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>People are upset and complain at all the replacement characters

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>People are upset and complain at all the replacement characters making Marvel unrecognizable as a whole.
>Announce Generations, where the originals will come back in one-shots to pat the replacements in the back.
>Announce Legacy, where the company will celebrate the replacements and the company's broadening legacy characters.

So is Marvel simply too stupid to understand what its customers want or is it just pure spite at customers outright rejecting their current ideas?
I don't give a shit about the legacy characters being introduced, I just hate that they're introducing them without new talent who respect the originals.
Look at Morrison who introduced Damian, with an actual purpose or Giffen/Johns who introduced Jaime Blue Beetle but then handed him off to John Rogers and we got one of the best Legacy solos ever from the Big 2. He was experienced but new to capes, while still respecting them
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First one, then the other.
The other people with all of these legacy characters is that we're told how fucking amazing they are and how they're leagues better than their predecessors. Just look at Kate "The Real Hawkeye" Bishop and the non stop shitting on Clint for no reason. I know that it was a recurring joke in Fraction's run but damn did all of these new writers run that damn joke into the ground.
The only upside to this is no events for 18 months

Lets see how long that promise last before they're back to the annual even formula
>making Marvel unrecognizable as a whole
Translation: "not like muh MCU"
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DC Universe: Rebirth? That was the trial run. Marvel wins
>The only upside to this is no events for 18 months

not happening, there are constant events planned
All of the founding avengers are dead or have been replaced by a minority/female version of their identity

Modern marvel is near unrecognisable
They've said that this is their last event for 18 months, but yeah, I don't trust them for a minute. Secret Empire was a mere few months after Civil War 2
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They just need new writers and editors, really.

It wasn't new branding or new numbering that made me pick Rebirth titles up, it was new creative teams. I've been sick of Bunn/Bendis/Soule/Slott/Spencer for anywhere between years and months now, and slapping a new label on the package isn't going to help. And the fact that the editors, who are ostensibly giving the creative teams feedback to improve seem to have no real intention on shepherding decent stories mean they need to go, too.
If Marvel understood what it's customers want Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman would have been married ages ago.
why is moon girl wearing boxing headgear

she doesn't seem like the type to mix it up
They said no line wide events. Venomverse and that hulk and wolverine crossover event is happening.
>the editors need to go
But anon, they did years ago. In fact, last week they fired another one and everything.

Scarlet Witch or nothing.
Jesus christ moon girl is so out of place.
even the old writers kicked it up a notch. Look at Green Arrow compared to before Rebirth, Percy really kicked up the story
As long as they're not "THE WORLD WILL NEEVR BE THE SMAE" I'll be fine, small events and crossovers are fine. Line wide crossovers shouldn't happen every year (or 6 months in Marvels case)
So when exactly is this whole "no events" thing supposedly starting?
It's pretty obvious how much they fucked with the poster (the original I recognize this is an edit) judging by the shadows next to their noses.
Nobody gives a shit about either of them though.
Marvel sale model is massive #1 sales and then reboot the book at about 12 issues to get 2 trades out of it. Then you get another #1 and the cycle repeats, you don't need new writers or editors for that

Marvel are eventually going to cause another crash aren't they?
after secret empire so at least not until September
They crash the industry every 20 years, yes.
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The comic book industry doesn't really have too far to fall at this point. Even the most niche shit in the world can successfully move a couple dozen thousand units. Attach the Marvel name and it pretty much guarantees it won't drop much lower than that, which is not that much lower than where things are now.
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reminder. its all me. its all my fault.
Marvel saw these replacements as a temporary sales boost. Like Superior Spider-Man. They said that these will be the characters from now on and didn't really mean it. Unfortunately, now all eyes are on Marvel and they will riot if they take back what they said. You know Marvel didn't think this through fully and expected to bring back the originals and go back to status quo, but now people are so mad for them to stick.

