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What is your job? I mean, aside from having rich parents, how

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What is your job?
I mean, aside from having rich parents, how can you afford all these clothes and such a <<NICE>> lifestyle?
true patricians don't work you fucking pleb
"aside from having rich parents"
supermarket job
tfw medical resignation
tfw no money for rags
currently live at my mum's (she's a single mum who doesn't want me to leave because she'll be too lonely) and I have a supermarket job and I go to college at the same time
I don't have a job and I'm bad with money but I don't spend too much on shopping/clothes anymore

I thought you were fucking Canadian.
is it a coincidence that the majority of the people into /fa/ are absolute poorfags?
>is it a coincidence that a board full of young 20 somethings still in college and underage high school children are poorfags
you dont have to have rich parents/be rich to afford it
there we go :^)
she studies german
Live w/ parents, pay rent, buy food, work 6 days, buy a new piece of expensive meme clothing every week in hopes of someday impressing people i dont know on an image board for japanese cartoons
I work for the government, it pays well enough.
To answer the question, barista
I go to school, work in the bookstore, wash dishes in a thai resturaunt, and work in a lab (open hours)

I only get one evening a week off, its nice.
I work for the government too, Chair Force. I get to work on missiles, which is kind of cool, but it's mostly menial shit.
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I manage a pizza place. I average 55 hours a week and it pays well.
20 years old. live with my parents (for now) work 3 days a week at a coffee shop, work the rest of the time at a small moving company in the city. spend a majority of my money on clothing..but it's just cause i'm building a quality basic wardrobe and then after that il get a few pieces here and there r-right?
Once you go designer you never go back
buying and selling stocks, investing in funds

...with the money I got from my rich parents
Im a funeral director with a top funeral firm in the area.
>20 years old. live with my parents
kill yourself
>(for now)

I'm moving to seattle in the spring with my girlfriend to work/go to school, chill
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protip: never bring a girl to a big city. they have girlfriends there for you ;)

>tfw some qt*pi hipster wants you to put your meat in her glorious grill but you have to go home and use the George Foreman
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Graphic designer at a good agency in Manchester. I both live and work in the city centre. It also helps that my girlfriend has a good job as well. We're on 50k* between us. Feels good man.
Never worked a day in my life and probably never have to.

I volunteer sometimes though. So that might be counted as work.
If that was an original analogy, congrats, you are hilarious
full time autists
what if u love her tho?
get out of here cia

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6zlViU5PBPY?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
think you typed the link in wrong man
hungy howards
I always laugh genuinely, in a cold, harsh, mocking manner when I see people on here lie about being rich and it having nothing to do with their parents money. Why lie on an anonymous board?

social worker, don't really make that much money. Wife makes almost twice as much as a journalist. She bought me visvims this summer :3
Signage Manufacturing Apprentice.

I make good enough for myself, recently bought a 2011 Ford Falcon xr6 for $14880.
> no xr6 turbo

You fucked up.

>can't drive turbos on ps
I'll allow it
>living in australia

>living in australia
>living anywhere
How's graphic designing as a job? I'm planning in going for that

What do you actually do? Do you forge the metal and paint it?
>50k between us
>good job

>Raf Simons Rick Owens eternally what I rest in
very un/fa/ car my frend
says the faggot who prolly drives a mazda 3

Mainly work upstairs which is where I do all vinyl laying (re-surfacing the light table) and large prints for various things e.g light boxes, banner, wall prints, paint masks..

Frame manufacturing which is just aluminium bending and welding.

Wiring up signs.

Only 1 of two people at work capable of using the Multicam CNC Router.

Go out for installations hence why I bought the car (forgot to mention its an xr6 FG Ute with a tiger tray)

I really want to learn the neon bending but not many people actually buy or maintain their neons

I choose my car for working purposes rather than my personal looks. Car doesnt even look bad
Oh it's a ute, I thought you had the sedan like half the tradies who think they're top shit. The fg is alright, doesnt look that bad either
>brag about a $15k car
le top kek
I bought 10000 bitcoin back in 2009 when I was 17, living off that currently/ investing etc.

>car worth $35k
>$15k and less than 100,000kms
I work at starbucks and drive an oldass datson from the 80s which I blast macintosh plus and merzbow. I'd say I'm living it up.

