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what the FUCK

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what the FUCK
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong
what the fuck is under night in-birth
This is why I'm a based KoF fan
The Blaze Blue guy has gone on record saying he wanted to do RWBY for a while now. Everyone saw this coming.
Sprite fighter with anime oc looking characters. Some look alright though.
>this is fucking real

I`m actually hyped that this is coming out and eternally mad that it has RWBY`s label all over it. Bless them japs but 2 nukes wasn`t enough.
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If only monty was here...
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MVCI is even dead now isn't?
>I wanted X and Jedah since the pools for MVC3
>they are in
>I have zero interest on that shit show
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>RWBY's popularity is growing with the audience that inspired it
>It's practically animu at this point
You did it Monty. You got the last laugh after all
I can honestly say that in all my years I have never once heard of that bottom series. Not even the name.

Ya think Monty is in the afterlife now, swearing up a storm that all this money is being made AFTER he died?
>It's practically animu at this point

A pretty good fighting game
>tfw Ruby in the game looks better than in the show
Which moment undermined all of those?
I'm just waiting for the inevitable Jojo game from them,
Fighting games is the best and only media RWBY should exist in. Its perfect for fighting games.
wrong board, stupid ass faggot moron. get out.

The one with kircheis giant face in the sky.
I thought the girl on top was Haruhi ;_;
dude what

>short-haired Haruhi

Ew, why?
Ha, as if we were lucky enough to ever have anything haruhi ever again that isn't pachinko.
Boco don't be a such a weeb
How so?
>gets boring right after Kircheis dies
Really makes you think...

Hey, Haruhi with long hair is sexy as fuck.
>That voice "acting"
Is that what she also sounds like in the series proper?
Jesus Capcom getting its ass blown out again
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>The EX april fools game is legit and has MOTHER FUCKING SKULLOMANIA

By the same company, to boot
Would prefer them to stay apart, just to keep obnoxious GG elitists away.
I just want a game with 2 franchises I like together.
>Not P5A
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Holy fuck you're super right. Calm the fuck down ArcSys.
There still may be p5 reps
>No Guilty Gear

Would have loved to see Rubes or Neo freak out when fighting this masochist.
But I though that nips actually liking RWBY was only a meme /co/
It's Monday in Japan?
Finally. We can see Salem fight Susanoo.
Persona 5 literally came out a few months ago. You have to time the milking just right.
It's probably not as popular as people make it out to be. Mori, however, loves it, and that's probably all it took to get it in the game.
>no GG
Good. Keep it away from this shit.

Dude, it has its own manga, light novels, and top-tier dub with famous VAs.
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Putting in Guilty Gear characters would have been nice. Mostly because I would love to use RWBY characters for punching bags with them.
You don't release the limiters to go calm the fuck down.
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If they don't put my boy Merkava in this...
Yes, this series is garbage but ironic weebs will tell you it's good. I don't know how it got a general here some time ago but then again it was just a place for tripfag circle jerk.
man rwby haters are some mad kids
Try almost a year but there will be a P5 spinoff this year though according to the CEO of Atlus
Ah cool, I love persona and blazblue and-
>sword fighter
Welp nevermind.

>Not Zappa
>man haters are some mad kids
Fixed that for ya

Would love a Tager + Waldstein and Merkava + Arakune tag team.
Monty is looking down from heaven with that beutifull shit eating grin
That was one of the worst displays of voice acting I have ever heard. How is RWBY popular again?
Can someone tell me the appeal of RWBY?

