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>A Mexican cartoon with only 6 minutes of footage has already 1.76 million views

>A gigantic fandom, everyone creating fanarts, stories, lore, etc

How did Mexicans do it?
Maybe it's popularity will help lead to it getting greenlit as a full show
>Fluid animation that's pleasing to eyes
>Likeable creatively designed characters
>Subtle references to other CN shows
>Doesn't rely on randumb humor or poorly executed lore
>fluid animation.

Leave it to shipping to ruin all character design and characterization. They didn't even change Flug's second pose.
>Dr. Flug, take that stupid paper bag off your head!
>Fine, Boss but don't be mad if you don't like what you see.
>Is this good?
>... It's more than good...
Black Hat seems like his voice
would be the same as lord stingray from SJ.
You do realize that if it every does get green lit it will be dumbed down and altered to hell by network execs. Character designs simplified to make them easier to animate and characters personality sacrificed for formulaic stories to appeal to mass markets.
There's 120 Mexicans in Mexico and another 35 in murrika. Shilling is easy as they are a sad and dirty people yet pretty nationalistic
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I've been saying the exact same thing.
Aaaaaaw fuck, you're right. It's best bet is Netflix.
>There's 120 Mexicans in Mexico
This made me laugh, like a big ass country with 125 people and fucking nothing everywhere else.
and markiplier
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It essentially already is in the English dubs.
Viral marketing,free viral marketing done by people who think the characters are cute.
Focusing on Autistic viewer base

It's completely forgettable, feels like a Saturday morning cartoon
So, is this just League of Super Evil but better?
They have a hot chick instead of a dopey big guy, so yeah.
but dr frogg is cuter than flug
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No he isn't, faggot.
Waifubait + Fujoshitbait + Wacky TV Tropes Edgelord Humor = Money
same way mlp did
Having a cast consisting of two husbandos, one waifu, and a bear voiced by Markiplier.
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Old Sick Black Hat.png
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Dub #7 has been released! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmHZGstiDmY
What a mega cutie.
>alaska if it was a country
Alan posted this
Literally this. What a fucking breath of fresh air, I'm sick of seeing everyone trying to make Adventure Time or Regular Show clones
About time.
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>The year Mexico saved western animation by making fun and enjoyable cartoons devoid of all the political agendas and relationship drama bullshit plaguing American cartoons
Hurray! Gifs when?
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Super Dude fastest.gif
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I really like the sound design. Nothing sounds obnoxious and it's all rather fitting.
He's also running a poll! He's going to answer one of three possible questions: who films the commercials, how did bh get a medusa head or the characters cannononical hights.
>How did Mexicans do it?

They used their Aztec Magic.
I still hope to someday here flug sing
>Las leyendas is literally a multicultural show.
>Doesn`t feel forced.
It`s pretty neat.
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Seems like very random questions.

Seriously, where's my singing Flug, Alan?
I dunno. I feel like who films these commercials is a question worth exploring
Isn't just the Mexicans. Fireball is a series of 30-second bumpers loaded with puns that don't translate out of Japanese that spawned a cult toy line because of a fuckable robot.
Would that even be posible at this point?
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Anyone got any art of Flug doing karaoke
Same here, I originally thought that they just set up a camera on a stand and hit auto record or something. I never even considered that there might be someone else operating the camera. I wonder if they do all the editing too?
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>I could have a successful, beloved cartoon
>all I have to do is decapitate a princess and roll her body down a pyramid
brb cabrones, I'm about to get mine
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Here's one.
Does anyone have the screen shots from alans old da discovery?
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There's some short of Alan's friend celebrating Alan Ituriel's 16th birthday
they acquired the fujoshit audience
i like the show so i don't mind
>they acquired the fujoshit audience

On the one hand, that significantly sustains its popularity (waifufags get bored of waifubait too quickly), but on the other hand, the fandom is getting eaten alive by AUs thanks to them.
>feels like a saturday morning cartoon

i've got bad news for you anon
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Have my shitastic meme.
>feels like a Saturday morning cartoon
You mean actually enjoyable in a good old-fashioned fun kind of way? I agree.
so anons just don't like how Demencia wants to be BLACKED and instead push yurishit?
I don't think there are any other girls to ship Demencia with.

