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Does /co/ like Moon Girl?

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Does /co/ like Moon Girl?
According to sales, next to nobody likes Moon Girl.
>that punisher skull top left
Never noticed that before.
Another black girl created by non-blacks, so she's just a generic fuck who's too scared to push boundaries or act like a real person? No.
she's #WOKE!!!

she's a hardcore #milkshakedrinker!!!

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I hardly know a thing about her. There's nothing in the appeal to make me want to change that.
She's shit and needs to die (painfully and permanently)

Is she the right age for cute?
Someone post the page where she gets upset that her teacher isn't oppressing her.

I never read her
all I know is her book sells very little, but some kind of deal for little kids makes it profitable, the same goes for squirrel girl (I am not American)

I think it looks strange how Marvel suddenly decided to make 2 of their smartest heros young black girls. Only one wouldnt have been weird, but too is kind of strange.
She really didn't click with me, but I can see why other people like her so much.
Hell no

I absolutely hate Moongirl.
"Small child is the smartest person on Earth" is fine in a comedy setting like Dexter's Lab or Jimmy Nuetron or some shit, but not in a cape book. In this setting it's just obnoxious.

Especially when people like Doom and Richards are running around.

Wrong spunky young hyper-intelligent black female. I know, it's confusing that Marvel has so many all of a sudden.
This gave me cancer.
Do you genuinely think only blacks should write black characters?
You can't /thread your own posts, that's the same as liking your own comment. It's just pathetic.
I think Iron Heart is actually an adult. Unless she's a kid inside an adult sized robot suit. I've only seen her in crossovers.

you already knew the answer to this and just wanted an excuse to incite more shitpost, didn't you?
>I'm totally going to be Tony Stark
So when is she going to kill Tony and steal his identity then?

Bendis is working on it.
I'd like to ruin her capacity to sit on anything thinner than a grapefruit, if that's what you're asking.
Nope! but I don't hate her neither... although I hate that better characters with better sales were canceled.

Tony's a drunk hologram right now, so it wouldn't require much effort at this point.
She was in university when she stole the parts she needed to build her own Ironman suit.
She's alright for an all ages book. Her book is pretty cute.
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>Black character.
>Steals shit.
Probably could have made a better impression on what few Devil Dinosaur fans there are by not starting the book by killing off Moon Boy.
>I'm totally going to be Tony Stark.
And then she went on to commit the more brazen and daring act of identity theft the world will ever know.
Although she was 16 when she was in university. Funny how shes supposed to be a super prodigy but talks like a horrid Millenial/Chip Zdarsky type character.
She honestly could have been a great character, just like Riri Williams.

However, that requires taking chances and making an assload of mistakes compared to the small few successes most superheroes achieve throughout their life span.
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Devil Dinosaur already killed Moonboy, though.

So when is her descent into alcoholism?
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>Making fun of Chip Zdarsky
D&C, stop shitting all over Chip Zdarsky. It endlessly annoys me and makes me want to block you on Youtube and twitter.
I remember skimming trough a couple of issues of her series, they weren't horrible, but they weren't particularly interesting either, so i'm indifferent towards her character.
I wouldn't mind her if Marvel didn't obnoxiously shill her as THE SMARTEST, YES, EVEN SMARTER THAN REED, DEAL WITH IT FANBOYS and if she stayed in her own all ages book where she can make boxing gloves on springs that can punch out the Hulk and rocket boots or whatever else, without directly affecting any other mainline books.

As it is, the push behind making a little black girl the smartest character, smarter than all of those other smart characters, was pure tell-don't-show bullshit that Marvel expects us to swallow just because she's a little black girl.
Shoving her into so many books and events where she's written like shit just makes that even more obnoxious, because she's only being shoved into all of these dumb events so they can show off how smart she is to everyone who isn't reading her solo (which is everyone because those sales are fucking abysmal).

