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Monstergirl Thread #7: /comfy/ Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 195

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No futa or other gay shit

Post cute and cuddly mamono!

Previous thread: >>7305029
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>tfw ywn be buried in a pile of delicious, squirming Lamias
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And who could forget the Queen of Cuddles?

Too bad there isn't nearly enough yeti art...
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>/Comfy/ edition

Might I offer that sphinxes are not only the most comfy soft and snugly monster girls, but by far the most underrated.
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Does any anon here have a mega link to Wolf girl with you
Concept: A harpy, but it's a Canadian goose.
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>Canadian goose
Automatically worst girl

Fuck those things. I won't even eat them when I shoot them. Walking, honking bags of shit and pure evil.

Dullahans are monster girls too
Only by association via Crabman
>dullahans aren't monsters
and MGE has them too
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Lets try posting other monsters that aren't the overdone Hellhounds, Manticores, etc.
I'm not sure about that pic Anon...
"Monster" seems like such a harsh term for such majestic beings
So you'll fuck a horse but not a cat? Anon pls. Tits is tits.
I wouldn't a horse actually
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Hellhound giantess vore when?
man, I fucking wish anon.
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That's a big bitch.

I'll stick to vanilla rape.
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Oh, and here's the new Polt lewd from the other day that only lasted like 5 seconds before the mods nuked the thread.
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horse asses are much closer to human asses than cat asses, to be fair
I mean I wouldn't either and only barely consider a horse thanks to one being best girl, but not all monster pussy is created equal
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yeah ok
There was a thread about the MGQ anime a while back, and the first two episodes were posted in it. Were there more than that?
ohh yeah. new polt!
who is this ?
what is this from?
what are they?
Elesh Norn
Magic the gathering
A cenobite I think
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I want to be coddled by cinnamon juggernaut of compassion
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Fellow /d/eviants! Torotoro Resistance has a new post in its development blog about the next chapter of Monster Girl Quest Paradox RPG!


Okay, there's no new pics at which to look (this one is from the New Year's posts, obviously), but the post promises the next chapter's PV will be released on Friday.

"PV" (in romaji, no less) might mean Promotional Video, from English. Then again, it might mean something else entirely.

No matter. You are excited by this news, I am certain.

>Posting a link to a Japanese blog post.
>Not translating it.
My only regret is not having a troll-girl pic to post.
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Elesh Norn
Magic The Gathering (New Phyrexia)
Phyrexians, the white ones' like Elesh Norn convert fleshies like you and me to their church by flaying us alive and dress up us in porcelin. If we're lucky.
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I just want to be held, cuddled and doted by someone gentle and caring, at least once
That's the idea, yes.
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I know that feel. Feels bad, man.
sounds gay
I think most players that know about her would consider her a "Praetor" (at least in part because she was part of the Praetor cycle) and it's on her type line, but she is certainly a cenobite (flavor wise). In fact she is the highest ranking cenobite in the Machine Orthodoxy. Or at least she was. While Phyrexia has been largely off screen, it has not been idle. It's possible she is now Phyrexia's Mother of Machines.

I do wish more people made mge trap and futa art
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does this count?
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Yeah but they're monsterGIRLs, dickhead. I for one am grateful that the closet gay meme hasn't ruined monstergirls, and intend to keep it that way.
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Oh stop being so insecure and butthurt. You're on d for crying out loud
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literally only here for mge threads.

If you faggots would just stay in your own threads and obey the rules like every other shitty fetish on this site, nobody would have a problem with you. But you don't, so we have to explicitly forbid you, and even then you don't obey half the time, until someone goes from just not wanting to see dicks because they're ugly and a turn-off to wanting to call Mike "The Electric Fence" Pence on all of you vermin.
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chkn grl = bst grl
Anon you are behaving like a child. It's just someone else's fetish, you can learn to live with it.
Like I said, if they kept to themselves it wouldn't be a problem.There's like 5 goddamn futa/trap threads on this board at any given time. Post in one of those, and I can just filter you. Don't pollute other threads. Literally no other fetish group thinks they're entitled to force their shit into every goddamn thread except futafags.
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Hey guys, so I'm thinking of doing a Cryptid themed visual novel and I'd like some suggestions for some possible characters, here's a list of what I have so far and some of the character designs.
My goal is to have a "normal" route and a "nightmare" route for all characters.
I don't know exactly what you mean by cryptid but I would like to request dragon and big cat girls.
Well, you just proved my point. Congratulations.
Kid, just put your phone away before the teacher catches you.
This is violently adorable.
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Oh noes, one picture!
Chill out dude.

