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Rainbow Rowell's First Marvel Project is... RUNAWAYS!!!

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>today is the 31st anniversary of all-female rock band The Runaways' self-titled debut album

Art by Kris Anka

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This won’t sell and it will be blamed on “diversity” and ”misogynists” and all that nonsense. Mark my words.
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>“It’s kind of like The Force Awakens,”
Is this the writer's self insert?
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>The raptor has a nose ring
Okay, so which is the one y'all are bitching about looking too masculine. Um, Karolina, I think her name is?
And with an upcoming series on Hulu, maybe Marvel will give it the marketing push it'll need
>Nico has 2 hands again.

when did that happen, didn't she lose a hand in arena?

No it's Gert one of the original members who is currently dead. Her deaths one of the poignant parts of the second run

I hope she isn't brought back though, considering they've already fucked up Alexs resurrection
Read Runaways, retard. Old Lace always had one.
Apparently her arm was regrowing under the magic arm? Or maybe they just forgot and said fuck it.
...Did you guys just not know about the Runaways?
Why are you people here?

This. Put a literally who newbie in a cult classic and this will be canned with less than 12 issues. Trades might sell okay,but new marvel writers can't write single issues for shit, which makes smaller books be doa.
>Remembers what happen in Tom King's Vision.

Oh god fucking damn it.
I question the choice to put the visage of a dead chick front and center. Anyways, here's greentext:

Marvel’s Runaways may be making the jump to television, but now they’ll also be returning to their comic book roots — and each other. EW can exclusively reveal that Eleanor & Park author Rainbow Rowell will be penning the upcoming ongoing comic series, joining Kris Anka who is the artist on the series.

>“This is my favorite Marvel book. When [editor Nick Lowe] first reached out to me a few years ago about maybe working for Marvel, it was the first thing I asked him about,” Rowell tells EW of how the match-up came to be. “The characters and original story by Brian K. Vaughan (Paper Girls) are just so great and so beautifully built. I was really excited because I always felt like there were more Runaway stories and that book should just have kept going.”

>[...S]ince Vaughan and Alphona’s run on the series (which wrapped in 2004), the group’s original members have gone on to do other things within the Marvel comic universe. So part of Rowell’s task on the new series is reuniting most of the original cast — Alex Wilder is currently a part of Power Man & Iron Fist — and that includes bringing Gert back from the grave. In fact, this will be most of what the book’s first arc will be about, as Rowell slowly begins to get the “band” back together.

>“It’s kind of funny calling them the Runaways because it’s not like they’re the Avengers or the X-Men. They were not formed with a mission and a purpose. They’re just kids who ended up in the same boat,” explains Rowell of one of the major things the team will face. “At the beginning of this series they are scattered to the four winds and half of them are dead. One of the challenges now is who are they when they’re apart? They got thrown together, but now they’ve been pulled apart. They’re trying to figure out who they really are without each other… This arc is very much about them choosing to be together.”
well i fucked that up there in the beginning.

>That’s not the only hurdle the teens will face when they return this September; they’ll be up against two very different kinds of villains.

>“The first is literally the act of growing up, something we can all relate to as one of the hardest things to figure out,” says Lowe. “There is also an actual adversary in this story as well. Although it might not seem that way from the get-go. One of the cool things about Runaways is the core concept from the launch of that book, which was, ‘What if your parents were supervillains?’ and then the parents got killed. So that’s one of the struggles to any Runaways story. So we were searching for what new twist on that we can do and I think Rainbow came up with something really incredible with it. You’ll start seeing that but there are story elements that we don’t want to give away.”

>This isn’t Rowell’s first time dipping her toe into the medium. The bestselling author has long been a fan — as readers of Eleanor & Park may well know — but this actually marks her second venture as a creator. As EW previously announced, the Carry On and Fangirl author will also be partnering with artist Faith Erin Hicks (The Nameless City) for two upcoming graphic novels. For Runaways, Rowell’s creative partner will be Anka — something she and Lowe are very excited about.

>“Because of the huge shadow that Adrian Alphona cast on [the series], and what he brought to those characters, the artist has to know fashion and has to be able to draw kids, and all that stuff,” Lowe explains of what they were looking for in an artist. “That’s why Kris is so perfect.”

>For Rowell’s fans looking to jump into the series, the Fangirl author recommends picking up Vaughan and Alphona’s original run, which consists of 18 issues and three collected volumes.

At least she knows where to stop reading.
you just know they are gonna bring Gert back for the tumblrinas, she was tumblr before that website even exited.

>“One thing that is good about the Runaways is that they have a short history. I’ve reread all of their appearances. That’s actually doable. And that’s the best comic book. Why wouldn’t you go back and read it? It’s so great,” says Rowell. “Also the reason I wanted to write this book is because these characters feel related to my own. They resonated with me because that’s the kind of character I like to write. I feel very confident telling my readers, ‘If you like Carry On, a motley crew of kids coming together, you’re gonna love this.’ It’s the same kind of story.”