ffs, characters like Moon Girl have no business showing up as a guest star in a Venom book of all things.
No, she's too full of herself and it's not worth reading.
I mean, zdarsky tries really hard, god bless him. But comedy is not about trying.
Would you read Moon Girl if they dropped all the pretenses and just had her be a preteen super villain?
>Doing science
Smartest character in the Marvel universe ladies and gentlemen.
Remember when marvel made a list of the top 5 smartest characters in their world, and all of them were minority women from New York?
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Ooooh! I'd actually like to see that. Someone should post it and feed the rage.
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She talks a lot of shit.
apparently she's supposed to be THE smartest person in the Marvel Universe. The problem is that she flaunts this title while giving lectures on how great she is and then doesn't do anything remotely interesting or groundbreaking.
She's apparently smarter than Reed Richard, Amadeus Cho and Tony Stark. So what are her actual accomplishments?
Fair point, but I should have specified that my liking for Zdarsky is mostly because of his flawless shitposting on the internet.

I wish I had taken a screen cap of Zdarsky and Ellis shitposting on some random image board.
Actually, yes. The idea of a pre-teen supergenius with delusions of grandeur who wants to remake the world in her own image because she thinks she's smarter than everyone else is a premise that has some solid weight to it. That's not even counting the fact that she can body swap with a giant red mutant T-Rex.

No, but I do remember the one they released as part of their official "top 10" videos where they bumped Reed down to #2 just to showcase Lunella in the top spot. Given the state of modern Marvel, I can completely believe that they'd make another one where the entire list is dominated by minority girls from NYC. Isn't that a thing in Unstoppable Wasp?
>I'll look at you any way I like boy
Das racist

>So what are her actual accomplishments?

Being young and black and a girl.
I don't nose.
Never read anything she's in. When she debuted, I was told she's suppose to be the smartest, which just seems lazy.
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Yes, I know. God, I love Warren Ellis.
>So what are her actual accomplishments?
She built a device to monitor the terrigan cloud, made several robot duplicates, built an interdimesional space ship, and made a life-sized Triceratops robot out of legos.

That's not even approaching Jimmy Neutron levels of child genius. Get back to me when she invents a cheese ray.
>my sole motivator is spite. if no one will actually wrong me, I have to invent wrongs to feel justified

That's a villain's origin story right there.
Didn't she invent a machine that converted the Terrigan Cloud into a harmless substance?
>but some kind of deal for little kids makes it profitable

I heard she sells well at those book fairs they have at elementary schools, but those sales aren't counted in the comic sales because it's not from a comic book shop which is why her sales numbers look so low, but they haven't canceled her series.
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See, what little I read of her comic seemed to imply that while she was smart, she was too full of herself to be effective about it. Like, they seemed to be trying to balance her with flaws.

Every crossover I see of her seems hellbent on throwing any of that out the window for "world's smartest person is a little black girl what you got a problem with that?"

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's definitely the impression one gets in passing.
My first impression of her was complete garbage, it seemed like someone took two seconds to think her up. That being said I've only ever read her in crossovers and honestly she seemed ok. If her solo book gets a writer I enjoy I might actually pick up her book
I think that was Forge but she did redesigned his machine to be more compact.
Actually it sounds like your average 4chan poster.
>Maybe I'm wrong, but that's definitely the impression one gets in passing.

Or by reading America, where Moon Girl gives a lecture saying that the rules shouldn't apply to special people like her.

As if "smartest person in the universe" isn't a fucking revolving door spitting out a new a sap every other comic.
The bare concept of having a character that is a) black and b) smart says nothing because those are characteristics that you're born with.
I don't know, i haven't read it. Should I?
Keep in mind i'm not a SJW but only slightly racist like most human beings. I've no problem with black characters but find moments like >>94363238 kinda cringe, tell me what are the good things about it and i might consider it.
That moment isn't in this comic, that's from something else.

A SIMILAR moment happens but from my recollection it read more like "you can't do this thing because you are a child no matter how genius you are", and I don't recall it being a race thing. It was obnoxious anyway because it required great leaps of disbelief to think anyone let alone a teacher would believe something so wrong let alone teach it (qualifier: i don't remember what it was but I remember it being dumb as hell). But no, it wasn't a race thing. Pretty sure.

I don't remember anything of the mainline comic being about race, really, but I could be wrong, and I didn't get very far because what I saw in storytimes didn't convince me to give it money.
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It's this gleeful vampiric relationship to the suffering of older generations that's so shameful. Apparently I'm supposed to be cheering on this despicable person? She's got her own personal victimhood that she wears on her sleeve wherever she goes and that's her motivation? Pretend the world beats you down so you can rub it in their faces.