In short, they killed the golden goose for a meal and then got shocked that it didn't come back the next morning.
Marvel has a handful of decent writers Rosenberg, Ewing, Zdarsky but they put them on books that nobody will buy and then wonder why they can't sell books
>Marvel are eventually going to cause another crash aren't they?
I'm calling it now, sometime shortly after Infinity War movie comes out, there's going to be another crash. It won't hit DC and other publishers as hard as it will Marvel. Marvel's been livin' it up since the MCU became big and maybe not now, but soon they're gonna find themselves up shit creek without a paddle.
At this point, I don't think any book outside Spider-Man can sell these days. EVERYTHING is crashing.
This, to bee desu
Contest of Champions's failure is all on Ewing.
>I'm calling it now, sometime shortly after Infinity War movie comes out, there's going to be another crash. It won't hit DC and other publishers as hard as it will Marvel. Marvel's been livin' it up since the MCU became big and maybe not now, but soon they're gonna find themselves up shit creek without a paddle.

Comic sales are already a joke. For comics to "crash at this point" they would literally all need to cease publishing.
>Marvel's been livin' it up since the MCU became big
In terms of comic sales, not at all.
All they have that sells relatively well now is Star Wars and Spider-Man.
Even the X-books are bareyl over 30k.
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I seriously blame Marvel making us sick of these characters. Like, I post this picture saying I don't find any of them interesting, and someone responded "But that's the entire Marvel Lineup" and that's exactly the problem. No surprise faces. No characters we've already been accustomed to for the last 3 years. It's just the fucking same characters.

For example, compare Civil War to Civil War II. In the first Civil War, love it or hate it, you at least had a fun game of spotting all the obscure cameos in the background that went beyond the lineup of characters present at that time in comics. These days? Marvel barely acknowledges Young Avengers outside Kate and Chavez. The X-Men shrunk to a level of characters that nobody likes them. It's all so broken.
>Marvel Fans: You guys need to fire your editors!
>Marvel: *Fires editor. Doesn't get a replacement.
>Marvel Fans: Uhh...
Someone tweet it to them. The hilarity when they actually re-tweet it because they missed the joke.
Sales have been lower. The early 00s were really bad sales-wise even though they were great for Marvel in both quality and sales on account of their shrinking their line to a really lean number.
Spider-Man is their highest selling non-event and non-#1 and barely breaks 60K.
If we had a good writer on Amazing Spider-Man examples: Kelly, Zdarsky, or Duggan, it'd be selling over 100k an issue
I want Stern back.
His one arc in BND was better than anything Slott ever shat out.
I'm still confused who that 3rd Spider-Man is supposed to be. That's not Ben, Kaine or Otto's costume.
I think they all represent each book coming out, and the third Spider-Man book is just another Peter Book. The Zdarsky one.
Its not a character list, its a book list. Zdarskys Spider-Man is the other Peter.

Hopefully that means we get a GR book soon
Good has nothing to do with it, it's just giving people what they want. Superior and Spider-Verse did well, but people are tired of Peter Stark. Slott's aware of this which is why he's going away soon.
Mar-Vell is getting a book?
>he's going away soon
Please don't play with our feelings, anon.
>Slott's aware of this which is why he's going away soon.

Nice one. Fat fuck is friends with the staff. He won't go anywhere unless someone finds midget porn on his computer.
>Slott will never get drunk enough to publically deny holocaust, along with posting Stormfront and MGTOW charts on his twitter
Superior and Spider-Verse only did good because Slott hates Peter. Sloot will only write good if Peter's not at the forefront
I meant Peter Stark's going away. Obviously Slott's staying.
That's for generations. or he's the "last page reveal"
Ewing is has been on the secondary Avengers team for years anon. It is because of Ewing own style that he doesn't sell. He fills his team with obscure or new characters, he references old things that casuals would never know about. Plus he really likes to play the long game, he has been doing this Eternity war plot across two books for coming up on two years.
Marvel needs their long game back, it's what is crushing them for DC. 25 issues in Rebirth and we just got more Button story, Superman is still dealing with his reincarnation and Ollie is still dealing with his company betraying him. The long game is great at DC
Which Marvel writers would unironically retweet it?
Zdarsky is getting a Spider-Man book and some people are touting that as some kind of monuental moment that will break sales, but I honestly don't see it. He's been, at best, 50/50 on everything he's done and his very recent Star-Lord run was cancelled due to sales so it's not like he can really move sales on his own.
Just like DC has Batman and Superman, Marvel has X-Men and Spider-Man. These are the flagship titles that would always get readers despite hardships in writing/art departments. MCU brought in more public knowledge of Iron Man, Cap, Ant-Man, but how many among that public will go out of their way to pick up a comic book (and end up finding out that Iron Man is in a coma, while Cap is evil)?

