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>without Jerry around to belittle, Beth is now pouring her

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>without Jerry around to belittle, Beth is now pouring her vitriol on her kids
>those passive-aggressive jabs and threats made at them to not make her look like the bad guy in front of the therapist
>that implication that she now resents them for wanting her to act like their mother (i.e. caring about their emotions and accepting their vulnerabilities while helping them overcome their problems)
>"And fuck both of you, too."

This is starting to get really messed up. If Jerry somehow manages to stumble his way into a decent job, he might actually get custody of the kids at this rate.
Man this stuff really tickles my funny bone

Dan Harmon needs to take a break.
I feel like they're either setting us up for something like that toward the end of the season, but most likely it'll either end with them getting back together or the writers hand waving Beth's shittiness and making her the good guy at the end just so they can shit on Jerry some more.
>jerry redemption arc
fucking yes
Beth is realizing that without Jerry around all the time she can't pass off the actions of the kids on him.

It's all her, 100% from now on. And that scares the living shit out of her, because of two things.

1. She can't blame Rick because she's literally put him above everything else at this point
2. She can't blame Jerry because he's not even there.

I'd also love it if Beth did get a complete Fuck You moment or two just so faggots would shut up about "Muh Female Writers"

People don't write with their dicks or their vaginas, they write with their assholes.
Jerry gets the weekends with the kids, I think? Anyway, her feelings were pretty transparent and I think the lesson to take from this is to stay out of trouble so Mom doesn't get all up on their ass.

If Jerry had custody, the kids would be even more rebellious, I think.
She reminds me of my mom
I'd love to see all the fans do a 180 on Jerry because the show simply told them to
i haven't watched any of the season 3 episodes yet but just by reading your thread OP it kinda sounds like something from family guy. just opinions, carry on
>People don't write with their dicks or their vaginas, they write with their assholes.
that is oddly poetic
What this ep lacked in lauggs it made up for in Beth bashing. I like it.
>She can't blame Jerry because he's not even there
I don't think you fully understand how the female mind works.
>implying the entire show wasn't about Jerry's need to man up and take control
>implying they haven't been constructing a philosophical hierarchy where nihilism (Rick) is superior to a morality driven life led by somebody spineless (Jerry) but inferior to a morality driven life where the person embodies or self actualizes their beliefs (Jerry after getting his shit together)

Why do you think Rick's persona and nihilistic outlook only shine through when he's in complete control but collapse when he's in trouble? You see him literally praying to God when about to die at one point. He gets sanctimonious when the kids are on their tablets during Christmas. Nihilism is only better than living with purpose if you're weak like Jerry, who can conceptualize right and wrong and what's meaningful but is too pathetic to act it out or make it reality.
No Anon, she can now blame everything on Jerry BECAUSE he's not even there.
I dont think I could ever take this guy serious. EVERYTHING he says is wrong even if he's parrots what others say things that are true

Family guy never has serious topics.

This is actually a mother who is being spiteful and mean...because they are human too and can be flawed...and some IRL mothers are like that and some of us can relate to that.

When women lose their sexual currency as they get older they seek power through nagging and making people feel guilty, now that the husband is gone it goes on the kids.

This is sad but real

I come from SO CAL, the land of single mothers raising shitty kids...

one benefit though is that the kids had their father for most of their child lives...having a divorce in their teenage lives will fuck them up and honestly fucks up people no matter how old but at least they know who their daddy is


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>stefan molyneaux
>If that happens the Rick would have to move in with Jerry so he'd have access to Morty.
Rick may have just screwed himself here.

i really hope they take it this direction.
I don't see anything wrong with what he said.
>Steven meme
>Sargon cuck
Lmao let me guess, are marathoning Jordan Peteron too?
I'm kidding I watched them all too but seriously man such a meme to link those guys especially Sargon
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im a libertarian and cant stand him
Good thing women in my country usually basically grows into caring grumpy old men.
maybe it's because he has maybe a god complex and puts himself in situatutions because he wants something to challege that complete control. He knows the is and outs of everything and just wants something to beat him. Like one punch man, too strong so everything is boring kinda thing.
Y'know it's a shame the internet has a clear pattern of creating spikes in popularity which end up devaluing what people say because it reduces the content to the same level of the lowest person engaging with that content. It makes it too easy to dismiss things as a fad because discussion is too saturated with their presence.

I hate trying to have a genuine discussion about some of Peterson's ideas and the discussion has already been reduced to spouting memes based on his common talking points and mannerisms.
>dude lobsters lmao
>dude dragons man
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Beth is treating her kids terribly.
Jerry was truly /our/ guy all along.
Also will the dude that Beth remarries from the Jerry Day Care episode come back?
Remember that time he tried to make a comment on one of his videos pretending to be a female fan but didn't log out of his main account?
or that one time he misinterpreted data
>Beth loses kids to Jerry and finally turns on Rick because he's the last person she has to blame
>Beth is no longer around to stop Jerry from telling Rick to fuck off
>Jerry won't let Rick see Morty anymore, and even Morty calls Rick out on it when he tries to do it anyway
>Rick comes to the horrible realization that Beth and Jerry's marriage is indirectly the only thing keeping him happy
I'm actually dissapoited they aired this so soon, this kind of episode would have been way better latter in the seasonmid, but having it so early just means that everyone's going to guess that Jerry's going to get full custody by the end, and Rick being fucked since Jerry won't let him near Morty.
Or the time he blamed the Welfare State for him not being able to get a girlfriend, and not because he's a tool?
Wow, only a show this smart could be this stupid
Pussies are a half inch away anon. It's why it's hard for them smear shit on paper.
I know what you mean buts come on man , you have to admit some of it is pretty funny. Also dude ____ lmao! Is my favorite way to make anything sound dumb and I just assume people who post them are just in it for shits and giggles
Also...do cockroaches actually squeal?
Some do a hissing sound, but regular ones only make noise while flapping their wings (if they have them).
I mean it makes sense. Imagine you envision that life has a meaning or purpose, and you don't live it up it. Or worse, you envision that life has a meaning or purpose but you don't know what it is and you might die before you even figure it out let alone live up to it. You can break it down into a real simple ranking:
Success > refusing to acknowledge the idea of specific success and failure states at all > explicit failure

Jerry's life and beliefs would be heartwarming if they were held by anyone but someone pathetic like him.
>This is starting to get really messed up. If Jerry somehow manages to stumble his way into a decent job, he might actually get custody of the kids at this rate.
>straight white male getting something he wants

lol no
Since I'm not completely familiar with the way divorces are handled (other than the mom getting the kids almost without fail), do the kids get any say if they're old enough?
Kds by definition can't be old enough because if you're in somebody else's custody you're a minor. To "be old enough" would make the matter irrelevant because you wouldn't be in custody anyway.
Do people actually dislike Jerry? Him and Morty are the only characters I can at the very least sympathize with.

