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Other than babysitting the kingdom when the queen is away, what

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Other than babysitting the kingdom when the queen is away, what duties fall to Mewman kings? They don't really seem to do anything other than exist and there has been zero mention of any previous Mewman kings.
So what happened to Moon's dad?
Fucking the queen and making new princesses? Taking care of the social aspect of the court while the queen deals with administrative and diplomatic sides?
Basically the same role a queen has in akingdom.
has there ever been a queen reported to have more than one child, or a prince?
Could be mewman females, at least royal caste that go full bug mode are biologically designed to have only a single child

Maybe members of the king caste don't live very long comparatively
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>all Butterfly Queens try to sire only a single child
>if that doesn't work out, they have to choose one to be the successor
>the outcaste has to leave Mewni
>It is standard procidure that they are conditioned, to eliminate any competition for the crown
>If the subject tries to break the conditioning the penalty is death
According to Lore book yes. One of Star's ancestors Dirhhennia was superseded by her younger sister Crecenta. So queens have had more then one kids. Most likely have had males children too just not really mention since the queens have all the power.
i like to think SHE is Eclipsa's child
>Fucking the queen and making new princesses?
I know that there's insect similarities, but having a society where there's only a few men, who's entire job is to repeatedly impregnate the only grown woman while being waited on hand and foot by a bunch of girls that didn't go though puberty(lolis), seems like a little much for a kids cartoon.

Not that I wouldn't want to see that
Star has an uncle on the Butterfly side
>Eclipsa's been imprisoned for centuries
Jesus, anon. How old do you think she is?
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I still say she fell for the monster cock, just like Eclipsa and Star
They mate with the queen. The queen stores his sperm in her for the rest of her life, fertilizing her eggs to ensure a female offspring.
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Well someone done fucked up, then.
>Well someone done fucked. Repeatedly.
>born a prince
>both parents drop you like a sack of potatoes to focus on making a princess
According to Hesiod and other historians after the end of the Golden Age where Man walked with the gods and was like the gods, the Silver Age was female centric. Females held all the power and religion appeared. Initially (though already a far cry from the Golden Age) these were peaceful times, everything revolved around peace, love, mercy and other qualities we men associate with ideal women. However near its end this Age degenerated into sex cults, feminism and general batshit insanity. Hesiod here deviates from the Cycles by inserting his own belief that the intermediate age after the collapse of the Silver age was nothing but a massive thousand year slaughter of everyone vs everyone, total violence beyond comprehension. The gods eventually intervened and wiped the slate clean of Humanity and created a whole different breed of Man, inferior even to the remnants that killed - us.

I was reminded of this. Perhaps Nefcy read about this stuff.
Queen bees can choose not to fertilize their eggs. They contribute 2/3rds of their DNA to it, and unfertilized eggs develop as males.
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>yfw Star's reign spurs a coup of epic proportions
>entire kingdoms and clans class with one another
>after the carnage, the Butterflies remain
>they begin to reshape the remains of their world into their image
>a new dynasty of god-queens now reign over what was Mewni
Giving lectures on proper throne posture?
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That's what he wants us to think.
This could possibly be the worst OP I've seen in a long while. Been on /co/ for hours and I didn't even realize this was Star Vs. related.

Title your fucking threads and use recognizable images, why is this so fucking hard?
Is this the threade
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>give away our position
Are ya fukin daft?
Lot of help it does when the people who want the post can't even find the threads. Also, threads haven't been deleted in weeks.
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I know it's not really that kind of show but I hope we see a Butterfly Queen really going all out with her magic. These are people who can apparently bend the fundamental forces and mechanics of the universe to their will, so the powerlevelfag in me is a little disappointed that their greatest feats of magical power shown so far have just been beams, or stuff that's impressive but small-scale like creating portals and miniature "black holes"

Eclipsa has been built up to be "Star's powerlevel plus decades of experience in the dark arts," so she better pull off some serious grand-scale ritual shit if they want to establish her as a serious threat, right after Star dealt with the last villain by casually sliding her way back into reality as a Seraph and one-shotting him.
At least it's not benis thread, but i agree with you.
>And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Revelation 6:12
stop being so paranoid
Yeah, seriously. It feels like whenever someone makes a non-terrible thread that clearly says Star Vs., one that doesn't get deleted and lasts just like a day and proves it's fine to title threads, then everyone totally ignores it and slides right back into retardation.

Like having one thread that actually works well means now we have to have TWO terrible one that hang around for days to make up for it.
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Maybe they act as comptrollers.

Also, anybody got that season 3 mega?
Don't try your luck now pardner, you found it, that's what matters

he's watchin
Remember that every single spells have no limit to their capacity. Like that laser spell Star used to play with the pups is stated by the guide book can be turned up to Death Star level of firepower by any princess with sufficient skill.
What thread? Sometimes really shitty OPs get deleted for good reason
It's possible our friend is just nudging the Overton Window a bit, he's clear he doesn't like the threads and deleting them early on would've had the effect it had on you. I think yours got deleted just because it was so new and he knew he could get away with it.

Until the threads consistently get deleted I see no problem with titling threads and the fact you didn't get banned means you didn't violate the rules either so he was just being petty.
Maybe all princes are forced to cross-dress to keep up appearances.
Maybe Star used to be a boy.
Yes, four of them.
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>Maybe Star used to be a boy
i really wanna make out with Comet/Twinkle and just lose myself in the moment and be the Dual-kings of Mewni
I've come to love-hate King River

On one hand he IS funny as shit, being so incompetent and childish and un kingly, but at the same time his incompetence plays into how shitty the kingdom is overall outside of his own fucking castle and the show has still yet to address the massive difference between the state of being for the royalty and the everyone else. I dont want it fixed, or well I dont NEED it fixed to enjoy it, I just want it fucking acknowledged by a character how weird the dichotomy is..
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>"You sound just like my wife.. And that's what I need right now."
why didn't River make Princess Marco his new Queen?
He needs to wait until star and marco marry and move to mewni, that way he gets to dick moon marco and star without losing any of them. Going only for marco would anger moon and drive star into suicide
Yeah actually it was really fucking weird how Marco and the King felt like it came THIS close to having the peasants etc. call River out, but then swerved at like the last second to him doing something to get back in their good graces so the issue wouldn't need to be actually acknowledged. I don't care much about the Mewni racism/poverty stuff really (I like the dark jokes about it, but I'm not sure it actually has to be addressed), but it keeps feeling like they habitually come close to touching on that and then just quickly derail into some other tangent before it totally gets there.

