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Wait, I thought the whole point of Xorn in this event was that he was a puppet figurehead for mutants that Emma was secretly controlling behind the certain


Awww shit FIRESTAR is back
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>california secedes when the country comes under new management

kek, just fucking do it already. the boast this in various media and pretend to have referendums but they need to just leave.
Vulcan is back?
He is. Emma is talking through him in those panels.
No one fucking knows how this country is being run (or if it is even considered a country). Spencer, Zub, and now Bunn seem to have different ideas about who is secretly running it, and who is aware of Emma being in power there.
Awww shit FIRESTAR's now stuck in this mutant-defaming event too
That's hawt.

It's more about no one will follow Emma after her breakdown and genocide.

So might as well puppet someone no one suspect can be mentally controlled
I am not sure I like Emma as crazy ex girlfriend
Shota fedom

Evil x factor.


If IvX couldn't do it then nothing they can do besides completely killing all associated brands and hoping the fanbase dies off will only achieve that.

They had to do such mental asspulls to make that story work and there is no way they do not know about everyone shitting on it because how bad it made inhumans look to point they pulled dumbest narrative retcon and went 'whoops we made a mistake we'll kill our gas cloud now that it murdered a bunch of people after we were told it would but we couldn't because it was sacred to us but only did it after we figured out a way to replicate a way for us to keep growing but without mass murder and sterilization. Sorry Earth, we're not the bad guys, we just stood by and watched it wipe out tons of people. "

Kind of hard to massage that. So no I don't think this is about defaming so much as going back to status quo of mutants fighting mutants because they can't think of anything better to do.
Let the /ss/ Begin!
I think people are confused because the Zub issue implied that no one was aware that Emma was even in New Tian because she was hiding due to the genocidal breakdown, but this issue has her walking around with Beast
You weren't as pragmatic when Cyke was saving mutant lives, Beast.
But why would anyone willingly be on an advisory council that she's an open member of?

Secret Empire United #1 seemed to imply that Emma was puppeteering Xorn behind the curtain Wizard of Oz style in alliance with HydraCap and that Beast was unaware of her presence
I swear to god, if it doesnt turn into /ss/ im gonna be pissed.
>He is. Emma is talking through him in those panels.
No, she isn't. Did you even read the issue?

I am sure she is doing that.
She is playing the game of saying something extreme, and making Xorn say something moderate. That way it doesnt look like she gets what she wants to Beast and Shaw.
Alright, so they're doing the stupid love triangle shit now.

Jimmy and Jean. I figured this would happen when they put jimmy on the team. Exploring this same of trite storyline is getting frustrating.
I dont think there is a triangle because Cyclops has no chance and Jean actively doesnt want to live like her old self (marry Cyclops, be Phoenix Host)

This is more like a what if Jean had married Wolverine instead thing.

I recall that Unitied had a huge editorial change right before it came out. Perhaps the confusion from the writers is because of that?
how long till she starts acting crazy
>Beast acts like literal Hitler
>"I have become more pragmatic in my old age."

How do Marvel writers ALWAYS manage to make Beast wrong about everything?
They changed the cover for sure, swapping Emma for Magik. It seems like editorial wanted to make Emma being in New Tian a secret, but only after announcing that she was on the book, putting her on the cover, and having Zub do an interview about how Emma was forming her own anti-Steve team.
>Buddhist Pacifist Xorn acts like a fucking evil tyrant
>He is accompanied by Sebastian Shaw, the guy the real Xorn JUST fucking destroyed for trying to bully interned Inhumans
>Beast doesn't notice anything wrong with this

Why would he destroy someone that tried to kill their race?

I mean I know they're good guys and all but why would mutants lift a fig for inhumans. Except for like 2 inhumans, the entirety of their species stood by and sometimes actively helped and fought a war over a fucking Death Cloud.
>Magneto was the one who negotiated the whole New Tian deal with Hydra Cap
>Now he's a freedom fighter against it

Marvel editors just don't do the job. Also, New Tian was supposed to be an unrecognized separatist nation, but the tie-ins treated it as an official ally of Hydra America which signed economical treaties with them.
Weren't you fucking OLD and trying to kill Young Scott the last time you saw him, Toad?
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Already is and always was.