All I've seen if it looks like dumb shit
No man who could make such shit could ever go to heaven.
You don't know, maybe Jesus was a fan of Dead Fantasy
GO BACK TO /-wait what
How did RWBY get in this? Isn't it western shit?
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RWBY is basically great character designs and a solid premise (read: heavily lifted from certain anime) with poor execution.
Japan likes it for some reason. It's almost like if they didn't have shit like Rwby but better already.
FATLUS wants that western audience.
And they just might get it.
Fits right in

>Still shows Persona 4's protagonist
Fuck Persona 4, please just keep it to Persona 5, add in 3 if you really must.
Yes. And It triggers pathetic weebs.
Everything is crossing over with everything and I think it might partially be my fault
Don't underestimate the power of exoticism. Same reason why Westerners slobber over westeboo stuff like Trigger.
I think the more important fact is that it's hot garbage.
Not-Melty Blood.

Type Moon got too big, so French Bread couldn't freely use their characters anymore.
Well it's not like anything in the west does what Trigger does.
Yes! Hahahaha!
Fuck you, you bunch of weeb filthy shit! Otaku cunts deserve to get shit on!
if they thrown in RWBY, we need a reps from RVB and the strangerhood.
Okay, I have no idea what RWBY is about. Does anybody mind filling me in?
>with poor execution
A bunch of kids with crazy ass weapons train to hunt monsters that lurk at yhenedges of their civilization, all while 2 secret socities fight in the shadows.

All with a subtle fairy tale theme and an funalfantasybesqe asthetic
I LOVE the fact Im alive to see this sheer awesome insanity of a game. This is day one purchase just based on t he crossover ALONE
IDK, but its an anime thing from Rooster Teeth

shit, i can still remember meeting them back in 2004 when they were popular, but shit like podcasting bullshit didn't exist, so it didn't make me hate them.
Sounds generic as hell. How did it gain a following?
>Type Moon got too big, so French Bread couldn't freely use their characters anymore
Yet Sion with a new hat appeared in the game.
Trigger definitively outclasses everything in the west though.
Sion is FB's OC. Nasu's not gonna let them touch any of his golden gooses without severe overseeing.
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I feel like I saw this exact question but on /v/, but whatevs.

Basically, RWBY involves the neverending struggle between the "light" of humanity and the "darkness" of monsters known as Grimm, and revolves around the 14-year old main character Ruby, as she trains with her team of friends to become a hunter, fighters taught to defeat Grimm and uphold peace.

Basically >>93923469.

It's really generic, but because of that it's really easy to get into. Tthe main draw are the characters, their interactions, and their particular weapons, while some people also enjoy the music or world. This along with being made by the popular online entertainers, Roosterteeth and created by Monty Oum known for his neat stuff, helped fuel its popularity.

No matter how much you want to pick at it, it's still decent enough to enjoy if one let themselves to.
Monty oum and rooster theeth both had huge cult followings


Great fight scenes

Simple yet charming characters

And the novelty its a completly american made anime.

Also its better animated then any cgi anime made in japan so far
Some weeb watched Soul Eater and then decided to make his own worse version of it.

Pretty decent waifu material though.
what the fuck is rwby? is this some fake anime shit like code lyoko?
Wait... this means... RWBY will finally have good animation for once in its miserable life!

Oh happy day.
Is that UNIEL guy using the same sprites as his base game or did they 'blazblueify' his sprites.
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Oh, I know EXACTLY why I have this boner.
this game confuses woolies boner.

cant wait for the podcast tuesday
I haven't watched in years, but I assume they'll shit on it just because it's Blazblue.
They actually enjoyed themselves in the BBCF video though. And they all liked UNIEL and P4A.
but all of the character designs look like shit
Yes, made by hacks
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>Its a blazblue game
pat & woolie: oh thats bad
>But it comes with Persona & Waifus
Pat & woolie: ooh thats good
>The netplay is also cursed
Woolie:Can i Whens mahvel now?
Why does /co/ care about this fag so much?
>releases a season once per year
If that's all it takes to not be a hack then I guess the creators of the new power puff girls are excellent.
>more Persona 4 instead of 5

Fuck you. Stop putting P4 in game after game, the game had it's time. Move on.
There's no weeb like a Texas weeb.
You don't actually know the definition of the word hack, do you? You just use it as a catch all insult for "Creators I don't like!" like everyone else these days.
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The reason P5 chars aren't in this game is because it's a cheapy cross-over which is just gonna reuse everything from BlazBlue, P4A and UNIEL. P5 will get its own games eventually, and they'll be full production games with their own unqiue assets.
No one watched or remembers the Strangerhood
What would Liam think
What exactly do you think hack means?