Not that many people care about all the Ms Marvels, Inhumans, Hawkeyes, Moon Girls and all the others that Marvel works so hard to build on a "legacy" of. Old or New, these legacies are just not developed in such a way to warrant caring and better sales. Seeding these characters is something Marvel can't figure out how to do, thinking that if the characters in-story will praise the new out-of-nowhere hero as the much better version than the old hero, the readers will like them just as much. For all their synergy, Marvel just plain doesn't use their cartoons and shows to promote their characters effectively: and even if the people who watched a show will decide to buy the book, they'll find it being written by Bendis and probably won't buy it next time.

Compare to how DC made the Flash and Killer Frost popular out of seemingly disjointed appearances in different media.
They need to hire Jim Shooter back as EiC.
I have the sneaking suspicion that Zdarsky can't write anything dark or dramatic well at all.
I'm sure he always intended for Peter to ruin the company and come out of it looking like an irresponsible asshole.
The last time they let a writer go wild with the long game he created an event that necessitated the suspension of their entire line which inadvertently created the perfect jumping-off point for a lot of people. Meanwhile at DC, Doomsday Clock is just a mini with no tie-in books.
>Meanwhile at DC, Doomsday Clock is just a mini with no tie-in books.
Fucking good. Tie-ins kill solo books.
but secret wars was fun and people actually enjoyed that event. It didn't crash sales
The ANAD launch numbers were really bad once the #1s were out of the way.
Not Hickman's fault. Marvel was perfectly set up to do something big with a relauch and they did NOTHING. The only thing that changed was bringing Miles into 616. WTF? how do you drop the ball so badly?
The way I see it, and forgive me if I'm missing something because I am not current with Marvel, is that the introduction of legacy characters needs to unfold over long periods of time and allow the progression to take place as a matter of course for the book. This is why people accepted Wally West taking over for Barry Allen in the DC Universe. Barry's death was huge and well-handled so everyone accepted and rooted for Wally to fill his predecessor's shoes. We also got loads of character development on Kid Flash over the years in Teen Titans, etc. so it just made sense when it happened.

You're messing with 3/4 of a century of lore and fan dedication with these characters. People have lived and died while their heroes survived. You can't just force it on readers over the course of an event - or even the course of a few years. He needs to happen slowly and naturally and at different times for each legacy character so the universe doesn't end up, well, the way it looks right now: unrecognizable and foreign.
That idiot that always blames DC for everything, what was his name? Spencer?
This lady has nothing to do with this. If anything she's the reason Daredevil and Venom aren't catholics.
It's all scummy hunger for money. Why do you think Bendis pushes Miles so hard as THE spider-man, or conveniently forgot about Rhodey's niece when he created Riri? So he could shove the oryalty checks up his ass, that's why.
>Daredevil isn't catholic
What the fuck?
Of course. I just don't understand how they don't see them tanking their own business. No thought to the long-term effects on readership.
Contest of champions failure rests on the fact that it's a tie in to a mobile game and most people just thought that it would be set in its own universe and have nothing to do with the rest of the MU, the writing was solid.
That or its generally agree'd the character being replaced has kind of run their course or isn't currently relevant.

For example, Jaime Reyes had no previous set-up in the DCU but at the time Ted wasn't being used and had been benched due to his heart condition.
Yeah, another great example of passing the baton with respect to continuity and mythos. I was a Ted Kord BB guy. Read his book right off the racks in the 80s, but the segue into Jaime Reyes made sense so I continued reading.

It's not that hard when the focus isn't a myopic cash-grab.
From the start of the first issue it's clear it's set in the ruins of Battleworld.
Fuckin marlel, man
The fuck do you mean Daredevil isn't catholic
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>Daredevil and Venom aren't catholics
Good for them.
Soule made him lapse again.
For what purpose
Flakey bitches whining about things. If your hobby is giving you stress then you don't like it.
Okay Spencer
2009 is axed.