Thought Moon the Undaunted had similar issues with never really talking much about the treaty, Moon hunting down the army, and what the former queen was even like. Like all that could easily be negatively viewed as even the recent Butterflys being tyrants etc. if someone wants to, because in trying to play it almost too safe they ended up not really telling us shit about either side.

Despite how some fans view it Star Vs. isn't The Monster Racism Show or Star Vs. Societal Injustice, and those subjects don't necessarily have to be explored in great detail/solved when they're more a part of the setting of Star's coming of age and all that. But it keeps feeling they want to or could address them more than they actually are, but then never do.
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I actually drew most of the very lewd requests yesterday
I specially regret the stump one
Let us see them
first let me finish the rest
This is the current cliché, pathetic men and competent women, all Star vs FoE men are pathetic and effeminate, or are bad, because "male toxicity" ... I hate this generation ... but at least we have more variety of female characters
Yea but... Its been shown that River has been hyper competent if need be. When he stopped fucking around, he got levitato'd to some far off place and saved the eagle kingdom or some shit.

I just think he's taken advantage of the fact that the Queens have to do the bulk of the work.
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King River's shown to be competent in his own way, I like how both the King and Queen can kick ass.
River is literally a Barbarian, royalty is new to him, he doesn't know how to sign a peace treaty.
The only "pathetic" or "effeminate" male character I can think of are the ones nobody gives a fuck about.
Beyond that, it's implied that everybody with cheek marks is a female-line descendant of the first queen.

Etheria for example is probably the younger sister of Moon's mother.
Royalty isn't new to him exactly, since River was already a prince of his tribe. It's just that being royalty of an actually civilized kingdom is what's new to him.
The way the show deals with the monster racism actually makes it part of Star's coming of age story. She has to discover how she wants to rule the kingdom if she is to be a good Queen. The monster war celebration episode was good because it ended with Star learning that what she was told as a kid wasn't the full story and it made her realize that she had to create her own narrative.

I just hope the writers don't go too far overboard with the real world parallels.
Get the fuck out of threads for shows you don't watch.
You are doing... well I don't know about god but your are doing a great work. For all of us.
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She does seem to be unusually fond of Rasticore who I assumed was just a disposable mook was just a disposable mook to her until this episode.

>but at the same time his incompetence plays into how shitty the kingdom is overall outside of his own fucking castle

To be fair, the kingdom as a whole seems to be VERY reliant on Butterfly magic, considering how easily it was overrun by an army of rats. Even a vital staple food like the corn fields is left completely unguarded, since the magic field is considered to be impenetrable.

>Thought Moon the Undaunted had similar issues with never really talking much about the treaty, Moon hunting down the army, and what the former queen was even like.

I have a feeling we'll cover stuff like that in the rest of season 3. The four episode special at the start of this season is basically setting up a lot of plot points to get the viewers invested in watching the new season.
she's cute even when she's retarded
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you mean reSTARded?

question for you all, you are tasked of taking care of one retarded or highly autistic version of any character from the show, who?
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Star obviously
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>That chin
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I wanna protect her doofy little smile.
That's so nice anon. I just wanna cover it with semen
River kinda pisses me off. Every episode surrounding him has been aggressively mediocre, because they follow the same arc of River fucking up until he eventually gets his shit together and saves the day. I like his character but I hope they do something different with him going forward.
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Tard Jackie a cute, would feed her, wipe her drool, and stop her from trying to skateboard or hurt herself
What about cleaning her butthole smared with shit from the diarrhea she got from Marco's spicy nachos?
What are you a soccer mom? Thats pretty much been the role of 90% of queens throughout history.

Only the king in this case is a bit worst considering he had no idea wtf to do beyond being a Chad without the queen hand holding him and a pep talk.
It'll be interesting to see how he copes with Moon Pie's death at least
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>not posting the comic page where Jackie forces Marco to watch her poop and he wipes her clean
>or linking the green where Star makes Jackie incontinent
At this point that's probably the only way to make his character interesting, which is sad because I really like Moon.
I hope we get more episodes with young Moon, even if they aren't plot related.
Give me requests, I promise to disappoint you like always.
give me some any of the female characters of your choice, preferably Jackie, being flashed and her reaction to that
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She for luvvin fug only.
Why would anybody want either of those things?
why wouldn't you, Anon?
he mentioned Jackie pooping and i upped the ante
that's the outfit she's gonna seduce Anon with, just figured you'd like to know that
i hope Brittney does at least wash her Track suit more often than her panties
The Queen is dead long, long live the Queen! Once Moon is dead he'll go the path of real world Queenmothers/fathers. Alcoholism.
What if jackie took a shit on your pillow?
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>there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood
She comes
Sounds fun. That same amount of pudge, too?
She probably does.
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Do you guys think Marco is really going to move into Butterfly Castle this season, like the intro seems to suggest?
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>I'll post the rest in a few hours
that's unsanitary

same amount of pudge
i mean otherwise Brittney would just smell like an odd mix of sweat, musk, and an odd mixture of hot dogs, pizza, and brownie batter
>sweet and savoury odors emanate from her pores
the girl eats nothing but chili dogs, weird pizzas from Domino's and has the maid make her brownie batter to mix into a milkshake, what do you expect her to smell like, i mean jeez, look at that face
she probably tastes like butter
and maybe we should cool down on slobposting for now
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That's weird so have a quick doodle

Any other requests?
this made me fucking laugh, as always good work anon
what program do you use?
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Might be for the best.
Anyone have nicknames for their waifus? Warning: autism ahead
>Star: Grub
>Janna: Roach
>Jackie: Minnow
>Starfan: Powdered Brownie
>Brittney: Dumpling
>Sabrina: Unlucky Charm
>Chantele: Chocolate Donut
>Chelsea: Sweetie Pie/Meatpie/Creampie
>Hope: Candy Heart
>not Hair Pie
i gotta ask, why Chocolate Donut?
alsono Mrs. Liao? shame on you, Anon
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>Starfan: Powdered Brownie
My god that's too cute to handle
Moon has an aunt Etheria, and also a brother Heartrude. Both featured clearly and had several lines in Game of Flags. "My incorrigible little niece!"

