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Time for more Chronological Mignolaverse!!! Previous threads

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Time for more Chronological Mignolaverse!!!
Previous threads
and link to the annotated timeline
Time for the assault on Manhattan!
Holy shit that sounds intense. Thanks for the recap. Really interested to see how things turn out in the end.
Like. How the fuck are we going to kill those giant ocean monsters?
There's nothing in the universe cold steel won't cut
I cant remember if it succeeded, but they did Carpet Bomb a giant land monster.

and Liz gets exponentionally more powerful. This current arc has a straight up DBZ fight between Her and the Black Flame, basically a very powerful pyromancer serving the Eldrich Horrors, over New York. And Johann gets the Sledgehammer armour, a WW2 American experimental suit which tapped into Vril, the same thing that powers Liz, which allows him to become similarly powerful, if not more so.

God damn.
The Lion strode through the Halls of Hell;
Across his path grim shadows fell
Of many a mowing, nameless shape
Monsters with dripping jaws agape.
The darkness shuddered with scream and yell
When the Lion stalked through the Halls of Hell.
That sounds really fucking badass. I support this.

>motherfuckin howard
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>panel 2
>is iosef....smiling at howard charging?
>like..."MAH NIGGAH! go gettem"
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Is there a torrent for the complete chronological collection?
I don't see it on TPB.
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Guys, I think I might be gay for Howards.
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There isn't one, I'll post a mega at the last thread.
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Bless you, anon.
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I wish he would continue to get more and more Conan like as he fights until he's practically fucking 6'6 with black hair.

The dude basically beats hell back with a stick. It's hard not to like him.
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The best part is that after disappearing for a year or so Howards is immediately reinstated as a BPRD agent with out any explanation on what happened to him and then proceeds to kick ass all while never uttering a single word for like 2 and a half years.
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>black flame blows up the Chrysler building

Couldn't it have been the empire state building?
Ehh, he talked when they fought that monster out in the snowy wilderness. I wonder if it had something to do with those stones he was using, though. Like breaking them detached him from the past temporarily.
Yeah, that's years after he was found.
There he goes again, being a bro.
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No. He just finally had something to say.
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best bro a ghost could have
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Also some cave man stuff.
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Well, I was getting bored of all these characters who did anything apart from whine, cry and get upset when Abe saves their lives.
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Its odd everyone knows who Hellboy is and that he's a good guy, but nobody recognizes Abe.
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That's because 1. Abe doesn't look like he used too before he was in his coma and 2. Abe looks more like the frogs now.
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>Abe murders Jesus
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>chainsaw, meat hook and war axe
Nice flashback.
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He just made the little Abe signal. I never noticed that.
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makes you wonder why she walks anywhere.

well later on in the series she gains real, easily sustained flight

still doesn't use it all that much.
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Enos just keeps proving he is the best.
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I like that through all Black Flames big talk he really just couldn't put up when it came time when she finally gets his ass.

saying vague cool spooky shit is great and all, but there comes a time to fucking show your cards and in the end he just wasn't as strong as he thought.
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Spoil me, its okay. But I need to know Does Howard live through it all?
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So far but this is the Mignolaverse.
Everyone you love will die or go mad
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sad kraus in the rain
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I forgot how much I disliked the abe stories compared to BRPD, they really drag on
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Kroenen's out to relive his love for science.
Any chance that we'll live to see von Klempt AGAIN?
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It did take him a while to actually get anywhere. Then Strobl kinda took over, which was OK.

Fun fact: the book read by the kids in Buster Oakley Gets His Wish is Strobl's Witchcraft & Demonology.
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Did I miss the horrible mushroom issue?
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>bullying Johanns
As expected of the worst girl.
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Howard is already mad though. So realistically he's the only one that's safe.
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Howards isn't mad, he's just possessed with the monster slaying spirit of a previous life.
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I think that's all for today guys. See ya'll on Sunday.

Nuts. Okay anon. You made a sick guys day a lot more enjoyable though.
Take care chrononon
I kinda want to waifu Johann. I am reasonably ashamed of this.
Hey just got out of work and I want to say to mignolaverse anon and all you other anons that contribute, Happy Zinco de Mayo. Love you guys
Fuckin Leonid hahahah
I wish they'd explain him more. At least he's alive when the story "ends".
But could she beat Goku?
thks anon graet story
They need to stop letting Johann stand watch.
thanks for being so based OP

btw does anyone know this answer? What happens to the demons who die in Hell? Is it permadeath?
You think there is anyway he is related to brosif? Maybe a grandchild?
Also sorry another question, what did Hellboy's death actually do to Great Britain? Did he like warp it out of mundane reality? Is it safe from the Ogdru? Never got that
I assume it's like when the Hem die, their spirits live on but they are formless for a time
It's becoming a New Avalon. All the fae that still live are returning there. It's still physically there, at least it was when Kate met with Alice.
oh thanks Anon for both

that's cool as hell for New Avalon. Lot of hope never realized Hell Boy saved it so completely

If this is the park in brooklyn I think it is I've been there a ton jesus
And then there were DBZ fights alongside everything else in this series, amazing
Out of all the big moments in this and any of the other series, this was probably the one that blew me away the most.
I just wasn't ready for a good old flying brick showdown in a fucking Hellboy spinoff.
I was so disappointed when Laurence Campbell took over from the glorious little run James Harren did. Harren was so perfectly suited for the BPRD world. I don't think Campbells art jives very well with the established world.
Serious question.
Howard v. Leonid, who wins?
Howard's Blade seems like it cuts through anything, and the fucker seems quick! I give to Howard's, I love both but the sword is an advantage
Dude I lived in a small town in Arizona and some how it got hit by hammerheads, I love the how they hit certain small spots in the mignolaverse
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