Marvel you are lost in the fucking thicket of generation Z's fee fees. And generations will be looking back at this period and crowning it the epitome of cringe. This shit makes me cringe harder than Millar. This shit makes me cringe harder than Greg Land tracing porn in his books. This shit is another level.
Ok, i'll read online (for free) a couple issues to test the waters.
Again, it's worth pointing out that that sequence is not from this comic.
>"Tell me im going to suck at life because im black and a girl"
>"No why would i do that as you female teacher"
>"fine you'll never be anything in life"

jesus who wrote this tripe
I somewhat suspect it's an edit but... I honestly cannot be sure.
Now it's was written by Brian Micheal Bendis. This is not an edit.I thought it was too, till I bought the issue.
>Implying the average poster here wouldn't become a supervillain if given powers
Fucking really? Ha. Well, memes aside that actually kind of improves my opinion of it a bit. I mean it makes the character seem like a petty bitch but credit where it's due, the writer seems to be aware of it.
Jesus... Just imagine for a sec. The Cheese Ray is HORRIFYING. That the science for that device exists. It can turn anything into Cheese. Think about it. Is it permanent? Does it work on living tissue? Can it be set to other objects besides cheese? If used on a person does the person still percieve its surroundings? Its a fucking alchemy laser and Jimmy invented it JUST TO SEE IF HE COULD/FOR THE LULZ! And thats not even the fucking scariest thing he has ever invented. There is a list a mile wide and I will leave it to you all to list examples as I have a hard time even picking even one but Moon Gurl thinks shes hot shit because she made robot duplicates? Really!?
It would depend on the setup but Lunella would definitely work better as a villain.
I've read the first couple TPBs and I enjoyed them. They aren't earth shattering story-telling, but they are enjoyable comics. Modern cape comics could use more like Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.
Her other disguise is Riri
Alright I'm back. It was surprisingly good, albeit its second chapter not as interesting the first due the T-Rex chase scene taking many pages.

From what i've read i think it'd be a great comic to gift to a daughter or a little to teenager sister or niece, assuming it doesn't stray in tone too much from the first two chapters. Other than that and letting aside i'm obviously not part of the target audience, i liked quite a bit the character designs and how they feel more or less like people (aka not acting like caricatures but keeping in mind the age of the protagonist when it comes to her emotions).
It's just me or Lunella is kinda thicc? Not that i'm complaining.
The only things i didn't like were how oddly smart the cavemen got since they reached the earth. The dinosaur acts like a dangerous pet out of a Disney movie but i guess it's okay for the kind of story it is.

A solid 3 out of 5 Stars so far imo.
Sounds about right.
>serengetti isn't africa
It's in Africa though.
Someone post the edits already
Not at all.
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>Would you read Moon Girl if they dropped all the pretenses and just had her be a preteen super villain?
>Actually, yes. The idea of a pre-teen supergenius with delusions of grandeur who wants to remake the world in her own image because she thinks she's smarter than everyone else is a premise that has some solid weight to it. That's not even counting the fact that she can body swap with a giant red mutant T-Rex.
The T-Rex likes her on his Dino-cock
come on dude, she solved A PUZZLE, the hardest to ever exist, created by THE Bruce Banner, not even he could solve it, and he made it! She is just sooooo smart :P
No, but the white writers need to do a better fucking job. I have no problem with Black Panther, or Luke Cage though.
Sure, the Legion of Sivanas was my favorite part of Multiversity, so why not a gender- and race-swapped version?
If Moon Girl is so smart, why didn't she get tagged by Nick Fury to try and cure the zombie plague?
REAL geniuses can find the beauty in anything, even the corpse of the person who ate your children.
See, that's what's so weird about the crossover stuff I keep seeing.

The main comic, from what I saw, was making the point that solving some bullshit Reed made up doesn't really mean anything. SHE'S the one making the assertion that she's the smartest person in the world.

But it's like when she shows up elsewhere everyone takes her at her word about it or something?
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Must have gotten an STD from the T-Rex. Last I heard, her snatch was covered in dino-sores.
Carlos that does it I'm calling ICE
What constitutes "a better job"?

