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In light of recent events, is Star still cucked? Or did

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In light of recent events, is Star still cucked? Or did she get uncucked?
Hopefully nefcy can unjust star in season 3
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Star is now and will forever remain a cuckquean.
Janna will win the Marcobowl in the end
>The Mexican-Filipino Alliance
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Fingers crossed for harem end
>recent events
did i miss something since the season finale?
nefcy told fans not to hold their breath for starco. sounds like it may not happen till the end of season 3, if it happens in s3 at all.
We'll never know now that one of the cuck heavy episodes is banned from airing on television.
>Fingers crossed for harem end
You and me both.
Not empowering enough.
Nefcy is a grade A troll. Do not trust her words
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>Not empowering enough.
Implying the Harem won't make Marco stronger as a man.
why does so much fanart just draw older Star in Moon's outfit (even with her diamond crown) when it seems like every queen just has their own weird anachronistic fashion sense
So is the fandom even trying to be less autistic and awful nowdays? Everytime I peek in these threads everyone revels in their awfulness and seems unapologetically proud of being the absolute worst fandom on /co/. Even waifufagging LoudHouse fans have more dignity than all of you. Why do you try so hard to be the worst?
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Why does Star doesn't friend and try to date a Aryan German man to preserve her Aryan Genes but instead go a beaner who has a different love interest?
>draw older Star in Moon's outfit (even with her diamond crown)
Because that's hot and Star should embrace just being Moon 2.0 when she grows up. Or her mom should just brainwash her to be.
Because these threads are filled with degenerates who will even suck off and self-insert a beaner so long as their cartoon husbando can get some puss.
should i watch this show?
ive seen hundreds of threads but never bothered to look in
the girl seems cute
Watch the show.
Stay away from these cesspool threads unless you close your eyes at night and imagine getting dicked by a spic.
Yeah, it's a good show.

We're in between seasons so it's pretty autistic in here but the reason these threads are around all the time in the first place is that it's a quality cartoon.
What if no one is in a relationship at the end of the show?
So why does this show's viewers suck marco off but detest Star?
>Implying quality has anything to do with a thread's staying power
Bet you think QC is fine literature
the only thing that kindve turns me away is that ive seen you guys just posting tables
is that a meme for this show?
Chat with fans after a book signing.
Nefcy a hack.
Not saying it always is.

But since these Star threads generally aren't filled with shitting on the show or mocking it or whatever, it's proof that a lot of anons here do like it unironically. Like, "Star Vs. is good" isn't just a meme opinion.
Why do these faggots want Star to get SPICED, is it fill their cuckold fetish?
>nefcy told fans
It was the VA for Star. Unless something else happened that I was not aware of?
It was a stupid idea people started posting because they're desperate for any news on the third season.
Tables happened because some dump truck challenged Anon to draw a table. Anon drew tables.

Welcome to 4chan.
That was a stupid forced meme that started in one thread here in the last couple days and then died off just as quickly.

Not everyone loved it and it actually has nothing to do with the show (was just a "joke" about Star being flat). There's nothing like that in the actual cartoon
Star threads are usually filled with cuckposting and ship wars, which I suppose is a form of shitting on a thing

It's a pretty good show, worth the watch. I just finished watching the entire thing and waiting for the next seasons

The first season is more of a traditional, fun to watch cartoon, and then it's picks itself up with the character development and lore. You'll have a good time watching it, just stay out of the threads if you don't feel like reading autistic shit

Eden Sher is not into Starco. Not at all.
Since the cuckposting/shipping is based on stuff in the show I see it as more as a form of enjoying it.

Like anons are so invested in these relationships they're willing to debate about them and make memes and so on.
Because star is an unlikable cunt?
To be fair, given that Eden has big ol' Jewish tiddies, she probably identifies closer with the similarly blessed Jackie instead of "body of a twelve year-old boy" Star Butterface.
>/cock orbiters/
Everyone on /co/ is gay, anon. They hate da bitch who snatch they man.

Keep in mind this is from S1/near the very beginning of the show.
When's the episode where Star gives herself magic breast implants?
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So has /notsvtfoe/ been banned?
I feel like it's more "stop making shitty low-effort threads and at least pretend you have something to discuss, or you'll get deleted." Like no: "Star vs. LOLnotgeneral: Jackie's huge tits edition" anymore

but then this one's still up so who knows
Last thread there was a long discussion over the nature of Star's development of feelings for Marco, when that happened/was hinted at, when were they conscious, etc.

I wrote a 3 part post that covered a good chunk of it and got some feedback, but most of it was at the tail end of the thread


anyone else got any feedback that I can use? I know that the writing is pretty garbage, but still, constructive criticism of it is appreciated

also if you disagree with any of the points I made, feel free to point that out too
Like the QC threads and their "fuck the trap" memes?
Inserting sexual fetishism into a thing doesn't necessarily mean you enjoy that thing beyond it. If anything the fixation on it would suggest a lack of substance elsewhere
>harem end

I only know like 2 series that actually went that route.

Demon King Daimao
Fujimura-Kun Mates

I don't know how people would react if it ends with Star, Jackie, and Janna deciding to become sister wives.
i heard about that, she might just be bluffing since she wants to keep up the suspense. i don't think she was happy about the opening leaking.
No, because usually anons cite stuff from the show or reference it when making memes or arguing their points. Like yeah you'll always have "dumb Starcuck" shitposts but there's often a level of discussion that shows anons are watching for more of a reason than to get off on it.

Sometimes someone shows up to say "lol I don't watch the show but I heard it appeals to my cuckquean fetish" but that's not every thread. It's not even most threads
Star is the supercuck. She can't be uncucked.
I would react well, as long as they left marriage out of it completely.
It's literally impossible to tell at this point. There are two binary outcomes, either she ends up with Marco or he stays with Jackie. We cannot know the result until the series ends and no amount of shipping or memes will have any impact on it.
Basically she's Schrödinger's cuck.
I believe Tomco will be canon.
Also Tenchi Muyo did that
Genuine harem endings are very fucking rare now that i think about it
It's nothing a bit of rape can't solve.
There's a handful of people trying to hide their shitposting behind "General thread behavior" and fucking it up for everyone. We had a really good couple of threads on Sunday.
Make it copypasta. Turn it into Keit-ai.
>Star Butterface
>body of a twelve year old boy

It's not "Butterface" if even the body is bad.
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Real talk; would Star get along with Kirby?
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Kirby fucking eats anything that looks at him the wrong way, so no.
She'd treat him like a laser puppy
Meaning she'll try to drown him in a toilet

Not familiar with that, elaborate?
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Kirbo has friends, anon. He's friendly. He only eats monsters. And then sometimes shits out an exact copy of said monster to serve as his valet/bodyguard.
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It sucks how she's such a cool, understanding, and fun girl and yet I can't care about her

Please fix this in season 3
They'll fix it. By removing her from the show!
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Yes, anon. Jackie fans will be salty when she is written out of the show.
so you think jackie would
they have that in common
She's flawless so she's not relatable.
Not according to the Starco fags.
>Jackie fans
Lol all 15 of them? She's really unpopular for obvious reasons and really only shows up in porn in fanart.
Starcofag here. No, that's pretty much her problem, no flaws makes for a boring character. Which is fine on a throw away character like Jackie or Alfonso but would be irritating on a main character.
Do cuck memes really count as Jackie fanart?
But we can't tell if she's relatable yet because she's never had any focus outside of just being Marco's trophy on a pedestal. Having notable flaws requires having some sense of agency. In that respect, I'd say at this point Janna doesn't even have flaws despite her eccentric personality.
What is the source of this anyways? I've only ever seen this image.
>She's really unpopular
I think her lack of popularity is overstated and more people like her than you think. They just prioritize Starco more which makes some amount of sense
>S4 has been greenlit
>Starco shippers still think it will happen in S3

Is it not already implied that Starco MIGHT be endgame? I say might because Nefcy is capable of tricking the internet audience with more "just friends" nonsense If you are convinced that Star and Marco become lovers, don't expect it until the show itself is confirmed a final season.
Lol even if Jackie is removed from the show she was shown a lot more focus than Alfonzo, she isn't a "throwaway character".

Also does that mean you don't like Janna? I wouldn't exactly call her "relatable" which seems to be one of the many buzzwords people use to claim that Jackie's pretty much the worst character remaining on the show
Yeah, seriously. I wouldn't say they're pandering to shippers but I think they're also aware too many dumb fags have a "lol just watch 4 starco" attitude and so they wouldn't have that happen too early.

