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>You're afraid. >Of you? >Of death. You're

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>You're afraid.
>Of you?
>Of death. You're the last one.
>You were supposed to be the last. Stark asked for a savior, and settled for a slave.
>I suppose we're both disappointments.
>Heh. Suppose we are.
>Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites, and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that.
>They're doomed.
>...Yes. But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them.
>You're unbearably naive.
Age of Ultron has problems for sure, but this shined out as one my favorite MCU scenes.
If they only didn't kill off Quickslav

Biggest waste of potential in the MCU and it was like surrendering to Fox
It's a shame the rest of the movie was awful and Ultron never came across as a legitimate physical threat to anyone besides Black Widow.
It was a compromise that had to be made considering that the rights were iffy. They originally appeared in Avengers comics, but later revealed as mutants so it was debatable who had them. Its kind of like parents taking each kid, at least they have Wanda
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It was the second best part of the movie. The best part being the credits.
So, what's the betting they have Ant-Man shrink down and rewire Vision's brain after Thanos rips the Mind Stone out of his head?
My guess is since Wanda's powers originated from the Mind Gem, shes going to kickstart his brain with the power of love or whatever

But this is terrible, anon. I even like this movie and I know this is contrived hack shit masquerading as "deep."
Y'see I'd lean toward that if the Russos hadn't pulled stuff straight from the pages of comics in both their other movies. Those being the "Who the hell is Bucky?" and Ant-Man riding Hawkeye's arrow moments.

Can't see them passing up the opportunity.
If they had a longer conversation I think it could have been a great scene. It certainly went in the right direction, but for the most part I think you're right. It came out as pretentious even though it had potential to be really good. It would certainly make the movie better.
I don't know if it's deep but it's cute. I'll take cute over deep any day.
>masquerading as "deep."
Can you give an example of something actually deep that one couldn't easily also call masquerading as deep?

I know I'm going to be laughed at for this, but I consider Watchmen legitimately deep at parts. It had something actually profound to say about humanity. If someone else says it's masquerading at being deep, fine, I'm not going to be miffed about it.
Yeah, and why is it terrible, /co/ intelectual? What can even meet your criteria of being deep?
This line "You were supposed to be the last. Stark asked for a savior, and settled for a slave." is perfectly in character. He still maintains that he is the savior, but Tony had to use someone that would agree with him and allow them to live instead. Vision doesn't care. Doesn't care about Tony's desires or about Ultron's anger, he will let humans go their own course and if it results in extinction so be it.
It's not even trying to be deep, it's characterization, and good one at that.
>They think order and chaos are somehow opposites, and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that.
Wanda/Vision combo confirmed to rape Thanos.
It doesn't sound like something a profoundly intelligent being would say.

It sounds like something an idiot trying to be profound would say. Aka "pretentious"
You need to be profoundly intelligent in order to make that assessment now, don't you?
Honestly, I've seen many geniuses have the same both reactions towards humanity. Some will delve right into the lack of meaning and conclude that humans will die out, it's a certainty. There's not enough money being put into space exploration and mass extinction events are super common, it's only a matter of time. Then why even allow them to prolong their meaningless existence by fucking up more of a planet that is extremely rare, at least as far as we know.
Then I've also met with very intelligent people that eventually went into nihilism, but their conclusion was that if it's all a mistake, or an illusion, it's still happening in some level of existence or consciousness and in this level that we can perceive we have done amazing things, things that no other animal could have ever done. And all we have done is natural and a part of nature, so nothing of it can be malignant. It's beautiful in it's flaws, simply because it happened despite the overwhelming odds against life.
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What could be more human than killing your own kind for a higher, noble cause?
it's only "human" to kill humans of other tribes, but we seek to protect and preserve members of our own.

Many humans would advocate destroying humans different from them, but few would advocate destroying all humans in general.
> Vision starts off as god-like and becomes more human.
> Wanda starts off as human and becomes more god-like.

> Thanos wants to impose order and balance upon the universe, according to Markus/McFeely (which again brings us back to that Vision quote; Thanos is not human but he's doing a very human thing)

> Stones represent Order
> Vision masters the Mind Stone, enabling him to survive within the gauntlet
> Wanda (with the help of Strange) masters Chaos Magic and channels it into the Gauntlet via Vision

> Vision masters the Mind Stone and asserts his humanity

> Wanda overcomes her fear and embraces being the Scarlet Witch and rediscovers her humanity

> Strange "breaks the rules" by helping Wanda master a forbidden mystic art
It had nothing to do with the rights, it was all Whedon's feeling to kill a character in every single one of his works every time, if it had anything to do with the right Wanda would be off the table too.
>Thanos wants to impose order and balance upon the universe

What? No Lady Death?
It's a shame the "I was born yesterday" quip ruined this scene
The best aspect of Thanos, gone.
This can't be right.
This Thanos feels way too much like a Pussyfied version of Darkseid.
I think there will be Lady Death, or Hela filling her role. It would make sense in that Thanos's aims would be driven by her desire for balance and order via more death.
I think that it's Lady Death who wants that and he pursues that to please her.