Not baiting btw, I'm actually curious.
She's 15 which actually makes her younger than most of the teen heroes
Why are you so surprised? Everyone loves a good FRANK.
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I guess that T-Rex is in trouble, because bad stuff tends to happen to them before the ICE age.
>I heard she sells well at those book fairs they have at elementary schools, but those sales aren't counted in the comic sales because it's not from a comic book shop which is why her sales numbers look so low, but they haven't canceled her series.

Yeah I heard the same thing from two leftie comics podcasters ("Wait What?").

Then they actually looked at book fair catalogs and were puzzled to discover that Moon Girl isn't even listed.

The "she sells well at book fairs" is another stupid lie. Just like the lie about how "actually Ms. Marvel sells more digitally than physically; she's the best-selling Marvel title overall".

It's all nonsense. They publish Moon Girl because they're a bunch of out-of-touch white liberals.

To be honest, the Moon Girl book is fine. It's okay. I think it's obnoxious for Marvel promo to keep saying she's the smartest character evar, but it isn't like I have anything against the actual book. I think it'd be great if something like this could pull in new readers of any sort. But it's not. At all. It's an embarrassment.

And they put out this "book fair" lie to cover their ass.
I read the first issue and hated her. I don't know what they were thinking, but she came off as a egotistical little bitch who considers herself too smart to even interact with others. And as if that wasn't bad enough, it's annoying how unrealistically stupid everyone around her behaves, just for the sake of validating her shitty attitude.

If I was told that she was supposed to be a brat who improves as a person over the course of her run I'd give her a shot, since I love Devil Dinosaur. But it sounds like she's still a shit character.
I can't wait for Platoon.
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Goddammit Carlos
are we actually shipping a dinosaur and a little girl...?

GENIOUS, let s go make tumblr goes full autistic with this shit magic yoh

Nobody does. You're not supposed to.
when i read that panel for the first time i was actually surprised i undertand everything he said and was almost giving him a point, and then i asked myself what the fuck are you even thinking
It wasn't even Reed that made the puzzle, it was Banner. And it was just some random wiimote looking hologram thing with some buttons on it, the empty equivalent of Banner showing up out of nowhere and declaring her to be the smartest just because.

Everyone else taking her at her word is just more of Marvel's bare-faced shilling, and Lunella isn't the only one that gets this treatment. Just look at that one page in America that was just a bunch of other characters (and the author's self insert) talking about how amazing America is. If other characters say it's true, it must be true!

pure cancer
>She's smarterer than Reed Richards, Tony Stark, and all the other cis white males
yeah, no thanks
>Now imagine if the teacher said would never be Dr. Doom
Or a pornstar.
Serious question: why do they POC geniuses ALWAYS wear bowties?
Subtle nod to Malcolm X?
I'm glad that you're not baiting, because maybe you can recommend me something new to read up on.

A character who isn't afraid to dabble in stereotypes while embracing it, while not acting like either a "super smarter than you and also sassy" copy/paste character that I keep on seeing, or a boring 'straight man' shitter with barely any personality unless there's something serious going on, like Miles Morales.

Basically "a better job" is not doing what Bendis does. I know that Moon Girl isn't written by Bendis, but she's just as boring to me.
>Two extra accessible holes
Was he a scientific genius?
Super smart characters like moon girl are usually poorly written and therefore shitty, terrible, and boring as a result. The main issue with them is the character has to have someone sentient and capable of conversation to bounce ideas off of in order to create interesting dialogue that will keep the readers engaged. The two exceptions to this ruling are characters who internalize everything, and villains who work alone. I picked some examples of this
>Mr. Fantastic/ Beast talk to their respective teams about new discoveries and other science topics. Their teammates ask questions and we in turn are learning.
>Sherlock Holmes and Watson/ Batman and Robin have genius characters talking to their friends about adventures and discoveries otherwise it would them just talking to themselves
>Jimmy Neutron has two friends, Carl and Sheen, so he can talk to them about his new inventions
Moongirl has a dumb dinosaur that cannot speak to her, and has very limited facial expressions due to very poor illustrations. This means she has to carry the story all by herself, and if a character is not charming or likable, then it becomes very grating. Smart characters need an ally to illustrate how smart they are to the normal person, without shitting on pre-established heroes, which is frustrating if it is NOT a comedy. Ultimately, moongirl has no one to create interesting dialogue with, leading to shitty story telling.
Smart shithead characters need to get their comeuppance once in a while, else they're pointless. That's why Superior Spider-Man got grating and had awful tie-ins. That's why a lot of people hate Damian for all the times he gets away with being a little shit. Moon Girl never gets her comeuppance so her bratty character doesn't have a reason to exist
in setting full of super geniuses. just being yet another one is nothing special.
I'd give it up to one trade. She's VERY different and better in her solo than in the crossovers, much like chulk, and kamala. I don't like it, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