I'm expecting some kind of accidental/staged kiss for some reason but no relationship actually beginning in 3. I can't imagine how this would happen but they'd probably try to one-up 1 and 2 in some way without actually going full Starco
I don't find Janna particularly interesting, if that is what you mean.
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Speaking of "throwaway characters" this thread could use some more Sabrina.
More or less this. I've come to terms with this a long time ago. And honestly that's probably for the better.
But it does beg the question for me. How is Toffee going to be resolved with Star an emotional mess right now?
There's no way in hell she has a chance against Toffee in her current state. If Marco does in fact reject Star's feelings then I don't know.
Would force her to deal with not having it her way once again?

Nefcy, what the hell are you writing?
Okay, but I'm just explaining to the anon why he can't care about her even though she's a "nice gal".
And I thought that my comment sort of built on that. She hasn't had any sort of storyline told even partially from her view yet. We don't really know what she is thinking about this whole ordeal. We can postulate all we want but until we have firm evidence we don't know the inside of her head.

Once she does something for herself, we'd basically be immediately given a reason to care besides just acknowledging from the sidelines "oh yeah, her situation sucks".
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It's not "Star Beats the Forces of Evil"

Toffee's gonna win

or Eclipsa gives her a crash course in stepping up her magic, but she's crystallized, that'd be CRAZY
Does anyone else feel legitimately sad that her recurring gag is getting grievously injured while off-screen? Like, what if that carries over to her future, where she tries to remain hopefully optimistic despite having a miscarriage, then getting breast cancer and having to have a mastectomy, and then she starts developing blindness, but thanks to her many scars and flat, barren body she hasn't found a caring husband to support her, and her parents die in a car accident while she was driving them, so now she has no one to take care of her and she ends up a ward of the state, where her reputation of getting injuries becomes well-known and she becomes a habitual rape victim because none of the doctors can tell whether the extensive trauma was caused by her accident-prone nature, or by a refugee(s) having his/their way with her, and even if she did try to say she was raped her blindness makes her unable to identify who it was, and since she has nowhere to go she's permanently stuck in a caring facility where she finds her armpits licked and her anus stretched on a daily basis against her consent until she finally dies from slitting her own wrists and committing suicide, but instead of anyone feeling sad that she killed herself, everyone just lets out a small chuckle as they shake their heads and mutter to themselves, "Oh, typical Sabrina, always finding a new way to hurt herself!" thinking that it was an accident, and the pain and agony she endured her entire life goes completely unknown by the rest of the world, so she dies in suffering and in vain, having never truly gotten to experience life despite being on the cusp of womanhood.
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>Best friends are best!
>One of the best friends literally says they want to be more than friends.
>Best friends are best!
How can someone be THIS heartless?
Also is everyone under the impression that being best friends in a relationship is somehow impossible or something?
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fucking delete this

what the fuck is wrong with you
She's been on the screen like 6 times with about as many lines
I didn't even know her name until these threads
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How much longer is this hiatus?
End of July.
>Does anyone else feel legitimately sad that her recurring gag is getting grievously injured while off-screen?

I do. I feel bad for her. You could've just ended your comment there but instead you had to go and make things weird.
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No. I do not care. She's a background character in a comedy cartoon. You're not supposed to think about it. Doesn't mean it's not fun to do so anyways though.
>Also is everyone under the impression that being best friends in a relationship is somehow impossible or something?
No, but I've noticed it is a shocking common belief particularly in women goodness knows why.

to be fair it's not impossible, just difficult if unrequited feelings are involved

because if they are, and the feelings stay unrequited, the friendship CAN remain and even grow stronger (platonically) but it requires time and space (lots)

I've been on both ends of the unrequited best-friend thing a few times, and it's worked out half the time (the feelings remain unrequited but the friendship grows stronger), but the other half lead to the friendship simmering down (....okay to be fair, that's kinda on me and I really should reach out more)

there's no universal rule other than "unrequited feelings complicate friendships a lot"
...we hope.
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Now thats depressing...
That's the face of someone who gets regularly beaten by her mom.
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>triple 42

Is the meaning of life making Sabrina's life happy?
Amarillo plz make like Sabrina and fucking die
>unrequited feelings
Precisely that. The only relationships I've had were exactly the ones where friendships just aren't enough anymore. It's just a matter of whether or not Marco feels anything for Star.
And to be completely honest, how the fuck could he not? If he actually goes out and says that he doesn't return Star's feelings even a little bit I call shit ass writing.

He clearly loves Star a shitload platonically.

The thing is when you REALLY love someone platonically and find them attractive, that's when the lines can blur. BMB shows that pretty well. Mind you, it's still possible to have friends of the gender you are attracted to who are attractive and you love a lot platonically yet you have no romantic interest.

I think Marco hasn't really thought about his feelings for Star post BMB, when he quashed any real thought about them after the ending.

I think that he'll start to develop them as S3 goes on and it'll be a semi-active process, because Marco is also as dense as a brick when it comes to his own feelings/emotions.
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Heard the new opening got leaked.

Anyone have a link?
Only the last five seconds of it. It's nothing spectacular, beyond Jackie not being part of the hyper-team, whereas Ponyhead, Kelly, Janna, and Tom are.
It was some website interview I think. They asked both actors about starco way early during s1, and star's said she wanted bffs, while Marco's was all for starco

The lesson to be had is that women have no souls
Why does she even need to fucking exiiist???
Except Daron has a soul so big it let her become six feet tall.
>I'm expecting some kind of accidental/staged kiss for some reason but no relationship actually beginning in 3
It's more likely to happen at the end of S3, after Star and Marco have decided that "just friends without it being weird" is fine, throwing the whole thing into doubt when both of them likes it.

There's a lot of room for Star to grow as a character and build herself up to fight Toffee, including learning some discipline.
Shit, Toffee might become the god-emperor of Mewni via conquest and not give two shits about some little girl with a magic stick since he drained 4/5 of the Magic High Commission's power.
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>way early during s1
Wait wait wait this shit was way early in S1???
She's already recorded her lines whether she liked them or not. She wouldn't be a good voice actress if she left a project because the story wasn't going exactly her way.

What the hell started this entire new gigantic discussion? Because if it's only the fact that Eden doesn't really like Starco then that makes literally no difference on anything!
Just not sure they'd want to have Starco at the end of 3 because then too many of the worst kind of fans would be like "welp, now I can stop watching, I got everything I wanted :^)"
If you have your heart set on someone, every other option is nonexistent to you, even if it's with you everyday. He likely loves Star as a friend, but never considered a relationship as an option
To give Star the impression she's a crayyy party gurrrl in the first season, she's not a good girl who just stays home during the weekends! and the cloud longue is her favorite place to chilll!

Ponyhead was a mistake
Star literally attacks anything that looks at her weird with narwhals tho
Pony Head would've been fine if her debut episode was anywhere but the series premiere.
At the same time, that means Adam commenting his love of Starco doesn't mean much either
Japanese Kirby not American Kirby
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What if the show staff came out right after the Jarco breakup and said "uhh...you know Jackie was a non character right? We couldn't have made it more obvious and yet you still invested in her?"

Do you think they're even aware of how shitty they are making her in relation to pretty much the entire supporting cast?
wonder if Star will become queen at any point in the series, besides some distant-future epilogue

not because MOON MUST DIE but maybe she steps down or something, and shit's getting real everywhere and so it's time for Star to man up or whatever. I thought at the end of 3 because it seems they always like to go out with a big twist, but not sure if they could keep that up for an entire season.

Star's not a Disney princess and the show's not really merchandised much + queens are portrayed as really important in the show already too, so I don't think her changing status for some reason would be somehow forbidden if they wanted to go there

I think that might be a bit off? Like, if they decide "yea we're cool with being just friends" and then suddenly accidental kiss and "wait actually never mind" just sounds off IMO

but close-they could have Star and Marco just put that talk off because of the threat of Toffee/Ludo, and they have a visibly strained friendship and an accidental kiss/other romantic stuff happens that FORCES them to actually confront the topic (likely at an inopportune time, probably the S3 finale)

I don't think actual canon Starco (as in a relationship) will be a thing until S4, at least I hope not

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Well of fucking course it doesn't! Voice Actors having preferences is not in any way shape or form a reliable way to judge whether or not a ship is likely to happen!
Here y'all almost convinced me that this post was very recent news and that's why everyone jumped on it.
Now THAT would've meant that Eden doesn't view Starco as a possibility EVEN AFTER S3 has already been somewhat or even fully Idk the show's current progress recorded.
Which WOULD imply that there's no Starco happening.
Fucking Christ. Y'all gave me a scare there.
all of a sudden, vampire nazis invade l.a and kill everyone, star becomes a ghoul and then marco shoots her in the face. then alucard comes and kills the nazis.
the end.
What recent events?
>Idk the show's current progress

Pretty sure the majority of 3 is recorded, but not the last few episode(s). Adam hasn't tweeted about recording the finale yet, they're still doing scratch dialogue for some S3 episodes, and S4 is being written now but not boarded.