Why did S3E2 make Jerry out to be the bad guy anyways?
Just finished seeing this. Episode was pretty good, but boy is Beth a huge bitch. Really resent her.
It didn't. It made him the guy that gets shat on by life. Two very different things.

If this was a British comedy he'd be the protagonist.
You say this as if Jerry doesn't have supporters already. Jerry is a coward but his ultimate goal has always been to protect his family even if that means from Rick.

I didn't think so till i saw all the comments in the youtube mirrors this season.
No it very much made Jerry out to be the bad guy, with Morty blaming everything on Jerry not manning up while its primarily Beth and Rick's fault.
Reminder therapist was Tammy in disguise. Reminder she is using this position to make Rick weaker mentally by turning his grand kids against him.
Beth has always been a huge bitch, she is a daddy's girl and defends his bullshit at every opportunity and never stands up to him. Jerry actually has more of a spine than Beth just for not constantly kissing Rick's ass.
You're dumb
Yes. As of 16, or w/e your state's age of consent is, you have complete control over who you live with. You can change who has custody as young as 10-14 if you can make a good case in front of a judge (saying mommy beats me or does cocaine).
I think that if Jerry had custody Morty and summer would become a hell of a lot more normal
Sure Jerry is a pushover and summer and Morty could get away with doing anything they want but they aren't dumb, after doing that shit for a while they would reverse to proper normal behaivour
A big house and money is not what children need, they need an environment where they can have a healthy life
I love child neglect, therapy and no jokes in my waky sci-fi comedy.
>mfw nearly pissing myself when beth acted like a cunt to her kids
So...anyone think they'll adress Beth's possible electra complex? I mean i can't be the only one who thinks Beth's obsession with Rick could lead to some fucked up revaltions down the road?
Morty isn't the R&M's absolute moral compass. Him, his son, blaming Jerry for what happened is just another facet of the universe shitting on him.

Just because a Main Character considers Jerry the bad guy, doesn't mean the show made him out to be the bad guy. At best he's made out to be weak and spineless, which he is most of the time, but that doesn't mean "bad guy".
Ok, then that confirms what I thought would happen, they'll give Beth custody, only for Morty and Summer to say they want to move in with their dad.

It's the most dramatic way to go about it.
I like asshole Beth, it's funny because the show it's self aware of it's cuntish behavior, kinda like Rick in a sense.

I also really hope she gets no comeuppance either, for some reason retards really, REALLY hate her and want to see her get fucked, and it would be hilarious to see them when nothing bad happens to her.
I feel like some one on the inside is crashing the show, if this happens it will be confirmed. why else would you make the least liked character less likable and then not even do anything with it?
>really hope she gets no comeuppance
Nah, I'd rather see her get her shit kicked in just to shut up the people who hate women that get no punishment for their actions

I'm kind of glad they're making her an asshole, too. It wouldn't make sense for her to shit on her husband continuously for nothing than blossom into this perfect character once he's out of the picture. If he had done something, maybe I'd understand
>why else would you make the least liked character less likable and then not even do anything with it?
Because that's literally the point of the show? I don't think anyone watches Rick and Morty to watch the characters get fucked because they are irresponsible assholes, anon.
No vocal cords, so no. I mean some species technically could, by slowly wheezing out air from their trachea under compression, but they wouldn't be making that noise purposely either, so no.
It's pretty obvious that Beth is going to lose custody of her kids to Jerry.
the point of the show is not to like any of the characters?

>I don't think anyone watches Rick and Morty to watch the characters get fucked because they are irresponsible assholes

that has happend multiple times:
jelly bean king, rich purge people, devil, Frank Palicky
>rich purge people
literally did nothing wrong besides hole up in their house during the purge.
Cockroaches don't have tracheas. Insects don't have lungs and breath by taking in oxygen directly through tiny openings all over their bodies. Any insect noise is made by vibrating their external body parts like their wings or legs together.
Well not the main characters at least, Rick is an asshole and it's funny because of it, Morty does deserve it yet we laugh because it's mean, Jerry is pathetic and you are not supposed to feel bad about him because it's not realistically-pathetic and Summer is a bitchy teenager but nobody cares because she's clearly not happy with herself, that's the joke.

Same with Beth, if at the end of R&M Rick is a loving grandpa, Morty a regular person and Jerry and Beth a loving couple then Harmon would be missing what made his series good t begin with.
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Season 1:
>What if Doc Brown was an abusive alcoholic and Marty was his grandkid and they went on fucked up space adventures?
Season 2:
>Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
Season 3:
>Dude family drama lmao
God forbid a show makes you take a hard look at yourself in the mirror inbetween gore and fart jokes, right?
Has anyone noticed that every other character who acts rudely, dismissively, aggressively, and arrogantly towards other characters generally has a good excuse?

Rick, for example, has seen some shit.

But Beth? Beth grew up without a daddy, who's now back in her life. Boo-fucking-hoo.
Actually they do have trachea. That's the canal that leads the air from openings in the abdominal region (spiracles) to the respiratory system. Hissing roaches make their ''hissing'' noise by expelling air through the spiracles, by the trachea.
Literally blew their load to early.

Good writing is all well and good, but if you paint your girl's face white all at once, you'll have nothing left for later.

No, instead, you got to take your dick in hand, and lovingly stroke your load across that face. Michelangelo didn't paint the Sistine Chapel in a day.
It was flat out stated that they engineered the purge to keep the poor people weak and distracted so that they could exploit them.

Jerry is stupid, spineless, and selfish. His only positive trait is that 99% of the time he's too weak to impose his shittiness on others. Just look at the shrimply pibbles episode for an example of how much of an asshole Jerry would be if he were even slightly less spineless than usual.

