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Forced Feminization

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 112

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Lots of tg threads around lately, but no best tg topic

many fetishes group well with this
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I always find stuff like this so hot and at the same time it makes me kinda sad....
where is this from?
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A few days later, he snapped and killed both of them, and then shot himself.
if only
Why didn't you make this a thread for also willing feminization, it's not like we have a shitton of content
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i like this best when paired up with mind control
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anyone else in chastity right now and thinking this thread is perfect:p
No but that does make you a good girl
thank you ;o
I hope you have a pretty dress on too, sissy
Read the global rules, anon
Don't get banned
right now just a skirt and a tank top, i have a couple breads on the cams board rn but its just from the chest up. I'll probably get real dolled up to cam whore later though.
any good repository for this stuff?
If it makes you sad..... you're probably trans.. speaking from experience here.
this threat is small, just like your cute penis
dubs of wisdom senpai
Or, y'know, it's that the husband in that comic just suffered some non-con and literal cucking, whereas we assume he was happy before.
Don't act dumb. Being sad about a cucking does not mean he's a tranny.
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Holy shit this is my fantasy.
Heh....good thing I'm to manly toloke fetish!
Which one is this from?
I cannot believe anyone saved one of my captions. You've made a pervert rather happy today, Anon.
Is the anon that was writing the forced fem succubus story still around?
Is it really forced if you want it though? then again willing cute cross dressing is fun too.
Nah he was some cuckboy from facebook.

Or her ran away and joined a postmale (oncemale?) lesbian coven. They take him in and love him (her?) and she/he lives happily ever after without having to worry about being demanded and raped.
Man I can't fap to this. I just feel sorry to the guy. I feel like one day they'll come home and find he hanged himself from the ceiling fan.
the ending basically implies he's beginning to like it, though.
this, there's very little on sad panda unfortunately
how about fuck sad panda's bullshit hoops you have to jump through
Are there any femanons into this? If so, how did you get into it? I want to try showing my gf this sort of thing, hope she likes it. But I want it to go well.
There aren't many, and probably none here
femanon here i'd say that you should probably make sure that your gf is into Dom/Sub type shit before even touching this. If she is start showing here femdom stuff and through overexposure slowly introduce here to shit like this.
>1 hoop
My ex-girlfriend and I used to do it.
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why is Link so perfect for these sort of things?
Probably because he's a cute, effeminate boy that normally wears a dress (tunic) and regularly gets cucked by the princess.

I kind of wish the pink hair from A Link to the Past stuck.

I think its because he's the brave hero and its always spiciest to bring down strong men to cute little girly boys. and cucking wouldn't really fit into his transformation i feel. he'd become Zelda's sister-wife and happily serve cock beside her, rather than watching her.

suppose the angle you're going for is important. do you want the victim to lament his situation, or to embrace it, willing or not
Got it. She is into D/S, btw

are you two similar in build? let her 'catch' you trying on her clothes

will be just like my animes
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I was talking just in the game world as it is in canon. Sure, he's a brave hero, but he's not a masculine one by any stretch of the imagination.

And let's be real, with all the white knighting he does for Zelda, I guarantee he's going home with blue balls while she's getting plowed by Ganon when she's "captured". But I agree, when he's transformed, the cucking won't be a thing, but as it is now, he totally is.

That's starboy right? What ever happened to him?
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I'd love to see a story start like this then turn around midway with the MC getting revenge/justice and earning their freedom.

Then the remainder of the story is adjusting to a new life and whatever trauma they still carry.
It's because he's meant to be a hero. He's literally destined for it. So forcing him to be anything less than a powerful manly leader is extra humiliating for him and enjoyable for the one dominating him. Plus he's a cute blonde sissy, and who doesn't like those?
A bunch of shit but he's apparently alright now. He was back for a while a month or two ago.

Could you link this tumblr? I could not find it
Thank you
Crap. This morning she happened to catch me wearing one of her pink towels like a dress after we had showered together (she got out first and left). I was stunned and frozen by the surprise of her opening the door right next to me. I tried to move the towel quickly to my waist; she said I could use hers because mine's dirty. Didn't work, and it half fell off. She finally asked if I was wearing her towel like a dress. Pause for a second, and I replied with a quiet yes. She grinned... an awkward grin, and stepped out, closing the door. Heard her announce to the whole suite (I live in a four-man dorm) "Fine, sweetie, we'll get you a dress you can try," in an amused tone. Later she texts, asking me to please not crossdress full-time (and I don't want to). She also texts me that she told the roommate I share a bunk bed with that I was wearing the towel like a dress, and... eeegh. They're all understanding people, they're nice, but suddenly this thing that I hadn't mentioned as a fetish is now known by all three of my roommates. Embarrassing, and hot, I guess. So I guess it did kind of go like an anime.