If you meant the fujos, I don't think people's attitudes towards them are anything to do with Demencia and Black Hat, more just that fujos are always awful and have a tendency to ruin everything they touch. See: Voltron.
Villainous The Musical
Post songs you want the characters to sing/remind you of them or animations set to music
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There is no yurishit, only yaoishit.
Voltron became a nightmare thanks to "muh pedophilia" and gay ship wars, which thankfully is not an issue with Villainous. Unless they introduce another dude or reveal the characters' ages, I think it'll stay clean in that regard.
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If the mysterious camera person is a girl, yurifags may suddenly appear! OH MY!
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I'd be okay with that, would stave off ship wars even more. Gotta keep tumblr happy to avoid the fandom turning to a hot mess.
I'm now a little worried about the possibility of a camera worker Alan hinted at...
I just fucking hope it get's some kind of English version. It looks promising.
>don't watch Voltron
>hah, this should be a laugh to read up on
>wait, that Pidge character is fucking FEMALE?
But what would this mysterious camera woman's gimmick even be? A stone faced, non-reactionary, minimum wage worker? Like that one 'batman the animated series' character that worked at a coustume store and deadpanned a villains schenanagans.
I really wish cartoon network would bring shorts back to the channel. Showing little bits of animation between the shows and breaks would definitely make me more likely to watch cartoons there instead of elsewhere. The focus on promoting one or two shows clearly isn't working when you look at how Nickelodeon who has a large variety of shows coming on their channel does in comparison. Shorts and random one offs would be a perfect way for CN to match that without the CN real travesty repeating itself. You'd think they would have realized that they were appealing to a cartoon audience and not the same audience that was watching Nick/Disney, not that they needed to completely ignore having as much variety as those two have in the shows they air.
Found it, this was the scene I meant. from the episode Beware the Creeper.
Dear God no, we're already dealing with this yaoi shit and now you want to add yuri shit too?
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The Lilies must C O N S U M E
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We could have yurishit
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Cause all the channels that show cartoons shot themselves in the fucking face and sawed their legs off. It was all to easy for them to do good because we're so used to shit.
Imagine how much more cancerous the fanbase would be if you added lesbians
What the fug, I watched the whole thing and I didn't smile even once.
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Alright, how many of you posting yaoishit are female?
I can only accept white hat if he's used to make Flug happy. But man, fuck that Oncelercest 2.0 garbage the fandom is turning to.
Would you a male Demencia, /co/?
No, it's Rule 63 cancer and gay.
Isn't /co/ like 50% female anyway?
youre right, im just not used to it since i go on /a/ too much, it's usually /u/shit there
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I can't get over this artstyle and character design

it looks like a bad webcomic in cartoon form
Alex Ross does Villainous
It's really not that big
How would the genderbent versions of Black Hat, Flug and Dementia be like?
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I tried doing a bit of Black Hat. He sounded slightly Australian so I went with that based on his inflection and tone.

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Black Hat.png
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>forgetting to put in a "in your life" in your impression.
7/10 at best.

by being in the right place being a bit over a decade from 2004 so that you can revive its artistic style and character tropes to essentially make a new invader zim with a hot topic frankie foster for a new generation disinterested in the last almost 10 years of more lighthearted whimsical cartoonery
Translator anon, could you translate, please?
You forgot the most important part -
>a girl you can masturbate to
it's as if it had crawled its way out of the DA page of some overweight latino artschool reject.

I keep looking at this >>93177074 and the first thing that springs to mind is that stupid fucking animated furry kesha music video.
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No, the most important part is the husbandos you can ship. They easily overshadow Demencia in all fanworks.
>Sexy genki redhead
>Dapper as fuck main character
>Lovable loser you can relate too.
>Huggably rapeably soft teddy bear

How could it fail?
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what am I looking at
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Glorious boy on boy love.
Clearance Level 2 Yaoi
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Is Dr. Flug alright?
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Turn it off.png
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It helps that the writers aren't inserting themselves into it and writing the 6yo characters to fall in love with them
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>everyone creating fanarts, stories, lore, etc
What do you think would happen if dementia gets turned into a baby
She would die
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Black Hat smiling.png
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Then Black Hat would commit a crime.
>Appeals to the slight middle school edge of EBUL
>Morons who think that 6 Minutes of fluid animation will be kept in a full show
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Here's a shitty transparent version, if you wanted one.
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>>93168145 (OP)
Mexicans are well known thief's and in this case, they stole your attention.
Only one? Without Flug?
This show has my attention.
'Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom'
'Let me use your bathroom, you incorrigible human'
Who says these respectively?
I like this
It's pretty much a big mash up of Invader Zim, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and Evil Con Carne.

