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Laura Thread

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Thread replies: 257
Thread images: 128

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How can we make her more popular?
Make her goth again. Make her conflicted again. Stop doing really flat girl power bullshit where she just wins without having to put up a real fight.

Explore her inner world more. Put her in a book with a few characters that complement her characteristics, like Gambit and Jubilee, and characters like Daken who can challenge her. Come up with a cohesive narrative about who she is, and what drives her. I'd love to see her lack of motivation to interfere with Daken's villainy addressed. She's trying to live up to Wolverine's mantle lately, yet her and Daken have a certain level of mutual respect that intrigues me, where as Wolverine would try to give Daken a chance to join the heroes or else be hellbent on killing him to stop him from hurting innocent people. There's a certain level of cognitive dissonance in Laura's behavior that is probably only due to inconsistent and at times downright bad writing that could actually be an excellent source of character exploration and development in the hands of a decent writer.

That and good art. No character becomes popular when plagued with second and third rate art teams. This is a visual medium, and you can't engage fans effectively with shit art. Too often the quality of the writing at Marvel is proportionate to the lack there of in terms of art, and vise versa.

Oh, and bloody visceral combat scenes and occasional horror. I'm not saying turn her into a berserker, but boring bloodless battles are not what people read feral mutant books for.
Has she tried out for the cheerleading team?
How about we try Laurapool?
Still not getting reported to CPS or Animal control.
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Man, the shitty new series and Feminist media articles applauding Girl Wolverine have really killed her fandom here, hasn't it?
Articles? Haven't read any. I was hoping she'd be more than just "Girl Wolverine" but I guess that's all she was destined for.
To think that I disliked Daken. Now I miss him
that tits are basically asking to be molested
Hire real life underage prostitutes to work out of local comic book stores as a promotional tie in.
I like her as Wolverine and have no problem with that. You will notice that most of x-fags don't have problem with their characters being outed as gay, nor taking the mantle of a male character.
Good idea. They can also serve as payment for interns instead of money
Only if we can somehow get nick spencer to have a twitter meltdown to promote it
Well, she is a literal female clone of sniktbub

Spencer is bad for publicity. He can't sell his hitlercap for shit, even if his life depended on it
she looks like trump's son here
and what is wrong about that?
Nothing wrong, sir. Absolutely nothing
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Between using little whores as promotion and fucking the interns, it'd probably just be more cost effective to just hire minimum wage slaves.
>have a character that's a cold, near emotionless killer
>have her interact with others, she tries to find the point of living and very slowly grows to find meaning in her life aside from killing
>toss out characterization, she's now a hot head, drooling idiot who charges into battle
>toss aside all her previous supporting cast for more clawed wolverine clones
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>minimum wage slaves.
if you don't care about the final product.
If you want a Quality product made cheaply, you have to give whores willing to suck the tiny penises of the interns and calling them "daddy"
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I know anon. Back when these characters were new I was so sick of Wolverine that I didn't want to like them. Then just when they got some decent storytelling and won me over, Marvel disposes of Daken more or less and turns Laura into a cheesy girl power icon that neither captures what made people liked about Wolverine, nor any original characterization of her own. Just completely flat now.

Is this bait or is your taste really this shitty?
>Well, she is a literal female clone of sniktbub
But people liked her when she WASN'T like him on the inside. Being a clone doesn't mean she can't be her own person. Wolverine's struggle was with the rage of a tortured beast and the emptiness of a man without his memories, originally. Laura's is of a tortured experiment learning to be human and to overcome her programming. Her identity issues are very different from Wolverine's, as is her way of dealing with combat and how she compartmentalizes her emotions and acts cold in battle rather than channeling the emotions into her actions the way Wolverine tended to.
Dark Wolverine ongoing when?
she was a underage prostitute but she grew above it as a character but people still cling to it like it matters.
>Is this bait or is your taste really this shitty?
it's like you don't know x-fags
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DON'T. I already fapped and my sack is empty
>minimum wage slaves.

Marvel already tends to scrape the bottom of the barrel to fill their talent pool.