I think riri makes for a better villian. But riri with lunella as her sidekicks might work too.

Of course not. but because of self preservation the the current political environtment, lack of famliarity, or whatever the fuck is wrong with Bendis, white authors frequently hold back when it comes to black characters.

Simple example. Genndy vs Sanford Green and Walker do a stylized power man and iron fist that take cues from blacksplotiation movies. Genndy gets accused of being a racist , green and walker get a pass for much of the same shit.

There is NO way uncle rukkus or Jimmy rebel or black dynamite ever make it to air under white creators.
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Most notable counter examples that comes to mind is Ewing and Morrison, because of their super depth of knowledge of lore. Their shit tends to be absolutely soaked in the characters' history.
Honestly it's a solid all ages book and I can see why they made the deal with Schoolastic for indefinite printing.
I like her but I think they made her one of the smartest persons in the world too soon. Her book is good for kids.
She going to be plot in the future. I mean, Reed meeting moon-girl and getting outsmarted by her. That will drive him reeds nuts and doom too!
The most bizarre part of that was how every single statement in that lecture, no matter how banal, was punctuated by every character in attendance saying "Yeah! She's smart! I agree with her!". It's like the writer was terrified that the reader might disagree with her, so she tried to shore it up at every possible juncture. It's like the pseudointellectual version of a laugh track.
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The only thing that really bothers me is the whole her being the smartest person in the universe thing
Moon Girl would work better as a villain.
I'm not sure why everyone's so mad - this is obviously meant to be read as a joke not as a serious conversation.
>the evil version of Devil Dinosaur has feathers
pottery, featherists get the fuck out
>Reed: Absent
>Tony: Coma
>Xavier: Dead
>Strange: Character completely altered
>Black Bolt: Character assassinated
>Namor: More shit on than ever

I miss when the Illuminati were themselves. It's practically iconoclasm at this point. All just to try raise up some new characters they didn't have the confidence to let stand on their own.
Bendis can write neither jokes or conversations.
Yeah, but just because the joke isn't funny doesn't mean that it should be taken as a totally serious statement.

It's pretty much just a gag where a kid expects the teacher to react like teachers always do at the start of an inspirational movie about a young genius and she's waiting for her big scenes cue but thats all. Its just a lame gag, not a discourse on political philosophy.
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>only people of that race can write that character well
Sure worked well for America Chavez...
Wow, it's so brave.

If this is was it's like when women date women, well sir, then i think it's daggum alrighty with me.
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I'll post it for you :^)
God it's four times longer than i remembered.
I like her ongoing well enough. Her appearances in other books tends to range from unnecessary to grating though. Of course "character is better in their ongoing than in guest appearances by different creative teams" isn't unique only to her. Chulk has the same problem where his personality gets reduced to "dumb jock" in every book outside of his main one.
>When she debuted, I was told she's suppose to be the smartest
The whole "she's the smartest there is" didn't happen until issue like 12 of her book.
>they killed off fun prehistoric adventures for this
No and no.
So does that mean if this teacher said 'You will never be Doctor Doom' we could have had a villain origin story?
...This is a self-aware parody, right?
Looks like it.
I maintain the greatest way to flip this would be to make it is a puzzle box with no answer. An item to remind Banner or anyone who uses it that they do not hold all the answers, they are not perfect and can never answer every question. Imagine how much of a kick that would be to her ego, her entire claim resting on something that existed to keep the 'smart people' from getting over inflated egos.
Moon-Boy is still alive. Devil Dinosaur just got teleported to present day. Solicits have already revealed that the current arc ends with Moon-Girl traveling back in time and Devil Dinosaur staying behind so he can be with Moon-Boy.