I think the chain in which the people on the show we talk about most learn what's happening next in the episodes goes roughly:

Nefcy/producers > Writing team (which also includes Nefcy/producers) > Boarders > Storyboard revisionists > Voice Actors > Composer (Brian H. Kim sees the episodes just a few weeks before we do, usually, except in cases like Face the Music where there are actual written songs)
We have one more big go at The Shipping Wars(tm).
We have to be careful with how we pick and choose threads now because Mods are nuking threads for even the slightest discrepancies.
Our drawfriends are still fucking awesome.
That's about it.
>too many of the worst kind of fans would be like "welp, now I can stop watching, I got everything I wanted :^)"
>The worst fans shutting up about shipping is bad
>Cancerous shipping fags would have no reason to make cancerous shipping posts and this is a bad thing
Okay, dude.

It would be more like an awkward accidental kiss where they both linger for too long, comically spit and wipe their mouths when they realise what just happened/they have an audience, explain themselves away with "it was an accident, har har! We're just friends!" and spend the remaining seasons trying really hard to not acknowledge that it even happened as their feelings grow. There's your awkward romantic tension

>I don't think actual canon Starco (as in a relationship) will be a thing until S4, at least I hope not
Like I said in >>92423822 Marco and Star might get into a relationship at the end of the final season. S4 isn't even confirmed to be the final season at this point.
Meant it would be bad for the show's viewership if a bunch of people dropped it 3/4 through because muh Starco ending.
I imagine Star/Marco will get dragged into a love match game contest of sorts, the ones where you're asked questions blindly and then decide who to stick with, then either one would cheat and self-sabotage for the well being of the other and themselves, feeling heavily guilty and selfish and further leading them to suppress their feelings, avoid eye contact and being in the same room together, Star could feel anger at having her affection for Marco just lay flat for what she thought she was entitled to, changing their dynamic forever.

Then a light shines like a rainbow in the dark, Star goes to therapy with Dr Marco PhD and they talk it out with a preppy love song like Mamma mia's S.O.S
You have awful taste
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Sweet merciful Jesus let there be no more seasons. It's not because of Starco, mind you. I don't give two shits about Starco, compared to how I want the show to be top quality.
If S5 is confirmed and Nefcy's advised by Disney to move Starco till then, that opens up a whole bunch of doorways into bad writing city.
She'd have to write herself out of a whole bunch of corners, especially if S5 only gets greenlight mid S4.
Shit, better keep drinking
Storyboard revisions usually come after voice actors (also you left out model and background design)
Yeah, I fucked that one up. For some reason I was thinking maybe they go over the boards before + after recording but it'd probably be more efficient to just do it once.

Though I think they do get information prior to the VAs still, like viewing the boards; they just do their job after them.

Not sure where those other jobs fit in exactly. Definitely somewhere in the middle.
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Remember when everyone thought this was going to be another episodic shenanigans show with no plot? Nefcy isn't really following a formula with the writing. Obviously they have a plan to make sure the confession isn't resolved in at least the first half of the next season. It wouldn't really be bad writing for Star and Marco to agree to just drop the subject completely to maintain status quo, and not bring it up every single episode, but have small little scenes and details where they take turns angst'ing when the other isn't looking. You can call that bad writing, but it's really not. That's basically what happened right after Bonbon. Except it was only Star hiding angst.
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look at this
I always feel like these carrying images should be the other way around
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close enough
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Meant for >>92425526
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Marco won't rape because he has a willing partner already.
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no Star is the rapist not Marco

in Boy Star's alternate dimension he probably already did it
Starco won't happen - Daron "Star is a cuck" Nefcy
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But, in female Star's world, women can't rape. Checkmate Starco fags.
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What you mean to say is that Marco CAN'T rape because he has a willing participant.
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If by, women can't rape, you mean that there is no sexual act a woman can commit on a man and it be called rape. Then yes.
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>Implying the Johansen's courting ritual doesn't involve any hand-to-hand combat, with the victor mounting the defeated.
No, women can not rape even if Marco is unwilling. That is how their society works.
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don't worry, she will find a way

although now I'm just thinking about Boy Star going through Mewberty, like our Star got super rapey how bad was he?
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Probably even worse to be honest.
From what's been established in the show:
>Female Mewmans collect a harem of boys during Mewberty
Would it not follow that male mewmans try and become part of a girl's harem?

I'm guessing Boy Star acts suave to try and impress all the girls before convincing one of them to tie him up and have her way with him
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This is my new accepted headcannon.
does anyone have more Boy Star

I have been trying to track down some images I saw the other day, but its kinda hard to find anything of him
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This is Ribbeta. Say something nice about her
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Here's a story for you Anons and I'd like for you to finish it.
There once was a boy and a girl. They were the best of friends and liked eachother very much. To everyone around them it was clear as day that they view the other romantically, but to them, doubts sill shook them.
Both of them thought they weren't worth such a nice relationship and they had no clue they liked each other.
Neither wanted to make the blatant move and this lasted for nearly a year.
Eventually, the girls friends found her another boy. Not as fun and way too strict.
The first boy, still not knowing, mostly just wanted the girl to be happy. And he didn't think he could make her happy. So he helped the girl along and now the girl is in a relationship with the other boy.
Give it another year and a couple of things have happened. The couple have started showing cracks in their relationship. The other boy is very boring, reserved and borders on being posessive.
The original boy and girl are still great friends. So much so that the boy knows almost everything there is to know about the girl. Including that she still likes him a lot.
The first boy has grown a bunch as well. He's had a couple of unsuccessful yet fruitful relationships and his confidence is through the roof. He knows both he and the girl would make a great couple.
Today, the girl has called the boy to go and spend some time together, without the other boy tagging along for once in a long time.
It's very similar to how Star is right now, isn't it? How does this story end, anons?
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Does the girl realize shes worth more than her current boyfriend, dump him, and then wait an appropriate amount of time before starting a relationship with her friend so they arent just a rebound???
The lady doth protest a bit too much.
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Ribbeta a cute!
She's got a funny design and an even cuter smile.
and her long tongue is lewd.
The girl has become complacent with her current relationship but isn't fulfilled. She might not know as surely as the original boy that they would make a great couple. She's only had one stable relationship after all and hasn't really thought about the original boy very romantically since she thinks he's moved on as well.
A revised scene from Mewberty:

>Marcia comes across Star trying to convince the girls to tie him up
>His monstrous form is scaring them away, so he flies after them
>fem!Oskar is sitting on her car playing her keytar
>Star flies over to her to listen to the music
>Marcia thinks he's going to start some shit and tries to trap him with the tennis net
>Star flies around trying to get more tangled in the net saying "Oh yeah, Marcy! Tighter! Tie me down! Make me your slave!"
>Glossariya tells Marcia that she isn't helping
>Marcia lets go of the net and Star flies up into the sky
>Star comes back down and returns to normal
>He blushes bright red and denies asking Marcia to tie him up
that's a loaded as fuck condescending question
amen brother
>what did he mean by this?
anyone have a collection of fan art with Star being abused?
omg this driving me crazy

I remember seeing two pictures the other day both of Boy Star in his boxers but now I can't find them anywhere

Am I going crazy? Did I literally imagine fan art that doesn't exist?
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The only reason I bring this up is because I can't help but see the blatant paralels between the story and Star and Marco.
Personally, I am understandably very biased in favor of Starco.
Any idea what the first boy should do, anon?
Did the person who drew this ever hold hands? It's uncomfortable to do it this way, Star's forearm should be in the front, not Marco's

or maybe only I do have such an autistic preference on this
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If that were how they were holding hands, it would be much more uncomfortable for Star to hold onto Marco's arm with her other arm as well.

