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Christopher Priest opinion about /co/ assholes that shitting

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>So, I’m reading all of this hoopla online about the Titans crossover event and how terribly I handled Damian and OG Wally and why didn’t I know this thing happened on page 6 of Obscure Comics #12 back in 2004. Okay, I heard you.

>And now what? So, Damian is (apparently) no longer a little shit. He is thoughtful and more mature and less impulsive, less self-centered. Great. I got it wrong. And now what? What do we do with a character after we’ve smoothed out all of the rough edges and rounded off all the corners?

>Wally *doesn’t* have a heart problem. Gotcha. And now what? How do we make OG Wally relevant or even interesting? I’m not trying to pick a fight or insult anybody, I’m really asking: and now what? What do the fans actually want? They seem to want their heroes to be perfect and problem-free.

>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story. I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten. And I will portray the character the way he or she is being portrayed now, today, currently, not what was done years or even months before.

>It’s entirely possible that I’m missing the point fans are trying to make. I *am* listening, but this is a mystery to me. The impression I am forming is fans want their characters to evolve into flat, lifeless droids who, I guess, have adventures wherein their decisions are always spot-on, they are always portrayed in a heroic light, and nobody ever gets damaged. I don’t intend that to be mean-spirited. That literally is my takeaway from all the crosstalk I am seeing.
>The extreme distortions– calling my and my colleagues’ work “garbage” –doesn’t help. Arguably, some fans reacted strongly to the stresses we put their favorite characters through. But to suggest that no part, not one scene or one page of the Titans crossover was any good– is just silly. This is the sad byproduct of our zero-sum society, wherein everybody has to be polarized to the extreme of everyone else. Disagreeing with how I portray Potato Man does not, in fact, make me an actual Nazi.

>So, somebody help me out. I’m sure many fans gripe about DC or Marvel not listening to them. Well, I’m listening. It’s important to me, to my job, to figure out what fans want and do my best to provide that while not boring them to death by actually giving them exactly what they want.

>But is no-drama Wally really what they want? If so, then what? Is well-balanced, non-tempestuous Damian what they want? If so, then what? What do we do? What stories do we write about these characters once they’ve shed the very characteristics that made us love them in the first place?

>With all possible respect to my friend Tim Seely, my former mentor Marv Wolfman, Devin Grayson, Geoff Johns and others, I find Dick Grayson to be the most boring Wonder Bread boilerplate character ever to pull on spandex. That’s just me. Tens of thousands of fans are *rabid* Dick Grayson fans. For the life of me, I couldn’t explain why. Grayson, in his various iterations, seems, to me, the ultimate expression of what I’m being harangued about around the web: the flattened-out character whose dealt with all of his shortcomings and character flaws. I see Grayson and I wonder, “And now what?”

>Is that what fans want– Damian to be indistinguishable from Grayson? Wally to have no challenges to overcome? And, if so, then what?

>I’m not trying to be sarcastic or even defensive. I’m trying to understand because, obviously, I’m missing something.

>I ignored this characters previous character development because I didn't know how to write him interestingly except as an asshole.
Daily reminder that Priest is reading /co/ shitposting


“Priest is a hack and Deathstroke is overrated.” by Anonymous

“A nigger.” by Anonymous

“He’s also a self hating nigger”

>>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story. I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten. And I will portray the character the way he or she is being portrayed now, today, currently, not what was done years or even months before.
I guess he's talking more about Wally than Damian here.
Absolute madman.
How about not turning Wally into a pussy who shits his pants at the thought of fighting Deathstroke with superspeed?

Damian can be a little shit and not give people lifelong heart conditions
As if I didn't hate the industry enough as it is right now, autists pissing off Priest is the cherry on top of it all.
This sounds less /co/ (which generally has a favorable opinion of Priest) and more other sites, honestly. Minus OP who's obviously trying to stir up some (you)s.
Does DC not have primers or something editors give to writers about characters they want to write before they start writing? I don't expect the writer to read 100 comics of a character they write but I fully expect them to talk to or receive a condensed form or the info from the editor who has.
Priest wrote Damian really well in his own Deathstroke. I haven't been reading Lazarus Contract so I don't know what people are bitching about, but I think he has a handle on the character.
Is that what fans want– Damian to be indistinguishable from Grayson? Wally to have no challenges to overcome? And, if so, then what?
I love damian because he is mean and cool .
Damian is still an arrogant shit, I don't get the whining he was written badly. At best he was a bit too douchey by immediately stopping past Wally's heart as a solution to the problem.
>Priest wrote Damian really well in his own Deathstroke. I haven't been reading Lazarus Contract so I don't know what people are bitching about, but I think he has a handle on the character.
This..I agree.
Oh shit, it's Damifag. Is this whole "/co/ assholes" thing just Damifag?
It's not like Damian shows up in the main bat books Damifag.
He did write him well. The crossover he probably just needed to tone it down a bit. Killing people at the drop of a hat and permanently disabling someone is too much.
They do but let's not pretend editors aren't sometimes
a) shit tasted
b) status quo dogs
c) dumb
d) all of the above
>tfw Damifag is pissing off Priest.
How can we get rid of this cancer?
He did say Batman and Iron Man are his instant YES'es but... I don't think I'd like him on Batman.
i love Priest.timfag i am his biggest fan 4 chan know that.
I feel like 98% of writers are out of touch with what the majority of fans want
at least I want just fun books
like fuck, Rebirth is all about nostalgia hype and happiness or whatever but most of the stories are still somewhat grimdark bullshit
I'd rather read a Superman Adventures story than almost anything coming out these days
People who think Priest's Deathstroke is God's gift to comics need to read this very carefully. What a fucking joke.
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>>Grayson hating
giving the fans "what they want" is a dumb idea.
mister Priest is mad Because of timfag Atlanta96, http://community.comicbookresources.com/showthread.php?96241-Teen-Titans-Annual-1-The-Lazarus-Contract-Special-Finale/page14
Fuck off. Rebirth is just mindless Transformers tier fun. Read something stupid like Superman, Flash or gl. It's all fun with no substance.
Oh, I was wondering where are Dickfags
Anybody who psses off characterfags is God's gift to mankind.
This reminds me of the attitude Bob Haney used to have when he was writing Brave & The Bold: "If continuity conflicts with MY STORY, fuck continuity."

This attitude is lazy and self-serving. At the same time, a lot of fans go WAY too far with continuity.
Niggers gon' nig.
I know you're reading this, Priest. Mention me in your next blogpost pls
Holy SHIT.
timfag Atlanta96, He said worse things..>>92937982
>“Priest is a hack and Deathstroke is overrated.” by Anonymous
>“A nigger.” by Anonymous
>“He’s also a self hating nigger”
that is timfag. Priest know him
Priest has been actively using Deathstroke and his history and continuity in his run. I feel like he's just confused/protesting at the fan reaction, but direct interaction like this with fans is usually retarded but more fool him. He's still, as a comics writer, one of my absolute favorites and easily one of the best in cape comics right now.
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Hating a character because there nice is edgy as shit and turning a character into a coward for the sake of giving them a flaw is retarded
Fun and substance aren't mutually exclusive, especially when it comes to superhero comics. This is a basic fact that everyone seems to have forgotten
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>>I find Dick Grayson to be the most boring Wonder Bread boilerplate character ever to pull on spandex. That’s just me. Tens of thousands of fans are *rabid* Dick Grayson fans. For the life of me, I couldn’t explain why. Grayson, in his various iterations, seems, to me, the ultimate expression of what I’m being harangued about around the web: the flattened-out character whose dealt with all of his shortcomings and character flaws. I see Grayson and I wonder, “And now what?”

Hahahaah, fuckin Priest.
Not if he tells a shit story.
I don't know if Priest is just pushing back against the (no doubt overblown) criticism or if he really doesn't get how an unrepentant asshole of a 13 year old couldn't function as the leader of the Teen Titans. Honestly I figured Percy was writing all the Damian scenes. It's a little disappointing to know that it was Priest, given how out of character it all felt.

Damian is a little shit with a heart of gold. His challenge is his struggle against his nature to be an asshole. The common theme with Damian is that he fucks up on a big level, then owns up to his mistake and tries to make it right. Damian shat on Aqualad and other Wally. He kicked other Wally from the team. He 'killed' real Wally and gave him a heart condition. All in 4 issues. And never once stopped and thought, "hey, maybe I should tone it down," or "did I just fuck up?"
It's just the autistic characterfags and continuity loving Johnsfags. Titans and Robin fanbases are full of those. They need to have a few containment books for both to stop the cancer spreading to other books and have some fall guy like Lobdell and Humphries to write them.
But I thought he doesn't have time to read character's back stories when coming up with brilliant new ways for Deathstroke to be an asshole, like traveling back in time to kill his son over and over again?
Maybe that comes later?
Cass Cain used to stop and restart people's hearts every other issue, the precedent is there.
looks like priest seems a great writer for Marvel.
Writing characters and doing good comics is not everything about, let`s throw some personal problem so I can write about it if there are not then you can do anything.
Go read morrison JLA, you don`t have a superman worry about lois having an afair, flash with a heart disease or green lantern dealing with his mother in a assylum, not every comic has to be about personal problems, much less a team book.
I would say is the contrary, If you want to integrate those problems in a team book it has to be a hell of a book to handle it like New Teen Titans or Legion of Superheroes because if it is not it will feel bland and mediocre like the last run of teen titans and almost anyone before.
Is not good "wally has pacemaker" and mention it once every 3 numbers because of it, you need to develop it into something credible and integrated in the story, you need left the epic route and enter into the human side of the story which is quite difficult in a superhero team book because almost everyone place the "lets fight the super powerful bigger than the universe villain and his intricate malevolent plot" so you don`t have the time or space to develop the heart disease problem more than a "shit, I can`t run faster because my heart will explode...but my friend need it so I will take the risk",,,that is what fans are afraid, that the human problem angle will not evolve into a proper history, that the character will not get the treatment that deserve (he can have a pacemaker, but tell a good story about it) and probably it is a simple comic shenanigan to throw one or two lines that will not aport anything (besides ruining the character)
Crossovers are guaranteed shit. The only one to blame is yourself.
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>>Bendis forgets small continuity like some literal who X men or some bizarre character development in X men #316481
>/co/ spergs out
>Costa forgets and ignores some obscure Eddie Brock facts/development from 10 years ago
>/co/ speeds out
>Pries turns Wally into a scaredy cat with hear problems ignoring anything about the character from the last 20 years while shitting on Dick

explain yourselves faggots
As if I didn't hate the industry enough as it is right now, a wildly overrated author being so full of himself and out of touch with reality as to respond to what the internet has to say about his work (especially when they have valid criticisms) is the cherry on top.
Are you kind of retarded or something, senpaitachi?
>He 'killed' real Wally and gave him a heart condition
He did not know that would happen the flash guy Have self-healing..
>And never once stopped and thought, "hey, maybe I should tone it down," or "did I just fuck up?"

