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Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie First Look

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I'm glad this is getting made but what exactly is it for? Is it testing the waters for a new series of Hey Arnold?
To end the series
Fuck I was half expecting a round-about "we gave her breasts" when we got to Helga
I don't know how to feel about this. This is the conclusion it should've had but I feel like it's way too late
Can't wait to see /co/ hate the movie because it's not the best cartoon film ever made
How will they deal with the new VAs? Most of the original cast probably couldn't reprise their roles.
What was really needed to end it? It wasn't some plot centric series
>"we gave her breasts"
They didn't
>tfw its not going to be as good as that one piece of fanfiction

Tutoring Arnold was some dope shit, but this is okay too
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My queen didn't get a single spoken line in the previous movie.
The series ended with Arnold finding a map his parents left him. Remembers his parents went MIA on the jungle. So I guess the movie is going to give some closure to that.
>cool sneakers
I mean they all do have pretty cool looking sneaks
I wonder if we'll get a good end where Arnold finally sees his parents or a bad end where he finds they've been dead for years.
to give 90's fans something
>a bad end where he finds they've been dead for years.
>tfw no cool sneaks
We know that Pigeon Man will be back at least.
What Iggy is the bad guy in the movie?
This movie is going to SUCC
Phoebe, Harold, Rhonda, Helga can still do the original voices and have been among the biggest spearheads in getting the Jungle Movie made.

Most of the new voices for kids such as Arnold, Gerald, and Sid are stars for some of the newer live-action Nick shows
Was never my favorite series, but I did watch it the first couple seasons. Anything that breathes new life into pre-Y2K Nick is, I suppose, a good thing. Will track.
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What are some underrated HA! episodes you enjoy?

I think "What's Opera, Arnold?" is very well made. And, from the early ones, "Roughin' It" is really comfy, especially with how every character managed to get along with each other, even Big Bob and ORPHAN BOY.
We can dream anon
Second for roughin' it, that was comfy as hell.

Any of the ensemble cast ones are good, I particularly like wheezing ed and mudbowl
Not wearing socks.
Gotta love it
Its the Hey Arnold equivalent to Samurai Jack season 5.
I half expected this to be more Timbox BS
Nick is cashing in on 90s nostalgia
>even Big Bob and ORPHAN BOY.
That was a surprise, Bob sharing those juicy, delicious steaks with the Arnold and Gerald.
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Dino Checks Out is an underrated ep. Starts with what looks like a suicide(!!!) and shows the life and times of a singer who isn't as forgotten as he thinks. Some good visual jokes and some neat songs.
And one of my favorite one off characters, pic related.
The one about Helga's and Miriam's road trip is hilarious.
Where the FUCK is Lila?
Away for the summer in the movie. Supposedly, there was some issue with the VA not wanting to reprise her role.
It's been over a decade since this show aired. When it finally returns, it's as a two-part TV film. Only one year has passed in the movie, half the cast has new VAs, including the titular character, and some major characters, like Lila, aren't even going to make an appearance.

I'm glad HA! is finally going to resolve its story, but it really should just be a series finale for the show. I don't know how Nick plans to market towards a new audience of children, most HA! fans are adults now. And this film is all about a cartoon that ended 13 years ago.
Don't make up shit, especially since all the kids are getting new VAs.

They simply don't want her to get in the way of the eventual Arnold/Helga romance even if this movie should focus on Arnold finding his parents.
>all the kids

>They simply don't want her to get in the way of the eventual Arnold/Helga romance
Resolved back in "Timberly Loves Arnold".

>I think "What's Opera, Arnold?"
Is that the actual title? Way too similar to "What;s Opera, Doc" from the Looney Tunes. Similar themes too.
I never watched this as a kid. Will i still enjoy it if I watch it now?
Its like the Legends of the Hidden Temple movie Nick crapped out last year.

Nick knows nobody gives a shit about cable TV, so they're going for anything that may get ratings outside of 8 billion Spongebob reruns
It Girl - Deconstructing Arnold. Helga becomes a model and the kids go a day without Arnold watching over them.
They just want to wrapped things up. Kind of like Samurai Jack.
I feel like they should have aged them up like 10 years
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>Is that the actual title?
No, I totally made it up just to screw with your mind.

OF COURSE it's the actual title, doi!
I watched it very very rarely as a kid but just went back and watched it all this year, I liked it. To get hooked start on some Helga-centric episodes, as she's the most interestingly written and psychologically complex character
Yes. Hey Arnold is practically slice-of-life masterpiece. The kids are written like kids, face somewhat complex problems sometimes. Can be funny, can be sad, there's character development.