Or do you think RWBY is some great original work?
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I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!
Jesus Christ is the entire fighting game industry banding together to make Mahvel look like shit?
I blame waifufags
you know what you've done. you've let this shit get into the gaming industry
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S-surely Linhua will be in this one, she was in the first game after all!
A hack refers to someone who craetes something quickly and in order to make quick money. Given that RWBY is is released yearly for free online, it's the fathest from this definition possible.
From google

noun: hack; plural noun: hacks

a writer or journalist producing dull, unoriginal work.
"a hack scriptwriter"
synonyms: journalist, reporter, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, writer; More
informaljourno, scribbler;
"a tabloid hack"
a person who does dull routine work.
synonyms: drudge, menial, menial worker, factotum; informalgofer
"office hacks"
>uses stolen model assets instead of creating their own
>didn't take the time to polish up the animation or fix simple mistakes
>the cult of retards that religiously follow rooster teeth will buy all the merch/dvds regardless of quality
>It's practically animu at this point
Does anyone even really watch RWBY? I gave it a try and it was cringy as fuck. Skipping ahead, because I heard it got better, just to see what what the modern episodes looked like it still looked like garbage and had shit pacing.

What the fuck is this show and why won't it go away? It's horrible, RWBY being a web video series is the only unique thing about it.
It's basically Final Fantasy VIII fan fiction.
have we gotten our first amnesiac character yet?
have they gone that far into the weebshit?
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Don't mind me, best MC Persona coming through.

Monty was half Japanese. Pretty sure that makes him not a weeb by default.
I'm kind of tired of ArcSys trying to keep pushing two anime fighters. GG and BB inevitably cannibalize their own playerbases. And it's not like SF and MvC which are two drastically different games.

Now they have GG, DBZF, and whatever this is.

It's always been FFVIII fan fiction, and FFVIII was Monty's favorite FF (And his favorite game in general) Some Anon from the /co/ generals a while back made a long detailed list a while back detailing what everything was based on and why, but a few of the points made:

Beacon = Balamb
Hunters = SeeD
Salem takes design elements from Edea, Ultimecia, and Adel.
Yang's clothing was based off of Squall (Confirmed by Monty before his death.
The old wizard and the four maidens are almost a direct copy of Hyne and the sorceresses in background an execution.
Some of the scenes between Jaune and Pyrrha mimicked scenes between Squall and Quistis.
The list went on to describe other shit. It was like, two posts. That's just what I remember.
I want to see that comparison post, did anyone screenshot it?
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>RWBY is actually and undeniably anime

This dude's delts are wider than his waist, jelly
Being in a video game doesn't make it an anime anon.
...but RWBY's the one non-japanese thing there.
>Type-Moon is too big
>fucking Persona characters are fine
being in an anime fighter does
A lot of people really like it, but most of us understand it is objectively not good.
No it doesn't, that doesn't make sense. Persona 5 isn't an anime either.
I mean...they're shit in the same Sonic is shit. It's overflowing with appeal for people who don't know any better.
Type Moon is too big for French Bread, yeah. Might be different had ArcSys approached.
P5 isnt in any anime fighter yet is it?
By weeb definitions no. For everyone else who isn't anal enough to give a shit about 'the true definition of anime' it absolutely is.

>While Perona's video game series relies heavily on a lot of standard anime tropes and does employ an anime studio for it's cut-scenes Persona 5 won't OFFICIALLY be an anime until they inevitably create a serialized television program that that has exactly same plot as the game and it HAS TO AIR IN JAPAN FIRST.

