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What do you think of the latest story arc in the Sonichu

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What do you think of the latest story arc in the Sonichu comic books, /co/?
It's very topical.
>Sonichu became another run of the mill webcomic about gender pronouns and trannies
Thanks, tumblr (or in this case, facebook).
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Chris self inserting as Sonichus now trans son is eye opening to say the least.

I've said it before in recent threads that I think Chris is regressing to a state he hasnt been in since the late '00s as evidenced by his increased internet presence and shit like the Doopie fiasco
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Storytime issue 12?
Do it.
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>the theoretical ex girlfriend of mine... turned troll on me
Chris-Chan, Chris-Chan never changes
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Who was in the wrong here?
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Chris obviously. Doopie might be internet scum but we all know how this plays out when Chris finds a sweetheart
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So CWC stopped using the Doopie avatar?
Did someone spot Chris at this year's Bronycon?
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Yes, Chris didnt react well to finding out Doopie has a penis.
wtf? Look at that purple guy/s left leg! It's bending in two separate locations! Is it fucking broken or something?!
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Several anons got good shots of him. Just remeber he e-begged for food money shortly before attending this convention.
I don't know Doopie at all other than CWC commissioned them. Does Doopie dangle dongs?
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mtf and likes to draw cp. a credit to the internet.
Doopie isn't a tranny, ED just made that up. She's voice actress for Planet Dolan and also does art commissions.Tolerated Chris's affections for awhile to the point he decided she was his new "sweetheart". Got creeped out by him enough that she dropped the emails he sent her to the Kiwi Farms.
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>ywn transform in the nude in your sisters room and jizz on her bed
At least Doopie seems to have some artistic skill to offer.

I know CWC is a "lesbian transwoman" but he isn't interested in other lesbian transwomen, he wants the real thing.
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>that email where chris says he can fold paper with his mind.
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>he doesn't know how to fold paper with his mind
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Chris actually believes this is possible.
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>Roberta hears about "Grandmas" transition into being a lesbian tranny
>Suddenly this makes him a lesbian tranny too
I'm trying to comprehend Chris's thinking
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Chris long ago promised to make the comic more Sonichu focused and less a adaptation of his own life. So he had to make a new self insert.
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>Chris actually believes this is possible.
Have you ever gone through Chris(tine)'s YouTube playlist collection? Tons of breast videos.
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>bunch of retarded idiots having a good time

I want to go.
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checked. I have not looked too much and what Chris has on the youtube page other than his updates. might as well I guess.
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speaking of Chris' updates.
Chris wishes his M part would shrink and his F part would open.
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People tellin me you're about to kill yourself on Youtube.
the girl in the left looks like she made a big mistake in her life the moment she noticed the smell.
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Is every female a lesbian? Except Rosechu.
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No there's still plenty of hetero girls in it. It's just that Chris no longer cares about their sidestories and shifted focus.
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And thats how a male toddler became a grown lesbian.
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>I still fell at unease of Sega blue-arming sonic like that

I know he coined the phrase, but "a boy who liked feminine things" would be a fairy, a sissy, a homo, or many other things.
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>what Chris does with that sweet sweet patreon and tugboat dosh.
Did Chris get into a fight in Charlottesville the past weekend?
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>Chris rages about Boom
>buys all the games, all the dlc, watches several episodes of the show

He was in Baltimore for Bronycon at the time.
Unfortunately he was at bronycon
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>A fucking rainboom
>like rainbow dash
I wonder if this is going to come up in the next sonichu issue
what. How can Chris afford to travel? Let alone Barb allow Chris to drive that far?
The tugboat
He's also being sued by the IRS
Chris gets several hundred dollars a months from the tugboat and patreon. Baltimore isn't really that far from Ruckersburg, hes gone further for dumber things.
He begged for money on the internet, saying it was for food when it was actually for Bronycon.
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what does the s stand for?
Chris has been a fan of mlp for well over a decade now. He predates the brony movement.
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>TFW i used to laugh at chrischan but after looking over this thread now find his current exsistance sickening and a perfect example of everything wrong with the western world
We really do deserve to be nuked, this shits gone on long enough
the best sexual orientation. Cis gendered straight folks come before the gays.
Worse things had happened before.
And Chris would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling Trolls and their video cameras