As to the greentext part of your post, I share your feels. Though I think Gabby is salvageable. I'd have Jubilee end up giving her stolen baby back to it's family, and then find comfort in spending time with Laura and playing nanny to Gabby. Imagine how cute that would be.
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Do we actually know the full story of how and why Jubilee became a single mom?
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These lips are made for sucking
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that would require reading X-Men v4 the all girl team, so /co/ wouldn't know.
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She rescued a baby from a hospital that was destroyed in some asian country, and eventually relatives wanted it back but she kept it, to the best of my understanding. It's completely stupid. A writer could easily just have her insistance upon going without blood and trying to ignore/control her vampirism backfire, and then have her realize she's been a stubborn brat living in denial, and have her give the baby back and run to the arms of Laura, and find she fits better there, with Laura supplying blood and Gabby being a much more appropriate outlet for her maternal urges.
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What the fuck happened to you freaks?
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almost good post, but that line betrayed your fetish
>run to the arms of Laura
Nothing sir, absolutely Nothing.
Everything's just swell. Never Better
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I would piss my pants out of fear, if someone like her showed up in the bar
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lol Not so much fetish as potential ship. I mean, really, Jubilee has had only one boyfriend and Laura... well, she's a different kind of semi-autistic sexually abused mess. It would be fun to at least see a girl crush happen and how they deal with it.

And fuck, man, do you really think that wouldn't be a step up from her shallow relationship with Angel?
It would be fun. And good fap-fuel too.
Laura having a symbiote would be pretty cool, though potentially too OP.
I mean, I shouldn't have written "fetish" and use "intention" instead, but I agree that it would be probably more interesting situation to... explore
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Damn, I don't want to be turned on by this. Damn my bisexuality. Why do Wolvie's kids have to be so god damn hot. S-stop it, anon...
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I remember the times, when people were excited that Deadpool had a cameo in X-Men's 90s cartoon (in one episode about Weapon X). I wonder if these people nowadays hate DP
Now you understand why Jean and Scott were fantasizing about Logan
Ah, ok, cool.

I'm actually working on a story to submit to Marvel, I want to do at least some of the art, too. I'll post some in one of these threads as soon as I get a chance to scan stuff. Main cast would be Laura and Jubilee, juxtaposed by Daken and Wild Child.

It's really encouraging to discuss ideas with other fans and see what people respond to.
it's like there is nothing sacred for these guys
I did lol'ed, though
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>I'm actually working on a story to submit to Marvel
You are wasting your time. They will throw it straight to paperbin. Also, your good-hearted nature will bring you trouble. I admire your dedication, but you're going to have your dreams crushed (and raped) if you don't get smarter
Logan was never this sexy to me. And it's more the allure of the pairing despite the incest that has me conflicted. I could totally see Daken being up for it, too. But Laura deserves better than that.
>Logan was never this sexy to me.
he is a runt. and he is hairy.
he is basically a sex-symbol. Like Tom Jones. And Danny Devito. Or Joe Pesci.
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Thread needs more Wingbat.
>Logan was never this sexy to me.
fake nerd boy detected
I bet your favorite metal gear game is MGS3
Look at his face. So... calm and relaxed
I don't know why, but the name "Logan" always rhymed for me with "gagged and ball-deep-fucked"
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>Wanna talk?
How does one actually break into working at Marvel, anon? Their standards seem pretty low, and I know how to appeal to multiple demographics with this thing I'm working on. You talk like you know something about how they operate. If you have any insight or advice, I am trying to form the best possible strategy to push this project.

As to it going straight into the bin, or else ravaged by them, I'm prepared for that likelihood. If so I will simply share it as a combination of fanfiction with concept art and some finished comic pages for fellow fans. I just want to see something to completion for once in order to learn by doing. There's no other conceivable way I'll ever be a comic book creator but to create, damn the outcome. I am doing this for me more than anything.
Logan's Run
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>How does one actually break into working at Marvel, anon?
tumblr, sjw, and you have to hate white males, especially those with blonde hair and blue eyes.

but honestly, you just have to do your work, and they will find you first, if you interest them

But, honest again, do you really want to work with current (2017 A.D.) marvel?
Anon, I'm a female, and I didn't say he was never sexy to me, he just wasn't the sexiest. I have a huge feral mutant fetish.