No, but he did act nice towards Raven rather be a demanding dick when they needed the power of friendship to help Wally.
Cass Cain used to also 'speak' body language. Cass Cain is stupid.
Because I felt the need to shit stir on the Internet as a "professional" author?
>The common theme with Damian is that he fucks up on a big level, then owns up to his mistake and tries to make it right
basically, repetitive trite.

DC should've left him dead.
>Cass Cain used to stop and restart people's hearts every other issue
Not on a teammate.
>Le "DC is Gods pretending to be men and Marvel is men pretending to be gods" meme.
Fuck off back to r/Mcu or r/rebirth.
>DC should've left him dead.

Timfag now Even the writers hate you
The problem wasn't even how you used the characters Mr. Priest, problem is the story is inherently shit. By last issue you have a plausible setup even though we have ass pulled a lot of things by now (how does DS know about speed force, how does he have a machine that can siphon a power of speedster etc) but alright, it doesn't matter because it's a basic setup and I can sort of believe in it, the real problems come later where DS has now managed to master being a speedster with speed force power within minutes.
In the last issue also Damian know everything you needed him to know, did he read your script and I do mean that literally. The little shit was doing everything needed to be done to move the plot wherever it needed to go (how the fuck does he know about the mechanics of time travel).
Also the time travel shit was not thought out well enough and came out as if you made stuff up as you went along. So DS is going back in time and killing Grant again and again even before the Teen Titans of that era have a chance to meet him for the first time. This should theoretically change the timeline but it doesn't yet one time Damian punches Wally to stop his heart and suddenly he has heart disease. That's just a plot hole right there (and yes faggots, this is the proper use of the term).
Your DS has so far been amazing and well thought out and while the character arc for DS does make sense, the means of getting there, which is the whole story, is utterly devoid of quality and just plain nonsense.
Priest, stop whining. If you've read online reactions, you'd know some people also liked Lazarus, or at least, parts of it (specifically, the Deathstroke parts). So focus on that. You're not going to please everyone. You're not supposed to. You'll get shit on at times, too. It's fine. It's supposed to happen. It shouldn't worry you.You're writing a great book, that doesn't mean every aspect of it will be loved religiously by everyone.

That makes him a great Slade writer though.
It's just pretentiousness. They like pretending like reading "Deathstroke wants to hug his kids but instead decides to murder them" makes them above it all, despite their main hobby being shitposting instead of reading comics.
Murder is murder.
Justice League had Kyle constantly feel like he was way over his head on the League and couldn't fit the shoes left by Hal (lifted from his solo book), hence why he was bonding with Wally who had gone through the same thing after Barry died. Similar stuff happened with the other new members. The Trinity didn't do that shit because they had their own books for personal stories, they got to be the big guns shouldering the responsibility of the League and command
>this is the proper use of the term.
Congratulations, it actually is.
DC right now is already full of containment books.
Show one instance where she made someone need to have a pacemaker for the rest of their lives.
But this crossover happened. I don't need titans, Abnett and Percy spreading into good books.
but that is something you can through one time every 5 books and will stop the time you choose him to realize he is a good green lantern as anyone in his own way, the end.
Tim is shit. Robinfaggotry is cancer.
She killed Harper's mother..
His voice was very off even there. He didn't sound close to a high and mighty aristocrat, just a plain edgy 13 year old that shitposts on /co/.
Dead people don't need pacemakers.
>Harper's mother
Post-Flashpoint is a shitshow and is not the DCU proper.
There's been stuff like JLI, ostrander's Spectre and Dixon's GA that dealt with personal stuff. Superman in the 90s was a full blown soap opera. You just need to read more stuff.
Yes because Deathstroke is an exception to bland ass rebirth and must be brought down.
This just goes to show Damian is one of the worst characters of all time. He is literally incapable of character development.

He has ONE character arc in him and that's it. Everyone knows it.
> I find Dick Grayson to be the most boring Wonder Bread boilerplate character ever to pull on spandex. That’s just me. Tens of thousands of fans are *rabid* Dick Grayson fans. For the life of me, I couldn’t explain why. Grayson, in his various iterations, seems, to me, the ultimate expression of what I’m being harangued about around the web: the flattened-out character whose dealt with all of his shortcomings and character flaws. I see Grayson and I wonder, “And now what?”
Please, never touch a nightwing book.
Now I know why nightwing seemed so off target in the crossover.
I don't think you understood the question
Good thing you told him that! He was just itching to get on the Nigthwing solo series but maybe your comments has changed his mind.
Who's got the time?
I can see why this guy worked at Marvel for so long.

>>So, I’m reading all of this hoopla online about the Titans crossover event and how terribly I handled Damian and OG Wally and why didn’t I know this thing happened on page 6 of Obscure Comics #12 back in 2004. Okay, I heard you.
>>And now what? So, Damian is (apparently) no longer a little shit. He is thoughtful and more mature and less impulsive, less self-centered. Great. I got it wrong. And now what? What do we do with a character after we’ve smoothed out all of the rough edges and rounded off all the corners?
>>Wally *doesn’t* have a heart problem. Gotcha. And now what? How do we make OG Wally relevant or even interesting? I’m not trying to pick a fight or insult anybody, I’m really asking: and now what? What do the fans actually want? They seem to want their heroes to be perfect and problem-free.
>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story
Yes. That is your job, and its an editors job to make sure you do.

>I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten. And I will portray the character the way he or she is being portrayed now, today, currently, not what was done years or even months before.

Then you don't deserve to be writing part of a shared universe. DC needs to fire this motherfucker.
Tim drake is boring .That's the reason why he's dead.
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>With all possible respect to my friend Tim Seely, my former mentor Marv Wolfman, Devin Grayson, Geoff Johns and others, I find Dick Grayson to be the most boring Wonder Bread boilerplate character ever to pull on spandex.
So can we all agreed that Priest is, dare I say,
What pisses me off is there were some good points about how story wasn't actually good in the storytime threads but all of it was drown out in the echoes of characterfaggotry. And that's what Priest focused here, not the actual criticism but shitty characterfags.
What the fuck is this thread
Of course
If you mean a memer instead of someone who actually reads comics then yeah, he's your guy.
I am not seeing there is not good stuff treating personal stuff I am saying that is more difficult in a team book. And either I say it can not been done in a team book (and I exemplify with new teen titans and legion of super heroes and if you want add JLI or ostrander`s suicde squad).
But for every good team book with personal stuff you have ten that are awful and that is what fans are afraid, that you will touch a character in a team book and get 0 development after that.
Kek. He's right though. That's what happens when you have no good books, and all you get is shit like Dixon, Grayson, Higgins and Seeley. The only time Dick has been good is when he wasn't Nightwing.
What do you expect? characterfaggotry was always terrible and obnoxious but it's gotten even louder with rebirth.
A butt hurt author just discovered the internet apparently.
He reads comics, just not the shitty ones.
/co/ is in its majority Dickfag, so no. Also fuck off with your shitty meme.
I know don't they know that superhero comics aren't about the characters?
Damifag I hope when you get old enough to have your first period you hemmorage until you die
yep, right now I will look with suspicion every bat book he would.
What actual criticism tho?
Read his diatribe again slowly.
>hhur durr writing a character out-of-character is totally good and cool

Go back to indieshit
Timfag you make the world hate you..
I don`t like tim very much...but he is not dead and probably will come back after mr oz is beaten
1. stories can be plot driven, not character driven
2. mindlessly liking anything a character shows up regardless of the writer is stupid. Have some goddamn taste.
He pretty much is.
My point still stands.
nop, he is not.
It seems he can only write character that none cares about their status quo (like deathstroke).
Yeah, he is. It was about time that someone called Dickfags on their character bullshit
This. Especially during the end.
Damian is literally the only person that actually logical during all of that.
Making Wally cry like a bitch is a bonus point, but everything he did is actually makes sense, in character, and I personally think that was the best to do in that situation.

What I don't understand is why everyone is either useless or a pussy bitch? Like hell both Wally are the shittiest character during that arc.
I'm speaking as someone who used to hate Damian.
Well he's not wrong, so I guess the answer is yes.
Did Hiromoot fire all the mods when he hired new janitors? Damifag hasn't been banned and he has been shitposting whole week. He needs to be openly banned.
>I find Dick Grayson to be the most boring Wonder Bread boilerplate character ever to pull on spandex
Of course a literal priest will find homosexuality bad.
Depends who you ask, it doesn´t adjust at what you want or like, good (or bad?) for you. Tastes are tastes.
Besides that, it was a run who had more than 100 comics and a lot of people liked it. It worked and prove to be a success and full of fans.
This. It's nice that he pays attention to fan reactions, but he should follow the DC method of going on about his business.

And of course, it's nice to know he writes an article instead of melting down in Twitter or something.
Damifag is a girl. I think shes sixteen? She got banned from all other comic sites and 4chan is the only one that doesn't permaban her.
Don't forget the rabid fans.
I don't know how that even neglects anything I said. You just said that some books are good and majority are shit.
>Damifag is a girl.
I'm actually sure that this meme is being spread by Damifag himself. Fuck off
>DS has now managed to master being a speedster with speed force power within minutes.
Enhanced brain
>poor use of time travel
>Damian coming up with a theory and executing it
Nothing wrong with that. His plan is retarded though and so is the heart stopping(though this was most likely Abnett's idea)
Also, the Lazarus contract is only briefly mentioned at the start and didn't plan a part in the events of the storyline called "Lazarus contract"
Timfags .she is right.
How about the plotholes involving the inconsistent use of time travel
>Deathstroke can kill/knockout Grant before his fight with the Titans several times and yet there seem to be no repercussions on the timeline and he can just try again.
>Damian punches past Wally in the heart and that somehow automatically depowers Deathstroke since black Wally didn't have powers for Deathstroke to steal (even though black Wally's powers had nothing to do with ginger Wally)
Slade preventing Ravager from fighting the Titans should undo his vendetta against them even if it doesn't bring Grant back, which means he shouldn't have been stalking and kidnapping both Wallys and getting Speedforce powers
Make a new thread about it.
That doesn't mean any of it was remarkable or well written. No one who has read good capeshit would rank any of Nightwing very highly.
It's speedforce, Priest don't have to explain shit
>You just said that some books are good and majority are shit.
YES!!! I thought that was common sense.
You think that are more good comics that bad ones?
Anyone wanna give me a rundown on what the hubbub is all about?
>Tastes are tastes.
Shut the fuck up, "much opinion is not always a good excuse. I like dome shitty movies, I recognize the fact that they're not good but I still enjoy them.
Priest confirmed to be /ourguy/.
Yeah why the fuck was it called Lazarus Contract when it had nothing to do with the whole story? I feel like "DS makes a bargain to NW to train his girl" was supposed to be a plotline of Deathstroke but priest or probably editors used it here. It would have been a cool thing in standalone book and I hope Priest uses expands it more.
Lazarus contract was shit, Priest wrote characters other than Slade poorly and now he's bitching about people not wanting interesting stories or character development despite that not being the criticism.
Lazarus Contract
Wally has a chance to fight Slade but flees. He later confesses that was afraid (and still was during the climax)
People are also upset about how Damian went full-asshole during the crossover and how his gambit to stop Slade (even if temporarily) ended up forcing Wally to require a pacemaker.
no, I would not put him not even a mile near sandman, year one, swamp thing etc. but I would put him over quite a lot of comics that right now are being published.
Not everything I like had to be a master piece.
Looks like Priest saw Damifag and assumed it speaks for the entire consumer base.