I guess that tells me that nobody cares about the story. The boy will do his best to make sure the girl is happy as he can make her. Disregarding past mistakes.
Sarah Oleksyk uploaded boards for parts of The Hard Way and Face the Music

If pic related was one of them then they're all definitely on the svtfoe booru
thank you

I managed to find the other one I was thinking of, the one where Star has a massive erection but its really just his wand, but this was the other one I was trying to find, thanks
is it gay if you say "no homo" before thrusting?
[Boystar saying nohomo with every thrust].gif when?
Thanks for that, just about to look through them now. Always really interesting to see these (and the scratches). I should probably start a folder
So, about Mewberty...if the individual is lesbian, is her attraction aimed at other girls? Or does the transformation work on a strictly biological/pheromone level, and temporarily afflict her into pursuing guys?
no such thing as feeling naturally homo so probably the latter
probably make lesbians go guy crazy too

damn if only human girls went through mewberty
my first thought watching it back when it aired was that it was supposed to show Star was AGGRESSIVELY STRAIGHT. like, no gay hints here, this is Disney, boysboysboys

but after seeing the show do some gay shit even that season and more so now, I think it's just a biological mating process thing. girls wouldn't help you get royal heirs, so no girls
Aaaand now I want to draw what would haooen between a male and female Mewnians going through Mewberty at the same time...
You think they would get stuck in Mewberty?
Glossaryck kind of implied that Star would either turn back when it was time, or wouldn't.
Dies Irae anon here, wondering if that anon ever finished the drawing of Star falling akin Luicfer
Just noting if there's any differences between these boards and the final version;

>The Hard Way boards
Some very minor differences in dialogue and framing between this and the final version, but the very end scene conversation between Toffee and Glossaryck is unchanged. Also damn Ludo is so cute and innocent when he's talking to the wand in bed, I actually feel so bad for him getting manipulated by Toffee (and glossy) like he is.

>Face the Music boards
>Queen moon visiting house Avarius
The Avarius house does not look anywhere near as dilapidated as it does in the final version (pic related). Also I only just realised that their house is basically an elaborate tree-house, which is pretty funny considering. The dilapidation thing must be a detail they decided on later? They even have a proper regular door on the house instead of a bunch of crooked nailed boards.

Woah, even Lord Brudo looks and acts a bunch different. He's not fat or slobby looking like in the final, and he isn't rude or gruff to Queen Moon when she shows up but instead meek and polite. Instead of nursing a baby, Lady Avarius is cleaning up dinner plates (and shooing away flies) when Moon first enters. Most of the rest of the scene plays out the same or near enough.

>Dennis-Moon scene.
Minor dialogue changes. No "we must go by wing, m'lady" yet. Some more minor dialogue changes when they're watching Ludo from a distance, these were interesting;
>Moon: He does seem a little unhinged, doesn't he?
>Dennis: He's sick, do you see?
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This the one you mean?
And here's the Lord Brudo comparison pic. Like I said, his dialogue in this specific bit is quite different too.
Didn't really notice how different the design of the exterior of the house was from the finished episode.

Moon seemed more hostile toward Dennis in the boards too.
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Did someone said cucking?
Yes, although I believe he was touching it up, which is what I was waiting for.

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I mean it's a fictional world so it could be anything. It's probably just an attraction thing though, mewberty is supposed to be an exaggeration of normal puberty with star wanting to look at boys and getting a breakoout all over and then becoming a monster so it could be they go for girls. If the question was asked to daron shed probably say they'd be into boys to keep parents from getting angry or something or to avoid backlash while the series aired. Though if she was asked while the series was over and there were no consequences she'd probably answer that they'd be into girls since daron likes lesbian pairings.
Lesbianism isn't a recognized concept on Mewni
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Marco Sweating.png
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>Star giving Marco hand jobs through the portal as she does about her duties.
Sweet jeebus, where's the lewd writers when you need them?
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Looks like Star touched something else!
I wonder why that could be.
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Wow that got deleted fast. What was it?
a request being done through sketchtoy
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something very funny, actually.
It caught me by surprise.
ms paint, sketchtoy wouldn't save my work
Boo someone help me out please. Upload it somewhere else?
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Requester here
take it
Thank you brave souls
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It's not clear what the trigger is for a girl to get locked into Mewberty. Impregnation makes the most sense, but Glossaryck made it seem like it wasn't something they could do anything about either way, and even said trying to restrain Star was just "making it worse."
I demand the source!
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She's not in the new intro at all.
That doesn't mean she's dropped from the show, but it does probably mean her character is going to be redefined pretty dramatically, and her relationship with Marco isn't going to survive him going to Mewni.
thank you
*Your light fades slightly*
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that's some amazing work sketchanon, bless you
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>it's a filler episode where Star and marco attend Sabrina's funeral at age 15
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I need more Eldritch Star art in my life, that sketch was great
poor Sabrina
inb4 they cut Jackie from a version of the intro used early in the season to hide the fact that she later joins the rest of the group as Mermaid Jackie

Kinda like how in season two of Wakfu Grovy was cut out of the intro because we thought he was dead and later when he is brought back to life and rejoins the group he is put back in the intro
need some requests for drawing practice
interesting gestures and expressions are welcomed
lewds and AU arent
star doing a handstand
Janna picking a lock
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Draw anyone inside anywhere in isometric angle like pic related
Make them do gestures from an isometric angle
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The thinking man's ship.
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Ruberiot did nothing wrong.
1. That was from like the first week of season 1's airing.
2. Eden Sher has exactly zero say in the matter.
That never actually happened, and you know it.
>first week of season 1's airing
>it takes 2 1/2 years to make a season of SvFoE
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No reason to believe Starco won't happen within the first five minutes of S3E01 r-r-right bros?
He's a prime example of why people hate shippers.
Anons, being delusional isn't good for your health
god I hope their writing isn't that shit

Starco is endgame not they work out everything half way through the show and are perfect for the rest of it game
>Starco is endgame not they work out everything half way through the show and are perfect for the rest of it game

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yeah poor delusional fools

thinking Tom and Janna like Marco when really they were meant for each other
Tomkie tho
wasn't the final season something that wasn't originally planned to happen, like they made the tv movie that ends with Kim and Ron getting together with the understanding that would be the end of the show right?
>this guitar design with 2 shorter string

Yes, but because the extra season happened it appears like they hooked up halfway through the show and are perfect for the rest of it.
two problem with Tomkie

first I feel like its just pairing off the exs because they are the exs and I hate that, Tom and Jackie should both find people who love them it should feel like they are settling for someone's sloppy seconds

second I have literally never seen any Tomkie fan art, like there isn't a huge amount for anything other than Starco or Jarco but there is some even for crackships like MarcoxSabrina but I haven't seen any for Tomkie
I really don't understand the appeal to it, even after your walls of text about how Tom "needs" a "chill" girl because he gets mad all the time. Spoken like true virgins.
cuckception bruhs
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Hey fuck you buddy.

Tom x Princess Marco is great
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>they are BEST FRIENDS so they can't become romantic

>he is not the best of friend with his current romantic interest

>it is better to sleep with somone you enjoy less as friend than someone you know and trust the most

What did she mean by this?
To those who believe relationships are inherently unstable and serve only as an outlet for sexual tension, yes.
Sher is a sociopath.
I pity this Charlie fellow
Don't, because he already has a wife.
>introduced a married man as her real life Marco
Damn, cucked in the show and real life
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Is Fillmore the only cartoon where the two opposite sex leads didn't end up with each other?
Its not just about what Tom needs. Jackie may have the problem of being too chill in situations where it isn't appropriate, perhaps a problem with adequately expressing her emotions or something. They might balance each other out
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Is Patreon liable for this?
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Is Marco the lewdest Mexican we've had since Carlos?
But is it necessarily bad to have a separate girl best friend and girlfriend? Not specific to Marco
Legend of Korra?

Billy and Mandy?

Gravity Falls? No matter how much we wish Pinecest was canon
>Disney cartoons are propaganda for cucking the same way Hitler Youth videos are propaganda for Nazi eugenics

Start 'em while they're young, I guess.
>Legend of Korra
Still dated.

>Billy and Mandy
I give you that.

>Gravity Falls
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It's Disney. They're like contractually obligated to end up with the geeky best friend.
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Disney is willing to branch out a bit too

they seem pretty open to canon /ss/ ships
but they were college age at that time and ferb is supposed to be a few years older than phineas when that happened.
After Starco becomes real, is there any possibility of a breakup? Or even slightest serious problems in Starco relationship?