Holy fuck.
Fuck, I remember back then I knew about bitcoin and wanted to invest but I didn't have any money because I was 15.
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>I know this feel
Less quantity, more quality. I also take vare of my clothes.
Its bitter sweet, even for me. I could have easily taken a bigger leap of faith- invested a lot more, just gotta take it as it comes.
>I'm bittersweet because I'm a multimillionare instead of a billionaire

some of us can barely afford the toilet paper to wipe our poor asses
So true man. Who even knows what other opportunities the future holds.
u take the toilet rolls from bathrooms at restaurants u mong
failing that, public toilets in nicer parts
paying for toilet paper is like paying for salt or pepper
this nigguh knows his shit
The future is going to be interesting, If i could convince every young person of one thing it would be to trust their gut and learn to trust people but not more then themselves.

I'm sure you have skills that you can use to your advantage, also my wealth is a facade and I really only use to for security- I don't spend it on cloths.
u gotta save that condiment money for patty e and geller u feel me
you have the dead soulless look of a rapist/mass shooter. Do you pick the wings off flies for fun?
I work for the biggest internet provider in my country, as a technician, i'm 19 but i snatched this fucking job by mistake, i make a lot in my country currency, but only 1k dollars, so i can't buy effay clothes from abroad
I get DJ gigs now and then and work shitty jobs. But since I'm in Berlin, there's constantly pop up stores and shit, even the TK Max here gets Rick in now and then. Hope to find some steady work though.
>Software developer
>staff members from other teams come up and try to spark conversation about star wars / other nerdy films / vidya because they stereotype me
>just want to talk about clothes

make enough to afford a couple of pieces of premium brands every month
but I don't have any clothes nor money
I just sit at home and fantasize how cool I am all day
do you really think theyre gonna come up and talk to you about fashion

does anyone do that
Not everyone has a STEM degree or good connections.
29, teacher, live alone, no kids
>that's how
enjoy looking like a tryhard
the people who look best in high-fashion are always those who can afford it the least
Im a bricklayer, make about $80-100k a year. is k

fucking australians what the fuck.
do you own a small bricklaying company or some shit or was I mistaken in going for fuckin engineering
>buy like $200 in coins
>spend it all on drugs
ugh I could've had way more drugs if only I waited
No, im just good at what I do and I live in Norway.
This made me laugh like fucking hell. Now that you say it, that's actually what he looks like. Why do all people that remind you of psycho killers have small mouths/lips?
I work at farfetch
Maybe because small mouths seem less expressive which hinders your ability to judge and predit their actions and mental state.
You look cool. I like your eyes
That sounds pretty farfetched.
He looks like he'd be slicin you into 6 pieces instead of the pizza.
do you reckon my polish bricklayer could beat you in a fight?
what about a bricklaying contest?
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He probably could, the polish are good workers when they actually work, and not just smoking.
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I'm the guy that does all the research and logistics and shit for the JAG. FYI it's not like the TV series at all.
how much did those 10,000 cost back in 09? like 60 bucks?
>fucking australians what the fuck.
holy shit i'm dying

but yeah it's true, learn a trade and come to oz and get all the jobs

the trade industry in australia is retarded and i don't know why kids bother going to uni with slim prospects with a job at graduation (even if they do get one, starting their salaries at 30k) when they can just do an apprenticeship for 2 years and be reeling the big bucks.

it's not like there's no opportunity for growth either since when you're older you can just start your own business and earn shitloads of money.
Can I have a bitcoin
Something like that, I had more, a lot of which was given to me, probably had close to 13000 but gave some away to other members and such.

I have none left, got rid of most of it at around 700 in 2013, then the rest to one buyer in 2014 for around 560 a piece.
I thought you said you were living of them?
>what i am now
student and lifeguard
>what i will be
an accountant
>what i want to be
a ski instructor
i tell people why amazon sucks dicks for a living
I meant living off the money I made from them and the money made through investing.

The thought of trying to sell individual bitcoin was too tiresome - probably could have made more money that way but now I can focus on things I actually want to do.
>live in Phoenix, AZ
>Thermometer sometimes reads 120

You have no idea
fellow pizza slayer here
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I'm a cashier, but I don't really spend any of my paycheck. I buy my clothes with money I get from my parents by doing yard work and washing their cars and money relatives give me on birthdays and christmas. Every year my uncle goes on vacation and pays me an exorbitant amount of money to take care of his crop of chilis because he makes hot sauce for a living. I don't really buy anything that expensive and avoid meme clothing, usually going for cheaper alternatives or secondhand stuff. I also don't buy new video games anymore.
And it's humid now. But yesterday was super nice. My gf is from arkansas and thinks it's still dry right now.
>lives in the shittiest western state
must suck anon
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I used to be like you.