Morty is the only character in the show that genuinely cares about other people. Summer's just as self centered as Rick, and Beth and Jerry only care about their kids because being a "good parent" is the only thing they've accomplished in their lives and their egos depend on it.
Being asshole for the hell if it can be fun to watch but Beth is an asshole because of her daddy issues, it pushes her attitude and treatment of her kids into a creepy new light. Her quasi incestuous devotion to her father at the expense of her kids well being should be adressed, she should face consequences for her fucked up priorities. Whether or not the show is building up to something like this is still up in the air.
Calm down Freud
I don't know, at the end when she was really not into going back to therapy and was talking about going with Rick for food it really felt like a punchline, anon. I hope they just pull a South Park bring back the Jerry status quo in a classy yet funny way.
Jerry c137 grew a spine and balls when he thought Beth would cheat on him. Then he started killing every bug and cronenberg person in his way. Which made beth love Jerry and become submissive to him.

Second(maybe third due to Jerry daycare mixup) Jerry tried to stand up to Beth and Rick, but failed his willpower roll. This Jerry needs to level up and try again.
>Morty was the subject of this episodes pee fetish
>Not Summer

I'm disappointed in Justin.
Not an argument
>he might actually get custody of the kids at this rate.

Not unless they portray the custody battle realistically
great I can't wait for that hilarious episode.
>the point of the show is not to like any of the characters?

Many many shows are like this.
Well, I didn't think you could do lazier toon drawings than Senpai Guy/American Dad.. but there you go.
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Why didn't Rick go to another universe at the end of Season 2 where Bird Person didn't die?
Why didn't Rick go to another universe at the end of Season 2 where he wasn't a wanted criminal?
Why didn't Rick go to another universe at the end of Season 2 where Bird Person didn't meet Tammy?
Why didn't Rick go to another universe where Jerry is a good guy and loved by his family?
Why didn't Rick go to another universe where Jerry and Beth have a good marriage?
Why does Rick pretend to care about anyone or anything when he can just go to another, better universe?
how many of those are wacky science fiction comedy shows?
what happened to the science and adventure this show had? now it's like I'm watching some shitty show on lifetime.
Rick cares, but pretends he doesn't. He ditched c137 universe because he screwed up too badly.

So he had to find the next closest possible match. Where he could jump in and replace the other Rick with no one noticing. There are a finite number of universes close enough to Ricks. So he can't waste them.

Well, we'll just have to wait and see where they're taking this sub plot and if a cigar is just a cugar or some fucked up daddy issues.
>He ditched c137
That was not universe c137. Rick had already abandoned his original universe and family before the show started.
I really loved the episode. I don't get why everyone here is bitching out.

Remember that time he got upset over a soup can having women on it? He truly is a man of logic and reason.
The Madagascar hissing cockroach!

He only fucks off to another universe when he fucks it up, like the cronenberg universe. rick pretends not to care about his family but he actually does.
My parents divorce was similar.

Kids literally become pawns in the plan to hurt your father, divorced women are grade a fucking psychopaths.

It's so stupid. It must be satire.
Me too thanks :,)
Am I the only one having these creepy incest tones from Beth towards Rick? I feel like she would rather have Rick as her husband at this point

Think about it.
Because he's trying to give a fuck about something so that not everything is an endless void of meaningless sensation. His anchor right now is Morty. Morty, gives a fuck about this current dimension and the things inside it. Until Morty goes full Rick level euphoric Rick will be tied down to wherever Morty's investment is. An easy example of this is:
>was about to leave summer in the desert
>wasn't as keen to leave morty for dead
>leaves both of them eventually but comes back before long and focuses on retrieving morty first
Were reaching Moral Orel levels of realistically terrible parents Jesus Beth literally does not want to care about other people especially her own family
im hoping that a younger version of rick will fuck her and create morty
The b plot was so boring. The entire episode should be focusing on Pickle Rick because that was the only good part about the episode. The ending just drags on and on and it wasn't even funny, such a waste of time.
Your disgusting thoughts are about par for the course on /co/ I'm not sure how to answer. She is merely looking for acceptance and validation from Rick.
>Why didn't Rick go to another universe where Jerry is a good guy and loved by his family?
>Why didn't Rick go to another universe where Jerry and Beth have a good marriage?
the only reasons Rick hates Jerry is because not only is he fucking stupid and mentally weak, but he has and is currently fucking his daughter
>She is merely looking for acceptance and validation from Rick.

If you studied a lot of Freud stuff, you can see that she doesn't only want that. She wants Rick as her husband
>taking freud seriously
I'm a fan of the show and I've always liked Jerry. Rick's hatred of Jerry is funny, but I found it funny because there was no real reason for it. I didn't think anyone actually disliked Jerry
Not necessarily though, then again, my parents divorce was flat out the best thing that EVER happened to me due the consequences of it and was initiated by my dad anyway and was pretty bluntly him throwing us away for his mistress, but im glad it happened since my stepdad is pretty cool since ,to mention just one thing, he didn't try to set me on fire.
I personally found Pickle Rick kind of boring.
>Not explaining how I'm wrong

Okay then, moving along
I was actually with you until you went full MRA autist with your post.
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Maybe he wanted his women to have meatballs instead of being ball-less.
I genuinely think Beth's gonna die cause of Rick. All the bumbers for season 3 end with a scene of Rick passed out on the couch and Beth holding onto his leg and about to cry. Then a spider thing pops up and they teleport away, only to show Rick still passed out on the couch floating through space, with Beth on where to be found, but instead; miscellaneous body parts in her place. Maybe I'm stretching it here, but based on this last episode; I could see it happening.
well one reason: the portal gun exploded.
my mother basically saved my life and the lives of my siblings by divorcing my dad
Rick and Morty is transitioning from a show about crazy adventures with life issues as a contrast to a show about life issues with crazy adventures as a contrast, and I don't think I care for it as much.
That'd be pretty kino desu
But nothing in show ever implied she was looking for validation or acceptance. In fact Rick seems to hold Beth in pretty high regard. He is always complimentary of her and never hides the fact he thinks that Jerry is not good enough for her Beth wants Rick around just to have him around, Beth chose her father over husband. Sure Jerry was pussy and probably had it coming, but Beth doesn't look like she's in a hurry to date. In fact i can't recall a single time where she's expressed attractions to another man, i don't think sleepy gary counts because Jerry seemed way more into him than Beth was.

You'd think after years of being married to Jerry she'd more than ready to find some real passion with another person. But she seems haply with just Rick around, like he's the only man she needs in her life right now. It's creepy but it could make for some intresting storylines in the future
No, stop. You must have never have had a sister. It's always like that. Weren't you close to your mom, but absolutely in no way incesty? That's just how it is, daughters love their fathers, and sons love their mothers.

Beth loves her father, and ignores his manipulative ways because she doesn't want him to leave again, she lets him take her to the edge of sanity and destroy her family because she lets him, and because she reveres his genius so much that she believes that he always knows best.