That's why the Legacy arc is replacing DD with Ben and Johnny.
>Moon-Boy is still alive. Devil Dinosaur just got teleported to present day. Solicits have already revealed that the current arc ends with Moon-Girl traveling back in time and Devil Dinosaur staying behind so he can be with Moon-Boy.

That is sad.
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>Moon-Boy is still alive.
No he isn't. He overtly fucking died right before DD got pulled forever.
>most intelligent character known in the universe
>do nothing really clever
Evidently not, though I guess we won't know the context until the issue comes out.
Jokes are supposed to be funny. And consist of a set up and a punchline/pay off.
>Jokes are supposed to be funny.

Not all the time. There is bad and good or jokes that you can't laugh at.
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>Not all jokes are supposed to be funny
more like Coon Girl
But you guys sperge like he was totally serious.
the only thing about this that bothers me is the copy pasted face on the first and second pages
>I miss when the Illuminati were themselves.
The whole "Illuminati" shit was character assassination in itself. The writer's nam should've been a clue.
Let be for real, you ever got this moment when someone made a joke and you didn't find it funny?
Yeah, but they meant for them to be funny. They don't make them purposefully unfunny.
>purposefully unfunny.

Jokes are hard to make.
What a retodded thing to say.
No, but white writers who lack the balls to actually characterize a black character should avoid writing them.
better question: does /co/ like to be patronized and shilled?
then I'll /thread for him, because I agree

Has she actually done anything worthy of her supposed fame or whatever? ie building an even more advanced iron man suit or some such?
I like Ewing, but how come his books never seem to get popular? I don't remember exact sales numbers from last month, but they weren't great.
does it matter?
>I like Ewing, but how come his books never seem to get popular
because, let's face it, he's not really good. he might have lore, but he is incapable of writing something, that would be exciting.

it's just that you have vocal minority on /co/ who promotes him / shill him for free. and they like him, because ewing is pandering to them with the continuity wank.
She did help the team take down some hydras by forming a simple plan. She did travel to another universe and met another version of her.
>Moon Girl never gets her comeuppance
What about that time Chulk came along, humiliated her, and walked off with Devil Dinosaur in handcuffs?
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>Finding out Bendis wrote something improves your opinion of it.

So what would've happened if the teacher would've said "you'll never be the best cocksucker in this city."?

That page in America really made me appreciate Black Cat more, as the only one who had no idea and couldn't give any less of a shit who she was.
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The dialogue is cringe as fuck
arrrrr no why are you posting this
the trigggering............
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Source? Google is being a little creepy. The fullsized image search doesn't work either, but it's just the less amusing "Cartoon" one with no hits.
>liking inhumans
What's his best work? I'm going to guess Judge Dredd: Trifecta.

I suspect one thing is that they have him on continuity damage control rather than expanding the universe/
Cause, joke or not, its still her origin. And her origin is her getting annoyed that she isnt a victim, and going on to be a superhero out of pure spite alone
>Literally intrigued
Why the fuck would someone be figuratively intrigued?
>Every crossover I see of her seems hellbent on throwing any of that out the window for "world's smartest person is a little black girl what you got a problem with that?"
I think this is a big problem inherent with having characters get passed around between several different writers, maybe one of which understand the character and writes them well, whereas the rest have a surface-level understanding (or no understanding at all so they just make shit up) and write them like a caricature. It's stupidly inconsistent.
>Characters have never come back from the dead in comics
>various smart characters in marvel have feats showing why they're in the top ten list of smartest people in marvel
>some guy makes Moon Girl
>"No she's on the top of the list because I say so"
>that's her only feat

Nah, don't like her.
A lot of the black characters in Marvel now feel a lot like that one black guy from Mass Effect 2 that has nothing interesting about him, his gimmick is being black without acting stereotypical black, and the writers have gone on record saying, to paraphrase, "Since this character is black we didn't feel comfortable giving him any flaws because that'd be offensive"
I'm fond of Zombo, but I haven't read enough of his stuff to say if it's his best.
why are there so many lewd edits of moon girl but non of loli riri >>94363238
Moongirl's cute and all, but she's very out of place. She looks more like a character from those Scholastic type books from elementary school. Nothing about her screams MARVEL SUPERHERO.
>So what are her actual accomplishments?