Is this series really still going? I haven't kept up with it since 2010
Straight. Chris gives a halfway decent explanation for it but it's rendered moot because LGBTQ is supposed to stand apart from straight people and because your mind immediately goes to Sonichu
Isn't it more the fault of the handler that put the "tomgirl" idea in his head in the first place?
Not really. This issue was partially written in 2011, but Chris didn't care enough about the series (due to Trolls, Money Problems, Stress, and Health) to finish it. He just posted the full issue a few weeks ago.
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Chris became very active again several months ago. He's posting videos, making the comic, and getting into creepy situations with girls on the internet again. There have also been an increased number of wild sightings like his recent Bronycon adventure.
It was on "hiatus" (procrastination) for years with no new material. Then he started a Patreon recently and finally started making new content.
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Like what, tell me one thing worse then this virtual hellhole of social justice bullshit. I dont even mind trannies, they just should act like women and fucking shave and not be disgustingly fat and get facial surgery to get rid of their man chins
He's working on issue 13 already. Expect a lot of Doopie mess as it's the Planet Dolan crossover issue.
The previous issue, the Christmas issue, was the one that was partly written in 2011. There's no way this "SLGBTQ" heavy issue was in any way written by the same Chris who wrote "My straight blood will cure the gay gene".
I just wish he'd make up his mind on who his self insert is. Is it Reginald? Is it Robbie? Is it Christine? Is it other Christine?
These people can't really be friends with Chris...right? I mean, they are either trolls in deep cover or seriously autistic.
You fool. The truth is everybody is his self insert.
It was the hotel shuttle service at the con.
Thank god. I thought Chris had tricked some mentally handicapped people into becoming his friends.
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He finally retconned that one to allow gay marriage in Cwcville.
Wait, CWC has superpowers now?
Does anybody have the emails between chris and that chick from planet dolan? cwciki is dead and I refuse to come close to kiwi farms
Grade A weaponized psychic abilities.
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Yes and he even tried it on himself.
I can't post it here you most of you know what I am talking about
>Although, up their pooper, gotta be a fetish! We are all crazy in one way or another, and this is Our world

>this is Chris' idea of getting to meet with someone
>I would use my powers for good

Thank god, now we just have to wait for CWC to save the world.
Sorry Anon. CWCki is where I saw them and they're moving servers right now. Try again in a couple days.
See >>94726395 for one of them (although it's better if you read them in order).
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>muh blue arms
"Literally Bending Paper."
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>those looks of pure disgust
>Draw your favorite Sonichu character
She asks for a reference image and Chris sends this. At least he didn't send porn.
and just blowing up her inbox in general.
>"Here are more image for your reference, darling."
I shutter at the thought of Chris flirting.
>Also he used two different E-Mail accounts.
Chris Chan the last paperbender

Still a better series than Korra
I wonder how much money Chris throws away to patreon.
I ship chris and the fat guy in blue
>labeling furries cosplaying the "human" forms
He could have just said the character names, but I suppose I should know better by now.
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DAMN! Chris-chan is that fine now??
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How many times has Chris been stabbed in the back? How can one man endure such torment?
What's that picture from?
>Do you really identify as a magician?
Magisexual, coming soon to a twitter feed near you.

Who got more backstabs? Chris or Julius Caesar?
Looks like 70s DC horror comics
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He thinks he can damage control this still.
He's doing a Planet Dolan crossover, so probably.
>Using ED as a source for information
Don't do that.
Doesnt matter if it's true or not, all that matters is how Chris reacts to the shit he hears.
Straight, because Chris believed that straights didn't have enough representation in LGBTQ.
>Who got more backstabs? Chris or Julius Caesar?
All Caesar gave the world was his adopted son who founded the Roman Empire. Chris will forever be a legend on the web about how not to act on the net and serve as an example for generations to come
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>Lesbian Chris-chan X Doopie sex scene
I don't know why I want this so bad.
A.) That's an edited picture

