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What are /co/'s thoughts on Genndy's Clone Wars?

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What are /co/'s thoughts on Genndy's Clone Wars?
it alright
i don't think about it
It's the only prequel era material I like.
It and Rogue One are the only Star Wars I like.
The Clone Wars series had a better story.

Genndy's Clone Wars absolutely out-spectacled it, though.
It's over-the-top, ridiculous, and doesn't hold up quite as well as nostalgiafags would have you believe. I guess it was okay.
It's better than the prequels, that's for sure

And I don't care what anyone says, it's canon in my eyes
this is my least favorite meme, everything Obi-Wan told or implied to Luke basically went out the window as soon as they made Anakin and Vader the same person and Obi-Wan says as much in ROTJ

Genndywars is Samurai Jack with a Star Wars skin so I'm not sure why people expected something deep
>It's over-the-top, ridiculous
That's what i like about it
It's aesthetic. Obviously a non-canonical representation of Jedi powers, but that wasn't the point.
You. I like you.

I'd also add Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and maybe the KotoR games. I only ever played 1 for a short bit of time, but it seemed pretty good actually.
Style without substance, and does not fit in the actual Star Wars movies.
Why I could never get into Star Wars. The movies could never live up to them, and looked really lame in comparison.
>liking Rogue One
I'll never understand you people.

fun and doesn't overstay its welcome but not deep
How to tell if someone is a tasteless faggot? Here, look at the post number 95092729. What a fucking tasteless faggot.
It's "gritty and real."
These same people applaud the "excellent fight choreography" in MCU films. Shit that ten Chinese guys with some ladders and chairs were outdoing about 50 years ago.
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>and does not fit in the actual Star Wars movies
Because SW sucks. Only good things about SW are the KOTOR games and memes
>Style without substance
>does not fit in the actual Star Wars movies.
Pick one
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>being this mad that I said something was okay
I never even said it was bad, because it isn't.

>It's "gritty and real."

And also colorful and has a variety of locations. What SW should always have.
I kinda liked Rogue One. I certainly liked it more than FA. FA felt completely unoriginal and Disney just trying to nostalgia the fuck out of people.
I liked the side Characters. I didn't really care for Catnip clone #238 or Mr. "I was abducted from the set of Le Mis", but The snarky Droid companion who was actually useful was nice. I also really like the Blind guy for his part in returning the force to it's subtle spiritual Space magic roots, and His Mongolian bodyguard was pretty badass. I wish they had gotten more screen time than What's her face and her dad plot. Also it was hilarious watching the Villian fight over the Death Star like two children fighting over a toy.
>2 of the greatest Star Wars games ever
More like one and a half of the greatest games ever.
Its the best thing about the prequels, the movies and CGI series are unwatchable.
I get the music stuck in my head pretty often.

My favorite scenes were the fight between Asajj Ventress and Anakin, the clones fighting with their hand signals, and the attempt to get Palpatine to Safety with Shaak Ti.

Had a lot of moments, but yeah the short format doesn't leave much room for substance.

Definitely looked good in 2D. Any moment looked better than the 3D cartoons, outside of the weird low detail ship CGI, and loads better than the holiday special of course.
>Did I ever mention your father's apprentice that he had for years?
Agreed on both, especially the second.

It's better than CGI Clone Wars in my eyes, too.
Is she canon anymore? How did she die?
I like her well enough as as character, but it's inescapable that Ahsoka is complete bullshit and should not exist. TCW is the show that should be non-canon, simply because of her.
>Genndy using the method of just shoving as much shit on screen and moving it so fast you can't even tell what is happening

It's severely overrated, not bad, but overrated
Yeah, she's an okay character I guess, but I still can't get around the fact that she simply should not exist. I don't care if Lucas did create her or oversee the show. Lucas isn't always right.