Also what is he talking about "Wally *doesn’t* have a heart problem"? No shit, that was the twist. Were people seriously criticising this as if he didn't know?
It sounds like it. I'm confused as well.
No. Jim Owsley or as he likes to call himself Christopher Priest is a coon. He considers working on black characters a demotion so I must ask then who should write the black characters mr. Priest? The white man? Just because you wish you were white and want to write the whitest characters doesn't mean everyone should be ashamed of their heritage.
>bad writing is allowed to be bad writing because lol speedforce
I hope you are saying this ironically otherwise kill yourself.
Am I the only one who liked Wally being scared of Slade? The whole
>your whole deal is speed, if we both have speed, you're a regular kid and I'm still the world's greatest killer
makes sense. The only 'flaw' is Slade wouldn't be as experienced as Wally with it, but Slade's brain can make up for that.
>Looks like Priest saw Damifag and assumed it speaks for the entire consumer base.
no priest saw Timfag Atlanta96, shit post
he even says it.
what? because you did not like it, it has to be bad?
>How do we make OG Wally relevant or even interesting?

This one is super easy. Give him his own book instead of recreating Wolfman Titans storylines that never helped Wally.
>it's speedforce
No it's not, it's a serious problem in the story.
You sure you're replying to the right person?

>With all possible respect to my friend Tim Seely, my former mentor Marv Wolfman, Devin Grayson, Geoff Johns and others, I find Dick Grayson to be the most boring Wonder Bread boilerplate character ever to pull on spandex. That’s just me. Tens of thousands of fans are *rabid* Dick Grayson fans. For the life of me, I couldn’t explain why. Grayson, in his various iterations, seems, to me, the ultimate expression of what I’m being harangued about around the web: the flattened-out character whose dealt with all of his shortcomings and character flaws. I see Grayson and I wonder, “And now what?”

He's right. If Grayson proved anything, it's that you can't make the character Dick Grayson entertaining without making his entire book just fanservice on top of fanservice.
>“Priest is a hack and Deathstroke is overrated.” by Anonymous
>“A nigger.” by Anonymous
>“He’s also a self hating nigger”
Timfag Atlanta96, says it
Priest read it.
No, you are not. It's just Wallyfags' autism
Here's the actual explanation, he kept going back in time and undoing the Grant dying part, that's why the effects weren't felt in the present. The speedforce IS a dumb concept though and used as an excise for shit writing and power level wanking.
new teen titans nightwing was good, original nightwing book was good, new 52 book was bad, grayson was good, rebirth nightwing is good....not bad in my book.
No, it was good. Wallyfags are just retarded powerlevel children that think Wally should never ever be harmed, much less be defeated by anyone.
>Slade's brain can make up for Wally having years worth of experience against other speedsters and utilising the Speed Force in creative ways
Sladefags everybody
>giving a fuck about what fans say
>wasting time and energy in writing about the matter
Didio, tell him to behave like a real DC writer, please.
No you idiot, this isn't about personal feelings, I outright spelled that out for you.

I only skimmed the last issue. Did he say why Wally was afraid? I could see actual reasons for that, seeing as how Wally's just coming off of being stuck in the Speed Force and losing everything. It'd be fair to be afraid of losing your chance at getting your life back. If it was just "lol, cowardice", though, I can understand people being pissed.
Timeline should have constantly been changing, speedforce is dumb and time travel stories that are not passive are most of the times shit and write themselves into a corner.
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Well, he's quicker where it counts!
You just have poor taste.
What post are you referring to? I don't see anything in the cbr link
You guys can't ignore that the speedforce is semi-mythical force and that using it is a skill on all of it's own. This is like if a character that have never used sword before picked up a sword and defeat a master swordsman.
You cheeky cunt.
I can't remember.
but yours "is a bad run or is a good run" is as subjective as "I like or I didn`t like it". You don`t make a rationalization of why you think is bad.
or you have poor taste. "Tastes are tastes".
If you don`t like it but other people do, it has to disappear because you don`t like it?
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Ignoring the fact that Wally has faced speedsters with combat training,I think peoples main problem is with Wally running away,Wally could've at least got his shit kicked in and ran but having him run scared despite him facing opponents who were leagues above him head o just leaves a bad taste in my mouth,like the guy that fought Zoom at his peak,fought the black flash powerless is not the kind of guy who runs from a fight
I can buy Wally being scared. But running away like a little bitch without even trying to fight Slade?

Dude has fought Zolomon and Thawne and the Black Racer, evil speedsters who actually know how to use their powers. Slade is not so scary that Wally should turn tail and run
>Timeline should have constantly been changing
Depends on how you view time travel. That particular moment in time became puddy due to Slade constantly trying to change it but he kept going back and not letting time pass it, thus, the effects were never felt in the present.
You underestimate what Slade -world's greatest assassin, almost batman levels of skills and keikakus, but also willing to kill- Wilson can do. "Speedsters with combat training" is so tiny compared to speedforce Slade, that ends up in its orbit.
not very superheroic (or heroic) is it?
If that character had a special magical ability that makes him master a weapon by touching it...
This is just a story with ill defined rules and now fans are doing writers work. This happens regularly with shitty time reset anime.
Neither do you, the fact that you're prepared to consider the entire 150 issues as good and not break it up into runs saiys a lot.
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He ran and got Jericho. Sounds like a better plan than outright fist fighting someone because there's a chance of winning.
Only thing that's subjective is one's subjectivism, quality of the art is objective truth.
>it was a run who had more than 100 comics and a lot of people liked it. It worked and prove to be a success and full of fans
when did I say it was good?.
- I say a lot of people like it (like is subjective)
- It worked (a fact because it has 150 issues)
- Prove to be a success (a fact because it has 150 issues)
- Full of fans (if it not had enough fans it would not reach those numbers and get appearing in other books and get more series)
Which would be bad writing.
>who should write the black characters
Anyone who is a good writer. Faggot.
>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story. I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does.
It should be the editors' responsibility to create an abridged timeline of events to keep writers up to speed on continuity. It really shouldn't be so hard. If Wikipedia can do it, then DC and Marvel can.

It's not so different from an animation studio using character reference sheets to keep models consistent.
I know like is subjective and quality is objective.
But say this is good or that is bad without rationalizing it is subjective.
I say "Amazon attack has great quality and is very good"...is objective? NO!!!

This right here.

Damian treated Jon like shit, but was eventually forced to accept that Jon was good to have around and that he wants to work with him more.

None of that happens with the Titans.

Damian is just tsundere for Jon.
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So that is Atlanta96, shit post .
Okay fuckface.
Identity Crisis is a great comic book. It was highly successful at the time, sold very well, influenced the direction of multiple comics and the general DCU. It has been collected into numerous versions of traded and is still recommended as essential by some sites.
Any worse than speed force hackery? I think not.
Hey, Priest is /ourguy/. How can Wallyfags and Dickfags ever recover?
Who the fuck gives a shit?
He truly has a way with words
By sabotaging his comic and calling it garbage everywhere on the internet and encouraging people not to read his comics. Priest is finished.
Priest, alas.
Speed force fueled time travel literally has no rules to it, how it works and how it affects things more or less changes every time it's utilized in stories. Hence why Zoom can do whatever the fuck he wants to do with time beyond killing Barry in his crib, and how he's able to keep trucking and avoid his own canon death. It is a plot device but that is nothing new.
>Priest is finished
>implying he doesn't write comics whenever the fuck he wants to
You are correct, I was just making a general statement.
so? I read it and I liked it, what is your point? Some people say it is good, some say it is bad.
Why do you think is bad or good?
Also, please try to not insult it.
>None of that happens with the Titans.

He doesn't have to learn a lesson every time he's a dick to people. His arrogance can and should be allowed to be validated occasionally to fuel his superiority complex.
I don't see difference in the Damian of Priest or the Damian of Tomasi in Supersons. He is a asshole.
Ok. Sorry if I misunderstand you.
I'm not sure what he's so angry about. His writing was obviously the best in the crossover and everyone universally recognizes that. People are always going to shit on your work and they will be the vocal minority. I personally loved some of the stuff going on with Slade in Lazarus.
hi mr priest pls include me on the recap page
Priest actually can writes to save his live, unlike Michael Penis.
Isn't Priest on record as having said that he personally believes people can't change? That's probably why he has such a fucked up view of character development. He legitimately believes these characters should remain static. Isn't forcing a character to stay a stagnant asshole with flaws just as bad as them having all of their wrinkles smoothed out? For fucks sake those aren't the only two options, Priest

The whole story was shit.

Mishandled characters, yes, but I mean even the ending, Slade quits being Deathstroke and the fight's over cause he took off his mask?

>make them interesting.

Wow, how fucking deluded can you be.

You know how I can empirically demonstrate these characters are interesting? You have a fucking job.

If these characters weren't interesting, you wouldn't be working on them, its not like your OC is gettin fanart made out there.

How do you make a time displaced man interesting, one who had more than a decade of his life stolen and must now relieve his life in an altered world that mostly doesn't remember his existence, all the while being one of the most powerful people on earth.

I know, let's make him a bitch.

I mean, is coming out as retarded in vogue nowadays?
The plan doesn't work unless Wally dies. Frankly the plan shouldn't have worked because Wally didn't die. Damian's necessarily knew he had to kill Wally to stop it.
Superhero comics are mostly character driven. And there is a big difference between not liking a misrepresentation of a character and liking every comic that character appears in. With that logic every Wally fan would love this comic. Get some critical thinking.
>Complain about fans polarizing everything to the extreme, dividing all comics into either masterpieces or absolute shit
>Then proceed to complain that Dick Grayson is the most boring character to ever exist

I hate /co/s hyperbole as well, but that's exactly what Priest is doing. Dick isn't even the most boring member of the bat-family, since Tim, Duke and Kate Kane exist.
Bendis literally forgets the continuity of his own stories.
I don't care how badass Slade is. He's not literally Death incarnate.
Wallyfag tears are so delicious.
Identity Crisis didn't run for 150 issues.
Not as delicious as Priest's
Well no because he's not perfect and untouchable.
>wallyfags were a mistake
And the worst offender, Cass Cain.
But it was far more successful.
>Kate Kane
She's okay. Babs is worse.
He kinda is.
But it's true that serial characters should not be allowed to grow too much. Some minor change is fine, but it has to end there. If Peter Parker was successful guy with no self-induced guilt and problems, he wouldn't be Spider-man anymore. His current billionaire CEO status quo only works because he's still constantly making decisions as Spider-man that end up hurting his private life, i.e. his business interests because he prioritizes saving lives over keeping his company afloat. It just switched good ol' Parker luck with horrible dating life and financial troubles to running a company that is always in trouble and verging on bankruptcy. If Guy Gardner stopped being a reckless and lovable dick and turned into a mild mannered do everything by the book square, he would not any longer be the character.
Honestly I'm not THAT much of a flash fan to feel insulted by Wally running away from deathstroke, but it's jarring because of how out of character it looks. Had it been Batman or superman or Wonder Woman it would have been equally annoying and difficult to overlook. Wally has faced opponents stronger than him before without fear, and deathstroke was not impressive enough for the possibility of him beating a much more experienced speedster to be believable.
Who said anything about perfect and untouchable?
Nah, Kate's way worse because they're mostly focusing on her being a military brat, and that just translates to "she's supposedly able to make tough decisions and shout orders and hence she's given the leadership"
Then why haven't we gotten 140 more issues of it?
Because it's an event comic, not an ongoing comic.
>Kate is the John Stewart of the Batfam
makes sense
at least that means he knows most of us love him
And how long did the ongoing featuring the same characters and the same author last again?
>if the author doesn't write a hundred issues, it sucks
Slott pls
It was explained in the issue before the annual when he talked to Jericho.