Not very much head-tilting and sparkles, though
It's not that abnormal for a guy to wear a towel like that, I often do it to keep warm after a shower when the house is cold, wouldn't say it's an indication of crossdressing in any way
It was probably more him scrambling to correct it than anything.
There is 90% chance this is completely false.

In the 10% chance it's true...

>asking me to please not crossdress full-time (and I don't want to)
... this ends with a break-up (probably marriage and then divorce) after realising "not all the time" either isn't enough for you (probably due to desire to transiton) or is actually too much for her.
I was posing in the mirror
Scary future is scary... But I do still like man stuff. Pinning her down, being forceful, being gentle but in control, wearing clothes that don't get caught on everything, punching shit. It's just a fetish, right now anyway
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Isn't this just TG? If feminization is guys forced to be feminine, aren't guys without penises and balls just girls?
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Sorry I don't have any more of this one if anyone asks :(
How unhealthy. Please don't let her continue to treat you this way
Daiwari to josou to assistant - by Ikuya Daikokudou

yeah why did she tell everyone wtf??

probably a weird manipulative shamind tactic.
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Ah why thanks!
Is there any doujin that involves a full transition to female? Or transition to Dick girl? - Other than amanoja9?

milda7 isn't really a doujin. and its kinda the black licorice of forced fem. but he is there!
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not sure if this counts as feminization, but there was one similar to this that was. Not tentacle, but was a fucking machine. If anyone has it, plz post
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Yeeeesssss. yes yessssss. I like this. Moar
That's just a female thing. Guys don't want to know more than "did you hit that?", girls think it's okay to "share the juicy details"

Or maybe I just think that because my first gf started telling people in way too much detail about our sex life and refused to stop because "it's all compliments anyway!" and just this morning I found out my current gf appears to be doing the same because her friends all know rope-related inside jokes only she should get.

I thought it was just me but I'm being assured it's common and I guess this confirms it?
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I saw a comic, of this guy he was forced to become a girl by a group of other guys. Eventually his former girlfriend uses his own penis to get him pregnant does anyone have that one?
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Does anyone have more partial feminization stuff? Particularly breast stuff, that's my favorite.
A few years ago there was a story passed around /d/, I think even written here originally that I've been looking for. I lost the first part of it off my old computer.

I believe the main character was named Steve... that may be wrong, but basically his sister has a party, he's kind of into a goth girl there, ends up in a forced fem situation and they go to the mall and come back home to some extra torture.

There was a second part that I never got to read, too.

Sorry for lack of info, it's just been so long.
i think there is on nhentei, i don't have the link but i remember the title is something about 7 days intensive hero
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I'm a fag, not a tranny, you disgusting abomination.
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Can somebody please make this a banner for /d? This pretty much sums /d up.
Its called the 'seal of training' ~30 pages long
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not quite forced but more tricked.
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>tfw noone to forcefully dress you as a slutty girl and milk your cock
Why live
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Is there a second part to this where they go to the bathroom and fuck each others' brains out? Or was that a different one?
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somehow i feel like this is a big jump
it is kinda, but these are the images from a written story so there are huge time gaps between images
link to it?

[TS Revolver] Nyotaika shita Ore to, Tsuma to Tsuma no Atarashii Kareshi

What artist is this
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>uses his own penis to get him pregnant

thats some next level shit
>it's common
it's not, that's not healthy.
great, so it is just me
Well now I just need to convince myself I shouldn't be giving up and spending all my time here because the next time will be better. How hard could that be?
Thanks anon
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Marco Diaz hypnotized and feminized
Furfaggotry? In my /d/ thread?