Besides, he was ruined in the mid to late 90's, and then when he become James Howlet Logan was well and truly dead to me as a fan of the classic Logan.
cont. also, the marvel editorial is infamous for rewriting the stories.
I will find you a link, give me few minutes
You hussy byatch
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here's the link
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clever, albeit not safe for work anyway
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Laura hooked up with Scott that night. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/5624320?view_adult=true
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If I can manipulate their perception of what I am doing, yes. There will be subjects of homosexuality at some points in it, and I am female. I'm not above putting on a little song and dance to make them think they want me and my work.

I'm also considering offering to tie my pay to the sales performance in exchange for the longevity of the book and some guarantee of creative freedom. If they give me a decent amount of control over the product, I'll take on as much of the financial risk as a feasibly can myself, but only in proportion to what I have control of.
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that jean looks jelaous, now she knows what it feels like
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>If I can manipulate their perception of what I am doing
you can't. Anon, better than you tried. Have you ever heard of Gillen? He used to have hair, you know. Before he worked for marvel. You being female only means, you have more problems to think about. It's a bad world, I tell ya.

Also, don't offer anything. You give them finger, and they'll take your pussy.
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She looks like Bendis here
>don't touch me
I sure as hell don't want to
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Thanks anon, but the connection is timing out for me. I'm not sure what is going wrong, and I do need to head to bed shortly, but I'll try to read it tomorrow night. I really appreciate your help.
>ask her if she marry me
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I want to gouge my eyes now
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and this is last page
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have some eye candy
Good. Have a pleasant dreams
hopefully, he will appear in your dreams
Literally or figuratively? lol I'd like to fuck with them even if just to leave crashing in a blaze of glory. I'm keeping my day job, and frankly, if I at least got the story out there, and controversy occurred around it due to their treatment, that would get my name out there, it would get me fans, and I could work with that. A career at Marvel is not a long term goal, just a temporary one to suit my own purpose.
She looks perfect in the ANW suit. people who "hate it" are either those that want her to be a hooker emo again or those that want her to go back to the slut outfit in OP.

Either way, fetishists don't need to be catered to
>I'd like to fuck with them
Anon, how many times do we have to tell you? You can't fuck them, but they can rape you. Real hard.
Cry-in-the-corner hard. They will wipe their ass with your "purpose"
Read this thread and see what happens when people who are better than you try
This is why the prostitute part of her past still has some narrative value despite it having been poorly done. It's those heart rending moments like that which help make her compelling. Look at how that lady's man just looks like his daughter has been violated, yet I bet he's had a whore or two in his past.
Now these are what I call Big Green Eyes
Gambit is a good character, but both writers and comic book fans hate him
No one's complaining about looks
Start by making her stand out a little more. Give her a more wild punk look or something. It sounds petty, but it'd go a long way. She's a successor to one of the most visually distinct characters in comics. Making her look like such a plain waif always rubbed me the wrong way. Yeah, I get it, she was supposed to be used for infiltration, but so was Logan. She looks too much like a clone of her mother.

Personality wise, >>92161236 has it right. Marvel needs to stop trying to fit all their recent heroines into the same template. Most of the time the potential is there, but they insist having writers treat them as Buffy clones. It needs to stop.

Also stop leaning so heavily on her origins for cheap drama. Yeah, we get it, she was created to be a weapon. Give her a new direction to focus on. Some of Logan's best stories portrayed him as a sort of Mike Hammer with superpowers, with his mysterious past serving as nothing but flavor text. Laura needs to find her own niche that can launch her into a multitude of adventures. Something besides finding herself, or at least something where it's not the main goal.
Laura's own father, Logan, who she respect and love deeply had showed to be with hooker in the past despite logan is a gentleman type that protect female folks. No wonder she had complex feeling tword her father
she's ruined
You can't
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For fuck's sake, if you're going to focus so much on her coming into her own in the mantle, please give her an original costume. Don't just stick her in Wolverine's old costume, or in an even shittier take on her X-Force outfit. Again, make her more distinct.