Got Black Hat who's pretty much a combination of Nergle and Carne.
The Bear is well, the bear from Evil Con Carne.
Dementia as a humanized Gir, both wearing green animal outfits and act random.
Flug is Major Dr. Ghastly, the not really evil scientist

Also has a sort of Gorillaz dynamic:
Murdoc = Black Hat, Evil dude leading the group
2D = Flug, Dude that gets pushed around by the leader
Russel = 5.0.5, chill teddy bear of the group that gets scary when enraged
Noodle = Demencia, quirky girl that's random

So I'm sure fans of those are stoked about this show. Also Markilpier probably contributed a decent chunk to it's popularity.
And some of that yeah
Definitely >>93168349 (though the animation isn't THAT fluid, it's still ok).
Something that always annoys me about latinamerican productions, though, is that often the characters look so different from oneanother that they don't look like they belong to the same show
>feels like a Saturday morning cartoon
You mean the type of cartoon the network desperately needs?
I'll let you in on a little secret, anon. TTG isn't popular because it's good, it's popular because it's the only cartoon on CN that's actually trying to be a pure comedy cartoon.
TTG and Gumball are popular with kids because they're the only cartoons the network has with fast paced, constant slapstick comedy.

Clarence, We Bare Bears, Steven Universe, Uncle Grandpa, Adventure Time. They're all either slow, pull their punches or are melodramas. TTG isn't afraid to have characters get violently smacked in the face and guess what, kids fucking love that shit. Mean spirited humor is why underages love Family Guy. Dark humor is why Invader ZIM is still huge 15 years later and why Gravity Falls exploded with popularity.

Magiswords is too fast and too nice to really be enjoyable for kids, even though it has the potential to be a TTG-esque show.

Villainous is really the breath of fresh air among the, "Everything is about love, friendship, and believing in yourself during your slice of life adventure" that is plaguing a lot of kids shows right now.
>It's pretty much a big mash up of Invader Zim, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and Evil Con Carne.
That's not a bad thing. A return/homage to a better era.
Doesn't need and probably won't get a full show. Nothing wrong with getting more shorts. Shorts are great for animation.
Where's the artist that did toddler dementia?
>Dear God no, we're already dealing with this yaoi shit and now you want to add yuri shit too?
>I don't think there are any other girls to ship Demencia with.
>If the mysterious camera person is a girl, yurifags may suddenly appear! OH MY!

A girl character like a girl cameraman is actually necessary to stabilize the fandom and prevent drama and save Demencia in the fandom, so it is the opposite of what you're suggesting.

With just Demencia, the majority of the fandom (so not 4chan) will begin to dislike Demencia since the fandom is mostly fujoshits. Her existence creates the possibility of shipwars to interfere with the all-important Flughat with things like BH/Demencia and Flug/Demencia, causing drama. Fangirls will actually hate her because she gets in the way of their ship but will make up "progressive" reasons to hate her like "she is heteronormative." She will either be left out of fanfic or will be a Flughat fujoshi in fanfic just there to cheer on the yaoi couple, at worst she will be the villain who gets in the way of the pure boy love and will be killed.

However, say the cameraperson is revealed to be female. All of this will change. Insantly Demencia/Camera Girl will become a popular yuri ship. Many BH/Flug artists and writers will begin drawing Demencia/Camera Girl as a companion ship or "ship mate" to Flughat. She will be "cool" again. Demenica/Camera Girl will appear in every Flughat fic in the background and eventually generate a smaller genuine yuri fandom that can stand on its own to some extent and even has seperate shippers who do not like Flughat.

A yuri gf for Demencia is neccessary to restore balance to the majority of the fandom (waifufags/4chan being just a teeny slice of the Villainous online fandom).

I can't get over how shitty BH english voice is.
Demencia's far too devoted to cheat on her beloved Blackie unless this potential suitor is equally faithful to Black Hat.

>Not hatted

That's not really important to the fandom. Camerawoman will help Demencia get over a crush that won't work out because Black Hat only has eyes for his Flug. But sure, maybe the camera woman films the commercials because she is also a huge Black Hat fangirl, and she and Demencia will bond over their mutual interest in him and eventually fall in love.
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>Episode 8 (English)
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>Be me
>See everyone go fucking nuts about Villainous.
>Think the fandom is absolute shite when haven't even seen the bad parts of the fandom or the shorts themselves.
>Go watch them
>"Hey these are pretty good!"
>Sees if I can find anything else
>Looks at recommended videos
>Shipping videos, everywhere.
Really shows how starved we are for good content. Good thing those six minutes are incredibly dense well animated.
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Is that Mark voicing Buffhat?
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Yes he is.
Goddamnit Markiplier your content sucks but I still love you.
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You bet your ass. Actual voice lines, good for him.
>I knew way back when he could pull it off.
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Black Hat Miffed.png
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>those cute little "oh!" noises Flug makes

First time I've enjoyed his English voice.
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Where can I check this out
Probably because the characters aren't made to be hideous like 90% of all modern western cartoons. Seriously it's an epidemic. You pick 10 cartoons made in the last 5 years at random and 9 of them will have deliberately ugly character deigns. This more than anything I think is why it's a sensational hit and not just mildly popular.