It's more likely than you think.
even if it is common, that doesn't make it right, if you are uncomfortable with some thing you should be able to tell your significant other about it and hopefully the will respect your wishes.
Does anyone have the animal crossing story some anon wrote a few months back?
Anyone know the name of the doujin where a guy gets kidnapped and force femmed for not defending his girlfriend from the bad guys? They eventually take him to the plastic surgery clinic his sister works in and later reveal they attached his dick to his girlfriend.
Why do faggots call trannies abominations especially in a place like this? That's quite comical.
coping mechanism. eventually he'll snap and somebody is gonna die.
Looking for this?

see this is why you need strict mental conditioning when you break your new 'girl'. subtlety and slowly take away as many freedoms as possible until they lose the light in their eyes. then reward them for good behaviors.

course its also sometimes best to just force it all on them at once and watch them try to hide it and beg you to stop as you fit them with their ring gag for their first date. i'm kinda torn as to which is better
alternative to sadpanda? it's fucking up for me right now
Do you guys have more story like this?
Where the guys get turned into a girl by a doc and not some stupic magic.
If that's true, seems like a pretty big breach of privacy and trust to me.
Amazing, well except for the whole "not calling the police" and the pregnancy part
Thanks for sharing
I remember seeing this comic of a slave boy getting bought and feminized for some sultans harem a few years back, but completely forgot where its from. Anyone have knows which one im talking about?
Why can't this device be real?
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Full image?
Anyone got sauce, tried image search and can't find anything
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am i the only one that thinks they look like bodies?
Had to look a few times to not see a mass of bodies desperately crawling out of hell.

Thought it was some sort of sculpture at first.
ok. glad to know im not the only one.

why do you want it?
Uhhh no not even close
Fastest erection in history.
Already posted see>>7357318
Jfc that's so long
Thanks ann
Just curious, I enjoy forced feminization but not like, violently forced more just 'convinced' but also not hypno. Any good stories like that?

ever read Milda7?
Because I do. And it looks cute.
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was originally going to be a scene. the fic was longer at one point
Cute. Thanks.
Its alright that this thread doesn't have lots of pictures in it. Good girls wouldn't be looking at lewd pictures
so how do you feel about baby clothes for sissies?
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I absolutely love them, depending a lot on the design of course.

>A pretty girl will never turn me into her sissy baby doll toy
Can be done right, is way too often taken into a direction that turns me off. I like it when it's all about humiliation, hate it when it devolves into scat. Also, the art is god-awful a lot of the time.
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I was trying to avoid posting art like that here in /d/. I'm not into scat either, although nor am I really into humiliation, as much as just the sensation of the clothing. The padded softness and crinkling of a diaper, the baggy silks and satins swishing and swirling around, the sound of satin strings tightening against one another...

I don't mind a tiny dab of humiliation as a spice, but my interests lie solely with the sensation play and the aspect of being bound in cutesy clothing.

well the thing about sissies in baby clothes is that diapers hide certain things, so their identity as male starts to slip away.

if they are still resistant and say that 'I'm not a girl!' you can just inform them that they're correct, they're a baby girl, and then force their baby bottle in their mouth so they stop fussing.

and finally, diapers are also excellent if you're into chastity. if positioned right even the most enthusiastic humping won't let them get off, and simple mittens and some tape will keep them from being able to remove it
It can be done right and wrong.

Fully grown men in baby clothes pissing in diapers is disgusting and ruins most of the art.

Cute boys wearing diapers under dresses that aren't oversized? That's hot.
You make some good points.

Well, yeah, people being cute is a prerequisite in any porn for me.
I second this, sauce please
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>>7362585 >>7362738

yeah nothing is more of a turn off in porn than very masculine men who are hairy doing forced fem stuff etc

Has to be cute.

do you prefer covered or uncovered legs?

covered legs add more sensations of course and add an accessory slot, but uncovered make the look overall more innocent and show off the perfectly smooth legs, and draw more attention to the diaper. it'll also make them more likely to get cold, so they'll want to cuddle, or at least won't wiggle so much
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to expand on >>7362510 , it means that potentially any picture like this one is of a boy. this as an example, the only difference between male and female AC villagers (despite that story) is the shape of their mouth. so this could be a boy as the shape of his/her mouth is hidden by the pacifier. which, by the way, are essential and are best in gag form
I "hate" it!