This is only cartoon I watch so I have no idea how writers approach those things
they would probably get married as soon as possible
depends, if they get together immediately then there will be problems, if it takes the whole series for it to happen then they won't.
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Please refer to Exhibit A.
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>After Starco becomes real, is there any possibility of a breakup? Or even slightest serious problems in Starco relationship?

I hope not. Not because I'm a Starco shipper but because that kind of writing just isn't interesting and would seem forced. Not every relationship needs to have fucking drama. I feel like they could have a rocky start because Marco's going to be fresh off a break up with Jackie whenever they get together but once they get past that, it should be smooth sailing.
That's not gonna happen
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You either get canceled and remain friends or go through your season finale and somehow end up together.
Do you thunk Marco will remain friends in any meaningful capacity with Jackie?
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I want to fuck that demon while she gives me that smug look
I doubt it.

What do they really have to be friends about? It's not like Jackie is into karate or Marco is into skateboarding.
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Oh yea there's no way in hell they could get away with Mewberty Star going after girls and boys so blatantly (or just girls) in S1

I think there will be conflicts and fights as they try and help each other, especially if the Toffee conflict is still going on.

That's one of the best things about their friendship/potential relationship. They really push each other to be better people (for each other and for everyone else). This will cause tension as their characters continue to grow.

But break up because of it? Doubtful. At this point they've already been through so much together and risked their lives for each other that it'd likely come off hamfisted.
A mutual respect for each other for one thing
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>they look like marco and star too
uh oh
If only Daron Nefcy was in charge of the ill-fated Rainbow Brite reboot...
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Star isnt the only one who gives portaljobs
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>Starco doesn't have to happen
>emotionally invested in the most bland cookie- cutter like of all the waifus
What the fuck did you think would happen? The show might as well have held up a sign that said "I'm Jackie. Don't care about me, I'm not worth investing in, move along!"
shes literally there to be the cool girl who the main love interest is into only to be eventually dumped for the main character. Everything else is shipping wars.
>ywn be sitting at home minding your own buisness when hekapoo decides to give you a portaljob when you least expect it.
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The only business you have, anon, is fucking this monster pussy into submission and give her a Hekamount of kids
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I would be more then okay with that
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Good, just remember
You have to take responsibility.
of course, I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise
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Which sucks because they made her so likeable and I want to know more about her
>in an alternate universe, the Rainbow Brite Reboot is on its 2nd season and in the finale Rainbow has a princess song that reveals she has a crush on Brian
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Well, she technically never was in the literal sense, and neither Jackie.
In the meme sense you probably mean, she still is.

On partially related note, I don't want Starco to happen in early season 3, but if it DOES happen, then I want it to be something crazy.
Like, a shotgun wedding for some bullshit reason.
Imagine the awkwardness of two teens having to share a marriage life at such an incredibly young age (at least young from Marco''s perspective), having had little to no time between being platonic besties and lovely spouses.
But of course it would never happen because it would imply way too many lewd things.
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I never get to use this image enough
is it wrong that this is my preferred pair? I dont even give a damn about the age difference or whatever.
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Anon, that just means you got good taste.
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Well it's better than Jarco

But Jackie x Hekapoo is the master ship
Quads confirm JackiexHekapoo is end game

now someone make some fan art
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Hekapoo scissors.png
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I wish people would stop posting this as if it wasn't from like the first month the show was coming out.

I mean, it even says "Fans are already shipping them" as in, it was happening before the fact which indicates it's from early in the beginning of the series
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I'm new to star vs but is star basically just a female battling boy
>did she get uncucked
She got cucked the moment Marco became a trap and half of /co/ mentally banged him.
But Eden already done most of season 1 by that point.
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Sure I guess? Aside from only Jackie worrying he has feelings for Star
>best friends, both start to feel something for each other
>she has a big crush on this other boy, Marco doesn't help with it and the guy's not interested in her at all, but he does try to cheer her up
>ex comes back, she's saved from him
>she unknowingly almost kills any of Marco's feelings and they stop growing
>hasn't been aware of his at any point in time -- and aside from BMB, we haven't seen any of them either
>she sees his 10 year obsession with this other girl
>tries to help him impress her against his will
>she's wrote something in her diary that the panic of him reading it helps her Dip Down five years early
>she's been telling people they're just friends, and either starts to notice/wonder about feelings, or an obsession begins. on the camp
>marco's become her biggest crush and she denies it to herself & others, knowing he likes Jackie more
>probably also because she fears it would destroy their friendship, which she mentions later
>they go on a date and she feels some serious jealousy, nearly attacking them
>buys tickets to go to a concert together, tries really hard to pretend herself into being happy for them, they kiss like all the other couples, she can't take it and leaves
>he feels bad for putting his best friend through that but she convinces him to go back to his girlfriend, which he does happily
>he kisses Jackie first thing he gets back and she feels even worse
>crush is rumoured. they have a talk and both want things to go back before it
>marco's cool to, and when she comes back, tries to pretend she isn't about to say it, feeling bad when she does
>has like half a minute to think but can't find anything to say
>runs after her to find out what she means by leaving instead of the crush
It doesn't sound too much like it to me, with the whole massively one-sided love thing.
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Star is basically the savior of the Mewni race fighting against the ligger menace. She was trained at a young age to recognize the inferiority of the "scaleskins" and achieves a higher state of consciousness by creating a Mewnan utopia.
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Don't forget the two great American eclipses. The 21'st of this year. And the second. April 8th 2024.
Replace ligger with monster and add that she's a hyperactive rebel loose cannon that has caused trouble for her friends, family and the kingdom, and that's Star sort of
And replace "Mewnan" with "Aryan".
What's the consensus on Eclipsa having a connection with Toffee? Granted, the tapestry shows a very different monster holding her, but both her and Toffee show up in flashes when Star pulls Toffee's finger out of her wand. It might explain his immortality as well. Wouldn't surprise me if there was some kind of magic keeping him alive. Shit, maybe that's why Toffee hates magic. He just wants to die.
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new OC
>not Monco
One job.
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Why didn't Toffee's finger grow back?
Why didn't a second Toffee grow out of the finger in Star's closet?
Why didn't the finger ever rot away?
Maybe mewmans are like the japs and consider being a dyke a phase or not a real thing, so you still bang dudes anyways.
1) Toffee's finger can't grow back, because Moon used a spell that attempted to wipe Toffee out of existence, but only managed to graze him;
2) It's as if the flesh has been permanently "cauterized", so to speak, and can neither regrow a body, nor be regrown on Toffee;
3) The finger still regenerates, but only on itself. It can't rot away.
Gee it sure is boring around here

I actually think Toffee's plan was to have his finger take over Star's wand, much like how his consciousness being in Ludo's wand let him take it over. That way he'd have control over both halves, but as is, he only has control over half the wand.
>S4 isn't even confirmed to be the final season at this point.
I am pretty sure the show doesn't need more than 4 seasons
I was that only by putting it inside Stars wand during the cleaving event could he undo the "darkest spell" that Moon cast on him. Now that that's done, and he's regenerated his form thanks to manipulating Ludo into reading Eclipsas chapter, he can go find the finger and presumably reattach it without any issues (or something)
>nice tits
>healthy chin

would bang
Don't know about Star, but I got a fucked up story about friendzoning.

> a year ago me and this girl used to talk all the time. She would get so excited whenever she saw me
>we went on a date and after a little while it seemed like she actually cared about me
>she would always ask how I'm feeling when I look sad
>i would always pretend I'm lying and tell her I'm fine
>every wrong thing i could do at the start of our relationship i did because i was using her as a guinea pig
>then i friendzoned her because for some odd reason i just wanted to fuck the relationship up (you know, for science)
>a year later, we ignore each other and I avoid her like the plague
>I was sitting down next to this guy and he asked me "Hey, isn't she your friend?"
>I reply, "Who? I don't know her." With her sitting right there next to us
>I glanced at her for a brief moment to see the rage and pain all over her face

Marco isn't even on my level. I'm probably the reason people prefer one-night stands.
I just saw the concert episode (been behind), and yeesh, poor fucking Star can't catch a break. How long is the show going to make her suffer like this?
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You're a monster.
things that didnt happen: the post
You wouldn't happen to be in the friendzone, would you?
That reminds me of me. I was so insecure I thought I was being setup when a really cute girl would do stuff like leave birthday cards under my desk or would try and flaunt off her budding cleavage and laugh at everything I said, regardless of whether it was funny or not. I shut down, stopped talking to her, and moved to the other side of the country to avoid her to avoid anything "Carrie" happening.
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Fortunately no.
Are we going Disney Channel or School Days in this scenario?
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>this much suffering
Well, difference between us is that I purposely did what I did to hurt someone. She used to be one of the sweetest, open people I've ever met. Now she's bitter, has walls put up around her, and is self-destructive.
>none of her Trickstar boards
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>cow udders but horseface
>don't know if would bang
Wait, so they remove an episode that contained a scene with A LOT of kissing.