>At the end of the day, Rowell simply wants to write the characters that fans of the original series — herself included — fell in love with. “It’s kind of like The Force Awakens,” says Rowell. “When you go to see a Star Wars movie, you’re not gonna want them to totally shift everything up and give you a whole new universe. You want the Star Wars universe you love and then great stories inside of it. That’s how I feel about Runaways. I don’t need to do anything to them other than telling great stories with them.”
>“One thing that is good about the Runaways is that they have a short history. I’ve reread all of their appearances. That’s actually doable. And that’s the best comic book. Why wouldn’t you go back and read it? It’s so great,” says Rowell. “Also the reason I wanted to write this book is because these characters feel related to my own. They resonated with me because that’s the kind of character I like to write. I feel very confident telling my readers, ‘If you like Carry On, a motley crew of kids coming together, you’re gonna love this.’ It’s the same kind of story.”

>At the end of the day, Rowell simply wants to write the characters that fans of the original series — herself included — fell in love with. “It’s kind of like The Force Awakens,” says Rowell. “When you go to see a Star Wars movie, you’re not gonna want them to totally shift everything up and give you a whole new universe. You want the Star Wars universe you love and then great stories inside of it. That’s how I feel about Runaways. I don’t need to do anything to them other than telling great stories with them.”

Based on this interview, I have a feeling the book is going to be average. It'll be written with the best intentions, but Rowell will think that writing for comics is the same as (or lazier than) writing for books, so it'll drop by the wayside.

Fuck off, bitch, this is my turf.
>I hope she isn't brought back though
>and that includes bringing Gert back from the grave
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>Fuck off, bitch, this is my turf.
I'm OP you fucking autist
>So part of Rowell’s task on the new series is reuniting most of the original cast — Alex Wilder is currently a part of Power Man & Iron Fist — and that includes bringing Gert back from the grave. In fact, this will be most of what the book’s first arc will be about, as Rowell slowly begins to get the “band” back together.

Maybe I'm taking that to literally?
Then you should have greentexted the article from Post 92886240. Nobody wants to click through when they don't need to.
>>Should we bring back our member who is being held captive in space?
>>NO! Let's bring back the girl who was stabbed to death!

I don't read the articles they just disappoint me
What's wrong with you? I'm the OP.
Why would you lie about that?
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>not knowing how to link to specific posts
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Just keep fucking my shit.
>“It’s kind of like The Force Awakens,” says Rowell.
So we're going to find out that the Runaways have even EVILER supervillain grandparents? Or when they resurrect Gert are they going to accidentally bring the whole Pride back?
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>Anonymous (16) 06/02/17(Fri)00:14:11
sure does love his var women
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Is Pic Related you?

The joke was that I wanted to say "from Post Number One", but I thought I'd be clever by posting the actual post number. I should have tried harder.

Maybe it'll turn out Gert wasn't dead the whole time, and she was just standing on a mountain waiting for the end of the movie so that they could leave the audience on a figurative cliffhanger (but a literal cliff).
at least they have Kris anka on art, and the writer has put out some good YA fiction(according to wikipedia) and thats really what runaways has always been.

im cautiously optimistic.
No Klara No Victor...
Is this set in a specific time.

My heart sank.
I forgot that the time zone of the time I greentexted is GMT+8
I wish Marvel will let their books look like comic books and not shit ill see on tumblr.
I font mind the art but i have a feeling it wont match the tone of the book or the tone will be edited down to match the book.
Or maybe chiange the coloring/shading/lighting.
Who is that tranny?
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I'll admit, this made me chortle
no Xavin either, they could have easily bullshit a reason why hes back on earth, in all the time thats passed since he left.
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>good YA fiction
I thought Anka said he wasn't doing it. Why they fuck use a guy that draws them all looking like aged Jersey shore characters.

I hope people see this and realize that this is the average level of knowledge of the people you're arguing with about comics on this board
Why would they just rush him back?
Like, that is at least a potential interesting story to go and rescue him.
That and
>super-kid with a great haircut and heart full of magic
were pretty good
>Original Staff of One
>Ignores Klara and keeps Victor dead
>Brings back Gert
>Molly is still 12 even though everyone else looks like they're in their mid 20s
Synergy was a mistake
>Karolina thighs
I hate to say this but Runaways is kinda old. They might actually be kids that never saw it. Or the worst babby trolls we keep getting round these parts.
>Kris Anka on a female book
This is the real crime right here. The man was born to draw beefcake, and imo some of his women end up looking ugly when he gives them rough features (Like Carol) .
>“It’s kind of like The Force Awakens,” says Rowell.
anyone who reads capeshit cant really talk trash about YA fiction.
To bitch about SJWs. Why are YOU here?
Sure we can. So long as we establish that both are shit. I'm just here to look at cheesecake and shitpost.
I'm so sorry I don't read Marvelshit, anon.
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>Rainbow Rowell
People are actually named Rainbow? I thought that was all just a big Californian joke.
This is a porn parody, true?

Nico and the bimbo fuck the trans-goth-dino with a demonic dick, true?
I hated Gert, I hope she stays dead
Fuck, Anka is the main artist?
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>Alex Wilder is currently a part of Power Man & Iron Fist — and that includes bringing Gert back from the grave.