Yes, I'm aware this is just Alex Ross' unused concept, but Logan never wore it in canon, I think it's fair game and serves to illustrate my point.
Those guys were absolute retards, releasing it as a fake Marvel comic using a Marvel character without Marvel's consent thinking sempai will notice them and not that the legal team will notice their copyright infringement first. It's sweet and sad what they intended and how it turned out for them, but it was a predictable outcome.

I'm not dumb enough to do anything illegal, I promise.

Well, regardless of whether or not I get what I'm working on published, you guys can benefit from it, and I can learn from it, because some of my ideas have been kicking around my brain for far too long and I have to get them out. So don't worry. Just trying is enough for me, and having the story and some art to show for it in some form, and to have at least some people enjoy it.
>I'm not dumb enough to do anything illegal, I promise.
Hah. I would post something snarky, but I like you, kiddo. You're going to be disappointed real hard, though. Can't say that I didn't warn ya
I like the black ANW too though, the bulletproof one gabby picked out
I always loved Gambit. I know I wasn't the only one. I think sad lonely guys who feel threatened by a sexy male character that has female fans are the ones who hate on Gambit, not all comic fans.

Logan has had many failings in his past. It's part of what made him interesting at one time.

It's canon that he was supposed to mentor Wild Child aka Kyle Gibney back before Wild Child became a villain, in the Flight Program at Dep. H, for example. Wild Child was a teen feral mutant tortured by scientists trying to create monstrous human weapons to be sold. Wolverine rejected him from the start and wanted to kill him because he was so horrified at having to face the embodiment of what he struggles with within himself. This is why Wild Child had a grudge against Wolverine.

It's also why I'd love to see Laura meet Kyle. The similarities and contrasts would create so many potential narratives to play with.
>I think sad lonely guys who feel threatened by a sexy male character that has female fans are the ones who hate on Gambit, not all comic fans.
bingo, alas these kind of people are the majority of comic fans. go figure
Wild Child is currently dead in MU. I doubt they revive him.
How? It looks so boring compared to her first suit. Like cheap cosplay. It's especially disappointing that Logan's last outfit was a bulletproof suit that didn't look nearly as bulky and boring as a that.

Would it be too much to show love for the character without using unwarranted hyperbole for his detractors?
I'm too cynical to disappoint too much. It's more of a needing to try in spite of what I expect, just to know that I did. But I'll arm myself with all the insight I can, anon. And I'll reiterate, art is worth making even if it doesn't make money, I just need to get it out of me or I'll regret it and just feel a deeper regret for not even knowing failure because I never shared my work. That's just how it is. The world is a terrible unfair place and I can't change that, I can just do what I can for myself in my own little life.
>Would it be too much to show love for the character without using unwarranted hyperbole for his detractors?
ha ha ha. of course.

Okay. It's really weird. I live in a different timezone. Usually on sunday I sleep it off. But for some reason, I woke up early and had a desire to storytime that silly comic book. I didn't know why. Now I know. I was supposed to teach you a lesson. I don't know why destiny considers you important enough to guide my hand, but I am happy that I will not be there, when your dreams will be crushed the brutal way. Nope, I will drink another beverage

How thicc is too thicc?
When your dick say "please, it's enough, I am tired of winning" and you say "no it isn't, we have to win moar"
They accidentally did. He had two panel cameo in a Wolverine book where Sabertooth throws himself a back from the dead party and Wolverine crashes it to beat up all Sabertooth's rivals who showed up inexplicably, single handedly, because Wolverine is just the best and stuff. It was as dumb as it sounds. Someone at Marvel eventually acknowledged Wild Child's presence in the book, and confirmed him mysteriously surviving Mutant Fight Club rather than admitting their creative team was a bunch of fuck ups. Last I checked his official status was changed from dad to living, unless they changed their minds again after no one picked the character up for anything.
Big Bertha.
Oh, I understand that there are likely some who simply just aren't into him, but I've never seen people who hate him and make fun of his fans offer any explanation for why he's a 'bad character' that 'no one should like', and some of them make their insecurities all too apparent.
bring the real wolverine back and stop pushing her as a replacement