Some anon says "MAYBE 'CAUSE THEY ARE SOME GAYS?!?!"

cucks says it is because the gays.

fuck off. this is how the SJWs think.

IT MIGHT be because muh gays, but it could easily be explained by muh tongue wrestling.
It was probably the loose shirt being subtly lewd
She has cow tits and a horse face, but I've got sheep's hair and a horse dick. It's just barnyard fun!
Maybe not that. I see what you mean and that could justify the whole episode rather than just the little chunks but I don't know if that'd be enough.

There was the whole bathing in guys' sweat but I doubt that was it either. That could have been removed if you spliced some frames awkwardly (that's been done in the UK before).

I would try to see if it would continue to air here in the UK but Bon Bon was the most recent one out here and the UK airs the show like 2 times a day.
You may be saddened to know this, but plenty of people have a disability/caretaker fetish. I'm sure someone would love and care for Sabrina...right?
Fuck, I wouldn't have finished catching up on svtfe if I'd known it would end on such a big fucking cliffhanger.
I would love to have a girlfriend like Sabrina. Could you imagine her becoming a paraplegic after falling down a flight of stairs, so not only is she wheelchair-bound but she also can't feel the lower half of her body? She would never feel an orgasm again, but she would let me use her for my needs, and if I wanted to do anal she wouldn't even know about it!
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Anon the story is about me and this other girl. The paralels appear when you switch genders.
I'm Star and I helped this girl into a relationship with this other guy. Difference being that she didn't have a thing for him for 10 years. She just thought she didn't have a chance with me and that's why she seeked out someone else.
I've been a big pussyback bitch and didn't push her. Out of the idea that she was indeed in a good relationship with this guy.
But I pushed her today. I pushed way more than I'm used to and I've figured out and told her a couple of things.
One: she is NOT satisfied with this guy. She's just accepted her fate.
Two: Now she knows I have a thing for her or at least that I've definitely got something for her. And it's definitely not just friendship.
Three: She wants something better.

I'm going to keep pushing. I stopped today because she started talking to me about just how much unsatisfied she is. How depressed she gets. If I kept pushing today and explicitly asked her to break up with this guy then I'm certain I would've made her cry because she'd just been so alienated by the only person she can talk it ALL out with. She was already tearing up and had a difficult time keeping her tears back.
She's not happy with this guy. She just feels safe because she doesn't know any other alternative. I want to snap her out of him. I want to help her. I thought he deserved her. After pushing for details I know that he fucking doesn't.

She kept telling me I was an amazing friend as we were about to part ways. She told me I'd find a girlfriend as though she thinks I'm looking for another, that I'm worth a great one too. I saw the sadness in her eyes and lips as she was telling me this. She sighed every time she told me that. I've succeeded in making her want a relationship with me. I just need another day alone with her. When she's calmer. When she's had time to think about it.
Maybe YOU need help.
Remember: never, ever be afraid of letting someone put you out of your misery, once and for all.
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I hope this just goes through people's mind and never really do it at all.
>never feel an orgasm again

Shit, is this true? Because if so I have a new respect for people in wheelchairs going through that hell.
I don't understand. What's the big deal?
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Fuck off Subhuman scum.
you need help
99% of guys who end up in a wheelchair paralyzed from the waist-down end up impotent because they can't get the proper signals to their penis to get it erect, unless they get chemical stimulation, and even then there's probably little to no feeling for them. That's why movies general have a gag where the guy in the wheelchair either has a huge penis and / or can still get an erection.
welcome to hiatus hell friend
They just fucked up the whole show paradigm and dropped several bombshells. These faggots can't stop right after that, it's just cruel.
But why do I need help? It's not taking advantage of someone when they trust you complicitly in everything you do with, or to, them. I mean come on, next you're going to say that if I date a blind girl I have to still iron my clothes and comb my hair. She's not going to see them, so why does it matter? Hell, I can wear jeans to a fancy restaurant instead of having to get all gussied-up, and I can tell her she's beautiful without even looking at her and she'll believe me.
Damn, Janna-Banana is the most difficult character to draw so far with her fucked up proportions and square head
the easiest is Hekapoo btw
What would you do on a date with Ribbeta?
Kiss Jackie Lynn Thomas.
Tell her that she looks like Pepe and leave her with the tab.
Heckapoo is pure sex, so is that why?
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>whats the big deal of using a disabled person as my personal onahole?
>they cant feel anything anyways so its good for me!
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Your greentexting isn't explaining anything.
This whole show is alpha fux, beta bux.

>alpha Jackie gets Marco, will be his first everything, and will deflower him
>beta Star has to watch from the sidelines and simmer in jealousy
>the best she gets is to be relegated to the friend zone and support Marco
>when Jackie inevitably moves on from Marco like an alpha, Marco will rebound to his beta orbiter Star
>Star will fund his lifestyle and most likely house him due to being wealthy royalty
>she just gets sloppy seconds after the alpha moves on
Holy shit dude, if you want to disagree with us that's fine, but at least quit using cringy-ass stale memes for reaction images. I hate to say it, but please return to reddit, tumblr, or whatever meme hell you crawled out of.
It's genius, isn't it? In one fell swoop, Nefcy has created an entire generation of middle-class girls whose already fragile self-esteem will be shattered permanently as their psyche registers the possibility of themselves not being good enough for the boy they love, so once their crush gains sexual experience and confidence by banging hotter girls, she herself will feel like a goddess thanks to the many techniques he will have picked up as she treats him like a god for the rest of his life, blissfully unaware that he's out on the town with his confirmed manhood, fucking anything that moves!
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>H-he called me out on my degeneracy
>b-but at least his reaction images are crappy! haha
I most likely wouldn't go cripple a girl and keep her in my basement, but if an already disabled girl showed interest in me or was receptive to my advances I'm not going to discriminate. Everybody needs love, man.
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See, now you're using some better images. Also
>implying I mind being called a degenerate
>implying these threads haven't been to far darker places
>implying I don't pine for the return of the Jaccie threads, where the most horrifying facets of human sexuality were explored
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stay blry.jpg
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look at this
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her name is star.png
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>Marco's first time was when he was fourteen and he lost it to a demigod
>I'm still a kissless virgin
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dont worry River, somebody is sure to strangle your viking sized penis
Hahaha I remember my first month on /co/ too
Her neck is too long. Her shoulders are too far apart. Her legs are too short. And lastly.
>Tumblr nose
Kinda reaching. But I do like the idea of the younger generation having low self esteem. Maybe once they're legal I will actually have a chance of tying down a woman.


>implying Marco didn't fuck Jackie before that
>implying it even comes close to Star having to hear Marco and Jackie fuck in the next room while she cries and masturbating in bed
The tumbnail looks like Asuka.
>implying what the fuck kinda weak ass shit are you tryin' to pull?
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i thought it was pretty stylish
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Jackie took Marcos anal virginity
Hekapoo took the rest
>implying the best part of this show isn't luxuriating in Star's misery from unrequited love
>implying Star wouldn't shamefully masterbate while weeping in an attempt to give her burning desires some release.

Shop pushing your fag shit.
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>having sex with a girl
>fag shit
Well keep thinking like that if it serves you. But the flaws are there and they can't be explained away with "It's just muh style!"
Exaggerating proportions is one thing. Not paying any attention to them is another thing entirely.
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well atleast you are starting to make me want some art of Hekapoo peggin marco
I mean I wouldn't really consider pegging "sex with a girl". She's the dominant one and you're the one getting fucked, so she probably doesn't respect you as a man anyways.
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>Implying Tomco isn't the perfect ship.
what kind of mental gymnastics is this?
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i didn't draw it
perhaps something more to your liking
Next you're going to say that blowjobs and anal are "unisex" because both boys and girls have mouths and assholes, right?
Yeah, but what if she just accidents her way through life and bumbles into one lucky accident after another, like Inspector Gadget in a RomCom
It isn't about not discriminating.
You/that guy clearly and specifically pointed out how GREAT it would be for you/him that she couldn't feel anything, so that you can lie to her and fuck her in the ass whether she wanted to or not.
Yeah no, this doesn't seem to be what you were suggesting earlier. But I'll believe you.