I like Priest, but his defense is "You can't write a good character without their defining trait being a glaringly obvious flaw."
It was because he was having PTSD because he was tortured not just that he doubted his abilities.

Why did no one actually read the damn issue?
Even JLU Wally, who is probably the lamest version of character didn't run away from Braniac-Luthor.
That's why his Superman was shit.
That is not an equivalent situation. Brainthor didn't have superspeed+something.
Priest is right about Dick.

He's almost Barry-tier whitebread.
Honestly, Dick stories should be about his sexual exploits.
>100+ issues of a character are no indicator of said characters popularity or quality
I wasn't aware anyone had a problem with Damian's characterization. As far as I know, the guy remains a little asshole who does whatever he thinks is necessary to win and that didn't stop when he died and came back. I was a bit disappointed that Dick didn't call him on his hypocrisy (he kept condemning Slade for being a murderer even though he's also one).
As for Wally, the guy was rattled after being tortured for info. His reaction was reasonable. I'm not really fond of his having received a permanent injury at the end because that was just cruel and it took away space for the fall-out about Dick lying and hiding the details of the Lazarus Contract from everybody.
This guy is a stupid piece of shit.

Character development isn't character regression.
Enjoying Gold Digger?
That wasn't even "god of speed" version of Wally and Braniac-Luthor was whooping entire JL. Walld *did* run away only to hit him with infinite mass punch from the other side.

Wally is shounen character. He doesn't listen to odds. It would have been more in character if Wally attacked to Slade and got his ass handed back to him.
>Then you don't deserve to be writing part of a shared universe. DC needs to fire this motherfucker.
>DC also proceeds to fire every writer who hasn't read hundreds of issues just for a character who's not even in their book
He was still a nigh god who could dispatch the entire JL.
>I was a bit disappointed that Dick didn't call him on his hypocrisy (he kept condemning Slade for being a murderer even though he's also one).
That was probably the only real thing wrong with Damian in the crossover. Even the whole "stop Wally's heart to screw over Slade" bit is believable (considering his gambit to distract Luthor in Super Sons was to throw Jon off the Lexcorp Tower), it's the fact that Dick scolding him has no effect whatsoever and he hasn't suffered any comeuppance for giving Wally a pacemaker (though, I suppose, that depends on what Percy does next)
Priest was on fire with Deathstroke in this story though.
For fucks sake, you stupid fans will get Priest to leave DC again I see. God damn, I hate annoying ass fan.
He should just keep writing street level and Deathstroke. Everyone was singing him praises during his DS run.
Yeah, but not in a way that would render Wally helpless. In this case, he can't do anything. In Brainthor case he was outclassed, but not nullified.
>hi we've never read Flash vol2
watch it for yourself, wally was at his limit
this is kind of precisely the thing Priest is pushing against though. He's someone who clearly wants characters to evolve past these static "common themes" and/or personality traits and wants them to exhibit growth.

How many years do we wait before a character can move past what they were and grow into something else?
Except Damian already HAS grown. Multiple times.

He did in Morrison's B&R. He got reset in Tomasi's B&R and did it again. The first arc of his solo was about righting wrongs.

If Priest and Percy show him doing it again it'll be at least the 4th time.
You're missing his point. Even at their limits, heroes will try their best. But in this exact case, there's nothing to try. He can only do speed stuff and speed stuff don't work on speed-slade.
>but he fought other speedsters before
Which he beat with fighting skills and/or experience as speedster and/or creativity.
The former means jack shit against slade, the two others also mean jack shit against slade, because of slade's brain.
It was literally an impossible situation.
Never heard of it. Is it better or worse than Identity Crisis?
I read every issue of that but I am not characterfag that whining about MUH FEARLESS WALLY
I dunno, it kind of sounds like he's getting worked into a shoot. Of course Wally fans don't want him permanently (well, you know) injured. They like the character and they don't want that to happen to him. Of course Damien fans don't want to see him regress. They are invested in him growing as a person. When fans boo when something bad happens, that's fine. As long as they keep showing up looking for their heros to overcome the problems. Falling for their dumb "I'm not mad that he got hurt, I'm mad that it doesn't fit this specific continuity" rationalizations is just foolish.
I'm surprised they don't have a couple continuity guys working for them. You'd think they'd have at least one or two super autismos who could scan over new comic and cross-over scripts and go "Uh, well, actually..." Seems like common sense.
you mean editors?
Wally literally went beyond lightspeed against Abra Kadabra and you're telling me that Slade who stole these speed powers from Black Wally five minutes ago can offset that level of skill, experience and speed "because of his brain"
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Morrison's Damian never stopped being an asshole nor did Tomasi's. What he did was stop killing and make up for those killings. A Damian who isn't a jerk isn't Damian anymore.
Yes. Slade nears Batman levels of competence and he's willing to kill too.
Yeah and that sent him into the speed force and he barely made it back. His friends weren't around to help him do that again this time. Running back for help was the smart thing to do.
Sort of. Editors are usually more focused on short term, active continuity though and typically have their eyes on lots of books, meaning they have even less time to look over lots of back issues to make sure everything fits. I'm talking about a very specific person whose only job is knowing way too much, researching what they don't know, and making sure their writers don't get blindsided by the fans.
And Wally is willing to turn speedster villains into living statues by stealing their speed
And he has to be close to do that, in which case Slade guts him.
Assuming Slade doesn't figure out a way to do it to Wally too.
>>So, I’m reading all of this hoopla online about the Titans crossover event and how terribly I handled Damian and OG Wally and why didn’t I know this thing happened on page 6 of Obscure Comics #12 back in 2004.
Comments like this piss me off. If it is your job to construct stories using existing characters in an ongoing serial, then you should take the time and do some research. Why wouldn't they already know something like this? Their research would literally involve sitting down and READING COMIC BOOKS! If you can't do that before making another comic, go fucking kill yourself and give your job to someone who will take the time.
Unbelievable cunts these days.
Yeah, Wally has difficulty fighting working class schmoes like Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Heat Wave, Trickster, Pied Piper, and these Wallyfags insist that he can take on a trained assassin with an enhanced brain and super-speed with no problem.
Didn't Wally fight against Amazo when he was in JL? Did he cry like a bitch then too?
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As Damianfan I didn't had much problems with him in the comic. It's not like Damian knew a heart condition would appear if he did he probably would have been more careful.
If you actually read all of volume 2 like you said you'd know he'd have relatively little trouble dealing with a brand new speedster.
>Slade can steal superspeed from a teenager and use advanced speedforce tricks better than a speedster with over a decade more experience than him because he's a deadly assassin with a super enhanced brain
But there's a difference between something bad happening to a character when it is built up and justified (i.e. well written) versus something that comes out of no where and is handled like a tossed off idea.
He's a trained assassin and he doesn't know that stopping someone's heart cause medical complications?

I see being the world's greatest detective wasn't exactly inherited
The main thing I'm annoyed at is whichever faggot is writing Raven as a coalburner.
If he had this thin of a skin, he wouldnot be writing capeshit.
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Whether slade would whoop Wally or not is besides the point,the problem is Wally has faced dangerous opponents and odds and not run away,having him run awya because his opponent had an advantage just isn't in character
I'm annoyed that Cyborg was never a Titans and didn't showed up. I'm annoyed that Beast Boy and Raven are young and were never friends with the older Titans. I'm annoyed that Jericho didn't knew any of the Titans.

Those were my main grips.
The point of Damian is that he's a huge fuckup despite being so talented.

And Wally's heart condition isn't going to stick. Criticize the retread, but it's just setup for a story Abnett wants to tell. I don't understand people freaking out about it.
It's more than 100 issues long, so you will love it.
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Holy shit
How can one man be so based
Well obviously someone does. Do you?
Oh fuck off, "I'm so ascared of Deathstroke I wet myself!" was shit. Having Damien solve everything in a TEAM BOOK was bad writing.

And now you throw a fit? "Well I dunno how to write without a superhero giving another superhero permanent heart damage and being rewarded for it!" fuck OFF man, yes you do.

The issue here, if you are actually reading this sir, is that we expected more. You set the bar high with Deathstroke and we were excited, for the first time in a decade, about a Titans storyline. We don't mind our characters getting hurt or suffering, look at Johns's fucking Wally arc where he loses his kids, his apartment, and even his silver lined view of Barry, we just don't want them made fools of.

And that's what you did. You took arrogant bad guy Robin and made fools of the other heroes and are expecting to be praised for it when you SPECIFICALLY knew not to do that when heroes showed up in the main Deathstroke book, which is what made it one of the only villain books worth a damn.
Except Priest wants him to grow backwards into a fucking sociopath.
Wally doesn't have a decade of experience anymore, he's lost most of his pre-Flashpoint memories.
So you're mad that Wally didn't act dumb and get himself eviscerated instead of doing the smart thing and getting his pals to help him out.
Get a life.
You're right, he should've fought and died.
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>Get a life.

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Wally really needs to get his own solo so he could be excluded from the arcs where he could be too OP.

I don't see how this direction will benefit Titans in long term; they are literally driving away the fanbase that gave the book it's momentum.
>>Wally *doesn’t* have a heart problem. Gotcha. And now what? How do we make OG Wally relevant or even interesting? I’m not trying to pick a fight or insult anybody, I’m really asking: and now what? What do the fans actually want? They seem to want their heroes to be perfect and problem-free.
What's the point of giving him heart damage? Where does that lead the character aside from an arc where the Flash can't run really fast anymore before another writer throws it in the trash and everyone forgets it ever happened.
How does this make the character "relevant" or "interesting?" It literally adds nothing to the character except a footnote and just makes fans of the character sigh with a question of how long this new shock twist will last.
But no, I'm sure this will last forever, just like the New 52.