So, it's creatively easier to bring someone back from the dead, than to just have someone appear in two different comic books?
New runaways book
>no Victor
>no Clara
>no Xavin
... yes?
Well to be fair, what's Alex gonna do? Join the team? Also wasn't he possesed by some demon right now?
Why does Nico have two arms, Karolina have a tattoo, and Chase have a man bun?
Okay, maybe I can imagine Chase having a man bub.
Victor's dead and Xavin is in cosmic jail. Probably also dead.
>Art by Kris Anka

Why are you in this thread if not only do you not know who the Runaways are, but don't read and have no interest to read any Marvel in the first place? There's more than enough other threads on the board to shitpost in where you might actually know at least a tiny bit of what you're talking about.
Tattoo is a lesbian symbol. Can't say I think her having such a tattoo is too much of a stretch.
>Alex is the big bad in Powerman and Ironfist.

Sheeeit thats the best thing I've heard related to this news. Need to read that.
Is Karolina still dating Julie Powers?
the blond is trans right?
The book overall is pretty good but that part is kinda weird.
No, she's just fit and drawn by Anka
Just to troll dude. They're trying to be anti-sjw trolls. Just ignore them.
Her previous girlfriend was a sexfluid male though.
>two arms
Fuck. this is making me angry now.
Putting Alec back on the team would be really weird, considering the shit he pulled.
I don't think they should bring Get back, she had a really good death. But I guess they need that sweet Hulu synergy.
Xavin was a skrull. Shape shifter gender never really made sense anyway.
>>Alex is the big bad in Powerman and Ironfist.
I literally read those books and it totally went over my head that it was the same Alex.
> doesn't know where nose rings come from
Big hint: go to a farm someday.
it fucking weirds me out that people would willingly get a nose ring. Maybe it's an ironic thing? Like, telilng the world you're broken as a way of asserting you aren't?
Xavian decided that female was her base form anyway
t. Hopeless
wonder if the new writer will continue the Runaways trend of Nico getting stressed out and then kissing/fucking the nearest guy
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Even if Hopeless did amputate her, the staff changing form was plot relevant in the original Runaways run.
Unless that picture is a flashback, the staff is still wrong, not that it is ever consistent anyway.
>Xavin was a skrull. Shape shifter gender never really made sense anyway.
At least the book made a plot point out of that.
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Nah, they are just going to make her an actual lesbian now for more diversity points.
It also has to have her fucking with Karol's emotions once in a while as well
Literally retarded. But the writer is from tumblr so I don't actually doubt that since most of them ship it.
I wouldn't even mind, honestly.
This wouldn't be the first time that a writer fucks something up like that right?
I didn't read all of vol3 (because it was so awful), but I was under the impression that at least one of the writers thought that Nico and Karolina were a thing once
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>I thought that was all just a big Californian joke.
Nope, my ma knew a lady named Earth
Nah. They made jokes. Like people do when they are comfortable with each other. Then the readers take it literally.

They've shown the character making out, having slept together and other shit. Why would they be vague about this one supposed romance? They're not a thing. Nico fucks guys and makes jokes in their presences that Karolina is a better kisser to get them hot and bothered.
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>Xavian decided that female was her base form anyway
How many times do we have to get over this?
>Xavin always presented himself as male until he found out Karolina liked girls, even though he could be female in an instant any time if he wanted without any problems
>Whenever Karolina wasn't around, he changed back to male
>Even if Karolina was there he became male if he could find an excuse like needing to be "intimidating"
>Karolina was in her first relationship and Xavin needed Karolina for the sake of their homeplanets, as well as developing feelings. They didn't want to admit what was going on
>The others noticed this but didn't want to break up the relationship (Molly confronted Xavin though, and Nico questioned Karolina)
>BKV responded to fan letter pointing this out, saying he had plans for answering the question regarding Xavin's true gender, which was "complicated"
>Soon after that he left the book.
>Whedon wrote the "she transformed into a girl without thinking. This must be her true form" thing.
>However, this true form was human, not Skrull, meaning that either Xavin is transspecies as well, or he was just doing his best to always revert to girl form for Karolina.
>Xavin leaves before their relationship issues can ever be addressed.

He's a guy in a relationship with a girl he has come to love, but this girl only likes girls. He initially thought that changing gender permanently was as simple as shapeshifting but soon found out he was very uncomfortable with being a girl all the time.
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Also see pic related
I hate it already.
>all white team

tumblr's gonna freak
>So, it's creatively easier to bring someone back from the dead, than to just have someone appear in two different comic books?

In post Shooter capeshit? Yes.
Nico is Asian.
Karolina is a rainbow alien lesbian.
Molly is ambiguously tan.
There's one Asian girl

She also happens to have blue streaks in her hair
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Also they got a lesbian, a tumblrina and a potential autist, and are likely to add another PoC at some point

Tumblr will love it
Don't give a shit unless they bring back the Loners. I can forgive them fucking up the one good Green Goblin (poor phil got randomly aged as well, why?) but I need to see my boy Ricochet back. RIP Slingers.
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>Giving the Asian girl blue hair streaks
What can I blame for this stupid fucking trend?
YA shit is cringe, indiean
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The japanese.
Is that the singer of Exist Trace in the top middle?
How the fuck should I know.
>They're bringing back Gert

Shit. Now I actually have to read this. It better not suck.
You guys had a chance to make a Runaways comic with me but you never took it. Not we've got this.