It's ok, and even nice to be open to the possibility of loving a person with this kind of problem, but specifically fantasizing about that is a very /d/ like thing to do.
Listen to this.
Yeah, you're definitely arguing with multiple people. I myself am just a sufferingfag/sadist and there's honestly not much sex involved with it for me, it's just satisfying to think about. I can't really see why it's a plus to have sex with someone who can't feel it and I'm really unclear as to how you'd "sneakily" have sex with her, even if she is blind and paraplegic. She'd still probably feel you repositioning her.
We need more of thicc demon
>Implying that Star won't ultimately just shatter fake "self esteem" and throught suffering and pain rebuild girls into women capable of standing up and fight for what they need to.
>Implying even the most fragile girl would do anything with you.
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Of course
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To introduce Mrs Heinious and her secret Clubs.

or just for the fun.
We all make mistakes in youth. Every mistake can be fixed.
It's still Disney so yes
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Hekapoo is here!.png
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Can I get a sketch of an "icy-rage" Jackie spraying Heckapoo away with a seltzer bottle while Marco tries to stop her?
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Second this
>not Star spritzing the other girls from school with "Thot Repellant" so she can have Marco all to herself
This really is just a very nice picture.
Actually Star needs an edit of her stripping like Panty does in her Transformation Scene.
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it is, same artist as this one
trips demand sauce pls
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made some jackie fanart.
So, since we never decided whether the poorfag Jackie theory makes sense, let's explore it more.

I don't have a screencap of this page from the book sadly, but in it Star mentions that Jackie "only shops at thrift stores with "salvation" in the name." Now because English is such a wonderful language, there are multiple ways to interpret this:

1. Jackie only shops at thrift stores related to the in-universe equivalent of Salvation Army, either due to religious reasons or because they are the only thrift stores she finds quality.

2. She only shops at thrift stores because she can't afford anywhere else, but prefers the "salvation" thrift stores for some reason.

3.She just likes to shop at thrift stores for charity/cool hipster shit.

If we take her line about "living by the river", we have a bit more evidence for the theory. What do you guys think?
She's not a poorfag, she just ran away from home because her father abused her and she lives with her uncle instead.
That's fuckin hot
Thanks for remembering Jackie
I don't know, her uncle owns a skateboard factory, doesn't he?
However, we don't know how big is it nor how well it's going.
what if star put her proboscis on your cereal
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I agree, but Scanty & Kneesocks' theme fits better
Sorry for the late response anon, I'am having some personal troubles. I will resume that drawing this night.
>muh women's empowerment

How about no.
thanks man.
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oh la dee da.png
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No one cares. DRAW BITCH.
It's okay if you're intimidated by strong women, anon. Lots of people are. Mainly in places like Saudi Arabia and thereabouts.
Go away, tumblrcunt
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Not him but who the hell would be intimitaed by a strong woman?
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Hey, you. Yeah (you). Eat dick.
>strong women=tumblr
Back to /pol/ with you, Muslim-in-denial.

I don't even understand why people who hate non-traditional women would even be in a thread about this show. All the girls with any focus on them are strong.

Muslims and other traditionalists of that stripe. "Intimidation" goes beyond "being scared she'll kick your ass". Freedom threatens men like that.
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its soooo gooooodddd.png
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I'm too busy eating hotdogs.

Again, and I don't understand why I have to repeat myself, go away tumblrcunt.
Stay mad, robot.
Like pottery.
>to preserve her Aryan Genes
she's a fucking bug
cross breeding with Aryans is a disgusting perverted fantasy
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u gonna burn.png
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Are you saying I'm a piece of hardened clay? WHY ARE YOU SO RACIST?
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What's everyone's Arcanas.
More like a bundle of sticks than apiece of hardened clay tee bee aych familia.
Are you the 3 post anon from yesterday? I'm actually glad you did that. Never had a chance to respond before the thread died. Keep at it anon. And even if she bails out at the last moment or whatever, at least you won't have to live with the regret and face yourself 5,10,15 years down the road and be forced to ask "what if?"
>tee bee aych familia
Wait, what?

Marco's is de facto the fool.
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Sure is a lot of cancer in this thread. Maybe we can clear them out with OC and discussion.
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XIII. Get it? Because I want to die.
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I want Star to cast a spell on Janna that turns her into an airheaded bimbo
Or just more stuff about Marco's cum making girls retarded
Why Janna

Just do that to Jackie and that'll be what finally pushes Marco away
Wow. You're really, legitimately new, aren't you?
To this phrase, yes.
Strength, apparently. Or Lust, depending on the deck.
Nice trips, Satan, but Tango Bravo Hotel family has been wordfiltered for a year and some change, now. Maybe two years. I forget.
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Three of Swords.jpg
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Star - The Star
Marco - The Chariot
Jackie - The Lovers
Moon - Strength

Glossaryck - Wheel of Fortune
Ludo - The Fool
Toffee - Death
Eclipsa - The Tower
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I mean that's cool too

>being the loyal gf she is, Jackie is always up to go down on Marco
>the first couple times she swallows his spic sauce, she feels a little lightheaded but thinks nothing of it
>she's used to being high most of the time, or maybe she's just hungry
>after they've been together a few months, her mental state has noticeably declined
>she's lost the coordination to skateboard
>all she does is eat, sleep, and fuck Marco
>eventually she starts to be a little more forceful
>pushing herself on him even when he's busy or isn't feeling it
>gradually she becomes more aggressive, to the point of near-rape
>Marco has to seek help from Star or someone else because Jackie won't stop trying to breed him and suck him dry, and he can't stand against her tard strength and superior body weight
Wait, to be honest is word filtered? The fuck? I knew /co/ mods were idiots, but god damn.
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Nearly. Marco's canonically Strength
I'm from Yemen and our women are pretty strong so what are you talking about?
Not everybody here speaks in retarded Facebook speech you dirty nigger

>Ludo as the fool

Do you even Arcana bro?

Where did these come from?
literally the bottomtier of fetishes
Special Event Art Gallery for Star vs... http://www.gallerynucleus.com/gallery/603/exhibition/
They were done by a crewmember (rachelle reyes) for the gallery/nucleus art thingo a couple weeks back.

It's not necessarily the bimbofication, I just want to see an unattractive girl like Janna who has unattractive opinions turned into a "girly girl", if only because she'd hate it.

>bottom tier
I think it's still above socially unacceptable fetishes like scat or bestiality. No one will give you shit if you prefer to date dumb or excessively feminine girls, especially in today's world where more and more choose the path of feminism, becoming more unattractive inside and out.
Wew lad. She's already an independent warrior princess who has been able to move away from home at 14 AND fight off monster attacks. Why do you have to remove some of her flaws just to make her a Mary Sue? She's already a strong woman and no one has an issue with that.
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Cool! Like, really really cool!


I feel like you guys are waiting for me to tell you to stop.
Eat shit glossaryckfag, you can't stop the Brain Drain Train!
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>showcased fanart
Half of those cards don't even have the right number. Strength is VIII (in the Rider-Waite deck), VII is The Chariot. Death is XIII, XII is The Hanged Man.

"Strength" represents inner strength, self-confidence, stuff like that. Marco has some pretty serious issues when it comes to that stuff, even if it doesn't show a lot because he's very comfortable and confident around Star. He is becoming more confident in general and will probably continue in the future, but he doesn't embody it now, and definitely not as much as Moon, who has repeatedly reminded Star of the importance of self-control, quiet bravery, and virtue in being a proper Queen.
"The Chariot" is more about physical action, conflict, and victory, which are all more suited to Marco's action-oriented role in the story. Marco is at his most capable and confident in a fight, or any kind of confrontation, even just arguing with Tom. He's extremely determined and headstrong when he's motivated to fight for someone else.

How doesn't he fit?

You're already too retarded to drive the train, sir.
>showcased fanart
It was made by a crewmember.

And yeah we've been over before how some of the numbers are wrong. Honestly I'm not too fussed that they probably didn't do tonnes of research into it.
It's on autopilot. We can't have any of our freshly-treated girls finding their way up to the cockpit and fucking it up somehow, can we?
The fool has all options laid out before him. They also represent purity and innocence.

Neither of those represent Ludo, who's only got one goal in mind. In fact the fool represents Star more than anything.