I also find resurrected Darth Maul terrible too.
>How did she die?
So far Filoni has been chickening out of actually confirming her dead, which I think is pretty weak.
I don't get how people DIDN'T like it. The characters were great, the action was great, the dogfights were great, and the story had a lot of emotional impact. It's probably the one SW movie where it REALLY pulled me in, made me attached to the characters, and had me rooting for them even though I knew their fates were sealed. Felicity Jones was fine as hell too. Goddamn, was she fine as hell. I wanted to do so many things to her, it's not even funny.
I thought it was fantastic, no matter how exaggerated the Jedi's powers were.
Loved it as a kid, kind of meh on it as an adult. I don't mind that genndy went extremely over top with the powers, but I do mind the decade-and-a-half of whowouldwinfags using it as a legitimate example of jedi power levels. If jedi could solo armies, they wouldn't have suffered 90% casualties on Geonosis.
And it helps enhance A New Hope, knowing as you watch it what the Rebellion had to go through for Luke to make that shot.
She was Filoni's first OC. He's keeping her as alive as he possibly can
Yeah, it kinda annoys me that he does that while he kills other characters off.
It was awesome.
I don't understand how people consider this some of the best SW media







I can't stand it, it's just a continuous action scene
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I hated how Ashoka was shoehorned into almost every episode of Clone Wars and then she got to be in Rebels. Worse Filoni sacrified Barriss Offee to get her out of Order 66. Even though Barriss Offee's confession was probably my favorite scene in the Clone Wars.
It's cool, I just wish there was more too it than the action.

Every "character development" scene in the prequels is FUCKING AWFUL

Genndy at least gave us good action sequences and the Jedi being useful fighters for ONCE.
Loved it
Better than the trash cgi series.
>implying I like the prequel development scenes

I was thinking something like the development in TCW CG cartoon which was great but whatever floats your boat
Preach. Every character interaction in the prequels is so plastic.
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>t. never watched most of the series
Honestly I think Star Wars in general needs to be retired. It's been 40 years, guys. I think we'e told enough stories in this universe.

SW is a great series, one of the most influential films ever. But it's time for a new space opera franchise to take its place, it needs a successor.

I know it won't ever end and Disney will milk it as hard as they can but a man can dream.
I watched all of it, and it was all trash.
For every good episode there was like five trash episodes.
>useful fighters
>Hi, I'm Mace Windu. You remember Geonosis? where I lost hundreds of my comrades in a drawn-out fight against battle-droids? It turns out, that was just us being lazy. Me and the other Jedi COULD have just punched all of those droids to death in a few seconds, but it would have taken too much effort.

The jedi fights in that series were largely just a series of "what-ifs"
Nice bait.
There's literally nothing wrong with Jedi being powerful. What's the point of having space wizards if you're just going to limit them to being able to lift slightly heavy objects with their minds?

I swear to God, you people have no vision.
I don't mind having powerful space wizards. I mind inconsistency. Clone Wars was inconsistent with the films.
Some fans have theorized that Mace didn't use his crazy Force powers at Geonosis because they would've potentially knocked around his Jedi buddies who were standing close to him.

Also, he would've kicked up a lot of sand, which would've been a huge deterrence to Anakin (who Mace was supposed to be defending along with Padme and Obi-Wan)
>I could look through the thread that has criticism of the show literally just being mindless action for it's entirety with characters we either do not care about or we know will live
>but I'll just only use one of the criticisms that provide the least problems with the series
If you agree with what I said then why are you replying?
The series was mediocre overall. There were genuinely good episodes here and there, but they were evened out by a bunch of mediocre ones and the occasional outright shit one.
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>Shit that ten Chinese guys with some ladders and chairs were outdoing about 50 years ago.
It's amazing what you can accomplish choreography-wise with acrobats that have trained their entire lives, belong to no Union, and are perfectly willing to be ambulanced off the set for a great shot.

I mean, look at what The Road Warrior accomplished with drunken bogans with no common sense.
Well that sounds like the flimsiest of possible excuses. Also kek.

More likely that - hear me out now - Genndy didn't care to make things line up perfectly with the films, and was more interested in making stuff look cool
For fucks sake, the acting was a little spotty. Everyone knows that, but the actual characterization was fine.
To accomplish Order 66 in the Genndy universe would have required atomics launched from orbit.
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Windu would just ride on them
TFA is the worst piece of star wars media by far

prove me wrong
by the book, TFA was not a bad movie. It is well-written, well-scored, has good cinematography, good effects, the works.

However, it is so lacking in any originality that it plummets to the bottom of the list.
I legit got to know more about the character of Anakin with this shots than with the fucking prequels.

At least you could understand why Obi-Wan considered him such a good friend
Well written? The plot was a near shot-for-shot remake of a previous film in the franchise, with minor variables substituted.

