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looks like someone wants to have their thread 404'd
>suffering my whole childhood from people picking on me
>finally it looks like society's going to do something about bullying
>only victims they'll protect are ones who are legitimately fucked up
great i'll just stay in my corner then and continue not being hirable because i have a beard i guess.
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Look at my neato meme guy, give me them (you)s
You know you can shave it off, right? It's not like it's hiding gills or a breathing hole... right?
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Maybe too subtle, pls explain
Seconded, this sounds like B.S.
I get the obvious nod at polyamory with Fluorite but I didn't found nothing on transgenders in this episode

please explain?
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Well first the denizens of tumblr really like the idea of lars being trans. Dont ask me why.
Second the color scheme of the word "head" in the title card shares the colors of the "transgender flag" Pic related. But thats all i can see, and is really grasping at straws.
those are the Bi colours you fag

Also the tranny colours are just pastel, so they pop up alot because they just happen to compliment a lil
Not even slightly, stop trying to offend yourself
Well then op makes even less sense then i thought.
Also they made a flag for every gender/sexuality they come up with, How the fuck am i supposed to keep them in order.
>W-well they're still fags
>That moment when the "Lion was Pink Diamond" theorists got BTFO
Feels good.
I thought it was meant to be a parallel to how Rose would recruit gems. Lars became a better person and changed colors to reflect his new allegiance with Steven.
If anything, it's pushing polyamory/polygamy with fluorite

Wow, I just realized that episode was a Die Hard reference.
>Zuke was not involved in this
>You still believe what you're saying
welp, now i see it
now i see it and i dont like it
This fucking show
>suffering my whole childhood from people picking on me
>finally it looks like society's going to do something about bullying
>society now starts bullying me
>its the same people who bullied me in school
>now bullying me in the name of stopping bulying
>now bullying lasts forever
>rich assholes with perfects lives targeting me with non stop abuse because im not balck, a girl or gay
>People shouldn't be picked on
>Except those people should. I meant me, I shouldn't be picked on
he accepts himself as being pink after he decides to no longer be afraid and run away from what he is
he is brave now and accepted by a new kind of people who are deemed broken by the society above
he talks about all the things he missed out on like making baklaba
>those hidden magazines in his room
>insecurity and acting like someone else to fit in
i mean, in any other show it would just be a cool transformation
it's baklava and it's delicious.
its amazing seeing people who had always been horrible to everyone be twice as horrible in adulthood while claiming that they are abused the most because they never experienced any sorth of hardship at all and are now manufacturing drama
>that poop swastica in the bathroom is worse than that kid that was beaten to death by his father
good grief, i feel disgust for humankind

I feel like you're grasping at straws man. I guess it's that kind of thing that you only see if you want to see it.
For once I'll say, I don't think Sugar would go that far into Symbolism. Anyone who believes that is reading way too much into it. Its just a power up that explains Lion's origins at the same time.
well you are a braindead moron and a steven universe fanboy, you clearly have 0 self awearness so to be fair your opinion never mattered anyways
again in any other show...

Jesus, calm the fuck down man. I only come to SU threads when a new episode airs to grab the dl and hear what people have to say. Did you just assume my fanboyism?
It's not so much the themes that bug me, but the overtly mediocre way they choose to deliver this plot that has them.

>Oh turns out butch bodyguard Topaz is a big softee at heart, let's help the humans get away
>Oh turns out there's a group of freak gems that just came along and helped the strange alien creatures get away
>Oh turns out Lars isn't dead, he's a pink
zombie thanks to the power of Steven's tears we've seen for like the sixth time in this event
>Oh turns out he has a portal in his head that can get Steven back to Earth immediately.

I mean, it's like, no wonder they start bawling their eyes out when even the slightest challenge or difficulty or doubt comes their way. They're so used to everything working out through almost zero effort and pure convenience.
awww, did i misslable you? fuck off

You brought up something that had nothing to do with the conversation in the first place. I don't care if you see Lars that way, but I still stand by saying that it's only there if you want it to be.
Fucking hell you people are retarded.

Nobody was transgender. Stop grasping.
>it's only there if you want it to be
nobody wants you here but you dont go away
As an actual trans person, I have to say...naw. It wasn't about that specifically, more just about anyone who's different and not accepted. I mean, one of them was basically a conjoined twin gem.
>As an actual trans person
nobody cares
Congratulations on letting an anonymous post on 4chan that is very likely to be bait have such strong influence on your opinions and tastes.
Cool story
are you telling me im not actually gay for liking traps?
I don't see the trans symbolism at all. It just seems like a general "accept who you really are" message, which, sure, could be applied to trans stuff, but you're the one applying it like that, not the show.
>as an actual trans person
>trans people on tumblr say, "don't label me"
You know straight people feel like they don't fit in too. Like not every person who feels awkward and like they can't be themselves has a sexuality thing going on.
>trans "person"
>I don't see the trans symbolism at all
i spelled it out for you, good riddance never watch lost if you struggle with this
God damn just fight back you fucking pussies, Jesus Christ. If I can fight the good fucking fight for the better half of twelve years you sissy cuntmouths can do the same with just as much if not more impunity.
>but Chad is super mean and big and lots of people agree with him )^:
>God damn just fight back you fucking pussies
i choose to retrive into my own little world instead, there is nothing out there worth fighting for.
Do people actually get bullied for being cis-gendered whites in real life? Outside of feminist clubs at universities?

