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ITT: /co/ villains song tier list What are your opinions on

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ITT: /co/ villains song tier list

What are your opinions on what is the objectively the best /co/ villain song and what is the worst. Looking to build a tier list with some opinions.
S: Hellfire
The only ones in S should be Hellfire and Be prepared.
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I don't have an opinion but I want to remind you of this.
S is definitively Hellfire. No question.
Let's set the bar with the best and the worst. I'm going to say this is among the worst...
S: Big and loud, Friends on the other side, Oggie boogie song, Be Prepared

A: Shiny

B: Savages
"we are number one" at A
OP here. This can include western animations as well such as tv shows that may have a villain song.
"What's the Use of Feeling Blue" should be a C
S: Be prepared

A: Hell fire

B: Shiny, friends on the other side, Poor unfortunate souls

C: Oogie boogie man

F: Everything else
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The song is what made me check out the show.
S That's My Lullaby
A Noxious Love
C Pixie rap (Closer to B in my personal approximation, but I'm likely in the minority there)
F That one where the robot sings about money and it barely qualifies as a song
This Day Aria is A
Black from homestuck should probably not be top tier but maybe A or B. I personally am not a fan of it as much as everyone else so I'd do B tier

No it wasn't, it was 0:37 to 0:44.
My nigga. Easily A tier song right there.
It's meh. I'd say B at best.
In the dark of the night is B tier I'd say.
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Oh shit, your right!
A-Tier. also should count as defacto /co/

B: Mine Mine Mine
C: Mother knows best
Can some explain to me why people like Shiny so much? I honestly didn't think it was that good. The lyrics aren't even that great either desu.
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S: Hellfire, Be Prepared
A: Poor Unfortunate Souls, pretty much most Disney canon villain songs, also best non-Disney stuff like In The Dark of the Night and Toxic Love
B: songs that are gainging popularity but are too new to have a classic status yet (Shiny, This Day Aria, I'm The Bad Guy, etc.)
C: just good stuff that's not mentioned very often, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mre93QCk9yk
D: more controversial picks that are still enjoyed by a fair amount of people like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdZcsrtiUac
E: How Bad Can I Be, also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGlLe1w3DJM pretty much any generic farbage
F: this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x8mx-aIhnQ and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIA6CYBbaAg

you can't dispute this
At most. The singers were great, but the lyrics were uninspired.
I am not the anon who can explain it. For me it was one of the weakest songs in the film.

The lip sync for that shark song was so laughably bad. They didnt even try.
I'd give that a B. NPH is a great singer, and the song's fun.

How about this one?

Voting Friends on the Other Side for S rank.
S: Obviously
A: Toxic love was pretty bad. Why is that in A? I'd say C unless there is a reason it should be in A
B: This day aria has been out for a while but yeah B feels about right for those songs.
Fun as hell villain song apart from the more serious villain songs. Easily B or A.
OP here, will make the list in a few hours. Keep posting whatever your personal opinion for songs are and I'll make the list based off of the majority opinion.
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Robot hell is undoubtly S Tier

I don't know about you guys but I reckon that "It Feels So Good To Be Bad" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJwd86x81SI ) should be at least A level.

"Both Don't Make Me Laugh" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY74ZHcfHgA ) and "No More Mister Nice Guy" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evk75OFiGVU ) should be B.

Otherwise, >>94535249 is pretty bang on.
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>Toxic love was pretty bad. Why is that in A? I'd say C unless there is a reason it should be in A
It's very much a product of its times so I can see why you'd dislike it, but many people refer to it as the only thing they like in Ferngully and it has a generally positive reception here
YO. I was just about to post it feels so good to be bad. Love that song. Also an A tier song.
Brains for A tier, it's fucking Voltaire at his best
Nostalgia goggles need to be taken off. It was B at best
>I don't know about you guys but I reckon that "It Feels So Good To Be Bad" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJwd86x81SI [Embed] ) should be at least A level.
I don't think it's downright A because some of the lyrics are dumb exposition ("Charlie doesn't even know it but he's in my power") but B would be alright
S You're a Mean One, Mr Grinch
A Biggering, Snuff Out the Light
B You're Only Second Rate, Gimme the Wand, It's a B Movie
C We Hate the Sun
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>My Lullaby in S tier
A Tier for sure
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Let the pun fit the crime is C-Tier(B-Tier at most)I love weird al but this song is just okay especially against im the bad guy