Then I started smoking the reefer.
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I'm an IT guy at a local ISP and a part-time waiter. I live in a shitty third-world country (minimum monthly wage is $120) and my family is poor as fuck, I wouldn't want to rely on them financially anymore.
>I'm a cashier
Male cashiers are weird as fuck. 99% of cashiers are grills
what country?
I'm still trying to sue Zuckerberd for stealing my facebook idea
got some cash on the hush hush for coming up with the idea tho so I'm ok atm
>I also don't buy new video games anymore.
I can't believe anyone does. I haven't played a game in about 10 years that I'd honestly want to get on day 1. I gladly wait a few months then buy a used copy cheaper, though that may change when MGS 5 releases
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> tfw friends pressuring me to get an xbox one and play with them
> $400 plus $60 games
> still not bored of my $6 used copy of Modern Warfare 3
Don't do it man, Xbone is the worst nextgen console.
Please don't buy an Xbone, there are zero (0) redeemable qualities about it. The Ouya is a more justifiable purchase
>shittiest western state
>Not New Mexico

Are you joking m8

yeah I don't want to at all. I don't even game that much.
Get a Wii U nigga, cop smash bros and be the host of many sessions with your friends
I make 120 in 3 hours
About to get my bachelor degree in political science, I work in a supermarket as a butcher boy next to it and I also am in a student association which pays me for my work there, so i would say I make around 30k a year.
I still live with my parents tho (in between a year abroad and I'll have 9 months free once I graduate so might as well save the money)
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>tfw you get to quit your stupid pizza job
>tfw working a real job
>tfw $12/hr, 40 hrs a week instead of $8/hr, 20 hrs/wk
Phoenix is pretty nice in the winter, I like it here
>graduated in electrical engineering
>I fucking hate it
>working as a bartender
>having fun even though I'm earning three times less
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fuck engineering school is boring and even though I'm good with math and numbers, being an engineer is just too boring to be worth it.
>plus you have to work with fucking engineers
I work on a farm. So that means that most of the time I'm doing things I'm not even wearing a sick fit, just dirty work clothes and Red Wings. Wish my parents were richer
>tfw I work at a vineyard in southern AZ
>recently planted petit verdot
>In a couple years we will have a winery to sell our own wine to old ppl and richfags frome cali
>opening restaurant in two months
>going to learn how to be a chef

Feels good man.
UPS loader, midnight shift. Big noisy factory, you can wear whatever you want + boots.
>tfw my friend casually bitcoin mined back in 2009
>he had like 20 btc
>gambled/got rid of it now only has 3.5 btc
its still like fucking 1816.68 usd though fuck. He told me to bitcoin mine but I didnt want to because I was too lazy.
full time NEET. dont have any expenses so i spend all my goverment money on cops.
u wot
Been NEET for 2 years before I got scouted for character design by a bigger company. Since then I've been freelancing and doing fine.

You'd be surprised how much fashion talk goes into such stuff. (and how pleb most of it is)

wait do u really get a disability check for autism?

but you also live with ur parents right?
no for depression. socialliberalism ftw


this sounds pretty cool

is the vineyard's your families? If not why are the putting so much trust in you to also become the chef?
you get paid for depression? shit, I'm unable to work right now do to ulcerative colitis + a C. Diff. infection on top of it. what country do I need to move to to get benefits? ;__;
yessir. move to scandinavia and youll get benifits if youre white
director assistant for a major production company.
I tend to dress like shit on set since its stressing but other times I'm mostly /fa/.
I mostly spend my salary on clothes and fitness but I got girlfriends time to time so no buying clothes in those times.
one fucking day...

I'd even considering joining the military as part of my contribution, despite probably being a conscientious objector
It is in Elgin Arizona, there are a whole lot of vineyards/wineries in the area.
It is p chill. Yeah it is family owned. My father went to school in NYC to become a chef and he has been in the culinary field for the majority of his life so he will train me ect. depending on the success of our restaurant I would more than likely go to the CIA in New York to get a degree.
I wouldn't do it m8. I joined the military (reserve) straight out of highschool as a Buddhist (lolwut I know right) and obv conscientious objector as a way to pay for college. Come to find out I dont even need college so there is no point in it. Obviously this is a very specific circumstance but as a general rule of thumb the military experience is not all it is cracked up to be
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>All dese richfags
Lucky fucks.