Also there was that one looney Queen who had to abdicate the throne because of mental issues and her sister became the new queen, from the guidebook (or maybe she was just the crown princess who was deemed unfit for the throne, I forget)

In any case clearly they can have many kids and also boys

pay attention to the show
Just didn't feel it on that, meat or cream works best
Chantele's very self-conscious about her booty. Gotta remind her that's a source of pride.
Just listed people off the top of my head. Of course, she'd be my little fortune cookie
pic related
you gonna make it son?
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she's self-conscious because of the hair
i need to stop shitposting and get back to writing that Jackiefic
I know, butt still.
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>Any other requests?
Two of these girls in bikinis touching each other on the cover of 'PlayPrincess'
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I actually did it
I drew like 18 lewd pics in the last two days, I need help
this is the only sfw pic I can post atm
>I need help
We can only help of you post them all
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>the only sfw pic I can post atm
Did you include SWEATY STAR and possibly SWEATY STAR PITS??
What is with you and sweaty Star pits?
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Star's pit sweat is a canon issue that needs to be addressed
I thought I might as well go full bore. Your comment made me laugh my head off.

I just like sweaty pictures of Star ok? I'm sorry, I'm an animal when it comes down to it.
I may do that, I also took a couple foot fetishy ones but I don't know how to draw feet
Could we stop with the stupid unnecessary spoiler text?
Grown up marco arm wrestling with arnord schwarzenegger in his predator movie outfit while sylvester stalone dressed as rambo judges.
Give it an 80's vibe if possible
were you the same guy getting pissed over spoilers in the last thread
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You're not my real dad
>this was for the 4th of July
I wonder what October will spawn.
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what if you and star got hooked on mewman designer drugs and you both thought you were physically attached to each other but you really were just accidentally in the same coat the whole time?
I hope, Marco teaches Star about Earth, i would make a good plot for various episodes of Star teaching Marco about the rest of Mewni.
Any nudes?
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Hopefully a new fucking promo
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More importantly, does everyone on Mewni think Star and Marco are betrothed thanks to the Song Day fiasco?
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>five hours ago
he's gone again, isn't he
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I'm with you in spirit.

And I'm still writing
post the original mewberty concept
Make sure the brownies taste awful so they can be just like Star's
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Well then I hope it's done when I get back from work and wish you the best of luck in your lewd endeavors
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>this is canonically what Star's bush is like in mewberty mode
>this is canonically Star's bush
Wwho ? River? He looks like a baby. He acts like a baby.
maybe a plot for one episode, i mean maybe it's going to be for sure your typical ''no he's not my boyfriend''
>Mewberty: purple hearts cover her crotch and navel, secreting potent pheromones who drive even the most reserved princes into complete animals
>Regular: blond peachfuzz, with a plushness only exhibited in those little pink bunnies
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where dem piza nuggies at
by which i mean don't leave the other girls out
>Chantal: Abundant with a faint happy trail
But they're gonna make you shit yourself so hard that you'll be propulsed to the moon by the shear force of your shit hitting the ground
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it happened to me, pizza nuggets ain't no joke, take his advice
>God, Marco. My belly hurts from so many pizza nuggies.
>launches to outer pace
>star in the background singing "fly me to the moon"
I know the Adult Marco ... you know ... this was supposed to be a great plot twist in the series, 16 years of adventure alone, it was to be something important, he already had to give up the old life, it was to be something big... but no, they preferred to pretend it never happened ...
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damn thanks for the sacrifice.
what if marco checked those trips?
next episode when?
>Jackie: scales of undetermined species
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I do agree Chelsea should be some kind of pie.
She's my cutie pie
I'm sorry but... Nefcy caught on to all the worship we've been piling on to her and her creations and she put the kibosh on it.

Is that the moment right before launching?
Seriously stop with the spoiler text
So this is just going to be a thing now?
That mouth has potential
starfan13 x Jamal when
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Hey, her parents' issues aren't her entire life, I'm sure she's a normal, happy girl most of the time.
fuck, why do I find her so hot, I love her fluffy hair, her huge eyes, her cute squeaky voice, and her tastefully applied lipstick
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Jamal is for Yukiko anon
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What about it?
Yeah, I really liked when star beat toffee 's meat in the premiere
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It's probably gonna be like this until we get more episodes, which is whatever you make of it.

Anyways what did you guys think of the big reveal that Starfan13 was the biggest cutie in the universe?
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Starfan is for Sensei and you know it, Anon, any other ship is false

just because her name is hope doesn't mean she's full of it, she could have depression, damn it
Hope.. or Brittney?

sure man, who's best boy
i personally am conflicted but love Tom, he's just a sentimental guy with Anger issues
probably has cheeto dust in her bush, i know she wipes her fingers on her panties after licking them clean instead of washing her hands after eating snack foods that leave residue
Sensei's little cocksock
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What about pre-slob Brittney? I feel like hers would be more delicate, trimmed, and fragrant.
Tom is easily best boy, and probably the most consistently well written character in the show besides maybe Glossaryck. He doesn't get much screen time so he's never flanderized, and he's shown clear character development across all his appearances. His character design is also just the best.
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Shit, I guess it could sort of be both. I would say Hope's hair is fluffier, her eyes are larger, and her voice is squeakier (and that is who I intended).
would totally comfort depressed Hope, she might have a hard life not just due to her parents but also due to the fact that she looks kind of silly and probably gets made fun of for it
i want to bully Hope

completely shaved, or at least very trimmed, smells of lavender and chinese incense with a hint of orange

Tom and Glossaryck episode when?
You mean tom x glossaryck when
i would but i'm already procrastinating with like three greens
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A lot of the girls are great for bullying, I like to imagine that Brittney, Becky, and other popular girls like the cheerleaders bully the ones who don't quite fit in sometimes, even to tears. they'd probably bully Star too if she didn't have any powers, that's one of my favorite things about Monstar
Brittney is confirmed alpha-bitch she does insult Star, i can easily see Brittney pushing Sabrina off a ledge/stage or something, she begs to be taken down a peg or thirty
Running with Scissors itself was a bigger mistake than not following up on it-- series didn't suddenly need to introduce Mstco being a badass and having decades of PTSD in the space of one half-episode when entirely unrelated shit is going on. There's like no way to do that and do it seriously without it taking over the show

It's not a bad episode at all, but for a series like this a premise like that should've been killed at Day 1, or at least should have included an obvious memory wipe or similar plot device to stop the questions about following up on it before they could start
did you request this