B.) Chris doesn't actually believe he's trans; it's literally a ploy for pussy. He be lives the shitty fable that "women just need to ask for sex" and thought it could apply to him. Had that one church friend of his not talked about getting in touch with his "feminine side", Chris would be a bibke-thumping alt-tighter and Trump supporter. He'd LITERALLY belive that meme magic was real.
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What's he thinking?
>That cameraman is a real looker. What a class act, helping this autistic sperglord navigate a convention.
If people blame anyone but the education system and Chris' parents for Chris they're retarded. It's not like being transgender didn't exist before tumblr.
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truly life imitates art
Based Sonichu still hates the homos I see.
Doopie drew for Planet Dolan and stuff. Chris was attracted to her because she's a woman. She had a bunch of controversy on Tumblr because they were suddenly super anal about Hatsune Miku being an underage vocaloid program and she drew porn of her. She was aware of Chris's past, but tolerated him since he was a paying customer and fan regardless, but after he started sending emails following commissions and called her "Darling", she got creeped out and stopped tolerating his comments, even refunding his Patreon money so he can actually feed Barb for once. She then went to Kiwi Farms to talk about the whole ordeal and leaked the emails that Chris sent. Chris seems to believe that she's "temporarily" on the troll's side and that she'll come back to him with enough wooing.

She's not a tranny, ED's just full of actual children.
Did Chris make a fucking variant?
I thought that said Papa Roach.
Yes. He is learning the medium.
Were Robbie's sisters sluts?
Webcomics don't even need covers
>Dating guys who juggle fucking snails
Funny how he thinks the girl this story is based on betrayed him. By his logic, was he dating a guy?
Sonichu isnt a webcomic. It's just that it's very hard to get the physical edition. Most of the copies are locked behind backing his patreon.

prior to issue 11 they were toddlers.
He's trying to get them on stands at a local comic shop according to one of his videos. Can't remember which one it was though.
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>chris turned into a tranny
I kind of feel bad for Doopie. Nobody deserves to be creeped on my by Chris.
>/v/ thread deleted

That would be one hell of a trip, walking into a store and seeing Sonichu on the rack. I wonder how well they would sell if it wans't Chris selling them.
Why does Cera have a poster of a half naked lady if she's straight? Why does she have a human skull?
they'd be pretty hot collector's items I think. Didn't his sonic totem sell for like 20 grand?
Did Robbie just pop a fucking boner to his own sisters?
$1500, which is still an absolutely ludicrous price for that sort of thing. He'd probably be up at least $10 if he auctioned the master copies of his Sonichu comics.
the sonic totem sold for $1500 american. He tried to sell the classic shirt for 20K but obviously no one paid.
>/v/ thread.
Sonichu is a comic, therefore Chris threads are /co/ territory.
All the white parts turned yellow. He washed it and forgot to put it in the drying machine for six months. Of course no one bought it.
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Wouldnt you?

>that moment his sister hit puberty in public
No, it's worse he jizzed. And considering Robbie is his new self insert that means something similar happened to him in real life.
It was with his mom wasn't it? He cam to his own mom, didn't he?
Is it true that Chris started trying to get into fights with Doopie's boyfriend?
He made some noise about the BF not treating her right and how Chris would be more devoted and the BF should just back off.
>Still salty about the arms.
>I can't tell you this because it'd ruin your journey but I'm gonna tell you this now.
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Is Chris holding pepper spray?!?
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I don't understand anything going on in the bottom half of this page.
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it's a callback to issue 11
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Ah, so I see Chris is totally okay with a deep thought scan surveillance state.
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I seriously wonder what prompted Chris to age up the kids instead of using Sonichu and Rosechu for continued sexual exploits.
>Ya know I'm gay?
>Yeah. And I will hate you.
What did he mean by this?
The thought police have been an established part of the setting since fairly early yeah. Magi Chan is probably the most evil thing chris has created.
Chris never got over his hatred of the gays. He only tolerates their inclusion in the LGBT community because his homophobia was getting in the way of his love quest.
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>Miss Vulva Pie
Everytime I see something about Chris this song starts playing in my mind.
If I have a daughter I'm going to name her Vulva.
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>mfw i've been listening to the musicals for hours now
The best

Actually, how artists avoid this shitty effect with the markers?
Does the Sonichu Universe have a singluar timeline or does the tranny shit mean it splits
inb4 his retarded beliefs about it being a real universe that takes place in a set time
>Chris self inserting as Sonichus now trans son is eye opening to say the least.

