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Thread replies: 169
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Every year 4chan has a winter ball its an old tradition.
Who are we going with maybe a board we have never gone with.
A nice friendly board or a sexy one.
We should take /lgbt/ to the ball with us or /int/
For anyone who doesnt know.
Each board votes on who they want to take to the winter ball.
And we drew lewd pictures of the pairings.
/fa/ is a male board.
So far a few other boards have made threads about this.
The current painrings are.
/pol/ and /o/
/x/ is going with /v/ last i heard
/s4s/ along with /c/
Others are still choosimg and we should decide while we can
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/cgl/ here, please go to the ball with us
>4chan winterball
this is the gayest fucking thing ever to come out of this board
the board tans are tumblr trash
fuck off
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Another gull here, please go with us--we have lots of cute art together, good drawfags, and can talk about hatred of fat people
>/pol/ and /o/
is /k/ a straight male board or something? Also what happened to /pol/ and /lgbt/? They were cute together.

We need an architecture and design board so we can have someone appropriate to go with.
board-tans have been here before tumblr
and they were alwasy cancer
even more so with the bastardized shit they are today
not to mention they used to be posted on /b/, you know, the board they belong among the other trash
stop trying to destroy board culture
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Bad drawfag, reporting in like every year
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Anon! I remember you.
still love your drawings.
fuck off nigger

/cgl/ as always:)
I wish Nishimura-san would give us an architecture board so bad.

/cgl/ is bae.
Fuck off, that shit is too gay even for /fa/.
cute, are there more drawings like this
Board culture is cancer.
you are such a fucking cunt
I vote /cgl/ but I don't think they want us
I ship /cgl/, let the /fa/gs and dykes be together.

Though I think we have competition in /u/
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Ew, no we don't, you are too much like our big brother so that would be gross. But we love you, anyway you butthead.
But thats not at fucking all how the avatar of /fa/ should look my man?
Who is that qt she is cosplaying as?
if I remember correctly, its just a lolita coord
it was a picture to go with a story an anon made up last year about /fa/ and /cgl/
>lolita coord with garter belt
TIL this is a thing
Cgl has a pol right now and /Fa is winning at the moment
/K/ here will you go with us
People on /ic/ brought up asking /fa/ to the ball, but the thread is always pretty much dead
It's a thing. Lots of us like nice lingerie under our lolita coords. And yes, we lurk your board sometimes.
please don't let us go with /u/ its so boring
How can /u/ be boring? It's freaking menage trois.
Have you seen /fa/ and all those plain clothes? Now that's plain and boring.

Where the fuck are these drawings coming from? Like they're cute don't get me wrong.
I've been coming to this board for a few years but never paid attention to the winter ball stuff until now.
Like ive bee saying lets go with /lgbt/ because /u/ and /clg/ have pretty much agreed unless we go as a three way
board culture is cancer
and you are the reason /fa/ is the shitshow it is
If you don't like this boards culture leave then.

/u/ confirmed to be going with /clg/
who is going with /mu/?
go with /fit/
I dont think anyone has asked them yet and I didn't see a Winter thread about it so I guess we could ask
/fit/ is with /lit.
/fit/ is with /lit/ im pretty sure
They all are from last years winter ball.
There was a line and discord group with a lot of drawfags from both sides.
check out the shimmie if you want more
Any news about who /b/ is going with.
>/fit/ went with /lit/
>/cgl/ has chosen yuri over incest
Is this the year /fa/ finally gets some taste?
doesn't /b/ stay in his mom's basement like everyday?
who's /tv/ going with
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it's only 3 letters onii-senpaitachi...
I see /fa/ and /mu/ pairing well desu
/mu/ here..

M-maybe we could be a good couple?
Please not music :( /cgl/ is cuter and less noisy
/mu/, please. /cgl/ is horrible.
what does /mu/'s drawing look like?
100% less frills
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Gull here, we are still voting but it seems like a tie so far between /u/ and /fa/
/mu/x /fa/ would be better i think
/cgl/ here to let you know that we are going to the ball with /u/
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And everyone will shun /n/

dubs confirm this anon

someone from /mu/ made a thread too *blushes*
Okay since /cgl/, /lit/ and /fit/ are taken, I feel these are probably the best options I've seen

its pretty much confirned /mu/ wants to go with us. Lmao.

There is no other choice, we belong together.