And no I'm not him.
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ignoring you lot's arguement. that is one cute Manticore anon, got any more of her/ that artist's stuff?
i mean "old traditional monster" girls, stuff that isn't 'cat girl'; 'dragon girl'; 'harpy girl'
Well, I guess that's about the quality of insult I'd expect from someone too stupid to realize they're gay.

The problem is he did it deliberately to piss people off, which was the exact point I was making about how they're obnoxious dickheads. I don't aggressively post vaginas in futa threads, is it too much to expect the same courtesy?
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At this moment unfortunately not. However what I can tell you is that you can find all his art on the 8ch threads. There should be two manticore ones up right now, check the bottom of the old one first and then the new one

The only person he pissed off is you dude. You need to learn to accept things that are different to you. The whole world isn't your jp echo chamber.
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I think you're the one unwilling to accept he's gay dude.

Of course wanting to have a mostly straight thread is fine but you can't get butthurt about futa in the futa containment zone. It's gonna spill over sooner or later
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That Cobalt's after YOU!
Hey hey
can you all help me find a monster girl doujin
it was about this guy who trespassed on some land, and he meets this naga who he thinks is going to kill him, but she just fuggs him instead.
And I think at the end of the doujin it was explain that the naga was some some sacrificed shrine maiden. anyone know the name?
Also I'm not sure if this is the place to ask so i am sorry if I broke any rules.
Any more Polt?
Admit it, futa has no place in a thread meant for monstergirls
Liking futa makes you bi, liking traps makes you gay, see the difference?
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Sounds like part 4 of Igyou Kaikitan.

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I've got a bit... I'll post it up.

what if I like Girls, Futa, and Traps/feminine guys?
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you could have just said you like girls, men and men with tits. And that's pretty much the definition of bi.
Trip and namefags have no place anywhere. Now fuck off
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they're better than futafags. Namefags should just be beaten. Futafags should be gassed.
Futa still has no place in these threads.
my good anons, if your going to argue, and rustle each other's jimmies, at least post pics as you do so.
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that was the last of the Kobolds, but I've also get a couple of these, and she's very Kobold like, anatomically speaking. (also if you have more, please do share)
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Who is this semen demon?

>>No furries allowed on /d/
>>Kobold fem is fine cause it's a "monstergirl"
It's Polt from Musume
I hope Kobolds are fine... I mean we've been posting some in every thread for the last few threads...

but yes, that is Polt like >>7322615 said
>tfw your Best Girl is a secondary character...
though the last 2 are a different character I should add, don't know where from tho.

The last two, I believe, are from the author's other manga, 12 Beast?
You know, i'm the kind of guy who likes monstergirls who can still be human and kind and shit but jesus you've come up with the one concept, of all the devils and beholders and shit, where it is unequivocally CE.
yes thats the one
thank you anon
Does /d/ like slug girls?

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i think its wlel within reason, unless the mods get autistic about it or people start dedicating threads to this character in an excuse to post furrys then i see no reason for it breaking any rules, if you lot are sensible, and mods are sensible, then there should be no issues.
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Yes, that's Freki from 12 Beast.

She's a bit less borderline furry then Polt.
well... on to the list that goes for reading.
>got any lewds of her?
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Agree. She's more catgirl or bunnygirl. Minimal snout, and doesn't seem to be posing like any of the more typical furry stuff I've ever seen.

Here's one that might be new to more people that usual.
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Anon we told you to go away before now don't make me open my Monster futa folder

It's polt from monmusu. I never had much of an issue with furries anyway.
>Anon we told you to go away before now don't make me open my Monster futa folder
You'll only be proving me right. And reported for posting off-topic as well most likely.
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Dude you need to understand you can't bring mgg's autistic rage over futa and traps to d of all places.
You can call it autistic rage all you want, but you just demonstrated exactly why it's justified. I don't "need to understand" that you think you're special and don't have the play by the same rules as everyone else. I understand perfectly well, I just don't agree.
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Never love Kitsunes.
anyone got any more futakuchi onna?
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Okay, Butthurt Guy, the very first guy to reply to you called you insecure and butthurt. I would agree with butthurt and disagree with insecure, at that time. "He just gets turned off by futas," I thought. Nothing wrong with that.

Now you just have flipped your shit after seeing a shadow that vaguely resembled a penis. It's too far off to the side, and the actual front-and-center is clearly devoid of a bulge. Seriously, that's not a penis unless you are looking for a fucking penis.