I blame you.
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at least she's read the good Runaways and seems to like and respect it

now we'll just have to see if her talent call follow through
>Anka doing interiors
I wonder if they'll explain why Karolina is no longer a stick
I mean they never explained why everyone became a monster when Humberto Ramos took over.
Muscle Karolina and sassy gay Chase are just something you will have to get used to.
>Klara is gone
And nothing of value was lost.
I do hope that Victor and/or Xavin eventually come back though.
Hopeless himself ignored a staff change from the second volume, so there's no room to complain.
How is it the writer? The staff's change is visual. The artist failed. The editor failed.
So is Gert coming back? Because she was the Best Girl in that series.
Looks like it, I wonder if they'll acknowledge how it looked like she came back at the end of that one Runaways book that got cancelled before they could explain it and was then never brought up again.
Thumbnail op pic I thought she had a tentacle.
I blame him as well because it was the exact same basic plot as the last one.

In Volume 2, it changed because she went through a dramatic experience and became darker from the experience.

In Arena/Undercover, that equally applies.
>Dat horrible fucking art...
Jesus christ Marvel
Considering they retconned the other events from that arc as fast as they could, I'd imagine not.
That's pretty fucking general

Like I could name a dozen shounen anime where a character goes through a traumatic experience to get a power up
>Old Lace totally didn't die. Nico just somehow sent her to Devil Dinosaur's dimension.
>Hunter Stein? Who's that?
>We will change
I love how pieces of shit like you completely defend the absolute shit that was putting a lesbian in a relationship with what you consider a man because Marvel at that time was still under the no-homo rule and get really mad when they actually tried to fix that abomination.
Can you just go come out to us about being a fucking tranny, you have been peddling this fucking shit for years, insane.
They usually have a chance to explore said power up before getting a new one.

And this isn't shoenen anime, it's superhero comics. They are different beasts.
Maybe in the new Marvel Universe, Avengers Arena/Undercover never happened and we're all better off for it because fuck me running they were the worst series I've seen in the last 20 years.
We can only pray that those Agency-less series are gone.
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>this guy keeps trying to bait
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People are kinda fussy about the writer being white. So you might be right.
Ah. But buff women aren't inherently bad
Where's Klara? Why does everyone keep getting referenced but it seems like Klara just flat out disappeared? I understand that no one remembers Xavin since she's off planet but Klara was still with the others and it's like evryone forgot about her.
There is no New Marvel Universe, everything that happened happened. They'll just do what long-running series always do about bad/embarassing stories, they'll just ignore it.
she's not even that buff, just has thicker legs
Because nobody cares about Klara. There's nothing interesting about her and she added nothing to the series other than lame "fish out of temporal water" jokes.
There's room on either side of Nico, Unless the composition is meant to be silly.
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no sir they are not
She in space having adventures with Groot until otherwise stated

......It's better this way
That woman looks like What Jolly Jack drawings would be if real.

The pic isn't buff. Her arms are normal. Her legs are weird for some reason. Maybe he took "Run" literally.
It feels like everything post-BKV has just been forgotten/ignored, which is arguably for the best. Klara was probably one of the few good parts of that era, or at least one of the few parts people are willing to remember.

Has X-23 made any reference to her time on that island recently? I remember they mentioned it in X-Men once or twice, but nothing much since.
She looks like a transvestite in his mid 30s.
>the we'll never get runaways: the search for Xavin a cosmic roadtrip
>Kalara will never meet Groot
>the runaways will never really interact with wacky cosmic marvel
They explored the Witchbreaker power up a little. Secondary unintended effects to spells, no one else being allowed to touch the Staff of One or they'd get eaten, and that time she cast that spell without intending to.
The Arena power up was mostly centered around the Witcharm. And really it's Thompson and Rainbow's faults for not exploring any other aspects to it.
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the thing is that anka draws men & adds feminine features after
This is going to suck.
That skirts doesnt turn me on. I can only see her buffed thighs capable of squash watermelons.
Yeah I know. I was just making a joke. It's like when Ramos came on and I had to force myself to find something I liked out of it.

I like the way he drew Karolina's hair.
He is gay, so he draws naked men then reluctantly adds breasts and clothing after.
on the bright side /co/ can be miserable together
We're always miserable.
Sometimes there's beefcake/cheesecake threads.
I just want it to be the one fun Marvel book that doesn't get all up its ass and get cancelled after six issues. I know the BKV stuff wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs all the time, but at least it was enjoyable. And given Marvel and DC have a habit of making its teen books super depressing, murdering the casts for shock value, it'd be bucking one hell of a trend.
>get cancelled after six issues
They have a TV show, it'll last longer than that I'm sure.
The X-men Evolution comic lasted 9 issues but the show ran for 4 seasons.
To be honest not having the best hopes for the Hulu series, I honestly get the feeling they just won't have what made runaways a good teen comic in its makeup
>Kris Anka who is the artist on the series

Didn't he say he wasn't going to be on art? Is he a fucking liar?
In my opinion, they barely scratched the surface.