B Tier:
A Tier
Pearl's training song to being a diamond shatterer

Steven Universe - What's The Use of Feeling (Blue)
I imagine that a lot more movie songs will be A tier, but if there are any cartoon songs that should be A tier or at the very least a high B tier, it ahould be this song.
it's E tier
F tier is for shit that could barely count as a song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq8uKHfsH6U
I don't think it's A tier, but I still find it catchy and use it for ironic purposes within my friend group.
Jesus fuck that's bad. Anyone got any more F tier songs that I should add?
I'd put it in B tier.
D tier
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rank a
>Ballad of a Morning Star
Agreed. B or C feels about right. It isnt amazing, but it's good. So B may be about right.
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>S rank
S++ Rank
All hail Queen Star, the traitor
Is "The Plagues" a villain song?

No, Playing With The Big Boys is the villain song of the film (A or high B). This is more of a rivalry song

Makes sense.

That one is a C Rank, I guess.
>Playing With The Big Boys
I really like that one.
I like this one, if only because you get to see Chris Cooper rapping. I put it on a low B.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfyDp5WGuFQ underrated
>Mr Grinch

Oh shit, how did I forget about that one.

What about Cruella deville. With it being a song from so long ago and still somewhat holding up today as a memorable song, where would you rate that at?
Dont make me laugh was alright. Im not sure if it or no more mr nice guu should be B. C would be better.

So good to be bad is catchy but the middle part and the lyrics aren't really impressive. The good parts are the beggining and end. A is far too generous, I'd say C, maybe a low B.
Underrated song desu. Good taste.
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nah it's S
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>In the same tier as Hellfire and Be Prepared

Uh huh, sure buddy. You believe that.
this and only this, nothing can compare. it has so much emotion and really shows the depth of his character
Dont get me wrong, be prepared is really good,
( top of the A tier) but hellfire is good on so many more levels
Okay so from what I've gathered from this thread, Hellfire should be the only one at S then? I can agree to that but Be Prepared is damn close to it. Should it just be at A+?
Hellfire is the ultimate song for defining a villain's character
Be Prepared is the ultimate song for defining villain's plans
yes, that is good, be prepared is still good, but hellfire is a tier of its own
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Does Night on Bald Mountain count? I want to say no, but can understand both arguments.
I'd say no on account of not having lyrics and being made before the animation, not for it.

It's a great piece though.
Unfortunately no since that song didn't originate from that movie and the fact that it doesnt have lyrics.
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Why is How Bad Can I Be that low? Is there something shitty about the movie I didn't know about?

the movie was mediocre but the song was good, C tier at least
The version from the Arkham game was better, since it's still Joker I think it should count
Futurama had a lot of good songs

American dad also has good songs, the hot tub is actually pretty great
Also since this includes many /co/ characters this also may as well count
I can't think of many genuinely bad ones.
>Noxious Love

Do you mean Toxic Love from Fern Gully? Somewhere between B and A makes sense to me. The vocals and chorus are fantastic, but the lyrics are really fucking stupid in some places.
S Tier.

trips confirm
dubs reinforce
As long as we're talking about villain songs from musicals

but can we agree that this song is S+++ tier? God i love this movie
For the record, yes, I did mean Toxic Love
Poor Unfortunate Souls is a solid B

How Bad Can I Be, if you're talking about the Lorax song, deserves an E because they had an A/S rank song and ditched it because it was "too complex".

that song is an e at most
Ruber's song is at least B tier
Black isn't even a song, nor is it associated with a specific villain. The only vocal song from Homestuck worth noting is the Ballad of Jack Noir, and the vocals on that are too shitty to rank higher than a C despite the kickass chiptune remake.
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Just dumping some Donkey Kong Country songs here
A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j47VYgQww4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgKTXHe3QX4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFZzMbI-mSo

One of these probably deserves to be an S
The first isn't a villain song, obviously, and the second is B tier at best. SU HAS S and A tier songs, and Feeling Blue isn't really up to that par.
Where does the oogie boogie song go at? A?
Imo Be Prepared << My Lullaby. I still don't get why out of all the songs in Lion King, Be Prepared is the one that gets dicksucked the most on /co/.
>but the lyrics are really fucking stupid in some places.
Tell me about it.
>Filthy brown, AAAAAAACID raiiin!
Fuck yes, this is fucking coo-
>Pou-ring down like egg chow mein!
S rank for smiles!