I can only conclude that you are looking for fucking penises. And yes, you're insecure about your penis obsession.
I have to say I'm rather impressed. That's the most work I've ever seen put into a insult that lazy.
anyone got more?
>10/10 would touch fluffy tail.
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No porn of her thank goodness.
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That's all of her.
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You are correct on all counts! I did put a lot of work into that, it was an insult, AND I was being lazy!

I'm glad the two of us aren't getting into an argument wherein we deny each other's accusations. It's a big time saver, which is important because I'm lazy.

I'm glad we had this talk, Penis Obsession Butthurt Guy.
Well, see now you're just taking something that was already run into the ground long ago, and running it even further into the ground.

I am glad you admit you have no actual argument though. I mean your kind literally never does, but it's nice to see one admit for once that all you've got is ancient, tired insults.
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We need more manticore gangbangs. Their anatomy is just perfect for it.
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How the fuck is a gangbang cucking? You're not dating the girl getting gangbanged.
Everything is cucking now. When it rains, that means you're being cuckolded by clouds.
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>How the fuck is a gangbang cucking?
Wife is cheating on the human for real Manticores and the daughter is questioning about the men.

Guess monster girls hate humans now.
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How is that not cucking you idiot?
That baby had to come from some father.

At least the art is nice

Oh there is, but it's mostly futa or stuff like this.
Please kill yourself
He's not the only one pissed off

futa should stay in its own thread if it has a dick its not a girl thus its not monster girl so it should not be in this tread its as basic as that
The futa containment zone is the 50% of threads on this board dedicated to futa
Thats a furry not a monster girl
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posting a few
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The thread literally says no futa or other gay shit edition. This is a monster GIRL thread if it has a dick its not a fucking girl so it does not belong in a monster girl thread. Half this board is dedicated to futashit if there is not a thread for futa monster girls FUCKING MAKE ONE dont pollute another thread with your dumb shit

I like vore but I dont go posting monster girl vore in these threads do I? no I fucking dont ill post em in the monster vore threads if there are any or i'll make one if I feel like it

its common fucking sense
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There, not a lot but I like nagas.
Fuking tired of this aragonese-tier headstrong anon.

I'm tempted to call for a Less artdump just to smoke him out of the thread, but that would only serve to make him feel like I'm proving his point. Futa monstergirls aren't all that common, afaik.

If you dislike futa, just ignore it, /d/ is really the worst place to criticise other people's fetishes. It can only harm you if you let it.
For all we know, some anons might want hypno, vore, inflation and other /d/ fetishes to stay out of here, but there is no need to make non-contributing posts that only drag the thread towards the bump limit.
On a side note, 8ch's /monster/ board has become extremely vanilla by /d/ standards, it's pretty much "What if /mgg/ was on /h/", so you don't risk encountering any fetishes that might be unpleasant to you. To be honest, it sometimes feels a little sugarcoated to me, but that's waifu-faggotry for you.

Polt is a kemono at most, by the same logic that we don't call manga and anime "jap comics and cartoons". But given that she belongs to Monmusu, she gets a pass on these threads. Please don't start another pointless argument, it's just futile in this den of /d/egenerates.
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>Posting more Kitsunes
Delete them.
>Fuking tired of this aragonese-tier headstrong anon.
Keep implying it's just one of us all you like, it only makes you look dishonest.

>but that would only serve to make him feel like I'm proving his point.
No, it literally would prove my point. And you know it. You people are obnoxious asshats who think you run the board. Trying to "smoke people out" of threads by spamming them perfectly encapsulates that attitude.

>Futa monstergirls aren't all that common, afaik
Thank fucking god.

>If you dislike futa, just ignore it
Believe me, if there was some sort of mechanism for auto-hiding it, none of this would be a problem. But it's not so easy to ignore when you can't always tell from a thumbnail.

>/d/ is really the worst place to criticise other people's fetishes
I'm not criticizing the fetish, I'm criticizing the behavior of the people who have it.

>For all we know, some anons might want hypno, vore, inflation and other /d/ fetishes to stay out of here
I would raise the exact same objections in any of those cases. But vorefags don't go and post vore in threads that aren't explicitly for vore, and then call anyone who objects names. So it's not a problem. Because they don't make it one.

You (and the rest of your ilk) always fail to address this point. You dismiss, you ignore, you deflect, but you never address it. If any other fetish group did what you do, they would get the same uproar. I've seen it before, when piss, scat, diapers etc. gets posted in a thread not for that, people get just as upset. But that very rarely happens, because those posters stay in their own threads 99% of the time. The problem is not the futa, it's the futafags.