Leftist men think evil and crazy women get a pass.

she has been evil, what she never was is crazy. The crazy ex girlfriend part is worse than the making her evil again part. Not that I like any of those things.
The Hellfire Club were basically superpowered freemasons, not crazy people.
Young Beast is also a dick.
Can this still be considered slutty hot or has she been SJWed? I can't tell anymore
What would you do in Scott's place?

Id release Ruby Summers (the best Summers) in Emma's womb.

I actually wouldnt mind having both Emma and Cyclops dead if it meant having Ruby around.
Xorn was trying to keep peace in the mutant-occupied Attilan while Shaw was inciting fights and trying to kill off Inhumans, so Xorn just blasted him away into the sky. I'd imagine they would feel unhappy about each other after that incident.

...When the hell did Shaw even become a "good guy", or at least, tolerated by the good guys to the point he's openly a member of state council? Wasn't he a murderer and terrorist worse than Magneto?

We were lied to, anon. I was actually looking forward to it.
I haven't read any X-Men comics in over a year, but fucking MONDO? From 90's Generation X? Is this purely random or has he shown up somewhere else recently?

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Take a guess, fragger.

Yeah, I hate when dick withdrawal is used as basis for a female character's realignment

Hated it then with Black Cat, hate it here now with Emma
>not badumtits
I'm ambivalent towards this issue.

Emma ran a school, a corporation, and the Hellfire Club with more restraint and attention than she is here.

It's important to note that Emma Frost has been a hero longer than she was a villain.

I'd like to see a scene where Beast and Emma talk earnestly in private about their once strong friendship, Cyclops' death, and their current fractured state.

Make the story stronger by making us care and empathize with both sides. That is good writing.
This is going to get good.
He should at least be 19.
Why the fuck do they even have concentration camps?
Also, Xorn is Magneto.
They need some best reic...i mean third reich references, so they took the inhuman race instead of jews.
Not what I'm talking about. Hydra- sure. But why the fuck is Beast running a concentration camp for humans and mutants in New Tian? I get that Beast and Psylocke are shite.
But why the fuck are Emma, Xorneto and Shaw in favor of this garbage?
This is Marvel's adaptation of The Man in the High Tower.

This is what happens when characters are slaves to the story.

Put in the God Damn work and make us understand and empathize with each character's motives and agendas.
Beast helped to kill universes. Running some concentration camps, seems like holidays.
Fire star would be better off in the same limbo that Justice and the feast of the old new warriors members are, giving her back to the x-fags was a mistake.
It doesn't help that editorial seems to be at an all time low, and that every author using the same characters is trying to make different motives and agendas
What if Xorn is actually Xavier pretending to be Xorn? How meta would be that?
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Well, Cap is brainwashed/reality altered. Vision is hacked, even Scarlet Witch is posessed. But fucking Beast is doing this shit on his own.
I wonder what Scott'll think about his fellow Champions deciding to leave people in an interment camp
The Champions one was more like a reservation, which is why part of the interned developed Stockholm Syndrome. This one is just a run-of-the-mill dictatorship's prison camp.
I wish the kids of today would taste some real dictatorship. They would be more careful with the words
It's the same old "See how easily the oppressed becomes the oppressor!" bullshit centrists like to spew
It's not bullshit, it's just that most people are incapable of presenting their points without looking like assholes
Pff, no you don't. Dictatorships suck.
Beast would never go along with this. He truly is facing a fate worse than death.

Emma selling out mutants like this is also way out of character and repulsive.