people liked her just fine before marvel took away wolverine and started shoving her down everyone's throat
I would post a snarky comment about you being employed as marvel editor due to that eye of yours, but I guess that marvel would never employ you, because you would threaten their (stale) power with your presence
Well, anon, I don't think you really understand my dreams. I think you want to imagine me being far more naive and optimistic than I am, simply because I'm sharing my ideas and intentions in earnest. I really do appreciate your concern, though, anon, the points you have made are not lost on me, thank you for that.
How about
Anon, the fact that you want so hard to achieve your dreams betray your real nature under that "cynical" shell of yours. Do you think that we, anons of /co/, don't dream? We do, but our dreams are failures. And so will be yours. It's only a matter of time. It's a special time of the day, and I thought you were supposed to go to bed. So, go to sleep and dream that dreams of yours.
>bring the real wolverine back
They can't. We know too much about his bullshit history for that to be possible.
Aw, shucks, you make me blush.
I don't know why, but this song came up in my mind
Guess Its because its similar to classic wolverine without all the yellow
tldr ANW yellow suit but all black/black white == love
I think I love you, anon. lol

Nah, don't worry about it, I have far crazier dreams, and just sharing my pet project with you guys is enough. I'm not worried about failing at all. There's too much that's good in my life to let such a failure sting me, I just want to tell my story, that's all.

I'm hoping if it's good and my art gets to the point I want it to be at through all this practice, I'll do my own original work, if not published then as a web comic. Marvel can't make me any sadder about what they've become, and they can't control what we do with their characters in our minds, and on these boards, and that's enough.

People always have their dreams. I just want to share them sometimes, is all.

And yeah, I should crash soon but this is a pretty good thread and I'm enjoying the conversations. And I'm nocturnal. But I'll get some sleep soon.
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Whatever. We have fetish waifu thread here.

On the more serious note, there used to be some really badass threads with drawfags and writerfags uniting and creating some really great fancomics (they usually had supergirl from animated superman cartoon as OP pic), but I don't know what happened. I guess that you will probably post some of your stuff in the future? If yes, then start some thread about it, so it'll be easier to find in the catalog. I have a morbid curiosity of how you will end up in the end. It would be hilarious if you actually made it, but I doubt it'll happen.

And seriously, go to sleep. I live in different timezone, so I already slept.
I will anon, hopefully in less than a week... if the office scanner doesn't fail me. Thanks for the encouragement and discouragement, I think we'll have some fun with it at least.

You are right, I'm heading to bed now.
So, good morning to you, anon, I suppose.
Different anon, reading this cringe thread
If you go to marvel.com and read their policies
It's specifically noted that they DON'T EVEN OPEN shit like fanart, ideas for a book, plots, etc.
They just send it back.
here you have to read more
and especially this one
>Marvel does not accept or consider any ideas, creative suggestions, artwork, designs, game proposals, scripts, manuscripts, or similar material unless we have specifically requested it from you. Marvel is continuously developing and creating its own ideas and materials, and we don’t have the resources to review or respond to unsolicited material.

>Unfortunately, any unsolicited material you send will not be read or shared. It will be destroyed, and it will not be returned.

While we can’t accept your unsolicited submissions, please know that Marvel is always looking for new comic book artists and writers. We constantly read and review indie, self-published, creator-owned, and web-comics, review popular online art communities, ask other artists for opinions and recommendations, and host portfolio reviews at conventions from time to time. If you are an aspiring comic book artist or writer, we suggest you publish or publicly post your material, continue to create, and if you have the right stuff...we’ll find you.
I fucked up with the green text, but I think you will get the right idea
>Unsolicited opinions about Israel
No one is talking about sending shit in the mail you retard.

I'm planning on writing and illustrating finished issues and hitting a convention. If I get shot down, I'll at least get some feedback and have the practice of having made those finished pages. That alone is a step forward, and I'll share what I made here afterward. The fan art and ideas are for a thread here, not for Marvel. I don't know how you got the idea I'm sending fan art and fan fiction by mail thinking I'll get a job. Thanks for trying to share helpful information, though, even though you were being a dick about it.

Now I'm going for real this time, the sun is up.
that's some really nice art. footfags will ruin it for me soon enough though
dat first panel, holy shit that's the hottest X-23 I've ever seen.
fuck that, Logan is the one legacy character that should stay dead.