I'm white, well off, and my life is great. Just step away from your computer or tumblr if you feel oppressed.
>mentaly ill person unwilling to seek help
You spelled out that he was trying to act like someone he wasn't. How the fuck do you get from that to 100% UNADULTERATED SJW TRANSGENDER SYMBOLISM?

Lars was just afraid to show any weakness. That doesn't mean he wants to turn his dick inside out.
i got bullied for being fat and because my parents put me in this really bad medication that made me sleepy and dumb because they didnt love me and didnt want to bother with me
Jew or Muslim?
German American/Finnish, no external display of religion or beliefs.

Literally no one bothers me and I get shit tons of respect in day to day life. The "cis bullying" is only a thing if you aren't living in the real world, but rather can escape the internet bubble.
*can't escape the internet bubble. The majority of internet problems can be solved by not letting them touch your real life. Why even comment (or read the comments) on most things like youtube or whatever? I think they did a study that showed that facebook generally made people more depressed than it brought benefits.
>was friendly with a tranny at work
>come back from vacation
>get the fucking coldest shoulder when I say hi

I'm done tolerating. To hell with trannies, bunch of emotionally unstable pricks.
where do you work
Shave your beard then you fucking Kraut/Snownigger at least Jews and Muslims have a reason to not shave.
Wageslave bagging at a grocer.

Finally applying to become a claims representative at Geico.
I'm clean shaven man, you're thinking of the other guy. Can't grow a beard to save my life.
That's not on the trans person specifically then man. A good chunk of wage slave level grocery/department store workers are unstable dicks who create pointless workplace drama naturally
makes sense
local supermarket has retards bagging groceries during saturady mornings when nobody is there
i have seen one work at mcdonalds, however if he ever touches my food im not coming back
There's a transgender person where I work and I just genuinely cannot tell what gender they're trying to pull off. They're like right in the middle. I just don't bring it up.

He/she/whatever is pretty friendly though. I think your specific tranny is just a bitch.
or maybe he accepts being pink, because he is now pink(and a zombie). It's like a disease, not a mental disorder

>those hidden magazines in his room
the magazines that show he likes fat chicks?
Thossssse Periiiidddoooottsssss arrrrrrrre screeeeeammmminnngggg forrreeevvveerrrrr

Innnnnnnssssiiiiddddeee mmmmeeeeeee
your tranny has probably yet to start hormone therapy
Its literally scientific, losing your testosterone and getting all that estrogen makes you like that
kind of like puberty
and maybe steven is in a coma in hell in a time loop with hyper realistic eyes
Yeah our store has all the legit retards in the morning too. Actually they're the nicest ones, no drama, no passive aggression, and are usually cheery or keep to themself if angry that day.

Worse would be a a fatass nutcase christfag lady.
>passive agressive
>purposely gets my name wrong
does that thing eat gems?
>he decides to no longer be afraid and run away from what he is
He's also got a manly scar now. And the only dick on a planet full of female-identifying rocks.
you knw what else leaves scars?
Just sincerely ask them what pronouns you should use. You don't have to walk to eggshells if you're not stomping all over the place to begin with.
Their pronoun is "it"
I'd just rather not breach the subject. I never have to use the pronouns if I'm talking to them, and I just use their name if I have to direct someone else to them or whatever. It's fine.
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Nah, it just uses Peridots for its nipples.
You are purposefully setting yourself up for an avoidable sitcom situation.
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That's some sick edge
Or maybe, like any reasonable person, anon isn't going to stoop to asking people what their preferred pronouns are.
I don't think you comprehend what "reasonable" means.
bullshit that thing eats gems
also those other wierd gems bring it more "food" thats the only reason it hasnt consumed them yet
that faulty saphire failed to bring anyone down there once and woke up being half inside its mouth, the only thing that saved her was being fast enough to yell before getting swallowed
I miss when 4chan made fun of the idiots who combed through media looking for ways to attribute ideological messages to it so they could get angry about it instead of being those idiots.
So it's basically confirmed at this point that most gems with 'ite' at the end are fusions in-canon.

They're usually mulitcolored irl as well.
I'm just going to treat them like I do anyone else. I feel like directly asking them that sort of thing is acknowledging they're not like everyone else.