>we don't believe in dressing or lifting for girls
>stating into the mirror for extended periods of time and obsessing over details
>covering massive insecurity and social incompetence with looks
>act like we hate each other when we have all this in common and like argueing the "meathead vs twink" age old strawman debate

They are the Benedick to our Beatrice.
they're already going with /lit/
>best option
as in the only ones in this thread I've seen named, everything else is people who are already taken. I wouldn't pick /tv/ myself
They'll end up with us. Lit is too fat for fit.
talk shit fatty /fit/.
You're stuck with lit, confirmed in >>8719189
>Also what happened to /pol/ and /lgbt/?
We got rid of some degenerates and stopped that cancer
What did he mean by this?
>is /k/ a straight male board or something?
married to /an/
they go together every year
The poll is overwhelmingly leaning to /mu/, should we ask? I think somebody from there put a thread on here even so it seems they're interested
Are /hr/ spoken for?
why can't we go with x
or ic
/fit/ turned us down last year too

really? that's a surprise

Why desu, /x/ maybe

Honestly who wants to bring one of the vanilla porn boards, especially one as dead as that
there's just a lot of shittalk there and so at least we can all loudly judge the rest
asking /x/ is pretty /fa/ imotbqhfamaladingdong
I feel /mu/ is pretty /fa/ too tbqh. If we're going to pick one, I'd like it to be one of those two preferably, though I'd say /mu/ has my overall pick.
>that's a surprise
It was a pity/guilt date to begin with desu
The poll iirc literally said "or should we take /lgbt/ because they tolerate us for some reason"

double-0 dubs confirms, /mu/ are our Winter Ball babys
/cgl/ ofc
H-hey /fa/... /mu/ here... S-sang you a little something. I.. I'd love to hear your answer



Hey /mu/, learn to sing better than us and maybe we'll talk
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W-we'd be great together



These are cute, I say we go with /mu/.
I went on there, they're trying to get somebody to make art
Aw... Should we do something for them?
Would be a good idea, anybody who can draw at all on here?
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T-thanks.. If it's not enough, m-maybe I can find more to sing for you
If you want to <3

But I think we've pretty much decided if this thread's anything to go by.
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/fa/ and /mu/ 2016

Make /fa/ great again
It looks like /lgbt/ want us

I say we go for /mu/
this. thread. is. literally. THE most autistic thing i've ever read. You guys need to get a hobby
Last year the threads went to 300
this is the hobby
Why is it so slow this year?
Some boards don't even have threads up
The S'well and Geo Tracker spammers keep archiving the threads
And the bootleg bart guy
so dubs confirm we ask /mu/?
bump for confirmation
/mu/ here. Pretty sure we wanna go with you
reading is probably one of the most effay past times, but /lit/ is def not /fa/

looks like /mu/ will have to do.
Prisma has spoken.
>/pol/ and /lgbt/
Don't fall for /lgbt/ memes. This has never ever happened.
Okay /mu/ I think we're asking you to the ball?
I think it's fairly safe to say that we're going together now. What now?
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big up for /mu/ x /fa/
/pol/ hates gays. They are going with /o/ to run over niggers.
OP here, have we decided to take /mu/ also.
What are we wearing to the ball, any suggestions for the drawfags.
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This is what mu and fa look like together...trendy af
three piece suit with geobaskets
Why can't it be a fetish ball
My geomuzzle looks so good for /fa/ puppy play
lel /lgbt/ turned you guys down not vice versa
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My drawing is such shit and I couldn't find an eraser but /mu/ x /fa/ is perfect
I don't want to go with /mu/ :(

and as someone said, there are so many crossposters. why go with yourself = makes no sense
it's not really going with yourself, we just share interests. that's a good thing
m-my vote goes to /mu/!
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311 - Down
nice desu
>that trash animu style
>thinking you matter enough to trip
>actually dropping your trip name on your drawing
jesus christ what in the fuck
I'm just on this thread from /mu/ pal. Been posting on there for years.
Tell /mu/ I'm sorry they have to deal with your shit
Sorry that you're angry over nothing
If /cgl/ has turned us down for /u/ we should go with /ck/, do they participate? /mu/ x /fa/ is boring since they're basically the same posters
t. bitter /lgbt/ poster
How badly did /fa/ lose to /u/
Still dtf
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no one wants us tbqh
A good start, let's keep the content coming
It was close, like by one vote. We have an annoying amount of gender fluid tumblrites on our board so they just decided /u/ all the sudden .
Not my choice, but whatever.
>he thinks we care
we've been trying to get rid of their stupid fantasies for fucking years
>implying there isn't a good portion of people on /lgbt/ that aren't fucking tired of it too
>implying that you guys didn't ask /lgbt/ first showing you're more interested then they are
anyone making a discord?
made a discord
make sure to spread if it hits off
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Enjoy my shitty drawing
It says the link is invalid
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how bout /g/?
Really want to see /ic/ with us but they give zero fucks about everything that is not loomis
>neo-/fa/ can't name this jacket
kill yourselve
/lit/ is pretty much the only correct answer to this
Starting a new one, link is set to not expire: https://discord.gg/yUzc65g
what is the fa-tan haircut called?
/his/ or /pol/
probably some sort of undercut/ hitler youth haircut
/fa/ and /mu/ are the best match. Maybe one of the art boards.
>/fa/ is a male board

I'm sure all boards are
how new are you?
/mu/ has accepted
/r/ /mu/ and /fa/ listening to Pet Sounds together
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bumping for discord
join the discord lads

go with /mu/.
Too late, /fa/'s going with /mu/
Too much incest can actually be detrimental
Thread posts: 169
Thread images: 26

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