A writer said she's the smartest on twitter.
Funny how they didn't trust the reader on that and had to tell people during the panel.
what comic is that?
Nerdy characters wearing glasses are overplayed but bowties haven't been used as much in recent decades save for the 11th Doctor I guess.
No, but I would like to. Her concept was good but she was poorly executed and implemented. It's a genuine shame.
>is black
>dad left him and is also a weird rapist
>also super into being fit
>is the only love interest to leave you and knock up some other chick
>the writers were worried about being racist
Well I guess they had good reason to be, since they apparently couldn't prevent themselves from doing so anyway. I love modern bioware's retarded, schizophrenic design ideas. You just get shit all over the place.
Read as a joke?
it's a children's book. no sjw stuff but still not as exiting imho
She also modified a cerebro into a device to track a single person against the past, present, and all alternate futures.

This, in turn, accidentally created a time machine.

In addition, she created several weapons out of household objects like soda and a bubble gun.
I wanna FUCK Black Mariah.
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Moon Girls entire arc has been rewalizing that her smarts doesn't mean much if she can't have friends.

The entire book has been using DD so she finally has something she cares about other than herself.

Something she finally loves so much that she's willing to let it go so it can be happy.
realistically, teacher would have been fired. Comic logic however, she just became the origin story to the semen demon, america's most sexual supervillain.
now, that is upgrade for riri
If they left it separate from the rest of the marvel universe it would be a good kids comic. When its on its own theirs good art and the kind of story you would give to your kids. When its connected its sjw ridden shitty wankfest.
It's Bendis, so probably not.
Especially when black women have the lowest IQ on the planet
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I don't. But I sure like me some Moon MAN.
Worst thing is that we'd do it with a righteous fervor.

Doesn't everybody?
This joke is getting pretty old now
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"Let no-one have it"
>Immediately lets Moon-Girl have the nightstone
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Something something Moons Girl having her own gravitational pull
this is just..... fucking stupid.
They're foreshadowing pretty hard that Lunella is on the path to becoming a super-villain, and while I assume they're going to subvert that in the end or it's just a bunch of red herrings, it's a fun ride watching her slow descent to villainy.
Canonically, that's a failed, deranged genetic clone made by SHIELD.
I'd like to remind everyone that X-men legacy sold like shit and it's praised on this board.
So did almost every book praised on this board. Good comics don't sell because the people that like good comics generally don't bother with capeshit.

The Vision, Omega Men and Sheriff of Babylon sold like hot trash. Batman is consistently top of the charts. The former comics are 10/10 modern masterpieces. The latter is King giving up on making good comics and deciding he'd rather be the new Bendis and put 0 effort into anything he writes while coasting off of the fact that A-listers will sell regardless of quality.
Someone post the boob edit.
The Flower and The Nose. If these anons are still here.

>A "nose" is the expert whose fine sense of smell and skills in smell composition brings forth the creation of perfumes.

Lani's nose did not come with just the ability but with a physical disability as well: the size.
It was forced on her, as a child, by the curse of a flower that only bloomed once every thirty years.

Growing up with a huge nose did not prove to be easy but, eventually, Lani managed to turn the disadvantage to her advantage and created a perfume industry whose perfumes and essences were number one in the world.

Nevertheless power and success did not take away loneliness and that lingering feeling that something really important had gone missing.

After thirty years it was time for the flower to bloom again.
The flower she hated so much, the flower she wanted to cut down... that's when strange things begun to happen and a mysterious man appeared in her life with the firm intention of changing her ways for ever!

Thus begins the struggle between the Flower and the Nose!


Lani's cute.
It's Marvel anon
When have they ever exercised self-awareness?
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After most events they print a comedy book making fun of it, themselves, and their fans.

Marvel is more self-aware and deprecating than any other comic book company.
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