>but there is no need to make non-contributing posts
Given that, according to the OP, futa is off topic, I don't think you get to accuse anyone of making non-contributing posts.
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By non contributing, I merely meant posts that don't come with a picture.

As for futafag behavior, I agree that they can get to furfag levels of obnioxious, a behavior made worse by the idea that /d/ was created as the futa containment board. They don't realise that futa irks people because they don't see it as being as "disgusting" as vore or scat. Please don't lump everyone with those, some of us are lucid enough not to shove our "closet gay meme" down your throat.

One could argue that you are that you are just as bad, given that you are demanding that people don't post a certain fetish. In this case, the OP already asked not to post pictures of futas, so there was no need to jump at that anon who didn't even post a picture and merely expressed his opinion.

In my case I sympathise with your position, but all the posts arging back and forth without posting pictures (what I consider contributing in an imageboard) was annoying me.
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>By non contributing, I merely meant posts that don't come with a picture.
That's very reasonable. I will post sneks to accompany this nonsense from now on.

>Please don't lump everyone with those, some of us are lucid enough not to shove our "closet gay meme" down your throat.
Fail to criticize your bad actors, and you will inevitably be lumped in with them.

>One could argue that you are that you are just as bad, given that you are demanding that people don't post a certain fetish
Nah see there's a distinction. They're welcome to post it, just not in threads that aren't explicitly for that fetish. Same with vore, inflation, etc. Especially when there's already like 6 or 7 threads up specifically for it, and the OP here said to not post it.

>there was no need to jump at that anon who didn't even post a picture and merely expressed his opinion.
In my experience, that type of post is almost always intended to incite (or justify via samefagging) a dump.

>In my case I sympathise with your position, but all the posts arging back and forth without posting pictures (what I consider contributing in an imageboard) was annoying me.
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Sneks are good. Let's stay on this trail.
Dipshits bitching about futa on D, and dipshits bitching about "furries" that aren't actually furries.

Why are monstergirl threads shit on every board on every website?

I blame JP's hugbox mods
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Anon people just want you to chill the fuck out. The porn boards are actually nice on 4chan, don't soil them with bullshit
>implying she's not a single mom
>let's blame the person who's upset about bad behavior, not the person engaging in bad behavior
Stellar reasoning there buddy.
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Snek 12.png
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I can agree with that.

>tfw you realize the majority of your collection is xcom sneks and can't be posted here
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Reminder that the furry tsundere is shit.
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Thank you for your contribution to my Naga collection.

As for Futa, I've seen so much of it in random boards I've become desensitized, and i used to dislike it, now I don't mind. It's be nice if we could have threads where people don't post futa.

Not posting futa =/= not posting. you can have a contributing thread without posting futa despite what some futa lovers seem to believe.

Rules are rules bro No futa, you want monster futa go start the thread no ones judging or stopping you.

And before I get accused of only posting to weigh in I posted earlier:

The person interrupting was not me....
does anyone have a mega link to Monstergirl Island?
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It's like we're really on /jp/
Wow. Sexy grand cenobyte was not what I was expecting.
Would you a horse in a box? Would you a horse with a fox?
You know, it was alright up until "this is my swamp." Boner now ded, sides orbiting Uranus.
What a weird fucking place to see Frontier. I mean, I get it, but still kinda weird to see any mntion of Frontier that didn't start or end with trash.
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Would a particularly slutty Chocobo Harpy be considered a...

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It's funny how accurate to 4chan that post would be.
Just gonna put this out there:

Speaking from a legends and mythos standpoint, monster women are pretty much arachnid in behavior. Meaning, once the deed is done, the male better GTFO or get ate.
>No futa

Best thread on /d/

I never liked how they have scales on their cheeks.

Here's the colored version.
Is that a tiny, anthro Nargacuga?
...there are no blades on her wings
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4chan monstergirl ogre oni.png
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For some reason the picture became really small, I'll try posting it again.
Actually, i think its a different kobold from beast 13
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Here's the lewd follow up to that. Haven't seen a color version if there is one.
Most are polt, I went with majority. Other than the first, they're all polt until the last two which I didn't actually look at the first time. You're right though, those two are from 12 beast.
Im bitching about futa as half the threads on this board are dedicated to futa there is no reason the pollute other threads with futa
and how is >>7322428 not a furry?
That was only my 2nd time in this conversation
>This is my swamp