On top of that, you claim that you don't have time to read years worth of comics, that's fine. But you also say that you write how a character is portrayed now, and didn't realize Damian actually had character development beyond being an impulsive dick. You admitted you got it wrong.
So you're not actually portraying the character how they're being portrayed now, are you?
Fans notice that, fans do read hundreds of comics and when the character suddenly reverts in personality or acts completely different they will complain about it.
Heck the only way Injustice gets away with it, is because it's an Alternate Earth and even then one of the constant complaints I see is how dumb the plot is because everyone acts stupid all the time.

Depowering speedsters is super easy. Like when the JLA when looking for Cheetah in the jungle, and Barry couldn't move very fast because of the terrain. Then Cheetah cuts his tendon, which heals incorrectly at super speed, so he can't run at full speed until they get back to the city and set it correctly.
They could just leave it to circumstance, or maybe leave him out for part of a story because he's off doing some other superhero stuff. It's doable, the writers just need to get a clue.
>and Barry couldn't move very fast because of the terrain
Can't he like, vibrate through shit?
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>Barry couldn't move very fast because of the terrain
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>Priest is probably in this thread RIGHT NOW
I knew that fucker was reading our threads.
He doesn't get it. A character can't have problems because no one is perfect but don't revert back to old ones. Have Wally deal with the loss of his wife and kids, maybe have him angry about what happened which leads him to risking his life more.
His writing in the crossover was barely indistinguishable from the others. It was nothing but exposition dumps about "this is what this character is doing right now" and "i am feeling this" and "i am doing this because speedforce". If it weren't for the credits page, I wouldn't have even thought that Priest wrote this. It could have easily been written by Scott Lobdell or James Tynion
>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story.
You can literally do this in a day or two. I spent 4 days reading through Wally's Run as Flash. It isn't hard when you set the time aside. That wasn't 1 decade either, it was 3.
>Disagreeing with how I portray Potato Man does not, in fact, make me an actual Nazi.

He's in for a rude awakening when SJWs storm his panels at cons.
>But to suggest that no part, not one scene or one page of the Titans crossover was any good
But most people agree that Slades parts were fun. Not every line was shit but the overall characters and plot didn't make sense. I hate how badly this man takes criticism.
I'm not making this shit up. It was something about moist jungle terrain, uneven ground, blah blah blah. It was back when Superman got infected by the Cheetah spirit somewhere in South America.
It was strange, could have been lazy writing.
Hes black so he is untouchable
well that explains why he doesn't know what to do with Damian, he never read Batman and Robin
>Damian actually had character development beyond being an impulsive dick.
This is news to me, because he's still that same impulsive dick in Super Sons. I don't read Teen Titans, but since he and Percy collaborated on the story, surely Percy would have brought up any issues he had with Damian's actions.
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>No Drama Wally
We want pic related. We want Wally to have to deal with the loss he went through. We want Wally to have to deal with his past and how it is gone. I like how Priest tends to write Deathstroke but Wally (and Damian) did not act in Character in the event.
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>H-How dare you criticize this mans work, don't you realize you must like everything this man is involved in
Damian gets the same character development every time he has a major appearance because writers keep resetting him because apparently writing a character that used to be a complete cunt and is still kind of ass but still a pretty ok person now is harder than just writing a complete cunt
The SJWs already chased the current writer of Black Panther, Ta-nehisi Coates from NYCC with their stupidity, and he's an IRL political activist who's been pushing for reparations since before it was cool.

>It made sense
No it didn't. There is no reason at all that stopping Wally's heart would stop death strokes speed.
Damian becomes nicer to people he gets to know, like Dick, Maya, and Jon. He's going to start off rude as fuck to everyone else.
Yeah that made no sense young wally got his speed twice and neither involved old wally.
Did you read (and not skim) through the comic, because they spelled out exactly how it would work.
OG Wally was in no way involved with Black Wally's speed, which Deathstroke stole

how does "killing" OG Wally mess with Black Wally's speed
This is why Wally needs his own solo book.
If Wally is on Titans than all the attention has to go to him but that takes away the point of a team book.
They are drones.
But basef priest can do no wrong
Speedforce, son.
Serious answer it got something to do with the coming back of Wally.
If you think logically, the connection is there.
The Crew was pretty mediocre
Deathstroke only got the idea to use speed powers to go back in time because Wally came back, which had the side-effect of making him remember how Grant died. He had literally forgotten.
This man gets it.
He is, but reader can be retarded and interpret things wrong far outside the current canon.
he can easily be called sexist
that panel where slade calls rose out for blueballing her boytoy would easily have been called sexist, if deathstroke wasn't flying under tumblr's radar
>Enhanced brain
That doesn't allow you to understand something you don't previously understand that fast without any given information of how it works.
No. It isnt. If damian had hit danny west or barry in the past then yeah but as is no
I feel bad for Coates, he just wanted to write some funnybooks and he finds himself a figurehead
He helps write a shit book then goes online and complains that people are complaining about his shit book on 4chan. There is a few samefags saying he did nothing wrong.
It is also hilarious and fun, but those worked because Haney used the characters as archetypes. The way it sounds like, Priest is just messing up Wally though.
>If you don't like a character acting out of character than you are a characterfag
Get lost.
>>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story. I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten. And I will portray the character the way he or she is being portrayed now, today, currently, not what was done years or even months before.

look, this is the fucking Lazarus Contract, it's specifically referencing a 30 year old story arc (judas contract from 1984)

if you're going to make a story that references something that old, you need to do some fucking research
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>Next week we will see Batman run away from Deathstroke after peeing his pants
>The week after that Superman fly's away from Deathstroke out of fear of his life
>After that we see the amazing story of Wonder Woman crying like a bitch out of fear of what Deathstroke might do to her
we've already had an encounter between Deathstroke and Superman, though
It's okay, he'll think about it.
>I hate annoying fans
But you are the drone here.
>Wally is many times faster, has far more powers and knows how to use him
No they didn't.
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You see, this cat Priest is a bad mother--
I remember the anon that brought that up last thread. Deathstroke's biggest flaw his how powerful he is compared to how powerful he should be. Every character more powerful than him has to act like a retard suddenly so he can defeat them.
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Well, he's quicker where it counts.
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Don't forget Cyborg being torn to pieces, his severed head spouting out his dying words to Slade: "You may have killed me... but I know it had nothing to do with my race..."
That way he's badass AND not racist!
Deathstroke is evil Batman. He has all the powers of Batman which is the power of bending the plot to let him win.
Wally can't even beat a guy with a cold gun.
Holy shit your taste is bad
Explain how that's rationalization.
You are thinking of Barry. Wally rarely had any problems taking out The Rogues and he actually rarely ever fought them and when he did they were powered up.
>He can't do anything
He could take away his speed, throw him into the speedforce, outrace him because Wally is literally a trillion times faster than black wally, literally break the mans legs in a trillionth of a second (He has healing so it wont be forever), ect.
>Disagreeing with how I portray Potato Man does not, in fact, make me an actual Nazi.
More like Strawman there, Poindexter.

>I’m not trying to be sarcastic or even defensive.
Those words? You should look them up.
>I don’t have time to read 100 comics
comics have like a paragraph of words in them
it takes less than five minutes to read a 32 page comic

>i don't have time to literally do the only thing i am paid to do
he's paid to write the comics, not read them
You can't be a good writer without reading desu
The rogues were used prominently in Johns' run. Wally couldn't beat them. They all remained at-large both after Rogue War and after Rogues Revenge.
>real problems come later where DS has now managed to master being a speedster with speed force power within minutes.
In his defense: someone else getting superspeed and *literally* running circles around Flash is something that they do all the time. Godspeed, for example, in the first arc of rebirth, got speed powers ( along with like half of downtown ) and figured out how to "steal speed" from others juicing himself to the point that he could literally be in two places at one time ( not like a mirage, literally be standing next to Barry in his civies while also being in his villain costume getting his bad guy on ).

I not defending that level of faggotry, because it's amazingly retarded. But if Priest's just read the current run then what he wrote ( taking into account Slade's super brain ) is perfectly consistent with the rest of Rebirth era Flash.

TL;DR your problem is really with the current Flash run and DC Editorial. Outside of the whinging I mean.
Well, maybe DC should hire someone who reads all the comics and answers any doubt that writers may have about characters, continuity etc.? So writers don't have to deal with autistic fans?
August had *some* sort of training from Barry though. Slade has none of it.
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Priest just committed career suicide by eating an atom bomb with cyanide seasoning
I'm sure his career will be fine and /co/ will go right back to sucking his dick once the next issue of Deathstroke comes out
>I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten.

Currently? Ewing seems to be doing fine. King also had some great displays of knowledge in his recent runs. Honestly, I feel like that while being a continuity wizard shouldn't be a requisite, you should at least read the essentials. And if you don't, be prepared for criticism in that regard. One can praise the storytelling while complaining that there's no coherence with the character's previous appearances. I feel like Priest is being somewhat unprofessional.
>Career suicide

At least he's right about /co/s ridiculous hyperbole.
Slade had analyzed both Wallys, had an AI to help him, his suit with the gravity sheat adds shit to his abilities and he's also super smart, he could figure out the gist of things on his own.

And he doesn't have to be a genius at using speed, just be fast enough to match Walky. Slade's threat was more about the fact that with super speed they were basically evenly matched, so it's basically just two guys duking it out, only Wally has not got much actual martial arts experience, so he would not fare well against a highly skilled and deadly assassin since just one clean hit could potentially kill him. And we all know speedster fights are all about punching each other repeatedly.
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To be fair, most minority writers consider it to be tokenism when you're told you need to be the one writing books based on whatever your group is.

I'm sure latina writers that aren't that hamplanet on America Chavez are the same way. I'm a fag and I don't wanna be the guy who writes gay comics either.
coates seems okay with it
>latina writers
how many of those are there?
t. casual
he was probably fine with it when he just got to write Black Panther and that was it, probably less fine when Marvel made him the poster child for their diversity

Priest, dude, I like you. I've been enjoying Deathstroke so far, and to be fair, the last chapter of Lazarus was the best. But that's not good. The story as a whole was bland. The consequences are all low, there was no reason to do a crossover. Also, your reaction is disappointing. Of course fans will rage if you dont pay attention to other stories. Do us all a favor, do not write on the internet.

Coates did mention how weird it was when they all gathered around how killing off the black dude first is one of the things that kicked CWII in motion.
This. it's one thing to think you're good enough to write a certain way (ignoring things people may appreciate more than you for the sake of a story) but it's another to be a smarmy fuck, telling the people you write the stories for that they're wrong (if he writes them for anyone else he's doing his contract-based, service job incorrectly).

not to mention, and I really don't like being that guy, there are OBVIOUS undertones to calling someone Wonder Bread (white bread) even without the overtone. And the fact that he basically said "these three white chracters are bland because I think so" is pretty fucking bold. Again, there is no obvious over-tone but the undertone remains.

Black people may not have any reason to be incensed by the word "renege" or "niggardly" yet they do. And people using those words know the undertones are there.
>be incensed by the word "renege"
...why? Etymological reasons?
Damian isn't white

but Priest probably doesn't know that
>>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story.
I'd hate to write comic books for a living. I don't think I could handle the embarrassment.
Black people see anyone that isn't largely brown as "white".