S A or B.

It's a damn solid song and is one of the rare ones that isn't sung by the villain.
If we're counting musicals, Heathers has two godlike villain songs.


I love Cruella de Ville, but it's too simplistic for me to put it anywhere higher than B.

>It's a B Movie
Is that really a villain song, though? I mean, Cutting Edge is closer since the "new" appliances were actively being malicious dicks, whereas the junk shop appliances were just trying to be spooky.
I also like Blue
Yodle-adle-eedle-idle-oo is one of the weaker Disney villain songs, but it's still b-tier, maybe c-tier.
My Lullaby is somewhat ruined by dumb choice of lyrics
>we're building up an obsessed villain believing they're in the rig--
>"till he learns to be a killer with a lust for being bad"
>glad we spelled that out
Rate these:

S-tier stuff my friend. good find
What do you guys think of:
SS: Senkin Dur da Blá
A: Friends on the other side
Prince Ali isn't really a villain song
All B's
Speaking of Simpsons songs, I really like this one
Yeah it's a bit odd for Burns to reference SP but the song is overall very pleasant and has a nice tune. I dunno, I just loved seeing a spontaneous villain song in the middle of a boring shit tier episode
The reprise most definitely is, what are you talking about?
Somewhat unrelated but the TF2 version by some guy it's fucking amazing, even better animated choreography than the Futurama version.

I'm not him but I know where he might be coming from. Whenever there is a reprise I usually consider it a part of the original song as it's basicall just another verse. However, for cases like this, where the singer and the whole mood are drastically different, it makes sense to view them as different numbers.
Needs more 'Queen of Mean' from 'A Troll in Central Park'
A Sinbad the Sailor - Popeye
A or B An Actor's Life for Me (It feels sorta wrong to put one of the original Disney villain songs below A, but it just isn't as memorable or enjoyable as something like Cruella De Ville or Be Prepared)
B Why Me
The Greedy Song
The Arsenic Cake Song
C Bow Down
D Trick or Treater Eater
Money is such a beautiful word
D or E I Will Survive - Rio (I figure it should count, since it is sung by the villain, even though it's an established song.)

FYI, I spent like 20 minutes trying to find the villains song from "Night B4 Christmas." Turns out there isn't one. Just a horrible movie.
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I wanna say A for this, Tom Kenny nailed it (and even wrote the lyrics himself)

also non-/co/ related


S(hit) tier.
Does Gaston count as a villain song? I'd say it's a solid A, S if not for that one whiny fucking voice in the chorus' backing vocals.

They seemed to go with a lot of food motifs for the song, not sure why.
>I suck 'em dry and spit 'em out like spinach
Majestic for B Tier

Technically /co/
S: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngk3Urrpa8k
A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcCvrkX1YLQ
Puppets are /co/, so this technically counts.


S Tier for sure.
I'm guessing they were trying to drive the point home that Hexxus was going to...eat the rainforest? I mean, he was kind of absorbing the polluted fumes the Leveler was giving off, but the food metaphors were weirdly out of place and they could have gone for a more broad-scope "consumption" theme to have a stronger song as a whole.

Unless the idea was to embody the seven deadly sins in the song and the food metaphors were just supposed to represent gluttony, since parts of the extended version of the song were very wrathful and lustful as well.

Those are the only options I can think of, because nothing else makes sense as to why there's so much food mentioned in a song about polluting the world.
Objectively shit taste.
I would almost vouch for Master of Ceremony being S tier, the song quite literally jettisoned Mumbo from "kind of fun" villain to "one of the top five villains in the fucking show" villain.
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I keep scrolling past this and thinking of pic related
This one. Timestamped to about 56:00.

I really can't believe something this slow and boring made it into a movie. Surely someone involved in the production had to have known this was awful, right?
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Just throwing this one out there, maybe A, or B, I'm honestly surprised how good it is for a kids tv show.

also Hildy's song from the 7d.

I like how it goes from day to night in 1 minute
boy im so not used to not hamill joker
Memes aside these actually are pretty good. Kris Stroganofferson is a great actor.
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>singing Joker
>it's actually good
Bisket songs are best songs.