Beth isn't smart. She had sex with Jerry without protection in high school and kept the kid. She lacked the ambition to pursue her dreams and instead settled on her mediocre veterinary career, something she is very self-conscious about, something she clearly hates doing.

Without Jerry, though, Beth was a drunk and a loner who relied on birds to keep her company. In general, I think Beth is afraid of being alone, so she keeps the father that she loves very close and allowed him to push her mediocre, unemployed husband out of the house because she figured they'd be better off led by Rick, who she desperately wants validation from, since she is miserable. Beth's been drinking like a fish all season.
Beth has wanted out of her marrage for a while
I think she thinks Jerry, and now her kids, are holding her back
Literally this.

One thing I've learned from reading all these threads is that everyone likes something different about R&M,
Some people liked the abusive Rick and shy morty, some people liked the story driven emotional Rick, some people love the high amount of extential dread, some people love the dark humor.

Everyone loves something different.

And season 3 is hugely different from the first two and that's why everyone's upset. Your right, it's more family driven/family drama. That's why everyone's upset.
This is the DARKEST year of their adventures, remember?

If Jerry gets a new job, it'll be whoring himself out for rent and food money. We'll get a subplot about the prostitutes out front helping him get into the hooker lifestyle.
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>Family guy never has serious topics.
Huh, when you put it like that it seems the only way she'd be happy if it was just her and Rick, alone, together. She already dump her husband and we just saw her ignore her kids to have a drinks with Rick almost like a date. Hmmmm.
> (other than the mom getting the kids almost without fail),

fun fact, when the father actively seeks custody of the children, they get it roughly 80% of the time, even if the reason for divorce involves domestic violence or molestation.

The "Mothers always get custody" meme comes from the fact that the vast vast majority of fathers refuse to even attempt to get custody
Harmon shoulda stuck with his "no storylines" rule and just had every episode stand on its own.
I'm upset because it's not funny and it's lost its sense of wonder.

I never watched it for the drama because the characters are boring and the drama is forced and if I wanted to watch a marriage implode I could just walk into any house in the country and have a 50/50 chance of doing so. I don't care about these petty bullshit problems because, unlike Seinfeld, the writers aren't good enough to make them funny. I watched it because it was cool adventures in a cool world with cool worldbuilding. Maybe they couldn't have continued that forever but they definitely could have wrung another season or two out of it before beginning the rapid slide into sappy garbage.
>when the father actively seeks custody of the children, they get it roughly 80% of the time
God damn it feels good to be a man.

We just can't fail.
Morty was called Morty-C137, and the season 3 premier confirms that C-137 was Cronenworld.
Glad I wasn't the only one questioning that last part
makes sence to me
Rick abandoned Beth for adventure
Beth abandons her family for adventure (Rick)
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Season 1
>Rick and Morty fuck up their Earth because Morty wanted to get laid resulting in everyone being turned into Cronenbergs.

Season 2
>Rick's car battery goes bad when the dimension he created where they stomp to generate power for the car created their own dimension to generate their own power, which has in turn also created its own dimension to generate their own power.

Season 3
>Beth divorces Jerry and wants everyone to go to therapy.
*was forced to go to therapy because the school insisted
I'm sort of with you.

I honestly liked the drama in the earlier episodes, but that's because it was sort of on the back burner and had some good resolutions as well.

The best way I can describe it is that I watched R&M to laugh most of the time and then be punched in the gut with some feels somewhere near the end on occasion.

Now they have changed it so that I feel like neither is really there. Things that are supposed to be funny just aren't, or comes off as simple pandering (LOOK SUMMER OR RICK IS THE BEST AGAIN AT DOING THINGS) and things that are supposed to feel gut wrenching/heavy just feels like a poor attempt to make us care.

It's lack luster all around this season. And while it's easy to blame the new writers, I doubt that it is all their fault.
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The writers have no clue what they're doing
and the show abandoned adventure for Beth
Wacky sci-fi adventures are the only reason why anyone liked the show, the family drama was either in the background or had wacky sci-fi shit in it, like the meseeks episode. The next episode looks like it's going to go back to wack sci-fi adventures and hopefully put the family drama bullshit in the background. I have hopes that this season will improve and that right now is just a rough patch the show is going through.
It is incredibly satisfying seeing this show depict beth as wrong, and do so so very subtly.
i remember when dads got every weekend with kids, and even then it was clear courts gave women everything, automatically gave them custody, basicalyl open sexism.. now it's every other weekend. christ.
This has clearly always been how it works
it's always been in this direction..
>do so so very subtly
are we watching the same show?
I mean, it was obvious she was wrong, but the EXTENT of it was hidden very nicely.
I also loved rick's savage tearapart of therapy, and how it helps people deal with their problems in a more calm manner, but that's something we value in the animals we eat. fucking true. if you aren't pissed at something, you're not paying attention.

My parents divorced when I was about 12. I got to decide though, since both of them weren't bad people. I just made the case that my dad's house would be a better environment as it's near my old school.
no, and the brain is in the thorax.
this would be really neat if it happened and was executed well.
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yfw this will never happen

You know about the "Rick and morty is too smart for people" meme? It's not a meme, it's the truth. A very large amount of people seems to be unable to grasp the concept that just because Rick is the main character and he's extremely competent, he's not supposed to be "right" in the context of the show. It's because of this that you have so many edgelords liking the show and so many people hating on it because "Rick is so nihilistic GOD DOESN'T EXIST ISN'T IT FUNNY".
Watched it right before posting.
Loved it, I love concrete introspection and reflection in characters that already have established personalities, that isn't some vague incomplete projections from the artist(s)'s lives alone(Incoherent ranting through a character mouthpiece).

The pickle rick action sequences were also very cool, and fitting.
I hope they will continue onward with these type of segments, and considering how it ended it's probably going to be The kids going behind their mother and Rick's backs to seek more help, getting caught by the paper trail of the bills.
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>"Come now, we all know Jung is the thinking man's psychologist"
It does but shouldn't have serious issues addressed. It's embarrassing to see the writers try to spin a stupid plot into a last-minute emotional moment between caricatures who hate each other.
And the only reason this Morty matters, is because this is literally the only Morty that is directly created through his original life, the life he started in.
If he loses this counterweight, every other counterweight Morty would be an eternal sham, he would truly have lost everything that makes him himself.
You think they'll ever reveal to Beth that her current Rick and Morty aren't actually hers
how do you thin she'd react?
if it was s1 Beth she'd love them regardless
but s3 Beth might just say fuck it, leave and live a new life
My father had no business having children. Even as a small child I was relieved my folks were finally getting divorced.
Beth and Rick are asshole and in the end they bonded and all that great stuff bot they are still assholes towards Summer and Morty
Summer and Morty are both cunts desu and too old to blame everything on their mommy, especially Summer who's fucking 17 years old, not 7.
I swear MRA and Feminist shits are the same crap but just change the genders.
Jerry is the only good guy on the show. The rest of them are just fucking desperate little shits that live only for tomorrow.
You missed the point.