You think they see half "white" asians as minorities? You think they see jews as minorities?
You fucking retards are criticizing Priest for Abnett's hackery and Rebirth's obsession of recycling plots? jesus...
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>Damian is (apparently) no longer a little shit
Fuck yeah.
he still scripted the annual and collaborated on the story. Most importantly, he decided to respond in a condescending and frankly insulting way.
It's almost like he's directly saying "Fuck you" to Gleason with that Damian remark. Dude literally made an entire book for the kid to be redeemed.
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>Well, I’m listening. It’s important to me, to my job, to figure out what fans want and do my best to provide that while not boring them to death by actually giving them exactly what they want.

You know why I didn't like the Lazarus Contract? BECAUSE IT WAS ANTICLIMATIC AS FUCK.

He gave Deathstroke the speedforce, billed it as the "FASTEST KILLER ALIVE" and he didn't throw a single punch while we had it. So it was a huge build up for literally nothing. Deathstroke just literally quit and walked away and "I QUIT BEING CHARACTER BUT STILL HAVE AN ONGOING COMIC TITLED CHARACTER" is the hackiest writing too.

That's why I don't like it. Can't speak for /co/ though and I have no idea how he's getting that people think characters shouldn't change or have problems to over come, when it seems like the fans just didn't like the problems he gave them, not that they're opposed to problems at all.

> I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten.

And this is what makes him hacky too. He has time, he's just not dedicated enough to his craft and getting it right to care. He's watching Netflix, hanging out with his friends, doing whatever else. A good writer does all the research.
He scripted his part and the others scripted theirs.
I prefer Damian as a little shit who deep down really wants to do the right thing. It's what makes him distinct among the Robins. Less Dick and Tim and more Jason, evens out the ranks.
Morrison and Tomasi both had Damian going through redemption arcs before Gleason. It's like the only story people can write with him.
>>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story.
It's almost like they expect you to know this character's history or something.

Now, obviously, those standards are way too high

I give it kind of a C rating. I hate how jumbled up it is with the timing. It doesn't transition between flash backs very well sometimes you couldn't even tell when the Present Day was supposed to be.

Plus it had the same plot twists over and over just for the sake of it. DEATHSTROKE ACTUALLY PLANNED THIS... again... and again... and again.
Priest isn't a bad writer by any means, he just didn't seem to care about Lazarus Contract that much and got defensive when people called him out on it, because they expected better.
Fuck off you no life hack. Scripting an issue does not take 1 day. Also the notion that you need to read everything a character's been in to write him is fucking retarded millennial garbage.
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If only he still had Fifty Sue with him...
>DEATHSTROKE ACTUALLY PLANNED THIS... again... and again... and again.
basically his Black Panther run except now the viewpoint character is Black Panther

/co/ is so far up tumblr's ass they can't bringing themselves to criticize a black person in any capacity.
DC has never cared too much about continuity. But nice white trash tears.
it's not like Damian has a particularly deep and complex history
>was an asshole
>is now less of an asshole
you could literally just read Morrison's Batman and Robin and the gist of where Damian *should* be as a character because everyone keeps retelling the same story with him, and that's only 16 issues.
This. You can tell his heart wasn't in it, apparently because he doesn't like the Teen Titans.

I was really looking forward to his take on the Dick and Slade rivalry but apparently Nightwing isn't troubled enough to bother writing about. Fuck him.
I want to rub Morrison's head!
Liking a character because they are a prick is fine too.

Most fans just want people stories that remain true to a character's core. Stop treating character flaws as plot points to be fixed. Real people have character flaws and so should fictional characters. Those flaws are what make them feel real and makes them interesting in the first place.
Nah, he's always an asshole except when hacks try to get cutesy with him.
>Also the notion that you need to read everything a character's been in to write him is fucking retarded millennial garbage
I agree with that to a point. I don't mind a character developing one way or the other, that's life and shit changes, but I have to insist on things remaining canon. I'm sorry if it seems autistic as fuck to say that, but you have to stick to the facts and events that paved the way to the current point.
Again: Change is fine, just don't negate or rewrite the past without any in-universe justification.
I didn't read much of Deathstroke, that was just commenting on the specific issue of reading all the previous stuff to write for a character
Priest was the lead on this. He set out the main story beats.

"characterfaggotry" is the most retarded "stop liking what I don't like" meme /co/ has come up to date.

When someone uses this term, what they are saying is "I CANT HANDLE PEOPLE LIKING SOMETHING I DONT LIKE" and that's all you faggots are saying.
>Also the notion that you need to read everything a character's been in to write him is fucking retarded millennial garbage.
I'm sure you were trying to make a point with the millennial quip but you're most likely a millennial yourself.

>durr, a comic book artist shouldn't know anything about the characters they're writing about xdd
This is you.
It's not that, the problem with the Lazarus Contract was that it was a rewrite of what he originally wanted to do, which was a JJ Abrams-ing of the Judas Contract. All the continuity nerds at DC refused to just let him write Cyborg and Starfire into the past Titans group and just say "deal with it" in regards to how it fits in the new continuity.
he's still an asshole, just not an "almost kill someone" asshole

Dick chewing him out about that was in the first arc of B&R
that first anon has a point. this crossover was shitty, priest's issues included, for several reasons. but he's only responding to the characterfagging
Which is a shame, I'd have loved to have the classic Titans get their history back.

Cyborg especially is so much better having risen to the JLA from his Titans days instead of being a founder.

Seriously you fags if he leaves DC its on you. I say this as a Dick Grayson fan.
The only criticism I saw of the Deathstroke issue was
>boo hoo muh Wally wouldn't run
which is Wallyfagging and not legitimate.
he scripted the annual too
You have to be a special kind of retard to think Priest set up stuff for Abnett and Percy to deal with in their own titles.
shut the fuck up retard
a lot of the flaws were in priest's scripting

but go ahead and keep up that "b-b-b-b-but it's all abnett and percy's fault and priest did nothing wrong" meme
I didn't say that a comic book writer shouldn't know anything about the character's they're writing though. Only a sith deals in absolutes, anon.
I just wan you to know that this idea is something new and back in the day it wasn't required to autistically read a bunch of stuff with a certain character in them(regardless of quality) just to use him. A general idea of them is required, sure, but you don't have to read EVERYTHING with them. And then there's Frank miller and Alan Moore that came in and said "what was done in the past is okay, but I'm doing something totally different" on Daredevil and Swamp Thing and produced legendary works. Trying to limit an artist because "muhh status quo" is a bad idea.
I'm just saying the heart condition plot for Wally is Abnett's idea. To imply that it was Priest is probably the dumbest thing anyone has ever said on /co/ in 2017.
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No it's what ACTUAL WRITERS WITH TALENT have been doing since YOUR milleanial ass was born in the fucking 90s.

Fuck off with justifying laziness because you have the attention span of a fucking goldfish because you were raised on spazzy Youtube videos and don't know what a fucking plot is. And then you pick up a book, flip to Chapter Ten and get mad at it, because you don't understand stories are linear things you need to start at the beginning off. You ask /co/ what issue or episode you want to jump in at so you can JOIN THE DISCUSSION instead of just enjoying something from the beginning and formulating your own goddamn opinion of it.

This is why we get movies with characters names that have nothing to do with them, because hack writers want to stand on the shoulders of those who came before them and piss in their throats and get credit for slapping their name on someone's else's creation.

Fuck you.


Yeah I liked her. I loved Future's End.

Use punctuation you illiterate phoneposting nigger.
Calm down, sperglord.
What's funny is Priest had no idea who the fuck Deathstroke was and thought he was an edgy Deadpool ripoff. Him whining about learning the lore makes more sense.
I think it was just topped >>92945247
no fuck you
You dropped a comma, nigger.
There was one thing I didn't get about Future's End: When they go to bring Superman back, he's all pissed off with Batman about something he did during the "War," but I read all through Future's End and could never figure out what he was talking about.
You're a fucking idiot, Marv Wolfman was a mentor to Priest and is one of the if not the oldest friends in comics he has. His handle on Deathstorke has been outstanding.
Those scripting problems might in fact be the editor's
>The conclusion of the crossover is the Teen Titans Lazarus Contract Special #1 (or whatever they’re calling it– I’m old and confused). The annual features a main story written by me along with two epilogues (one each for the Titans and Teen Titans) scripted by their respective writers. Abnett, Percy and I had a great time plotting this thing together, but in the end we are distinctly different writers, so there’s some variety to the voices. I dislike names arbitrailly shouted out as well, which is why, in the TT Special, I went for the old school Roll Call of floaty heads with labels, and in DS #19 just threw my hands up and asked Alex (Antone, DS editor) to just stick labels on all the characters to get it over with. To be fair: there’s a lot of characters running around, it’s a big group (made even bigger in the Annual as this group is joined by yet another).
Like he says right there that he didn't write them constantly calling each by other name.

There were plenty of flaws in both issues that Priest wrote

>Speedforce was just another handwaving magic time travel plot device. How does it work? Who cares? The writers will just have characters explain it to each other in the middle of the action

>Lazarus Contract. The title of the story refers to something that's completely irrelevant. Why does it even matter that Dick made a deal with Slade? Why did Dick even hide it? Why was Damian, of all people, mad? Why is the crossover named after this?

>Every time anyone does anything, they have to explain what they're doing instead of showing. Characters don't talk to each other. They're giving play-by-play commentary to the audience. It's so bad, I'll even take narration boxes over this.

There's so much that's just wasted here.
yep, it felt like "I don`t care about this shit ton of uninteresting characters...here, have a potato and let me continue with deathstroke comic"
The first two are plot, not scripting flaws. I don't recall seeing any of the third in the Deathstroke issue.
>>Speedforce was just another handwaving magic time travel plot device. How does it work? Who cares?
That's consistent with 25 years of flash comics

>Every time anyone does anything, they have to explain what they're doing instead of showing. Characters don't talk to each other. They're giving play-by-play commentary to the audience. It's so bad, I'll even take narration boxes over this.
This was a problem in Titans, Teen Titans and in the special. It was not in Deathstroke.

>Lazarus Contract. The title of the story refers to something that's completely irrelevant. Why does it even matter that Dick made a deal with Slade? Why did Dick even hide it? Why was Damian, of all people, mad? Why is the crossover named after this?
Yeah that was just a mess.
Priest wrote the annual, guys
He literally had no idea who Deathstroke was and said as much on his blog when he got the job.

Tell this faggot to calm down >>92944786. Oh wait you won't because 4chan is literally incapable of figuring out who started flinging shit first because you'd rather troll than actually read the threads you reply too.