I can't remember, are Muppets generally counted as /co/ (or at least honorary /co/)? If so, Professional Pirate has to be pretty high up.

GOAT taste, anon.

A for sure.
This is A for sure.

hot diggity, I remember this fondly from my childhood.
Was the animation really this shit?
Sounded much better in french, mind you.
Forgot Link
>at all
Kill yourselves

shit taste detected
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Not sure if it counts as /co/, but I consider it a C or D

Ya'know, I barely understand this ching chong language, but I agree it is quite a bit catchier in French.
Doofenshmirtz should be on there somewhere but I can't decide if Brand New Best Friend or Impress My Professor would be a better choice for him.

Anyway this should be A Rank:

too fetishy
dude, The Trial is not a villain song.

if you want to cross /mu/ territory, this is the only animated "villain song" that comes to my mind.

i mean this is a song about villains and it is animated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB2BKdgSW4U
>Calling Bowser "Koopa"
>Even though Bowser fits the meter just as well and could work as kind of a play on "Bouncer"
I mean, maybe he's going for the fact that King Kupa is the Japanese name. Still sounds kinda dumb, though.
So is anyone actually gonna make the tier or what
I mean, if the thread is still alive in an hour and OP is still dead, I might.
Put friends on the other side at A+
Heres my suggestions
S:Hellfire,Be Prepared,Bells of Notre Dame(its half villain song since its about frollo meeting quasi)
A: Shiny,Gaston,friends on the other side,Poor unfortunate Souls,The Greatest Criminal Mind(Ratigan),You're The Greatest(WOY)
B:Savages,Mine mine,Im the Bad Guy(WOY),The Mob song of beauty and the beast.
C:Feel Like a Million
D:The villaiin song in ice age 4
E:Finest Hour,Spellbound(from the DK show)
F: Money is such a beautiful word
Bump. I want this chart

I wonder what these would each rank as
I think Platypus Controlling Me is my favorite song from him, even though it's not about being evil or anything. If you're looking for something specifically about being evil, Weaponry is fantastic.
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>finest hour
>an e

best villain song coming through
Work in progress. It's way harder than I thought to not make this look like shit. I'm willing to give up and give someone else a chance if you guys want. Otherwise, here's where I am after about an hour. Are the pictures a good size? Is it more intuitive that The top of the picture or the bottom of the words indicate where a song falls on the chart (Hell-fire is supposed to be at the very top) Anybody got a good picture for the Money Song?
I would do it but i dont get a PC until tommorow. Keep the thread alive
This one is an A+

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Alright, I think I fucked up the image up somehow. The quality looked really weird when I posted it just now (I deleted it). I'll probably just let >>94567270
make the chart.
A or B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZsMMoYryTI
>I'm The Bad Guy is B tier
You fucked up, anon
A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-MG4ejYe94
Do Heffalumps and Woozles count as villains? If so, this is at least A tier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLnADKgurvc
this one deserves a special place for the death count https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_oyEAMR47E
Does this count if the song wasn't created for the sequence?
So um, what tier is this?

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>This was cut
>Not only is it a better representation of the Moral Ambiguity of the Lorax, but it also explains the folly of the Once-ler better, how his situation escalated better, and is even a better, more epic musical numer
Oh my fucking god, who the fuck cut this out? This is one of the best musical numbers I've ever heard period, and it would have single-handedly justified the existence of the Lorax movie.

Found a brand new best friend - C
High B, Low A
I'd give Mean Green Mother an A, personally
Personally, I feel like there should be two more tiers for special cases. The first being an "OG" tier, for either the grinch song by itself as the OG villian song, or for the grinch song and others that defined villian songs for their mediums. For instance, I think Poor Unfortunate Souls set the standard for animated movie villian songs to come. Either way, I feel Grinch is kinda the start of /co/ villian songs, with Hellfire being the culmination of /co/ villian songs. Because of that, it feels weird to have them in the same tier.

The other tier I would add is one for the good deleted villian songs. Something like the "Never Ever" tier, or the "Fuck You, Hollywood" tier, etc. This would have songs like Biggering (Lorax), Snuff Out the Light (Emperor's New Groove), and "The Mighty Hunters" (Jungle Book), etc.
From what I've heard on the rumour mill, it's a remnant from when the film was supposed to be a rock opera way back in early development but it was considered too dark
Anyone rating this higher than a C is a waifufag
There no way this is unironically above E tier, but no one talks about this movie enough. It's terrible I love it.
Mother Knows Best is at LEAST High C. It's Broadway spectacle and it's good at it.
The reprise is still better.
Holy fuck, this is better in literally every way.
Fuck the guys who cut this out
I think it's pretty neat that three different Yzma songs exist, despite The Emperor's New Groove itself not being a musical.