Rick and Summer weren't blaming their mom for anything. Beth was upset at them for things, upset that she had to go to the therapist for them and upset that her dad let her down in a really roundabout way while lying to her.

Beth decides it's a disciplinary problem with the kids who are acting out because of Beth's life decisions. But Summer's just a teen who tried to get high, which is normal (though she got weird and stupid with it), and Morty is a nervous boy in the middle of puberty whose body is rebelling against him, which is also normal (though he really should be able to control himself enough to get to a bathroom). Neither kid blamed their shit on their mom, they took it on themselves.

Beth is the one pushing things onto the kids and then making herself into a martyr. Hell, she's also the one taking her frustrations about her dad, out on them. When the therapist annoyed her, she lashed out at the kids, and tried to shame them too. She's acting shitty and not handling her new life, well. The therapist spent the entire hour, basically getting Beth to admit that her dad let her down by not going to therapy with her family, and intentionally caused trouble for himself to get out of it. The moment she got away from the therapist, she immediately fell back into old habits, praising her dad, wallowing in his attention, indulging in alcoholism and ignoring her kids.
I wonder if they'll ever address just what it was that made Beth so unheathily obsessed with her father.
I wonder what would happen if Beth were to die?

would Rick jump to a new dimention or would he feel bad about leaving his Morty behind with a dead mum and a loser dad.
So do we think that Beth and Jerry will actually improve as people and reconcile at the end of the season? Maybe he'll get a job and a spine and she'll get over some of her daddy issues?
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this sounds accurate

but stefan molyneux is shit.
>A single working mother is struggling
>immediately declare her a cunt and side with an unemployed pathetic beta loser
Yet another example of 4chan's misogyny
Remember in Universe C-137, without Rick and with everything gone to shit, Jerry becomes a great patriarch of the feral Smiths.
This is bait.
>I don't like this fact so it's clearly bait
Sure thing buddy
Does it matter? We all know it'll just be a lie next season. The opener this season shows that any attempt at drama this show makes is going to be bullshit.
I still think that's an alien roach that was left behind when the Galactic Federation abandoned Earth.
I mean, you can't kill a roach hurting its head; they can live for an entire week without it before starving to death, Christ.
Okay gaggot, I'll bite.

Beth is a spiteful, petty person with a drinking problem. She treated her husband like shit, with Jerry gone, she treats her kids like shit. She lets her father who, while he loves the grandkids in his own way, is a dangerously unstable person who sees himself as beyond the laws and mores of humanity.

At best, she's wildly negligent, and at worst she's actively spiteful. None of these are tied to her having a vagina. So by implying our issues with her are because of her anatomy, you're choosing to see her as a woman first amd ignore the glaring character flaws, reducing her to her gender amd not a character. That makes you the sexist, not us.
how is she struggling? she chose to be single because she chose her interdimensional father who, by the way, dumped his original daughter in another original dimension he came from

>pathetic beta loser
she chose Jerry and had kids with him in the first place
*lets her father take the kids into dangerous situations
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My parents divorced when I was a kid. We went through the same thing as on R&M, saw Dad every second weekend and went to therapy. I didn't like it.
She'd either get really pissed off or go on an alcoholic mental breakdown from the fact that her dad and son have been dead for months and she never noticed honestly that be a really interesting episode
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every Beth needs their Jerry

its that obvious

what happens to a Rick without its Morty?
He left before she got a chance to know him.

So he was wild, free, adventurous, and she was left with her normal mother.
Except he is right. All the time. And when he's wrong it's too prove some shitty point. The show suck's Rick's dick harder than reddit.
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>Not realizing the writers want you to think they are going for something deep when in reality they are just fucking with you and don't give a shit about the overarching plot.

The fact that people look so deep into the show looking for something that isnt there is the entire point of all of these moments.
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>every Beth needs their Jerry

Every Jerry needs their Beth, though?
>I also really hope she gets no comeuppance either

Considering how the show's gone on, shitty characters rarely get their comeuppance.
That doesn't count. The previous episode was about staying in abusive relationships while this one was about calling for help and getting out of one. Family Guy can't make a serious episode if they could.
It's exactly this. Idolizing the parent who left is a common mistake with the children of divorce, especially when it happens younger.
He didn't write the episode.
Good breakdown Anon.

I'd also like to mention that Morty is a nervous kid who's been through a lot of shit. I wouldn't fault him for peeing in the middle of class. It's understandable.

Even though everyone hates R&M right now, I'm glad we can all get togeather and hate Beth and understand why she is the way she is.
Based on an old interview back from season 1, they also stated that on top of everything else Beth looks down on her mother, the one who raised her on her own, for not being the one to leave Rick. While Rick was the "brave" one for leaving, despite him abandoning her.

I imagine Rick's relationship was just as dysfunctional, I'd bet his wife was the Jerry while Rick was Beth.
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Jerry is actually a better parent than Beth. Jerry has been shown to give a fuck about his kids and try to help them, but Beth doesn't give a fuck about them.

>family therapy
>turning yourself into a pickle and going on a murder spree to become normal again

cherry picking doesn't serve you well
Nah, I'm pretty sure that isn't his original Morty.

In the pilot (Universe C-137) Beth says that she hadn't seen her father in over 20 years, which is 6 years before Morty was born but in the Evil Morty episode Rick has a memory of holding a baby Morty.

So this Rick probably got his original Morty killed doing some stupid shit and found a universe where their own Rick was already dead and just popped himself in.
Is she working? She lost her job because the alien government made pills that made horses perfectly healthy and live forever.