>Inb4 the six trillion "U AM TEH MADZ"-tier responses to this post you're going to make because you're so predictable and only capable of copying off the same trolling formula you use every fucking day and have no capacity for originality in any one of the wastes millions of cells that make up your useless being.
See >>92945357
And stop trying to imply that there's a "PRIEST WAS STILL AMAZING IT"S EVERYTHING ELSE THAT DRAGGED IT DOWN" narrative. He did write the only few good scenes in the crossover though.
Perhaps he felt he had to talk down to the Titans/Teen Titans audience. Comic readers prove time and time again that they need spoonfeeding. You even have people in this very thread still confused about why some things happened even though it was actually explained in dialogue in the books themselves.
he probably called Wolfman and asked him what the deal was
Hey, Priest. Read some comic books.
You literally sperged out and wrote a wall of text of nothing but pointless projecting. You just made the dumbest post on /co/ for 2017(so far).
>Speedforce was just another handwaving magic time travel plot device. How does it work? Who cares? The writers will just have characters explain it to each other in the middle of the action

Holy shit, anon. Have you never read a fucking Flash stiry before? Speed Force does everything from nullifying friction when running to time travel and traveling between parallel Earths to manufacturing the fucking clothes that speedsters use.
that's pretty much what Speed Force is everywhere though
Priest's Deathstroke is one of those rare instances where a future writer outdoes the original creator. It only took Woflman a year after the Judas Contract to go full Sladefag.
>>>Speedforce was just another handwaving magic time travel plot device. How does it work? Who cares?
>That's consistent with 25 years of flash comics
I -think- the current theory is that the speed force is the accumulated energy generated by the expansion of the universe itself... or something like that, I dunno, I'm pretty high most of the time.
>rare instances
that happens all the fucking time, what are you talking about
"It was retarded in the past, therefore it's no longer retarded now!"

There's a reason why Flash stories are such shit, and why Barry and Wally are so interchangeable. His speed powers are so overpowered that writers have to invent up even more magic bullshit to manufacture any sort of conflict.
George RR Martin actually has an autistic fan on speed dial that he contacts when he can't remember if X happened in Y city or whatever
>Barry and Wally are so interchangeable
spot the casual
In the comments section of his blog, Priest confirmed that the pacemaker was his suggestion. However, if Abnett strongly disagreed with that suggestion, they would have done something else. After all Titans outsells Deathstroke, it's not like Priest can throw his weight around.
At least Priest doesn't pretend Slade did nothing wrong. Wolfman would have Slade do all kinds of scummy things and then try to co convince readers that Slade did nothing wrong.

Priest has Slade do everything wrong and doesn't try to pretend Slade is innocent.
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Now that we're in full /co/ creator-acknowledged-4chan clusterfuck mode (with a dash of Damian and Wally fanboys) I just want to say: Porto, you should go read Priest's Black Panther.
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Priest's been doing that in recent issues of Deathstroke, too. In the first three or so issues, the plot the moved along without stopping. Once it went into Gotham, Priest started spoonfeeding the readers. In pic related, a talking suit has to tell Slade what his feelings are to explain why he killed the dog.
>It was retarded in the past, therefore it's no longer retarded now!

Perhaps it's time you stopped reading comics if you think this is an issue you cannot get over, because newsflash, that's 99% what capeshit does.

I'm too lazy to read the entire thread, but Priest really does come off like a salty bitch in this.

I still love Deathstroke, but he seem to only like characters who are assholes or something, I'm even pretty sure he said he hated Damian before, and now he's mad he has to write him as less of an asshole.

That resolution with Damian and Wally's heart condition was honestly awful and came out of nowhere, I'm not even complaining about how he handled the characters, it just sucked.
spotted the wallyfag

I know you're a wallyfag because barryfags don't know who wally is
That was my main issue with Slade's solo title with Wolfman. He's basically Marv's husbando.
White Wally is a fucking wet fart and DC'd be just fine without him.

Hell, he's only even back because you sperglords won't let go of tacky bullshit.

Priest did literally nothing wrong, and if he gets OG Wally dead again, I will mow his lawn. That is no euphemism, either. I literally mean free lawncare for life.
>writer bitches about how retarded most comics are, writes long blog posts about how he'll do better
>does same retarded crap as before

"Oh no, how dare someone criticize this!"
it falls apart after T'challa and Ross stop being the main characters
>writes long blog posts about how he'll do better
>doesn't do better
>does the same thing people have been doing for 50 years
maybe you should actually do better before whining about criticism
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This is what Abnett get for turning Titans into a Wally containment book and yet still letting Priest control characters he doesn't care about. He literally shot himself in the foot by alienating Wally fans.

Before this crossover Titans was the top selling monthly and one of the best selling digitals. I can see the end result only helping Deathstroke in long term while other two books lose their readers.

Abnett better get rid of the pacemaker soon instead of dragging out the drama.
Lanning pls
The warhammer guy rights comics now?
maybe you should do better before whining about whining about criticism
I'm pretty sure he's been writing comics since well before he was writing 40K novels
Holy shit you're right huh. Never knew that, neat. Also spelled writes wrong. I learn a lot when hungover.
Can we just accept the TT curse strikes again and move on (Priest/Deathstroke-wise at least)?
Never revealed.
Only that Batman con/force Superman to do something to end the war with earth-2. Then he retired because of the guilt and never forgive Batman.
Shame Priest is in the Dick Grayson is boring camp. So much for any Dick/Rose follow up. He can be written very well, but so many of his stories are boring and bland because I don't think writers get the character. Seems like him, Superman, Captain America, and Cyclops always get the "boring" label, but when you get a writer that gets them they can be written as the best thing in comics.
Holy shit, I haven't even read this comic, and I can tell from his responses that this guy's a fucking idiot who needs to be ousted from the industry. He doesn't read comics, and yet "for the life of him" cannot understand what comic book fans want. He's never read any Dick Grayson comics, yet finds him boring. Jesus, just kill yourself, dude, you're a big fucking phony. READ COMICS TO UNDERSTAND COMPLAINTS PEOPLE HAVE ABOUT COMICS. For example, you wouldn't want someone like me coming in and judging and entire person and their career based on two text posts responding to criticism without any context on their life or work, much in the same way people should not make judgement calls in the lives of comic book characters they have not read about and have literally no understanding of.
I thought mulatto Peter Parker was fun
You're such a sperg... He made another blog post, maybe read that. He comes off as very reasonable and willing to admit to his mistakes.
he's not the only one who doesn't read comics, apparently
He said that most people don't change and that there are some that do but they are very few and he's right, something extreme has to happen for people to change their ways but most people don't really do even if they try.
Back to the important questions. Will Slade bang Tanya?


Please kill yourself. All you do is call people "spergs" because your retarded ass is incapable of critical thinking enough to understand the words you're yelling at on a screen.

*(Inb4 you make some dumbass remark that you're just using the asperger's syndrome """"""""IRONICALY""""""")
>All these drones defending this cross over because Priest help write it
You idiots realize that if you defend a good writers bad writing he will no longer be a good writer right?
Why would he do that to himself?

Exactly dude. It's really lazy on his behalf and he just ousted himself as someone who doesn't want to do their homework but wants an A plus.
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>being this casual
>being this neckbeard
He is the man defending the shit plot.
You're the only one "yelling" here, my friend.
>Priest taking the 4chan spergs at complete face value
What a beast.
Maybe he should learn to take criticism and accept when he wrote a bad story.
>I haven't even read this comic, and I can tell from his responses that this guy's a fucking idiot
>needs to be ousted from the industry
Nigga pls, Priest can leave and come back whenever he wants.
>"for the life of him" cannot understand what comic book fans want
Who can? They're always unhappy.
/co/'s opinions are honest and its tastes are usually good.
Gotta be a professional. Stick up for your peers and don't publicly bash someone or try to get them fired.
>Work in comic books
>Don't read comic books
It literally only takes a day to read 100 issues. Actually less. If I were going to write a character you better fucking believe I would read about that character. In fact I am surprised Priest didn't already read about major DC heroes.
>and its tastes are usually good.
Priest even when he's shit tends to make interesting stories.

Bendis is just pure shit.

Also Priest didn't ruin the Guardians.
>It literally only takes a day to read 100 issues
Unless you have a life.
You could call everyone in this thread that. You have no argument.
>Also Priest didn't ruin the Guardians.
Of course not, Gunn did.
>It literally only takes a day to read 100 issues
what the fuck is wrong with you?
about comics, anyway

films is just /tv/ shitposting and cartoons are a dark rabbit hole that I don't care to enter

Priest responds:

- Editorial fucked up a lot of things
- most of the stuff that /co/tards are blaming Abnett/Percy for were Priest's ideas
- he says Grayson is an adult survivor of child abuse
- says Damian being a shit is DC's fault
Nah, only a few could be classified as spergs.
Priest's an ok guy
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>about comics
>about comics, anyway
not even
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maybe you're just not going in the right threads
I will say, it SHOULD fall on the editor to call him out during scripting. But editors have been castrated by the idea of being over-bearing to the point of pretty much just looking for glaring spelling errors and typos it seem.
>he says Grayson is an adult survivor of child abuse
Oh great, now he's upset the batfamilyfags.
>You are a sperg because you don't agree with me
A casual is someone who doesn't want to go through the trouble of reading about a character.
>Publically bash someone
There is a difference between not bashing someone and going out of your way to defend shit writing and complaining at the fans.
> I haven't even read this comic
Yep, a casual.
>This is the sad byproduct of our zero-sum society, wherein everybody has to be polarized to the extreme of everyone else.
This is actually true.
Nigger, this is this mans job. He can spend a day researching and reading comic books.
The right threads are rare
>doesn't know who Priest is
>hasn't even read the comic in question
spot the casual
>>You are a sperg because you don't agree with me
Not what I said. You're a sperg for thinking that.
You can't read 100 issues in one day, you fucking retard.
Somebody had better tell Rich
No he can't. Maybe in the past it was easier because there were less comics to read, but nowadays it takes too much time.

Publishers should already have someone who does that job. In fact, since you boast you can read 100 floppies a day, why don't you send ths suggestion to DC?
If you're giving them attention, you can't read 100 issues in a day.
>- Editorial fucked up a lot of things

>- most of the stuff that /co/tards are blaming Abnett/Percy for were Priest's ideas
They're still shit writers tho so they still deserve some blame

- he says Grayson is an adult survivor of child abuse
Correct, Batman is a shit father

- says Damian being a shit is DC's fault
Also correct, he was made that way and it's up to editorial and writers to determine how shit he stays or if he grows through his character development for the 10th time since his creation
And if you also have two jobs, to eat, to sleep, to go out for any circumstance...
>shit writers
no u
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Every fucking thread and every fucking day with this shit. 4chan. This is what 4chan is. A bunch of pathetic faggots trying so hard to get a rise out of someone else. This is all 4chan ever is anymore.
but he can't; he'd have to credit us
>Re: Tumblr fans and Deathstroke: seems to me some fans are missing the point, one which is hard to disagree with: OG Wally’s main advantage is speed and experience using it. Now, Deathstroke– or Speedstroke as we called him internally– lacks the experience Wally has with the power. But, that aside, once you give Deathstroke the Speed Force, you have leveled the playing field.