Purity, innocence, unlimited potential, and hard lessons to be learned.
>no one has an issue with that
p sure >>92437070 does
Also Toffee kind of throws the entire notionof purity and innocence out of the window for the fool Arcana.
Star = The Fool

Then why don't we make our own tarot cards that make sense?
I'm sorry my broskis but I was caught in traffic

>Cntrl f "dead girls"
>O results

So we're having a shit thread today.
Brushy! Brushy! Brushy! .meme
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With blackjack and hookers.
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Hekapoo is a cute magnet friend
I don't think you got my point.
Actually I consider myself to be kind of traditionalist, but I think that even if you support traditional gender roles you shouldn't wish for weak and insecure women just because you want to play it safe since you're just as weak and insecure like the first poster I replied to wanted. I think that you should step up the game for both sexes, in order to have Real Men and Real Women, able to face the real problems and to actually work to solve them.
Example: my granma is a typical old-timey peasant, but just because she lived like a traditional woman she's not weak.

Opposite example, Tumblr is features many girls with low self esteem that make up bullshit in order to blame society and whatnot for their fears and weaknesses, and that's partially how the "muh safe spaces" and "muh politically correct at all costs" culture grew so much lately: a lot of people saw in that obtuse model of society a way to achieve happiness without actually working for it, because histerically shrieking in the crowd asking to build a pillow barriers all over the place in order to avoid the stuff that tries to invade your comfort zone, and to make elevators anywher in order not to use the stairs. Blaming a strawman>blaming yourself>improving yourself.
This causes weak men (numales) to feel better about themselves just by doing the "selfless act" of checking their privilege (wow, so difficult for a spineless individual), and causes weak women to want easy cheats that lower the chance of doing what you need to succeed (quotas and feminist shit like this).
Of course this does not only applies to men and women, but to any kind of Tumblr "minority" that blames society for a reason or another.
At least, that's respectively my ideal and my theory.
Just think about licking her smooth atrophied legs. MmmmMmMMm.
But we have cripple girls and retard girls, aren't those an acceptable substitute?

>TFW you will never love and care for Sabrina through all of her accidents
very cute
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>[...]in order not to use the stairs
*it's easier
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been waiting to see that image get googly eyed
I'd like to contribute some oc, but everything that I make is cancer too
There's a big difference between hating that SJWs can't accept a female character being "strong" unless shes a Mary Sue, and opposing strong characters period. If he hated it that much, he wouldn't be a fan. I agree with him that you're taking it to a stupid level. Strong character does not mean flawless character with no weaknesses.
Well she's also fourteen. You're expecting a lot from a teenager, especially given how well she's handled being more or less exiled and forced to live in a strange world with strangers. And he had monsters attacking her frequently. I think expecting her to handle her first unrequited love in a more mature manner is expecting a lot, and it also is kind of silly to not want her to have any flaws. I think it's a good message; even when you're a strong woman who can handle her shit, that doesn't mean you have to do everything perfect. It's ok to be vulnerable and fuck up. I don't oppose women being strong in general, I oppose people trying to remove all flaws and mistakes in the name of "muh empowerment". It makes for bad characters and stories, and it sends a worse message than the typical damsel does.
How cancer? Just post it anyways.
Mostly tables and other assorted memes, give me some not cancerous ideas
Star or Marco with an Afro and an oversized Beatbox listening to Mewmans With Attitude
Draw your favorite background character. Alternatively, maybe a cute Janna?
The diazes and butterflys having a fun day at the beach
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Was it rape?
Only Season 1 would have been recorded at this time (S2 was renewed way later than all the other seasons) so her not knowing shit about Star getting a crush on Marco at the time is still valid.

It only took that long to make Season 1 because of all the animation studio fuckery/them basically trying to salvage it from a pure comedy into something with some semblance of a plot at the last minute (the S1 finale was recorded like a couple weeks before the first episode aired).
Girls cant rape, so no.
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Is heka x marco endgame??????????
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I think Star is a great example of a strong female protagonist, and of the best animated ones I've seen (for reasons that a lot of fans on Tumblr seem to agree with too).

She's portrayed as flawed-seriously flawed, yet still a kind person with good intentions. Her selfishness, fears of inadequacy, and running away from problems are things a lot of people, especially young teenage girls, can relate to. The fact that Star isn't able to just gloss over her problems with magic and avoid all consequences is also great, because that opens up the way for actual, notable character development as well as real tension/conflict.

Star's kindness and quirkiness also make her fun to watch, but the fact that her good qualities do not negate her bad ones (and vice versa) make her a strong character in several ways.
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I never said that I wanted Star to become a Mary Sue. That's why here >>92435794 I said "ultimately". The process of Star defeating her demons must be a part of a well realized character art, a development that continues through the whole series.
Of course a Mary Sue is not likeble nor useful as an ispiration, because you can't see where all her strenghts come from, wich makes them unrelatable (and may give the wrong assumption that you can't ever possibly be wrong).

I don't want Star to be be perfect or to solve her problems right away like a mature person, we like her flawed and silly.
But I'm pretty sure that by the end of the series she WILL grow up in some way, she's the protagonist of a average-to-high continuity show after all, and things changing seems to be a recurring theme in the series. Even now I think she's a bit different from the Star of s1.

I really should have been clearer in my very first post, I unwillingly unleashed a whole argument.
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These girls are not my department, but someone has to appease those numbers.
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Someone here observed that Star vs is one of the first cartoons in the states to have a female lead written by a woman. I do think that writing Star as a real girl with real problems could not have been pulled off as well otherwise. Write what you know, I guess.
holy shit, did you draw this? Thats pretty good anon
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good lord man
So he spent the last 30 years banging Hekapoo? That's impressive.
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I know I would
Don't underestimate the (D)iaz.
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I really like Hekapoo, but not the idea of Hekapoo x Marco, as I don't particularly like Marco. Nor do I project on him.
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the gate is open

Makes sense. Her problems are relatable and shown well. Massive credit to Nefcy and the crew.
I feel the same way anon, I thought I was the only one with all the fan art of him and everyone. I especially hate his pairing of him and hekapoo, but it can't be helped since her episode was about her teasing him.
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>In California, there is a crime of "Unlawful sexual intercourse", which is an act of sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 18 who is not the spouse of the person. There are no exceptions; all sexual activity with a person under the age of 18 (and not their spouse) is a criminal offense.
Ban this sick filth
>caring about commiefornia
>implying age of consent matters in 2D
>implying there's anything wrong with people under 18 having sex
>implying that the age of consent at 18 isn't stupidly high anyways

>who is not the spouse of the person
>(and not their spouse)
there is a clear answer here
What do you think would happen if Star and Marco started dating, would Moon start putting trials on him in order to see if he is worthy or will she just put him on some kind of "King's Training".
Does anyone have that comic in which Star channels a tumbleweed?
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What did it say?
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I like how she's strong but still an average flawed "girly girl", instead of an excessively tomboyish mary sue that challenges the "evil gender stereotypes" like some tumblrina would like.
... wich ironically generally has the effect of "empowering" a woman by making her similar to a man. Congratulations, you fooled yourself.
It's always nice to know that simple girls can feel that liking girly things and being strong are not mutually exclusive things.

On a partially related note, take a look at pic related.
Star loves babies.
It warmed my heart reding it the first time, to see how children here are not considered a dangerous obstacle of something an indipendent woman should stay away from, like they're sometimes depicted nowadays.
No, Star really wants to boop the hell out of them.
Well, actually it's also probably some sort of moral duty for Star to have heirs in the future since she'll be queen and stuff, but she doesn't dislike the idea nevertheless.
Ok, I'm done. I like Star.
Fuckin great man.
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hekaposting best posting
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>Not a grandma yet. ;)
What did she mean by this?
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>River takes marco out for a drink in one of mewnis local taverns to bond with his future son in law
>Marco has never drunk once in his life and mewni liquer is especially potent
>Gets drunk beyond belief to the point where he can barely stand
>Trips while walking back to the castle and bashes his head
>Falls into a coma
>Doesnt wake up for months with star waiting for him by his bedside
>finally wakes up
>amnesia, has no idea who he or anyone else is
>star takes him back to earth to try and jog his memory
>eventually they go to school and are greeted by jackie
>Marco falls in love with jackie and asks her out
>They get married leaving star all alone
All according to keikaku for river
Sweet christ how do I get this good.
You can't be king without being able to tolerate alcohol.
New thread?
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It's actually an AU that takes place in Germany where age of consent is 14. There, problem solved.
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Or maybe it's an AU set in a California where consent laws are not silly!
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