Why does it matter? They're whatever they are, I don't care. It doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect how I interact with them.
Expecting someone to care about pronouns is unreasonable
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You definitely don't comprehend what the definition of reasonable is.
4chan used to make fun of muslims?
>like any reasonable person
trans people are so beyond whats reasonable its funny
It's acknowledging what they ARE, they'll be grateful for it, and it'll prevent potential future mishaps.
So you wouldn't mind if everyone referred to you as something different from your sex? Or are you "unreasonable"?
You seem overly entitled. This isn't your Tumblr blog or Facebook page where you can block everyone until the only opinion you see is your own.
Good to know you know how every trans person act.
>It's acknowledging what they ARE
a pain in the ass?
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Nah, that thing is like The Borg. She assimilates all. Including Pink Diamond.

Why eat Gems when you can violate them for an eternity?
We're not talking about you.
They ARE a person. They ARE friendly. Some aspects of their identity are unclear to me, sure, but nothing important.

If I felt uncomfortable not knowing, I'd ask. It doesn't affect anything, so I won't.
that post is nice
actually i can do that
but im not using my filters today
im not talking about how they act but them as a whole and the way liberals demand i adress them
demanding i use words i dont want to use nor i consider real is beyond reasonable
none of the gems born in that kindergarden ever escaped
well played
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And she's still on the prowl to add more to her collection.
No, I wouldn't because I'm not mentally ill.
You are either:
1) Flip-flopping on your viewpoints simply to be contrarian
2) Without attention or intelligence to realise your contradiction
Either way, I no longer find this circular discussion to be worth my time, as it is fruitless.
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It's more complicated than that. Most people on boards like /pol/ or /r9k/, the ones commie talk show media twitter journos or whatever love to have temper tantrums about, are probably scrawny nerd social outcasts. There's a surprisingly HUGE overlap between autism/spectrum groups online and r9k- no wonder they throw around "autistic" like a friendly insult and have threads for stupid shit they do- and pretty much anyone that regularly browses 4chan and isn't a le smol cinnamon bun fandom "nerd" /co/ tumblr import bird m0m xD cosplayer like all the people in any given SU thread probably are definitely not the most socially adjusted.
People, in general, probably have the natural premonition to root for the weak nerdy underdog as opposed to the incredibly savvy well adjusted snarky ironic trust fund media star, and yet, through decades of forcing the stupid leftist "marginalization" bullshit theories and ideology down the public's collective throats, things like steven universe have turned that natural empathetic social instinct upside down in favor of identity politics, in, ironically, the name of empathy. Just look at the buzzfeed video about "betas" for proof of what I'm saying.
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is contrarian or is dumb
See ya
no, people want to root for the underdog but people also expect the underdog to act like a movie character
in reality abused people lash out and have all sorth of agression issues so nobody wants to help them.
Funny enough most black people grow up abused and its not by the school or the cops its their own family thats why the media paints an image of them thats completely fictional and completely harmful
Its not good for a criminal to give him his gun back and send him out in the street again to keep commiting crime until he either ends up killing someone or gets killed himself, crime is better caught earlier, the pettier the better
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>the buzzfeed video about "betas"
Anyone else notice how Steven doesn't have one positive alpha male role model?
Greg is pretty alpha to me. Pretty sad if your perception of what that might be is warped by your 'alpha' dad who never hugged you and kicked your ass after getting drunk.
Lars likes fat chicks.
If anything the color monologue was transracial. SJW's need to apologise to white people pretending to be black people right fucking now.

>I can't see anything wrong with you
>literally two people conjoined at the hip
You'd think they'd shapeshift into a more comfortable form, if they even can.
You'd think they would've put those abominations out of misery by now. For a society that's as advanced as homeworld there's literally no reason to keep them around. This is a prime example of BAD WRITING and meaningless INSERTS

I don't understand how you can interpret this show as anything other that "everyone deserves to be loved and accepted"
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Look at all of the /co/mbler users getting pissy that someone is criticizing their favorite SJW cartoon. Ain't my problem though, this show is a cancer sore to this generation and will show how fucking weak and fragile society is/was during these times. Sad! Don't bother replying I ain't coming back to this thread.
>not realizing sugar pulled a Ode to joy on us.
It's a shallow frame, you can put whatever you want on it.
Not sure if shallow was the word I was looking for, my English sucks.
>"everybody in this show is a bitch, there are no positive male role models"
>cowardly male character has an arc about becoming more heroic
>"reee this is transgender propaganda"
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>show writers try to shoehorn positive polyamory representation into the show
>accidentally make it disgusting