>So now, instead of being an amazingly fast and seemingly invincible speedster, you’re just another schmuck standing in front of a trained killer. Now, maybe it would have made fans happy to have Wally suck it up and take on Deathstroke, but I don’t think that’s who Wally is. I don’t think Wally would risk all of existence as we know it–the entire timeline–on his ego. “I’ll show him!” Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight. That’s stupid. And who among us (raising my own hand) has not ever in life been freaking intimidated by a bully (or, in my case, someone pointing a gun at me in anger)?
He doesn't get it. Wally can TAKE HIS SPEED. He should have written some way for Wally to have no way of being able to defeat him. Wally will always put his own body at risk compared to bringing other people to risk. Wally running away might be possible but only if deathstroke had a real obvious strategic advantage and having Wally be "scared" of DeathStroke is unlikely since he has faced far worse without getting scared. If he would run away it would be calculated, not scared.
>le ebin Pepe maymay.jpg
>This is what 4chan is. A bunch of pathetic faggots trying so hard to get a rise out of someone else
He said in a 4chan board...
Abnett varies in quality but he's pretty firmly "eh"-tier

Percy is great on Green Arrow but not very good at all on Teen Titans
If Percy didn't have Schmidt and Ferreyra nobody would like GA desu
No. It's his opinion and his version of batman but that is not the only version of Batman around. I personally don't like it.
That's better, thanks.
Priest is a good writer, Lazarus Contract was a fluke.
>doesn't deny he's a casual
Thank you.


Yes you can. 15 minutes per comic allows someone to read around 100 comics in a day or two.
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>They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story. I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten. And I will portray the character the way he or she is being portrayed now, today, currently, not what was done years or even months before.

This line. This line here fucking stings. I understand where he's coming from, but at the same time if writers are not willing to do research on what has happened to the characters before and where they come from - there's no hope. At best you'll get stories that are "good in a vacuum" but you cannot get stories that are good as a part of the greater continuity.
You are the one defending a man who doesn't want to bother reading comics for the characters he is writing.
You are just a drone wanting some BBC.
Get a life.
They're probably just the type that looks down their nose at capeshit
nobody outside of turbo nerds gives a fuck about continuity
>Lost the argument
>I know I will call him a loser on the internet!
I didn't realize reading comic books is so horrible that someone wouldn't be willing to do it even if it was their job.

This is what I don't get. Damian's first arc was him growing as a person until he had to sacrifice himself and die as a hero, but then every story after that just ignores continuity and makes him a prick again to repeat the same arc. It isnt character growth; all it does is make Damian look like a bad seed.

And Priest whining about wanting to ignore character growth for drama is fucking retarded. If a character has grown and you want drama, you write something to warrant it. To do otherwise is just bad writing.

I guess I can see why he used to work at Marvel.
Reading something on auto pilot is pointless, you'll probably forget what you read in an hour and you'll miss the subtle stuff and because you don't have time to dwell on the issues you also miss the depth.
that's only if you read comics for 12+ hours straight with no breaks and why the fuck would you do that

Turbo nerds are literally 100% of the comic audience, idiot.
>only nerds care about consistent characters
I guess only turbo nerds care about good writing then.
Research is more than just reading. It requires taking notes, too. Anyone can read 100 shitty comics and then block it out of their minds
Nice math, that comes in at 25 hours or straight non stop reading.
Because it's his job. Even then he can just split it up into multiple days reading it over the course of a week.
Not true. In fact many people remember things better when they marathon it because they don't have to be reminded of past plot points.
Damian is the Wonder Woman for our time. Everyone has to do their own version of a redemption arc and none of them are quite as good as the original.
>good writing
wew lad
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>resorting to homophobia for lack of arguments

Well, duh. Just take a look at this thread; this is what happens when you read 100 comics a day.
Batman being human garbage to somebody to their face while praising them behind their back is one of the most common versions of Batman
>being this deluded
>not realizing comics have experienced a small yet remarkable growth
>I can see why he used to work at Marvel
Because he was handpicked by based Jim Shooter.

Maybe a 10% of it, anon.

Because he is a prick by birth. Character growth doesn't mean you turn a 180 as character especially in the comic world.
>Haha, it's not 24 hours, it's 25!
Oh wow, off by a small percentage.
Break it up into multiple days, either way it isn't that hard. You are acting like reading comic books is some horrible chore.
continuity wankery is not good writing
>Look at this thread
People upset at shit writing and faggots defending shit writing.
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>You are acting like reading comic books is some horrible chore.
Consistent characters is. All that original anon was refering to was having consistent characters. Sorry you don't understand basic good writing.
Most people that marathon stuff miss the subtleties. 99% of the time.
Go try and read 100 Giffen comics in a day and get back to me.
your definition of consistency is most likely, given that you read capeshit, characters that talk, act and perform the same actions now as they did 10, 20, or even 40
years ago
>consistent characters
You mean MUH
Faggots and niggers aren't people, the rest of the thread isn't defending that nigger faggots writing. Hi Priest!
It's also shit.
>going full /pol/ for lack of arguments
Next time do so from the beginning; it saves time.
>Consistent characters is
Okay but it's still one of the most common versions of Batman so Priest's original comment is true
I think the thing is though, if Priest is writing a character long-term he doesn't just read 10 comics and that's it. He might only be able to read 10 comics per issue he writes but he will keep reading comics. The Deathstroke he's writing is bringing in tons of shit, updating classic stories, and taking Slade new at the same time. He's running a huge cast and giving them all development.

To me that point is much more about, OK he's not a Wally West fan or a Damian fan but he's got to write them in this crossover. So he goes and reads the last 10 issues of the character and he writes them in his interpretation of that. He's trying to do something, put them through something, leave them in a different place from when they started and with places to go - but he can't research the entire history of every character he uses.
I am not a comic book writer. That isn't my job.
Nope. My favorite comic characters are Wally, Roy and Swamp thing because their personalities changed over time, but they changed naturally and with good reason. You can't have a character act like something one day and then for no reason act completely different the next as if they are a different person.
t. harleyfag
>W-What kind of person would like well written characters that stay in character?
common is not good and my original point still stands. There are interpretations of a character, his vision is not wrong but it is also not the only truth.
No, I just know how priest likes to strawman comics from 4chan where people say bad words and use that as an excuse to ignore real arguments nigger faggot.
You call what happened to roy harper good? granted that original dennis o' neal adams story was a solid psa but it also fucked the character for a lifetime. and then scott lobdell turned him into a dudebro
Timmfags, of course. Those old cucks know what the real Harley is!
>well written
lel son, come on.
That isn't backpedaling.
I said from the beginning that it's his job so he should know the characters he is writing. Am I a comic book writer?
Hey brave one, go to his blog and tell him all those nice things. If you dare.
someone make a new thread, priest's blogs are fun
Oh wow, now here this drone. Yeah, wanting well written characters makes someone a Timfag. Who gives a shit about character development or having a character be defined. Every issue he should be whatever the writers decide to turn him into and it shouldn't matter if it makes sense or not!
I don't have to. He will read it here and then he will post it on his blog about how those evil racist 4channers totally don't have a legitimate argument because they said the word nigger.
>Am I a comic book writer?
Well, you surely could write better than him, right? After reading 100 comics a day, you must know what makes a comic good or bad.

>Priestfags are now the worst drones on the comics side of /co/
Damn, and I liked Deathstroke too but now Priest is a god that can do no wrong even when he clearly does do wrong.
>those evil racist 4channers totally don't have a legitimate argument because they said the word nigger
See? You proved him right again :^)
Nice strawman faggot.
That is the same shit neogaf says
>You can't criticize Mass effect, lets see you make a better game!
>muh ruined franchise because I don't like the fans
Maybe it's time to grow up and leave 4chan, anon.
>I'm an useless NEET
We know.
I got called a Timfag 10 times today by Priest Drones. Who the hell is Tim?
I never said that. I just said the fanbase is clearly shit here. Though if idiots keep defending every thing he does no matter how bad I doubt his writing quality will stay as high if he knows he doesn't have to try as hard.
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It's a fucking formula you faggot. Your life is a script. The shitposter firsts tries to paint their victim as a hypocrite and then tries to come up with some made-up rule against posting images that are regularly posted. Anything to get a rise and an argument they're not seriously arguing, just looking for little "GOTCHAS" they can throw at the their victim.

It's literally the same shit every time. You guys are incapable of responding in a way I haven't seen before.

I've read this post a million fucking times before. Keep replying faggot. Keep trying to scrape some cliched response from some other shitpost you're copying off of. Do something original faggot. For once in your shitposting life do something original.

Come on. Say something I haven't read on this shithole a million times before. Fucking do it. Just give it a fucking a try.

You're boring me to death.
Yeah well you are gay and eat poop.
>Who the hell is Tim?
>the anon who boasts reading 100 comics a day is actually a casual
Oh well.
If the guy criticizing comic books online is a neet, what does that make the person desperately defending them?
I am not that anon. Who is Tim? Why have I seen it spammed by the same few anons over the last 5 days?
But the only mad ones here are the Priestfags having to deal with the fact that their black Jesus made a stinker.
Someone who likes to laugh at NEETs, of course.

>says the anon with the butthurt copypastas
>Strawmaning this hard
>Goes online to defend a shit comic book writer
>Calls other neets
this thread in a nutshell.
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>this asspain
Thank you for the laughs, white trash.
This issue made me drop all 3 books. Cry all you want Priest niggers but he isn't getting my money back until he apologizes for this issue.
>White Trash
Comic books are most popular in Liberal states. If anything we are more likely to be niggers, spics, kikes and faggots.
Where is that one anon falseflagging as a Damian fag?
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>side-eye emoji
tell that to marvel
No one in this thread is as asspained as Priest himself who is raging on his blog and the anons scared he will leave comic books forever because of it.
Niggers like DC more. It's whites who wish they were niggers who read Marvel.
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>"funny, this paper here says you wrong, wonder bread."
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>Priest in this thread shitposting non stop any anon who doesn't like his comic
This thread is gold. Keep going Priest, this makes up for how shit The Lazarus contract was.
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this cross-over was easily worth as much as Lonzo's
>millions mah nugga
Lol I'm saving this
Damn. He's salty as fuck.

Guess he's just more used to the Marvel/Bendis style of writing/editing, were previous characterization and development doesn't matter.
Why is Priest getting the sole blame? What about Abnett and Percy?

Or is Percy getting off scott free because didn't do anything to Ginger Wally?
Bendis was already fucking up the Guardians before Gunn was involved with the movie.
Priest said himself that he called the major shots and is defending the other 2 writers.
>Priest Salty as fuck
>Priest fans even more Salty
I don't hate Priest but all these salty tears are amazing.
We had Superman encounter Deathstroke and it didn't end up good for Deathstroke, especially once Joey popped in.
Priest, Priest fans, Priest haters, Wallyfags, every faggot who cares about this is salty as fuck if you ask me
I should note that Haney only got away with what he got away with because NO ONE was paying attention to him writing Brave and the Bold.

B&TB was basically a throwaway book at the time, so Haney could say "fuck it, we're doing it live!" and no one would know until they started getting fan letters complaining about there being an Earth 1 Wildcat running around
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