had his friend carve a scar into his shoulder with a lighter after a high school basketball game. I actually think it looks kinda cool in a masculine way. It wouldn't work on most people though. In fact, it probably wouldn't (and doesn't) look good on him in less than ideal lighting and photography at a low bf %. And he's a male supermodel.

TL;DR: scarring is kind of a gamble and not that good of an idea as far as body mods go. Body mods are kinda douchey to begin with in most peoples' eyes.
gotta be a huge problem to wipe that thing
Omar comin

That's pretty clearly her rack, not ass.

Scarring yourself on purpose is idiotic. Don't get me wrong, I've got a number of scars, some of which are kinda cool. But what makes them cool is in large part the story behind them. "I did it with a razor to make me look badass" is not a badass story. It's pathetic.
>intentionally defacing your body
>manly or something good
Why? Why damage your body for no real reason?
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>tfw you will never wield a gun and knife at the same time with an alpha scar on your face (can't be seen in picrelated)
I like how the blood has perfectly filled in his lips in the first one, like a beautiful red lipstick.
How old ARE you?
Is it just me or does this man look like a homosexual
have a major scar on my face (I received as an infant) and i'm always envious of symmetry and a blemish free look.
>wanting scars
Everyone want what they can't have. Learn to love that scar and the grils will love you back.
Post pic? You have what we want.
Someone get merc anon. This is now a merc anon thread.
Just get blackout drunk a couple of times.
I did this when I was depressed and working up the guts to kill myself. Things are better now. It's humbling to look in the mirror and know how crazy and stupid I am. Keeps me grounded.
I bet that itches so bad.
I agree, he's handsome.
respect man. Keep it up
>tfw shitloads of scars.
>tfw when none of them are aesthetic and/or on my face.
Fugly reporting in.
Agreed. Sound the alarm for merc anon to come btfo of all others itt with scars
I had a tumor a few years ago and had to get it cut out. It left a scar on my back. When people ask how I got it I tell them I got stabbed in a knife fight.
Haha. I like you. The best way to deal with awkward scars. Can you post pic of the scar? Is it big?
like the picture but that swordplacement doesn't seem ideal. Imagine he is using his silve sword (the on on his back) then the fron one would really be in the way would it not?
In-game both are on his back.
Unless he is pulling the sheath (spelling?) upwards but then it would still be awkward jumping around it it's loose.

Why am I dropping letters? D: DDD:
That's not a sign of autsim is it? HAve seen enough ot those already
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>cutting yourself to look edgy
12 year olds the lot of you. The sjws werent kidding when they said there's a manchild epidemic
hell yeah tag gets dangerous, when i was 9 i tripped on a tree root that was popping out of the ground and got launched into the eroded pavement and sliced me knee open from one side to the other, got interrogated for a week by police/child safety/doctors about how it happened (looked like a axe/machete wound)
Looks like a centipede on his face.
That would be the stitches, anon..
>what are stitches?
I miss merc anon..
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>a scar fitness purposes
You faggots have gone too far with too many things
A scar would make me a lot more acceptable to the martial arts guys at the gym. I believe it would help me get more involved in the sport. Instead I am babby manlet mode with no scars.
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Best scars are the one you get from lightning and surviving.
>Anon, where did you get that scar?
>Thor hates me:(
I have a scar on my forehead because I fell against a table-leg when I was a child.
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You can't really see it anymore since this happend when I was 2 and now I'm 23. Also it were only 3 stitches or something. But I can still feel a "dent" where my scar is.
Looks artificial. Like a tribal only with scarring rather than inc. Horrible.
what the fuck is wrong with his eyes? Is he constantly wearing faggy contacts?
It's pretty visible. Do people ever call you Harry Potter?

if a scar makes you more acceptable at a martial arts gym, then change gyms.

do they not accept people who are good at martial arts?
Nope, pretty sure most people don't notice the scar.
They are tattooed. Yeah
That's too bad. If you tan a bit it will show better.
>do they not accept people who are good at martial arts?
Not when those people look pathetic. Both me and my friend have problems with them because we're skellies and pretty short. The pale gamer appearance doesn't help either. If I looked tougher it would be easier to train with them, and yes I know I sound like I'm 12 when I say that.
Do you not have friends or
upboat xD
He has eye tattoos
Good grief...
how tough do you think a pale gamer with an artificial scar looks?
Not planning to get an artificial scar, but a proper one would be nice. I am working on the pale gamer thing. Muscles first during winter, then some colour in spring.
And I was pointing out they look like a centipede.