Also ton of stupid self-contradicting plotholes. Try to notice where everyone is before, during, and after the starkiller firing scene for example.

The score was forgettable as fuck. People still remember Duel of Fates or the songs that played during Anakin vs. Obi-Wan or Order 66 decades later...but nobody can tell me 1 piece from TFA that wasn't just stolen from the OT.
>At least you could understand why Obi-Wan considered him such a good friend

why are you fags so fucking hung up on this line
Because it's something that George should've shown more in the movies, but the most we see of their friendship is 2 minutes in Attack of the Clones and about 30 minutes of Revenge of the Sith.
You'd have to throw this fucker into the sun durge style
>Well written?
>a near shot-for-shot remake of a previous film in the franchise
You said it yourself.
The film had absolutely no originality, but it was using such a great basis that it was impossible to fuck up in any major way. Why do you think it is so popular among the oldfags who grew up with ANH?
>Because it's something that George should've shown more in the movies

I think Clone Wars is quite fairly a candidate to be Genndy's best work. It's interesting: the fact that so many of the episodes are so short, less than ten or even less than five minutes, seems to amplify the things Genndy's already good at: pacing, choreography, sense of space, timing, effect. They're so gorgeous and stylish, and they manage to do so much in so little time. If "animated shorts" is a category they're probably all up there with the best made in the last quarter-century.
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I honestly don't think that every cartoon needs to have a bunch of characterization or even a coherent plot (genndywars does have a mostly coherent plot though if you understands star wars in the slightest). I love it too.
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Even before Disney's "Legends" rebranding in 2014, Genndy Wars was ambiguously canon because it contradicted some other EU stuff. Volume 2 was based on a rough draft of the EU book Labyrinth of Evil, and quite a bit was rewritten the final draft. It was too late for them to change it to fit better with the final book in the end because the episodes were too far into production.

In the final version of the book, Anakin and Obi-Wan go to Tythe -- not Nelvaan at all -- while the finer details of the Battle of Coruscant are very different such as the number of Jedi involved and their paths to the Chancellor's bunker (in the book, Shaak Ti and co got Sheev to a private train that led to his bunker with not too much fighting, but in the show, they jump around the city fighting MagnaGuards while carrying Sheev to the bunker).
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Because pic related said they were good friends, but the prequels never did a good job of showing that. TCW did, but few have bothered to watch it.
>doesn't hold up quite as well as nostalgiafags would have you believe

It holds up just fine. It does what it was originally supposed to do really well, which is provide a narrative bridge between "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith" while also giving cool fight scenes.

pic related also said that anakin and darth vader were two different people
Yeah, my dream would be Genndy doing a superhero show in his style.
Canon variations amongst different media types isn't uncommon in Star Wars. The Radio Drama for ANH includes an entirely new Imperial Lord that Leia murders at dinner, and even portrays Luke threading the stone needle in begger's canyon.

It was the one and only time i ever took Grievous seriously.

Seriously. That was some GOOD shit.

Genndy, do more horror. You got some talent there.
Yup, General Grievous is intimidating in Genndy hands but a useless buffon with Lucas.

Every western action cartoon should be done by Genndy.
They fixed this later on by saying Anakin and Obi-Wan took a detour to Nelvaan between missions in Labyirnth of evil, with the scene where they're on the cruiser at the end taking place after Tythe (with the recton being Anakin was just tweaking his robotic arm, not making a new one altogether, otherwise he would've gone through the Tythe battle without having his right arm despite the book mentioning he has it).
I think its alright, i just prefer TCW because its onpar with the films and shows star wars as it was ment to be a serial space opera, gennedywars was always just a spin off, while TCW is an essential, and the best, part of the saga.
this, you can like both equally
>Battlefront 2
My negro
friendly reminder that Darth Nihilus is /ourguy/
What he said was true, from a certain point of view
>does nothing but screech like an autist
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>Because pic related said they were good friends, but the prequels never did a good job of showing that.
I prefer Rogue One over TFA because it actually felt like their was a grander universe to it. TFA never felt like anything other than a movie.
this tbqh
>TFA never felt like anything other than a movie.

Fuck, this hit hard with the hammer of truth.