The fault lies with Hopeless for not exploring the thing which already did the thing he wanted in the first place.

But that would require she have any agency in his works, and he barely grants that to even his main cast.
And that's pretty telling still that those are the types of people that are criticizing modern comics

>I'm so sorry I don't read comics at all and am a giant casual faggot

What is a pity because the comic was some good shit:
>shows how Logan and Storm arrived at the institute
>Scott and Jean's origins
>Toad going school shooter
>the morlocks
I'd say different era, but look what happened to Ghost Rider.
what the fuck were they thinking with that
As much as I think that book was garbage I can't help but feel there were more than a few hands guiding his actions and the blame should definitely be shared.

Did Reptile actually die/stay dead?
He wanted the Witcharm which let her shoot regular energy blasts, fly (which she could do with the Witchbreaker but Yost, Moore, Immonen and Gage all ignored it anyways) and cast spells without the staff in her hands.
He didn't die on panel and no one ever saw his body. He hasn't shown up since and no one's mentioned him.
So as good as dead.
Taking bets. Is this going to be a Squirrel Girl dissapointment? A Mockingbird class of a trash heap? Does it have the power to take on America Chavez? Could it go all the way to contend with Marville?
I can't believe how retarded is this. I mean, I'm as angry as everyone with some developments withing the Runaways franchise, but undoing everything from their story with the exception of the first 18 issues is such a lazy thing to do, and a complete disrespect to all the men and women who worked so hard in this franchise and their characters (as shitty as some of their work was).

The worst part and the one that put this decision on the beyond retarded level, is how the writer selectively chooses to undo some things but keep other because she couldn't be bothered to read beyond Volume 1. I mean how stupid is that Gert comes back but not Victor, or that Nico is suddenly with two arms but she couldn't be bothered to bring Alex for a few issues. Molly still being a baby but Klara is mysteriously gone. I mean, if this writer wanted to write a Runaways book that just continued BKV original volume (not even the second), then she should've asked for a Original Graphic Novel or an alternate universe. What a disgrace this is gonna be.
it'll probably be perfectly mediocre
It would be pretty funny if Nico stress-fucked Karolina and then had to explain to her that it was a mistake and it can't happen again.
Kind of boring there are no new members to the team and just bringing back Gert who kind of sucked and not Klara or Victor.
A sad fate for a character created for a children's toyline and cartoon.
Anon, wait until the first issue is out before jumping to conclusions.
wish they would go instead and resurrect the actual Pride if they're insistent on bringing people back. killing them off was a huge mistake.
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we did saw his body, or at least a part of it
Yeah I'm at least going to give it an arc for a full feel. Nitpicks aren't off the table though. A lot of books with new writers end up having some lazy art and shit even if the art team are veterans.
He was shown on a stretcher after that, which some people thought might have meant he was alive.
And she was probably so fat, that she had their own moon (girl)
>Hyper-liberal YA "writer"
>comparison to Nu-Wars
>Kris Anka """"""""""""art"""""""""""
I'm fucking done. It's amazing, Marvel really did not learn a goddamn thing from the failure of Now and success of Rebirth. They really do think the only reason Rebirth succeeded was old characters and costumes. They are so stupid, so goddamn fucking stupid that I honestly have a hard time believing it.
I mean of course it's Gert but she'll be brought back and be Rainbow's (FUCKING RAINBOW SERIOUSLY) self-insert, we all know it. She was like the prototype for these type of people already so it'll even be "justified".
Remember when cat-eye glasses and coloured hair were actually kinda cute and not the female fedora and neckbeard?
Karolina is a vegan stick, tho.
Everything except Gert's death past vol 1 is being soft-ignored and even that's getting undone quickly so of course Karolina isn't dating Julie. Julie got de-aged to a high schooler again anyway in Civil War II for no reason. Guess she's lucky Victor was already killed in Vision otherwise she and Marvel might have to acknowledge that things happened beyond the first 18 issues.
Slightly curious as to whether a petition could be made to complain about this book ala Far Cry 5 and get attention.
>When [editor Nick Lowe] first reached out to me a few years ago about maybe working for Marvel
I swear to god is there a single thing that useless fuck actually does right?
>thumbs up

He's alive.

I'm not even a fan of Reptil, but no one should have died for that piece of shit series.
thumbs up could mean they found the body
chase would totally have a manbun, he was always a cool jock with a douche look
Don't fall for this shit. This is Current Year Marvel, you know what you're getting and it's not going to be good. Pirate it if you absolutely have to read it but don't give them a cent of your money.
She looks like she'd have clit-dick.
Yeah. His is the least offensive. Maybe because he's a dude.