Helga on the Couch is one of the greatest episodes ever.
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>Helga on the couch

Oh shit, someone mentioned the best episode
>The kids are written like kids
Helga and Arnold are a bit beyond their years.

>Helga on the Couch is one of the greatest episodes ever.
Where do you guys stream this?

Gotta rewatch Helga on the Couch now that someone mentioned it.
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Honestly I'd say the Opera episode is one of my absolute favorites.
>The kids are written like kids
Not really, even when I was 8 I was surprised that they were meant to be nine years old.

They always looked and acted as if they were much older.
Arnold and Helga being a little more mature makes sense.
Helga has neglectful parents and has almost had to raise herself. Plus, she has escaped to a world of books and poetry, many of which probably have mature themes.
Arnold is dealing with not knowing what exactly has become of his parents and the possibility they may not return. In the series, you see him interacting with the renters to collect rent or helping his grandparents with things around the boarding house. And he's already had a job at the flower shop across the street.
He has great grandparents as well but has to have considered they may not both live to see him fully into adulthood.
The one with the Jolly Ollie Man. Career Day, I think.
dude, reaIIy
That's the fucking reference, jesus christ
>They simply don't want her to get in the way of the eventual Arnold/Helga romance even if this movie should focus on Arnold finding his parents.
Lila has been nothing but supportive of Helga's attraction to Arnold. She even gave up her acting role, just so Helga can kiss Arnold. If anything, if Lila did appear in the final movie, she would put more effort into pairing Helga/Arnold together. Hell, at this point, Lila is Helga's second closest friend and part of her clique, so to speak.
Best episode is Helga On The Couch. Underrated is Helga's Parrot.
Yes, but some of the writers still seem to consider her an obstacle to HelgaxArnold.

She wasn't even in the other movie iirc
Best episode is Ernie's in Love, Lola was fucking hot

>Ernie's in love

It's confirmed that Arnold gave up on Lila in "Timberly Loves Arnold"
Helga episodes are best episodes.

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>Lila fanboys/girls
Back in the early 2000s of /co/'s days you guys barely existed. Most of the anons weren't fans of Lila because she was almost too perfect.

/co/ is from 2006/7 though, so it wasn't really here on the early 2000s , only mid and ahead.
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Did anyone else look up to Arnold as a kid? I thought he was a good role model.

I lost my dad when I was little too so I could relate to him a bit.
Yeah, but Arnold's parents might still be alive. They're just deadbeats. Also, what happened to Arnold's maternal grandparents?
>They're just deadbeats.
Being lost in an uncharted jungle with no technology isn't exactly deadbeat behavior

>Also, what happened to Arnold's maternal grandparents?
Dead or irrelevant. Since Stella seemed close enough to her father to name her son after him I'm guessing that he at least is dead.
Hey Arnold ended on a cliffhanger, this movie is to give the series an actual ending
>Arnold is finishing the fifth grade
>isn't fucking HUGE
I have to go back and see how the fifth graders looked, because I remember them being fucking HUGE.
i hope this ends up better than samurai jack did
I STILL get some of the songs from the opera episode in my head once in awhile.
What the fuck is up with Gerald's eyes for Christ sakes
His parents dumped him
He was a depressed mess whom literally jumped off the roof of his own building...

The pigeons saving him was not only illogical and forced, but was likely just Arnold's child mind making up memories to cope with what he had actually experienced.
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Craig Bartlett sound so happy in this it feelsgoodman
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He probably bought himself some good sneaks
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So the first part is going to be strong as hell and it will fall off a bit at the middle and end?
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>tfw tons of cool sneaks
You know I get the argument that "Oh the creator ran out of money of course he's happy to make money again". I'm of the persuasion that creators can do something they like and make bank off of it.
Didn't Curly eventually shoot up P.S. 118?
>almost too perfect

I've always assumed that her perfection was meant to be played for laughs.
What do you think the film will do with the Arnold-Helga relationship?

>Helga has started to lose interest in him and fallen into a more depressive state since the last movie
>over the course of the movie Arnold's feelings for Helga grow and he has an emotional moment with her which she doesn't reciprocate as she is too angry and confused at this
>at the climax Arnold and Helga go through death defying action which rekindles her love for him again and she confesses outright that she doesn't truly hate Arnold and in fact loves him
>though the two don't immediately start a relationship on the spot both now know that they have feelings for each other
>the two of them dance together happily in San Lorenzo before they all fly home
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is this a made for tv movie or a actually movie in theaters
It's a two-hour, two-part TV movie
Wait, so does the Hey Arnold Jungle film still take place in the 90s or early 2000s? It can't be our current year.
He said it in the fucking video
>only a year or two passed for them
To the anon who shared a download for the first movie the other day, is it edited or something? My copy I have is about 75 minutes long and the one you had was 72 minutes long. I didn't feel like watching both back to back, but I skimmed through each and couldn't find much difference and the credits/opening were about the same length. Sorry to be an autist about this, but I don't like missing out.