I fucking hated how expendable the clones were, but I'm not gonna sit through was it possibñy the ugliest fucking animation i've ever seen AKA the clone wars
Only redeeming feature of the Star Wars prequels.
This, the clo es fucking up the jedi in order 66 made no fucking sense to me, not even after they were nerfed in the CGI clone wars
Vader did say
>The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of The Force

You've got to go big sometime to live up to a line like that.
Anon, they already lived up to that
Because watching the rebels get their shit kicked in is what made Star Wars great to begin with.

To get out of the Death Star, Obi Wan had to die. The only thing destroying the Death Star accomplished was the rebels not dying. Hoth suffered massive casualties. Cloud City was a clusterfuck. The rebels had to stall for time to fight the second Death Star.

The fact that they suffer such heavy losses and keep going is what makes their victories so meaningful and the fact that it was a suicide mission for the entire cast solidified that.

Compare that TFA where they just sent some guys to take care of the superweapon and the biggest problem was that the fleet was elsewhere.

I mean... there's no such thing as a western action cartoon... not anymore...
Still a fun cartoon but goddamn I hate the fanboys for it.

The games had their moments- anybody remember Jedi Knight?
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What about Kyle Katarn?

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Never forget that this show gave us pure moments of incredible badassery and awesomeness.
Durge fucking shit up and space jousting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rWciV_WBh8
The Best General Grievous scene of all time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIj7gIDFDe4&t=45s
the fucking Arc Troopers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rWciV_WBh8
Samuel L. Jackson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj07qh51zPI&t=36s
BEST BOY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL0cO-x70iQ
And last but not least, why a skywalker is to be feared: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VB_vjVxcic
Sorry, fucked up on Durge, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmJqgdaTArM
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it was pretty great but this meme is still funny as hell.

Oy oy, you forgot the Grievous assault on Theed.

You know

That time Shaak Ti got close to actually doing her job?

[spoilers]In the words of Edna Mode: "No capes."[/spoilers]
The Original Trilogy, Knights of the Old Republic and Genndy's Clone Wars are the only remotely interesting thing to ever come out of the Star Wars franchise. Literally everything else is a steaming pile of worthless dogshit, including the fanbase.
Not sure which one you're talking about but the closest thing to Shaak Ti and Grievous I could find was this
Is it really that much more implausible as Luke CRASHING STAR DESTROYERS?

Granted the movie had some low power levels, I mean even the comics have Vader wrecking AT-ATs via the using the force on joints.
Damn it forgot again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4tTO1Ew87Q
That game was so fucking fun. Literally spent hours playing that game back in the day with my brothers.

Never played the reboot because it looked like a pile of shit. Somewhat interested in the new sequel because it looks like it it fixes some of the reboot's problems. The reboot did have some Rogue One content, which I did sort of want to try though.

Oh man, I still need to play this and the sequel. I've heard they actually have really good melee combat and that's my shit.

Eh, you got the right idea. I was talking about the train scene where Shaak Ti did a little trick with Grievous' cape.
not New Hope or RotJ? you sound a little contrarian or elitist
if it's fake it's quality bait, subtle

Thought they were legit great. Still think they are.

Just good style, a good pace to them, made Grevious a bigger deal than he has been in any canon role since, and even had some nice humour interspersed with it.

Shaak-Ti vs. the Magna Guards was also great.
I'm just going to throw this here, re-watched A New Hope today, Vader spergs out when the Falcon lands in the deathstar. Says something like "I haven't felt this presence since..." then storms off. I always assumed he meant Obi, but couldn't he have meant Luke?
Bruh the Jedi went from Knights/Samurai to Kung Fu master Superheroes in the prequels. Did you not see Yoda vs Dooku/Sidious?
iirc he didn't start to catch on that luke was his son until the death star trench run
But the power levels are inconsistent between the two works. If Yoda is able to lift up thousands of droidekas and cause incredibly heavy battleships to crash into eachother like in Genndy wars, then why was it so hard for him to hold up a measly pillar in Attack of the clones?
artistic license
Hey now, there was a bit of character development in there. Anakin's gradual corruption into Darth Vader was handled far better than it was in the prequels.
Is it though?