Literally everyone else:
>Oh hey that looks like Japanese animation. That shits anime.
but even the newer sonics look alright in 3d
these characters look hideous in 3d and horrifying in chibi form
And now i have to get a ps4.
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>All the Arc Sys game news completely buried the bloodless Jedah reveal in MvC:I
To be fair I don't think I've ever seen the characters of RWBY handled by a professional studio.
I mean no offense to Rooster Teeth but they're working with a bunch of people who have little to no experience in the animation industry.
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Yuzuriha best girl
Sounds sexy.
Jedah is cool but he's one cool character in a sea of lame ones.
Don't use normalfags definitions then, this is 4chan, just say the right thing.
don't give a shit if they have 0 experience
this is a company successful enough to buy out fucking screw attack and this is a series that's in retail, on netflix, and even on crunchyroll. there should be some standards here

Jedah does not deserve MVC:I
That falls apart when you realize anime doesn't have even close to a consistent artstyle.
>Not Blazblue x Guilty Gear
Why can't Arcsystem into it. Fuck
They can't decide on a style.
Anime waifus + Rooster Teeth is basically a cult of surrogate friends.
Is that really the reason? Is it just a bunch of Rooster Teeth fans circle-jerking? I really did give that show more than a fair shake and it's just bad. There's just much better shows to waste your time on if you're into what they're going for.

Also, Red vs. Blue is the most unfunny shit every. I watched an hour of it every night because I had friends talk about it and I wanted to be included. I don't think I ever goddamn laughed. Their comedic timing is awful and they ruin every joke but overreacting and explaining why what they just said is stupid. There's zero wit to it at all.
They should have went cell shading

These days, having a unique look is better than standard textures
>anime doesn't have even close to a consistent artstyle
Oh sure. The only reason people are still mistaking Avatar for an anime is because the characters sometimes wore kimonos- it wasn't because the art style was so obviously influenced by Japanese animation that you're grandpa could recognize it.
A genre doesn't need to be consistent or even definable for people to recognize elements of it. I can get why you'd be triggered by people doing this but trying to create boundaries for genres is a waste of time.
Yes, it really is. The entire site functions by all of the contributors being casual and friendly and totally in touch with the community and the fans in turn treating the content as if it was made by friends.

It doesn't matter that the VAs are shit, it's THOSE GUYS! OUR FRIENDS! You cant say Lindsay is shit what's wrong with you?!
>I had friends talk about it and I wanted to be included.
That's how they get you.
will there be any jojo
RWBY makes it /co/
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>No Sol Badguy
You guys know RWBY has an official manga in Shounen Jump?
Where the fuck are the Guilty Gear characters? And since P4 is dated as fuck, where's Persona 5 guys? Are they being saved for P5A in a few years?
It's Ultra Jump, not SJ, I believe.

Now it's both a cartoon and Anime at the same time?
Pfff... Who gives a shit about that douchebag?
All the people who love it seem to be folks who also enjoy the Rooster Teeth team as a whole and I think they enjoy RWBY vicariously through the crew.
It's like when you back a friend's kickstarter and you you try not to think about whether it's actually any good because you just want to be part of something successful.
That's the entire RWBY fanbase.
I couldn't get past the awful voice acting in the first episode.

Piss off kid.
>signed Ky Kiske
Waifus and decent fight choreography
It's in English SJ

Atlus probably has barely anything to do with this, stupid.
Because Amerifats are lazy. Hence why there's nothing better by them in the same niche.
Ky was the worst part of Guilty Gear even in the early days. Sol was right telling him to always fuck off with his shit.
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>to hunt monsters that lurk at yhenedges of their civilization
I don't watch RWBY, is that that characters normal voice actor? because holy shit she sounds awful, I've heard better voice acting from low budget anime dubs.
>I've heard better voice acting from low budget anime dubs.
That's because this doesn't even have a budget
The only thing that could make this better would be if Rooster Teeth did the smart thing and delegated animation for RWBY to a studio that is competent at 3D animation for Volume 5.