Plenty of those ugly cartoons have decent writing and characterization, but cartoons are visual. The visual style plays a big part in why people like something. That's a huge reason for why anime is popular, because its very stylish. And this, this is fucking stylish. Blackhat looks cool, dammit. How long since we had a cartoon character who actually looks COOL?
i ship dimentiaxdr flug
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Demencia bumps painting.gif
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does whatever a waifu can.gif
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Sort of ironic a bunch of monsters are more appealing to look at that 90% of cartoons with the Calarts style. Inb4 Calarts meme. It's too soft/childish and shows like SU make it repulsive to look at.
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>i ship dimentiaxdr flug

Papermencia/FlugxDemencia is Best Ship.
>>Looks at recommended videos
>>Shipping videos, everywhere.

Even though this happens with any fandom in this case, it is justified.

The entire content is six minutes. Just. Six. Minutes. Six minutes of sight gags. Very simplistic characters and very simplistic "plot" because it has to be it is nothing be a couple minutes of jokes.

After you watch the shorts and say "these are cute character designs and nice sight gags" what else is there to say? There is nothing to talk about. There's nothing there.

Shipping is the only place for things to go.
there's more videos from 2012 from a newgrounds-ish site call the place to hang out i think
there's youtube videos
good now draw them kissing
Also this.
Eh, I guess I can relate somewhat to Villainous' fandom. Shipping everywhere, lack of content, probably going to be sent to /tra- I mean has a not very good fandom in a few circles, I feel like a SU fan all over again.
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>How did Mexicans do it?

1. Appealed to Fujoshis with yaoiz

2. Black Hat is now the New Onceler

>Black Hat
>White Hat
>Vapor Hat
>Rainbow Hat
>Grey Hat
>Purple Hat
>And More Hats

Good taste
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Black Hat keyboard.png
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Curse you vile scourge
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Black Hat blasted.gif
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Black Hat blasted fastest.gif
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>That Dementia.
Oh my fuck, Demencia's voice is CUTE.
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Rawr eyebrows faster.gif
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Flug is for fug.

It cannot be helped if BH is supplying that fug.
What's that function of Demencia anyway?
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Demonic Black Hat (1).png
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Good, american cartoons are shit nowadays
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Is this legit, or just random bullshit made up by some faggot?

Ituriel retweeted the article so I'm guessing it's legit. An anon in past thread told me that it could also mean that they're hoping for it to become a new series, but I have my hopes up. I need it after this E3
Huh, good. I missed some threads here, so I wasn't sure if you guys had seen it yet. I hope it's real.

Flug: What are you doing!?
BH: What's the matter with you? I called for you.
I guess we'll know who records the shorts for Black Hat Organization.

Flug: Talking with White Hat makes my heart stop... he's so nice...
BH: If you like him so much, why don't you just work for him instead? I can find plenty of replacements.
Flug: But you're my boss. No matter what he says, I work for you, sir.
>How did Mexicans do it?
by not sucking dick at everything
I have the exact same thoughts about the show. It looks completely amateur. Unfortunately, fucking Flug and Black Hat are perfect fujobait and I find that difficult to resist even though I've suppressed my fujoshit side for years. The character designs are objectively trash but somehow they've been perfectly engineered to appeal to waifufags and fujoshits.
>reminding us of the golden age of the canal
Fuck yeah, it gave me a real 18th Century waterways feel.
She is a leezurd.
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So its legit and by some faggot
the muscle/bodyguard against heroes and other villains that want to wreck shop.
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So thats who records the shorts
Please be a deadpan snarker, thats the one character archetype we really need!
but is it a fembot?
Is it sentient?
it's probably genderless
NeatI figured that would win but still I'd like to know where he got Medusa's head
I like the way you think.
Cam-Bot new best waifu, second only to flug.
gijinka of them as a hot film student when?
Because the Spanish speakers finally got something half-way decent to watch so now they're blowing up how "good" it is

The real realize why everyone won't be shut up about is it because they want to fuck the girl or they want to see the villain fuck his bag head fuckboi
porn when?
>purpose is to record bh being evil
better gig than just passing butter
Mark doing the BuffHat voice...
help, i did not ask for this sudden boner
So was it really even designed by bh or was it fully created by flug and bh takes credit for it
This is the one thing that has beem bothing me so far
it says on the image it was designed by flug for the purpose of recording bh doing evil
Headcannon: Cam-bot is an art house nut/film student with a very dry wit.
Made by Flug. BH constantly takes credit for Flug's work.