I'll upload more shit later
>Tom and Marco form a Love Sentence cover band with Glossaryck on keyboard
Would love to see those three together. Throw in Janna and you have best episode material
Janna on drums
[Spoiler]they say Janna's heart beats at 17/16 time signature[/spoiler]
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Janna's her usual flirty self with Tom, and it gets him so flustered that he forgets to be angry episode ends with her kissing him on the cheek
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jackie visits imageboards.png
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>That episode where Jackie spent all night jacking off and could barely focus on the chalk board
she really lived up to her name in that episode
Is rombulus based off on xavier?
I only drew one thing today... Someone give me a non-lewd request
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Chelsea canonically eats lunch alone in a few episodes, so she might be kind of unpopular/bullied, or at very least shy.
>tfw I'll never be able to comfort her after a bad day

>taking Brittney down a peg
Ooh, how about some of the other girls from school, (especially the ones she used to make fun of) bullying her when they find out how gross and slobby she is now and causing her to cry and become even more solitary/shut-in.
Sad Britslob is underrated
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hello sister.png
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I fucked up a couple of things
OR here, thank you

Star violently assaulting an arcade machine
the britslob story could have a taste of that, maybe Chantal might let it slip how unkempt Brittney's been, maybe she's just avoided the girls completely
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Best Girl.png
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>Rhomby with a shakashuri of his own

>ywn comfort a sad Chelsea after a day of isolation
>ywn be rewarded with pie
Life is such sweet sorrow.
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>No QT to give this to.
Send it to nefcy and begin the bobby cucking
Gen Z is conservative.
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pls don't start.

Here's an angry bug to remind you.
Is tom the only male of inherit a kingdom? It's somewhat ridiculous.
Gen Z is the meme generation
Wasn't there a reformatory institute for wayward princes too? There has to be at least one prince there that will inherit something
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Gen Z here, can confirm.
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>Chelsea and Brittney baking a pie/cake/brownies/cookies for the whole school via Lazy Town song, when?
oh and Janna's there to taste test all the snacks
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It's too early to say fag
What we know is females inherit the Butterfly throne, males inherit in the Lucitor Kingdom & Cloud Kingdom (though Ponyhead is going to succeed this time because her parents didn't have a son after a number of kids)
I'm still wondering what the denizens of the Pigeon Kingdom look like.
Why is she so thicc
We saw them in the background in the sneak peek.
She goes to the club to dance.
The one with the growth on their head, or the ones next to them?
The sneak peek was confirmed to be for a flashback episode right? Tom seems much more agitated with Star than he ever is now.
>since the blood moon ball
>No thighs but cankles
It's like if Popeye was a frog that failed to be sexy
:b:uenos dias, marco
You are talking about the left side, but they are on the right side (sorry, don't have a pic yet)
You can see small birds here.
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Huh, so just regular pigeons.
More young Moon when?
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Just get some sleep, we can wait.
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I don't understand why you guys request half the things you do, but I really appreciate the practice.

I wouldn't mind waking up to new requests.
Star playing Lederhosen Tycoon with Anon

>Ponyhead running a kingdom

RIP Cloud kingdom
An AU where instead of Star being from mewni she is actually part of a circus family and Star is a clown.
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Yes, thank you. Good stuff.
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>Hey Marco! How do you like my new look?
>being so hungry for attention that you dress as your crush's gf
Come on, Star's not that desperate. Right?
If it's not perflat it's not Star
>they're just magical implants
>as with anything Star conjures up, they malfunction in the most hilarious way possible
well, after Marco followed her to Mewni without asking, she doesn't even need to be worried.
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Reminder that magic sexual "enhancements" are 100% canon
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>they have a heart-to-heart moment on Mewni
>one of them accidentally brings up Jackie
>spaghetti falls out of both their pockets

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what the fuck
The wonders of digital editing software.
I have a solution that will satisfy you both.
In the event of multiple sired daughters, the Magic High Commission, effectively Glossaryck, utilizes an ancient technique to condition the undesirable to monster cock. This is why Heinous and Eclipsa are outcasts, and Eclipsa is made infamous to further strengthen this political maneuver by also associating her with dark magic.
Star must confront and accept this reality, realising that the wise and powerful godlike-entity is completely right in manipulating society and brainwashing inferior queens to a life of exile and degenerate monster love because it is for the greater good. This is the final step to her becoming Queen as she conditions her mother to lust for Marco's tentacle arm and sells her father to the Eagle Queen, forsaking all her loved ones for the good of the State.
>degenerate divine intervention
I like it.
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star is lewd.jpg
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How wonderful they are, indeed.
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I think I've read this doujin
The south shall rise again!
Who do you think got Trump into office.
what if all of the girls on the show wore clothes that exposed their midriffs on most days
The show would be cancelled the instant Jackie appeared on screen.
Are those Jackie's eyes?
Why? Does she have piercings? is she pregnant?
What do you think the other girls' navels look like?
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Marco 'D'iaz.jpg
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What if star became a cam girl
>14 years old
She'd redefine what it means to be a government honeypot.
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I love you Star!
why bug
are we going from reptilians to anthroarthropods?

because i'd definitely like that
What if Star hunted down and beat the shit out of everyone who made a What If post
I'd tell her that while she's hunting people down, marco is dicking jackie, heckapoo, starfan and ferguson, driving her into a deep depression that'll force her to kill everyone she loves and comit suicide. Then I'll mummify her body and sell it to putin
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I love you too big guy!
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Chuckl'd. Have a cute NefStar
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Uh... Dude.. You not on the same timeline or something?
nono, i know.
i just don't get how her being a bug makes a difference in the honeypot department

>princess makes her directly part of A government, and it makes it even more illegal
>14 is the base as to why it's illegal in the first place
but then
>bug: ????
Thank you, I was hoping they'd post her again. Her ear's not colored though
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I replaced butterfly with bees, cause bugs with royalty terminology.

Was that not obvious enough?
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Probably ceremonial shit. Go to lectures. Make speeches. Be a figure head for the public.

I mean, what are the typical expectations for the spouse of a political leader? I'm assuming the King of Mewni is like a mixture of a Vice Presidential role and the First Lady.
I was complaining that it existed in the first place
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>Go to lectures. Make speeches.
Yeah. Like on throne posture. Run River! Be free! To the hunt!
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Does Star even have a belly button? We don't exactly know how she was born. I hope she does, but even if she doesn't I'd still kiss her tummy and blow raspberries on it
Even though marco, tom and river already came on it countless times?
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>I'll be your Star Anon.
B-but you already are my Star!
>Not in this universe. Let me make a call and get you one.
>We'll just take a Star from another universe!
Have you been hanging out with Rick Sanchez again?
>Uhh... no?
And what if star's only way to keep her human form is to absorb semen through her belly?
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starco tease.png
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River has a belly button, why wouldn't Star?
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Star isn't 100 percent human/"barbarian", so we don't know what kind of weird things her anatomy includes. It would help if we'd seen Moon or another Butterfly's tummy before...
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I knew you were gonna say that. Sorry, I didn't know being 2 inches taller is gonna change my life radically somehow. Especially from something you can't change. You need to learn that being so shallow is gonna result in you ending up alone. The saddest part is I'll never know who you are and never get to see you suffer in the future. That's my only regret.