you hate it? well its a good thing this is a forced feminization thread then and sissy's opinions don't matter
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As a sissy, I love it. I don't even mind the normal aspects of the diapers that some of the other people in this thread don't like. Which I get isn't for everyone. I just love the humiliation of being considered not mature enough to even be a girl my age, and how I need to start from the bottom, where I likely belong. Every responsibility that's taken away from me is just one more aspect of control that someone has over me.
If only it was that easy.
anyone else get the feeling that this is a pretty popular fetish but quality content comes out quite infrequently for some reason?
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you're not supposed to like it
more like this
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delet this... Expurosion..jpg
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tried this, actually works really well if you can get past the odd pressure.
you even piss like a girl as well...kinda
Fuck dude I don't wanna be trans
I want to be a big guy for you
This sucks :(
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As much as I hate the idea of stewing in your own bodily waste, the humiliation aspect and cute clothes are really nice. And, some cute mittens making it impossible to use doors or take off the clothes without help are very nice too
What's the point if you're not being forced :'(
>you're supposed to train a sissy
>sissy notices you're weaker
>sissy turns the tables and coverts you
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Y-you can force me anon, I'll even pretend to not secretly like it, for you
I-I'm not a sissy! I just want to fuck them... promise!
Depending on the outfits, the legs might be covered or might not. I like all sorts of outfits and that includes pantyhose, stockings, socks of all shapes and sizes, and sometimes a baby themed sissy snowsuit has been a fantasy of mine, that'd keep me in check for sure.
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You know, youd be a lot more convincing if you weren't stuttering. Maybe you need to go over my knees for a spanking. Perhaps put you in some softer padding afterwords to take the edge off as I put you in a frilly dress?
>dick pressed down under panties
My fetish, anyone else have anything like this?
Gosh, all that sounds pretty embrassasing. I think I'll have to pass on that......
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Thats cute. You think you have an actual choice in the matter. Now lay down or bend over.

>fucking sissies

especially baby sissies. you keep them locked up with a pillow-like diaper so they can't rub or anything. big girl urges just have to wait till their older. put them in girly clothes, a skirt that just a little too short to hide anything, soft stockings, carefully put on make up, but never ever let them touch themselves, because that's lewd.
Holy shit stop with the diaper garbage. That's an entirely different fetish and should be in a different thread.

its all the same thing really. the fetish is about losing control, the flavor is being super girly. baby clothing tends to err on the side of feminine. and cuteness, also a feminine thing, lends itself well to the fetish, as part of the spiciness is about boys/men who are forced to be cute.

if the radical feminizing of the victim by forcing them to conform to certain roles (we're talking about the fetishistic version of feminine here), which represents a lack of control, then being treated like a child is the logical evolution of that process

secondly, you're free to start a discussion on the finer things that adult sissies can enjoy, like how a bra just slightly cuts into your breath each time you breathe, or how hard it is to keep ribbons from sliding in your hair, or keeping your stockings from running, or how good it feels when master leaves his handprint on your butt as a reward for cooking him a fine meal but you'd never let him know that because then he'd stop doing it. its entirely possible to have 2 conversations in one thread
Closest thing I could find, really:
It took a minute, but kek.
You sissies have 15 minutes to prove to me that hypnosis isn't the best method of forced feminization.
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it isn't the same thing, the diaper shit is an entirely different fetish and isn't even slightly related. stop fucking up threads with it
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Damn I wish this was just a tad longer, I really miss some kind of epilogue to all that. Very nicely done.
Any forced fem comics with a maledom focus? There are too few comics with bulls.
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Thoughts on dov?
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As far as psychosomatic changes can go, they can't do everything like change your skeletal growth or hair patterns.

Magic and science-fiction are the last hopes for true feminization.
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Thoughts on dov?
Name of Voloh (you can tell because of the name in the picture)

But seriously, Voloh is VERY hit-or-miss.

i look forward to your image dump of on topic pictures then

Honestly, I wish he was still making adult kisskae dolls. I keep that old-ass program just because of some of the shit he did back in the late 90's.
s-stop with the diapers its starting to turn me on
I'll take her place if she doesnt want it! ^^
He's supposedly going to work on a sequel in the second half of this year.
it's called "shame"

>it feels good
>but it makes me feel miserable and hopeless

Like right after doing heroin or jerking off to the idea of taking a huge cock in lingerie
These things only get weird if you make them weird.

Be yourself, don't make it anymore a point of discussion than your bedroom antics were before. If anyone asks, just say "yeah, you've never banged your gf in high heels and a dress? Wild shit"
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Fuck you, it so is. I can enjoy a fluffy pink dress and a fluffy pink diaper and you don't have any power to deny it. Fucking deal with the fact that there are people with varied tastes on an imageboard. Some of us like the little girl aesthetics.