Cam Bot/Flug ship art when?
It's gotta be made by Flug. BH can't even figure out how to use Flug's inventions; there's no way he could invent something useful on his own.
thats incest, cam-bot x Demencia for life!
I see lewd potential for this screen cap, just needs a blush edit.
>implying cam-bot didn't flip out and use its many mechanical arms to tentacle rape Flug the first time it was activated
damn this is cool
short hair demencia looks hot
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Demencia paint frame (8) crop.png
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what did you think i was shipping it for in the first place dummy? Demencia is the only one that can handle it!
Well that explains a lot.
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Black Hat steepling.png
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It hurts how incredibly accurate what you're saying is, and how there are people at cartoon studios who likely have to sit around and think about this shit so they can properly capture the market.
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oh god
>implying Flug isn't a masochist who enjoys tentacle rape
>implying he didn't program cam-bot to love him
He has become more powerful than she could possibly imagine.
Many thanks, translator anon
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The truth is he never existed.
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I like that Alan draws the two of them together a lot, he must see the comedic potential of a hyperactive girl bullying a meek nerd.
he has bh for tentacle rape you ding dong! let demencia have her masturbatory aid since she sure as shit aint gettin any from Black Hat, GOD! >;(
what if Dr. Flug was actual a very handsome man who had to put a bag over his head. so he dose not distract the guess or attract all the ladies from black hat.
I don't think BH even cares about attracting ladies.

I bet Flug just wears the bag so none of his pilot buddies will find out he crashed his plane and is now working for a villain. He is on TV, after all.
yuri with who? She's the only girl so far.

I guess she could easily be cross-shipped with other moody teen waifus.
Cam-Bot, possibly idk gives off a Moody french film student vibe to me


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>Baby Demenica

Okay what the fuck is that? I don't get it
>yuri with who? She's the only girl so far.

Cam-Bot, she needs to have a human form that is a moody female film student in a qt French beret and robo-tentacles to fuck her gf Demencia with.
Guys, remember to report the toddlercon anons.
This is even more autistic than Oncelercest, kill yourselves.
BH doing "stuff" to a baby
Find the previous editions of these threads on desuarchive and search for imgur links.
Is that Alan?
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Mother of God
>How did Mexicans do it?

>decent animation
>good character designs
>sexy genki-girl character
>not including (non-white) Mexican characters.

Okay, I definitely missed something

I need a breakdown of this baby demenica thing. I briefly heard it from other threads.
Why are you spastics still dragging this shit out?
I think so? It matches the other times hes drawn himself.
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This general wasn't always a happy place. We once walked into the dark side.

Its name still haunts us
Baby Demenica
Some faggot drew porn of baby Demencia getting fucked, others wrote greentext, autists reacted to it and still refuse to stop bringing the shitty joke up.

Mods are cracking down on this bullshit lately btw.
>Its name still haunts us

Because you autismos refuse to drop it and keep somehow acting like it's new
The most kuudere of jaded french film students. A perfect counterpoint to Demencia. And of course its an evil ai too so bonus points.
>Some faggot drew porn of baby Demencia getting fucked, others wrote greentext, autists reacted to it and still refuse to stop bringing the shitty joke up.

You guys created that monster and now other generals think we're into toddlercon.
wow these threads are really dumb
No, some anon requested Demencia toddlercon back in May, master shake drew it, then the "hurrr but BH would do it cuz he's evil" sperging came about

Flug baby porn was drawn too, but no one went autistic over that for some reason
Well just look at all the dumbfucks who feed >>93190268, despite it not being funny and a stale meme.

These threads are shit, we deserve to get derided by the rest of /co/.
You can get banned for posts like this, anons.
yeah i doubt it (you)'re gonna get any.
wait for it.
I'm starting to think this is one samefag deliberately trying to destroy these threads and get them sent to /trash/.
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Wait, it's true? You guys are into toddlercon?
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Black Hathulu.gif
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Can't wait for this dub.
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lmao i love spanish
whoa whoa, we didn't do ANYTHING
blame the original person who requested it
Yep. Fujos might be annoying but we'd never do shit like this
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Black Hat miffed.gif
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Two words
Shota Flug

Please stop talking
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>Thread derailed again

>we didn't do ANYTHING

You guys thought it was hot and continue to bring it up. You're also now trying to turn a camera into a humanoid fembot made for fucking Demencia. That's literally worse than the multiple Hats shit.

Demenciafags are pure cancer.
>Shota Flug

Literally hasn't been brought up since the day it was made and hasn't killed threads like the baby Demencia shit continues to do.

You're worse, stop trying to pretend otherwise.
How can one baby destroy so much....
report the baby posters, anon. Don't be afraid, it really does help.
I don't want to go to hell to have these threads

>has a character everyone is attracted to or wants to sex

basically it

I think it's time, guys
>has a character everyone is attracted to or wants to sex

That's Black Hat and Flug, judging by all the rule34 and fanart.
I watched the shorts once and I could hear the voices perfectly in my head
what the fuck
I solely blame the demenicafags for this. It was (You) guys that kept pushing this
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It was you fujos that kept acting like autistic and gave attention towards other generals, even fucking /trash/ knows about it
the devil sounds like a fag if black hat is his replacement
Nice smear
Nah, waifufags are basically responsible for everything that went wrong with these threads.
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Extremely quickly shittily dashed off gijinka doodle idea, somebody please make a real one though.