Now fuck off.
has anyone drawn any female rhombulus fanart?
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I did one pretty similar to this not too long ago
Here ya go, took longer because my friend gave me his old Wacom and I was playing around with it. Don't have to use my Surface anymore.

Any other requests?
Star as the girl version of Mike Haggar
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2MB, 1024x1355px
The Wacom is better than the surface?
Yeah, the Wacom I'm using now is ten years old and only about 7" wide too. It kinda hurts my wrist to use, but I can finally use it with my desktop and I don't have to awkwardly reach over my keyboard in order to draw anymore. I'm going to start saving up for a wider and more modern version because the difference is night and day.
>beautiful smooth segmented belly
>might even be a little squishy
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now the ear has colour.png
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Ah fuck I missed that when I did the request.

Here's a version with the ear coloured in.
Are the MHC basically just familiars?
>Mewni but with potatoes instead of corn

Fuck it, we Irish AU now?
Yeah, it seems like Glossayrck is basically the God of everything and because of that he's lazy and doesn't want to bother with every detail of life so he created them to handle specific tasks mortals couldn't be trusted with.
I'm going to Quest Buy, you guys want anything?
Can you pick up some princess repellant? Star keeps breaking into my room and trying to steal my clothes. The little weirdo.
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>Ohhh... that's what it is?
>Haaahaaa n-nevermind then I guess...
>Unless ya want to!
>Ha! I'm kidding... I better go now.
>Whoops, this is a pull door, not a push door.
>Whoops, caught my foot there.
>Ok I'm just going to leave it ajar and slowly back away... b-bye!
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leaked gif from season 3!

just kidding, I just wanted to see if I had the chops to animate something for once.
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oh man that's super cuuuutee
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That's some good good shit, anon
I just thought of that specific shot of Star being high and saying that after hitting a joint. Can any drawfags make this happen?
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>Go Anon gooooo!!!!!
Star, do you have to do this every time I use the bathroom?
>Uhhhhhhh. Yes.
I am going to check Riverposter's pastebin, and if he hasn't updated I will be very cross
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Star vs the forces of Charlie.png
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Finished this piece. Coloring sucks, but it's done.
>It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no Mewman's son, son
>I saw them all burn, Marco. The women, the children, even the little monster babies. They weren't our enemies, they weren't who we were suppose to be slaughtering like that. Part of me knew it was wrong, but at the time, I couldn't help but laugh.
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One day I'll get a normal request, just got get through the bad times first. Also I think the styles clash just a little bit.

Any other requests?
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2017-09-05 20_09_00-Svtfoe.png
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how is the folder going if you're here fellow starcofag
>normal request
How about Marco brushing Star hair
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Happy Papa Froggo.png
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Maybe Buff Frog and Rafael having a dad-to-dad moment (gushing over the kids or something like that).
>all these Stars everywhere

I wish all parts of every thread could be like this. Nothing but Star. I'm in love with a 2D alien spacebug princess.
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Nope, still not enough subtlety. A 14 year old would know what a damn penis is and because of the nature of cocks their mental image of said cocks usually disgusts them - a girl will only crave a cock she can actually see because the visual may overpower the mental preconception.
>implying she wasn't faking it to subtly ask Anon.

You underestimate her.
>A-anon, you have an egg-tube?! I thought you were a guy!
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>that last one
Fuck you guys, forget I said anything.
you saw nuffin aight
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Well that's not very nice!
Why isn't there more porn of girls with magic dicks fucking other girls? I know futa is a thing, but you'd think "A COCK OF PURE ENERGY" would have been done a thousand times over
I'm almost positive we've seen her belly button when baby Star appears in eps like Freeze Day/Mathmagic. Not the toddler version in a dress, the younger version with no shirt.

so yes she has one if so. If we don't see it then whatever, it was worth a shot
>other girls
Uuuh anon
this is the funniest shit ive seen all week
im hollerin
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now you went and did it
okay doing a quick glance at stills fron those episodes it looks like you can't quite tell either way

I still say she has one though. As far as I'm aware Butterflys HAVE extra parts, rather than lacking any
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thats my fetish.jpg
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you did thing
Hahaha thank you for drawing that. Was playing the west of loathing and their was a circus and it made me think how star kinda looks like she has clown make up.
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We are dying Nefcy.
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only ..... 2 ... more..... m o nth s.........
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Sorry... this is what I've got. I'm still figuring out how to waifu...
You're on the right track anon.
>that image
Needs a shadow penis edit
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Oh hey, it's sketchanon. Keep up the good work, buddy.
I'd like to see Star wielding 2 medieval flails and possibly laughing maniacly
You did a good thing, anon. I'd thought I'd never see more amptuee Star
More Heka is always appreciated.
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I download the series today to take screenshots because Star has so many great faces.
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What the fuck man
Please tell me that suspicious-looking bulge in her gown is only a tumor.
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I'd hold her and tell her everything's gonna be okay soon.
Reminder that Area's a fucking hack.
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I know it's you, don't hide it.
Reminder that anon has shit taste and that all content is helps us survive the hiatus wastelands
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If I could draw my own quality Star lewds I wouldn't be here
i wonder if she will ever animate a page
>area gains 3k shekels for month
what's stopping you for becoming a hack
>Waterfolk Kingdom connected by navigable river directly to a moat around the Butterfly Kingdom.
They could lay siege pretty easily, block off access to the corn fields, and starve the mewmans to death.
It's not so much the content itself as it is the distribution of said content. Art and writing are solid, but it drags on for money-milking's sake. Still fapped, though
Someone did a panel. A bit floaty, but good.