Assuming the effects wore off, I'd have to imagine that business is slow at the horse-hospital and they'd need to cut back.
Well, those aliens left didn't they? I doubt man kind would be capable of replicating whatever drug the aliens had had.
So because your mother was horrible, all women are? My mother was lucky to get out of her relationship when she did. She had to raise four kids, alone. Believe it or not, it can actually be the man's fault sometimes.
This. My parents have been divorced for 16 years, and he's never tried anything like this. I only wish I realized he didn't care sooner.
After his Morty died do you think it's in character for Rick to just leave without a notice or do you think he brought Morty's corpse to the family and was banned from ever seeing them again because of it.
If it was the first fucked up thing that happened he may have tried to fix the situation some how but I imagine he probably just got super drunk and bailed out of that universe the same way he bailed out on his family in the C-137 timeline.
I think Rick would've been too ashamed of himself, I mean we'd have to assume that its the reason he wants to kill himself. So I doubt he bring the body to anyone. He probably ran from his original universe.

Women think like this.
The current episode pointed out that Rick isn't superior to Jerry because he would commit suicide than maintain a healthy relationship. I argue that him and Beth are too arrogant to admit that they're lifestyle is unhealthy. Despite being the world's smartest man in the universe, Rick doesn't see the stupidity in turning himself into a helpless pickle just to avoid therapy.
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The only difference is that the former are mocked and ridiculed openly while the latter have positions of institutional power and social influence/legitimacy.
Jerry Redemption Arc when??
>he might actually get custody of the kids at this rate.

Aren't Summer and Morty both old enough that the courts would also take their wishes into account? Hell, Summer is probably a year away from it not mattering anyway. If both Jerry and Beth are in a position where they could both take care of them, I could see Rick doing scummy thing of having Summer and Morty bots shit blast Jerry in court so Beth can keep them.
>season 3 starts
>Morty shows Summer that her universes grandpa and brother are dead
>no shits given due to the dire need right now
>Morty shows her the life he and Rick straight up abandoned
>still no shits
>end up in MadMax land
>she shits out the wazzo
>was pretty much left there to die
>she kinda got married and then divorced
>Beth for 3 weeks had a "normal" time with robot family
>a small but comparable version of the simulation Jerry got but at a house scale
>season continues and it turns out Rick is the one dicking with Jerry will all the small things
>Morty may not care too much for Jerry but doesn't care for Rick's shit either
>Morty shows Beth his universe and goes full...

>"Your dad is dead, your son is dead, and your life would have been a lot better if it stayed that way but then me an Rick showed up and all this just keeps going. There are infinite versions of this going on right now and in grand scheme of things you can't do much but you can try to be happy Beth. Rick owns me, I have nothing to go back to, it's only more weird adventures where things can go shit in blink of an eye. I'm not telling you to get back with Jerry I'm just telling you not to love a man who only had you to use your son as a shield."
>Beth looks at then shattered melting version of herself
>"That man isn't my father?"
>"Beth; any man who comes in and says he's your dad is a lying sack of shit."
summer learned in season 1 that her rick and morty died.

i do think revealing to beth would be an upcoming season climax, it would fuck her up.

I love how there's always poignant moment is R&M that knocks Rick down to the vulnerable person his his, like the therapist scene, only to have it shattered by a ridiculous scenario like Jaguar that he ended up crafting from the get go.

Makes me fucking crack up everytime.
I never particularly cared for her before but Goddamn they are setting her up to be a massive cunt.
God damn Moral Orel was depressing.
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>the women cans don't have meatballs
Now THAT'S funny.
That's why the B plot was Pickle Rick going Die Hard using super science.
But that is just good marketing. Girls eat Chef Boyardee as well, and little kids often report that they didn't consider something until they saw a self insert doing it.

If they were virtue signaling, it would have been HARLEY QUINN and Vixen (Black female cape).
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People expect this to be a dark humor show, but it's actually very light-hearted.
Didn't Rick say early on that he is running out of suitable universes to run to?
Will be funny if Rick realizes that getting Jerry out of the house was one of the worst decisions he's made.

I wouldn't consider Jerry selfish. Even after being forced out of their daily lives, he's shown to care about Summer and Morty's safety. He also seems to be the only one who cares about them emotionally unlike Beth and Rick.
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Nope, Bearing and Chris Ray Gun

And this is /co/ related due to the animation.




I know Antifa and BAMN ate basically headquartered in /co/ but at least I left the key to the door.
I really didn't understand why Morty was saying the divorce was Jerry's fault and he was being a baby when Rick literally said that it was part of his plan
I don't understand why Morty said Jerry had to man up and decide when that's literally what he did.

The problem is that this is not a plot hole or anything, it's just that the mind set of the writers is alien to you or I.
Beth is just a means to an end to Rick, in every way imaginable.

She pays the bills and the rent, plus direct access to unwilling minions in terms of Morty and Summer.

Hell, I'm sure Rick would just kill Beth if she ever tried to deny him access to Morty.

He has to suck up to her and give her faint praise, but as seen in this week's episode, he's willing to do something as insane as turn himself into a pickle to avoid going to family therapy with her
Anyone else get the feeling Beth just wants to get banged by her dad?
yeah give us a sauce dude
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Not fucking true.

Dad's only get custody if the mom says "fuck it" and does not fight it or the mom is such a fuck up/monster that a judge can't fucking allow the kid to stay with them. And even then, there are judges out there who will STILL give them custody, because "fuck fathers".

And the degrees in which dads get fucked over depends on the states and how easy they allow women to divorce their husband for maximum suffering. Case in point, California has laws saying that if you make it to ten years in a marriage, a woman gets the maximum child support/alimony the courts can award; creating a situation where you have a lot of women purposely only staying married ten years, so they can then rape their ex to the fullest extent of the law.
Rick is the biggest coward in the multiverse. Jerry may be a pathetic, spineless human being, but at least he admits what he is. Rick is all about escapism; the booze, the drugs, the portal gun, all of it is an escape from real issues regarding his family and himself. Something goes to shit? Portal into another parallel dimension where its okay. Perhaps the nicest and cruelest thing he did was abandon Beth at a young age, because she became a shithead just like him in a desperate attempt to be like him, hoping to gain his approval. Rick is a man who keeps on running not to live, but to not look back
More like they continue to try and see the shrink on the downlow but get turned away because the shrink isn't running a charity, but she calls child welfare on Beth.
My uncle didn't win custody of my cousins until after his wife straight up abandoned them to go to Mexico with her boyfriend, where they were then arrested.
Well it's probably more realistic. Now Rick is changing mentality and trying to abandon things less (trying to fix bad situations, not bailing to alternate universes constantly). Other plots result from eventual collision courses (rick eventually getting captured by the government and dealing with the council, beth and jerry divorce, kids dealing with it)

So yeah, the new episodes lack a certain outlandish wackiness but they aren't terrible.

WAIT A SECOND. Rick is actually C-137 then.