No one does autism better than 4chan!
it's good
would /trash/ be good for us? I'm just curious
>>A Mexican cartoon with only 6 minutes of footage has already 1.76 million views
>>A gigantic fandom, everyone creating fanarts, stories, lore, etc
>How did Mexicans do it?

By animating on their side of the border.
I still say Flug is either horrifically ugly or there is no face under the bag.
This was literally my 45-second effort because I thought I'd be beaten otherwise I welcome genuine attempts.
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Dunno man, this Alan Turiel person seems as shady as a Tommy Wiseau with actual talent, maybe more.
It would be a nightmare
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No, he's a cute boy under there.
>That cliche

Christ, we can be a little original with this
No, he's actually a girl.
can he not, it's rather silly if he was hot under the bag and sorta an uninteresting idea
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For lolita Flug anon
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He's a cute boy with burn scars.

Actually, it's more likely he's just a normal dude underneath. See also: >>93190136
>Wanting Flug to be some fugly monster

I can't shlick to that
Well done, anon! I'm impressed.
Not every damn thing has to be a cute boy. I like my fujo but good god, woman
>it's rather silly if he was hot under the bag

Because a paper bag isn't all that insulating.
Because it's not interesting. It would be boring as fuck.

I would rather have something worth seeing then "OMFG he's hawt"
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Dr. Flug shivering in fear.gif
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That's adorable, anon.

>Not every damn thing has to be a cute boy

Yes it does. Even cuter if he has some scars on him.
>pre-teenage girl
I can see why people loathe fujos.
I wanna talk about the show and it's just fujofags being obnoxious
Hey, at least we're better than the demenicafags

Then these threads would've been pure degenerate
>Then these threads would've been pure degenerate

Like how they are right now? You're obsessed with a villain having sex with a likely underage boy like Flug.
I "kinda" agree. These discussions have just been yaoi shit. Why don't you guys make a separate thread on /y/ about that

He gives me more of a engineer just out of school with a half assed costume to hide his face vibe.
The fuck? This thread was just ruined by baby Demencia shit. Are you blind?
You don't know this though and there are hints in the show that he's actually underage
>These discussions have just been yaoi shit

No they haven't. Where is there discussion about BH and Flug fucking beyond anons pointing out that it's the most popular thing about the show?
You're kidding me right?

The whole fucking thread and fanart is blind to you?
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Mfw my Waifu might be underage and I'm not ready to handle what that implies
>Demenica is underage
>So is Flug

Man Black Hat is looking like a pedo right now
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Oh, it's that one anon who constantly tries to argue that Flug is underage.

>has a driver's license
>has a pilot's license
>pictured here with Al Capone

Stop baiting.

>fanart = discussion

Point out to me actual yaoi discussion that's taking over the thread, anon.
I wish I could win a Nobel and get a driver's + pilot license when I was underage
I remember the last show everyone loved that got greenlit. It turned into total dogshit.
>has a driver's license
You can get your license before 18, you know this right?
>has a pilot's license
That too
>pictured here with Al Capone
You mean a photoshop pic?
>waifufags desperately trying to do damage control and shift blame

Top kek, you guys are such babies.
Don't say the word baby towards them, those "things" might be aroused
>You mean a photoshop pic?

It's literally a screenshot from the show. And there are no implications that the pic itself is photoshopped.

Once again, stop baiting.
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>>93191750 >>93191771

Aww shit
drawfriend here, i will draw whatever anyone wants as long as its dimenctiaxflug
Wow who would have thought the bad man would have disreputable traits?
Demenica pegging Flug
thats dirty, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, there's like hundred pics like that

Human Cam-Bot-chan (female).
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dobson and his stand.jpg
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Am I the only one who can't look at that blue bear without reminding of pic related?

Scratch that thought you said except for Demencia x Flug.

Demencia dressed Flug up as a little girl and bullies him.

Demencia draws funny expressions and things on Flug's bat.

Demencia seduces Flug.

Demencia ties Flug up and covers him in kisses.
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I love her already, art of her lezzing with Demencia when?
/trash/ is a nice place
Man screw this, I'm eating pizza.

Thug Life
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I think we should go to /trash/..
>That too
You see, just because something is technically legal doesn't mean it's still systematically possible.
Yeah it's time
Well make a thread there nobody is stopping you
Well you guys go with me if I do it?
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Black Hat red.gif
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If someone makes a /trash/ thread then I'll go there. I think we'll have more freedom anyway
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Omnisiah be praised
Toddlercon/loli is not allowed there either.