Bens going back to being a spiderman while rny is axed soon. Sales get low every issue.
>Charles Soule: Matt’s reference to his “loss of faith” was literal — it’s made clear in Brian Michael Bendis’ amazing run on the character that Matt stopped being a practicing Catholic as a reaction to the death of Karen Page in Kevin Smith’s “Guardian Devil story.” As far as I was able to determine (and I double-checked with Mark Waid, so I know I’m on safe ground here), that ball was never picked up — which means, as far as I’m concerned, that Murdock in the comics is what we call a lapsed Catholic.
Apparently no one really noticed until Soule made it explicit in-story.
Quality is relative.

Most people are meme spouters. The mumber one reasonis forced diversty and not many old favs to read about. I know people who wont ever give any character made post 80s a chance.

Anyway events are old as the 80s, only go full retard to onslaught saga which itself has many plotholes.
Yeah most american catholics are lasped or in name only these days.

Still islam worse religion.
Blame the 90's killing the newstand amd spamming gimmick comics. Early Image also started this shit.

Modern comics are even a smaller niche market.

Anyway superheroes are destined to become non Comic properties anyway. It's the medium that had social stigma even when i was growing up in the 70s.

"Put down thise childish comics anon, but watch this superhero movie with me"
It's his 'clever' caption writing style that puts me off.
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Or in some cases, too much like the MCU.

I'm looking at you, cosmic.
As much as everyone here hates the Jews we need a return to when comic bullpens were entirely staffed by Jews and white men.
All the top dogs are still jews. All the jews at Disney are still making top down decision that influence the decisions made by the editors at the comics division.

If anything we need LESS jews, I.E. no more Disney
That might explain it actually.
Bendis introduced all the X-Men shit to spite people complaining his Guardians was too much like the Cinematic Universe version.
Jews like Bendis and Slott?
What he's trying to say is that we need a manageable amount of Jews
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>we fucked up, sorry, here's us returning to our roots and merging all the good new stuff from the past few years

>fuck you
You know what would be interesting? If the originals actually said they thought their replacements were doing a shit job.
>Two Civil Wars, evil Captain America, mutants on suicide watch, tons of dead heroes, eat it Grandpa younger heroes? You sure you're up for this, maybe superheroing isn't for you
Like that would actually be interesting
>>We are going to totally return to our roots while giving respect to our current diverse characters!*
>t: fuck you

fixed that for you
>The guy who was drawing X-Men lost his job, not because he was drawing anti Christian subtext, but because he got caught.
>Blame the 90's killing the newstand

The newsstand was going to get fucked up anyway. The direct market was created because newsstand sales were fucking bad during the 70's. Having both really helped.

Even if you pretend that the bad part of the 90's didn't happen and comics were still sold on the newsstand on a regular basis, it still would've been affected in the late 00's when magazine sales in general fell drastically.
I honestly believe that I could direct Marvel Comics far better than the staff now with zero years of experience or related qualifications
They already announced venomverse.
Announced is it. Nobody has any idea what it is
As mentioned, they meant no line-wide events. DC's found success with small events like Monster Men, JLA vs SS, The Button.
OG Thor should call Jane a retard for making herself sick using his hammer instead of letting him cure her. He should also say she ain't shit with the hammer and question who the fuck that hobo gimp was that praised her since it obviously wasn't him.
yeah there are only 5 or 6 characters there that i like but have no intention of reading them if marvel is going to ruin them
It also helps when DC's legacies as a general rule aren't promoted at the expense of their predecessors. I can guarantee you if Jamie was pushed as being the replacement for Ted Kord, and constantly shown to be smarter and better in every way than Ted, and was the REAL Blue Beetle, unlike the guy he's replacing, he never would have been received as well.

There are very, very few legacies from Marvel right now that aren't being pushed as "the REAL" version, who is smarter and more diverse and of course that makes them better than their predecessors, who all suck by comparison. And if you don't like it, you're just a racist, misogynistic nazi, so fuck you.