If I weren't so scared of people I'd probably at least be getting minimum wage right now. I spaghetti'd today when I tried checking on an application so I'm probably not going to bother with the same place again.
Maynard from tool makes wine in AZ. There are 3 biomes from rocky mountain pine forest to dessert.
Lol, I applied to be a pizza driver 2 years ago and wrote "Ittalian" instead of Italian. I realized it as soon as I got back in my car and felt retarded.

Had I been hired I would have bought the scorpion jacket and driving gloves because it would be hilarious.
is being a train conductor /fa/
Actor on british kids TV (and other tv/film) for the last 10-ish years
Hell yeah, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
>it would be hilarious.
you spelled autistic wrong
I'm good enough looking and a funny enough guy to pull it off.

What channel

What shows

Are you a part time comedian

I've always had this weird urge to become a train engineer. I like the idea of being in the middle of nowhere without a soul in sight for miles at night

but then I think of old guys with white beards as train engineers lol
That's why I switched from software engineering to business. My parents are in outside sales and shit is way better than cubicle life. They eat and travel for free. My dad sells pet drugs and he goes all over the world.
i'm in college and i just spend all of the money i make from summer work and part time jobs on clothes and occasional shopping trips in manhattan. i can afford rick pretty easily on this budget, being clever with rakuten and buying shit during the end-of-season sales and whatnot. the problem is when you listen to /fa/ and decide to spend 100 dollars a piece on plain ass tees from some no-name brand because it's "quality"; then you're stuck with no money for real cops. skip the mid-tier shit, save your money for what you really want
There are going to be a lot more trains in the US soon. They want to depend less on truckers. My gfs dad is high up in walmart and said that in Savannah (3rd largest us port) they're already starting to expand railroad infrastructure. So you definitely will be able to do it.

pls come back, anon
y r u scare
CBBC. my longest job started 2006, thats all i'm saying.
>old money
>father high up on forbes billionaire list
>still work pleb job to just feel normal
I know that feel all too well.
You're not alone
gibe moni pls
>come home to visit parents
>dad: do you need money?
>mom: are you making enough money for the month? you could ask you dad for money you know.

drug dealer
I grew up in a poor black innercity neighborhood.

I'm a single active duty soldier, so no one to spend my money on but me, don't have to pay for room, board or food(unless i want to)
>live in a car
>giving yourself a napkin bath in a McDonald's bathroom
>scavenging for food at restaurants that have outside tables

i-it's an effay lifestyle t-trust me
i actually have a low paying job, 12 dollars an hour. but when you have no expenses besides internet it adds up really fast
I literally cannot stop worrying about what people think of me. I've tried everything, like throwing myself out there to have some friends and it sort of worked once, but I always felt like I was 'that guy' and could not stop thinking about how I might be acting like a sperg whenever I hung out with people to the point that it just wasn't worth it. It wasn't natural in the way most friends have. So right now I'm in a position that I HAVE to find a job, regardless of this shit in my head, so I am not a happy camper.

I also absolutely hate how I look and have tons of self esteem issues, but I don't want to try to blog on an Indonesian CGI bulletin any further.
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i work in a warehouse for audio equipment, i hate it and my life. but i can buy clothes and my runescape membership so i guess its okay
Dude get the fuck out of here. I'm arrogant as fuck and can take the cattyness you're only ruining your self by coming here.
Here as in /fa/ or 4chan?

Hmmm I thought you would be a Cbeebies presenter
Damn, I'm a producer and I'd love a job like that.
>no expenses besides internet
My sibling.
/fa/ and /fit/. /fa/ especially is unhelpful to self improvement. They try to get you to dress like an idiot when you'd honestly be better off just reading gq.
Seek therapy, get medication and live as a robot.
I made the switch last year, no feels anymore but now I have a job and a gf.
I don't know if this is any better but atleast my qt gf is nice and wants to dress nicer for me
It's not so much about the clothes. I'd like to dress differently but I know they only help so much. True if I were able to dress head to toe in the designers I like, I'd feel better, but I know it probably wouldn't stay that way for long, or fix me. /fa/'s actually helped me be aware of what I need to work on (not just clothing) and I'm going to try to fix it all, but it's just really, really hard getting started with my mindset.
Plus I like mirin fits.