Do you think we'll get barechested Chase. He's legal.
well Anka is doing the art
What was so special about the Runaways? They always seemed like another squad of teen hero nobodies to me.
Why in the hell would you give a Marvel book the benefit of the doubt? They've been an increasingly trash company putting out trash book for years now ramping up steadily since AvX to the point of current unreadability. How many times do they have to dangle the carrot in front of you before you realize that you're going to get smacked with the stick? How many "okay THIS time it'll be different" exceptions can you possibly make before you just give up?
Honestly the concept isn't particularly unique, but it's a well written run.
Hey, there are a few good Marvel books here and there.

They usually get canceled pretty quickly, but still.
I think it might have been a lot of people's first comic because they published them in the manga sized trades that often got put in with manga. Same with other lesser known books like.. What was the name of that kid with the sentinel Hopeless killed?

That's how I found it anyway. It wasn't my first comic, but it was one of the first. I bought all the trades at the time after flipping through the first in the store.
Fair enough, I can't really judge considering I was big on Kyle and Yost's New X-Men.
Not when the problems amount to 'lack of research in the genre and characters involved' and 'casually doesn't realize the meaning of the actions taken' and he KEEPS DOING THEM.

Like, remember when he accidently hinted that Angel was going to start abusing Laura?

I sure do.

Citation needed.
The only Marvel book I'm still bothering with is Gwenpool. Once that's gone they'll have nothing left that holds my interest. I don't care about the Avengers or Inhumans, they've ruined the X-Men (and the current books aren't fixing anything), Slott will continue shitting out awful Spider-Man stories and now they're taking one of the great books from that era of Marvel and pawning it off to a fucking YA writer for their Quixotian dreams of synergy after spending most of the last decade or so shitting all over the characters.

It's autistic as hell but I feel genuinely insulted by this book's existence. I'd rather the characters just be retired and never show up again.
I can't explain it myself, but the series had heart. The characters (in the BKV run at least) were well-defined, they didn't feel like cliches or like an adult trying to write what they remembered as being 'hip'. It helped that the art (Alphona and Miyazawa) was always fantastic. It's a series I'd recommend reading yourself.

This is the colorist for the book if it means anything.
It's absolutely hilarious
well based on his previous work he's a pretty good colorist

so that's something
>Citation needed.
Citation for what?
>Rainbow Rowell

I have no idea who this is


Honestly Ill be happy if just ends up being harmlessly mediocre. Gosh that's sad.
>literally who
i'd rather try to read the Terry Moore and Ramos volume again
Not gonna lie, I'd let her choke me out
Moore wasn't really bad. The bad part was the comic ended and no one following up on the Xavin thing and having Karolina jump on the nearest rainbow vagina.
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So Im digging Nico's new look but I can't help but feel she looks kind of....cougarish. That just me?
Did you ever see the movie Push? The totally-not-the-X-Men one with Chris Evans? She reminds me of Bai Ling from that. She's gone from gothic lolita witch to Little Miss Have-I-Mentioned-I'm-Asian-Today. It's a weird look.

You know Id normally complain about that because she was one of like two Asian character not defined by Asian stereotypes but goddamn do high slit dresses do it for me.
Recently popular young adult author, in the top ten for sales, a couple of bestsellers, one being adapted as a Dreamworks Pictures (non animated) movie.

A middling author but writes very read-ably, if often quite cliched in plotline they are usually pulled off well enough that you enjoy and dont regret reading her work. Good for chracter voices/dialogue and general characterization.

A bit like a slightly better version of the "fault in your stars" guy whos book got a movie a few years back.
>Rainbow Rowell

Fangirl was a total snoozefest, and I liked the idea of the premise. I hope Runaways is better at least.

well this might not be too bad then
She looks doubly generic to me.
Typical Asian look with typical goth clothes.
When Rowells was talking about having such a stylish artist in terms of fashion, I laughed.
It was one of the first comics I remember reading and it's one of the few books where the teens actually felt like teens and imo BKV's run still holds up despite it coming out over ten years ago.

Plus I always liked that he kind of played into the idea that everyone had when they were kids or teens: That their parents are villains.
>Generic YA author who writes generic YA schlock
Nothing good about it desu
Where on earth did you hear that line?

I was there when his original plans for the Witch Arm were revealed, and he was called out on tumblr for the whole 'evil prosthetic' being pretty shitty, and in none of his plans for Nico did that come up at all.
I was talking about how the Witcharm was actually used. You know rather than fan theory/headcanon potential
This was the only Brian K. Vaughan project I hated.

I read all the comics but I loathed all the characters. Niko is the absolute worst. Victor and Gert are dead. I don't know who the blond is, and last time I checked the Chase was in a coma.

Molly bugs me the least.
Some of Ewings stuff is great fun but I totally understand where you're coming from.
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Anka is very hit or miss with me.

This is probably my favorite Anka piece.
>despite having massive cleavage, Wanda is still flat when viewed from the side
dat ass, tho
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I didn't say it was going to be good I just said it might not be horrible. Huge difference
it was a clever idea for a teen comic that was well-executed, the characters were distinctive and well-written, and the Pride were good and intimidating villains. it's also a great entry point into cape comics because of how self-contained it is (while still alluding and involving some people from the greater Marvel verse).

of course, eventually BKV left and they got churned up and spit out by the Marvel machine
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If she's prepared to do it properly I don't see why not
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Looking at some of his work, Anka really doesn't like drawing breasts. What gives?
Anka is probably a SJW.
he can only draw what he's attracted to

I didn't save the Starlord lewds
Do SJWs realize it's a natural part of a woman's anatomy to have breasts?