Here's a "normal forced feminization" image for all your sad shitty troubled os being triggered by useless shit. Now post images or get the fuck out.
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That feeling of being into:
Forced feminization

and all I get to see around me is people going "all sissies are gay, all sissies are gay, you should suck a cock".

Is it really so wrong to just like the idea of hyper-feminine clothing, the "pain of looking beautiful", and the mannerism that'd come with attire? I'm so bummed out by always just seeing cocks whenever I search for sissy things. I want to see pretty dresses and dress-up videos and instructionals on how to act and behave, and so forth. Not "You can take 40 big black cocks into your eyeball at once".
Yeah, liking a niche within an already small niche can be pretty rough. I guess I'm lucky in that I'm bi and really like dicks, but yes, more variety would still be nice. If you want instructions on how to look, dress and act girly, your best bet is probably stuff aimed at trans women.
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yeah, and in the end it's just not really what I seek if it's a professional "tips & tricks" thing. I want excitement and teasiness. I wouldn't really even mind all the dicks if they were added in in moderation. I'd be interested in anal play with toys if anything, and I like the idea of gags with big toys to keep the mouth filled.

It's just so frustrating to be needy, and find absolutely no outlet to let it go for.

obviously you should sign up for etiquette lessons and stuff. be sure to wear your best dress
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What I'd want to sign up for is an intimate partner who would indulge in turning me into their pretty little doll, and not think of sharing me to hordes of hungry cocks. Someone who'd value a corset and proper posture over lewd positionings. How I long for that someone to take me and turn me into their princess!
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>/wrdg/ resurfacing
eh, why not

you have to be born a princess, sissy
You'd think that would be something they'd pick up on in the initial primate tests.

>garter and stockings
>no less than 2 vibrators
>shackles around the legs
>voice changer under the neck of the dress
>locked on high heels

and lets not forget, she's been sewn into the dress
thread theme:

Same here but im bi so I get both subby and Dom urges and it fucking sucks because that means in too afraid to commit to being someones doll because I know I like being Dom sometimes too.

Basically I feel your pain anon
I feel you. I love this stuff but hate whenever there's other guys involved, I don't mind other sissies, but I fucking hate stuff like cuckholding or a "real man" or crap like that. I fucking hate how much of it there is.
Honestly, those threads were more along the lines of "feminization" I prefer to see but you see them so rarely in western fiction that I started avoiding these threads (decided to check this one out on a whim).

And Japanese authors normally just make their traps (or potential traps) be already crossdressers.

There really isn't that much content around about forced feminization (at least at the start, you can then have the person start to enjoy it) where whoever is forcing them wants to make dress elegantly
To me, elegant instead of garish, but still with some lewd/fetishy elements like >>7368437 suggested, is the absolute best, but, it's so rare. It makes me sad
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That thing was one of my proudest creations, I miss making those threads.

True, but I can always dream!

You, I like your style.

We can share this pain together!

I'd mind even other sissies myself. I want my fantasies to be very intimate and between me, and whoever loved me. I don't judge though.

That was my intention when I first created the threads. I wanted a thread that was about the process of dressing up, binding a person within the confines of femininity and turning them into someone or something else than themselves.
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>That thing was one of my proudest creations
The threads?
Make them again (even if just for the irc chats and such, at least it broke some of the monotony that can set up on /d/ with the two-month-trends patterns)
You didn't happen to by the name Princess, did you? I think I remember hanging out in IRC like 3-4 years ago... it's nice to see you're still around!
I could set up a Discord for all that, but I don't think I'll be making a return. I'm afraid I've grown way too lust-filled to be able to run a community in terms of charity. I've grown very selfish.