I've thought about it. Sometimes I wish I could take something that completely suppresses emotion, I'd be able to just live logically. But one of the only things keeping me going is music, listening and experimenting with it, I'm scared to try to cut that out of my life. And there's always a catch to meds and doctors.
It hasn't had any effect on how I listen to music, if anything it makes me pay attention to the little things that make up a song. I really got into music theory around the same time I started and I feel like it didn't hold me back.
You are right about catches but, I'm just here to let you know how I've tried dealing with it and I'm much better off now than I was before. I'll eventually want to ween myself off so I can live without anything affecting me.
Thanks for reading and I hope you find something that helps
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>If I weren't so scared of people
iktf brah
Thanks man. I'll keep it in mind, but maybe if I can get used to working at least, I won't need them.
fuck this hit me too hard....
Growing and distribution. Dispensaries. The number of crops is under the federally fucked line. No money yet from this years grow, but the light dep has just been pulled down so that can be worth around $60k, but not guaranteed.
The work is awful, not fun, shitty, stressful, painful, etc. But it can be amazing money.

I live alone in the middle of nowhere, my back yard and view is amazing but I am so fucking lonely, and stressed. My current situation has definitely made my mental issues worse.

I have a plan for my life. Hopefully make enough money to move back to Europe in the next few years and live extremely comfortably while I pursue a position in a more fashion related job.

I luckily have $100k in savings from my parents. They are amazing and I am so thankful for their help.

I want to double that amount of savings, and then just work as a clerk for some sick shop and occasionally ball out with my secret staxx.
I forgot to mention that I have some friends who worked in a few shops that I intend to connect with again and hopefully get helped out in finding a job.

At this point, I need to pursue something I enjoy so I can be happy for once, instead of constantly hating life, being stressed and lonely, and getting my ass kicked from work every day.
Why do you think Californians will purchase your wine? Just curious, considering the amount of vineyards in napa valley, Sonoma, el dorado, & the divide

lend me money pls
>work at two different libraries
>work in computer lab on campus
>work in fitness center at local park

got no free time but lods of emone to spend on clothes and guns
Have you heard of depreciation?
>holding its value

too much anxiety.
work is 2spooky
paint cars at a bodyshop 2 blocks from where I live, spend the rest of time tryna b fa and watch movies.
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Iktf bro.. I'm panicking right now just thinking about new school semester
pfffttt, im 19 and drive a 2009 325 BMW, falcons can suck my dick
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do you teach people how to cop?
Fuck.are you that kid from young dracula?
engineer, 23 years old, live with my parents. I have 50k in cash right now, just can't find a house I want in a neighborhood that isn't ghetto or going to be ghetto in 5 yrs
Paint my car pls. The front half is a slightly brighter red than the back half but it only shows in pics.
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>Dressing Like a Fictional Character
>You will look like a try-hard.

Straight from the sticky you huge faggot
engineering (^:
Banana Republic

Also uni and getting bitches
Top kek
Even when fuccbois spot eachither on the street they just nod
The wine from this region is comparable to big name wineries and in some cases even better quality. Think about a vineyard that has 1000 acres and has a shit ton of careless immigrant workers who handle the crop and the process to make the grapes into wine. Not all wineries have the same level of delicacy and precision as some smaller wineries that can afford to pay more attention to detail. It is like anything, Ill use raw denim for an example, its like the difference between Levi jeans and Samurai raw denim, one is very famous and world renowned but on a closer pales in comparison while the other one is a lot smaller and comes from a specialized place that innovates and creates a high quality product. There are an infinite amount of wines and different wine making techniques so it varies from place to place essentially.
How's your back lel
It's a joke though. I've never cared if I look ridiculous or not.
Lol, Arizona is the greatest western state. Weed cards, guns, 3 biomes, /out/ shit everywhere.

>implying you didn't drop out because you couldn't handle the course work

i go on /fa/ and am pretty well off. obviously there are richfags here, not everyone is <20.

although this is one of the only posts i've ever made over the several years talking about money so yeah, the people bragging about having money are probably full of shit.
You put the cheese in...
They are all equally shit.
Get none.
Tell your dumb ass friends to get a PC.
"What do you do for work?"
"I drive."
Haha, I think I get it.

Then why aren't you trying to be a ski instructor? Do you have any idea how depressing it is being an accountant?
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I draw hot girls for people who likes hot girls drawings and has money
t-that's not very hot anon
fight me irl
Is that hair coming out of her armpit
Psychologist reporting in.
We are the biggest con artists in the 21st century.
The work is p interesting though.
I once had a 15 year old patient who made his 8 year old brother fuck their pet cat.

I always wanted to do that but my parents said it wasn't a 'real job' so I had to study IT instead. Having to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life at 16 is ridiculous.
What's wrong with her tits?