Take the Demenciafags though, that might save these threads.
No, but we can post normal nsfw there.
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Hardcore cringe right there anon.
So it'll basically be /aco/, only the thread will die within 30 minutes due to the absurdly fast speed of /trash/.

Sounds fucking retarded and pointless, but knock yourself out.
Not really, because it won't be specifically for the posting of nsfw. It'll be the same as our threads here, only we'll be able to post nsfw in addition to the stuff we post here.
Eh, I think we should give the /trash/ thing a shot

Plenty of threads on there have no issues there
It'll just be Demencia porn with zero discussion. The thread will only stay alive if you're autistic enough to bump it every once in a while.

There's a reason no one wants their threads to go there anon, it's where shitty threads go to rot.
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Had a little too much fun here.
/sug/ is over there
/sveg/ is over there
/hg/, etc etc

They all have discussions and no porn dumps
It's reference to James from Pokemon
>The thread will only stay alive if you're autistic enough to bump it every once in a while
You just described this thread. It takes a thread about four hours to fall off from lack of activity. /co/ takes two hours. Where did you get the idea /trash/ is "absurdly fast"?
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cambot x demencia.png
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Get over here

Damn that's edgy
Why go to /trash/? It's just going to encourage more offtopic and baby posting. What sense is that?
But it's not, we're already having a good time, dude
loli isnt allowed in /trash/
It's not allowed here either.
So things would remain the same only with regular porn
So they'll get worse? Okay.

Never thought I'd see anons sucking /trash/'s dick, fucking bizarre.

Too bad they can't storyboard for shit. Shot composition is as bad as Johnny Test at times.
I love it! Thank you so much for indulging me.
There's nothing fucking bad happening here.
You do realize /sug/ has their threads and it's full of discussions?

Chill out dude
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Also Alan confirmed on Twitter that cam-bot had a make up function before bh tore it off when he got dolled up by it.
>ywn see cam chan do demencias makeup to make her look like a Hollywood starlet.
My heart hurts lads...
Looks like nothing is happening there, period.

>using /sug/ as a merit

Top kek
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I need my own smear.png
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Has anyone made a gif of Flug flailing in this scene yet?
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Black hat is hot (and basically an emo warden/onceler style of character, which a lot of people fangirled over) + domineering personality.
Demencia is waifu material
That's why, I think.
Another dumb Calarts show
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Thanks, anon.
>cam chan do demencias makeup to make her look like a Hollywood starlet.

I hope somebody draws it.


Very cute and well drawn design, I like it, but this show is already such a sausage fest I hope we see more girl cambot gijinka.
I'm not a fujoshit but there is just something about Warden and Black Hat. I don't understand why I find them so appealing. Never found the Onceler and his chinless mug appealing though.
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>no mention of Flug

He's incredibly popular, anon.
Black Hat is easily the blandest character in his own show, besides 5.0.5
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Oh yeah, I forgot shipping.
he's pretty one-note but I can easily see where people are coming from in finding him attractive
I don't want another fem Grievous situation though.
>Oh yeah, I forgot shipping.

He's more than just that, you jerk.
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Bill Cipher Mouths.jpg
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There's the Warden, Onceler bit, the eldritchy demon Bill Cipher bit, all were massive fangirl/fujobait.
Let's be honest, they're all kind of bland.
>BH - evil, businessman, demon
>Flug - inventor, spineless, scared of BH
>Dementia - lolsorandum, token waifu, in love with BH
>5.0.5 - bear
The fandom runs mostly on headcanon.
There are a lot of hints and intrigue towards Flug, but the rest are bland. Especially BH, who is just evil for the sake of evil and not all that interesting as a character.
Whether a qt girl or qt shota cambot all will be pure sex appeal bait either way, now I really like the qt shota cambot and hope I see a lot more of it, just there is so much making them qt sexy boys (like the qt sexy Flug with no bag on his head design) already that a girl to balance out would be nice. But a lot of different designs would be cool to see what different people do with it, boy and girl gijinka.

Season 2 starrin Baal when?
Flug's possibly a pilot, has a pilot's license, no one knows what's under the bag or why he wears it, is possibly not human, he loves pancakes and planes, finds sandwiches evil, is ambiguously good/evil, has books on how to talk to people, and secretly fantasizes about being a Chad.

Demencia is possibly an experiment with an ambiguous background, could possibly be half human and half lizard, is in love with BH because ???, is an asshole for reasons that aren't explained.

BH is evil and an Eldritch abomination and enjoys evil. Fucking nothing in terms of ambition or intrigue.