>what's stopping you for becoming a hack
Minimal art skill and a swamped college schedule. Can do a few one-offs, but nothing shekel-worthy.
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area comic 3.jpg
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Well tbsqh this comic reminds me to have faint in Starco and i need it for the inevitable Tomstar and Jarco moments of s3.
Regardless of my opinion on the comic,
her mewberty shit is god-tier
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just imagine if Star transform in page 100
Seen it, fapped to it multiple times

>just imagine if Star transform in page 100
I will be eagerly waiting.
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This image gets a lot hotter when you realize she has him against the wall.
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I wish I was better at drawing so I could just do Starco stuff all day. I'll try to do the other requests later.
So does star go thru multiple mewberties in her life or is it a one time thing? In the book the diagram makes it out to be the case but the dialogue implies otherwise?
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>Marco fantasizes about getting silked up and ridden by lovebug regularly
>Marco secretly yearns for it's return
>Rarely, Marco finds a leftover purple heart and has to hide his erection for the rest of the day

Few things can come close to porn vs possibility as Mewberty Star. The writers had to be aware of what the fans would do when they made that episode.
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mewberty page.jpg
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Mewberty seems to be a one-time thing but Star herself seems pretty ignorant about the subject.
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It might be that first one occurs at a certain age, while others are triggered by something. What exactly, I'm not sure.

She knew what she was doing, anon.
>tfw she's read them all
Also where do the other arms go? She still has them, and how come sometimes then a Newman changes form their skin changes and other times it's just the arms. I have so many questions that will never be answered.
They go in my pants
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Super Star hua.png
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>where do the other arms go?
We see Moon retract them into her body along with the wings.

>how come sometimes then a Newman changes form their skin changes and other times it's just the arms
Their arms and wings are part of their body, they can learn to control them independently.
The purple/blue/gold is the color of the magic they're channeling when they Dip Down and fully "bug out."
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Gibe ideas for draw
Princess Marco shaving.
Star fawning over a baby T-rex.
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Maybe more Zku'r?
She's not Eclipsa's child, shes Moon's aunt.
Star receiving the mating press from Marco or queen moon getting the press from marco
Tom and Marco practicing fencing or another sword fighting technique. Or maybe just in their equipment.
Can I request something I requested on the drawthread once but didn't get picked up? Just a parody of another drawing so probably not that fun
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I hope all of the girls have innies, those are the best navels especially because you can put your finger or tongue in them
Good to see a fellow navelfag around here.
>but you'd think "A COCK OF PURE ENERGY" would have been done a thousand times over

It has, but it's all Undertale stuff.


>hitting Mewberty = adult

Does this mean Star is legal on Mewni?


Mina and young Moon on the battlefield together fighting monsters.

D you think River ever fought monsters when he was a teen, or was that somethi

*was that something he got into during adulthood? He seemed kind of wussy when he was a kid.
Oh, facing monsters is easy for him. Facing his crush, though? Now that takes a lot of real courage.

(Like father, like daughter.)
>Does this mean Star is legal on Mewni?
Old enough to mew...



>ywn boop her little heart eyes
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Guys, I really want to flatter this Mime, I wanna tell her she's the most entertaining of the troupe, and make her blush, I want to become a mime to do a dual act with her, what the fuck is wrong with me?
She's barely in an episode and yet I want to clap and pay her a bunch of compliments just to see her do pic related, while trying to keep her mime-ish composure until she says in her croaky voice "Anon... You're too nice.
That's a man you stupid idiot.
>That's a man you stupid idiot.
You think I care? Man, woman, I don't care, the Mime is feminine enough for me.
it's a humanoid arthropod whose biological sex has not yet been confirmed by nefcy
you want to suck their weiner lmao
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Is pretty good man and don't worry you still have s4 and who knows if more to git gud
egg tube*
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>Fool Duke will never ask you what a vampire's favorite fruit is
But anon, you don't suck on it it sucks on you.
>ywn make out with your waifu's oviposter lips while she rubs your head
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They genuinely care about each other so much goddamn I still fucking love starco.
Lido explicitly refers to it as "her"
Ruberiot, Fool Duke, and Ludo all refer to the mime as "she" or "her" go with the joke, Anon, get with the times.
Mime is a male joke is shit.
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janna goes to the big city.jpg
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can we talk about Janna going to the arcade then?
what are her and Jackie's favorite games?
Rabbit-cheeked queen from the Tapestry Room is "Solena the Smitten." Also apparently the spellbook is focusing heavily on queens and not just Star, which I thought was pretty easy to expect from the premise but I remember some "hurr they could give us actual Mewni queens and history in the book but it'll just be full of Star's bullshit" comments.

Bugs me a bit how similar the name is to Celena the Shy even though they're going for Sol as opposed to Selene. I guess there could be a pronunciation difference or one could be the mother/daughter of the other.
why would we go about talking about a good character to the 3rd worst character?
worst characters in order
end of list
or more like Makeapoo, i still don't understand her popularity
Sorry memer, the real worst top 3 are as follows
1.) Ponyhead
2.) Tom
3.) Janna
>someone mad over flaming cheesecake
Ponyhead i totally get

it's just a poofy dress, she's literally a shitty Marceline the vampire queen
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>Ponyhead the worst
I admit she gets on my nerves, but I can't help but giggle at times. Tom is shit, Janna's fine
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I honestly don't care much for her. I have a favorite of a different sort.
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you are truly a man of culture
i'm so sorry, for taking so long
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Just innocent fun.jpg
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It's ok, take your time.
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Jackie in 90s attire including those 3D glasses that "cool" kids in movies wore.
Maybe something with Rhomby and H-poo having some sibling rivalry.
do you even watch the show retard
Marco, embarrassed, trying to explain to star what tampons are and why she needs them currently
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I refuse to believe Mewmans menstruate until proven otherwise
They mewnstruate, short mewberty form outbursts at that time of the month
I believe that normal Mewman women do but Butterflys don't
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I strongly suspect the writers levatato'd River out of the plot so he wouldn't Falcon-punch Toffee into the sun upon Star's "death." Marco delivered a would-be kill shot through Toffee's chest, so imagine what an enraged River would be capable of.
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He said he's on time out. He's updating later tonight. He said it was worth it.
imagine the fucking outrage is Toffee fell flat on his ass after Marco Heart punched him.
God the stream wouldve been a tornado
We just got a chapter man, chill.
Nahh that was nothing. You'll see.
>"Solena the Smitten."
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Damn just imagine the shitstrom, people were already mad that Star won.
Can't link well at the moment but Google that same name and you'll see someone on the crew said that on their tumblr within the last 24 hours in response to a fan's question about her name, and mentioned more details about the spellbook in another ask.
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>Fucking MARCO is stronger than a magic GOD??
Oh shit, they just deleted that and the ask about the spellbook, but if you Google the name it should still come up, and the name "Solena" is still in a response to an ask there.