1997 or 1998.
I base this on the episode where Dino Spumoni fakes his suicide having old posters of his last tour with 1995 on them blowing around the streets. From this, the year must have been late 1995 or early 1996.
Good, I dread what Rocko's movie is doing with putting their cast in 2017
You can offer me a diamond-plated pearl;
You can send me all the riches in the world;
You can tempt me with the palaces of kings;
I'd give 'em back in a big ol' sack and keep the simple things
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>Jolly Ollie Man

>heat wave episode
>"18 bucks for an ice cream? What is this?"
>"It's called free market economics, kid"
Well, Big Patty was HUGE, but that's the way she's supposed to be: she's a big gal.

Ruth was just scrawny.

for NYC that sounds about right
>gerald has chocolate ice cream
>not lemon sherbet
The one where they go to the island and spooky shit ensues
Arnold became too preachy to me. Originally, he was just a chill kid who tried to do the right thing, but was still a kid at the end of the day. In later seasons, he became too righteous.
I can relate to Harold, because i was the fat kid
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Hype as fuck. This looks so good.
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>The new Jungle Movie is different from the original one cancelled in 2002; ideas, sequences, and elements from the original were reused or modified to fit the new, re-written version of script.
>The movie's intention answers questions fans have been asking, while also introducing the characters to a new generation of kids
>Craig Bartlett decided to instead re-start from scratch, as many of his goals and objectives with the decade movie had changed over the last 15 years
>The new movie features redesigns of the show’s characters, since Bartlett wanted a new look while still respecting the canon of the original TV series.
>The movie was developed in a way that it could serve as a series finale and tie up loose ends. However, if the film was very successful, it could actually become a pilot for a new series.

Man, I find this fascinating. I honestly thought Craig was just going to use his original script to conclude the HA! franchise, but not only has his intentions changed for HA! in the past decade, he now has different plans for the show. It's kind of cool that he wants to make it more contemporary and aligns with his changing interests.

Bartlett wants the Jungle movie to serve as a series finale, while also hoping a new audience interest of it can serve as a pilot if it becomes popular. I don't know how he can get kids who haven't even watched the original cartoon understand what's going in a film intended to be a series finale for a cartoon created before they were even born.
Who knows dude, this might get kids to watch HA! after the movie.
That's IaughabIe
Deconstructing Arnold, the Cheese Festival episode, and Curly's Girl. I loved the episode where Torvald was being tutored and the undertones of when Arnold arrived at his house.
In Universe explanation is she's out of town

Craig mentioned if the show somehow got another season, she'd be back
I had vague memories of the show so I couldn't remember much, but I recently rewatched it and it held up nicely
But it takes place in Washington state
Pretty much, although I still would rate Season 5 an 8 or 9/10 and solid closure to the series.
>Hell, at this point, Lila is Helga's second closest friend and part of her clique, so to speak.
It's kind of sad that Helga only has, like, two friends she can depend on. Granted, it's self-conflicted because of her anti-social behavior, but that's because she fears rejection, is insecure, and doesn't to be seen as vulnerable. I would even say Lila just tolerates her more better than the rest. Helga is a pretty awful friend to even Phoebe at times.
bump, i Iike HA
So, who will be Hey Arnold's Ashi?
The same one it has always had: Helga
Some 10 year old girl in the village, I bet
>yfw some new characters charms Arnold away and cucks Helga
How mad would /co/ be?
>yfw some new character charms Arnold away and cucks Helga
How mad would /co/ be?
I personally wouldn't mind, despite loving Helga as a character, I think that she would be terrible for Arnold.
I'd love it
Helga doesn't deserve happiness
Like at least a 7/10. I don't need him and Helga as actual endgame but I don't want him with some newfag. At least use Lila.
>I don't know how he can get kids who haven't even watched the original cartoon understand what's going in a film intended to be a series finale for a cartoon created before they were even born.
Easy, reruns.
Why don't you love your daughter, Bob?
Helga and Arnold are OTP
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There was never any doubt.
What's there to love?


They're so comfy
Could they bot think of a better title than The Jungle Movie?
Googled first 4 bots:

Maximum Retaliation
Rough Dream
Assault Beyond Australia
A Boy and His God
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