5.0.5 is just a mascot.
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OR ELSE.webm
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I like how gross BH can be
I want some damaged but cute cambot
I can't believe they gave a 14 year old her own cartoon series
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Can the fags please vacate the area? I want more Dementia art.
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Black Hat huh.gif
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>not wanting to fug the Flug
Sweet. How was this made?
>acting like this show isnt for fucking queers
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Love those smears.
All the ideas and designs for this show might as well have been thought up by a high schooler. I guess that's why it's trash that strongly appeals to manchildren like me.
LunaPic. The picture I used was >>93183280
Yup, that sure was the joke.
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Damn, this shit is fun. Thanks!
Huh, didn't notice it before, but English Dub Black Hat sounds likea less-English Murdoc.
...oh god, they can fit into Gorillaz roles.
>Black Hat = Murdoc
>Flug = 2D
>505 = Russ
>Dementia = Noodle
First of all, I'm in on this because it's a show about a villain crew.

Black Hat is all about profiteering off of gadgets Flug makes. Which is in my interest.

Flug interests me because he's going to be the hidden Ace in the Hole with this show. He's going to be a character full of surprise.

5.0.5 is the innocent punching bag and the butt of most jokes so that's funny to me

And then there's Dementia. She's pure waifu material to me. Raaawwwr.
Why is he possibly not human?
People say he sounds like Murdoc but I'm not really hearing it, maybe just in the gravel-y-ness of his voice?
We don't know what's under the bag.
What famous villains would you like to see consiliated by Black Hat? (like Captain Hook in the pilot)
Markiplier smooth as fuck
>5.0.5 is the innocent punching bag and the butt of most jokes

Isn't that Flug though? He gets bullied and abused in literally every short he's in.

5.0.5 feels altogether useless.
>golden age of the canal
this'll never get old
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>His name is mentioned by Black Hat (in an official ask) as Dr. Flug Slys, which could possibly be his full name. "Flugslys" is an Icelandic term that describes an accident involving aviation that can be loosely translated as "plane crash"

What if Flug is actually dead?
Oh boy, we got another one coming through
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>Flug died in the plane crash into BH's house
>BH finds out the corpse in the plane was actually a doctor and decides to revive him
>Flug is now forever indebted to serving BH and live as his slave
>this is also why he survives all the abuse he goes through
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Old Sick Black Hat coughing.gif
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He's the one they do experiments on
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>we want the superwholock underhomestucktail fanbase

a dirty, yet completely understandable tactic i suppose
Maybe another classical villan character? Somebody who's public domain like the wicked witch of the west. Holy fuck I just remembered Wicked and just realized that could be used as set up to make flug sing, I'm gonna flip!
hell, drawfag
I'm not sure they WANTED it, but it looks like they've got it.

I think the time has finally come to ban women from the internet.
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>Herbert Flug: Reanimator
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It feels like an early 2000's cartoon run through the modern filter. Sort of like how Steven Universe is an 80's cartoon run through the modern filter and Gravity Falls was a 90's cartoon run through the modern filter.
How many of you guys here are spics?
I'm white hispanic (over half of my ancestors came from Spain) does that count?
>superwholock underhomestucktail
superwholock is still a thing?

I know undertale is still a cancer, see it spreading through this fandom
If it doesn't count for me, it should not count for you.
Full mexican here.
But I have the spanish skill of an anti-social 8 year old.
>superwholock is still a thing?

Not really. It died around the time Dashcon came into existence. All three shows still have fans, but I never see people lumping them together anymore.
But the most cancerous portion of this fandom are the Demenciafag baby lovers
>I want some damaged but cute cambot

If we're allowed to make another thread I'll post a hurt camchan in it later.
I ship it
Welp the /trash/ thread is dead
Worst ship desu
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Demencia laughing.png
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>>Fluid animation that's pleasing to eyes
Isn't it cheating if they are one minute each?
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Made a reaction image out of it.
>Mariana was here
You mean that Mariana who works for the animation studio?
From the pinnacle, to the pit.

It's all fucking Master Shakes fault!
>not shipping 5.0.5 with her instead
>Sudden seductive markiplier voice
Oh my
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I don't find Markiplier remotely funny, but goddamn his voice is amazing. Is that why he got so popular?
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>how did Mexico do it?

They just took a bunch of characters that people already like, changed their designs a lil' bit, gave them new names, and put them all in a show together.
Would the Cambot have a personality on his/her own?

>Not Demencia

This repeats itself way too much to be a typo.

Like, I know you guys think Tacospeak is too hard, but this one's easy mode. You only have to change a t for a c.
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So, are you guys female or just fags with extraordinarily bad taste?
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The latter
Don't believe >>93198468 , she's a fujo and wants to deceive us for whatever fujo sick scheme.
I want to make white phosphorus in the lab with Dr. Flug.
Demencia a shit
No u
Too bad Mario is destroying their culture by appropriating it
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