>being literally too dumb to look that word up

I can talk about anything I want as long as I don't mention the names

Seriously, I couldn't imagine anything better. Going to do my master in forensics and work with convicts.
>Make 2k a fortnight
>only have to pay for phone bill and gas.
A friend of mine is a male nurse. We always joke about him getting plowed by the charismatic doc who never calls him again and pretends as if he didn't know him when they cross paths in the hospital.

It's funny because a few years ago he actually tried to kill himself, barely surviving, because the girl he fell in love told him he's not man enough for her, ironically confirming that he wasn't man enough for her.
theyre small and white hnnnnng
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Are you Rude Boy?
I was a programmer 2 days ago.
It was my first job, I got fired after 7 days.
what did you do?
Ohgod what is an easy job to find that runs alongside a 9 - 5 college day five days a week? I need to look good /fa/.
dishwasher at a restaurant. work evenings and weekends

n fucc qt waitresses
I'm at uni atm but as a side job I translate articles to English for a football club from Dubai. About €100 per article. Also if I decide to go to Dubai they'll give me free accomodation and rental cars etc. during my stay. It's pretty neat.
lmao oh my god
I don't have a <<NICE>> lifestyle. I currently live with my Dad back in my hometown and before that was living in squalor at a run down funeral home.

Also I haven't bought clothes for myself since last Fall, which was a jacket and sneakers.
you sound a lot like my friends older brother. he used to sell a lot of weed in highschool too. made bank. u go to middlebury by any chance?
>got the job because there was nothing else
>didn't want to stay but I keep getting promoted and the work isn't hard
>keep telling myself I'll go back to school and find something I really enjoy doing to have as a career
>this was two years ago ;_;
As much as I'd care to nitpick your analogy, that actually sounds pretty cool.
I wish you luck, anon! If it all works out come tell us what your wine is so us patricians can buy some & taste the fruits of your labour

>tfw grandfather and his family were really big vintners in the old country
>came out to be dirt poor & two generations spent their entire lives working construction to give me the opportunities I have now
Goodspeed, anon. Follow your dreams.
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Are you big guy?

>inb4 hothead
>being an engineer is just too boring
If you don't enjoy understanding why things work the way they do, or solving real world problems, it's obviously not for you.

>plus you have to work with fucking engineers
What's wrong with that? You're working with rational people who aren't stupid. The only downside I see is that you're working with people who aren't exactly socially adept. It seems like you're a shallow as fuck person.

I don't understand why someone would go into engineering if they're not passionate about it. If you don't give a fuck and just want money, go be an investment banker.
Transport no
Freight yes

I dont know how it works but hauling miles of huge cargo across nevada alone (possibly with a dog) is way more /fa/ than shoveling tourists and creeps in the heat imo
where to cop how to cop
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where my forklift bros at
Interesting analogy! Hoeever, I have tasted many wines from the California area, and there are definitely a ton that would not be considered on the "Levi's" level. There's a bunch of crap wines who garner sales because they are in Sonoma or napa, but wineries like Nello Olivo and Hess are some of the best I've ever had. Nello is definitely one of the small, refined wineries you were talking about. Fuck their wine is so good.
Are you focused more on keeping the winery small, and using delicate processes to create a good wine? Or are you more interested in pumping out quantity?
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Lab technician for a mining laboratory. Pic somewhat related.
I'm a manager at a retail store and I tried to step down the other day so I could focus on school but they wouldnt let me because I do too good of a job and now I dont know what to do :/
stop being a pussy and don't show up to work anymore
As much as I hated taking orders and being a glorified food servant, the most fun I've ever had at a job was working as a waiter (and occasional bartender). Mad qts babes to flirt with all the time, great banter, fun jokes and games played. Waiting was definitely an exaggerated movie, but it does depict at least somewhat how fun a job being a waiter can be. Luckily I worked in a Country Club tho, so no shit tips from black people tables.
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I just got a job with British military intelligence
I work on a bar and all my clothes are cheaper than what the average person pays out. I just know how to dress well and shop smart.
I'm a fiber optic technician/engineer at a pretty large electronics manufacturing and distribution center, it pays pretty well.
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that feel
there's always the army
Joining the army with no motivation just traps you in a worse situation where they put you in prison if you leave
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>British military intelligence
confirmed for fatty
melee or die fucking casual
its also hella cheaper
nigga that wasnt funny at all
shit tier adc
Going to Middlebury this fall as a freshman
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