More like taint opening am I right?
The Time Void makes that a hard question to answer. It's some sort of recursive alteration of reality where any alterations overwrite any previous versions of the comic.
You don't.
Chris explains in-comic that he went to the future, realized he has a lesbian soul, and began transition. This took place during the several year hiatus that ended recently.
Also Chris seriously fucking believes that CWCville and all exists in a parallel universe that's tied to this one, and they affect each other, so that's why he's switching shit to make himself a lesbian in-comic.
Conversely, if someone, namely him, drew X thing, let's say him having hot steamy lesbian relations with Doopie, he'd believe that relationship now exists in real life.

It's morbidly fascinating how his mind works.
Doesn't even have to be his works. Asperchu seriously pissed him off and he felt like he had to "Rescue" them from Alec
>Chris seriously fucking believes that CWCville and all exists in a parallel universe that's tied to this one, and they affect each other
Is like an autistic Morrison.
So as far as I know.

Young Chris develops his powers and creates Bionic Sonichu > Adult Chris Chan time travels back to meet his young self > Somehow Silvana travels back to before Sonichu was created and pretends to be Sonic the entire time > Sonichus are created > Silvana is created > Chris Chan time travels to see his younger self > Goes to the future to meet tranny Chris Chan, making him a tranny.
But if he goes to the future to fuck Lovely Weather, who is his wife, and then wants to become a woman/mother by herself while Lovely Weather is never mentioned again....what the fuck is going on
What if I draw a comic where he kills himself?
>Lovely Weather is married to tranny Chris.
>Fucks dick Chris instead.
How does one manage to cuck himself?
>Chris cucks himself and then unmakes his wife from reality.

People imagine Chris killing himself as a possibility but there is no way it would ever happen. His ego is too large to consider self harm. It isn't his fault, other people should suffer and die.
All I know is that Chris thinks his characters are real and alive in a toontown-styled universe of his own creation and believes that a reboot of the story would literally be genocide.
Well if it were popular, I'd say he'd probably respond with a page where he says it's either a clone or an illusion of some kind, perpetuated by the evil trolls. Drawing him doing something won't make him do it unless he already wants to. It's also the case that he's much more paranoid and likely to block it out than even bother responding, because people got really fucking into fucking with him back in the day.
Now if you were subtle, you could draw him having Doopie as a gf, and this would probably act as a catalyst for the current situation with that. If he were thoroughly convinced, he'd probably Megan-style draw porn of them together.
But when you reboot a story the original story is still there, it just ends

That doesn't make any sense
It ends in the crushing black void of absolute nothingness. A fate far worse than mere death.
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big booty christine
>mtf transformation comics and animations
Chris really likes his vitamin /d/
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I'm not super familiar with my CWC Universe lore, but didn't Chris cure everyone of being gay with his blood from the future or something?
The original version has Magi Chan create a gayness vaccine from Chris' blood and distribute it via the water supply.

The retcon seen here is part of an edit to cure a zombie outbreak. >>94729701
>"It's like one of my deviantart comics!"

He retconned it into being a cure for a "nombie-zazi" plague
Did Chris really just reference a fetish comic?
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>drew the male pikachu tail
>had to draw over it for the female tail.
Chris actually put fetish comics into Sonichu directly in issue 8.
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Didn't Chris almost immediately make a video about hanging Trump? With friends like that, who needs enemies.
i like the raw insanity of this one better than the more thought out calls for death in the lego hanging.

this needs to be in a museum
Nah, Leggo was better for the sole fact that Marge Simpson arrests Pence after.
Strangely I'm gonna say Doopie, because she knew who he was and participated in leaking information on him, actively commenting on the situation and participated in trolling Chris.

Chris on the other hand is socially inept and doesn't have the capability to participate in a conversation with any nuance, and has no clue how to talk to women or meet women. Chris just escalated things with her quick and chose weird topics to discuss with her and came off creepy and weird.
She actually defended Chris in the beginning and didnt dump the deets until it had progressed to an extreme point.
Man even the Sonichu is dropping to the quality of Marvel comics.