Yes, I did! I'm the one who got the whole thing started over at /d/. I was at the IRC, but I moved onto Skype from there, and even my use of Skype has dwindled as of late.
Oh fuck. You're that PrincessOfTheCrystal faggot.
Hypnosis only works if it's something the subject wants. Indoctrination and making them suggestive through drugs would have more effect.
The who? No I'm just "Princess".
So you changed handles. You're a tranny, right?
No? I'm a male. Never heard of "PrincessOfTheCrystal". I went just by the name of "Princess" when making the Wardrobe Threads.
Using the carrot and stick approach, discipline and removing more and more freedoms when they resist and giving pleasure and affection when they obey, until they go from defiant to willing, is the best (and most sexy) approach... at least in my opinion
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This thread needs more pink.
Oh god please yes.
My apologies. Mistaken Identity.
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I have a lot of pink, I have some forced fem, but I don't have much pink forced-fem
Oh well
so does locking a boy into a bodysuit count as forced feminization?
Are those threads archived anywhere?
depends on the style of bodysuit!

most likely yes, but I haven't saved any archives of them myself.

probably something latexy where you can inflate certain parts for the desired shape. be sure to make the breasts big and heavy so they can't be ignored
Well, in that case I would say that it is forced feminization, as it implies that you're sealing the wearer into a more feminine form.
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I appear to have run out of boys forced into pink things.
Send help.
Or rolls of pink fabric.
Preferably the latter

have any where they are forced to be brides? bridal gowns are wonderful, and it insinuates they'll be on the receiving end of a vigorous breeding later
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Might have.
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I don't have enough though, mostly because there is no such thing as "enough" when it comes to that sort of stuff.
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I'm with you. I've always been more into lesbian women feminizing men and then having a relationship with them than just having cocks shoved up the feminized man's holes.
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There might not be enough to make it regular threads but every once in a while it might be ok to revive it.

Hell, the recent "Gerudo/Trap Link" thread gave me a lot of vibes from those old threads as it focused on all the ways you can dress up Link in a femme way.

>To me, elegant instead of garish, but still with some lewd/fetishy elements like >>7368437 suggested, is the absolute best, but, it's so rare. It makes me sad
Honestly, I don't mind the lewds being added later down the process but in my mind those are used as a carrot/reward to refocus the "trap-to-be" on having his objectives align with of changing their routines, mannerisms, wardrobe, etc towards being a high-class "lady".

Not to say that it can't be fun to have them be much more overtly fetishistic, playful or even sexually dominant once those "cornerstones" are set in their mind
>I can enjoy a fluffy pink dress and a fluffy pink diaper
I'm having a harder and harder time enjoying these things separatly.
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Well, I might put a thread out at some point. I won't make any promises though. I'm in need of company, and I shouldn't let that seep into making an entire thread.

I wish I had a fluffy pink dress, or a fluffy pink diaper.

This thread is making me way hornier than need be. Apologies for the weird art, I've just really run out of images.
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go back to skype or IRC
I'll be waiting
Though I'm not a fan of the art style, the little heart locks on the clothes are very nice
I-I'd contribute and stick around if you hypothetically made that thread, at least
I would like to pimp out a somewhat topical IRC: #/d/traps (Rizon).
I designed the outfit myself. To me it's very important that there's really no way out of the outfit I'd be dressed in, unless my captor (in this case most likely girlfriend) would grant me release. I always take great care in designing seals and locks and "inescapeable" clothing. I just wished someone designed some for me.
What is that?
I want someone, anyone, to force me into that outfit and be a kitty maid. Like seriously, anyone.
Maybe along with... forcing you to nyaa and make kitty poses, and then letting you snuggle up on their lap and be petted as a reward? That would be very nice...
Nyaa? *Curls up*
Anyone got pics involving Alice costumes or lolita outfits?
It's shit.
I'm glad that I'm too manly for this thread...

Anyone know of any other stories or art like this?
Hypnosis doesn't work.
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Different anon. I find it interesting the girlfriend also locked herself up in an identical outfit, be it because she also enjoys wearing them (on top of making the trap wear them) or just as a way to ease the trap into it saying "it would be just embarassing to me"/"we look identical so there is no excuse for you not to try it out too".

Also interesting that one of the keys is being worn by the trap. Is that supposed to be a specific key and/or is there a short story/scenario behind it?

>Well, I might put a thread out at some point. I won't make any promises though. I'm in need of company, and I shouldn't let that seep into making an entire thread.
No need to rush it, but I feel now, after-the-fact, that they only work on a sparser scale, as there isn't too much OC to warrant them in succession but enough to have them about once a month.

Also, I don't remember if there were rules about it being just guys getting dressed up or also tomboys/reverse trap characters
Ah, I'm afraid there's no particular story. The image wasn't drawn by me, rather I commissioned it from a good friend of mine who needed money and was up to the task. (I also liked her artstyle, mainly the way she can draw amazing eyelashes)

The outfit on the "girlfriend" isn't lockable, it's just there because she felt like drawing something similar on her. I personally do like the thought of girls trying on something super-feminine and sissy-ish as well though.