The Council of Ricks keeps calling him C-137 and his portal gun registers him as such too. So Rick likely did abandon his original reality C-137, fucked around in alternate realities, and then fucked up so bad he went back to his original.

Unless there's some awesome arc where it's revealed he really is from another reality and snuck into the C-137 reality and took the place of its Rick.
I just wanted someone to admit they missed Jerry.

I mean sure, he's a sadsack. But he was their dad.
Depends on the state.

Some states let kids decide, some allow them to make their case for which parent they want to live with (but judges can and often do tell them to fuck off), and some point blank refuse to acknowledge what the kid actually wants.

Also, while they have not stated it, they might as well have implied that Jerry is effectively ceding custody simply because he honestly thinks that (even with the cancer that is Rick), the kids will be better off with Beth if only because she has the house plus job. Part of me suspects, Beth might actually be OK with Jerry having custody of the kids. Granted Rick will never let it happen, but I can see her and her daddy issues allowing it to happen.

Now, Summer COULD legally emancipate herself. But Morty is super duper fucked. Especially since it was heavily implied in the first multiple Rick episode, that Morties that try and walk out on their Ricks end up dead.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Seems fine to me.
Jerry is an unproductive stupid piece of shit. Just because he became a famous actor in alternate realities where he's not married doesn't mean he's good at anything. There are hundreds of famous actors who had a good run just because they're famous and then spiraled into nothing. They literally showed Jerry directing Dead Cat Lady 2, shaving his head, and leading a police chase while on cocaine.

Jerry wouldn't be so insufferable if he was actually nicer to people and helped people. There are tons of Jerrys in the world (people who are meek and weak) that are valuable because they cook a great dinner for their family or do charity or can hold an interesting conversation. But not this Jerry. This Jerry is a shit.
Jerry will sue for full custody and he will keep Rick out of their life. So season 4 will be Rick trying to get Jerry backtogether with Beth. This could also happen partway through the season
Stef is usually pretty good on gender dynamics and such, having grown up with a single mother.

I think his ideal future is way too naive and I think he puts too much faith in the common man's potential for morality. But when he's right he's right.

Besides, it's not like single mothers being bad is news to anyone.
The entire episode was insanely unfunny, and not in a fascinating or alluring way. The entire psychology portion was dull and made me miss when Rick and Morty was about ridiculous adventures.

Beth is one of the most annoying characters I've seen in any recent show. Her father issues and issues with her kids are the last thing I want to see, and I couldn't have possibly cared less.
>realizing that single mothers are bad makes you an MRA
Crazy fucking world we live in.
He's stated before that it's a big fucking hassle to switch universes. Likely in no small part due to the fact that he'd have to either find one that's close enough to his that's missing a Rick or kill that Rick and take his place.

The only time we've seen him do it was when the universe he was in was so fucked up that it was less trouble to ditch it than it was to fix it.
I'm just interested in what becomes of the skeptic community now. Most have admitted to being fools by refusing to even debate the validity of racial IQ scores, thereby becoming the same as the creationists they tore down.
...but he's been married for 15 years and has a daughter?
The issue is Beth is a bitch. We're supposed to feel bad for her on some level, but she treats her kids like shit, she obsessively clings to her asshole dad, and she consistently treated Jerry like garbage to the point where she invalidated him and tossed him out.
But that's wrong you retard. Fathers only ever get custody if the mom doesn't care to fight for it.
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>on 4chan
Pot, meet kettle
>Inplying Bob's Burgers isn't the best show there
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>/co/ constantly shits on Rick and Morty
>there's seven threads up all bitching about the last episode

You faggots are just fueling the fire with your intense hate-boner for this shit. Just stop giving it attention if you hate it so much, fucking christ, get your shit together. Put it all in a bag or something, I don't care, just get your shit together.
It's just the Rick self-insert circlejerk
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Damn anon, that sounds like Clay Puppington levels of shit-daddery. Glad things worked out for you
It's Adventure Time all over again.
I never complained about the female writers but Beth seriously needs a fuck you moment for being the worst
>Reading that in Morty's voice

Good shit, anon. Replace the Beths and Jerry's with Moms and Dads and you've got a solid scene there
Yeah well usually people see divorce as a bad thing but being in many bad relationships let me tell you, divorce is one of the best fucking things you can do in some situations.

If a relationship gets to the point where it is poisoning you and your partner and neither one is happy, what's the fucking point of staying together??
It's pretty brainlet tier, straddling the border of family guy tier.
>they said they hired a woman to direct season 3
>suddenly family issues
Nah it's Morty showing a level of disconnect and showing Beth what Rick does.

>"... The weird thing is that even though he can't straight up mind control people as far as I know he has this Inception machine that's just as good. He could could of made the entire world love him by now but he's just too busy trying to find a way to get back everyone who he thinks they've crossed him. Keep an eye on him mom I got a bad feeling about Summer."

Seriously those dream entering devices are some gnarly shit when you think of it.
>one response having near nothing to do with jaguar at all

I demand jaguar be allowed to see his millions of other daughters
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For the kids, anon. For the kids.
Season 1 showcased how much of an asshole Rick was.

Season 2 showcased how much of an asshole Jerry was.

Season 3 showcased how much of an asshole Beth is.
Yes because having divorced parents is much more traumatizing than watching your drunken father throw a whiskey bottle at the TV sending sparks flying everywhere before he beats the shit out of your mom and moves on to beating the shit out of you

Yeah I see exactly what you're saying.

this show exists on this board so people who need a mayter

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ITT people who think this show might actually be good someday
it's good now

If you don't like it, well, that's just like, your opinion, man
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>it's good now
I guess this is what it's like to watch Stockholm syndrome happen in real life
>family issues has been consuming the show since season 2
Where the fuck are you guys watching the show at i didn't catch it on tv any mega links?
ah yes because everybody has to like exactly the same things you like I forgot
It would be nice if most people liked things that are actually good, yes
I used to hate Jerry. Then season 2 made me like him. I miss Jerry.
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lol why?

He's a complete idiot and has no guts whatsoever

He kind of redeemed at the start of season 3 when he finally put his foot down saying it was him or Rick, but then he went back to being a bitch by lingering and not just leaving.

And Jerry has the potential to become a badass and be great, when the world got Chronenberged he stepped up and showed that he could be the boss; when the federation took over he was doing well under their control.