Doopie isn't the same Doopie that does danger Dolan issue is she?
She is a VA for Danger Dolan yes. I dont think Chris got any of her art for the Sonichu/DD crossover issue he is currently working one though.
Given the current situation, he's probably making it a horse comic instead. He's among the few that still stick with the fan base in this day and age.
Is he living in a psychward?
Thats at Bronycon.
Man he does have some big tits.
>Man even the Sonichu is dropping to the quality of Marvel comics
You say that, but the America Chavez comic is constantly being compared to a Sonichu with a (somewhat) higher budget.
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>that America issue with the helicopter chase
What an ending. I honestly like Sonichu more because Chris somehow manages to be more real about social issues.
Ah so she does the art work as well then? That's why he hired her.

My first thought him trying to hire a Cam Whore.
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>Miss Vulva Pie
Trolls pretending to be a lady made up the cat named Vulva Pie, but even after Chris found out what a vulva is and realized he got tricked, he can't change her name because of the cartoon world.
>underage vocaloid program
>he can't change her name because of the cartoon world
Yet he replaced Eggman for his own OC donut steel and renamed several of the characters based on real people.
Chris said weird things to her sure, but Doopie escalated the situation from a 1 to an 11. She could have made it very clear to him in private that she didn't want any contact with him, but she went public and revealed all of Chris's nonsense, like believing he can bend paper with his mind.

Chris is more famous than she'll ever be. This is just her 5 seconds of fame, I don't buy her dumping the emails otherwise.
>She could have made it very clear to him in private that she didn't want any contact with him,
Chris can't take a hint. Chris can't even take outright rejection and denial. If you read the private messages posted in this thread you can see she told him multiple times to stop contacting her.
See >>94727167 Even after Chris kept escalating it even to the point that Doopie gave him a refund to use on Barb's meds, and after she leaked the mails, he STILL believes he has a chance. Doopie made it clear in private, it did nothing. Doopie made it clear in public, and Chris has barely taken a hint
Yeah, but Chris is pretty much mentally challenged in that department and she knew who he was when she took his commission. It's like holding a toddler to the same level of responsibility.
>she knew who he was when she took his commission
Isnt there some tweet or other posting she made stating the almost opposite of this? >I didnt even think Chris chan was real.
or similar?
>hurr durr retards should just be allowed to fuck with normal people with impunity
Kill yourself moralfag
She knew who he was yes, but on principle she treated him as a customer like she would anyone else
Really odd. The word "adulting" looks like hebrew from the thumbnail.
No that's definately a hospital of some sort.
His drawing skills really have gotten good to be honest.
I'm 24 and a virgin. Why i-is it that weird?
How long until chris-chan kills or rapes somebody?
(s)He doesn't have the guts.
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>America Chavez is Sonichu tier
It's fucking true. Jesus christ, it's fucking true.
The guy has assaulted people before.
as much as i'd like to say doopie, i can only imagine the unending discomfort what comes from being cwc's new sweetheart.

praise the lord i have a dick.
you need five hail maries, six shots of bourbon, and one shot to the frontal lobes
He couldn't even pepper spray right
Oh he has plenty of gut alright
What happened to the sonichu wiki?? Did it get taken down?
Yeah, but I doubt she's joining message boards to dump other customers emails when they blow up her inbox over stupid nonsense.
>white knighting an attention whore ever

You should seriously kys
well shit ive got one out of the three
This is some uncanny valley shit right here.
Chris has started taking hormones. It's a reference to himself.
Nah he is just falling for some "become the opposite sex INSTANTLY scams"
Really? He isn't taking hormones?
he's rubbing gel on him which gives him effectively little to no estrogen
>To be or naught a Tomgirl
... what?
He may as well drink Swedish faucet water instead.
It's supposed to be a play on the "To be or not to be" thing, but Chris has a very limited grasp on the English language and sometimes has a tendency to fit words into a place where they might almost work grammatically, but not quite.
Holy god, that dialogue is actually straight out of Sonichu, just with better grammar.
When will the Tomgirl Arc end? Its been dragging forever

Liquid Chris was the best arc and it wasn't even a tenth this long
same thing really
>the plot of the planet dolan crossover is doopie joining the side of the trolls

> how long until...