Bring back Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Thor, but leave Logan dead, he is cancer
AMEN to that
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Can she be the wonder woman marvel deserves?
More like Woman of Muder
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This cover is cute
I would still prefer both of the girls say straight
there are already enough lesbian or other lgbt stuff in the comic now,no need for more character to turn straight character in to gay
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Get Taylor to plot the stories and Marjorie Liu to write them.
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By keeping her a loli. Also she should have stayed mute throughout the whole movie

Putting Laura in Logan's old tights was the absolute worst thing Marvel did to her. Turning her into a hooker was less demeaning than making her cosplay as Wolverine and give up any semblance of real identity she had.
Is laura a spic?
Only in the film.
Pretty good post.

People need to face the fact that a big part of her fanbase are Hot Topic girls.
She's already pretty popular. A lot of normalfags already knew who she was before Logan, and she has a strong fanbase within the regulars that can be counted on to buy comics.

The problem is that her current book isn't what any of them want, and the character was distorted beyond all recognition and believability by Bendis and Hopeless.
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You do know everyone will see as a loli after Logan right?
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Good. Loli daughter Laura is best Laura
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Not to mention after what Marvel's 'talent' did to Logan's Legend, it was a mercy killing. He simply wasn't the character anymore, he was an insufferable hypocritical male Mary Sue with no narrative besides the 'best at what he does' meme. Younger fans don't even remember what made Wolverine so great in the first place, other than some moments he had in the hands of decent writers, all they know are cliches, memes and hype. Wolverine is Aerosmith, or some similar example of a band that was legendary and influential once and should have ended a long time ago before becoming a joke. He is literally the comic book equivalent of Grandpa bands that were still trying to appeal to the younguns.

It's not because of my hate for the cancer he became, but for my love of classic Wolverine, that I want him to stay dead.
Murder Woman
Wonder Murder
What other lesbians are there in Marvel? Also bisexuals, and people who just experiment or switch hit exist and are really fucking rare in media.
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Agreed. And then they try to pass it off as female empowerment and have the nerve to call anyone who questions it misogynist.
And dudes who want to fuck them.
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Inbred white's are all pretty much the same.
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Retcon her from being a prostitute so people can have a pure waifu.
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>How can we make her more popular?
make the Purple Man open a brothel and have Laura be one of the first heroes to investigate then get turned into a Prostitute.
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Keep thread alive, will be back to dump more images.
X-23 is exactly how wolverine look if he was born female?
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all the X-men
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make her a black lesbian muslim
X-Men impromptu dance party, I hear they're popular.
Anyone else find this guy's obsession with X-23 sad? Commission a bunch of people to draw his self-insert with the x tattoo.

Not really. It's a better obsession than K-Box's one where he commissioned artists to draw Peter Parker with a tiny dick.
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It's a little sad.

I guess if you're going to commission a whole bunch of porn pictures involving a character, you may as well pair them with a consistent guy. The dude is a pretty boring designed though, considering how interesting mutants can be.
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If you're Wolverine's fuckable daughter and you STILL need help being popular, it is just best to abandon the character.
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The hooker thing is actually part of what made her a character, it's her first story. It was quite important.
Put on her dad's yellow suit though,just like you said,a vary bad idea.
The custom is not design for her at all, the mask, the suite,all makes her look weird.
She should least wear her new x-men suit, which resemble her father's but different
lose the self harm background

deny completely that she was ever a call girl, "sex and stab me" for money thing was horrid

give her a real fucking call name other than X-23 and "replacement wolverine", something like Lynx's name, since uncle is Sabertooth and daddy is Wolverine... Anything but a designation code.

On top of all that, make her half asian when wolverine went to japan and had a love child... the whole clone thing excuse was to get around women dripping for logan and didn't want him to have a girlfriend phase during the 90's
Not exactly , she's a clone but not the complet copy type clone.
Teen jean is hooking angel and Laura with her mind power ?
looks better without the hair
Does Angel know she's an X-hooker or it just part of the vague seedy past of X-23 the teen books try to ignore?
Why would you want that?
Thread posts: 257
Thread images: 128

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