If he would go out buck up and stop being a bitch he'd find a good job be a big earner and then maybe his wife and kids would look up to him instead of being a mopey doormat for everyone.
>He has to suck up to her and give her faint praise
But there was season 2's finale.
that episode handled the topic of domestic abuse terribly.
t. femanon
Well, we all know that incest is one line Rick won't cross so Beth would be shit out of luck in that department.
In one of millions of realities a real Sleepy Gary exists for Jerry.
The idea is that everyone's just like Rick, it's a matter of scale.
No, he was quoting a message he got from a fan. He does it all the time.
Neither do you apparently.
3 episodes anon. Give it time.
I want this to happen and be the moment Beth realises Rick doesnt care.
>I cant believe ths kids are gone
>Yeah, oh I know sweetie, *burp* Hey, I tell you whaat, why dont I go stay at Jerrys for a while to make sure theyre okay?
Seriously, that whole Sleepy Gary/Jerry thing was the realest shit I have ever seen.
I miss Sleepy Gary
That's literally what Morty told his mom.
If Beth doesn't kill herself at the end of this season the whole thing will be a waste.
Do you think Rick drinks to numb all the shit he goes through?
It's fun to watch and doesn't overstep its boundaries.
>he thinks family issues haven't been there since the very first episode

Have you even watched this show before.
By season 4, Morty should be enough of an asshole to get the spotlight.

Summer is already kind of an asshole but not on the level of the others. She just wants to text and get high, not ruin people.
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When will Morty show Beth their graves?
There's no way Jerry is going to come out of this the good guy while Beth is depicted as "bad" even though she is.
He won't, because that's a personal burden.
or.....he visited his infant grandson without them knowing he was there.
it's more likely that rick is a shitbag.
which is why he immediatly knew what to do when he fucked the world up in the kronos-jew episode.
>Why didn't Rick go to another universe where Jerry is a good guy and loved by his family?

Any universe where Jerry is a good guy is a universe where Rick isn't welcome in their home.
I hope he does just in a form or revenge.
Starts off with Beth demanding Morty listen to her and stop being so negative towards Rick, go into Morty yelling "You're not my real mother!" in that way all kids do. Continue with a pained explanation complete with him dragging her out to show her her father, now a desiccated corpse.

They both get kicked out of the house, next season is Rick and Morty trying to find a universe where they fit in.
Ah jeez. That'll be the second total reboot in 3 sesons.
well they only get like 4 or 5, so 9 seasons confirmed?
End the next season with them going back to the CronnenVerse where it turns out Rick could have totally fixed everything but it would have taken effort he had previously deemed not worth it but he had run out of options by then.

Deboot and work around with only Ricks family having any memories of the Cronnenverse and the consequences surrounding that.
>Deboot and work around with only Ricks family having any memories of the Cronnenverse and the consequences surrounding that.

would beth drop muscle jerry for rick?
The main thread every season should stay with is Rick is not a good guy. He's not a typical hero archetype. He's an unrepentant dick.

There's no search for Sauce, he may have at one point literally planned his life around getting sauce, but now he's onto his next distraction from having to face everything he is. The closest we'll ever get to him facing that is the Unity episode.

Past that the series can only end one way.

C-137 Rick being revealed as a fraud, who wasn't Morty's original Rick, everybody rejecting him with their genuine Rick comes back, Morty choosing the false Rick

End card of false Rick and Morty crashing Ricks ship into Genuine Rick cause false Rick forgot something in the Garage.
Did we ever get a clue as to what happened to his original morty? For that matter, what happened to Morty's original rick then?
Morty's original Rick is just off doing shit, but I'd like it if Morty's original rick was on the council of Ricks, that'd be nice.
>Morty's original rick was
killed by his new rick.
> that'd be nice

Horseshoe theory in action.

Like extreme righters and extreme leftists. Different platforms, but the same base methodology.

Personally, I like having characters grow and change.

I know that's anathema to most comic fans. Even Superman having a kid triggered /co/
nice word.
I will never use it.
that sounds retarded.
The tagline for season one was "Science is simple, family isn't. "

I'm telling you guys the punchline of the season will be Jerry being right
He doesn't need a redemption arc, he's been in the right and cool since episode one of season one. Sure he might be kind of a coward or a dork sometimes but he will ALWAYS man up when he needs to. It's the rest of the family that's garbage.
That scenario is not a reality for the vast amount of couples that decide to seperate.
It certainly isn't in this cartoon.
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>Rick is a man who keeps on running not to live, but to not look back

Nah, Rick doesn't give a shit because it literally does not matter; that's what he's "escaping" from and that's why he's got that nihilistic outlook. He understands that nothing he does makes any difference - prevent one rape in one universe? It still happened in infinite others. Rape someone in another? It didn't happen in infinite others because you're an anomaly in it, rather than a standard effect. An anon in a previous thread summed it up perfectly, so I'll just paste what he wrote.
>watch rick and morty for the cool adventures of a grandpa and his grandson to strange worlds
>get family melodrama and morty being a background character
Yes this episode was so lame with all the animal mutilation, destruction of government property and physical gags from dueling with Rick as a pickle with rat limbs.
It was not funny and it was a reference to some movie/actor I think. I want grandson and grandpa adventures, like we had in s1.

I get the impression that it was what the other guy said at first, then shifted into Rick-sucking as the retarded fans were pandered to.

I think the point is that despite Rick being "right" he's still supposed to be wrong for his approach. Rick and Morty basically share the same beliefs but Morty is able to cope better because he doesn't just throw everything to the wind because "nothing matters lol". Rick does though and it makes him miserable.
His portal gun was destroyed, retard. Pay attention.
>I'd also love it if Beth did get a complete Fuck You moment or two just so faggots would shut up about "Muh Female Writers"
I thought we JUST got one
It's literally 3 episodes into the season
I thought men had better things to do than raise children tho? Is it not a woman's job? If men got the majority of custody you'd complain about that too
>last minute
>this season was written a year and 8 months ago and took that long to completely finish

Yes this was all just very thrown together
He abandoned her and she probably had a very shitty upbringing with her mother
She just wants validation that her dad does love her and isn't going to hurt her again
She is new to the father-daughter relationship thing so she kisses his ass to try to make him happy
I miss the rick and morty adventures dynamic in season 1. Not feeling the whole summer being forced in their adventures. We'll probably only get the one or two episodes with only rick and morty doing something together, if we're lucky
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Yes, you don't get to be an alcoholic this bad without covert incest
Yeah, why would a father even want to see his children? Men don't even want kids. He should just focus on his career and send them money since that is all men are good for.
>The bottles in the first one
He knew, he knew it was coming
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