Why the fuck does everyone here wanna be a wiseguy.
>Why the fuck does everyone here wanna be a wiseguy.
Hello newfag.
thats because of that earring probably
Polish rapper Popek did:


pic related it's him now
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Does this look fake? I want something similar.
I'm here.
And OP, if I could, I would bash your head against a floor to get you some nice scars. You up with that?
Fucking hell, I'm mad.
>Thor chose me

Fixed that for you
Merc, post some of your scars pls. And storytime pls:).
Mercenary anon is back. Answer some questions please

1. I've read that you fought in the Ukraine vs Russia conflict last year, on which side were you?
2. How many people were you in your group
3. What are you doing now? How are you earning money?
4. What was the most epic / hardest battle you fought (greentext)?

>Oh wow, he looks so tough and mean with that scar
>How did you get that scar, must have been brutal
>"Yeah, I paid some guy a few hundred bucks. It was a very safe procedure to be fair. Gave it 5 stars on yelp"

Seriously? Cutting yourself for scars is for pussies. Scars just represent you rolling through life's punches and lose that meaning if it's self inflicted.
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I was working with Spetsnaz on Russian side, fighting againt "resistance".
Resistance were men with semi-automatic guns, not some villagers with pitchforks, like they said they would be. Gotta love intel.

There was about 8 people at the start, then 20, then every guy had several guys underneath them, including me.

I said earlier that I'm giving a shot culinary arts.
I always found it fun, but only now situation got so shitty I decided to become a chef.

I'll greentext in a minute, gotta finish something first.

And OP.
I honestly don't get you. You want to look like a freak for the rest of your life?
You want people either not to approach you at all, or first thing they would ask you is "how you got those scars", like you are a fucking Joker or something.
Man up. Don't get bitch scars.
I would know if someone did them yourself, since scars never look like in your chinese cartoons.
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Wow look OP, guess how many girls sucked the dick of the Frankenstein's Monster, just because of his scars, huh?
I just look so aesthetic, don't I.

All you gotta do is get stabbed several times, get hit by a shrapnel, get burned, get slashed, not wear vest like an idiot few times and get into street fights.
It's that easy.
You may loose a limb if you are lucky enough, won't that be aesthetic?
that looks pretty aesthetic desu

sucks that your life sucks
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I know you are learning as a chef now but do you actually earn enough for a living?

Did you basically accept all jobs or only those which you thought are ok? I mean did you take jobs depending on your beliefs or just chose the side who paid most?

Do you think it's hard for you to make friends?

Do you still have a hole in your knee or was it filled with something / did the bone heal?
Who here's got some scars on their back from good sex?

Was awkward cause it was summer and me and my family (along with my gf at the time) went to the pool all the time. I had to make an excuse that I was scratching my back in my sleep.
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It doesn't really suck.
But I would rather have about 50 scars, instead of 100, you know.
I'm not complaining, it's enough.
I had to sell my car, my Triumph bike to make the living, but at least I got my health.

I don't have any beliefs. I'm atheist/agnostic, no moral codex, no need to help people in need, don't believe in Altruism, so basically for 10,000 USD I'll stomp on baby's head.
Of course, sometimes I help people out, but I'm in no delusion that I act like a selfish asshole most of the time.

I'm actually nice to my friends, but I never had many. Many of the went away long time ago.
And I simply cannot share common interests with dimwits I meet every day. So yeah, you could say it's hard.

They had to replace it with titanium thingy, since it was shredded to fuck. Now I only have small scar from the drill, and my hair doesn't grow there, because of acid.
Picture related.
Have you ever killed a child?
Are your friends all mercs? If not what do they do?
Does your knee (or other injuries) hurt still?
>I don't have any beliefs. I'm atheist/agnostic, no moral codex, no need to help people in need, don't believe in Altruism, so basically for 10,000 USD I'll stomp on baby's head.
You're literally a psychopath. You should strongly consider the corporate world. Not even joking.
I killed a teen, they had to be around 15-16, but they didn't just sit on their asses, they were trying to kill me too.

Some were mercs, some weren't. Now I barely have any friends.