Wait...SJWs don't believe in biology or anatomy.
I can draw things I am not attracted to just fine. That's a lazy excuse for a professional artist.
you're not him senpai, everyone has flaws
Just check his Instagram. The guy paints his nails and uploads vids of them drying. He also draws Wonder Woman as an ugly golem, so... Yeah, he is a SJW.
being gay doesn't make you SJW
Cross dressing also doesn't make one necessarily gay. Some drag queens will dress up for a variety of reasons.

One guy dresses up like his outlandish aunt to sell tupperware at tupperware parties. He's a heterosexual, but says dressing up like his eccentric aunt and putting on an act gets him to sell more product than going door to door as a dude.
Isn't he married to a woman or something though? He also has a pretty big collection of Captain America Hot Toys. Totally random, really.

As for the SJW, a couple of years back he posted a pic of his faves. Bucky!Cap, Iron Fist, OG Fury, etc, etc. Soon as the controversy hit, he redesigned Danny as an Asian-American and said how that'd be better. He is a SJW.
Don't broaden the meaning to SJW to be anything I don't like man. Just having shitty taste and doing bad fanart doesn't make you the type of person to butt into other people's conversations to tell them they use a pronoun wrong.

I'm serious though not only does he like dick but he seems to be actively repulsed by the female form.
Well, he is gay.
Ok, sure, but Anka is literally gay.
I like the edit outfits better. Nico and Kar's outfits do not fit their personalities.
Nico's been on an Avengers team, what does she need to run away? And with a bunch of childhood friends at that
Something is coming after her and after Civil War II, she doesn't really have an Avenger she can rely on.

She was only close to Singularity, Dazzler, and She-Hulk.

Singularity is . . . Somewhere.

Dazzler is closer to the X-Men anyway, and she only has a "maybe at best" opinion of them, and Dazzler herself is distancing herself from them.

And Jen is plagued by PTSD and Guilt, with her gray Hulk form being too unpredictable.
ideally you use that as part of the story
A-Force wishes it was the Avengers

It died even faster than Fearless Defenders
Not if you count the Secret Wars series as part of its run.

Then it lasted 3 more than that.

That post secret wars relaunch was bad for a LOT of titles.
Because that book is best ignored for the contrived event garbage it was.
A-Force =/= Avengers Arena/Avengers Undercover.

I think you have them crossed.
If we're counting preceding event tie in minis that helped set up the title then Fear Itself the Fearless should count towards Fearless Defenders run
I'd think the long break between them (several years) would discount such continuity.
Nope. Avengers Arena and undercover aren't event spawned garbage. They're just regular garbage.
>Fear Itself: the Fearless #12 released April 4, 2012
>Fearless Defenders #1 released February 6, 2013

Eh, blame a faulty memory. It seemed a very long time to me, and even the writer noted the distance.

Still not what happened with A-Force, where it was a month or 2 between #5 and #1.
The difference is that The Fearless was a mini-series (well, maxi-series) that set-up an ongoing, whereas the Secret Wars: A-force mini is literally sold as "A-force vol. 0" in the same way the pre-Secret Wars Howard the Duck by Zdarsky is sold as vol. 0 to the post-Secret Wars' vol. 1 - 3.
I think it was closer to 3 months

But still doesn't change the fact that A-Force was a failure of a book

So were Avengers AI, Avengers Arena and Avengers Undercover

Maybe the Runaways are just cursed
as much as I hate Arena, it was not a financial failure. It lasted a full year with its 18 issues, and that is the current low-end benchmark of success.

Undercover was a failure, though. That's a certainty.
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This whole thread and apparently no one's mentioned that WOKE PoC's absolutely hate Rowell.

Boy I love the internet.
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>Waifu is back
I don't know how to feel about it.
Might be the original or he clone running around?
/co/ likes to bitch about SJWs, but to actually try to find out what they are saying? Surely you can't be serious.
The fuck is YA? Young Animal?
Why does Jubilee look like a trap?
So are we supposed to ignore that she now has 2 normal arms despite having the witch arm when we last saw her in A-Force?
Young Adult (fiction) I presume
>tfw no storyline about Kamala's family getting killed in a terrorist attack and moves to California to join the Runaways to avoid being put in foster care
>tfw no storyline about Viv joning the Runaways in the fallout of Tom King's run and Nico being incredibly butthurt about Victor
For fucks sake
Let me guess, you don't read comics
At least Emma has boobs.
Cast looks boring and uninteresting. I'll probably pass.
Art also looks like shit
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He's super hit and miss on it when he draws her.