Marvel isn't willing to let new characters come into a role organically, or have time to stand on their own. Instead they shit on what they had before just to promote what they want you to buy now. They're too dumb to realise that doing shit like that has the exact opposite effect and it only turns people off of their new characters.
it will probably be like Monsters Unleashed or Age Of Ultron contained to its own miniseries and a couple of one-shot tie-ins
and then there's the book hopping crossovers with Alpha and Omega bookends...
New 52 did do that though. This is the 'real' Superman and all the junk. Lets not say DC hasn't fucked up like this before.
>Eternity war plot across two books for coming up on two years.
He was hampered by having one of his characters become the focus of CW2. Reading Ultimates all at once is really jarring right now.
>Marvel isn't willing to let new characters come into a role organically, or have time to stand on their own.
Well said. I'm a social liberal so I have zero problem with diversity, obviously, but when it's used as the sole impetus behind story it's just a contrivance and I don't support putting politics in front of story.

Marvel has always done very well embedding social awareness in their comics. They were known for being ahead of the curve on all of that. Just do it with a bit of literary subtlety and the message is so much more potent.
Your example of Wally is also applicable to James Rhodes, who was a regular supporting character for a few years before he became Iron Man. And sometimes sudden character replacements can work. John Walker was introduced as Super-Patriot and replaced Cap after a few issues.... But there was enough introduced about his character that it made sense from a storytelling perspective. He was definitely much different from Steve Rogers; he was conservative, pro-government, and younger. He was also willing to do some very questionable things to be the big-shot hero. So that creates the conflicts in the story. This is a guy who shouldn't be Captain America yet got the role and finds out the conflicts that come with it.

At the same time though, Falcon was around longer than Rhodey, yet Falcon as Cap isn't working as well, probably from a storytelling standpoint. There are too many new replacement characters competing against each other. Wally became the Flash at a time when Clark Kent was still Superman, Diana was still Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne was still Batman, and Hal Jordan was still Green Lantern.

Ms. Marvel I think got accepted because on the strength that she was also unique at the time in Marvel and that she didn't completely replace a hero; Carol took on a new name while Kamala used the Ms. Marvel name. (and also the fact Ms. Marvel wasn't exactly A-list.) She was also introduced as Ms. Marvel before Marvel suddenly decided to go wild with replacement heroes.
The closest example for DC would be Kyle Rayner. They made Kyle Green Lantern at the expense of Hal Jordan's reputation and the destruction of the GLC, and they were trying to push him. At the same time though Kyle himself has his own flaws that still make him an interesting character rather than only being a character for the sake of replacing a character.

But that's a reboot though.
I seen a lot of people compare miles to flash whenever anyone says there shouldn't be multiple spider-mans running around the same city. Is it really comparable?
>on Rhodey
The problem with Rhodes is he is roughly the same age as Stark so it doesn't make sense for him to be a legacy character, if the purpose of the legacy is to extend the life of the mantle beyond the life of the character.

Same goes for Falcon.

But beyond that, sure. They have definitely given him a lot of time to grow as a character.

I completely agree with your assessment of Ms. Marvel.
The problem is that the big 2 never really adapted. I can pick up a monthly Shonnen and some kids comics at the grocery store but I have to go to a LCS or a book store for any other type of comic.
I really wish Marvel and DC released an actual monthly/bi-monthly magazine with new stories.
I meant bi weekly

>The problem with Rhodes is he is roughly the same age as Stark so it doesn't make sense for him to be a legacy character, if the purpose of the legacy is to extend the life of the mantle beyond the life of the character.

That's true but since Marvel's putting Falcon as one of the legacy heroes I thought that would imply Rhodey would be considered one as well.
Isn't he Jewish?
Who isn't at Marvel? But yes.
Rayner is especially interesting because he suffered backlash far worse than any of the new Marvel heroes, which really props up the point that the problem is not diversity, but their handling of replacements.
>That's true but since Marvel's putting Falcon as one of the legacy heroes I thought that would imply Rhodey would be considered one as well.
That would be a completely logical assumption and you're right.

It just... does not compute... with... my autism...
Didn't Morrison's writing help rescue him via the JLA and that filtered back into his own book, as well?