The thing they said about the spellbook is that they have nothing to do with it, but from what they know of its content it could be renamed WELCOME TO QUEEN TOWN
Yeah, you're right, it seems that internet has known about that for a while. Wiki is updated too. Sadly hug-bees deleted this, i wonder why.
Probably saying her name is Solena was fine, but her full title was a little too spoilery considering it'll probably be months before we even see the book. She's done that a few times, said/posted stuff that spoils things (ex. once she posted her desk and there's an obvious "RIP" over a picture of Toffee, months before BfM).

She also deleted an ask where someone asked the name of Eclipsa's monster husband and said she couldn't say, but kept up a joke answer to the question. One of the responses in the notes was a fan making a joke about it being Toffee's father and I dunno if that's relevant at all or if she was just deleting a bunch of stuff at once.
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>tfw a fan figures out important plot points in the story and you frantically have to scrub the internet clean of any mentions
it would be incredibly interesting if Toffee was Eclipsa's son and he was such a hardass killing mewmans left and right because he felt he deserved the throne
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> Overanalysis
Hey fag, fuck you
could you imagine the smell?
When will we see more of Janna?
I can't take the hiatus any longer
the smell of her hair? what?
Starfan probably smells like unwashed hair like Star ever since she found out Star washes her hair once a week

Janna has eyes everywhere
Regular Marco choking Princess/Trap Marco to death.
While Star just stands in the background and looks unsure and indecisive about stopping it.
>the smell of her hair? what?
>Starfan probably smells like unwashed hair like Star ever since she found out Star washes her hair once a week
the room
it must smell like a neckbeard
I would imagine it'd be a sort of putrid sweetness. Like strong female BO and various sweets.
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>that filename
is it bad that that made me imagine Janna going to the city to follow her dreams or something, then getting kidnapped or coerced by pimps and drug dealers and becoming a strung-out junkie prositute, who sells her body to get the heroin she needs?
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boys allowed.png
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>female BO and various sweets
stop my soul can't take it, i bet it smells like a bakery with a hint of armpit

that made me laugh, am i awful? i wanna see that happen, but instead of sadness it's a sexy adventure where Janna uses her wits and wiles, also that wouldn't happen now, it's not the vast wasteland the 70s were
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Janna is too pure for drugs.
It even says it in the book
only water and if she gets adventures maybe cranberry juice
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Janna will get her revenge
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Janna is not for abuse
When will Janna notice that noone loves her?
i want to be Janna's boyfriend i bet she's very easy to talk to and emotionally open
Janna has always struck me as the type to hang herself outside Marco's house if she ever realized that her chances with Marco were gone a long time ago.
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Hey guys what does Sky smell like haha?
This piece of art is in the weird zone where I'm not entirely sure if it should be considered cute, lewd, or something entirely different.
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I was thinking cute...then I noticed most of the characters around star have some sorta horny projection pointing RIGHT AT HER.

not sure yet
haha, lies
That's a safe edit. Your skills of detecting lewd are good, gentlemen.
what do you mean anon? Sky is totally Star's sister by four years, she smells like buttercups and peanut butter shampoo
>Star's hygiene
>now with adult stench
there's an alt version with no panties and leaking white stuff, soooo....
Are all people from mean I big people or is it just the butterfly lineage? Can river and their peasants have butterfly forms?
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>YWN indulge in Sky's pretty princess pits

Life is suffering.
Most likely not. One would have to be within the direct lineage (cheek symbols) in order to do that. On a related note, what would Heinous' Mewberty form look like?
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Thanks for the idea. Now I have something to do until Saturday that's not video games.
How do I find... this star of mine.... will she come from the sky above... for me to wish upon a star...

It's a guess, but I'm pretty sure only the direct descendants of the Butterfly family go through the crazy stuff. We only see butterfly stuff when hardcore magic or rape is going on.

My theory is the people of mewni, ie mewmans, ponyheads, demons, and so on, all adhere to some sort of biological magical caste system. After all, Tom and Ponyhead can use magic, and the Johansons appear to be practically indestructible.

It's a theory full of holes, given the lack of lore for the royals, but it doesn't seem like too far of a stretch.
We all wanna know that Anon. We'd all love to know.
Love that picture. Still don't get why people think it's creepy, it looks amazing.
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What drugs are you on, and where can I get some?
They just scared of a little luvvin from the wasp.
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Sky is a genuine sweetheart who's an overall QT stop lying, Star, you're not fooling anyone you fooled us long enough with the fact that you were an "only child" but that's a lie, you have a sister, who's older than you!
your sister has been up for a month trying to undo the damage you've done

they must mean creepy in a good way, it can be a tad unsettling, but not in a bad way, simply the context of it, you know?

>Ms. Heinous takes it in the anus
But how would heinous bug lovin' work?

Would she be the kind of bug that scowls when she sits on top of you, hating the very notion but unable to withhold her desire to milk you for all you're worth?

Or maybe she'd go full dom, combining desire for control with the sudden influx of insectoid lust, leaving you not but a mere shell of your former self.

Or maybe, just maybe, the would be wasp tossie would actually be shy and withdrawn. After years of self imposed celibacy, she maintains control even at the worst of her hormonal rage, yet wanting with knowing desire that it would take only the slightest push to allow herself to indulge in such a flagrant activity.

The possibilities are endless, my fellow anons.
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now i want to fuck Ms. Heinous in the Thorax why would you make me wanna bang Ms. Heinous, i bet in another month i'll be talking about getting it from Buff Frog
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Literally never had a character I was this attracted to in my entire life, and trust me, I've been through the waifu gauntlet. Has Nefcy gone and created the perfect meta waifu? How was this even possible?

How can I love this character THIS much?
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solena the smitten.png
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Decided to find those posts searching people's reblogs first.
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Kill yourself and meet her in the eternity
It's like this, Anon.
You get older and the more real a character feels, the more you can actually see yourself with them, sharing good times and bad, being there for eachother.
Star is simply Nefcy's self-insert, but she's not perfect.
You don't want a flawless static cartoon waifu, you want one that feels real that has flaws and is as human as human can be, Star's a princess.
But she's far from perfect, she would give a guy like you, or me, or any Anon in this thread a shot.
Given if she knew us, and knew we weren't trying to hurt her.
am i wrong?
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River sad.png
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That's exactly WHY I love Star, you're right. She isn't perfect. Maybe its because she's the most human character I've been smitten with. How is it that she can have such a realistic personality with the most unrealistic background. Its amazing how Nefcy created this character.