Every time.
I think I'm missing some context. Mind explaining?
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Think people knew she's furry like Flake and Luz, but they get an excuse for being part of the monster girls and that in Japan they create Kimono furry characters.
To me, Polt is a furry and will always be one. Japan needs to stop pushing them onto other monster girls.
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Pic related.
>literally covered in fur and has an inhuman face
>not furry
>no muzzle
sorry fagatron, not furry as far as mods are concerned.

besides furries haven't been a problem in years.
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Holy fugg all of you shut up. And don't talk about furry if you don't know what it is.
That's a mge monstergirl, and that canon operates by a different standard
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>less art dump
Happy bouncing man.gif
ahh yeah!

lol, she powers it herself.

not a mega link, but you can download it here
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and a hellhound art I don't have to... it's this anons lucky day.

also, do we like short dragons as well as tall ones?
>short dragons

to bad, gonna post a few for a change of pace.

and a Oir too!
I didn't know I liked smol drogens, but I do now
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you're welcome. always happy to expand another's Monstergirl Horizons.
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>long sexy tongue too
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>you will never be kidnapped by a spider queen for your sperm
>you will never be embraced by a snek girl's tail

Fuck you /d/. You guys got me hooked on futa shit, which was bad enough but at least obtainable irl, but this fetish is literally impossible to fulfill. REEEE
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Why not.
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Dragons are great reguardless of size, don't have many smol ones though so this was a great boon.
is this updated to the christmas version?
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Would you have sex with a monster girl knowing she was a boy that transformed from a curse or spirit?
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hey, you may not be able to get Snek or Spider. but some of these aren't completely impossible to replicate, just got to get creative. for example Hellhounds: some black body paint, paw gloves/shoes, some tufts of black fur ear head band, and a sexually aggressive fit girl, and your pretty much there there! minus the eye flames.
>alcohol eyedrops
>light on fire
What is the source for this?
this, also with hypnosis you could have a partner hypnotize you into totally believing they're a qt3.14 snek or slime girl and go from there.
I honestly doubt hypnosis could pull off something of the magnitude of
>my gf's lower body is that of a snake
yeah, though maybe some potential for Manticore, especially with a decently constructed tail prop.

That's true, and I forgot about cat girls but not sure if they count as monster girls. I still want a snek girl though.
depends on the Cat, Cheshires, and Jinkos for sure do.

Monster girls are the best fetish.
indeed they are anon, indeed they are.
now if only holograph tech would hurry up so that we can at least get Wight claws visually, there'd be another easy MG costume for fetish fun time.
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You're not wrong.
>willing hypnosis recipient
>fuzzy paws
yeah I can see this working
mamono hypnosis club will make the dream real
Re roll
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and now I need to seriously start looking into if hypnosis can effect me... it's never had any luck before for me...
why is beelzebub a moth?
oh whatever I can't lose with MGE
Yeah, I've never had any luck either. I did have someone that would willingly roleplay with me, though. I think that was just as good.
and speak of the devil
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well, color me jealous...
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Don't be too jealous. I don't anymore, long-distance relationship killed it. We still talk, but it wasn't anything like it was then.

Anyway, away from the depressing bs.
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too true, let use move on... any other MGs we might be able to replicate through the magic of some combination of cosplay, props, and hypnosis?

I mean aside from succubi, that one is fairly obvious.
ooo, I know one! Centaur! there was someone I talked to somewhere that had a friend who'd figured out, and built an armature for the centaur body with working legs... wish I could remember were, I'd try to get pictures from him...
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Centaurs exist for the tits.
mayhap, but I'm sure the idea appeals to someone.

Anubus wouldn't be hard to do.
Don't we all?
>we wuz mamono n shiet
Nice triple dubs dickhead
what would be ing caressed by paws feel like? would it tickle her to kiss her paw pads?
how would you find a wedding dress cheap enough for her since she's gonna rip it off and ravage you the second the reception's over?

I've realized that monster girls are obtainable after all. Dated a latina once and her attitude matches your description of a hellhound girl.
she... she had paw pads?

Well not exactly but we met at this diversity-obsessed uni we both went to at the time and neither of us really fully knew the others language. Plus she was very roudy and forceful, but in a cute way. She was kind of like a monster girl lel.
well can't say I'm not jealous, that sounds adorable, but it's not mamono until fire shoots out their eyes and they harvest life essence from your raped penis

Metaphorically this did happen to me...
anyone have any working download links for monster girl quest 1-3 with the English patch?
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The one in /vg/'s monster girl game thread isn't working?
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moth girl!
she even comes with the hypnosis pre-packaged

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