In all honesty I think there's an even chance he already has.
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That's an edit but yeah what this anon >>94727135 said
>while I myself am trans about it. I get you now mister man.

Still as fucking incoherent as ever I see.
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nope, he canceled that (while assuring all his fans that the crossover "actually happened" in the CWCverse and is instead doing a crossover with the Pastel Horse show, featuring his overpowered self-insert OC horse as the main character

so... the usual.
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>robert sonichu

Oh fuck my sides
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I think that "Silvana is Sonic" thing refers to the fact that, in his mind real Sonic never actually participated in the comic and it was always Silvana disguised as him.

You have to consider that he believes cartoon characters to be real and that they're actors in their own adventures.

So he's saying it was Silvana in hope to show Sega he has never "used" their actual character, so it's not copyright infringment.
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>more text that image
>text explains what's happening
>stress sigh

holy hell Sonichu is already being published.
American buildings have defibrillators everywhere for when we experience freedom attacks.

What is CWC's opinions on the latest happenings going on in his hometown?
He's been wearing a bra regularly for what, like 8 years now? Like even before he decided he was a trans woman he wore one
Chris is physically frail (check out any of his videos from when he's in his middle twenties, the prime of his life, struggling to do push ups even with improper form) and rather timid despite his ego, even in the infamous Gamestop assault vid he storms out quickly and just barely spritzes the guy's chest while moving towards the exit.
I-is it just me or is his art getting a little better? The baby sonichus have some character to them and I dont think he has something he just copies their models from. Also the hands he's drawing now seem to be a lot better.
Having said that, Magi-chans legs must be cooked spaghetti to sit in that retarded pose
He tried to run someone over already. The manager of the hobby shop he was banned from.
>tfw at any second Chris chan could turn into serial killer rapist/or spree shooter.

This is the only way the Chris saga can end really. Either that or sucide.
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He has improved both in terms of keeping thins on model and in layout. There is much more variety than the 8 panels with occasional splash pages from issue 0.

He still overloads on text because of the exposition dumps and has a myriad of other problems; colors, lack of editing, the content. But at least now he draws like a ten year old instead of a 5yo.
What next, marvel style incentive variants?
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Vs something from issue 11
Meme magic is real.
Actually he is reserving a few pages each issue to be made print only and only available by backing his patreon. Each month he sends you a hardcopy of the comic starting at issue 0.
Good for him. I really mean that.
Did something happen?
serious question - is he sending them out yet? because I genuinely want copies of his comics but I dont wanna pedge a dime if i'm going to get jewed
The alt right is partying in Charlottesville.
I'm not sure. He gets a bit more that $400 a month on patreon from 31 patrons which means most of them arent paying the minimum $20 a month to be getting the issues. Money wise its more cost effective to donate $100 and get 8 issues at once and then drop down to $20 a month for the remaining 4.

Your best bet would be to save all the images and then have them printed and bound yourself, but they of course wouldn't be signed by Chris.
>Totes Lez bag

how does it feel to know that chris could have been the daniel johnston of online comics if he'd been discovered by people with any aesthetic sense
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>Chris Chans self inserts can use speed force
Daniel Jonston is still able to write more or less coherent music, and his lo-fi recordings help compliment it. Chris isn't able to make a compelling story (ironically he's a very compelling story himself) and his shit drawing skills don't help either.
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>Roberta can run fast enough to walk on air and break the prismatic structure of light at hypersonic speeds
>Sonichu speed stat is equal to Blake who runs at 200 Km/H
Looks like he still has it on Twitter
Is this the wrong account maybe?
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No he changed it back. His youtube channel has it again too. He honestly believes it will blow over and he will win her back.

Found this on /v/
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>When an egomaniacal self-proclaimed transvestite autist lolcow somehow is more transparent and straightforward than an International company thats been around for over 60+ years about social politics.

I think I jumped into the wrong timeline.
Who assassinated Trump in this era?
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