Thank you Nefcy. God speed, you tall amazing girl who's putting out energy to make girls have an actual realistic role model.

Best Disney princess 10/10.

But I yearn for more anon

>Good ideas
Go back
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Kill yourselfes
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Good contribution to the thread.

At least post Star ya rude cunt.
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Sorry anon. I got no fucking clue how to do fucking armor, but I gave it my all. I hope you like. also, you're the first req I've ever tried fulfilling
i need Ms. Heinous with long hair stat, her current hairstyle is offputting
Ok ok you had your fun/co/ but now is really Janna's time.
Don't forget she'll be important this season.
Maybe she's a dark queen of the undead world looking for a human(Marco) to marry like in the movie corpse bride
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Fuck you, i'm not a pathetic piece of shit lover for a draw...
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Star and Marco greet each other.png
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Is that better?
is this an AU, what's her name? Star Lynn Thomas? Jackie Butterfly?
i love these edits of Star in Jackie's place
No, she named Stella 'Star" Lynn Thomas. This "Stella" is Latin means "Star".
But wait, aren't you supposed to NOT jerk it to your waifu? Or is that like the autistic version of waifuism?
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Speaking of AUs, I'd like to see more stuff of this one.
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one day, maybe she'll find you, or something that's encouraging

those pictures on the booru always made me chuckle, the idea of Brittney looking incredibly bored while pulling all these magical feats
Fair point, I suppose.
Janna and Marco will be the end couple of the series while Star goes back to Mewni.
What about Jackie?
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get off my lawn.jpg
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Jackie's a fish.
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>Brittney AUs
Heathers AU when?

>"I'm, like, a magical princess from another dimension or whatever."
The only issue I'm having is I don't know how to actually set up the AU, does Brittney just acquire the wand somehow or is she actually Mewni royalty and completely replaces/trades places with Star?
fuck, I just realized that Mewberty Brittney would probably give me the hardest erection I've had all year
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>Brittney and Star swap places
>Star is actually trailer trash
cue the L'Papillon AU with the Brittstar AU
As a southerner, I heartily approve.
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>not wanting to keep a brown clown imprisoned in your dungeon so you can fondle her large breasts whenever it pleases you to do so


She doesn't really do it for me, but I can understand why people like her. Notice that even though we saw her in the episode where we first get introduced to the Magic High Commission, Heckapoo didn't get popular until running with scissors, so it's her personality that drew people to her.
What if they keep adding these damn frames just to troll people, knowing that people would take them out of context. It just seems like something you'd do. Though, I do know they aren't done in house, so who the hell knows.
>Large breasts
i hate to tell you, but Fool Duke stuffs her bra
She also has a penis
They know exactly what they're doing.
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people would take it as just two besties hugging

Yes. This is very relevant to my interests.
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*horny bug noises*
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i wish this face was edited on Star's body, it's so lewd dammit, and Star would never make it
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>Most likely not. One would have to be within the direct lineage (cheek symbols) in order to do that.

>mfw realizing that Eclipsia not only cheated on her husband, but also abandoned her child(ren) to suck monster cock.

What a slut.


>i bet in another month i'll be talking about getting it from Buff Frog
I wanna go on a date with Sky, and call her back several times the same night.
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>and Star would never make it
>it's like a cicada/cricket chirrup
>a human-sized cicada chirrup
>everyone within several miles will be able to hear it
>you have to wear special earplugs to ensure your ears don't bleed at the climax
>tfw Starry "Eyes" Butterfly will never hold you down and kiss you everywhere
>she will never almost accidentally consume your whole body during a kiss
>she will never leave you a mess addicted to her worship of your body
i like the other one, not too into bimbos
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I want to smooch Star between her wings until she squeals and squirms, begging for mercy
>hold you down and kiss you everywhere
>consume your whole body during a kiss
>her worship of your body
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Don't make me write a bimbo Star green, with the messy lipstick and everything, I already have like 5 in the backburner. PLEASE GOD NOOO!
Star leaving a purple ring on Marco's taquito.
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>In b4
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It's too late to turn back, anon. You must.
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No, this is a very different animal.
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I can't write it yet though. I'll move it up in the current queue though.

Haha totally not him haha
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Well, it doesn't need to be bimbo
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>more than one
I do hope The Nefcy bring upon us new releases so we can keep what little of our sanity remains
Or do I?
Oh wait, it wasn't you? I thought that was you.
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Well, I guess I'll take up the mantle then. I'll try writing something this weekend, if we don't have to evacuate, that is.
yikes, i hope that hurricane ain't too bad

what made these brownie so bad? is Star just a shit cook?
>is Star just a shit cook?

Probably. I don't imagine a princess who can create infinite money with her wand has much need to learn to cook.
Could have been wrong Earth equivalents for Mewni ingredients. Maybe she judged those by appearance?
we'll be fine, I hope
I'd still eat 'em.
They're probably made of corn
>uses earth corn chips/ground up corn in brownies
>mud too or pudding
>slathers pink toothpaste or that pink stuff old people use to glue their dentures on
Truly a thing of beauty
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Frog Sky.png
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> (ahem) It I anon, ze totally legal and not at all donut steel vith niet discernible frog like features Frog-Sky, I mean- Arrrrghh! ... Just sky. Urrr, anyvays -anon/Marco, let's do l-lewd stuff kause I iz totally legal kause I n-not ze real Star, I iz her totally believable (kancer-self) sister.
buffrog x ferguson
Could you destroy the Mewman civilization by teaching them to make corn whiskey? They seem prone to fits of pique sober, so... imagine getting them shit-faced.
Awesome thanks! Requested this one other time and glad someone did it.
oh god! OH GOD!
What if Star was in No more heroes?
It's cute, huh?
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How have I not seen shops of this scene?
Then Marco's head would be thrown through Star's window, or Ponyhead in a bad
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Because you didn't look very hard
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> Never bring a Gun to a Frog Fight.
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>Never bring a fight to a frog gun
>what made these brownie so bad? is Star just a shit cook?
>is Star just a shit cook?
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FrogStar Hanging.jpg
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>Never bring a noose to a Hang Yourself fight!
> ... wait.
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Holy shit, I have to have the full image of this
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It's alright, she's back.
Thread posts: 520
Thread images: 241

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