They do still hurt. I have to take painkillers throughout the day, or be in pain.
I got used to it over time, but still. It's rather annoying than hurtful.
You should take everything with a bit of salt, lad.
Although I'm not completely normal, I'm not a psychopath, nor a sociopath.
Years of this just make you bit immune to caring if you are going to hurt someone, or give a shit about people, when everybody I ever met was bit fucked up in the head.
Everybody deserves to die for one reason or another.
You can't choose who's morally higher than someone else, since morality is a subjective thing.
i thought you always "kept your cool" didn't it take gypsies to actually get you mad? this is just an internet thread. your mask is slipping
How many countries have you worked in? And have you ever done contracts for a government?
Any difference between hurting women or men?
Do you fear reprecussions from your previous lifestyle?
Ever killed animals (guard dogs etc)?
If you had to choose, knife or gun?
Nah, not always.
Sometimes I get mad. Not like I'm screaming bloody murder, but people like OP kinda piss me off.
It's literally an equivalent of "oh I want to be thin, so I'll just take this magic pill, and hope it works".
And I'm a human bean after all.
I had to work in about 10 countries, but I'm not sure. It feels less I guess. From the top of my head I can name:
Czech Republic

There's more I think. And I don't think actual government ever hired us, but we did a lot of work that helped them, so maybe they did tell somebody to hire us under the hat.

I only shot one woman in my life who was a mercenary too, and never got in fight with one either, as far as I can remember.
They are generally weaker, so not many hire them. Although they are some exceptions.

Surprisingly not, since all of the people I worked with either died or ran away, police never gave a shit about us, (bless second world country government), and we never made enemies that stayed alive for longer than we needed. True that few people still know who I am, but they don't have any evidence for that.

Dogs, yes.

Thing is, when I stab someone with blade, I can but so much force behind it, it can shatter their rib-cage as well, but it's only good on close range where enemies don't have guns.

So yeah, it would be stupid to choose knife over gun, really stupid.
I think a lot of /k/ommandos would appreciate your stories.
What work did you do in Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand)?
What are the exceptions you mentioned regarding female mercs? Any stories in particular you can mention?
Do you have guns in your home?
What's the craziest job/contract you have had?
More pics?
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I don't want any more attention than I get now, honestly.
It was a bit of a mistake to start posting here, but at least you guys like it.
It was either securing a drug deal, or one time with had to sink a ship in a harbor with drugs on it.
Honestly, Asians know their business, drugs make you a lot of money.

One of my closest friends I had was a mercenary, but she took it even further and went to work for government. She was with me in the camp I mentioned.

It's really stupid to keep guns at home. Or, you need to completely new one without a trace of gunpowder on it.
I have a safe few kilometers away, where I kept my guns.
Plus, every time we used firearms, for example, we needed to change the barrels.
Big hassle with one stupid gun, really.
Here's my finger after Ukrainian mob tried to take it away from me with a chisel and a hammer.
I'm too lazy to take new ones, but if you really wanted me to, I'll consider it.
Thanks for the pic.
>but if you really wanted me to, I'll consider it.
I really want you to:)

Ever posted a body pic, full body?
Did you ever have a relationship with her? Close friends, colleagues and of opposite sex, so it would make sense. Did you guys do any jobs together?
My mate hand the same thing but his thumb.

Except he did it while not paying attention using a band saw
I'm trying to take one, but it's quite annoying to do it, so give me a second
Never with her. I have a feeling she was asexual.
Also, she was good looking yeah, but not my type.
I can only feel for the guy.
As requested.
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Forgot to attach it.
Good arms. I imagined you were bigger for some reason. Possible to take a pic without shirt? It is a scar thread after all.
U look intimidating friend
What are ur stats?
Height weight?

that looks like those emo self inflicted scars
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180cm at 80kg
I know, I know, I'm not the fittest person here.
Trying to get lower my BF%, at the moment.
I was gaining mass until now.
We'll I'm certainly not a giant, but neither a midget. Although, who doesn't wish they were taller.
Will this suffice? Old picture, but I'm too comfy to go up and take another one.
I wonder how you can self inflict bullet wounds to the back.