At that point in the cartoon, all the clones were dead.
Mace was completely alone, no worry about collateral damage or "friendly fire", he could completely cut loose.
I mostly agree with this. Good taste anon.
>The characters were great

None of them were memorable even guy mcaccent
I like to think most of the history was lost from the Clone Wars era as the Empire deliberately destroyed everything jedi. So the series is stitched together from legends and anecdotes form old people and they like to exaggerate.
The fight with the MagnaGuards was great but I would've liked it even better if they used a particularly awesome scene from Labryinth of Evil to come after it. After destroying the Magnaguards, Shaak Ti, Sheev, and co would board a maglev train along with Mace and Kit Fisto. Then later, Grievous would catch up to the train with his gunboat, and him and Mace would duke it out on top of the train.

A fight like that would've been PERFECT for that style of animation, sad that they never adapted it.
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What a clusterfuck that was at the time.

Hey let's have two wildly different versions of the same events
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>has good cinematography
>good effects
Pick one.
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>TFA was not a bad movie
I would say the same about Gendy Wars. The art style made me not want to watch it as a kid.
Gendy's cartoony work is good
just semi-realistic gendy style looks puke able
Empire Strikes Back was a mistake.

It transformed The Force from a nebulous universal connection, with plausible third-person deniability, into OP telekinesis. It's only been downhill from there.
It makes all the other star wars cartoons look pretty bad, which they are.

I keep seeing the KOTOR games being mentioned, are they one of those games praised like they're actually good despite story being the only thing it does right, or are they actually worth playing through?
Lol at least genndy wars art style didn't get rid of all the capes and robes because "muh too hard to animate"

really putting money into this thing, huh george?
fucking laughable.
It was handled way better on CG wars.

>Mind tricks?
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ESB being better than NH is the most pleb opinion ever

ESB made so much shit and SW went downhill

>Luke I am father retarded plot twist
>Just make another Obi-Wan but this time it's a puppet
>romance cuckold themed plot
>Vader became more kid friendly villain that kills only own henchmen
Doesn't Ashoka return in Rebels JUST to be mcfucking killed by Vader?
I love it and always watch it between Ep. 2 and 3. It's just fun and gives you a little more understanding of what went down during the Clone Wars without watching 20 season worth of children's television.
Let me stop you there. Episode 7 is a living embodiment of the death of film scoring. With the old and new generation of composers appearing side-by-side, it only drives home how great we used to have it with geniuses like Williams, when his spot-on leitmotifs are juxtaposed with the most generic long-brass-chords-over-banal-string-ostinati Zimmer-wannabe shit.
Episode 7 was scored by Williams though, but I don't think it was as strong as his previous films.
>just remix old themes with random trumpets and shit

williams is wasted
Ah shit I forgot, his co-composers weren't credited as such, but rather as "orchestrators," etc. Motherfucker was too old and tired to score a whole movie, especially with all the changes JJ and the studio kept demanding. Williams wrote the main themes, but the rest of the general underscore was done by William Ross if my memory is correct (pretty sure they let him conduct as a concession for not giving him co-composing credit).

Hence my thing about "juxtaposition." Note around 1:23 when the music abruptly transitions from Williams glory to generic, forgettable sustained chords:
fuck canon
All style, zero substance
The dogfighting is so fucking boring and reminds me of a video game, Lucas was a genius when he copied WW2 footage.

it's fucking SHIT
I played Kotor 1 now and I was rather bored and pissed. I assume Kotor 2 is better since it supposedly is better in regards to the mechanics but it is an unfinished game so who knows? I think nearly everyone who likes Kotor has more than normal problems with the rest of SW and prefer it because of the easier setting.

wait, no we can clearly do them because they show up from time to time

There is more to it with the upcoming season but pretty much yeah

> Filoni said she would be some kind of mentor like Obi-Wan
> only does more than stand around in the cold open and talk in 3 episodes

Non-Anthology shows were a mistake.
>Did I mention the Jedi would let barely pubescent girls in tubetops go into battle and command their clone armies?

Fuck that fat retconning piece of shit.