If they are big enough to buy out fucking Screw Attack, they can pay a third party to animate one of their biggest money makers for them.

Heck, with RWBY being part of this crossover fighting game made by the guys responsible for Guilty Gear and Blazblue, they're only going to get even more rich, so there's no reason not to.
there's enough budget to hire actual voice actors for certain parts
P5A will be with the Xrd engine
Why the fuck would someone pay more money on something that makes them enough money as is? It's literally taking the piss and making money and I actually like RWBY but it's a guilty pleasure.
>add in 3 if you really must.

If there reusing Arena assets of course there will be P3 characters
>Yuzuriha best girl
Especially the barefoot one
If they have enough money to hire popular VAs like Vic Mignogna, Laura Bailey, Yuri Lowenthal, CHRIS FUCKING SABAT, AND JOSH GRELLE, then they can afford to hire better animators.

They're only going to get richer thanks to this new fighting game, because now they're drawing in the Blazblue and Under Night In-Birth fans, and if they can make their show look better, and be better animated, then it's only going to make them even more money.
which anime?
Nice meme.
ArcSys is on fire! Dragon Ball Fighter Z and this are gonna rule 2018
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And a light novel release.
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>Can someone tell me the appeal of RWBY?
>All I've seen if it looks like dumb shit

Before Monty Oum died:
>Good fight choreography
>Kind of interesting character designs
>Incredibad writing
>Incredibad voice acting

After Monty Oum died
>Bad fight choreography
>Kind of interesting character designs
>Much better writing
>Incredibad voice acting

that's a real bad voice acting. But I guess for japanese people are english speakers sound the same.
it ain't a meme
it's fact
but the fight choreography was never all that good
and the writing's still the shits
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>taking sprites from all your fighting games and smashing them into one game
you guys do understand this is what birth the Marvel vs Capcom brand right?
can you use japanese dub for RWBY?
It was actually really good for CG at that budget. Since his death though the choreography follows more traditional western children's cartoon fights where you essentially have a camera on rails and different characters showcasing things as the camera falls on them (but seemingly ceasing to exist otherwise).

The writing is still awful but there's at least some consistency and world building. Initially the writing was much worse and there were a ton of small weird continuity mistakes everywhere.

The big consistent factor for the fandom is fucking waifufags.
>Tries to spare his son in law the traumatizing fact that he's his son in law
That doesn't really mean anything considering it's popular in Japan, but I guess actual knowledge of what you're talking about takes second place to the "haha Americans are fat, not me i swear" shtick.
they always have that option, so yes.
i think you're in the wrong thread
tell me about it i never even heard of under night in-birth
not him but i always got a soul eater & bleach vibe from RWBY
>main character is practically ripped from Soul Eater
>whole premise is basically soul eater/naruto
>stupid FF7 materia macguffin that barely gets used
>everyone basically has DBZ ki that gives them super powers
can anyone else think of what anime/vidyas it rips off?
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>Type Moon got too big, so French Bread couldn't freely use their characters anymore.
The official reason cited was that they wanted to make Melty Blood HD. But since the Tsukihime remake was a thing in production, and since they didn't want Melty Blood HD to end up instantly outdated design wise the moment it was released. They figure they'd make an original game in the meantime while developing the engine and familiarizing themselves with HD production. And even so they included the Melty Blood original Sion.

Of course. Absolutely nothing has happened on the front of the Tsukihime remake. Mahoyo kind of flopped. And since then it has been nothing but Grand Order for Type-Moon. And it's been far, far more successful than anyone could have anticipated. And that's pretty much the situation.

As far as I am aware that was still the latest statement on the subject. But that was years ago so who knows at this point. But if the Tsukihime remake actually ends up happening for real sometime. There might be a new Melty Blood. But time will tell.
Haven't watched RWBY, but good for Rooster Teeth.
People too addicted to crack.
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