Scars on arms are mostly from training, by the way. Some are not, but at the camp we used to train with real knives, but we had kevlar vests and leather on our arms, to feel it when you make a mistake.
I'm clarifying since I don't want another person to scream, "lol you are just emo", since reason I came to this thread was to tell OP to fuck off in the first place.
People who hurt themselves can really get on my nerves, as I said earlier.
>Will this suffice?
Doesn't show your torso though. I'm interested in your ab work. Please indulge me?
How many bullet scars do you have?
Lol you're such a shit cunt.
an empty hollow of a man, a turd.
You're a prostitute who does shit for money.
That's the literal definition of a prostitute.
"hurr look at muh scars"
Real nice, Naruto.
Shoo manlet. Grown ups are talking
Lol post pic of your self faggot and we will judge what type of manlet you are
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That's the thing, my abs still need work. I cannot even compare it to an average guy on /fit/.
My arms are good, my chest is good, my abs are shit.
Got to be honest with you, I need to lower my bodyfat before I can post a picture.
I already run every morning for 45 minutes, but my body refuses to give up fat. But I won't give up on that.
"hurr look at my slow income and family of four, I can barely feed"
Real nice, Average Joe
I can understand that. Just promise to post when your bf gets lower, k? What's your routine?
>would stomp a babys head for 10k
>edgy non believer nihilist
>People who hurt themselves can really get on my nerves

At least make your fake history congruent
When I was little I tried to climb a fence in the rain. I fell and got my arm caught on one of the spikes at the top. It tore a huge chunk of skin off the side of my elbow. The scar looks pretty fucking sick man. It's like a chevron with 8 little dots in each side.
Post pic
Sure I will.
I'll post it in a second, need to write it all down, and it's a long list.
Again, you need to take it with a little bit of sarcasm.
It faded over the years and I have a shitty phone camera, so if you can see it, good for you.
The slightly dark airplane on your elbow area?
I cannot go to gym, for pretty obvious reasons, so I had to make a DIY home gym with few pairs of dumbbells.
You wouldn't believe how people can get annoying when they see your scars.

Home gym is working quite nicely, I've noticed progress.
(Although I'm getting a gym card anyways, since I don't want to buy thousand dollars worth of equipment, and I want to see that progress bit faster)
Cardio (Every day):
45 minute run
Chest (Mon, Thu, Sat, Sun):
Routine #1:
4 sets of 10 – wide push up
4 sets of 10 – shuffle push up
4 sets of 10 – diamond push up
4 sets of 5 – one arm push up
4 sets of 5 – diamond box push up
Routine #2:
10 reps – diamond push up
10 reps – classic push up
10 reps – wide push up
10 reps – wide push up (hands out)
set/ x5
Arms (Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun):
5 sets of 10 (10KG), 10 sets of 10 (20KG) – skullcrusher
5 sets of 10 (10KG), 10 sets of 10 (20KG) – tricep kick-back
5 sets of 10 (10KG), 10 sets of 10 (20KG) – dumbell curl
5 sets of 10 (20KG) – tricep one handed extension
5 sets of 10 (20KG) – squats
10 sets of 10 (10KG) – sidelift
Tummy (Mon, Thu, Sat):
Routine #1:
5 sets of 20 – leg bicycle
4 sets of 15 – raise up
4 sets of 15 – full sit-up
4 sets of 10 – fat guy putting on socks
Routine #2:
Level1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-XWhwwJ7dw
Calisthenics any time I can. Mainly pull-ups and chin ups, but I work on my obliges as well.
Yes. It's darker in real life.
Calm down you deformed slav.
Any retard with peanut brain can pick up a rifle and go "pew pew"
Your life is shit.
No friends
No family
Dirt poor
Now go Pew pew more you might feed yourself.
But hey, at least edgelords on /fit/ like you
You're just like their naruto!
No jaw
kike nose

Thanks m8. No legs? I feel I urge to drop the 'squats and oats' meme.
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>Real nice, Naruto
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I see some pattern between those two, hm, I wonder.
And hey.
I may be a dirt poor midget with no friends, but fuck you if you say I'm balding. I'm not.
Before my knee got fucked up, I used to do a lot of kicking. That helped me build up muscle.
I still do it, but not as much as before.
I can still kick like a mule.
And please, do post a picture of your Aryan face.
Got a girlfriend? Fuck any bitches?
TFW acne scars ;_;
There was a lot of one night stands in my life, since for some girls scars are aphrodisiac.
But I'm having problems with keeping up my relationships.
I left a girl two weeks ago, just because I didn't really care about the relationship, and she didn't either.
That shuts you the fuck up, doesn't it?
Thread posts: 169
Thread images: 35

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