But when he hits it's good
No. You're supposed to see if it's explained in the book before going into tism spirals.
Okay, this is going to suck, and it's going to last 5 issues max, unless marvel is really deadbent on making it last for a while, which I doubt. Also, curious about Cloak and Dagger mini... I mean, ongoing.
It will last 12 issues at least.
>When [editor Nick Lowe] first reached out to me a few years ago about maybe working for Marvel
Show of hands, who'd miss him
>if Nico stress-fucked Karolina and then had to explain to her that it was a mistake and it can't happen again.
Go away Carol
>One guy dresses up like his outlandish aunt to sell tupperware at tupperware parties. He's a heterosexual, but says dressing up like his eccentric aunt and putting on an act gets him to sell more product than going door to door as a dude.
OK I need more info on this
Should I wait six issues like (She) HULK before I come to the conclusion that it's been a giant waste of my time, or am I being impatient for wanting it addressed earlier?

If you can show me in the promotion and tell me in the interview that we can expect Gert back from the grave, am I unreasonable for thinking that if you were going to address the arm you would have at least hinted at it by now?
>am I being impatient for wanting it addressed earlier?

Yes. I wouldn't mind if they just ignored that shit.
As long as they keep ship teasing DeanxMinoru I'll give it a read, fuck it.

But fuck these designs are fucking with me. Is this a reboot or is this age I've actually noticed?
I seriously hope that Karolina and Nico never become a thing. I like Karolina and Xavin, I'm fine with her and Julie. But Nico is a fucking succubus. She is relationship cancer and I don't want her attached to my favorite Runaway character in anything beyond a platonic, sisterly bond that extends to the occasional late night schlick session as Karolina briefly pines for a love that will never be.
Where are people getting the idea Nico would swing that way anyway, just her being BFF with Singularity recently?
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Ah yes, the event tie-in arc that lasted so long that when Tempus went back in time to stop it from happening, not only was the event long over but Wolverine went from living to dead.
I-it was just the one time, Jess. W-we can't do that again.
Huh? That was just pointing out what BKV seemed to be intending for the story to be. To be honest I think it's dumb to give sexfluid shapeshifters a strong sense of gender identity.

I'd say it'd make for a pretty good story that explores the complexities of gender if it was explored more. It's not like a teenage girl's first relationship has to be true love or anything. Many lesbians have dated men before coming out. This isn't much different. Except Karolina does see Xavin as a girl, even though he doesn't himself. It's kind of similar to dating a trans person before they come out as trans, except Xavin was already the gender and sex he identified as, but shapeshifted into something different. Karolina was dating Julie Power after that, so it's not like she can't be in relationship with a girl.
To talk about comics and cartoons
Bitching about SJWs is an addition
So? I'm gay and I have no trouble drawing women with curves, hips, butts, and breasts.

Don't ask for scans because I don't have a scanner or an account to upload my drawings.
Cabin wasn't trained to be a regularly shape shifting spy. He was trained to be a warrior. A concept he associates will with masculinity.
Why do they keep letting Anka give characters his shitty designs?!

Also Chase is a dudebro not a fucking manbun hipster trash.
The comic came out in 2003. I've read and forgotten many comics since then and, quite honestly, all the critical darling series about hipster teenagers tend to blur together after a while.
They're not in the tv show
Anka is a gay man he only draws what he finds attractive.
Because Marvel is convinced that Anka is down with the hip lingo of today's totally radical youngsters.
>actually draws wolverine as 5'3

I like this guy
Google says he is now trans and never married. So def not a straight dude.
Get ready to DROP
So you arguing about how you don't like xavin having a gender every thread doesn't matter since he obviously does.
This is their fan base so....
What? I am arguing the exact opposite. I'm arguing Xavin has a gender, which is male, since he's so obviously uncomfortable as a girl. I just said I think it's not very logical for skrulls to have one, even though they do and BKV obviously intended that. Why else would I post
It doesn't matter if you think it's logical or not, but you keep bringing it up.
Huh...well I guess I paid less attention to the story than I thought.

Thanks for the correction, anon!
^Sorry, this is my response to your post. I selected the wrong comment.
Viv being a non superhero makes so much damn sense it's not funny

Kamela on the other hand is just really well established as having a life in New Jersey that a change makes little to no sense
But it was specifically in response to

I think Xavin having a gender makes for a more interesting story than just being completely agender/genderfluid. But why am I not allowed to point out it actually doesn't make all that much sense? It can make for an interesting discussion about the workings of sex and gender. If I were repeating it to you specifically over and over I see how it's annoying. But this is an anonymous message board. Different people will read it and I can't know who has previously read a specific post by me and who hasn't.
Seems like they came out sometime after their 15 minutes. Article manages to namedrop Trump of course.

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>Victor is dead
>Chase is.... somewhere
>Xavin is in space prison
>The Hulu series will likely butcher what made runaways great

Are Skrulls sexfluid? They seem like they have a fairly regimented caste system and society where everyone performs the role their assigned, so it's not a huge stretch that they have clearly defined gender roles too.
Are you ready for Alex not to be the mole?
The can shapeshift into bodies of either sex, so I'd say so. That doesn't necessarily mean they're also genderfluid.
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Shit that's actually really goddamn good.
>Anka's longtime colorist
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