Sure Shaw wants to dominate mutants, but even he wouldn't agree to this. He is for mutant supremacy but allows for one's own agency and self determination.
The thing is, I want you to suck off some real dictatorship as a lesson
Why not form your own opinion?
Damn, Morrison mark can still be felt even today.
Oh, I lived under one or two. That's how I know they suck, bucko.
Ha ha, yeah right. Which one? Mussolini's? Stalin's? Pol Pot's? Or maybe Idi Amin's?
There were a bunch of recent ones in South America.
You're from Bolivia? Or Chile?
>more characters I like suddenly being villains/dicks
>bonus points for retarded new powers
domination /ss/
So it only counts if I lived in the worst ever ones that are more than half a century old?

Oh well. Guess commie Eastern Europe was just peachy compared to those.
Yes. I am from Eastern Europe too.
Generation Hope had him get mind-wiped and join the X-men. He later got his memories back but still helped the good guys here and there. Standard X-men practice of "every villain joins the X-men eventually."
Are they all doped up on Kick or MGH or something? Because a bunch of sudden secondary mutations doesn't seem right.
haven't read anything X related since the IvX shitshow but wasn't Emma supposed to be scarred?
Can Jean make the trees gay? Let's find out.
>Captain America runs the country fairly.
>Genocidal Inhumans are being rounded up and kept away from the populace they tried to murder and/or enslave through genetic terrorism
>Mutants get their own homeland free of persecution
>California leaves the Union

I know Marvel is shit at writing, but what's wrong with this timeline again?
Firestar looks sexy as fuck
I coulda sworn in the other secret empire x-men book it was the mutants oppressing the humans.
>Marrow shows up on two ad-hoc teams with different membership in the span of like a month.
>Doesn't even get her ass kicked in either.

Is this real life?
Nah shes crazy.
She shouldn't have been in the X-men in the first place. her established character is she thinks they're a fucking cult and she hates Emma Frost enough that the only way she's realistically in this group is via being one of the first to be mindraped before she could melt Emma's brains out.
It feel so obviously *not* Xorn.
She's still leading cyclops on despite him having any attachment to her excised from his brain a few years ago. I presume she brainwashed it back in at some point.
Dats ma fetish.
Oh damn, Briar is the weird fetish chick from Magneto's excellent solo run before the world ended, yeah?
Well this is indisputably the best X-book now.
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>your bombshell third wife from a future you'll never live wants to fuck teenaged-you

If they just deported the inhumans back to space where they belong, instead of concentrating them in camps, I don't think there would be anything wrong except for the fact I dislike fascism.

So those two things.
Trips confirm

It would give Cyclops one less reason to hide from Juggie.
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is that what they're calling it these days?
senpai why is she so perfect

Xorn is back? Like the overpowered dipshit who killed a powerboosted phoenix with a stroke? The gary stu who can manipulate energy because of his star bullshit?

Why couldn't marvel keep that dipshit dead?
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>Hey Scott, wanna /ss/?
>He believes Maduro is a dictator
Did YOU read the issue? It couldn't be more obvious she's controlling Xorn and having him argue with her to cover her tracks. She even makes a crack about how she'll do whatever Xorn says while cracking a devious smile
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yes and no
there is another Xorn around, the brother of Xorn. But the last thing we know of him is he is retired living like a monk on the moon, just meditating and shit.

This Xorn is most likely another person wearing a Xorn mask.
Normally, no telepath would be able of controlling Xorn (he has a black whole in his brain and wears a metal mask that covers his head completely), and Emma is doing that.

Unless editors are terrible and havent realized it is impossible for Emma (or any telepath) to control Xorn, or Emma got a power boost, because of her piece of the cosmic cube, or another secondary mutation.

Most likely that Xorn is either Magneto or Polaris (Polaris will appear in the next issue, she is in the cover with the 05 and Xorn)
but then, Xorn would be hiding his tits really well.
Hi commie filth!
Fucking MONDO?!

Maybe Marrow is a secret character in MvC Infinite
>They're going to be brainwashed by telepathy!
>And not turned into faggots like a certain someone would do!

Fucking hell Marvel
Ignoring the implausability of that in the first place, Marvel's comics division rarely communicates with other ones well enough to successfully execute that, especially since the "actually make the game" is with another company.
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