Greg is a pretty positive male model, I don't see how aanyone could think theres no good males in the show
Everyone calls me "faggot", and I don't give a shit.
what horrible act was visited upon this man, that he would keep an image of Johnny Test on a device he keeps near him at all times
Are you sure it was incidental? I think Fluorite would have looked better if that's the case
I'd be impressed if they went so far as to make Flourite an example of why the gem hierarchy sees fusion as kind of disgusting. Not only is the fusion unpleasant to look at or listen to, their sense of autonomy is lost inside the fusion itself. If separated these gems probably would go into withdraw hysterics in a reaction worse than what we saw with just Ruby and Sapphire on Jasper's ship.
>Just look at the buzzfeed video about "betas" for proof of what I'm saying.
I love that video, and I've been trying to defend it on /r9k/ but people keep calling me a newfag. The guy in it was handsome and relatively well-off, so it wasn't entirely realistic, but it was still an attempt at a sympathetic portrayal, and seeing other robots shit all voer it makes me feel like we deserve this fate.


Nigga, that could literally just be about not wanting to seem feminine. A decade ago, you'd see it as a metaphor for the gays. I know there are trannies working on SU, but as of yet, their ideology hasn't seeped into the material. Hell, Zuke got fired.
>So you wouldn't mind if everyone referred to you as something different from your sex? Or are you "unreasonable"?
Bitch, I deal with real emotional abuse all the time. People calling me "it" is nothing.
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I see that, but the way I see it they're actually worse off from the experience.

Think about it: nothing is stopping them from unfusing and going back up top or escaping Homeworld. Only their codependency is their downfall. Same with the other fusion.

Also, the reason they take so long to speak? 6 gems in an amalgam fusion trying to agree on what to say. Alexandrite doesn't speak much either and when she does its usually short sentences. She's a 4 gem fusion and even though 2 of the Gems are experienced in fusion, the 4 are all very different in type and personality.

Fluorite is 6 different gems, most likely Peridots, Rubies and Quartzes. All very different and unstable, but as long as at least 1 wants the fusion to stay it can possibly hold the other low-level Gems in the fusion by force of will. If they had practiced their fusion they'd likely look less monstrous.

But really, I think he actually means the baking stuff. Which, proves the transgender point as little as anything else he brought up. Unless, he means to imply that Baking = Trans. In which case, that's stupid.
Yeah, I don't think Zuke got fired.
Empty, might be the word you're looking for. But you still got the point across.
Probably not in the context you're thinking of, but it could happen if they're a minority where they are. Especially when you consider that school children will take any ammo they can get if they decide they don't like someone.

Of course, this is all speculation, I can't prove shit.
Stop being mean to Fluorite now!
>It's a false flagging thread
Fuck your thread nigga, lets talk about how fucking cool Lars is now.
Mr.Smiley is a successful small business owner and workaholic. While he does the latter to his detriment, he's also a pretty good role model. Which is only undercut by his status as a minor character.
all the best bakers in the world are men


every time
Yeah, work environment or not, neither party is obligated to share or ask personal things like that. Save for actual prejudiced people, who gives a shit? Not to mention, the only time that kind of information matters is if you have a stake in X person's well being or personal affairs. Like friends, family, or potential SO's.

The need for vindication by EVERYONE, is a weird hold over from when American LGBTQ people were repressed and made into jokes. Despite being messy, the idea was about raising awareness and convincing people that it's normal and okay. When justified, seeking vindication was usually only reserved for harsh communities and conditions. When it isn't justified, however, it's a terribly defensive thing to ask for; you come off as insecure as someone who needs to be told "they're pretty". Once again, the reason why is because no one (should) give a shit what your sexuality is.

To put it in plain terms, you need a better reason than "you appear to be X gender" to question a person about their personal Identity. Solely on the basis that it shouldn't matter, unless it concerns you on a personal level.

Also fuck, your post is old as shit. Glad to have chimed in five hours after the fact ...
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Most of the bakers in my old hometown were men. There's a "famous" bakery around here that's run by a dude.
Don't relate a noble profession to your homosex.
This. Dude has his own gem harem and has Nightcrawler powers.
I actually really like the idea that Fluorite isn't a very healthy fusion. That said, it's entirely possible that some of the gems that make up Fluorite, if not all of them, are defective. Even if they weren't, there's a chance that homeworld would realize they had been fusing with each other and have them shattered.
Fluorite seems like its a combo of Quartz (hair), Sapphire (pair of arms with glove designs), Peridot, and personally I think the two triangular gems on the chest don't look like Peridots like the triangular gem on the skull does. I'm not sure what those are but I don't think they're a gem shown before.
What anime did they reference in this episode?
Ian said that there are nonfused Garnets.
Sexualizing those off color gems is like sexualizing the War Doctor.
This. Out of the trannies I've know, ones an over emotional clingy asshole, ones a literal criminal, and one is narcissistic as fuck.
>all the best bakers in the world are men
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