"Trying to control what won't", as Vision puts it, is a big part of Thanos's pursuit of the stones and use of the gauntlet.
>"Avengers, a-"

It's fine dialogue, although its points are unbearably western neo-buddhist and... I mean, it's completely DEFEATIST. Why the fuck do people pillory Zack Snyder's superman movies as "darkgrimdarklol" and then look at THIS as "brightlightfuntimes" or whatever the fuck? (People are stupid. People are stupid that's the answer).
What's defeatist about it? That two non organic entities acknowledge human's demise as a certainty?
Lady Death's demand from Thanos has to do with rebalancing the universe. The idea is that the balance has shifted too far toward life, and that half of life needs to be ended to restore it.
Not him but I presume he finds the "humanity is doomed" sentiment to be defeatist
Thanos: Watch as I rewrite the Universe!
> Unleashes the reality stone.
> Iron Man becomes a black teenage girl.
> Captain America becomes a black man
> Thor becomes a woman.
> Spider Man becomes a black kid named Miles.
> Pepper Potts is suddenly played by an actress with tits.
But that's not even the most emotionally engaging scene in the movie
They're talking about HUMANITY'S demise. They're saying with blase confidence that the human species will definitely come to an end. That's a hella strong statement to make considering we easily have the capacity to go a million years on into the future from our current pool of genetics, setting aside environmental issues for a moment; it's essentially saying "hey, you know the human race is gonna burn out right" "yeah but, I like 'em anyway" well, nice, thanks. It's a very dark position, so I was pointing out the irony people think Snyder's movies are dark when he actually AFFIRMS humanity every time, whereas the Avengers' world is actually much more anti-humanist but gets away with shit because it looks like a high-budget Power Rangers episode.
Fox got Quicksilver. Marvel got Scarlet Witch.
It isn't that difficult to understand, anon.
seriously what's with this memu? is this some kind of [triggereded!!1] for autists or what?
wew lad

Way to render your opinion completely worthless.
Thanos: "I will turn your universe into the SJW universe of crass diversity!"
I'll be extremely shocked if they don't bring him back in Infinity War. If they kill off Tony they could do it as something with him sacrificing himself in exchange for Quickslav as a way of redeeming himself for the whole Ultron thing.
MCU =/= Marvel Entertainment

All right, what do you consider deep?
It's not meant to be fucking deep, its meant to be honest & poignant.
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>Death still wont give him reward sex
just like every other dude who does that to impress
Based Cap.


I love this scene too. I kinda like it when opposite sides talk in a civilized fashion. One of the reasons why I liked the final scene with Hive and Lincoln in Agents of SHIELD too. Hive knew he lost so he conceded peacefully, and both he and Lincoln just waited for the end.
Your mom's pussy.
I dunno, I thought it was a fitting cap to the scene.
It's a buzzword for faggots from /tv/ who couldn't think of legitimate criticism.
>moment of sensibleness chuckle before evil gets BTFO
Despite all the shit he gets Quiptron makes sense, it takes after Tony's brainwaves after all, though that gimmick alongside Whedon's awful sense of humor robs him of actually looking like a legitimate treat.
>not 4k crispy goodness
>They originally appeared in Avengers comics
Wrong they appeared in X-Men as members of the brotherhood first
Ultron in the movies is a better character than most cape movies can afford. I can't believe people are too dumb to even realize that Pym's Ultron had his paranoid traits and this Ultron rightfully was shaped after Stark, with hubris, charisma and quips.
AIs are NEVER scary unless they have traces of humanity. That's what triggers rejection in the brain. Bitches gotta read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and 2001.

Ah, thanks. Dunno how I missed that version. You're a credit to your Anonism.
That shit reads like if it was taken from some generic anime.

Literally the only good thing about AoU.
This post isnt totally wrong>>93585662

But a much better response would have been Spider Man. "With great power, comes great responsibility" is about as simple as it gets but unlike the Vision/Ultron conversation its just as long as it needs to be to get its point across without feeling bloated and contrived.
Vision and Ultron felt tacked on at the end with their little talk and you could take that scene out and nothing would change about the "meaning" of the film and the conversation has fuck all to do with anything that happened later in the MCU (so far anyway). But in Spider Man the scene i mentioned is literally crucial to not only the film itself but to the development of spider man as a character making it far deeper than literally anything from the MCU.

Best scene in the MCU is from Civil War when you can see the fear in Tonys eyes when he thinks Steve is about to fucking decapitate him with the shield. Said a lot about where those two thought they stood with each other more than any of Whedons quip dialogue did.
>j-jokes never ruin scenes that could be powerful
Fuck off.
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