His waifu is not canon.
You really think that with Anakin's moodyness in episode 3, no one would bring up "oh yeah its too bad about his apprentice leaving the jedi order like two weeks ago" or sidious mentioning it to sway anakin against the jedi

until they digitally insert her into "Revenge of the Sith - Special Edition" she's clearly not canon
I like it but without even bothering to glance at the thread I'm going to assume a ton of people hate it so much they'll make 100+ posts telling you why liking it is directly responsible for WW3
Williams is particular on who he gives credit to. But he doesn't have anyone ghost write for him. Not Ross, or Conrad Pope, or any of his orchestrators are actually allowed to pen a note to paper. Ross conducted because Williams had a pacemaker installed during that time and his health wasn't too great.
You have no fucking clue how expensive animation is these days. Vader's cape in Rebels damn near took out the entire cloth physics budget in one go.
I think there should be a middle ground between Genndy's Mace fighting an entire army by himself and Filoni's Mace hiding from like six battle droids.

Padawan Obi-Wan fucked up three battle droids at the beginning of Phanton Menace with a single Force push. Mace is a Jedi Master on the Council, he should be able to inspire awe.
>oh yeah its too bad about his apprentice leaving the jedi order like two weeks ago
Dude, she left like a year before Episode 3 and the last time they met was minutes before Episode 3. Pretty sure he has gotten over it by then. Also it was really the council's fault so Sidious didn't have to say anything apart from the council not trusting him.
>. I also really like the Blind guy for his part in returning the force to it's subtle spiritual Space magic roots, and His Mongolian bodyguard was pretty badass. I wish they had gotten more screen time than What's her face and her dad plot.

I want to like Rogue One but they took the cool and interesting characters and made them take a backseat to "muh DAD!" and krennic/Mad's characters felt wasted.
They couldn't figure out if they wanted to do a gritty, realistic war movie or a quippy sci-fi action blockbuster. It tries to be the former until the third act starts and the plot decides one short speech from Jyn, who up until now has done nothing but witness how feckless and cruel the rebels are; abandoning one of her father figures and directly killing the other, is all it takes to turn the murdering, cowardly rebels into superheroes.

Still my favorite scene that made me love Dooku and Grievous before they got fucked up in the movies.

What I like is that they're just sparing but you get so much info and get the characters immediately while something interesting is happening on the screen instead of just them walking somewhere, dumping exposition.
Let me guess, you favorite game is Call of Duty
>The characters were great
The only great character was the Imperial Droid, and I can't even remember his fucking name because of how bland this film was.

>the action was great
On the last planet at best, the rest of it was bland as hell outside of the 20 seconds Blindy Mc"Totally Not Jedi" tossed some stormtroopers

>the dogfights were great
The only redeeming part of the film

>and the story had a lot of emotional impact.
You mean like when the guy who saved MC suddenly decided his raging Imperial murderboner couldn't keep him going anymore and stayed on the planet to die when he could've easily made it to the ship?

>It's probably the one SW movie where it REALLY pulled me in, made me attached to the characters
The OT did an infinitely better job of that because the characters actually talked to each other instead of ANGST ANGST ANGST
Fuck you and your bait
>that bit about anakin saving obi-wan from that nest
Lucas with an editor>Lucas>JJ
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The original were Knights and a Sorcerer.

Let's not forget the Force Storms.
The dogfighting is boring because they only have one type of fighter for each side. Even ANH had more ship variety than TFA! It's a very minor complaint in the grand scheme of things, but it's the thing that stuck out to me the most concerning their direction to make all new star wars blander and safer than the originals
Here's the thing. Objectively, TFA is a more coherent packahe than RO. The pacing is better, the characters are better defined, and the story expands in """"new"""" directions. Simultaneously the second half of RO is inventive, action packed, dramatic, and HYYYYPE as fuck. Versus TFA, which isn't glarinly bad at any points but blatantly traces ANH's structure, introduces nothing truly new to the Star Wars universe, and overall comes off as very "designed in a board room meeting by executives", more than any other SW movie thus far. It's not bad, but it's inoffensive, more marketing tool for the ressurection of the Star Wars IP than a bold new direction. RO is heavily flawed, but it's a Bold film for a 2016 blockbuster.
Are you absolutely high right now?

These trips cannot be for real.

They're ALL a nostalgia-driven shit fest. nuSW and MCU follow such a strict Didney formula that just overshadows any form of creativity with constant nods to earlier works or the emulation of a previous era.
>before they got fucked up in the movies
Jesus Christ, do people not realise that it was the 2D show that fucked it up?
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