I do give DC credit for not dropping Rayner as a hot potato. I'm also surprised considering his connections to Wally, Donna, and being briefly a Titan they didn't stick him with the Titans/Dick's generation of heroes as their resident Lantern.
He's already in the thread >>92787353
>Didn't Morrison's writing help rescue him via the JLA and that filtered back into his own book, as well?

I think to a certain extent it might've; I felt like Kyle went from being a rookie at the start to being capable of being on the level of everyone on the team by the end of the run.
That was referencing a Rich Johnston quote.

Morrison's use of him and his appearances in Superman TAS definitely helped legitimize Kyle to non-Hal fans.
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It would appear I have autism
I'd say the only one that comes close is Sam as Nova, but that's less to do with Sam and more to do with Rich having some insane fans.

It's similar to HEAT that way, but DC did do it's damnedest to salt the earth of Hal's character and the GLs as a whole to push Kyle to the forefront, back then.
Grant did NOTHING to normalize Kyle. He was one of the BIGGEST shillers of Kyle, having Sandman blow Kyle by saying he would be better than Hal in every way and having him contain a super nova and shit.

The only thing that made people care about Kyle was the Donna Troy angle. They had not yet scorched earth Donna's character yet and editorial forced Wolfman to break her and Terry Long up so that Kyle could date her. Which worked, in that the period when Kyle/Donna dated (#56-89) are considered the "Golden Era" of the Kyle run.

Also Jaime Reyes was shilled just as hard and just as obnoxiously as Marvel's SJW abortions from the moment he debuted. There was a major fucking hatred of him, especially since DiDio, Johns, and Winnick ALL expressed hatred for Ted Kord and point blank saying "Ted will never come back because then Jaime would be second fiddle". Even though Johns, who first said this, argued the exact OPPOSITE when he refused to fridge Kyle when he took over Green Lantern.

Fuck, Geoff cashed in countless favors with Warner Brothers to shill Jaime on Brave and the Bold (which led to the hilarious backlash where fans instead flocked to Aquaman instead and the writers downplaying Jamie after season one/using time travel shennanigans to use Ted Kord at least once per season). Or Geoff wasting an entire episode of Smallville's last season on a Blue Beetle stealth pilot that had Ted Kord as the main villain.

Hell, Geoff even got into the spirit of outright TROLLING fans via setting up Ted having escaped death in his Booster Gold run, which continued in Dan Jurgan's run when Geoff made Jurgas have Ted save Booster and Jaime from his future corpse.

Not to mention the rumors that Ted was supposed to be the one who sent Neutron after Lex Luthor in the Amazo Virus arc, before Rebirth got greenlighted and the plot changed to have it be Lena Luthor. Or that Jaime's original book only survived as long as it did due to DiDio intervening.
The comics aren't the profitable part of the company, so there's no accountability. When there's no accountability, the people that get to make the creative decisions are, inevitably, the kind of thin-skinned reactionaries that will, yes, write their stories to spite readers who don't like their (often stupid) ideas.
No it didn't. Morrison got stuck with Kyle because he was the GL at the time and Morrison was already pushing shit due to editorial not wanting to let him use the Big Guns to allow him to bring Hal back.

Also the STAS appearance of Kyle was a trainwreck in that they gave him Hal Jordan's face and backstory while using the Kyle Raynor name. And that Dwayne McDuffie openly declared the episode non-cannon for the longest time because it conflicted with his Gary Stu John Stewart being the only Earth Green Lantern (and then only brought Kyle back so that he could shit all over him to make John look superior).
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>So is Marvel simply too stupid to understand what its customers want or is it just pure spite at customers outright rejecting their current ideas?
Shut the fuck up, Jesse Baker.
>I'd say the only one that comes close is Sam as Nova, but that's less to do with Sam and more to do with Rich having some insane fans.

I'd also think Sam's character on that fucking Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon had something to do with it too.
The thing about Fraction's run was that Kate wasn't actually "the better Hawkeye." She fucked off to California and got shit on just as much as Clint.
Both of these so fucking hard, and it doesn't help that they used "diversity" as a way to shield themselves from any kind of criticism. Fucking identity politics makes me wanna pull my hair out.
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