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>TFW he almost got a movie and a videogame >We will never

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>TFW he almost got a movie and a videogame
>We will never see this shounen level fuck get represented properly in outside media
His only other chance was Young Justice but the writers hated him for some reason.
Who was that guy who just couldn't let go of Barry? You should blame him.
Ethan van Sciver and the WB execs.
Johns and WB wanting movie Parity.
>the writers hated him for some reason
Is that true? That would explain why I thought he was kinda shit in YJ.
I agree that Wally (or Barry) should have stayed The Flash forever I still think it's not right how the character was treated. He was just written out of existence.
*should not
Weisman is a Silver Age fan. He hated speed force and Mark Waid shit, which basically defined Wally in the first place.
MSG: Like with Hal Jordan, you had a critical place in the return of Barry Allen in Flash: Rebirth. What do you feel Barry brings to the DC Universe that’s unique among speedsters?

EVS: He’s the first Silver Age DC hero. I just love Barry Allen as the Flash. I was the guy who was really pushing to bring him back. When I would be in a cab with Dan DiDio, I would talk to him about the Flash. The series was having a lot of trouble and suffered through three relaunches that failed at the time. I said, “If you’d only let us bring back Barry Allen and let us do Flash: Rebirth, I’m sure we could get that franchise back on track again.” He would reply, “Oh no. He died a hero.” But I think we wore him down after some time, and he began to think it was a good idea. And indeed it was.

[Somebody yells from the con floor, “No, it wasn’t!”]

Ha ha ha! Must be a Wally West fan! But it’s led to Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato’s amazing Flash series, so all in all, it was a good idea. The Flash is working again. And I wanted to be the guy who brought back Barry AND Hal. I wanted that just to be me. I gave up Blackest Night to do it. You have to remember, I had co-created that story with Geoff and I was supposed to do that, and suddenly the opportunity to do Flash: Rebirth came up. I had a choice and I had to think about that long and hard. I chose to do Flash just because of that, to be able to bring back both Hal and Barry. I figured that would mean more to me long term, even though I watched Blackest Night happening with my teeth grinding — thinking, “This is so cool! Why am I not drawing this?!?!” But I got to design all that stuff.
>We will never see this shounen level fuck get represented properly in outside media

He should at least get a cartoon about it. Sidekick becoming the hero and surpassing all previous benchmarks is much more inspiring than "muh mum" drama.

Fuck Kreisberg and Berlanti for turning Wests into tokens.
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I really wish dc had a made a Flash:the animated series show,I can love with Barry as the main flash in the comics,hell his appearances in games and the tv show have warmed me up to him a lot,but if love to see some of the Waid/johns era on screen at least once
Johns wants all generations of heroes to coexist. That's not the same as the people at DC who refuse to allow Wally to get any prominence.
Duck him. The flash hasn't been good since Barry came back. Those "fantastic" runs are mediocre.
The button is pretty decent. But your right.
This would probably work very well as an anime since that is the plot of a lot of anime.
Now we have to suffer seeing him job to Slade despite being tied with supes as the most powerful hero.
Wasn't he the flash in the DCAU?
To me that was mostly Wally in name only, but I guess it counts if CW "Barry" is counted as a Barry.
It's pretty good as a prelude to Doomsday Clock, on it's own it ended up being pretty shit with some great moments in between.
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I thought this was great
I stopped giving a fuck when they made him black.
that's a different Wally
they changed him back
Wally isn't black. Wally, Wally's cousin, is black.
>His only other chance was Young Justice but the writers hated him for some reason.
There's a good chance he'll come back in Season 3.
If I remember correctly one of the main writers hates The Speed Force so Wally probably won't come back from that.
Wallyfags don't even read comics anymore huh?
lol and EVS is about to be fired for bullying
what a world
Not the A's to anon but Nee 52 made me drop DC until Rebirth
Keep on believing the internet keyboard warriors. DC won't touch him, he is too good of an artist to lose.
Bart should have been the Flash of the New 52, to be quite honest.

The idea of a speedster from the future on the league would have been atleast more interesting than the current stuff that is trying to ape Waid and Johns runs.
Hal returning was fine because Hal was better than his replacement, but not so much for Barry
I'm honestly surprised they don't make a separate Wally book a la Nightwing, since he had his own villains in terms of successors himself (Zolomon-Zoom, the second Trickster, Boomerang, and Mirror Master, etc.) as well as supporting cast.

I like Barry better as Flash and want him to be built up the way DC successfully bought Hal back. I'm serious on that. But Wally was great and deserves prominence the way they never let Dick Grayson fade into the background one bit.
DC pretty much refused to even let Geoff Johns to write backups for Wally when Johns returned to Flash and wanted to do a Flash Family thing. Someone up there at DC really hates Wally.
Bart already failed and I don't think the idea ever really suited him anyway. Should have just been a brand new character.
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