C Tier:

B+ Tier:

A+ Tier:
The best part about this is the fact that it isn't Ed Helms.
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I wish I could rank this higher as a joke or a meme, but really, it's F-tier all the way:

I don't really think Siamese should be that high, it's more of a C or D
>"Barbara's dead and I'm laughing" Jason Todd's dead and I can't stop laughing!"
Awkward. Definitely solid B tier though.
Inevitably disappointing Netflix exclusive sequel WHEN?
if you think about it The Trial is one of the only songs from The Wall that ISN'T a villain song
You know how to salt the wound
I'm genuinely surprised that Dr. Horrible was overlooked during the Youtube animatic craze.
I'm pretty sure the Pinocchio song is just called "Hi Diddley-Dee", as it gets sung multiple times with different lyrics.
The format doesn't really allow for a thumbnail and a name. Maybe make it a vertical list. More room to breathe. Also >>94568168 is right; it should be A.
If not A, there's very little bringing it down. Although sexy bugs are disturbing.
So Disney will change their entire adaptation of The Snow Queen to justify a shitty song like "Let It Go" but Illumination can't change their awful movie to fit more with this brilliant work of art? This is like Pink Floyd/Queen level of brilliant. It's a fucking travesty that they didn't use this.
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>This is like Pink Floyd/Queen level of brilliant
Seconding A, or maybe a high B
But it probably could've gotten an Academy Award for Best Original Song considering it came out in the award year before Frozen.
Where would this one go?
I keep accidentally quoting people fuck I should sleep

Where does this one fit? I'd say at least the very least a B, I'd argue A tier but it's also short
Thats a D mate. That song sucks
Dude,Yzmopolis should be C and like a million B
Wow that song really is awful
B or A
Les poissons, les poissons,
With a cleaver I hack zem in two,
I pull out what's inside,
and I serve it on side,
But I love little fishes, don't you?
it's very atmospheric
Excuse you
How about this one?

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Would you guys like something like this? The blank space is basically left for text - i.e., songs and corresponding movies.

I'm too lazy to go through every suggestion here and add it, but I can upload the PSD, leaving it up to anyone willing.
Yes i like that idea
>if not for that one whiny voice
I dunno, I'd argue that it fits the song's purpose. Gaston is a boor who is admired only by a guy whose name means 'the fool' and happens to be cheered on by a bunch of drunken idiot yokels. The shrill vocal only seems to emphasize this point, that these people admiring him aren't exactly people whose judgment you should trust.
Alrighty then, anyone know a super simple filesharing site I can upload this to?
If we're including musicals this one's a must hear
Song that comes out of nowhere, doesn't really do or add anything, and seems to be unable to decide whether it should be about stroking antagonist's ego or talking about how evil and great his plans are, music and voice for Mok is great, but lyrics seem barebones and background girls steal way too much time of an already short song, so D or maybe low C, if you really like Lou Reed.

An utter clusterfuck of visuals, with extremely annoying way of singing, but honestly, you're rarely get a chance to see evil wizards, black knights, KKK and military fanatics mixed into one pile and dancing to a singing snake. I'd stay on giving it D for what a show it is.
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I used to love these two songs when I was younger.
I was thinking of the PSD.
That looks good, can't wait to see villain songs fill it up
When You're Big has lyrics that are meme-worthy
Does this count as a villain song?
if that counts this goes as well
Fuck it, I'll fill it in myself if you guys manage to get candidates for all the rows.
S: Hellfire, Mr. Grinch
A: Poor Unfortunate Souls, Robot Hell
We agreed on those earlier in the thread
S: Hellfire,Mr Grinch,Be Prepareed,Friends on the other side
A:Poor unfortunate souls,Shiny,Let the Pun fit the Crime, Youre the Greatest
B:Im the Bad Guy
D:Im Leo Luster
F:Money is Such a Beautiful Word

I'll be busy for a couple of hours, but I'll get to it later tonight.
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