As for the key around the traps ankle, that's the key to all the locks the trap has on him. The trick is that since the gloves are super tight and slippery, and the skirt is wide and fluffy the trap couldn't get to the key. So the key would be a constant reminder that freedom is "always attainable", but never at reach.
>So the key would be a constant reminder that freedom is "always attainable", but never at reach.
yeah no shit you could ruin the thought by all sorts of means, even by simply beding and picking it up because no gloves will ever be that slippery, and you could just rip the dress.

It's about maintaining the fantasy.
ooh, there's a good story on deviantart about something just like that. a guy gets a light makeover from a girl he likes and then a dom tricks him into a locking outfit that he quickly couldn't escape from.

the artist is BoundInRibbons and the story title is something like "Pretty in Pink" I think
It might be "pretend goth to pretty pink doll" the title is a bit long honestly
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I'm not enough of and old fag to know he did anything like that.
Anyone want to do a Discord server or something like a telegram group?
I just read to animal crossing story...are there any others you guys wouldn't mind sharing?
Nostalgic. Probably one of the first forced fem/sissy artist I remember finding, and probably one of my biggest early driving factors for getting into it. Dov Sherman helped me figure out both what I was into and what I wasn't into as far as feminization.
Please tell me tehre's more to this.
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>/wrdg/ resurfacing

>you will never wear a dress like this in public


here comes the airplane~
Have I found the line? (I posted this in the wrong thread):

Different anon but then you should definitely check out his "Mrs Cloud" game.
I have yet to find another collection of minigames that sums up what /wrdg/ was about years before we had the threads about it here on /d/
Honestly I think part of the reason /wrdg/ didn't go over well is that a lot of the post were not "fetishy" enough.

Not to say you can't have the odd post like that but rather understand why pics like >>7369396 + >>7369677 + >>7369687 might be relevant to /d/ better than pics like yours.

I feel they had a place in those threads, but from what I remember a lot of posts were considered too tame and people were wondering why it wasn't being discussed somewhere else.

Then again, since then the gentle femdom/role reversal threads have become a staple of /d/ despite being seemingly innocent and tame by /d/ standards so who knows.

I'd welcome the chance to have people discuss about it again.
>Normally have zero interest in the idea of sex with a man
>Dress up pretty in frilly clothes
>Overcome with a desire to be a slut and fuck a lot of dudes
Is it still forced if I do the feminization to myself? Seriously, as soon as I get a look at myself totally crossdressed it's like a switch in my brain flips.
You know, /wrdg/ might work as it's own board on something like 8ch. It probably wouldn't be super busy, but it would be able to do it's own thing.
Nice, thanks.
There is a reason why it is said most people are bi-curious.
This means they most of the time are looking for heterosexual partners for a stable long-time relationship but don't mind dipping into homosexual activities for one-night-stands or similar activities.

In your case, it just happens to be tied to a fetish or roleplay scenario
>You know, /wrdg/ might work as it's own board on something like 8ch. It probably wouldn't be super busy, but it would be able to do it's own thing.
The problem is that AFAIK 8ch is pretty dead as far as /d/ style forums are concerned.
Well... I've had some offers but they wanted to take it further than I was comfortable with, and I knew I'd be up for it eventually.
pretty sure you responded to the wrong post m8
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I absolutely love clothes that can be locked. Though they seem to always be either really fluffy and overly effeminate or highly sexualized. I'd personally really love a dress that looks quite reasonable for everyday wear, yet manages to hide in those locks to keep the wearer inside.
There was a real great doujin I read a while back I can't find now

Trap on a train, gets molested by a dude. Some mind break starts going on, and the trap agrees to get off the train so they can fuck in a bathroom. Ends with the dude calling up his friends and the trap becoming his sex slave
i loved the ffvii cloud dressup game.
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does this count?
So I've been wondering. Lately in my head I've had an idea for a story where a dragon needs to kidnap a maiden, but unable to find one he simply kidnaps a knight and grooms and teaches him to act like a fair maiden while also giving him a more effeminate wardrobe and possibly feminizing him. Is there already a story out there like this?
I don't think so. Sounds cool, I would read it.
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